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Victor is most critical of the design enthusiasm characteristic of the design

profession in which designers focus their attention on the most recent and
efficient inventions and innovations. He argues that this leads to the neglecting
of a portion of the society as far as special needs are concerned. For instance,
the invention of electricity kind of stopped research on oil lamps and thus it has
led to the neglecting of the lighting needs of the part of the society that cannot
afford electricity. His other concern is the standardization of design products. He
is of the idea that designers should consider the special needs of the special
people in society. For instance, his mother was short and always had problems
reaching the cabinet.

Victor also believes that most of the problems in society can be attributed to
design standardization and design mistakes. For example, a lot of people are
suffering deformation in their feet due to poorly designed shoes. In addition,
there is a lot of pollution due to design problems of cars etcetera.

Papanek’s argument regarding his care for users of design products is sensible.
However, his suggestions utterly simplify the issue of design in a misguiding way.
Reading this article, the reader is made to think that the consideration of user
needs is solely dependent on the preference of the designer. However, designers
have many things to consider when creating designs and are often unable to satisfy
the needs of all users. It is thus essential for designers to consider user needs
in their designs, but if some users are not catered for in a specific design, the
designer should not be blamed blindly.

The theory and organization of the Bauhaus

The quality of art and craft in the society is dependent on the development of
passion in it by artists. This passion will be some kind of spiritual drive, to
create works of art with certain ideas for the people who see them. Thus, when art
involves the spirit of the artists, it can be used to tell a lot of things about
its creator. It is common knowledge that art pedagogy can be useless to the artist
if he/she lacks passion for art. This, however, does not overlook the importance of
art pedagogy.

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