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Adventurers in Golarion:

The Solarian
By Jackson Walsh
You follow the ebb and flow of the cosmos, manifesting the incredible energy of the sea of stars through
martial forms. While this discipline is not native to the world of Golarion, through means unknown, its secrets
have been revealed to you.

Initial Proficiencies
Key Ability Hit Points At 1st level, you gain the listed
At 1st level, your class gives you an You increase your maximum number of statistics. You are untrained in
anything not listed unless you gain a
ability boost to your choice of Strength HP by this number at 1st level and every
better proficiency rank in some other
or Dexterity. level thereafter. way.

During Combat Encounters… Perception

You constantly shift between Photon and Graviton states, emphasizing the Expert in Perception
release and absorption of stellar energy. While you understand there are
benefits to total devotion, true power comes from embracing the cycle of Saving Throws
creation and destruction. Expert in Fortitude
Trained in Reflex
During Social Encounters… Expert in Will
Your dual-understanding of the nature of the heavens grants you a unique
insight on spiritual matters. Trained in a number of additional skills
While Exploring… equal to 4 plus your Intelligence
Your unique, mystical abilities provide you with interesting ways to maneuver
in your environment, and you are well-suited to the front of a group. Attacks
Trained in simple weapons
During Downtime… Trained in martial weapons
You may ponder the meaning and purpose of the cosmos through meditation, Trained in unarmed attacks
ritual, and practice.
You Might… Trained in light armor
Trained in medium armor
Bask in your insignificance on a cosmic scale, knowing the universe will Trained in unarmored defense
move on without you
Perform your kata under the starlit sky to deepen your understanding of Class DC
the cosmos Trained in class DC
Struggle with connecting to others due to the aloof nature of your
discipline and philosophy Spells
Trained in primal spell attacks
Others Probably… Trained in primal spell DCs
Misunderstand your esoteric reverence of the stars to be a form of
worship rather than a path to enlightenment
Believe that your practices are crude and overly simplistic rather than
an alternative to more organizational belief systems
Turn to you when faced with mystical phenomena that defies
conventional magical theory

Your Class Features
Level The forces of the cosmos you channel manifests itself in
Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, stellar mode, two equal but opposite forms. One is the creation and
1 attunement bonus (+1), revelation cantrips, solar output of energy, while the other consumes all the
manifestation, solarian feat
2 Skill feat, solarian feat
energy within reach. As the stars undergo these cycles of
creation and destruction, so too must you balance these
3 General feat, skill increase, lightning reflexes, attunement
bonus (+2), speed of starlight (+10) forces within yourself. You gain the Stellar Mode action.
4 Skill feat, solarian feat
5 Ability boosts, ancestry feat, skill increase, solarian weapon
expertise, attunement bonus (+3)
6 Skill feat, solarian feat
7 General feat, skill increase, aphelion manifestation, weapon
expertise, attunement bonus (+4), speed of starlight (+15) When you activate this Stance while it is not already
8 Skill feat, solarian feat
active, select either Photon or Graviton Mode. Until you
9 Ancestry feat, skill increase, resolve, solarian expertise, change Attunement or the Stance ends, you gain the
attunement bonus (+5)
10 Ability boosts, skill feat, solarian feat benefits corresponding to that Mode. Your Attunement is
General feat, skill increase, medium armor expertise, considered Uncharged.
11 vigilant senses, stellar initiative, attunement bonus (+6),
speed of starlight (+20)
12 Skill feat, solarian feat Photon Mode Your Strikes gain a bonus to damage equal
to your Attunement Bonus. You may only cast
13 Ancestry feat, skill increase, weapon mastery, perihelion
manifestation, attunement bonus (+7) Revelation Spells with the Photon Trait while in this
14 Skill feat, solarian feat
Ability boosts, general feat, skill increase, greater weapon
15 specialization, juggernaut, attunement bonus (+8), speed Graviton Mode You gain resistance to all damage equal to
of starlight (+25)
your Attunement Bonus. You may only cast Revelation
16 Skill feat, solarian feat
Spells with the Graviton Trait while in this Mode.
17 Ancestry feat, skill increase, medium armor mastery,
solarian mastery, attunement bonus (+9)
18 Skill feat, solarian feat When you use this Action while your Attunement is
Uncharged, your Attunement instead becomes Charged.
19 General feat, skill increase, incredible senses, zenith
initiative, attunement bonus (+10), speed of starlight (+30)
When you use this Action while your Attunement is
20 Ability boosts, skill feat, solarian feat
Charged, it instead becomes Supercharged. While
Supercharged, your Attunement Bonus is doubled, you

Class Features
gain a +5 Status bonus to your Speed, and you gain
access to powerful Zenith Revelation Cantrips. After you
You gain these abilities as a Solarian. Abilities gained at cast a Zenith Revelation Cantrip, you change to the
higher levels list the level at which you gain them next to opposite Mode and your Attunement becomes
the features’ names. Uncharged.
While not in this stance, you are considered Unattuned
Ancestry and Background for the purpose of other features.
In addition to the abilities provided by your class at 1st
level, you have the benefits of your selected ancestry
and background, as described in Chapter 2.
Attunement Bonus
Your Attunement Bonus at 1st level is equal to +1 and
increases by an additional +1 at 3rd level and every two
Initial Proficiencies levels thereafter.
At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that
represent your basic training. These proficiencies are
noted at the start of this class.

Revelation Cantrips Wisdom? What happened to Charisma?
By channeling the power of the cosmos, you gain access While the Solarian uses Charisma for its magical
to special primal cantrips called revelation cantrips abilities in Starfinder, Wisdom is a significantly better
which are a type of focus cantrip. Each revelation cantrip fit for the flavor presented here and is more beneficial
has either the Photon trait or the Graviton trait. While to the class's mechanics overall. If you wish to use
you may cast revelation cantrips with either trait while Charisma instead, you are free to do so.
outside of Stellar Mode, in Stellar Mode you may only
cast spells with the trait corresponding to your current Solar Weapon
Stellar Mode.
The most traditional form of Solar Manifestation is that
In addition, there exist zenith revelation cantrips
of a Solar Weapon. You gain the Titan Wrestler skill feat
which can only be cast while your Attunement is
(Core Rulebook pg. 268). Choose a single melee weapon
Supercharged. These are denoted by the Zenith trait.
which you are proficient in. Your Solar Weapon manifests
Certain revelation cantrips don’t have the Zenith trait by
as that weapon, save that it is composed of stellar
default, but can gain the Zenith trait via other means.
energy, and it gains an additional Grapple, Shove, or Trip
You start with the Essence of the Supernova and Essence
trait. You may attach weapon runes to your Solar Weapon
of the Black Hole Revelation Cantrips. You are trained in
as normal. In addition, you gain the Attuning Maneuver
primal spell attacks and primal spell DCs. Your
spellcasting ability is Wisdom.
Solar Manifestation ATTUNING SOLARIAN

While all Solarians have a Mote, a small bundle of stellar Requirements Your solar weapon is manifested
energies compressed to the tiniest of specks, not every You strengthen your connection with the cosmos with an
Solarian manifests their Mote in the same way. Your aggressive technique. Use the Stellar Mode action, then
mote takes the form of a tiny orb of energy which glows the Grapple, Shove, or Trip action.
brightly, shedding bright light within a 20 feet radius and
dim light a further 20 feet outwards. The color and
appearance of this Mote is unique to each Solarian, but Solar Shield
regardless of color, can be extinguished or reignited as a The favorite of monastery guardians, this Solar
single action with the Concentrate trait. More Manifestation takes the form of a brilliant shield. You
importantly is how each Solarian manifests their Mote gain the Shield Block general feat (Core Rulebook pg.
into its true form: A Solar Manifestation. 266). Your Solar Shield typically has the statistics of a
You may transform your Mote into your Solar steel shield, but during your delay preparations, you may
Manifestation or vice versa as a single action with the absorb a shield item into your Solar Shield. If you do,
Concentrate trait. Should your Solar Manifestation be your Solar Shield gains the statistics and abilities of that
removed from your person, such as when subject to the shield. In addition, you gain the Attuning Guard action.
critical success effect of the Disarm action, it instead
transforms back into a Mote. Your Solar Manifestation ATTUNING GUARD
cannot be destroyed, but should it receive the broken ATTUNING SOLARIAN
condition, it transforms back into a Mote and cannot be
Requirements Your solar shield is manifested
manifested for another 10 minutes. Afterwards, its Hit
Points are fully restored and you may manifest it again. You strengthen your connection with the cosmos with a
At 1st level, you may choose from the following Solar defensive technique. Use the Stellar Mode action, then
Manifestations: Raise a Shield.

"Looking at him, it was like staring into the sun for too long; the image sears itself into your eyes. That sword
of sunlight was all that stood between me and certain death."
- Uhuru Safaar, Kibwe merchant

Solar Flare
This Solar Manifestation takes many forms: a third eye, a
Stellar Mode and Attunement
circlet of starlight, or a magic tattoo, but all of them
The Solarian is a rather complex class that combines both
deadly ranged attacks. You gain the Fleet general feat
old and new mechanics. The following traits and terms are
(Core Rulebook pg. 261). Your Solar Flare is an unarmed essential to understanding the class.
attack in the brawling group deals 1d6 bludgeoning Stance: A stance is a general combat strategy that
damage, has a range increment of 60 feet, and has the changes a character's fighting style. You can only be in a
agile and unarmed traits. In addition, you gain Attuning single stance at a time, and you cannot use more than
Movement action. one action with the Stance trait in a single turn.
Stellar Mode: The defining stance of the Solarian, this
ATTUNING MOVEMENT stance has two halves with distinct benefits. Photon Mode
ATTUNING SOLARIAN boosts your offense and lets you use abilities with the
Requirements Your solar flare is manifested Photon trait. Graviton Mode boosts you defense and lets
you use abilities with the Graviton trait.
You strengthen your connection with the cosmos with a
Attunement: Attunement is a measure of the stellar
tactical repositioning. Use the Stellar Mode action, then
power you have accumulated while in Stellar Mode. While
Step or Stride. Uncharged and Charged Attunements confer no special
benefits, Supercharged Attunement increases the
bonuses you gain from Stellar Mode and lets you cast
Solarian Feats powerful zenith revelation cantrips.
At 1st level and every even-numbered level, you gain a Attuning: This trait refers to actions that either activate
Stellar Mode or increase your Attunement. This trait does
Solarian class feat.
nothing on its own.
Zenith: This trait marks a revelation cantrip as a zenith
Skill Feats 2nd revelation cantrip. You cannot cast a spell with the zenith
trait unless your Attunement is Supercharged.
At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill
feat. You must be trained or better in the corresponding
skill to select a skill feat.
Speed of Starlight 3rd
General Feats 3rd Your synchronicity with the cosmos enhances you with
incredible vigor. Your status bonus to Speed while your
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a Attunement is Supercharged increases to +10; this
general feat. bonus increases by 5 feet at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th
levels. In addition, while you are in Stellar Mode but your
Lightning Reflexes 3rd Attunement is not Supercharged, you still get half this
status bonus to your Speed, rounded down to the
You can feel the subtle movements of energy in your
nearest 5-foot increment.
surroundings. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves
increases to expert.
Ability Boosts 5th
Skill Increases 3rd At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you boost four
different ability scores. You can use these ability boosts
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill
to increase your ability scores above 18. Boosting an
increase. You can use this increase to either become
ability score increases it by 1 if it’s already 18 or above,
trained in one skill, or become an expert in one skill in
or by 2 if it starts out below 18.
which you’re already trained.
At 7th level, you can use skill increases to become a
master in a skill in which you’re already an expert, and at
15th level, you can use them to become legendary in a
skill in which you’re already a master.

Ancestry Feats 5th Medium Armor Expertise 11th
In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you You've learned to defend yourself better against
gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels incoming attacks. Your proficiency ranks for light armor,
thereafter. The list of ancestry feats available to you can medium armor, and unarmored defense increase to
be found in your ancestry’s entry in Chapter 2. expert.

Solarian Weapon Expertise 5th Stellar Initiative 11th

You’ve dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of Your synchronicity with the stars allows you to
your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple and instinctively attune when faced with peril. You gain the
martial weapons and unarmed attacks increases to Stellar Initiative action.
expert. You gain access to the critical specialization
effects of all simple and martial weapons and unarmed STELLAR INITIATIVE
attacks while in Stellar Mode. ATTUNING SOLARIAN
Trigger You roll initiative
Aphelion Manifestation 7th You react to the slightest bit of danger. Use the Stellar
Mode action. You may still use another action with the
Your Solar Manifestation grows more powerful while also
Stance trait during your first turn.
granting you additional zenith revelation cantrips.
Solar Weapon: Your Solar Weapon gains an additional
Grapple, Shove, or Trip trait. You also learn the Stellar
Vigilant Senses 11th
Rush and Gravity Leash revelation cantrips.
Your awareness of the cosmic energy that pervades all
Solar Shield: Your Solar Shield's HP and BT both increase things enhances your more traditional senses. Your
by half. You also learn the Blazing Barrier and proficiency rank for Perception increases to master.
Repulsive Riposte revelation cantrips.
Solar Flare: Your Solar Flare's range increment increases
Perihelion Manifestation 13th
to 90 feet. You also learn the Blazing Storm and
Your Solar Manifestation grows more powerful while also
Gravity Storm revelation cantrips.
granting you additional zenith revelation cantrips.
Solar Weapon: Your Solar Weapon has all three Grapple,
Weapon Specialization 7th Shove, and Trip traits. You also learn the Brilliant
You’ve learned how to inflict greater injuries with the Blade and Gravity Swipe revelation cantrips.
weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional damage
Solar Shield: Your Solar Shield's HP and BT both increase
with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an
to twice the base amount. You also learn the Blinding
expert. This damage increases to 3 if you’re a master,
Bulwark and Crushing Fortress revelation cantrips.
and to 4 if you’re legendary.
Solar Flare: Your Solar Flare's range increment increases
to 120 feet. You also learn the Gleaming Constellation
Resolve 9th and Consuming Constellation revelation cantrips.
You've steeled your mind with resolve. Your proficiency
rank for Will saves increases to master. When you roll a
success on a Will save, you get a critical success Weapon Mastery 13th
instead. You fully understand your weapons. Your proficiency
ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and
unarmed attacks increase to master.
Solarian Expertise 9th
Your attunement with the universe grows. Your
proficiency ranks for your Solarian class DC and for
primal spell attack rolls and spell DCs increase to expert.

Greater Weapon Specialization 15th Solarian Feats
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 At every level that you gain a Solarian feat, you can
with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an select one of the following feats. You must satisfy any
expert, 6 if you’re a master, and 8 if you’re legendary. prerequisites before selecting the feat.

1st Level
Juggernaut 15th
Your body is accustomed to physical hardship and REVELATION TRICKS FEAT 1
resistant to a wide range of ailments. Your proficiency SOLARIAN
rank for Fortitude saves increases to master. When you Prerequisites Revelation cantrips
roll a success on a Fortitude save, you get a critical You gain several magical tricks whose utility is not quite
success instead.
apparent at first. You gain the Dancing Lights, Guidance,
Light, and Know Direction spells as revelation cantrips.
Medium Armor Mastery 17th These spells gain both the Graviton and Photon traits,
Your skill with armor improves, increasing your ability to allowing you to use them in either Mode.
prevent blows. Your proficiency ranks for light armor,
medium armor, and unarmored defense increase to

Solarian Mastery 17th Your Mote not only transforms into your Solar
Manifestation, but also gains a consciousness of its
Your attunement to the cosmos has reached its peak.
Your proficiency ranks for your Solarian class DC and for own. You gain a familiar. Since it is the projected
primal spell attack rolls and spell DCs increase to consciousness of your Mote, it also sheds light like your
master. Mote in addition to its other abilities.

Incredible Senses 19th SOLAR FLARE SNIPER FEAT 1

You notice things that most people can't detect. Your SOLARIAN
proficiency rank for Perception increases to legendary.
Prerequisites Solar Flare manifestation
Your Solar Flare maintains its power over longer
Zenith Initiative 19th distances. Your Solar Flare's range increment is doubled.
You are practically inseparable from the cosmos. You
gain the Zenith Initiative action.
Prerequisites Solar Shield manifestation
Trigger You roll initiative
Your shield is not only for protection, but a useful
You react to the slightest bit of danger. Use the Stellar
weapon as well. Your Solar Shield has an attached Shield
Mode action, then increase your Attunement by one
Boss, but with the addition of the Agile and Versatile P
stage (typically to Charged). You may still use another
action with the Stance trait during your first turn.

"Not sure how the guards managed to miss that weapon of hers. The way it glowed, it shouldn't have made
an inch past security. Luckily, she didn't see me, or maybe she didn't care. Probably the latter, now that I think
about it."
- Tobias Marshall, prison warden
Solarian Feats
Feat Level
Adapt Attunement 2
Prerequisites Solar Weapon manifestation Ageless Form 14
Instead of only having one Solar Weapon, you instead have two. When you Armored Revelations 8
manifest your Solar Weapon, you may manifest either Solar Weapon or both Burning Solar Flare 16
Confounding Revelations 12
Solar Weapons provided you are able to wield both. You can change which
Desperate Attunement 8
Solar Weapon you have manifested at a given time as a single action with the
Embodiment Revelations 18
Concentrate trait.
Empowered Sheathe 10
Both weapons share the same fundamental and property runes, and the Empowering Revelations 2
additional traits from your Solar Weapon features apply to both weapons. Energy Sheathe 2
Enhanced Solar Familiar 2
Focused Attunement 18
2nd Level Glow of Life 6
Incredible Solar Familiar 8
ADAPT ATTUNEMENT FEAT 2 Keen Solar Weapon 16
ATTUNING SOLARIAN Mobility Revelations 6
Revelation Gemcraft 6
Prerequisites Stellar Mode
Revelation Tricks 1
Requirements You are in Stellar Mode
Second Aphelion 18
You take a deep breath and change tactics. If you are in Photon Mode, you Second Manifestation 8
switch to Graviton Mode and your Attunement becomes Uncharged. If you are Shared Attunement 12
in Graviton Mode, you switch to Photon Mode and your Attunement becomes Solar Familiar 1
Uncharged. You cannot use the Stellar Mode action the same turn you Adapt Solar Flare Flurry 10
Attunement. Solar Flare Sniper 1
Solar Insight 4
Solar Opportunist 4


Solar Overwatch 4
Solar Sage 12
SOLARIAN Solar Shield Charge 10
Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips Solar Shield Warrior 1
Solar Weapon Rush 10
You are especially adept at supporting your allies and gain the Photonic
Solar Warden 4
Empowerment and Gravitic Empowerment revelation cantrips.
Speaker of Stars 14
Spellguard Solar Shield 16
Stardust Revelations 4
ENERGY SHEATHE FEAT 2 Summoning Revelations 10
SOLARIAN Swift Attunement 20
Temporal Revelations 14
Prerequisites Stellar Mode, Solar Manifestation
Threefold Solar Mark 20
Your Solar Manifestation is especially in tune with your Stellar Mode. While Traveler of Starry Skies 4
you are in Photon Mode, you may have your Strikes with your Solar Twin Solar Mark 12
Manifestation deal fire damage instead of their normal damage. While you Twin Solar Weapon 1
are in Graviton Mode, you may have your attacks with your Solar Ubiquitous Attunement 20
Manifestation deal cold damage instead of their normal damage. Ultimate Revelations 20
The damage substitution from this feat includes all damage dealt by the Vital Power 6
Vital Revelations 16
attacks including property runes and bonuses from spells and abilities.
Zenith Gemcraft 14

Prerequisites Solar Familiar Prerequisites Solar Weapon manifestation
You infuse your solar familiar with additional stellar When you disorient a foe, you also set up further
energy. You can select four familiar or master abilities punishment. When you use Attuning Maneuver, choose a
each day, instead of two. target and you gain the following reaction:
Trigger The chosen target uses an action with
TRAVELLER OF STARRY SKIES FEAT 2 manipulate, concentrate, or move trait while within
SOLARIAN your reach
Your connection with both the blistering heat of the Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature with
stars as well as the cold vacuum of space grants you your Solar Weapon. This Strike doesn’t count toward your
protection from the elements as well as a reduced multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty
reliance on light. You ignore the detrimental effects of doesn’t apply to this Strike.
Severe and Extreme temperature and gain darkvision.


4th Level SOLARIAN

SOLAR INSIGHT FEAT 4 Prerequisites Solar Flare manifestation

ATTUNING SOLARIAN When you dart across the battlefield, you can focus on a
foe to strike later. When you use Attuning Movement,
Prerequisites Stellar Mode
you select a target and gain the following reaction:
Your observation of the stars translates to enhanced
analysis of your foes. Use the Stellar Mode action, then SOLAR OVERWATCH
the GM rolls a secret Perception check for you against Trigger The chosen target uses an action with the move
the Deception or Stealth DC (whichever is higher) of an trait
enemy of your choice who is not concealed from you, Make a ranged Strike with a -2 penalty against the
hidden from you, or undetected by you, and who is triggering creature with your Solar Flare. This Strike
engaged in combat. Regardless of the result, the doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and
creature is immune to your Solar Insight for 1 day. your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

Critical Success You learn one unique offensive ability of

a creature (such as a dragon’s breath weapon) and SOLAR WARDEN FEAT 4
one unique defensive ability of a creature (such as a SOLARIAN
troll’s regeneration). You do not learn resistances,
Prerequisites Solar Shield manifestation
immunities, weaknesses, saving throws, attack
When you bolster your defenses, you can prepare to
modifiers, ability DCs, or spell DCs unless they are
defend an ally as well. When you use Attuning Shield,
part of the creature’s unique abilities (such as a stone
choose an ally and gain the following reaction:
golem’s golem antimagic).
Success You learn an offensive ability if you are in SOLAR WARDEN
Photon Attunement and a ability if you are in Graviton Trigger The chosen target is within 15 feet and takes
Attunement. damage that would trigger your Shield Block reaction
Critical Failure As a success, but the information you You project your shield to cover your ally. The shield
learn is false (the GM makes it up). prevents that ally from taking damage instead of
preventing you from taking damage, following the
normal rules for Shield Block.

Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips Prerequisites Stellar Mode
You can use the power of stardust, both shining and Your stellar powers are attuned not only to the physical
dark. You gain the Sparkling Stardust and Viscid Stardust manifestations of the stars, but the spiritual ones as
revelation cantrips. well. When you would use a Solarian spell, feature, or
feat (including Energy Sheathe) that would deal fire
damage, you may instead change the damage type from
6th Level fire to positive as part of that ability. When you would
use a Solarian spell, feature, or feat that would deal cold
GLOW OF LIFE FEAT 6 damage, you may instead change the damage type to
SOLARIAN negative.
Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips
Cycling through cosmic energies rejuvenates both mind
and body. Whenever you cast a spell with the Zenith 8th Level
trait, you restore Hit Points equal to your level.

MOBILITY REVELATIONS FEAT 6 Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips

SOLARIAN You can construct yourself a second skin from stellar
Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips energy. You gain the Corona Armor and Void Cloak
revelation cantrips.
Your command of stellar energies allows you to move in
incredible ways. You gain the Blazing Orbit and Gravity
Boost revelation cantrips.

REVELATION GEMCRAFT FEAT 6 Prerequisites Stellar Mode

SOLARIAN Requirements You are in Stellar Mode
Frequency once per day
Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips
As an act of desperation, you can call forth a surge of
You can form your spells into solidified stellar energy.
cosmic power. Your Attunement increases by one step.
During your daily preparations, you may create 4 stellar
gems that contain non-zenith revelation cantrips you
know. A creature holding a stellar gem may cast the spell
stored within the gem, using your primal spell attack
modifier and primal spell DC when appropriate. This uses SOLARIAN

the same amount of actions as casting the spell Prerequisites Enhanced Solar Familiar
normally. Your connection with the cosmos grants your solar
familiar a greater array of abilities. You can select a base
of six familiar or master abilities each day, instead of

"When he burst outta that there warehouse, I reckoned he was some sort of devilish monster. Ablaze, he was,
and I ken no one here would've recognized him as any sort of man, save for a quiet apology he muttered as
the blasted place turned to cinders."
- Drukk Dargstaad, union leader
Prerequisites Solar Manifestation Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips
Your study of the stars has granted you a second Solar You can shape creatures with your cosmic power. You
Manifestation. Whenever you manifest your Solar gain the Solar Incursion and Gravitic Calling Zenith
Manifestation, you may form both Solar Manifestations Revelation Spells.
in the same action. You only gain the initial benefits of
your second Solar Manifestation.
12th Level


EMPOWERED SHEATHE FEAT 10 Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips
SOLARIAN You understand how the alignment of stars can affect
Prerequisites Energy Sheathe the behavior of others. You learn the Scintillating Stars
When you use the Energy Sheathe feat, you deal an and Void Terror revelation cantrips.
additional 1d6 damage of the relevant type.


FLOURISH SOLARIAN Prerequisites Stellar Mode
Prerequisites Solar Flare manifestation You can share the benefit of your Solar Attunement with
You dart across the battlefield, discharging your Solar an ally. When you enter Stellar Mode for the first time
Flare as you move. You may do the following in any order: each combat, designate a single ally within 60 feet. Until
Strike with your Solar Flare, use Attuning Movement, and you leave Stellar Mode, that ally gains benefits based on
Strike with your Solar Flare for a second time. your Stellar Mode. While you are in Photon Mode, that
ally receives a bonus to Strike damage equal to half of
your Attunement Bonus. While you are in Graviton mode,
SOLAR SHIELD CHARGE FEAT 10 that ally has resistance to all damage equal to half of
FLOURISH SOLARIAN your Attunement Bonus.
Prerequisites Solar Shield manifestation
You charge and raise your shield before striking a foe.
You use Attuning Shield, Stride, then Strike.
Prerequisites Solar Insight
SOLAR WEAPON RUSH FEAT 10 Your insight grows boundless. When you use Solar
FLOURISH SOLARIAN Insight, instead of learning a single unique offensive or
Prerequisites Solar Weapon manifestation defensive ability, you learn all abilities of the appropriate
type. In addition, you treat critical failures with Solar
You rush an enemy, using your momentum to convert an
Insight as failures.
attack into something greater. You Stride, then you may
either Strike with your Solar Weapon then use Attuning
Maneuver or you may use Attuning Maneuver then Strike
with your Solar Weapon.

Prerequisites Solar Opportunist or Solar Overwatch or Prerequisites Revelation Gemcraft
Solar Warden You can crystallize even more powerful spells. During
When you choose a target for the purposes of the Solar your daily preparations, you can make an additional 2
Opportunist, Solar Overwatch, or Solar Warden feats, you stellar gems containing zenith revelation cantrips, one
may instead choose two targets that qualify. At the start of which must have the Photon trait while the other must
of each of your turns, you gain an additional reaction have the Graviton trait.
which can only be used for the Solar Opportunist, Solar
Overwatch, or Solar Warden reactions.
16th Level


AGELESS FORM FEAT 14 Prerequisites Solar Flare manifestation
SOLARIAN Your Solar Flare fills your foes with both blazing heat as
Your physical form begins shedding its limits. You cease well as blistering cold. When you hit with your Solar Flare,
aging. In addition, you gain a +2 status bonus to saving you deal an additional 1d6 persistent damage. On a
throws against poisons, diseases, and effects which critical hit, you instead deal 2d6 persistent damage. The
cause the sickened condition. damage type of this persistent damage is determined by
your Stellar Mode. When in Photon Mode, it deals fire
damage. When in Graviton Mode, it deals cold damage.
SPEAKER OF STARS FEAT 14 In addition, when Strikes with your Solar Flare would
SOLARIAN deal persistent damage to a creature already suffering
Traditional language is just one method of from persistent damage of the same type, you increase
communication to you. You understand all languages, that persistent damage by 2, or 3 on a critical hit.
spoken, written, and telepathic. As a result, all
language-dependent effects work on you, but in return,
you gain a +2 status bonus to saving throws against KEEN SOLAR WEAPON FEAT 16
abilities with the mental trait. SOLARIAN
Prerequisites Solar Weapon manifestation
Your Solar Weapon is ever more deadly. When you Strike
TEMPORAL REVELATIONS FEAT 14 with your Solar Weapon, you critically succeed if you roll
SOLARIAN a 19 on the die as long as that result is a success. This
Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips has no effect on a 19 if the result would be a failure.
As the cosmos influences the passage of time, so too In addition, when you critically fail at the Grapple,
can you. You gain the Solar Acceleration and Time Shove, or Trip actions, you instead get the result of a
Dilation revelation cantrips. normal failure.

"Back when I was a wee lassie, my family home was stomped flat by a cyclops. Ayup, went from happy to
homeless in a single step. Almost went from homeless to lifeless then, too, were it not for this four-armed
fella. Slowed the cyclops to a crawl, givin' me just enough time to grab my favorite doll and get the hell outta
- Granny Goldtooth, tailor's guild veteran

Prerequisites Solar Shield manifestation
Your Solar Shield is not only capable of blocking physical
Prerequisites Stellar Mode
attacks, but magical ones as well. When you have your
The movements you use to grow closer to the stars are
Solar Shield raised, you gain its circumstance bonus to
fully ingrained within you, becoming effortless. You’re
saving throws in addition to AC.
permanently quickened. You can only use this additional
In addition, magical attacks (including those that
action for actions with the Attuning trait.
require a saving throw) can trigger your Shield Block
reaction, regardless of damage type.



Prerequisites Twin Solar Mark
Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips When you choose a target for the purposes of the Solar
Opportunist, Solar Overwatch, or Solar Warden feats, you
Your understanding of the stars also grants you
may instead choose three targets that qualify. At the
understanding of the vital forces they hold. You gain the
start of your turn, you gain an additional reaction that
Cosmic Rejuvenation and Cosmic Execution revelation
you can only use for the Solar Opportunist, Solar
Overwatch, and Solar Warden reactions (to a total of two
extra reactions).
18th Level


Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips Prerequisites Shared Attunement
You’ve learned to not only channel stellar energies, but All of your allies can benefit from your connection to the
to suffuse them through your entire being. You gain the stars. When you use Shared Attunement, instead of
Photon Form and Graviton Form revelation cantrips. designating a single ally, you may instead designate up
to six allies. If you designate only a single ally, however,
that ally gains the full damage bonus and resistance
FOCUSED ATTUNEMENT FEAT 18 benefits from your Stellar Mode while you are in Photon
ATTUNING CONCENTRATE SOLARIAN Mode and Graviton Mode respectively.
Prerequisites Stellar Mode
If you dedicate your entire being, you can strengthen
your Attunement even further. Use the Stellar Mode
action, then increase your Attunement by one step. SOLARIAN
Prerequisites Revelation Cantrips
As the ultimate expression of your powers, you call forth
SECOND APHELION FEAT 18 the cosmos themselves. You gain the Summon
ATTUNING CONCENTRATE SOLARIAN Supernova and Summon Black Hole revelation cantrips.
Prerequisites Second Manifestation
You’ve grown the power of your second Solar
Manifestation. You gain the Aphelion Manifestation
benefits of your Second Manifestation.

You dabble in the cosmic arts. ARCHETYPE
Prerequisites Solarian Dedication
Your connection to the stars grants you more power. Your
SOLARIAN DEDICATION FEAT 2 Attunement Bonus increases to +2. At 14th level, your
Attunement Bonus increases to +3.
Prerequisites Strength or Dexterity 14, Wisdom 14
You can access the power of the stars, but not quite as
well as one fully dedicated to them. You gain the Stellar SOLAR MANIFESTER FEAT 8
Mode action. Your Attunement Bonus is +1. As you do not ARCHETYPE
know zenith revelation cantrips, you cannot change
Prerequisites Solarian Dedication
between Photon Mode and Graviton Mode.
You gain a Solar Manifestation of your choice.


Prerequisites Solarian Dedication
Prerequisites Essence Revelations
You gain a 1st or 2nd-level Solarian feat.
You've grown more adept with your solar powers. The
proficiency for your primal spell attacks and primal spell
DCs increases to expert.
Prerequisites Solarian Dedication
You gain the Essence of the Supernova and Essence of
the Black Hole revelation cantrips. You are trained in
primal spell attacks and primal spell DC. Your
spellcasting ability for Solarian archetype spells is


Prerequisites Basic Solar Training
You gain one Solarian feat. For the purpose of meeting
its prerequisites, your Solarian level is equal to half your
character level.
Special You can select this feat more than once. Each
time you select it, you gain another magus feat.

Spell Descriptions
ESSENCE OF THE SUPERNOVA CANTRIP 1 Balancing Revelation Cantrips
UNCOMMON CANTRIP SOLARIAN PHOTON Revelation Cantrips are often stronger than other Focus
Cantrips in terms of raw damage, and Zenith Revelation
Cantrips are often stronger than Focus Spells as well. This
Cast (verbal) is because unlike most spells, Revelation Cantrips do not
Area 5-foot emanation need to be balanced along the same framework as typical
Saving Throw Fortitude spells, as the restrictions placed on them give them a
Like an expanding star, you burn your foes as you force different use case. In addition, the Solarian has a lower
them away. You deal 1d6 plus your spellcasting modifier spell attack bonus and spell DC than other casters, further
impacting the performance of spells that could potentially
in fire damage to each creature in the area.
be problematic on a traditional spellcaster.
Zenith When you cast this spell, you may choose to give
it the Zenith trait. If you do, the area increases to a
15-foot emanation and the damage increases to 2d6. PHOTONIC EMPOWERMENT CANTRIP 1
In addition, any enemy that fails its saving throw is UNCOMMON CANTRIP SOLARIAN PHOTON
pushed 5 feet away from you, or 10 feet on a critical
Cast (verbal)
Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 1d6, or 2d6
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 willing creature
when given the Zenith trait
Stellar energies radiate from your allies, empowering
their attacks. Each target gains a +2 status bonus to


UNCOMMON CANTRIP SOLARIAN GRAVITON Zenith When you cast this spell, you may choose to give
EVOCATION COLD it the Zenith trait. If you do, you may target up to six
Cast (verbal) willing creatures.
Area 5-foot emanation
Saving Throw Fortitude
Like a great void, you sap the energy of your foes as you GRAVITIC EMPOWERMENT CANTRIP 1
pull them in. You deal 1d6 plus your spellcasting modifier UNCOMMON CANTRIP SOLARIAN GRAVITON
in cold damage to each creature in the area. TRANSMUTATION
Cast (verbal)
Zenith When you cast this spell, you may choose to give
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 willing creature
it the Zenith trait. If you do, the area increases to a
Your allies draw in ambient stellar energy, empowering
15-foot emanation and the damage increases to 2d6.
their defense. Each target gains a +2 status bonus to AC
In addition, any enemy that fails its saving throw is
and Saving Throws.
pulled 5 feet towards you, or 10 feet on a critical
failure. Zenith When you cast this spell, you may choose to give
Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 1d6, or 2d6 it the Zenith trait. If you do, you may target up to six
when given the Zenith trait willing creatures.



Cast (verbal) Cast (verbal)
Range 120 feet; Targets 1 willing creature Range 120 feet; Targets 1 willing creature
Saving Throw Reflex Saving Throw Reflex
You shower a foe in stardust that not only reveals their You shower a foe in stardust that not only reveals their
location, but interferes with their vision. The target must location, but hampers their movement. The target must
attempt a Reflex saving throw. attempt a Reflex saving throw.

Critical Success The target is unaffected. Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target's invisibility is negated for 3 rounds. Success The target's invisibility is negated for 3 rounds.
Failure The target is dazzled for 1d4 rounds and its Failure The target suffers a 10-foot circumstance penalty
invisibility is negated for 1 minute. to its Speeds for 1d4 rounds and its invisibility is
Critical Failure The target is blinded for 1d4 rounds and negated for 1 minute.
dazzled for 1 minute. Its invisibility is negated for 10 Critical Failure The target is immobilized for 1d4 rounds
minutes. and suffers a 10-foot circumstance penalty to its
Speeds for 1 minute. Its invisibility is negated for 10
Zenith When you cast this spell, you may give it the minutes.
Zenith trait. If you do, treat the target’s saving throw
as one step worse. On a critical failure, the target is Zenith When you cast this spell, you may give it the
instead blinded for 1 minute, dazzled for 10 minutes, Zenith trait. If you do, treat the target’s saving throw
and has its invisibility negated for 1 hour as one step worse. On a critical failure, the target is
instead immobilized for 1 minute, suffers a 10-foot
circumstance penalty to its Speeds for 10 minutes,
and has its invisibility negated for 1 hour.



Cast (verbal) Cast (somatic, verbal)
Duration Until the start of your next turn Duration 1 minute
You move with the grace of a blazing comet, leaving a You cloak yourself in blazing sunlight, punishing enemies
trail of flames in your wake. You are treated as Hidden who strike you. You gain immunity to fire. Any creature
against reactions triggered by your movement. In that touches you or damages you with a melee attack
addition, whenever you move, you leave a trail of flame suffers 2d6 fire damage. In addition, creatures adjacent
in every square you pass through with that movement. to you are dazzled as the light hampers their version.
Creatures that begin their turn or enter the trail on its Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d6
turn take 2d6 fire damage (basic Reflex save). These
flames last until the start of your next turn.
Zenith When you cast this spell, you may choose to give
it the Zenith trait. Should you do so, the spell’s
duration increases to 1 minute. SOLARIAN GRAVITON ZENITH EVOCATION COLD

Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d6 Cast (somatic, verbal)

Duration 1 minute
You cloak yourself in the blistering cold of space,
GRAVITY BOOST CANTRIP 3 punishing enemies who strike you. You gain immunity to
cold. Any creature that touches you or damages you with
a melee attack suffers 2d6 cold damage. In addition,
creatures adjacent to you are enfeebled 2 as the cold
Cast (verbal)
saps their strength.
Duration Until the start of your next turn
Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d6
By altering your personal gravity, you can perform
spectacular feats of movement. While this spell is
active, you ignore difficult terrain and can Stride across
surfaces that do not support your weight, such as water
or razor thin ice. However, you must end each turn on
solid ground or fall.

Zenith When you cast this spell, you may choose to give
it the Zenith trait. Should you do so, the spell’s
duration increases to 1 minute.
Heightened (4th) You also gain a Climb Speed equal to
your Speed. You must still end your turn on solid
ground or else you fall.
Heightened (5th) You also gain a Fly Speed equal to your
Speed. You must still end your turn on solid ground or
else you fall.
Heightened (7th) You no longer need to end your turn on
solid ground or risk falling. Should the spell expire
while not on solid ground, you descend safely, as per
feather fall.



Cast (somatic, verbal) Cast (verbal); Trigger You use the Shield Block
Range Up to twice your Speed; Targets 1 creature reaction or a reaction that references Shield Block
Requirements Your Solar Weapon is manifested Area 30-foot cone
You wreath yourself in stellar fire, rocketing towards a Saving Throw Reflex
foe at near-instant speeds. Teleport adjacent to the As your shield dampens the attack, it unleashes a
target. Then, you may Strike the target or use any of the searing flash of heat that deals 4d6 fire damage. Each
actions listed in your Attuning Maneuver action against enemy within the area, which must be oriented towards
the target with a +2 status bonus to your roll. the origin of the blocked attack, attempts a Reflex
saving throw.

GRAVITY LEASH CANTRIP 4 Critical Success The creature is unaffected.

Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The target takes full damage plus 2d6 persistent
fire damage.
Cast (somatic, verbal) Critical Failure The target takes double damage plus 2d6
Range Up to twice your Speed; Targets 1 creature persistent fire damage.
Saving Throw Fortitude Heightened (+2) The initial damage increases by 2d6 and
Requirements Your Solar Weapon is manifested the persistent damage increases by 1d6
You use the power of gravity to pull a foe towards you
before making an exacting blow. The target must
attempt a Fortitude saving throw or be pulled 30 feet REPULSIVE RIPOSTE CANTRIP 4
towards you.

Critical Success The target is unaffected. EVOCATION

Success The target is pulled half the distance. Cast (verbal); Trigger You use the Shield Block
Failure The target is pulled the full distance. reaction or a reaction that references Shield Block
Critical Failure The target is pulled the full distance and Area 30-foot cone
knocked prone. Saving Throw Fortitude
As your shield dampens the attack, it retaliates with a
Should the target be moved within your reach, you may
devastating shockwave that deals 4d6 bludgeoning
Strike the target or use any of the actions listed in your
damage. Each enemy within the area, which must be
Attuning Maneuver action against the target with a +2
oriented towards the origin of the blocked attack,
status bonus to your roll.
attempts a Fortitude saving throw.
Heightened (+2) Both the range and the full distance
pulled increases by 10 feet Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The target takes full damage and is pushed back
10 feet.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage and is
pushed back 20 feet.
Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 2d6



Cast (somatic, verbal) Cast (somatic, verbal)
Range 60 feet; Area Up to three 5-foot bursts that do Range 60 feet; Area Up to three 5-foot bursts that do
not overlap not overlap
Saving Throw Reflex; Duration 1 minute Saving Throw Fortitude; Duration 1 minute
Requirements Your Solar Flare is manifested Requirements Your Solar Flare is manifested
You conjure blazing stars to incinerate your foes that You conjure a series of gravity fields that crush your foes
deal 4d6 fire damage. These stars remain for the and deal 4d6 bludgeoning damage. These gravity fields
duration of the spell. A creature that begins its turn remain for the duration of the spell. A creature that
within one of the stars or enters one of the stars during begins its turn within one of the fields or enters one of
its turn must attempt a Reflex saving throw. the fields during its turn must attempt a Fortitude
saving throw.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage. Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The target takes full damage plus 2d6 persistent Success The creature takes half damage and is
fire damage. enfeebled 1 for 1 round.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage plus 2d6 Failure The target takes full damage and is enfeebled 2
persistent fire damage. for 1 minute.
Heightened (+2) The initial damage increases by 2d6, Critical Failure The target takes double damage and is
the persistent damage increases by 1d6, and you may enfeebled 3 for 10 minutes.
add one additional burst to the Area Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 2d6 and you
may add one additional burst to the Area


Cast (somatic, verbal) Cast (somatic, verbal)
Range 30 feet; Range 120 feet; Area 20-foot burst
Duration Sustained, up to 1 minute Saving Throw Will
You shape a creature from blazing photonic energy. This You conjure a bizarre and confusing scene of many-
works like Summon Animal, except you summon a colored stars and prismatic stellar vistas to bewilder
common creature that has the Fire, Light, or Positive your foes. Creatures in the area must attempt a Will
trait and whose level is 5 or lower. saving throw.
Heightened (6th) Level 7
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Heightened (7th) Level 9
Success The creature is stunned 1.
Heightened (8th) Level 11
Failure The creature is confused for 1 round. It can
Heightened (9th) Level 13
attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns to
Heightened (10th) Level 15
end the confusion.
Critical Failure The creature is confused for 1 minute with
GRAVITIC CALLING CANTRIP 5 no save to end it early.



Range 30 feet;
Duration Sustained, up to 1 minute
Cast (somatic, verbal)
You shape a creature from blazing photonic energy. This
Range 120 feet; Area 20-foot burst
works like Summon Animal, except you summon a
Saving Throw Will
common creature that has the Cold, Shadow, or Negative
A vision of cosmic terror, one that reminds your foes of
trait and whose level is 5 or lower.
their ultimate insignificance, fills the minds of creatures
Heightened (6th) Level 7
within the area, who must attempt a Will saving throw.
Heightened (7th) Level 9
Heightened (8th) Level 11 Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Heightened (9th) Level 13 Success The creature is frightened 1 and cannot
Heightened (10th) Level 15 decrease its frightened condition for 1 round.
Failure The creature is frightened 2 and cannot decrease
its frightened condition for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The creature is frightened 3, fleeing 1, and
cannot decrease its frightened condition for 10



Cast (somatic, verbal) Cast (somatic, verbal)
Area 60-foot cone Area 60-foot cone
Saving Throw Fortitude Saving Throw Fortitude
Requirements Your Solar Weapon is manifested Requirements Your Solar Weapon is manifested
With a heave of your Solar Weapon, you evoke a blazing You infuse your Solar Weapon with the power of gravity,
surge of starlight, scorching enemies before you and and with a swing you generate a powerful shockwave that
dealing 7d12 fire damage. Each enemy in the area must launches enemies with deadly force and deals 7d12
attempt a Fortitude saving throw. bludgeoning damage. Each enemy in the area must
attempt a Fortitude saving throw.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage. Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature takes full damage and is dazzled for Success The creature takes half damage.
1 round. Failure The creature takes full damage and is pushed 10
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is feet away from you.
blinded for 1 round, and then dazzled for 1 minute Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is
thereafter. pushed 20 feet away from you.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12 Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12



Cast (somatic, verbal) Cast (somatic, verbal)
Saving Throw Fortitude; Duration 1 minute Saving Throw Fortitude; Duration 1 minute
Requirements Your Solar Shield is manifested Requirements Your Solar Shield is manifested
You bunker down with your Solar Shield, generating a wall You bunker down with your Solar Shield, generating a
of dazzling light in front of you. Choose an adjacent field of crushing gravity in front of you. Choose an
square. The 10-foot tall wall extends 15 feet in both adjacent square. The 10-foot tall wall extends 15 feet in
directions, for a total of 35 feet long, and must be both directions, for a total of 35 feet long, and must be
oriented in such a way that the wall does not extend into oriented in such a way that the wall does not extend into
any space you currently occupy. The wall does not any space you currently occupy. The wall does not
impede movement, but provides a number of benefits. impede movement, but provides a number of benefits.
First, allies gain standard cover against attacks First, allies gain standard cover against attacks
originating from the opposite side of the wall. Second, originating from the opposite side of the wall. Second,
enemies who try to cross the wall must attempt a enemies who try to cross the wall must attempt a
Fortitude saving throw. Fortitude saving throw.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is dazzled for 1 turn. Success The creature is enfeebled 1 for 1 round.
Failure The creature is blinded for 1 turn and then dazzled Failure The creature is enfeebled 2 for 1 minute.
for 1 minute. Critical Failure The creature is enfeebled 3 for 1 minute
Critical Failure The creature is blinded for 1 minute and and knocked prone.
then dazzled for 10 minutes.



Cast (somatic, verbal) Cast (somatic, verbal)
Range 300 feet Range 300 feet
Saving Throw basic Reflex; Duration 1 minute Saving Throw basic Fortitude; Duration 1 minute
Requirements Your Solar Flare is manifested Requirements Your Solar Flare is manifested
A shot from your Solar Flare ricochets around the A shot from your Solar Flare ricochets around the
battlefield, forming a constellation that burns and battlefield, forming a constellation that consumes the
dazzles foes. Draw five lines, one at a time; each line heat and energy of foes. Draw five lines, one at a time;
must anchor at you or a creature or object already each line must anchor at you or a creature or object
connected to a previous line, and it must end at a already connected to a previous line, and it must end at
creature or object within 60 feet of its anchor (possibly a creature or object within 60 feet of its anchor (possibly
allowing the constellation to extend to its full 300-foot allowing the constellation to extend to its full 300-foot
range). A creature that begins its turn in one of these range). A creature that begins its turn in one of these
lines or enters one of these lines on its turn takes 7d6 lines or enters one of these lines on its turn takes 7d6
fire damage (basic Reflex save). A creature can take this cold damage (basic Fortitude save). A creature can take
damage only once per turn, even if it moves through this damage only once per turn, even if it moves through
several lines. Targets that are part of the constellation several lines. Targets that are part of the constellation
do not take damage from it. If the distance between two do not take damage from it. If the distance between two
targets (or you and a target) ever exceeds 60 feet, the targets (or you and a target) ever exceeds 60 feet, the
line of starlight between the two breaks, and any lines line of starlight between the two breaks, and any lines
that now no longer have a direct path back to you also that now no longer have a direct path back to you also
break. In addition, creatures adjacent to any target of break. In addition, creatures adjacent to any target of
the constellation are dazzled while they remain adjacent. the constellation are enfeebled 2 while they remain
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6 adjacent.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6



Cast (somatic, verbal) Cast (somatic, verbal)
Area 30-foot emanation Range 120 feet; Targets 1 willing living creature
Duration 1 minute You fill a creature with positive energy pulled from the
You invigorate yourself and nearby allies with solar wind. stars themselves, restoring immense vitality. The target
You and your allies within the area gain the quickened restores 80 Hit Points. In addition, reduce the target’s
condition for 1 minute and can use the extra action each clumsy, enfeebled, and drained conditions by 1.
round only for Strike and Stride actions. Heightened (+1) The amount of healing increases by 10.


Cast (somatic, verbal) Cast (somatic, verbal)
Area 30-foot emanation Range 120 feet; Targets 1 living creature
Saving Throw Fortitude Saving Throw Fortitude
You unleash a gravity wave that distorts the passage of You siphon a creature’s vitality like a black hole, dealing
time for your foes. Each enemy creature in the area 80 negative damage and weakening it. The target must
must attempt a Fortitude save. attempt a Fortitude saving throw.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Critical Success The target is unaffected
Success The creature is slowed 1 for 1 round. Success The target takes half damage
Failure The creature is slowed 1 for 1 minute. Failure The target takes full damage and is clumsy 1,
Critical Failure The creature is slowed 2 for 1 minute. enfeebled 1, and drained 1 for 10 minutes.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage and is
clumsy 2, enfeebled 2, and drained 2 for 1 hour.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 10.



Cast (verbal) Cast (somatic, verbal)
Duration 1 minute Range 120 feet
With a moment of contemplation, you become a font of Duration Until the end of your next turn
photonic power. Instead of the typical Stellar Mode You call forth a miniature supernova to engulf your foes.
benefits, you gain the damage and movement benefits The Supernova occupies the space of a Huge creature
of being in Supercharged Photon Mode. This does not and has a fly speed of 100 feet.
change your actual Attunement or Mode for the purpose
of casting Zenith Revelation Spells, however. Arrive (evocation, fire, light) Nuclear Expansion The
Supernova expands violently, burning nearby
creatures. Each creature within 50 feet of the
GRAVITON FORM CANTRIP 9 Supernova must attempt a reflex save; on a failure,
the creature takes 10d12 fire damage and is pushed 20
feet away from the Supernova. Until the Supernova
departs, it sheds bright light for 50 feet, and dim light
Cast (verbal) for a further 50 feet.
Duration 1 minute Depart (evocation) Solar Collapse The Supernova, having
With a moment of contemplation, you become a font of expended all of its energy, collapses in on itself,
gravitic power. Instead of the typical Stellar Mode drawing in nearby creatures. Creatures within 50 feet
benefits, you gain the resistance and movement of the Supernova must attempt a Fortitude save; on a
benefits of being in Supercharged Graviton Mode. This failure, the creature is knocked prone and pulled 20
does not change your actual Attunement or Mode for the feet towards the Supernova.
purpose of casting Zenith Revelation Spells, however.



Cast (somatic, verbal)
Range 120 feet
Duration Until the end of your next turn
You call forth a black hole on the verge of collapse and imbue it with some of your power, giving you a semblance of
control before its demise. The black hole occupies the space of a Huge creature and has a fly speed of 100 feet.

Arrive (evocation, cold, darkness) - Energy Annihilation - The Black Hole seeks to consume all nearby matter. Each
creature within 50 feet of the Black Hole must attempt a Fortitude save; on a failure, the creature is pulled 20 feet
towards the Black Hole and takes 10d12 cold damage. Until the Black Hole departs, it casts magical darkness within
50 feet.
Depart (evocation, light) - Bring Forth New Light - The Black Hole reaches its final moments and explodes in a brilliant
flash. Creatures within 50 feet of the Black Hole must attempt a Fortitude save; on a failure, the creature is
pushed 20 feet away from the Black Hole and is dazzled for 1d4 rounds.

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expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the
ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain
all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that
you are distributing are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You
may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
originally distributed under any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any
Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to
some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may
not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to
cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed
only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.

Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip
Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen
Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.
Adventurers in Golarion: The Solarian © 2021, Jackson Walsh; Author: Jackson Walsh.

This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game (Second Edition).
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License
version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper nouns
(characters, deities, locations, etc., as well as all adjectives, names, titles, and descriptive terms derived from
proper nouns), artworks, characters, dialogue, locations, organizations, plots, storylines, trade dress, the historical
period called the Gap, the terms kishalee, sivv, skyfire, Dreamer (the official Open Game Content term for which is
“dreaming barathu”), and the Drift (the official Open Game Content term for which is “hyperspace”). (Elements that
have previously been designated as Open Game Content, or are exclusively derived from previous Open Game
Content, or that are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.)
Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity, the game mechanics of this Pathfinder
Infinite game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(d). No
portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form
without written permission.

Adventurers in Golarion: The Solarian © 2021, Jackson Walsh. All rights reserved. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo,
Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are registered trademarks of
Paizo Inc.; the Pathfinder P logo, Pathfinder Accessories, Pathfinder Adventure, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game,
Pathfinder Adventure Card Society, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Battles, Pathfinder Combat Pad, Pathfinder
Flip-Mat, Pathfinder Flip-Tiles, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Combat Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Flip-Tiles,
Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc. This work is
published under the Community Content Agreement for Pathfinder Infinite and Starfinder Infinite.


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