Plastic Waste Management 7 1

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Plastic waste management

Final Report

Julian John Barera


College of General Education

University of Doha for Science and Technology


Dr. Sana Chakroun

March 23 , 2024
Table of content

Introduction 3

Background 3

Discussion 3

Mechanical recycling 4

Chemical recycling 5

Monomer recycling 6

Analysis with Selection Matrix 7

Recommendation 7

References 8

List of tables and figurs

Figer 1: Diagram showing how plastic waste

is being transformed into coverable plastic 4

Figer 2: Diagram showing process of monomer recycling 6

Table 1: Analysis with Selection Matrix 7

To preserve the environment, plastic waste management requires a thorough and long-

term solution. We'll be thinking about the following fixes. 1) mechanical Recycling 2) chemical

recycling 3) monomer Recycling. Based on factors including effectiveness, cost-effectiveness,

and efficiency, we have chosen this option. At the conclusion of the study, we will suggest the

optimal approach for managing plastic garbage.


According to Bernat (April 2023), Over 40% of plastic products are thought to have a

lifespan of less than one month, which contributes to the large amount of plastic trash produced

on Earth as a result of the short lifespan of many plastic materials and products. Certain products,

like automotive parts, have an active lives of up to 10 years, while other products, like filters,

have an active duration of only one to two years. Additionally, the plastic materials used in these

products are more challenging to recycle. Packaging accounts for the majority of plastic waste

(61%) which is a minor issue because most packaging is for single-use items. As a result,

treating these waste products in an efficient and effective manner is necessary to resolve this



This part of the report will discuss the three possible solutions to the problem and give details

about the criteria that are going to be used to compare them.

Mechanical Recycling

According to Bernat (April 2023), Pretreatment procedures like sorting and washing are part of

mechanical recycling in order to get rid of impurities and unnecessary materials. Mechanical

recycling makes use of a variety of methods, each having pros and cons, such as flotation, melt

filtering, FT-NIR, triboelectric separation, density-based approaches, magnetic separation, and

X-ray detection. This process allows us to make new products out of the used plastic waste.

Figure 1

Diagram showing how plastic waste is being transformed into coverable plastic.

Note: This diagram was taken from

Chemical recycling

According to lihui lu et al (2023), The process of transforming polymeric waste into materials

that can be utilized as raw materials for the production of plastics or other products involves

modifying the chemical structure of the waste. This is known as chemical recycling. degradation

Pyrolysis By applying heat in the absence of oxygen, organic materials—including plastics—are

broken down into smaller molecules through a process known as degradation pyrolysis. Gases,

liquids (oils), and solid residues are the products of this heat breakdown. The goal of degradation

pyrolysis, a type of chemical recycling, is to turn waste plastic into useful materials including

chemicals, fuels, and feedstocks for making new plastics. Degradation pyrolysis presents a viable

way to deal with the problems that plastic pollution poses to the environment by dissolving

plastic waste into its constituent molecules. It lessens the need for fossil fuels in the

manufacturing of new polymers while permitting the recovery of valuable resources from waste

streams. Furthermore, the variety of the products produced by degrading pyrolysis makes it a

useful instrument in the transition to a more sustainable and circular economy. To fully exploit

the potential of degrading pyrolysis as a sustainable waste management option, difficulties like

process optimization, scalability, and economic viability must be solved.

Monomer recycling

According to Geyer et al (2017), Monomer recycling, also known as chemical recycling, is

separating polymer chains of plastic materials into their original monomer units, which may then

be reused to make new plastics or other valuable goods. Unlike typical mechanical recycling

procedures, which involve melting and reforming plastic, monomer recycling uses a variety of
chemical processes to dismantle polymer molecules. This method is especially useful for

polymers that are difficult to recycle mechanically or have gone through several cycles of usage,

resulting in deteriorated characteristics. Monomer recycling has the potential to minimize plastic

waste and lower demand for virgin plastic manufacture, therefore minimizing the environmental

effects of plastic pollution and resource depletion.

Figure 2

Diagram showing process of monomer recycling

Note: This diagram was taken from


Analysis with Selection Matrix:

aspect Mechanical recycling Chemical recycling Monomer recycling

Efficiency Moderate energy is required The energy required Requires moderate

in this process depends on the type of level of energy for

Plastic purification process

Cost High Low Medium


Effectiveness Quality degradation over Potential for high High quality

time quality products products

Note: the information given in the table are taken from, Post-consumer Plastic Waste

Management: From collection and sortation to mechanical recycling (2023), Chemical Recycling

Technologies for PVC waste and PVC-containing plastic waste (2023) and boosting the selective

catalytic pyrolysis of plastic waste polylactic acid to monomer (2023)


After careful analysis of the information provided above, we have decided to recommend

monomer recycling in the end. Because it can produce high quality products such as high-quality

bottles, high quality phone cases etc. And its cost efficiency is good for the products being

produced. It is more ecofriendly as it produces less waste in the form of chemicals.


Geyer, R., Jambeck, J. R., & Law, K. L. (2017). Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever
made. Science Advances, 3(7).

Bernat, K. (2023). Post-consumer Plastic Waste Management: From collection and sortation to
mechanical recycling. Energies, 16(8), 3504.

Lu, L., Li, W., Cheng, Y., & Liu, M. (2023b). Chemical Recycling Technologies for PVC
waste and PVC-containing plastic waste: A Review. Waste Management, 166, 245–258.

Su, T., Lu, G.-P., Sun, K., Wu, P., & Cai, C. (2023). Boosting the selective catalytic pyrolysis
of plastic waste polylactic acid to monomer. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,
11(6), 111397.

A study on Restructuring Plastic Waste Management post covid in the wake of industry 4.
(2023). 3, 2(3), 46–50.


Mechanical Recycling - Evonik Industries. (2023, March 16).

The presented closed-loop recycling concept Long-chain aliphatic. . . (n.d.).


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