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1.) I believe the speaker was trying to convey that we can start a revolution within ourselves.

It doesn't matter
how substantial it is or where we stand on it as long as it engages people, has an impact on them, and they are
willing to stick with it to the end. By emphasizing that anybody may start a revolution and that nothing will get
better if we keep waiting for a change, she successfully leads her own revolution. Furthermore, as discussing
how she managed her revolution, she remarked that there is no guide or processes on how to build it; the only
thing is to step from it, and we must believe and create our own plans regardless of whether it fails or succeeds
as long as we did something that involves a change.

2.) As a member of the younger generation who is also socially and politically aware, my greatest desire to our
country is for it to have a fair and competent administration in which politicians will truly implement their
pledges and responsibilities to eliminate significant concerns in the country. Part of me believed that this
dream of mine can actually come true, and with that, I will continue to strive for betterment and advocate for
what our nation deserves. So, in my modest concrete ways, I will use my social media platforms and my voice
to awaken and start engaging others about the value of proficiently selecting competent leaders to govern the
country, because this is the only path, we can help our country and ensure a better future for upcoming
generations. One must appoint worthy leaders who will uphold the needs of our country rather than those of
their own self-interest.

3.) Yes, I will, even in my own little and practical ways. I'll start my own revolution to make my nation better
for my fellow people and for myself, and the video I watched has indeed served to drive and inspire me more.
It taught me that if we want something strongly enough, nothing is impossibly difficult, and that there is never
anything wrong with trying as long as our main goal is to elevate others.

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