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Nowadays, there is an sharp increase in the number people who learn and speak Eglish as a

second language, rasing a debate among people . Some people think that the spread of
Engligh will brin about more benefit than dismerits . In my opinion., dispite some irrefuteable
bennefit of the spread of English , I believe that this trend is disadvantagegous

To begin with , the domimance of English can bring about some benefit. Firstly, the cooperation
among nations can be accelarates thanks to spreading of English . This is because if many
people can speak in one language, they will communicate more easily . Therefore, the
copperation alsoe. Secondly, people will have chance to expand there horizon if they learn
English. Because language is a part of culture , Learning a new language means that people can
know more . Not to mention that people also keep up dated with the latest information around the
world , making them become more knowledgeable

Although these benefits , I believe that the disadvanyege of l. First, people can loose their
identity if people dignify too much Engligh . This is because people will focus on teach their
young genation , which can make teenagers forget . As a result , a part of their culture also
vanished . Not to mention that if a country continue to f. This is bec

Beside acquiring academic knowledge, good behaviors is also a crucial thing which children
need to learn. Some people think that it is school that should provide these things . In my
opinion ,I disagree with this opinion

To begin with , It is more available to educate children about behavior manners . In current
society , chidren have to learn much more than their parents to attain enough knowledge which
they need in the future job . As a result , children have to spent most of their time at school,
making them expose less to their parents. Therefore , If school don’t teach them , chidren don’t
have chance to learn about good behavior . Not to mention that many parents today are too busy
with their work to educate their children to teach them about that . Moreover ,chilren obey
teacher than their pararents . This is beacause teacher have skill to make chilren understand
better about the value of these gttbgbbgrbdgxs

One more compelling reason agaist teaching behaviors manners is that teacher don’t have
enough time to teach these things at school . Nowadays teachers have to impart to the huge
amount of academic . Therefore if they have to teach behavior manners to their students, they
are likely not to provide enough formal education to their student which is more crucial tot
children . This will make chilren become less competive when they take part in fff fff

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