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Introduction of Networking

Networking:- The term computer networking

refers to linking multiple devices so that they
can readily share information and software
A computer network is a group of computers
linked to each other that enables the computer
to communicate with another computer and
share their resources, data, and applications.

Types of Networking:-
1) Based on Network size (LAN, MAN, WAN)
2) Based on Topology (Bus, Star, Ring, Tree, Mesh)
3) Based on Transmission Media.
4) Based on Management Methode.

1) Based on Network size

a) LAN (Local Area Network):- The
Local Area Network is a computer network which
interconnects the computer within the limited area
such as a residence, school laboratory, university
campus or office building. LAN (Local Area
Network) spans a relatively small area. In a
wireless LAN, the users have unrestricted
movement within the coverage area.
The wide varieties of LAN topologies are used at
the data link layer and physical layer.
 A LAN network is limited to between 100-1000 meters coverageWith a LAN, you
can get higher speeds of data transfer with
 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet(high speed).
 It has a low cost of set-up.

b) PAN (Personal Area Network):-

The Personal Area Network is used for
interconnecting the devices which are centered
on a person’s workspace. This Network provides
data transmission among devices such as
computers, smartphones, tablets,and PDA
(Personal Digital Assistant).

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c) MAN (Metropolitan Area
Network):- The Metropolitan Area Network is a
computer network which is similar to the Local
Area network but spans an entire city or campus.

d) WAN:- This stands for Wide Area Network. It

covers a very large geographical area such as a state
or a country. It is a collection of LANs and MANs.
This network supports long distance communication.

e) Campus area network

• A campus area network (CAN) is a network of
multiple interconnected local area networks
(LAN) in a limited geographical area. A CAN is
smaller than a wide area network (WAN) or
metropolitan area network (MAN).A CAN is
also known as a corporate area network (CAN).

 जब दो या दो से अधिक Local Area Network

एकसाथ युक्त हो कर एक छोटे से area को cover
करती है उसे Campus Area Network कहा जाता
है। ex - एक
College के campus मे 4 या 5 छोटे छोटे network होते है और उस network जब एक दू सरे से
connect हो जाती है उस network को कहते है Campus Area Network।

f) SAN (storage area network):- A SAN

(storage area network) is a network of
storage devices that can be accessed by
multiple servers or computers, providing
a shared pool of storage space. Each
computer on the network can access
storage on the SAN as though they were
local disks connected directly to the

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SAN यानि Storage Area Network। Storage device को आपस मे connect करिे के निए जो network create नकया
जाता है उसको SAN कहा जाता है। यह एक High speed network है। इस network का इस्तेमाि Server या data
center पर नकया जाता है।

2) Based on Topology
Topology defines the structure of the network of how all the components are
interconnected to each other. There are two types of topology: physical and
logical topology.
Physical topology is the geometric representation of all the nodes in a network.

a) BUS Network Topology:- A bus topology is a topology for a Local Area Network
(LAN) in which all the nodes are connected to a single cable. The cable to which the nodes
connect is called a "backbone". If the backbone is broken, the entire segment fails.

b) Star Network Topology

Each device in a star topology network
is connected to a central device called
a hub. The device must communicate
through the hub. If a device wants to
send data to another device, it must
first send the data to the hub and then
the hub will pass that data to the
designated device.

c) Ring Network Topology:- A ring network is a network

topology in which each node connects to exactly two other nodes,
forming a single continuous pathway for signals through each
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Data travels from node to node, with each
node along the way handling every packet.
The major disadvantage of a ring
topology is that if any individual connection
in the ring is broken, the entire network is

d) Tree Network Topology:-

Tree Topology is a topology which is
having a tree structure in which all the
computer are connected like the branches
which are connected with the tree. In
Computer Network, tree topology is called
as a combination of a Bus and Start
network topology. The main advantages of
this topology are these are very flexible and
also have better scalability.

e) Mesh Network Topology:-

A mesh network is a local network
topology in which the infrastructure nodes
connect directly, dynamically and non-
hierarchically to as many other nodes as
possible and cooperate with one another to
efficiently route data from/to clients. There are
two types of Mesh topology.

Full Mesh: All hosts have a point-to-point connection to every other host in the
network. Thus for every new host n(n-1)/2 connections are required. It provides
the most reliable network structure among all network topologies.
सभी होस्ट का िेटवकक में हर दू सरे होस्ट से पॉइंट-टू-पॉइंट किेक्
क्शि होता है। इस प्रकार प्रत्येक िए
होस्ट के निए
n(n-1)/2 किेक्
क्शि की आवश्यकता होती है। यह सभी िेटवकक टोपोिॉजी के बीच सबसे नवश्वसिीय
िेटवककसंरचिा प्रदाि करता है।
Partially Mesh: Not all hosts have point-to-point connection to every other
host. Hosts connect to each other in some arbitrarily fashion. This topology
exists where we need to provide reliability to some hosts out of all.
आंनिक रूप से मेष: सभी मेजबािों का हर दू सरे मेजबाि से पॉइंट-टू-पॉइंट किेक्
क्शि िहीं
होता है। मेजबाि एक दू सरे से मिमािे ढं ग से जुड़ते हैं। यह टोपोिॉजी मौजूद है जहां
हमें कु छ मेजबािों को नवश्वसिीयता प्रदाि करिे की आवश्यकता है।

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Hybrid topology:- A hybrid topology is a type of network topology that
uses two or more differing network topologies. These topologies can include a
mix of bus topology, mesh topology, ring topology, star topology, and tree

The choice to use a hybrid topology over a standard topology depends on the
needs of a business, school, or the users. The number of computers, their
location, and desired network performance are all factors in the decision.

3) Based on Transmission Media.

The transmission medium can be defined as a pathway that can transmit
information from a sender to a receiver. Transmission media are also called
communication channels. There are two types of Transmission media −
 Guided Transmission Medium
 Unguided Transmission Medium
1) Guided Transmission Medium:- Guided transmission media are also called
bounded media or wired media. They comprise cables or wires through which
data is transmitted. The most popular guided media are −

1) Twisted pair cable:- A twisted pair is a wire in which two wires are twisted
(twisted) to each other. This wire is usually seen in Landline Telephone or
internet Connection Cable RJ45. Twisted Pair Cable is divided into 2 parts.

a) UTP (Unshielded Twisted pair):- In Unshielded Twisted pair, the two

wires are wrapped together with each other in a spiral shape! There is
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separate shielding or covering. This cable can travel 100 to 150 meters of
data on a normal basis, the data in this cable can travel from 1 GB to 10
GBPS speed.
b) STP (Shielded Twisted pair) - This is Shielded Twisted Pair Cable. There
is an additional shield in this cable, which makes the data secure in it and the
speed of data transfer also increases.

2) Coaxial cable
Coaxial cable is made of copper wire. There is a layer of Insulation over the
copper wire and copper copper above it. Its data transfer is up to 185 meters.
Installation of the coaxial cable is easy, but it is quite flexible and weak due to
which there was more fear of breaking it.

3) FOC (Fiber Optic Cable):- This cable is made of Pure Silica Glass, it was
developed in 1970. Fiber Optic Cable has revolutionized the world of Internet.
Today all the countries are connected to each other through internet, in which
Fiber optic Cable has a big role. Fiber Optic Cable is an Advanced
Transmission Media using high speed and long distance to data Is used to

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Fiber optic cable is the fastest transferring data in the Networking world so far,
so it is used in submarine communications, meaning the use of Fiber Optic
Cable to connect one country network to another country network. Is done In
this cable, the DATA travels from the light signal to, and as soon as the data
reaches Destination, it is converted from Light signal to Digital signal.

2) Unguided media:- In unguided media, transmitted data travels through free

space in form of electromagnetic signal.

a) Microwave:- Microwave is a line-of-sight wireless communication

technology that uses high frequency beams of radio waves to provide high
speed wireless connections that can send and receive voice, video, and data
information’s. The best example of this is the Parabolic Antenna in the present
day mobile tower and the disk tv antenna on the roof of the house.

b) Radio wave:- A radio wave is a type of

electromagnetic signal designed to carry information
through the air over relatively long distances.
Sometimes radio waves are referred to as radio
frequency (RF) signals.....In addition, radio waves are
the primary means for carrying data over a wireless

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c) Satellite Communication:- An
artificial earth satellite that facilitates
communications, as radio, television, and
telephone transmissions, by means of the
reflection or the amplification and
retransmission of signals between stations
on earth or in space.

4) Based on Management Methode.

P2P Network - A peer-to-peer network is a

technology that allows you to connect two or more
computers to one system. This connection allows
you to easily share data without having to use a
separate server for your file-sharing. Each end-
computer that connects to this network becomes a
'peer' and is allowed to receive or send files to
other computers in its network.

Client/Server Network:-
In client-server network relationships, certain computers act as servers and
others act as clients.
A server is simply a computer that provides the network resources and provides
service to other computers when they request it. A client is the computer
running a program that requests the service
from a server. Local area network (LAN) is
based on client server network relationship.
A client-server network is one on which all
available network resources such as files,
directories, applications and shared devices,
are centrally managed and hosted and then
are accessed by the client.
Client server networks are defined by the presence of servers on a network that
provide security and administration of the network.

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What is the Internet?
The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic
devices. With the Internet, it's possible to access almost any information,
communicate with anyone else in the world, and do much more.

You can do all of this by connecting a computer to the Internet, which is also
called going online. When someone says a computer is online, it's just another
way of saying it's connected to the Internet.

The Internet, then known as ARPANET, was brought online in 1969 under a
History of internet •
contract let by the renamed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) which
initially connected four major computers at universities in the southwestern US
(UCLA, Stanford Research Institute, UCSB, and the University of Utah).

WWW:- The world wide web ('www' or 'web' for short) is a collection of
webpage’s found on this network of computers. Your web browser uses the
internet to access the web.
The World Wide Web (WWW) is a network of online content that is formatted
in HTML and accessed via HTTP. The term refers to all the interlinked HTML
pages that can be accessed over the Internet. The World Wide Web was
originally designed in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee while he was a contractor at
CERN. (French "Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire", or European

URL Locator) is a unique identifier used to locate a
resource on the Internet. It is also referred to as a web address.

URL (यूनिफॉमक ररसोसक िोके टर) एक नवनिष्ट पहचािकताक है नजसका उपयोग

इंटरिेट पर नकसी संसाधि का पता िगािे के निए नकया जाता है। इसे वेब एड्र
ेस भी कहा जाता है।

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What is DNS?
The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the Internet. DNS
translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet
• Each device connected to the Internet has a unique IP address which other
machines use to find the device. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to
memorize IP addresses such as (in IPv4)

इंटरिेट। DNS ड्ोमेि िामों को IP पतों में अिुवाद करता है तानक ब्राउज़र इंटरिेट
संसाधिों को िोड् कर सकते हैं।
• इंटरिेट से जुड़े प्रत्येक उपकरण का एक नवनिष्ट आईपी होता है पता जो अन्य मिीिें
नड्वाइस को खोजिे के निए उपयोग करती हैं। ड्ीएिएस सवकर मिुष्ों को IP याद रखिे की
आवश्यकता को समाप्त करते हैं (आईपीवी4 में) जैसे पते

• Every device in the network has address. There are two types of network
address Address
1- Physical Address 2-Logical Address
1- Physical Address
Media Access Control (MAC) Address –
• MAC Addresses are unique 48-bits hardware number of a computer, which is
embedded into network card (known as Network Interface Card) during the time
of manufacturing.
MAC Address is also known as Physical Address of a network device.
• MAC Address is a 12-digit hexadecimal number (6-Byte binary number),
which is mostly represented by Colon-Hexadecimal notation. First 6-digits (say
00:40:96) of MAC Address identify the manufacturer, called as OUI
(Organizational Unique Identifier).
• The rightmost six digits represent Network Interface Controller, which is
assigned by manufacturer.

Logical Address (IP) :-

An IP address is a unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a
local network.
• It is Logical Address of the device.
• There are two versions of
IP 1- IPv4
2- 2-IPv6

IPv4 :- IP stands for Internet Protocol and v4 stands for Version Four (IPv4).
IPv4 was the primary version brought into action for production within the
ARPANET in 1983. IP version four addresses are 32-bit integers.

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• It is divided in 4 parts each has 8 bits of address. It is written in Numeric 0 to
255 but computer use it in Binary.
• Example- • (in binary

Classes of IPv4

Host ID and Network ID in class

An IPv6 address is a 128-bit alphanumeric value that identifies an endpoint
device in an Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) network. IPv6 is the successor to
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a previous addressing infrastructure, IPv4, which had limitations IPv6 was
designed to overcome.
• Format of an IPv6 address
 In precise terms, an IPv6 address is 128 bits long and is arranged in
eight groups, each of which is 16 bits. Each group is expressed as four
hexadecimal digits and the groups are separated by colons.
• An example of a full IPv6 address could be:
• FE80:CD00:0000:0CDE:1257:0000:211E:729C

IP address
What is IPstands for internet protocol address; it is an identifying number that
is associated with a specific computer or computer network. When connected to
the internet, the IP address allows the computers to send and receive
यह एक पहचाि संख्या है जो एक नवनिष्ट कं प्यूटर या कं प्यूटर िेटवकक से जुड़ी
होती है। इंटरिेट से किेक्ट होिे पर, आईपी एड्र ेस कं प्यूटर को सूचिा भेजिे
और प्राप्त करिे की अिुमनत देता है।

A company who provide internet connection to customers for this he will

Internet Service Provider (ISP)
charge specific amount called as ISP.
Some Example of ISP in India
• Airtel
• VI
• Reliance Jio

FTP - File Transfer Protocol –

A protocol that is used to transfer and manipulate files on the Internet.

HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol –

An Internet-based protocol for sending and receiving webpages.

SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol –

A protocol for e-mail messages on the Internet.

HTML is Stands for "Hypertext Markup Language". HTML is the language
used to create web-pages. "Hypertext" refers to the hyperlinks that an HTML
page may contain. "Markup language" refers to the way tags are used to define
the page layout and elements within the page.

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Application of internet:-
Internet service is referred as the facility you are availed through internet. There
are many kind of internet facility we are available now-a-day. Take a look at
below points.
 Online transaction
 Searching
 Online Ticketing
 Online Application
 E- Communication
 Weather forecasting
 E-Commerce

 Hotof
Modes Spot
Connecting Internet
 Wi-Fi
 LAN Cable
 Broad Band
 USB Tethering

hotspot is a physical location where people can access the Internet, typically
using Wi-Fi, via a wireless local area network (WLAN) with a router connected
to an Internet service provider.
We can protect our hotspot Using protection like-WPS (WiFi Protected Setup)
and WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)

Tetheringis a feature in your
Smartphone that makes you to connect
your phone to a computer via USB Cable.
USB Tethering allows the sharing of an
Internet connection of the phone or tablet
with other device such as laptop/computer
via USB Data cable.

Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)

Wi-Fi is the wireless technology
used to connect computers, tablets,
smart phones and other devices to

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the internet. Wi-Fi is the radio signal sent from a wireless router to a nearby
device, which translates the signal into data you can see and use.
वाई-फाई एक वायरिेस तकिीक है नजसका उपयोग कं प्यूटर, टैबिेट, स्माटक फोि और अन्य
उपकरणों को इंटरिेट से जोड़िे के निए नकया जाता है। वाई-फाई एक वायरिेस राउटर से
पास के नड्वाइस पर भेजा जािे वािा रे नड्यो
नसग्नि है, जो नसग्नि को उस ड्े टा में टर ांसिेट करता है नजसे आप देख और इस्तेमाि कर सकते
LAN Cable Connection
We can connect our computer to internet using LAN cable but first we have the
internet connection from ISP. This connection then connected to MODEM
and modem will be connected to computer using cables like UTP cable. The
do the following steps-
• Connect a LAN cable to the port at the back of the desktop computer
• Click the Start button on the taskbar and then click Settings.
• Click Network and Internet
• In Status, click Network and Sharing Center
• Choose Change adapter settings at the upper left
• Right-click Ethernet and then choose Properties.
• Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then click Properties
• Set up the IP to use, then click OK to save your settings.

Broadband is the transmission of high-quality data of wide bandwidth. In its

simplest form, it is a high-speed Internet connection that is always on.
Broadband connections include Wi-Fi, DSLs, fiber, and satellites.
ब्रॉड्बैंड् व्यापक बैंड्नवड््थ के उच्च गुणवत्ता वािे ड्ेटा का प्रसारण है। अपिे सरितम रूप
में, यह एक हाई-स्पीड् इंटरिेट किेक् क्शि है जो हमेिा चािू रहता है। ब्रॉड्बैंड् किेक्
क्शि में
वाई-फाई, ड्ीएसएि, फाइबर और उपग्रह
िानमि हैं।
Web browser:-
A web browser is a software application for accessing information on the World
Wide Web. When a user requests a web page from a particular website, the
web browser retrieves the necessary content from a web server and then
displays the page on the user's device.
Popular Web Browser
 Internet Explorer
 Google Chrome
 Mozilla Firefox
 Safari
 Opera
 Konqueror
 Lynx
Search Engine:-

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A search engine is a web-based tool that enables users to locate information on the World
Wide Web.
Popular Search Engine
 Google
 Yahoo
 Bing
 Baidu
 Duck Duck Go
 Excite
 Lycos

Meta-search engine
engineis an online information retrieval tool that uses the data of
a web search engine to produce its own results. Meta-search engines take input
from a user and immediately query search engines for results.

मेटाखोज इंजि नकसी जािकारी को इंटरिेट में खोजिे हेतु एक प्रकार का साधि है। इसके द्वारा यह ड्ाटा
को इंटरिेट के माध्यम से िे कर उसे नकसी भी जािकारी को खोजते समय नदखाता है। यह नकसी उपयोग
करिे वािे व्यक्ति से खोजिे वािे िब्द को
िेता है और कई अन्य खोज इंजि से पररणाम जुटाता है। यह उसके स्थाि के अिुसार ड्ाटा नदखाता है।
Electronic mail (e-mail) is a computer-based application for the exchange of messages
between users. A worldwide e-mail network allows people to exchange e-mail messages
very quickly. E-mail is the electronic equivalent of a letter, but with advantages in
timeliness and flexibility.
The first e-mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971.
इिेक्टर ॉनिक मेि (ई-मेि) उपयोगकताकओं के बीच संदे िों के आदाि-प्रदाि के निए एक कं
प्यूटर आधाररत अिुप्रयोग है। एक नवश्वव्यापी ई-मेि िेटवकक िोगों को बहुत तेज़ी से ई-मेि
संदेिों का आदाि-प्रदाि करिे की अिुमनत देता है । ई-मेि एक पत्र के इिेक्टर ॉनिक समकक्ष है ,
िेनकि समयबद्धता और िचीिेपि में िाभ के साथ। पहिा ई-मेि 1971 में रे टॉमनिंसि
द्वारा भेजा गया था।

 Open Web browser and type and press enter

How to create
 Click on createemail Account
 Fill the form
 Click on next step
 Verify phone number for security
 Click I agree

 Log
How in Email
to send emailAccount

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 Click on compose button
 Type the email id of receiver
 Type subject name
 Type content in the body
 If you want attach any file (document, image, video).
 Click on send button

What isitaisTO,
CC for&emailing
BCC inindividual
E-mail or multiple contacts.
CC – CC is stands for Carbon Copy. The CC field is used to refer to the
concept of the carbon copy as it sends additional copies of a single email to one
or more recipients.
CC का मतिब काबकि कॉपी है। सीसी फील्ड का उपयोग काबकि कॉपी की अवधारणा को
संदनभकत करिे के निए नकया जाता है क्ोनं क यह एक या अनधक प्राप्तकताक ओं को एक
ईमेि की अनतररि प्रनतयां भेजता है।
BCC:- BCC is stand for Blind Carbon Copy. It sends copies of the email to
multiple recipients, the only difference being that none of the recipients are
made aware of who else has received the email.
The BCC field is used when you want to send an email to multiple recipients
but do not want any of them to know about the other people you have sent them
BCC,ब्लाइंड् काबकि कॉपी के निए खड़ा है। यह ईमेि की प्रनतयां कई प्राप्तकताक ओं
को भेजता है, के वि अंतर यह है नक नकसी भी प्राप्तकताक को इस बात से अवगत
िही ं कराया जाता है नक ईमेि नकसिे प्राप्त नकया है।
BCC फील्ड का उपयोग तब नकया जाता है जब आप एक से अनधक प्राप्तकताक ओं को
ईमेि भेजिा चाहते हैं, िेनकि िही ं चाहते नक उिमें से कोई भी उि अन्य
िोगों के बारे में जािे, नजन्हें आपिे उन्हें भेजा है।

• Log in, in account

How to add signature text in email account
• Click on setting icon
• Click on view all setting
• In general setting choose signature to down side
• Click on create new
• Type signature click add
• Type content that to be added with signature
• For new email use set your signature
• Finally click on save changes
• Now open compose email box and see the signature

Written by Mohammad Faiz (Education SHAAN Page

Social networking:-
Social networking is the use of Internet-based social media sites to stay
connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers, or clients. Social
networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites
such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, classmate, and Instagram, among others.

Example of social networking website

 Facebook :- facebook is one of the most recognizable social media
platforms in the world. With 2.7 billion monthly active users, more than
a third of the world’s population uses Facebook. Founded by “Mark
Zuckerberg” on February 4, 2004.

 Twitter:- Twitter is a “Microblogging” system that allows you to send

and receive short posts called tweets. Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey,
Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006 and launched
in July of that year.

 Instagram- Instagram is a mobile, desktop and Internet-based

photosharing application that allows users to share photos and videos
publicly or privately. It was founded in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike
Krieger. Instagram was later purchased by Facebook.

 LinkedIn- LinkedIn is the most popular social media site for

professional networking. It was launched in 2003 by Reid Hoffman,
LinkedIn allows a user to add their resumes, connect with others in
their industry, and even post and respond to job listings.

 YouTube:- isn’t just the most popular video-sharing website in the

world. It’s also the second most popular search engine behind Google.
The company was founded in February 14, 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad
Hurley, and Jawed Karim, and was eventually bought by Google.
YouTube has over 2 billion logged-in visitors per month.

Instant messaging App

 WhatsApp:- With WhatsApp, you'll get fast, simple, secure
messaging and calling for free, available on phones all over the
world. Data charges may apply. Brian Acton and Jan Koum founded
WhatsApp in 2009 after they left their job at Yahoo.

Written by Mohammad Faiz (Education SHAAN Page

 Telegram:-Telegram lets you access your chats from multiple
devices. Telegram delivers messages faster than any other
application. Telegram was launched in 2013 by brothers Nikolai and
Pavel Durov.

 Facebook Messenger:- Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging

feature built into Facebook. Messenger originally launched in 2011.

Introduction to Blog
Whatever knowledge or experience you have, writing magazines or
articles to people on the Internet is called Blog and those who write blogs
are called Bloggers.
आपके पास जो भी नॉलेज या एक्सपीररयंस है उसको पधिका या लेख धलखकर इंटरनेट पर
लोगों को बताना Blog कहलाता है और जो Blog धलखते हैं उसे Blogger कहते हैं।

E-Commerce (Electronic commerce)

Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to
the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of
money and data to execute these transactions.
Types of E-commerce model
1. Business to Consumer (B2C): When a business sells a good or service to
an individual consumer (e.g. You buy a pair of shoes from an online retailer).

2. Business to Business (B2B): When a business sells a good or service to

another business (e.g. A business sells software-as-a-service for other businesses to

3. Consumer to Consumer (C2C): When a consumer sells a good or service

to another consumer (e.g. You sell your old furniture on eBay to another consumer).

4. Consumer to Business (C2B):-When a consumer sells their own products or services

to a business or organization (e.g. An influencer offers exposure to their online audience in
exchange for a fee, or a photographer licenses their photo for a business to use).

Use E-commerce Services

• First visit to these website or open these sites app.

• Register here. And set delivery address.
• Choose any product.
• Place order. And choose any one payment option (Debit/Credit card, Internet
banking, UPI, Mobile wallets or Cash on delivery)

Written by Mohammad Faiz (Education SHAAN Page

Netiquette is short for "Internet etiquette." Just like etiquette is a code of polite
behavior in society, netiquette is a code of good behavior on the Internet.
िेनटके ट "इंटरिेट निष्टाचार" के निए संनक्षप्त है। जैसे निष्टाचार समाज
में नविम्र व्यवहार का एक कोड् है, वैसे ही िेनटके ट इंटरिेट पर अच्छे व्यवहार
का एक कोड् है।
Electronic governance
Electronic governance or e-governance can be defined as the usage of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by the government to
provide and facilitate government services, exchange of information,
communication transactions and integration of various standalone systems and
Types of e-governance
There are 4 types of e-governance namely:-
 G2C (Government to Citizens)
 G2B (Government to Business)
 G2E (Government to employees)
 G2G (Government to Government)

one-time password, also known as a one-time PIN, onetime authorization
is OTP
code or dynamic password is a password that is valid for only one login session
or transaction on a computer system or other digital device.

QR code is a Code
is QR type of matrix barcode invented in 1994 by the Japanese
automotive company Denso Wave. A barcode is a machine-readable optical
label that can contain information about the item to which it is attached.
What is UPI
Unified Payments Interface is an instant real-time payment system developed by
National Payments Corporation of India facilitating inter-bank peer-to-peer and
person-to-merchant transactions. NPCI (National Payments Corporation of
India) is umbrella organization for all digital payments.

• The AEPS system aims to empower all sections of the society by making
AEPS (Aadhaar Enabled Payment System)
financial and banking services available to all through Aadhaar. AEPS is
nothing but an Aadhaar-enabled payment system through which you can
transfer funds, make payments, deposit cash, make withdrawals, make enquiry
about bank balance, etc.

Written by Mohammad Faiz (Education SHAAN Page

• NPCI has set a maximum transaction amount of Rs. 10,000 on a single
AEPS financial transaction.

USSD(Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) is a Global System for
Mobile Communications (GSM) protocol that is used to send text messages.
USSD is similar to Short Message Service (SMS). USSD uses codes made up of
the characters that are available on a mobile phone.

USSD एक प्रोटोकॉि है नजसका उपयोग GSM सेिुिर टेिीफोि द्वारा सनवकस प्रोवाइड्र
के कं प्यूटरो ं के साथ संपकक करिे के निए नकया जाता है। USSD Code * से िरू
होता है और # पर ख़त्म होता है जैसे *121# । USSD Codes 182 वणो (characters) तक
िम्बे होते है।

A digital wallet, also known as e-wallet, is an electronic device, online service,

or software program that allows one party to make electronic transactions with
another party bartering digital currency units for goods and services. Many
companies have their own digital wallets. Paytm, Mobikwik, Alipay, American
Express, Apple pay, Microsoft Wallet, Samsung Pay, for example, are digital
wallets. The largest companies to provide users with this service are Google,
Amazon, and Paypal.

POS point of sale
(Point OforSale)
point of purchase is the time and place where a retail
transaction is completed. At the point of sale, the merchant calculates the
amount owed by the customer, indicates that amount, may prepare an invoice
for the customer, and indicates the options for the customer to make payment.

Banking also known as online banking or Internet Banking, is an electronic
payment system. It allows you to conduct many different types of transactions
through the internet from the comfort of your home.

NEFT system is a nationwide funds transfer system to facilitate transfer of

National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)
funds from any bank branch to any other bank branch.


Written by Mohammad Faiz (Education SHAAN Page

RTGS stands for Real-time Gross Settlement, meaning that through this
method, the money is transferred from one bank account to the other in real-
time, without any delay.

RTGS का पूरा िाम ( Real Time Gross Settlement ) है. RTGS पैसे टर ांसफर करिे की सबसे
तेज सेवा है । जहााँ आपको NEFT से पैसे प्राप्त करिे में समय िगता है वही RTGS के
माध्यम से 30 नमिट के अन्दर पैसे आपके खाते में पहुाँ च जाते है.
RTGS का इस्तेमाि बड़ी रकम यानि 2 िाख से ऊपर की रकम भेजिे के निए नकया जाता
है। यनद नकसी कारण पैसे दु सरे के अकाउं ट में िही ं पहुाँ चते तोह सारी रकम आपके
अकाउं ट में वापस भेज दी जाती
है। RTGS सेवा का िाभ कोई भी व्यक्ति नजसका बैंक में खाता है उठा सकता है बस
आपको बैंक से एक RTGS फण्ड टर ांसफर का फॉमक िेकर भरिा पड़ता है.

IMPS is a mode of money transfer from one bank account to another in the
Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)
Indian banking system. The system enabled 24x7x365 real-time, interbank,
electronic money transfers when there was only NEFT and RTGS facilities
available in India.

IMPS, NPCI (िेििि पेमेंट कॉरपोरे िि ऑफ इंनड्या (द्वारा एक आसाि मिी टर ांसफर
है। IMPS का पूणक रूप तत्काि भुगताि सेवा है जो िोगों को वास्तनवक समय में
पैसे भेजिे और प्राप्त करिे की अिुमनत देता है। यह सेवा मोबाइि बैंनकं ग और
इंटरिेट बैंनकं ग के माध्यम से एक बैंक से
दू सरे बैंक में टर ांजेक्
क्शि की सुनवधा प्रदाि करती है।

The Internet of Things, or IOT, is a group of billions of physical

Introduction of IOT
devices around the world that are connected to the Internet. ... you
are running a mobile or computer (anything desktop, laptop or tablet)

Written by Mohammad Faiz (Education SHAAN Page

any device that, if it is connected to the Internet, falls under the Internet
of Things or IOT.
इंटरिेट ऑफ नथंग्स, या IoT, दु निया भर में उि अरबों नफनजकि नड्वाइसेस का समूह है जो
इंटरिेट से जुड़े हैं। ... आप एक मोबाइि या कं प्यूटर (कु छ भी ड्े स्कटॉप, िैपटॉप या
टैबिेट( या कोई भी नड्वाइस चिा रहे हैं, अगर यह इंटरिेट से जुड़ा है, तो यह
इंटरिेट ऑफ नथंग्स या IoT के अंतगकत आता है।

What is Big Data यह समझिा नबल्कु ि आसाि है, उदाहरण के तौर पर आपसे यह पूछा जाए नक आप
नदि Analytics
में मोबाइि का उपयोग नकतिी देर करते हैं आपका जवाब होगा नक कम से कम चार
पांच घंटा तो यूज़ करते हैं इस चार-पांच घंटे के यूज़ में आप जो भी dataचाहे वह
facebook या twitter या अन्य माध्यमों से save करते हैं वह data फे सबुक या अन्य सॉफ्टवेयर
कं पनियों के server में save होता है,आपके जैसे िाखों
िोग यही काम करते हैं, इसी ड्ाटा को हम नबग ड्ाटा कह सकते हैं इस ड्ाटा को
सॉफ्टवेयर कं पनियां big data technology का उपयोग करके प्रोसेस करके इसका उपयोग
उपयोगकताा व्यवहार
धवश्लेषण और product marketing में उपयोग में िाती हैं.

“Big data analytics is a process in which very large groups of data are
collected, organized and analyzed so that hidden patterns and useful
information can be discovered.”

Computingmeans to store your data on the internet instead of
storing it in a computer hard drive. When you keep the data in local
storage ie hard drive, then you can access it only from your computer.
But data stored on servers like Google drive can be access from any
device anywhere.

Written by Mohammad Faiz (Education SHAAN Page

क्लाउड् कं प्यूनटंग का मतिब है अपिे ड्े टा को कं प्यूटर हाड्क ड्र ाइव में स्टोर करिे के
बजाय इंटरिेट पर स्टोर करिा। जब आप ड्े टा को िोकि स्टोरे ज यािी हाड्क ड्र ाइव में
रखते हैं, तो आप इसे के वि अपिे कं प्यू टर से एक्सेस कर सकते हैं। िेनकि Google
ड्र ाइव जैसे सवकर पर संग्रहीत ड्े टा को नकसी भी नड्वाइस से कही ं भी एक्सेस नकया जा
सकता है।

Virtual reality is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely

different Reality
the real(VR)
world. Applications of virtual reality include
entertainment, education and business.
आभासी वास्तनवकता एक िकिी अिुभव है जो वास्तनवक दु निया के समाि या पूरी तरह से
अिग हो सकता है। आभासी वास्तनवकता के अिुप्रयोगों में मिोरं जि, निक्षा और
व्यवसाय िानमि हैं।
What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Artificial intelligence is a theory and development of computer systems that can
perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, Speech
recognition, decision-making, visual perception. For example, are features
of human intelligence that artificial intelligence may possess.

Blockchain is a technology,
What is blockchain ? it is a platform where not only digital currency but
anything can be digitized and its record can be kept. That is, blockchain is a
digital ledger, while bitcoin is a digital medium, through which some things can
be sold and bought.
ब्लॉकचेि एक टेक्नोिॉजी, यह एक प्लेटफॉमक है जहां िा नसफक नड्नजटि करें सी बल्की नकसी भी चीज
को नड्नजटि बिाकर उसका ररकॉड्क रखा जा सकता है. यािी ब्लॉकचेि एक नड्नजटि िेजर हैं, वहीं
Bitcoin एक नड्नजटि माध्यम है, नजसके जररए कु छ चीजें बेंची और खरीदी जा सकती हैं.

Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of
recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. An asset can
be tangible (a house, car, cash, land) or intangible (intellectual property,
patents, copyrights, branding). Virtually anything of value can be tracked and
traded on a blockchain network, reducing risk and cutting costs for all involved.

ब्लॉकचैि एक साझा, अपररवतकिीय खाता बही है जो एक व्यापार िेटवकक में

िेिदेि ररकॉड्क करिे और संपनत्त को टर ै क करिे की प्रनिया को सुनवधाजिक बिाता
है। एक संपनत्त मूतक (एक घर, कार,
िकद, भूनम) या अमूतक (बौक्तद्धक संपदा, पेटेंट, कॉपीराइट, ब्रांनड्ं ग) हो सकती है।
वस्तुतः मूल्य की नकसी भी चीज़ को ब्लॉकचेि िेटवकक पर टर ै क और व्यापार नकया जा
सकता है, नजससे जोक्तखम कम होता है और इसमें िानमि सभी के निए िागत में
कटौती होती है।
3D Printing

Written by Mohammad Faiz (Education SHAAN Page

3D printing is a manufacturing process that creates a physical object from a
digital model file. The technology works by adding layer upon layer of material
to build up a complete object.

3ड्ी नप्रंनटंग एक निमाक ण प्रनिया है जो एक नड्नजटि मॉड्ि फाइि से एक भौनतक वस्तु

बिाती है । तकिीक एक संपूणक वस्तु के निमाक ण के निए सामग्री की परत दर परत
जोड़कर काम करती है।

RPA (Robotic process automation)

Robotic process automation is a form of business process automation
technology based on metaphorical software robots or on artificial intelligence
/digital workers. It is sometimes referred to as software robotics.

रोबोनटक प्रोसेस ऑटोमेिि, रूपक सॉफ्टवेयर रोबोट या आनटक नफनियि इंटेनिजेंस/नड्नजटि वकक सक पर
नबजिेस प्रोसेस ऑटोमेिि तकिीक का एक रूप है। इसे कभी-कभी सॉफ्टवेयर रोबोनटक्स के रूप में
जािा जाता है।

Cyber Security
Cyber security is the application of technologies, processes and controls to
protect systems, networks, programs, devices and data from cyber attacks.
It aims to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and protect against the unauthorized
exploitation of systems, networks and technologies.

साइबर सुरक्षा नसस्टम, िेटवकक , प्रोग्राम, नड्वाइस और ड्े टा को साइबर हमिों से बचािे के
प्रौद्योनगनकयो, प्रनियाओं और नियंत्रणों का अिुप्रयोग ह।ै
इसका उद्दे य ययसाइबर हमिों के जोक्तखम को कम करिा और नसस्टम, िेटवकक और
प्रौद्योनगनकयों केअिनधकृ त िोषण से बचाव करिा है।

Securing PC
• Use a firewall.

• Keep all software up to date. •
फायरवॉि का प्रयोग करें ।
सभी सॉफ्टवेयर अप टू ड्ेट रखें।
• Use antivirus software and keep it current. • एं टीवायरस सॉफ़्टवेयर का उपयोग
करें और इसे चािू रखें।
• Make sure your passwords are well- • सुनिनित करें नक आपके पासवड्क अच्छी
तरह से चुिे गए और सुरनक्षत हैं।
chosen and protected. • संदेहास्पद अटैचमेंट ि खोिें या
• Don't open suspicious attachments or click असामान्य निंक पर क्तक्लक ि करें
unusual links in messages. •

वेब को सुरनक्षत रूप से ब्राउज़ करें ।
पायरे टेड् सामग्री से दू र रहें।
• Browse the web safely.
• Stay away from pirated material.
Keep Your Phone Locked. 1) अपिे फोि को िॉक रखें।
Set mobile
Secure Passwords. 2) सुरनक्षत पासवड्क सेट करें ।
3) अपिे नड्वाइस के OS को अप-टू-ड्े ट रखें।
Written by Mohammad Faiz (Education World) 4) सुरनक्षत वाईफाई से किेक्ट करें ।
5) ड्ाउििोड् से सावधाि रहें। 4
6) अपिे फोि को जेिब्रेक या रूट ि करें ।
3) Keep Your Device's OS Up-To-Date.
4) Connect to Secure Wifi.
5) Beware of Downloads.
6) Don't Jailbreak or Root Your Phone.
7) Encrypt Your Data.
8) Install Anti-Virus Software.

Written by Mohammad Faiz (Education World) SHAAN CLASSES Page 25

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