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Q:1lfatb+c=10, ab+be +ca=32, a? +b? = 112, b> + 06 and c? + a? = 98, then what is the value of abe? 1.118/3 2.125/3 3.137/3 4.89/83 Q:2If x2 +y? +1 = 2xthen, the value of x? +y?7 is. WW 2.2 3.3 44 Q:3 Price of a pizza and a burger in a hotel is (14x + 13) and 10(x ~ 2) respectively. If total cost of 2 pizzas and 3 burgers is (6x? + 46), then what is the value of °x’? 1.6 25 3.7 48 Galt e+ 1x)? = 3 then find the value of [x6 + x94 + x42 + x9] 1.3 2.2 31 40 Q:5 A machine costs Rs x/hr to just operate and further costs Rs y/unit produced. If a product schedule of 5 Units/ hr is followed it cost Rs 64/hr and if 7 units/nr is produced, then it costs Rs 80/hr. If 8 units/hr is produced, then what is the cost of production of one unit (in rupees)? 1M 2.205 3.35 4s 6 If a = 23 and b = 0,7, find the value of 9a? + 12ab + 4b’ 1.76.79 2, 68.89 3.65.49 4.71.49 Q:7 Consider af satisfying f(«-+5) = f@)fly) where x,y are Follow us on Address : 1997, Mukherjee Nagar, 110009 Email : 3 Call: #9195551 08888 are positive integers, and f(1) = 2 if f(a + 1)+ fla +2)..,(@ +n) = 16(2"- 1) then a is equal to? 1.6 24 3.3 45 18 If 2a? + 2b? + 207 + dab + dbo + 4ca + 3a + 3b + 3c =O anda +b+c#-3/2,a#b#c#0, then whats the value of (e+b+c+abe)/(a’+b°+0°)? 13 22 3.1/2 4.1/3 9 In a shop, the total price of 3 shoes and § shirts comes out to be Rs, 5550, and the total price of 6 shirts and 10 shoes is Rs. 12100. Find the difference in the price of 1 shoe and 1 shir. 1.Rs. 200 2.Rs. 150 3. Rs. 300 4.Rs. 250 }:10 Find the positive value of x, if 2x? + 23x- 39 = 0 1.13 215 3,-6.5 4145 Download the App 20+ EXPERT INSTRUCTORS Seoayensteggenet, HAE Serer se meee STUDY CONTENTS THAT GET YOU SELECTED [)(\||Y 10000¢ HouRs oF viogos ames” DOSE Quantitative Aptitude -algebra are i) 20) B@ 4@ So. 6.2) 7.) 8.4) 9.4) hho. (2) een Q:1 The correct answer is Option 1 ie. 118/3. Using algebraic Identities, (a+b+c)?=a?+b?+02+ 2ab+2bc + 2ca By putting the respective values given in question, (10)? = a? +b2 +02 + 2(ab + be +a) [- ab +be +ca = 32] (10)? = a? + b? + c? + 2(32) a? +b? +02 = 100-64 =26 a+b ?=112 1 bi+c%=106 (2 +a2=98 8 On adding (1), (2) and (8) a? +b?+b? +0? +03 +a = 112+ 106498 2a +b? +03) = 316 a? +b? +0? = 158 Using algebraic identities, a +b? +03 Sabo = (a+b +c) (e2 +b? +02 ab-be- ea) By putting the respective values - 158- Sabo = 1066-32) lab +be +ea=2anda+b+e-= 10) Sabe = 158-40 abe = 118/3 Q:2 The correct answer is option 1 ie 1. x ty?41=2« ae 4yet- 2x P= 2x41 492 == 1 +y?= In the above eq, the LHS. can only become zero when the base of terms; (x - 1) and y becomes zero because, for any other value, the sum of their squares will always be a positive integer Taking («- 1) = O and. Therefore, axtty =0 =0 Q:3 The correct answers option 4 ie. 8. Price of pizza and burger in a hotel is (14x + 13) and 10(x ~ 2) respectively Hence, Follow us on Address : 1997, Mukherjee Nagar, 110009 Email: = The total cost of 2 pizzas and 3 burgers = 2(14x +13) +30(%- 2) = 28x +26 + 30x~ 60= 58x- 34 Given: Total cost of 2 pizzas and 3 burgers is (6x + 46) So, 58x — 34= (6x2 +46) = 6x2 +46 ~ 58x+34=0 = 6x2 = 58x48 = 3x2 ~ 29+ AC = 3x2 = 24x - 5x4+.40=0 = 3x(x= 8) ~ 5x = 8) = 85/3 x = 5/3 Is not possible as It will give negative value for price of burger. Hence, xe ake Q:4 The correct answer is option 4 ie. 0. (+ 1/9)? =3 Then, (+1) #98 When, Geo 8 Then, x peor 424 3 DOF Wh #1) #288 GE #1)] Putting x* = fOr 41) He%1 4-0 Q:5 The correct answer's option 3 Le. 35, Cost of operation of machine for an hour = of units produced per hour If Sunits/hris produced X45) = 641 117 units/nris produced x+Ty= 80-2 Equation 2 ~ Equation 1 2y=16 y=8 Substituting in equation 1 x40 = 64 x224 Cost of production for 8 units/ar x+By=2448x8=88 Cost per unit = 88/8 = Rs 11 +24 = Rs 35, +yx Number Download the App ead KY 3) STUDY CONTENTS THATGET YOU SELECTED [)(\||Y aid 10000¢ HouRs oF viogos ames” DOSE Q:6 The correct answer is option 2 ie. 68.89 9a? + 12ab + 4b? :7 The correct answer's option 3i.e. 3. = fla+1)+f(a+2)..f(a+n) = 16(2"- 1) By putting =fa+) = fata) =16 = 2f(a) = 16 = f@)=8..(1) = By putting = f(a+1) +f(a+2)=16«3 16+ f(2)f(@) = 48 = 8f(2) =32 1Q)=4 = By puttingn=3, = f(a) +f(@+2) +f(a+3) =16%(7) = 48 + f(@)f(B) =112 = 8(3) = 64 =1@)=8 By using (1) =a=3 Q:8 The correct answer is option 412. 1/3, = 2a? + 252+ 202+ dab + Abe + dca + 3a+3b +c = 2x (a? +b?+ 02 + 2ab + 2be + 2c8) +3 (a+b+c) = 2x (a+b+ o)?+3x(a+b+0) = Ol a2+ b+ 02+ 2ab + 2be + 2ca=(a+b+c)") = (atb+c)x(2(atb+c)+3}=0 satb+o=0 = a? +b?+ 02 = abe Hence (a+b +c+ abc)/(a+b*+.c%) = (0+ abo)/(Sabe) = 1/3 Q:9 The correct answer is option 4 ie. Rs. 250 Given: The total price of 3 shoes and 5 shirts comes out to be Rs. 5550 and the total price of 6 shirts and 10 shoes Is Rs. 12100 Suppose X and Y are the prices of 1 shoe and 1 shirt. So, 3K + 5Y = 9850... (1) Follow us on Address : 1997, Mukherjee Nagar, 110009 Email : 3 Call: #9195551 08888 And 10X + 6Y = 12100... (2) ‘Muttiply equation 1 by 10 and equation 2 by 3 and subtract them: = 327 = 19200 = Y= 600 ‘The difference in the price of 1 shoe and 1 shirt = 850 ~ 600 = Rs. 250 Q:10 The correct answer is option 2 Le. 1.5. Find the value of x by spliting the middle term of the quadratic equation Given equation is 242 +23x- 39 = 0 = 242 + 26x- 3x-39=0 = 2x(e-+13) 36413) =0 = (2x-3)( +13) =0 Bx413 = x= 3/200-13 We have to take only positive value so x= 9/2915 Download the App

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