Unit 8. Films

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I. Từ vựng
Types of film Describing films
- western - moving
- horror film - gripping
- science fiction - violent
- action film - thrilling
- cartoon/ animated film - entertaining
- comedy - disappointing
- thriller - exciting
Production of films
Elements of film Film crew and cast
- scene - director
- dialogue - scriptwriter
- script - actor/ actress
- screenplay - stuntman
- plot - character
• Chức năng của từ trong câu
Tính từ đứng sau động từ to be và một số động từ chỉ quan điểm, trạng thái và cảm giác, bổ nghĩa
cho chủ ngữ.
Nhóm động từ chỉ quan điểm seem; appear
Nhóm động từ chỉ cảm giác look; feel; taste; smell; sound
Nhóm động từ chỉ sự thay đổi về trạng thái become; get; go; turn
(subject - chủ ngữ) (verb - vị ngữ) (compliment - bổ ngữ)
Titanic is a romantic film.
The fridge seems expensive.
Popcorn of this cinema tastes delicious.
He became famous.
The leaves in the garden turned yellow and red.

II. Ngữ âm
Cách phát âm đuôi -ed
Có 3 cách phát âm đuôi -ed, phụ thuộc vào âm tận cùng của động từ như sau:
Phát âm của đuôi “ed”
/id/ /t/ /d/
Các âm tận cùng Các âm tận cùng Các âm
/t/ /d/ /s/ /ʃ/ /tʃ/ /k/ /p/ /f/ còn lại
(chữ cái: t & d) ce, ss, x sh ch k p f, gh
needed danced, kissed, fixed marked played
wanted washed helped cried
decided watched coughed, sniffed travelled
• Lưu ý, một số tính từ có đuôi -ed không tuân theo quy tắc trên.
-naked /'neɪkɪd/ -sacred /'seɪkrɪd/ - blessed /'blesɪd/
-wicked /'wɪkɪd/ -rugged /'rʌgɪd/ - cursed /'kɜːsɪd/

III. Ngữ pháp

1. Tính từ được hình thành từ động từ thêm -ing và động từ thêm -ed
• Đối với một số động từ, ta có thể hình thành tính từ bằng cách thêm đuôi -ing hoặc đuôi -ed. Khi đó,
- Tính từ đuôi -ed miêu tả cảm xúc của một người (ai đó cảm thấy như nào).
- Tính từ đuôi -ing miêu tả cảm xúc mà sự vật, sự việc gì đó mang lại cho mình (tính chất của sự vật, sự
Ví dụ: Peter is excited about the new movie.
 Peter finds the new movie exciting.
I think Math is an interesting subject.
 I am interested in Math.
• Một số cặp tính từ phổ biến
Adj-ed Adj-ing Adj-ed Adj-ing
annoyed annoying entertained entertaining
astonished astonishing exhausted exhausting
bored boring fascinated fascinating
confused confusing frightened frightening
depressed depressing interested interesting
disappointed disappointing thrilled thrilling
embarrassed embarrassing tired tiring
2. Although/ Despite/ In spite of; However/ Nevertheless
a. Although/Despite/In spite of
• Cách sử dụng trong câu
Liên từ Although In spite of Despite
Chức năng Chỉ mối quan hệ đối lập giữa hai thông tin trong cùng một câu.
Cấu trúc Although + mệnh đề 1 (S+V), In spite of + danh từ/ Despite + danh từ cụm
mệnh đề 2 (S+V). cụm danh từ/V-ing, danh từ/V-ing, mệnh đề
mệnh đề (S+V). (S+V).
Ví dụ Although the film received many In spite of/ Despite many positive reviews for the
positive reviews, I didn’t really film, I didn’t really like it.
like it.
• Cách chuyển đổi mệnh đề Although thành cụm In spite of/ Despite
- Nếu chủ ngữ của hai mệnh đề giống nhau, ta bỏ chủ ngữ ở mệnh đề Although, chuyển động từ
thành dạng Ving.
E.g. Although they argue a lot, they are still best friends.
 Despite arguing a lot, they are still best friends.
- Nếu mệnh đề Although có cấu trúc Danh từ + be + tính từ, ta chuyển thành cụm danh từ (Tính từ +
Danh từ).
E.g. Although the traffic was heavy, we managed to arrive on time.
 In spite of the heavy traffic, we managed to arrive on time.
- Nếu mệnh đề Although có cấu trúc Đại từ (I, you, we, ...) + be + tính từ, ta chuyển thành cụm danh từ
(Tính từ sở hữu + Danh từ).
E.g. Although he was ill, he didn’t want to be absent from work.
 In spite of his illness, he didn’t want to be absent from work.
- Nếu mệnh đề Although có cấu trúc Đại từ (I, you, we, ...) + động từ + trạng từ, ta chuyển thành cụm
danh từ (trạng từ chuyển thành tính từ, động từ chuyển thành danh từ).
E.g. Although Jane performed well in the test, she couldn I get high scores.
 Despite Jane 5 good performance in the test, she couldn 7 get high scores.
b. However/ Nevertheless
Liên từ However/ Nevertheless:
Chức năng Chỉ mối quan hệ đối lập về nghĩa giữa hai câu.
Cấu trúc Mệnh đề 1. However/ Nevertheless, mệnh đề 2.
Mệnh đề 1. Chủ ngữ, however/ nevertheless, động từ.
Mệnh đề 1. Mệnh đề 2, however/ nevertheless
Ví dụ There were so many famous actors in this sci-fi movie. However, it wasn’t a
commercial success.


I. Từ vựng
Exercise 1: Match the word on the left with its definition on the right.
1. director ________ a. so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely
2. screenplay ________ b. causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy
3. dialogue ________ c. to represent or describe something very accurately using words
or images
4. critic ________ d. a person who is in charge of a film or play and tells the actors
how to play their parts
5. moving ________ e. a piece of written music showing the parts for all the different
instruments and voices, or the music written for a movie or other
6. score ________ f. someone whose job is to give their opinion about something,
especially films, books, music, etc.
7. gripping ________ g. conversation that is written for a book, play, or film
8. capture ________ h. the text for a film, including the words to be spoken by the
actors and instructions for the cameras
Exercise 2: Fill in the blank with given words or phrases.
features starring violent gripping
plot entertaining disappointing captures
1. The movie is well developed in terms of ____________; however, the acting is terrible.
2. The film is a ____________ account of the early days of the revolution.
3. No one has yet been chosen for the ____________ role.
4. The soundtrack was boring, which was very ____________ for all the fans watching the film.
5. The film was ____________ enough to free my mind from the stress from work.
6. Children are not allowed to watch action films of the extremely ____________ scenes.
7. This picture perfectly ____________ the hardship of agricultural life in this region.
8. This film ____________ Daniel Jacob Radcliffe as Harry Potter, a young wizard.
Exercise 3: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given at the end of the sentence.
1. I didn’t find his joke funny. It was not ____________. AMUSE
2. I was ____________ with the play. I had expected it to be better. DISAPPOINT
3. It can be ____________ when you have to ask people for money. EMBARRASS
4. It soon became ____________ to everyone that he couldn't sing. APPEAR
5. Peter didn’t eat that because he thought it was too ____________. SALT
6. The members of the group are ____________ at their lack of power. ANGER
7. Joana cried as she found the story intensely ____________. MOVE
8. She didn’t appear at all ____________ at the news. SURPRISE
9. The performances and recordings are uniformly ____________. EXCEL
10. It was fairly ____________ from her tone of voice that she disapproved. EVIDENCE
II. Ngữ âm
Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from others.
1. A. beloved B. caused C. thrilled D. honored
2. A. moved B. gripped C. satisfied D. travelled
3. A. illustrated B. demonstrated C. produced D. decided
4. A. advised B. suggested C. criticized D. reviewed
5. A. classified B. viewed C. walked D. surprised
6. A. unexpected B. frustrated C. complicated D. simplified
7. A. developed B. polished C. centered D. astonished
8. A. frightened B. terrified C. documented D. destined
Exercise 2: Put the words in the correct groups.
engrossed embarrassed wicked learned studied
humiliated performed acted featured captured
presented produced invented narrated described
shocked prevented violated laughed appeared
/t/ /d/ /id/

III. Ngữ pháp

Exercise 1: Fill in the blank with adjective ending with -ing or -ed.
1. All of us felt (inspire) ____________ after we listened to the teacher.
2. He was (frighten) ____________ when he saw the cockroaches.
3. I thought his new idea was absolutely (fascinate) ____________.
4. I was (terrify) ____________ to find out that I was close to being hit by a car.
5. It is (annoy) ____________ when your radio is so loud.
6. It’s so (frustrate) ____________! No matter how much I try, I cannot finish the work satisfactorily.
7. Look at the view from the window. You will be (fascinate) ____________.
8. Looking after my son may sometimes be (exhaust) ____________.
9. My exam results were (satisfy) ____________, so I decided to reward myself with a short vacation.
10. My kids were (amuse) ____________ by the view of the ocean.
11. My parents are a bit (stress) ____________ now as we are suffering from the pandemic.
12. Sally was (disappoint) ____________ when he failed his math test.
13. The bus began to move in a rather (alarm) ____________ way.
14. The journey was (exhaust) ____________! It took US four hours to get there by train.
15. The last comedy was so (entertain) ____________ that I couldn't stop laughing.
16. The last exercise was a bit (confuse) ____________. I spent an hour solving it.
17. The teacher was really (amaze) ____________ so the lesson passed quickly.
18. They were (thrill) ____________ when their friends unexpectedly visited them.
19. When was the last time you felt (relax) ____________?
20. You look (irritate) ____________. Did I do something wrong?
Exercise 2: Fill in the blank with Although or Despite.
1. ____________ being the owner of a successful company, Peter was always a humble person.
2. Nothing has changed ____________ our recommendations.
3. ____________ the low opinion from critics, our film was a commercial success.
4. ____________ we advertised the film on various platforms, it could not attract many audiences.
5. ____________ my best efforts, I wasn’t able to find an answer to the problem.
6. ____________ the growing popularity of digital music, many people still love buying physical CDs.
7. We decided to go to see the movie ____________ it was snowing heavily.
8. ____________ we've made a lot of improvements, we still have a long way to go.
9. I refused his invitation to his birthday party ____________ I really wanted to go.
10. ____________ his poor health, Gary maintains a positive outlook on life.
11. His performance has been poor ____________ intensive training before.
12. Many people applied for the internship in a film crew ____________ it was an unpaid job.
Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences, using the word given.
1. Despite many the difficulties, the movie was a success.
 Although
2. Jim didn't get the job although he had the necessary qualifications.
 Despite
3. In spite of his lack of experience, he became a popular actor.
 Although
4. Although we are a small business, we sell almost a hundred products a month.
 Despite
5. He often plays truant and causes trouble at school. However, he isn’t punished.
 Although
6. Sometimes I find watching documentaries quite interesting.
 I am sometimes
7. Peter thinks that chess is totally absorbing. ABSORBED
8. My students were completely intrigued by the story. FOUND
9. Jane felt embarrassed about her mistake in the presentation. EMBARASSING
10. Although I had warned him, Peter kept smoking. WARNINGS
Exercise 4: Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.
1. Even though I was really tired, but I couldn't sleep. _______________
2. Many people find animated movies are relaxing to watch. _______________
3. I personally think that this comedy not entertaining at all. _______________
4. We hope to enjoy the holiday together, however we can’t. _______________
5. Peter is an annoying neighbor and always make me angry. _______________
6. Despite the popular of the film, I didn’t feel like watching it. _______________
7. Despite the appearance of a popular actor, the film attracted lots of his fan. _______________
8. Although the fact that Peter was physically strong, he was emotionally weak. _______________


Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from others.
1. A. produce B. product C. project D. proffer
2. A. thrilling B. threaten C. breathe D. north
3. A. scene B. skeptic C. scheme D. scenic
4. A. comedy B. comfort C. comic D. common
5. A. horror B. honor C. honest D. hour
Exercise 2: Choose the word whose stress is different from the others.
1. A. honor B. adventurous C. striking D. action
2. A. director B. comedian C. actress D. producer
3. A. touching B. disappointing C. scary D. western
4. A. interesting B. entertaining C. fascinating D. awful
5. A. thrilling B. amazement C. terrifying D. frightening
Exercise 3: Choose the best answer.
1. The actor who won the award has been _______________ similar roles before.
A. cast B. featured C. acted D. invited
2. The film Oliver Twist is an _______________ of Charles Dickens’ novel.
A. product B. reproduce C. adaptation D. adjustment
3. I fell asleep because the movie was _______________.
A. fascinating B. terrific C. dull D. hilarious
4. The _______________ of this sci-fi movie were terrific, without which the film wouldn’t have been
so gripping.
A. products B. special effects C. screenplays D. subtitles
5. _______________ the huge investment, the film did not live up to the audience’s expectations.
A. Although B. Despite C. Because D. Because of
6. Ms. Smith looks so _______________ in this red dress that we cannot take out eyes off her.
A. stunning B. stunned C. stunningly D. stuns
7. _______________ hard I try, I cannot solve this math problem.
A. However B. Although C. Despite D. Because
8. _______________ her continuous effort, she then became a renowned actress.
A. Despite B. Although C. Because D. Because of
Exercise 4: Provide the correct tense of the verbs.
1. He often spends one hour a day (read) _______________ books.
2. When (plane to Chicago/ take off) _______________ tomorrow?
3. When I was a student, I (not like/ do) _______________ homework.
4. Many teenagers prefer (watch) _______________ TV to (read)books.
5. I (see) _______________ him walking on the street several days ago.
6. Peter (work) _______________ in a new company since last month.
7. I don’t remember what I (do) _______________ at this time yesterday.
8. We have bought a lot of food and drink. We (throw) _______________ a party this weekend.
Exercise 5: Provide the correct form of the word given.
1. I don’t find that _______________ particularly funny. COMEDY
2. It’s unusual for a film to have two _______________ but this one did. DIRECT
3. It was one of the best _______________ of a Shakespeare play. PRODUCE
4. My favorite actor makes only a brief _______________ in the film. APPEAR
5. A jigsaw puzzle can keep me _______________ for hours. ABSORB
6. I could finally talk about my problem without _______________. EMBARRASS
7. Paolo Tomassi is one of the best _______________ I’ve known. ENTERTAIN
8. I thought all the cast gave an excellent _______________ in the play last night. PERFORM
Exercise 6: Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.
1. You work very hard. It’s not surprising that you’re always exhausting.
A. hard B. It’s C. surprising D. always exhausting
2. Some people get boring very easily because they always need something new.
A. Some people B. boring C. need D. new
3. The teacher’s explanation was confusing. Nobody understand it.
A. teacher’s explanation B. confusing
C. Nobody D. understand
4. The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages. It was really disgusted.
A. hadn’t been B. ages C. was D. disgusted
5. I am not go to art galleries very often. I’m not very interested in art.
A. I am not B. art galleries C. very interested D. in art
6. There's no need to get frustrating just because Tin a few minutes late.
A. There’s no B. get frustrating C. because D. few minutes
7. I’ve been working very hard all day and now I’m tiring.
A. I’ve been B. very hard C. and D. I’m tiring
8. Steve is good in telling funny stories. He can be very amusing.
A. is good in B. funny story C. can D. very amusing
Exercise 7: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb given.
1. Could this situation be any more (frustrate) _______________?
2. I’m sorry, I can’t make it to your party tonight. I’m completely (exhaust) _______________.
3. John was (intrigue) _______________ by Japanese when he started learning languages.
4. Peter thought the final test was (challenge) _______________.
5. She looked very (confuse) _______________when I told her we had met before.
6. That film was so (depress) _______________! There was no happy ending for anyone.
7. We are going to France for our summer holiday? How (excite) _______________!
8. You must be (relieve) _______________ when you have finished all your exams.
Exercise 8: Choose the best answer.
Children today can (1) _______________ media through both traditional devices, like televisions,
and portable devices like laptops and tablets. With more access, children are more likely to be
exposed (2) _______________ violent content - in action movies or cartoons where force (3)
_______________ and harm is done to a person or character. Studies show that 37% of media aimed
at children have scenes of physical or (4) _______________ violence. What’s more, 90% of movies,
68% of video games, 60% of TV shows, and 15% of music videos have some form of violence. In some
cases, it’s rising - the amount of violence in mainstream movies has been growing steadily over the
past 50 years.
Evidence shows that this can be (5) _______________ to young children. Around the ages of
three and four children begin to develop perceptions and expectations about the world around them.
These views are strongly influenced by their daily (6) _______________. If children often interact with
scenes of violence, they (7) _______________ a view of the world as a more dangerous place (8)
_______________ it actually is.
1. A. surf B. access C. link D. click
2. A. with B. to C. at D. for
3. A. is used B. uses C. is using D. use
4. A. speech B. verbal C. utter D. wordy
5. A. beneficial B. advantageous C. detrimental D. normal
6. A. knowledge B. experiences C. experiments D. skills
7. A. may develop B. must develop C. have to develop D. shall develop
8. A. than B. as C. where D. which
Exercise 9: Reading the following passage and answer the following questions.
Over the years, a number of literary adaptations have come to the big screen. It's very common
for popular stories to be lifted from the pages of their original books and shared with audiences via
new mediums, such as through theatre and film. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, commonly known
as Alice in Wonderland was first printed in 1865, which has been popularized by the numerous stage,
film and television adaptations of the story produced over the years.
No doubt, the visual wonders of these blockbuster hits and West End shows engage children,
evoke emotions towards characters, capture their imagination and engross them in the storyline.
Watching a film adaptation of a book your child has already read can be very fruitful for further
engaging them in the story and developing their analytical thinking skills.
Your child can consider whether the director interpreted a relationship between characters or the
setting of a scene in the same way they did. They can consider the structure of the film and how it
differs or marries up with the structure of the book. Perhaps the choice of actor has meant the
character portrays a different personality trait to the character your child pictured in their mind when
reading the written story.
Watching a film based on someone else's interpretation of a popular story allows you to consider
the attitudes and perspectives of others. Encouraging your child to analyse the film and reflect on the
differences to the original story can, therefore, encourage the development of their social skills.
So, whether you are planning to see the new Mary Poppins Returns film, or decide to take The
Chronicles of Narnia out of your film archive, take a moment to remember your original perception of
the story and then enjoy seeing it from a new viewpoint, through the eyes of the director.
Whatever type of novel you like, there is a film already adapted, giving you the wonderful
pleasure of seeing how your favourite character has been transformed. The list could go on and on.
but it just goes to show how novels can capture the imagination and drive the desire to bring them to
1. What made Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland popular, according to the passage?
2. Why is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland mentioned in the first paragraph?
3. What are some of the impacts of the movie adaptations on children?
4. How can a child develop their social skills by watching a film?
5. What does the writer suggest if anyone plans to see an adaptation?
Exercise 10: Rewrite the following sentences so that the meaning does not change.
1. To her amazement, she won the 1st prize in the singing contest. AMAZED
 She
2. Barry wasn't strong enough to lift the box. HAVE
 Barry didn't
3. You can use that little hammer to crack the stones. USED
 This little hammer
4. Many people find it boring to watch documentaries. FEEL
 Many people
5. Although he made every effort to be recruited, he didn’t succeed. TRYING
 Despite
6. I walked quietly because I didn't want to wake my parents. ORDER
 I walked quietly in
7. I didn't answer the phone, though I knew it was my husband. DESPITE
 I didn’t answer the phone
8. Is it a problem if I open the window a little? MIND
 Do you

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