Top 25 Drug Interactions (Home Medicine Review)

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A list of most common drug interactions found in 150 Home Medicine Reviews:

Drug 1 Drug 2 Interaction Effect Severity F

Aspirin may reduce the bene cial effects of

Aspirin Perindopril Moderate 9
Ramipril may increase the risk of hypoglycemia
Metformin Ramipril Moderate 6
when used with metformin
Increased risk of salicylate toxicity and reduced
Aspirin Furosemide Moderate 5
diuretic effects
NSAIDs may increase metformin toxicity due to
Metformin NSAIDs Moderate 5
a reduction in glomerular ltration rate

Aspirin Meloxicam Increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding Severe 4

SSRIs (e.g., SSRIs may increase risk of bleeding by

Clopidogrel Severe 4
Escitalopram) inhibiting serotonin uptake by platelets
Amiodarone may increase warfarin levels and
Amiodarone Warfarin Severe 3
anticoagulant effects
Additive antiplatelet effects and increased
Aspirin Clopidogrel Severe 3
bleeding risk
Opioids (e.g., Increased risk of CNS depression, respiratory
Amitriptyline Severe 3
Tapentadol) depression, and serotonin syndrome
Pantoprazole may increase digoxin levels by
Digoxin Pantoprazole Moderate 3
increasing its absorption

Venlafaxine Tramadol Increased risk of serotonin syndrome Severe 3

Quilonum Perindopril may increase lithium toxicity by

Perindopril Severe 3
(Lithium) reducing its renal clearance
Increased risk of renal impairment and
Irbesartan Meloxicam Moderate 3
Increased risk of hypersensitivity and
Allopurinol Perindopril Severe 3

Metoprolol Digoxin Additive risk of bradycardia and heart block Moderate 3

Atorvastatin Colchicine Increased risk of additive muscle toxicity Moderate 3

Furosemide Pantoprazole Increased risk of hypomagnesemia Moderate 3

Esomeprazole Citalopram Esomeprazole may increase citalopram levels Moderate 3

Both may cause renal impairment, increased

Perindopril Celebrex Moderate 3
risk with concurrent use
Calcium Calcium carbonate may reduce levothyroxine
Levothyroxine Moderate 2
Carbonate absorption
Ramipril Increased risk of hyperkalemia Severe 2
Amiodarone (e.g., Increased risk of bradycardia and arrhythmias Moderate 2
Increased risk of electrolyte imbalances and
Amiodarone Furosemide Moderate 2
Torsades de Pointes

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