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In disciplining yourself. We should not be representing everyone.

And this is one

more thing, I find because your taught these democratic principles are what I do
you must do. But you are sure what you can do, I too can do, it is not true. What
the Guru can do, Shisha cannot do, students cannot do, they are not allowed to do.
Whatever Guru says you can do. Otherwise you must do everything the Guru does. Not
just whatever you want to pick and choose. The rule is not the same for me and you,
okay. When you are enlightened you have no rules, there is no problem. Until you
are enlightened you require a master. Once you are enlightened, he himself will
say, Baba, go, you are free now, you do whatever you want. I want to teach you
about undiscipline if you want to. But if you don't want to, if you think it is too
disturbing then I will teach you only about discipline. Which one you want?
Indiccipline. Correct. If you want to learn about indiscipline then you should not
get disturbed then I give you certain things because it is opposite of whatever you
are doing, correct? So you get very disturbed then. So I think most people here
want about indiscipline correct? How to live in indiscipline? Or you want to live
in discipline which one you want? The wonderful thing about this is everybody wants
to live in indiscipline, they want others to live in discipline. This is the first
one. It is okay with me but others if they don't follow certain things. They want
freedom, they want one other people to believe that. See there are lots of freedom
and there are lots for indiscipline. Lots for discipline and lots for indiscipline.
Most of you have been taught only lots of discipline and that is why it is so
difficult for you. Life is so difficult. Lots of discipline, lots of order, lots of
structures. Because of this discipline the way it has been held up, every worker
feels very restrained. You have to follow the discipline of the boss whatever the
boss says you have to follow. And so when things don't work you are always pointing
your finger at the boss. Some authority figure is there helping you correct? You
always feel somebody is causing you the disturbance. The whole world works that
way. They want to point the finger at somebody other than themselves. And it is the
natural thing in this loss of discipline. They are not automatic corollary out of
this process. Lots of indiscipline requires a very different understanding. But
understanding is I am responsible. That somebody else is responsible. You know, it
is a different shift. That is why it is necessary to start with responsibility. Who
is responsible? Who is responsible? When discipline is required, when you don't
understand. You do it, that's all. Discipline. But if you understand, no discipline
will be required. It is like going on the road. Leader is also going on the road,
followed is also going on the road. Both of them stop at the stop sign. The leader
does it with understanding. The follower does it because of discipline correct? A
leader is in freedom. The follower is, feels he is bound by these laws correct? The
leader, thanks the person who has put the stop sign, who indicates to you that
there is a traffic ahead. That's the only difference. One day's in correctitude,
another one is grumbling. But the whole world, there is so much controlling
everyone. And discipline oriented life has been lost. And here you will get
disturbed. My purpose is to disturb you only. See, if I don't disturb you, what new
knowledge you will get? No, new knowledge, but necessarily disturbing. If it is
continuation of the same knowledge, I am not teaching anything greater. Or
necessarily these are all, these are all adventures. Beautiful things. We can talk
only about love. No, no, no. And everybody is very happy. Now we are talking about
love. That's fine. You will feel okay when I am here with me. It's a child loving
person, a good person. You will be all right. But when you go out of this place,
again you are meeting with demons. Because you are not powerful, you see, you have
made me powerful, isn't it? And I talk about love and I am feeling of love.
Something nice. Then you will come to me again and again because you feel good when
you are with me. So people go to the church, temple, again and again. Because that
is where they feel the love. What is better? To go to a place where there is love.
Or you yourself are so strong. That you don't require an external environment for
you to be happy. That is why I say love is the emotional thing. Higher than that is
understanding. Understanding will lead to lot of love, isn't it? But love leading
to understanding is very short-lived. But understanding leading to love is firm
foundation. Mother and father, they give love to the child. So it understands. It
begins to understand. It is willing to understand. A person who understands is
willing to be hated and still love. Correct? A person who understands is willing to
be hated and still love. A person who wants to be loved, he is not strong. See
here, we are raising dance. All that is wonderful. Attaining a new level of
understanding. So far, all of you thought only production is it? And honestly, you
are following more and more production. Nothing wrong with you. Because that is all
you understood. As what life is about. Produce. Produce more. Not only you, the
whole world is going that way. When we talk here, we are not talking about India or
America. We are talking about ourselves, you know. How we are moving? Where we are
moving? I can tell you, you go to any economist, go to any president of any
countries. All these great policymakers, you go and ask them if they have a break
on the system. If they are tested, they break. You think they know? You think they
know? They have taught you how to put the break on the system. Any even ideas are
going around? So these are very major events for the world to understand how to put
the break on the system. In Sanskrit, we call it Akarma and Karma, both have to be
understood. Non-doing and doing both have to be understood. Only doing, doing,
doing, doing, only discipline has been understood. Non-doing freedom, ecstasy,
indiscipline, and that would be understood. Correct? Which one you want me to
teach? Tell me. How I teach you? How? Discipline. More production? How? It doesn't
matter not only for you for the whole world. Whatever is truly beneficial to you,
must be beneficial to be whole world. Or else it will not take. Most of you have
put all your training, all your thing on the other aspect. So when I present
something, you have done your PhD in production engineering. My God, the whole damn
thing is pushed down the lane. Completely gone. No value. People get very upset. I
have done PhD. I have told us there is a whole new thing is gone. You will run
away, huh? I don't want to hear this. You are such an intelligent man. You don't
even want to hear, and you want to run away. What a gratefuler you are. You are
afraid to hear also. Here we are not challenging others, we are challenging
ourselves. The peculiarity about this process is, see, in this production doing
process, you always trying to seek a solution, huh? You want to know what to do,
correct? I tell you what to do, huh? That is what all this production is about,
huh? Doing. What to do you are searching? So when I say, about non-doing, again you
ask the same question, what to do? Wrong question, huh? It's a wrong question. It's
because the paradigm itself is different. Then you get disturbed because it is not,
no answer is there, huh? In the doing paradigm, there is no answer to this. You
want to know the answer and apply it, huh? And get somewhere. Disturbing, no? See,
when we teach a responsibility class, because I myself was going through an initial
understanding before, then I used to teach, and people, if they had guns, they
would shoot me, huh? Even now it happens in every classroom, but because there are
so many classrooms going on, they know that probably they are wrong, not the
teacher, okay? But when I started, I was only one telling. So if anybody shot me
also, nobody would bother about it, huh? Because the whole weight was on the other
side, huh? I remember, first time I trained some teachers, sent them out, I did not
know what is required to teach this, you see? Initially, I thought maybe they can
just play my tape and then it will be alright, but gave them the tape, so I said,
okay guys, you go and teach, they went to the classroom. These are all people who
got masters degrees in engineering, and I'll train them, and then I'll send them
the tape to the classroom. Then the fighting starts in the classroom, and the
teacher cannot answer the questions that these people are asking. And he starts,
instead of the students crying, the teacher starts crying in the classroom. And
then the students call me and say, sir, you sent a teacher, he started crying, you
please come. I think the lesson is there, but this one is not able to communicate,
because he is only going by intellect. Intellectually, it is very difficult to
prove this point, huh? It is a paradox, you cannot prove. See, if you people were
not given some experience of non-doing, or at least 15 minutes, you wouldn't have
believed that it is possible to be like that for three days. Correct? See, the
shift is not an intellectual understanding, because intellect can never understand
this totality, you know? It's a totality, you know? I'm responsible for everything,
it's a totality. I'm responsible for this, it can understand. I'm responsible for
that, it can understand. I'm responsible for everything, it's beyond the intellect.
By its very definition, intellect defines, huh? And how do you define something
that is everywhere, huh? That is everything. This is possible only by surrender,
you know? When you surrender, and you light
dance upon your own, which is not available until you surrender. Yeah, whatever
you are doing in meditation, you surrender, you are no more quarreling, huh?
Correct? What you are doing in meditation? You are surrendering. Not surrender to
something or to somebody. Again, this problem will come to whom? They are not to
whom. You are not surrendering to Christ, you are not surrendering to Krishna.
Those are not the issues, sir. You yourself get into a state of surrendering. One
is asserting another one is surrendering, okay? One is asking for rights, sir.
Another one is giving all of yourself, huh? One is taking another one is giving.
One is taking another one is giving. One is taking another one is giving. See,
indiscipline is a state of total surrender, huh? Total surrender. You don't worry
when the food is going to come, huh? You don't worry when anything is going to
come. You simply, simply you are given yourself, okay? If God wants me to live, I
will live. If God does not want me to live, it doesn't look like it. You see, I am
using the word God, as if it is a person because the most of you understand that
way only. Actually, there is no God there. It is only surrender is there, okay? In
surrender, you become gradually begin to see the godliness. As long as you are in
this assertive state, you only see the value of things, as it per times to your
reinforcement of your ego. And everything is yours, sir. Then they are valuable,
not because they are useful, okay? They are valuable because they are divine. A
person who starts from the ego, huh? He only thinks of value to him. Correct? See,
when every one is yours, sir, no discipline is required. A mother does not ask,
huh? I should be disciplined, I should get up. Huh? When the child gets up, I must
get up. But, you have to tell herself, huh? It is natural, no? No effort on our
part, when the child cries immediately she gets up. No, it is very natural, man.
There is no discipline required, huh? Nobody has to teach her that you please get
up, huh? You must get up. You should get up. See, you will just get up. And
everyone is yours, sir. And everything is yours. Then you will naturally do
whatever is required to be done automatically, huh? It doesn't require discipline.
World works beautifully in that state. This is called automatic organization, huh?
And organization shifting into organism, where things happen automatically.

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