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This lecture exposes you to the issue of image of TVET and its effects in running the institution. This
lecture focuses on the image of TVET in comparison to general education. It also discusses the negative
attitude and misconceptions and the stigma. The goal of this lecture is make you aware of how the
institution is perceive so you can be proactive in changing that image in the way you teach, handle your
students and yourself in the community surrounding you.

13.0 Learning Objectives

At the end of this lecture you should be able to:

 Compare TVET and general Education

 Examine the Negative Attitude towards TVET

 Determine the Effects of Negative Attitude towards TVET

13.1 TVET Image

The image of TVET has always been poor compared to that of general education. According to Ishumi
(1994), general education relates to an exchange of knowledge that aims at raising and expanding levels of
awareness and comprehension of social issues, while vocational training mainly targets the development
skills for specific set of techniques related to a particular trade or vocation. Although there is a widespread
sense that the value of TVET is not adequately recognised, and its role received insufficient respect, this
social identity is exacerbated by the inevitable contrast with general education, which seems to receive far
more praise and attention.
Furthermeore, the institution of TVET has been identified as an inferior to formal education, not in terms of
the quality of its teaching or of the benefit it provides to learners and society. Because of it inferior image,
many governments including Tanzania have been in a dilemma on whether to concentrate investment in
general education or in vocational education. This dilemma has its origins in the fact that in human capital
terms, general education creates ‘general human capital,‛ while TVET creates ‛specific human capital.‛
Those graduating from general education have an advantage of getting jobs in different fields, while those
from TVET institutions are not that flexible. In this regard, many people consider general education as more
suitable as it is capable of responding to economic and labour force changes in society.

However, technical and vocational education has the advantage of imparting specific job-relevant skills
which make the worker more readily suitable for a given job and more productive because it is closely
related to job performance (Filmer and Fox, 2014). Additionally, vocational education and training provide
knowledge for complete mastery of a job.

Hence, both are important. It is in this light that most educational systems in Africa try to combine both
general and vocational streams of education in varying proportions to suit their educational goals and
aspirations. Conversely, Carnoy (1993) noted that, despite the advantages of imparting job-related skills
and the high level of unemployment amongst those with general education, the recognition and preference
for general education by the youth is still high. The reason for this is that personnel in administrative and
leadership roles are generally chosen from people with a general education background. Therefore, talking
about the importance of TVET, without any deliberate action to follow up the rhetoric, will not change its
poor image and low status.

13.2 Negative Attitude and Misconceptions

Attitude is the collection of knowledge regarding an item, individual, condition, or knowledge that creates a
person’s view or tendency toward that object. In the same manner, Davadas and Lay (2020) defined
attitude as a psychological state that indicates preparedness toward an item or condition. An attitude is an
interpretive judgement, both positive and negative, which a human has and guides the liking or disliking of
the object but also how one reasons and perceives an item. Sometimes people use faulty reasoning when
it comes to judge the value of something. Thus attitude towards TVET is a collection of knowledge about
the institution but also how people interpret it. Ayub (2017) posits that a good attitude towards TVET
influences students’ education and performance.

13.3 Effects of Negative Attitude Towards TVET

Negative attitude towards TVET institution and misconceptions have an effect on how the society think
about it and assign value to it. The following are the effects of negative attitude towards TVET.

13.3.1 Low Paying for High Risk Jobs

In comparison to the salaries that graduates from general education get, those graduating from TVET are
paid much lower. This as ILO, (2018) report suggests, most of the jobs that the youth from TVET
institutions are classified as decent work and this has led to these graduates ending up in in-formal and
temporary, low paying, high-risk jobs without social protection. In such a situation, they cannot demand or
protect their rights. (Ndyali, 2016).

13.3.2 Administrative and Leadership Related Influence

Despite the fact that many countries have noted the advantage of TVET in imparting job-related skills and
narrowing the gap of youth unemployment amongst those with general education. The personnel in
administrative and leadership roles in many countries are generally chosen from people with a general
education background. Therefore, talking about the importance of TVET, without any deliberate action to
follow up the rhetoric, will not change its poor image and low status.

13.3.3 School Related Influence

Schools have also a par of blame for developing in students negative attitude towards TVET. Much of the
courses in school curriculum are overly intellectual and theoretical and technological and practical courses
are optional. This has produced an implication that the core subjects are more significant than the elective
ones (Adewale et al., 2017). The other issue that contribute to students’ attitude towards TVET is lack of
inadequacy of competent instructors and teaching materials, both of which are important in supporting skills
acquisition. Inadequate competent instructors has a negative impact on the capacity to successfully
transmit the subjects’ ideas and concepts to the students (Adewale et al., 2017.

13.3.4 Family Relate Influence

The way the children are socialized in the family has a lot of influence on how children perceive themselves
and work. A family that does not socialize its children into working, create in them the perception that work
is a burden and they do not develop any interest in work and occupation, and thus will not value TVET
institution as a good choice for their education. Adewale et al., (2017) pointed that parents significantly
impact their children’s later behaviour and decisions. Parental encouragement aids children’s developing
favourable attitudes towards vocational education. Tsukamoto, (2016) further highlights that, in comparison
to TVET, parents and students place a stronger emphasis on university education. As a result, children who
opt for TVET are considered as failures. Family socialization and encouragement are critical because they
develop in children the motivation to work and as a result play a part labour force.

13.3.5 Students’ attitude towards TVET

Students' decision to enroll in vocational training programs may be affected by a number of factors. One
factor is the way vocational training is portrayed. Personal values can often impact an individual’s decision
to pursue vocational training, as can parents and school administrators. A variety of things influence
attitude. Family factors, society, teachers, and syllabus are among the eight elements highlighted by
(Adewale et al., 2017). Student perceptions regarding vocational education and training are heavily
influenced by these factors. Adewale et al. (2017), found perceptions, lack of education and training,
socioeconomic status, sex, and lack of mentorship influence learners' attitudes toward TVET.


Why do governments prefer general education than TVET institution? What should TVET

? do to get out of poor image?

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