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Mythic 2nd Edition

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Mythic Ascension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Archmage Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Warrior Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Guardian Path ........................................ 25
Hierophant Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Marshal Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Trickster Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Universal Path .......................................... 60
General Mythic Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Mythic 2nd Edition
Legend speaks of the emergence of extraordinary heroes in times of
looming darkness. As the forces of the underworld rise to engulf the
land of the living, these brave souls will hear the call to greatness.
Their deeds will become the stories of our time, and their victories
will be celebrated for centuries. Even now, they walk among us—
unaware of the destiny that awaits them. The moment of their
ascension is almost here. Their hour is at hand.

The following key terms and references are useful for playing Mythic 2nd Edition

Ability (Path Ability) Mythic Tier

Each mythic path provides three ability feats. When you select a Upon ascension, a character reaches Mythic Tier 1. Each mythic
mythic path, one of these three abilities of your choice is gained as tier is akin to a new level in the path chosen by the mythic
a feature. character, granting new abilities. The highest possible mythic tier
is 10. Characters who attain the 10th mythic tier are comparable to
minor deities.

The pivotal moment when a standard character becomes a mythic
character. This epic transition should hold significance in the Any effect that originates from a character or creature that has not
storyline and establish the origin of the character's mythic power. ascended. Artifacts are considered mythic for the purpose of these
Upon ascension, a character becomes Mythic Tier 1. effects.

A new feat trait in Mythic 2nd Edition, indicated by purple. Feats
with this trait can only be acquired by characters that have reached A new feat trait in Mythic 2nd Edition, symbolized by red. Feats
mythic tiers. with this trait can only be obtained by characters that have chosen
the specific paths that offer this feat.

Mythic Path
The way a mythic character's powers manifest is determined by
their path. At the moment of ascension, each character must
choose a path: Archmage, Warrior, Guardian, Hierophant,
Marshal, or Trickster.

Mythic Power
Mythic characters can tap into their mythic power to achieve
remarkable feats and defy fate. This is done by using focus points
to power mythic abilities.

Mythic Resistance
This type of resistance can be gained from certain mythic abilities.
Mythic resistance can only be overcome by +3 major striking
weapons, artifacts, and other mythic creatures and characters.
Mythic Ascension
Every mythic character gains a number of base abilities common to all mythic characters, in
addition to the special abilities granted by each mythic path. These abilities are gained based
on the character’s mythic tier.

Tier Mythic Features Ability

1 Mythic Focus, Hard to Kill, Mythic Feat, Surge 1d4 1st

2 Amazing Initiative 1st

3 Recuperation 2nd

4 Surge 1d6 2nd

5 Mythic Saves 3rd

6 Force of Will 3rd

7 Surge 1d8 4th

8 Unstoppable 4th

9 Immortal 5th
10 Legendary Hero, Surge 1d10 5th

Mythic Tier Tier 1 Mythic Focus Tier 1

Feature Feature

Add 1/2 your mythic tier (rounded down) to your proficiency As a mythic character, your maximum focus point pool can
bonus. (The GM may modify or remove this feature increase beyond 3 but only from mythic abilities, feats, and
depending on the campaign's balance.) features such as gaining mythic levels. Your focus point pool
increases by 1 and you gain 1 focus point. At 3rd tier and
every two tiers thereafter, your focus point pool increases by
1 and you gain 1 focus point.

Hard To Kill Tier 1 Mythic General Feat Tier 1

Feature Feature

Whenever you gain the dying condition, you automatically Select one mythic general feat with the Mythic trait, or any
stabilize and no longer have to attempt a recovery check. You non-mythic class, general, or skill feat, as a bonus feat. You
still fall unconscious at 0hp. Your wounded and dying values gain an additional mythic general feat at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and
still increase as normal. 9th tiers.
Surge Tier 1 Ability Boost Tier 2
Feature Focus Feature

You call upon your mythic power to overcome difficult At 2nd tier and every 2 tiers thereafter, your character boosts
challenges and change outcomes. four different ability scores. Your character can use these
ability boosts to increase their ability scores above 18.
Expend a focus point and increase any d20 roll you just made Boosting an ability score increases it by 1 if it’s already 18 or
by adding 1d4 to the result. This can be done after the result above, or by 2 if it starts out below 18.
is revealed. The bonus die increases to 1d6 at 4th tier, 1d8 at
7th, and 1d10 at 10th tier.

Amazing Initiative Tier 2 Recuperation Tier 3

Feature Feature

Before you roll initiative, you may expend a focus point to You are restored to full Hit Points after 8 hours of rest or the
roll twice and take the higher result. When you do, you gain equivalent.
a single additional action during your first round in

Mythic Saving Throws Tier 5 Force Of Will Tier 7

Feature Focus Feature Focus

Trigger You are forced to make a saving throw by a non- You can exert your will to force events to unfold as you like.
mythic source. Once per round, when a d20 is rolled and after the result is
revealed, you may expend a focus point to force a reroll. The
Expend a focus point and treat the result of your saving next result must be taken. No single roll can be subject to
throw as 1 degree better. more than a single reroll per round.
Unstoppable Tier 8 Immortal Tier 9
Feature Focus Feature

At 8th tier, you can expend a focus point to reduce a single At 9th tier, if you are killed, you return to life 24 hours later
adverse condition affecting you. For example, if you are in a random but safe location determined by the GM. This
clumsy 2, you may spend a focus point to reduce your clumsy ability fails if you are killed by a critical hit from a mythic
condition to 1. If you are wounded 1, you may expend a focus character or a critical hit from a weapon that bypasses
point to reduce your wounded condition to 0. mythic resistance, or if you die of old age.

Legendary Hero Tier 10

Feature Focus

At 10th tier, you have reached the height of mythic power.

You automatically regain focus points at a rate of 1 per
For most practitioners of the arcane arts, learning magic requires a great
deal of study and practice. Those who draw magic from their blood find the
effort taxing. For the archmage, however, this is not the case. The
archmage draws power from the very fabric of reality itself, effortlessly
weaving magic. The archmage is the master of arcane magic, with abilities
that enhance arcane spell casting or greatly increase its potency. This path
also increases your knowledge of magic and its wielders. At the highest
tiers, you can start breaking down the walls between different types of
magic and altering the fabric of reality itself.

Tier Archmage Features

1 Path Ability, Path Feat
2 Path Feat
3 Path Feat
4 Path Feat
5 Path Feat
6 Path Feat
7 Path Feat
8 Path Feat
9 Path Feat
10 True Archmage, Path Feat

Archmage Path Ability Tier 1 Archmage Path Feat Tier 1

Archmage Archmage

Select a single Archmage path ability from the two presented Select an Archmage path feat. Alternatively, you may select a
below. Once chosen, it cannot be changed. path feat from the universal mythic path.
Arcane Surge Ability 1 Mage Strike Ability 1
Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

You tap into your mythic power to effortlessly fuel and Once per round, expend a focus point and enchant a weapon
quicken your spellcasting. Expend a focus point and cast a that belongs to you or an ally within 30 ft. The next strike
spell immediately as a free action, without expending a spell made with the enchanted weapon gains a status bonus to hit
slot. If you prepare spells, it must be a spell you prepared equal to half of your current highest spell slot rounded down
today. If you spontaneously cast spells, it must be a known (minimum 1) and deals 1d6 additional damage per spell level.
spell. This spell bypasses all resistances, and if the spell The extra damage is an element of your choice (acid, cold,
requires a saving throw, non-mythic targets must roll the electric, fire, force, etc).
save twice and take the lower result.

Wild Arcana Ability 1 True Archmage Tier 10

Archmage Focus Archmage Focus Feature

You tap into your mythic power to fuel and diversify your At 10th tier, you have become a supreme master of all magic.
spellcasting. Expend a focus point and cast any one spell on Whenever you cast a spell that targets one or more non-
any of your spell lists immediately as a free action without mythic creatures, each of those creatures must roll any
expending a spell slot. The spell must be one that you are saving throws twice and take the lower result. Additionally,
high enough level to cast, and it manifests at your current whenever a spell is cast against you that requires a spell
highest spell slot level plus 1. This spell bypasses all attack roll, compare the result to an appropriate knowledge
resistances, and if the spell requires a saving throw, any non- skill +10 (arcana for arcane, occultism for occult, religion for
mythic creatures must roll the save twice and take the lower divine, etc). If your knowledge skill result is greater than the
result. spell attack against you, then you absorb the spell
harmlessly, regaining 1 focus point. If the spell requires a
Saving Throw, instead make an appropriate knowledge
check against the Save DC as a free action. If your knowledge
skill check result exceeds the Save DC, then you absorb the
spell harmlessly and regain 1 focus point.
Abundant Casting Feat 1 Arcane Endurance Feat 1
Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

Whenever you casta spell that specifically targets two or Double the duration of a spell you cast that has a duration.
more creatures, increase the number of creatures your spell Alternatively, you may spend a focus point and instead
targets by your tier. Additionally, you may expend a number multiply the duration of any spell you cast by your tier, until
of focus points. Your spell affects one additional target in the end of your turn.
range per focus point spent.

Bloodline Intensity Feat 1 Competent Caster Feat 1

Archmage Archmage

Your mythic nature powers your favorite bloodline spell. You automatically succeed at flat checks to cast spells.
Choose a single bloodline spell. This spell does not consume
a spell slot when cast as long as you spend one extra action
when casting it.

Coupled Arcana Feat 1 Crafting Mastery Feat 1

Archmage Focus Archmage

Trigger You use a two-action activity, feat, or ability that You can attempt to craft any magical item you have seen as if
includes the wording "Cast a Spell" and consumes a spell slot. you had the necessary item creation feats and formula. Such
items can be crafted in two eight-hour periods, or a single
Spend a focus point and immediately use any two or fewer 16-hour crafting session. If you actually have the item
action mythic ability or path feat as a free action. creation feat, roll twice and take the higher result when you
roll your craft check.
Deep Understanding Feat 1 Eldritch Breach Feat 1
Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

You automatically identify spells cast within 60 ft of you. You You are adept at breaching magical defenses. When you cast
may spend 3 actions and expend a focus point to understand Dispel Magic, you can attempt to remove any single magical
the properties of any magic you can touch, even artifacts. effect, even curses and permanent effects. If the effect is
This affects lesser artifacts as long as your tier is at least 1, non-mythic, roll a counteract check twice and take the
minor artifacts if it is at least 3, and major artifacts if your higher result. Your dispel automatically succeeds against
tier is at least 6. non-mythic, non-permanent spells of equal or lesser level
than your tier. When a magic item is successfully
suppressed, you may expend a number of focus points equal
to half of the item level to instead destroy it.

Elemental Bond Feat 1 Energy Conversion Feat 1

Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

You utilize your mythic power to forge a spiritual bond with You've mastered the art of converting one type of elemental
an elemental plane. Choose an element—air, earth, fire, or energy into another. When casting a spell that deals
water—and gain mythic resistance 10 against energy elemental damage, you can spend an additional action to
associated with your chosen plane. This resistance increases change the damage type to a different element. This replaces
to 20 at 6th tier, and at 9th tier, it becomes immunity. You the elemental trait of the spell with a trait that represents the
can also expend a focus point to augment your connection, new elemental damage. Alternatively, you can expend a
enhancing the spell level of all spells associated with your focus point to add an elemental trait to the spell you're
chosen element by 1 for a number of rounds equal to your casting, dividing the spell's damage evenly among each of its
tier. elemental traits.
Arcane Charge Feat 1 Mythic Hexing Feat 1
Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

You harness your mythic power to fuel items that store spells Your hexes and other focus spells are more potent against
and magical effects. When using a staff, wand, weapon, or non-mythic creatures, who suffer a -2 penalty to their saving
other spell-containing object, you can expend a focus point throws against them. You can also expend a focus point
to cast the spell without depleting a charge. This does not when casting a hex or focus spell, increasing your Spell DC
change the casting time of the spell, nor does it affect by 2 for both mythic and non-mythic creatures for a number
consumables. of rounds equal to your tier.

Flash Of Omniscience Feat 1 Necromantic Mastery Feat 1

Archmage Focus Archmage

Your extraordinary mind can dissect the laws of reality. Whenever you spend gold to perform the Create Undead
ritual, that gold is permanently transformed into a valueless
Expend a focus point and pose a single question to your black onyx shard. When the undead you created is
innate understanding of reality, then make a flat check (DC destroyed, you can collect this black onyx shard and use it to
15 at 1st tier, DC 10 at 3rd tier, and DC 5 at 6th tier). On a attempt the ritual again, substituting the shard for gold. For
success, you receive the true answer to your question. A the purposes of the Create Undead ritual, this shard is
focus point spent this way cannot be regained for 1 week, valued at the gold amount you spent on the initial ritual. You
and each subsequent time the same question is asked, the can place multiple shards in a single corpse during the ritual,
DC increases by 5. summing up each shard's value when determining the CR of
undead you can create.

Spellbane Counterstrike Feat 1 Throw Spell Feat 1

Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

When you successfully counterspell, you can expend a focus You can throw any touch spells up to 10ft per tier. When
point to stride. If you conclude your movement within melee using the Reach Spell feat, you can expend a focus point to
range of the spell's source, you can make a single melee multiply the additional distance granted by Reach Spell by
strike. your tier.
Transformative Familiar Feat 1 Mythic Sustain Feat 1
Archmage Archmage Focus

Your familiar can transform into an amulet, ring, staff, You sustain a number of spells and abilities equal to half your
wand, or weapon on command. While in this form, your mythic tier rounded up. If you expend a focus point, you
familiar is treated as an intelligent item. If you have the instead sustain all ongoing spells and abilities for a single
appropriate crafting feat, you can customize the item round.
according to the feat's specifications. If your familiar falls
unconscious, it defaults to its item form.

Control The Mindless Feat 1 Infectious Spell Feat 3

Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

Please note that the feats' balance and compatibility with Utilize your knowledge about mindless constructs and
Pathfinder 2nd Edition may need further adjustment. Also, undead to control them. Roll an applicable knowledge check
be aware that some feats might be too potent or ineffective against all constructs (usually arcana) or mindless undead
in comparison to standard Pathfinder 2nd Edition feats. (religion) within 30ft. On a success, you may command them
as if they were minions until the start of your next turn. If
you expend a focus point, the control lasts a number of
rounds equal to your mythic tier and targets all mindless
creatures within 30ft per tier.

Share Spell Feat 3 Many Forms Feat 3

Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

When you cast a spell that only targets you, your familiar When casting a spell that alters your appearance and
also benefits from the spell's effects. If you expend a focus possesses the morph or transmutation trait, multiply the
point, you may choose a single willing target within 30ft to spell's duration by your tier. If you expend a focus point, the
also share the spell's effects. spell loses its duration and becomes permanent (though you
may still dismiss it).
Mirror Dodge Feat 3 Mythic Lasting Feat 3
Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

Trigger You are struck by a melee or ranged strike. Prerequisite: Arcane Endurance.

Expend a focus point to create an illusory duplicate of When casting a spell that benefits from Arcane Endurance,
yourself and teleport 30 feet away. The attack destroys the you may expend an additional focus point to extend its
illusion instead of dealing damage to you. duration to 24 hours. This focus point cannot be regained
until the spell effect ends

Reverse Scrying Feat 3 Spell Sieve Feat 3

Archmage Focus Archmage

Trigger You notice a scrying spell. When you successfully counterspell a spell that is on your
spell list, you absorb its power. Gain a temporary spell slot
Expend a focus point. You see a clear image of the spell's equal to the level of the countered spell, containing the
originator in your mind. Roll a counteract check against the absorbed spell. This slot lasts until you cast the spell or until
originator's spell DC. On a success, you also learn their exact your next daily preparations.

Tangible Illusion Feat 3 Teleportation Master Feat 3

Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

You can transform your illusions into physical, non-magical You've mastered teleportation magic.
versions of the illusion. After casting an illusion spell,
expend a number of focus points equal to the spell level. Expend a focus point and cast a teleportation spell. This
These points cannot be regained until the creation is reduces the casting time of the teleportation spell to three
destroyed. This cannot be used to create a creature of CR actions. You arrive precisely where you intend, provided
greater than double your mythic tier. When the illusion spell you've visited the location at least once before.
ends or is dismissed, the creation ceases to exist.
Bloodline Immunity Feat 3 Enhance Magic Item Feat 3
Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

Your powerful blood protects you from harm. You are Your mythic presence enhances the power of magic items.
immune to the damage and harmful effects of all spells When you activate a spell from a magic item (usually a scroll,
granted by your bloodline, even those you are not high staff, or wand), you may expend a focus point to increase its
enough level to cast. spell level by up to your mythic tier.

Trigger You are targeted by a spell that can be granted by

your bloodline.

Expend a focus point and reflect the spell back at its caster.

Spell Knowledge Feat 3 Mythic Metamagic Feat 3

Archmage Archmage

Add a number of spells equal to your casting ability modifier Reduce the total number of actions required when using an
that are not on your spell lists to one of your spell lists. These ability with the metamagic trait by 1.
spells do not have to be of a level you can cast, but this does
not change the requirements for casting them. This feat can
be selected multiple times.

Permanent Spell Feat 6 Grand Ritual Master Feat 6

Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

Prerequisite: Mythic Lasting. When casting a spell with a You gain access to all common, uncommon, and rare rituals.
duration, you may expend a number of focus points equal to When performing a ritual, you can reduce the number of
the spell's level to make it permanent. This ends the secondary casters by 1/2 your tier rounded up. You must
Extended Spell effect and the expended focus points can be fulfill any requirements for the secondary caster and
regained normally. perform the secondary check normally. Additionally, you
may expend a number of focus points equal to the ritual level
to treat your result as a critical success.
Empowered Spell Feat 6 Spell Breaker Feat 6
Archmage Focus Archmage Focus

When casting a spell, you may expend a number of focus Prerequisite: Eldritch Breach. Cast Dispel Magic and roll a
points equal to the spell level to double the spell's damage. single counteract check. Apply the result to all magical
Saves required by the spell take a -4 penalty for non-mythic effects in the target's square, including magic items and
creatures and a -2 penalty for mythic creatures. Regardless artifacts. Items suppressed by Spell Breaker remain inactive
of outcome, treat the enemy's degree of success against this for 1 minute per tier. If you successfully suppress an item,
spell as one worse. you may expend a number of focus points equal to 1/4th the
item level to destroy it instantly.

Subtle Magic Feat 6 Spell Leach Feat 6

Archmage Archmage Focus

When casting a spell or activating a spell from an item, roll a By touching a stunned, sleeping, or helpless creature, you
stealth check. Apply the result to the Perception DC of all can attempt to steal one of its spell slots. Roll a spell attack
enemies within line of sight. Those who fail do not know that roll against the target's spell DC. On a success, you touch the
you cast the spell or activated the item unless it has an creature and may expend a focus point to steal one of the
obvious visual or auditory effect that emanates from you. target's highest level, unexpended spell slots. This focus
Additionally, magical auras and effects on you cannot be point cannot be regained by any means until the spell slot is
detected. relinquished back to the creature.
Sanctum Feat 6
Archmage Focus

Expend a focus point and speak a secret word to create a

private demiplane by tearing away a portion of another
plane. The demiplane is malleable to your will to the extent
that you could already manipulate and modify that plane.
The planar properties of the plane are the same as the plane
it was taken from but can now be modified by rituals such as
Create Demiplane. The maximum size of this plane is 1 cubic
mile per focus point spent and anyone who knows the secret
word can conjure a door to it. Multiple sanctums can coexist.
A sanctum exists for a minimum of 1 year. When you first
create it, and by speaking the secret word, you can return the
sanctum to its original plane. This action also returns your
expended focus points, which cannot be regained otherwise.
The warrior is the pinnacle of skill at arms and armor. No ordinary fighter
could hope to match the skill with a blade, a bow, or an axe that surges
within a mythic warrior. The warrior turns aside blows and shatters shields
with every movement, all while racing gracefully across the chaotic
battlefield. When the screams of fallen foes die down, the warrior stands
strong and defiant in blood-spattered armor, hefting a weapon and
shouting a terrifying war cry. As a warrior, your role is to take the fight to
your enemies. Using devastating melee powers, you can crush your
enemies before they even have a chance to harm you and your allies.

Tier Warrior Features

1 Path Ability, Path Feat
2 Path Feat
3 Path Feat
4 Path Feat
5 Path Feat
6 Path Feat
7 Path Feat
8 Path Feat
9 Path Feat
10 True Warrior, Path Feat

Warrior Path Ability Tier 1 Warrior Path Feat Tier 1

Warrior Warrior

Select a single Warrior path ability from the three presented Select a Warrior path feat. Alternatively, you may select a
below. Once chosen, it cannot be changed. path feat from the universal mythic path.
Fleet Charge Ability 1 Distant Barrage Ability 1
Warrior Focus Warrior Focus

Once per round, expend a focus point and stride twice. At Once per round, expend a focus point and make a ranged
any point during this movement, you may make a single strike at your full attack bonus. This attack doesn't increase
melee or ranged strike at your highest attack bonus, adding your multiple attack penalty, ignores concealment and cover
half your tier rounded up to the damage. This attack ignores bonuses, and bypasses any damage resistance the target
the target's damage resistance. might have. The target must be within line of sight.

Sudden Strike Ability 1 Legendary Warrior Tier 10

Warrior Focus Warrior Focus

Once per round, expend a focus point and make your next At 10th tier, whenever you make an attack roll against a non-
strike, or an activity that includes a strike, at your highest mythic foe and miss, you may immediately roll again. You
base attack bonus. Roll twice and take the better result, must take the second roll even if it is lower. Once per round
adding half your tier rounded up to the damage. Damage when you make a strike that results in a critical hit, you
from this attack ignores the target's damage resistance. regain one focus point.

Always A Chance Feat 1 Always Armed Feat 1

Warrior Warrior

When you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, it is not Any weapon you wield automatically benefits from your
automatically considered a critical miss. A natural one no highest weapon proficiency (including unarmed
longer degrades your degree of success for strikes and proficiency), and this also applies to improvised weapons.
activities that have the Attack trait.
Aerial Assault Feat 1 Juggernaut Feat 1
Warrior Focus Warrior Focus

You can descend any distance towards the ground instantly, When you stride, or stride as part of an activity, and come
taking no fall damage. If you pass a flying target, you may into contact with an obstacle such as a wall or door, roll an
attempt a grapple check to bring it to the ground with you. Athletics check as a free action to Force Open. If you
On a success, it takes damage equal to the fall damage you succeed, you may continue your stride uninhibited. Little
would have taken based on your entire descent. If you can stand in your way when you charge forth into battle.
expend a focus point, you can instead make a melee strike
against a target beneath you during your descent. On a
successful strike, add fall damage equal to your descent so
far to the attack roll.

Armor Master Feat 1 Backlash Feat 1

Warrior Warrior Focus

When you stride, or stride as part of an activity, and come You strike back at those who penetrate your defenses.
into contact with an obstacle such as a wall or door, roll an
Athletics check as a free action to Force Open. If you Trigger You are the target of a successful melee or ranged
succeed, you may continue your stride through the obstacle, strike.
destroying it. If you expend a focus point, instead treat your
d20 roll as a natural 19 and add it to your Athletics check to Make a melee strike against the triggering creature within
Force Open. Apply this result to all obstacles until the end of range. If you have already used your reaction this round, you
your turn. may expend a focus point to use Backlash.

Crusader Feat 1 Calculating Rage Feat 1

Warrior Warrior

When your allies begin battle within 100 ft of you, they each When you enter a rage, you are no longer prevented from
gain a free focus point. using abilities that require concentration. When you end a
rage, you are not fatigued.
Blowback Feat 1 Clean Blade Feat 1
Warrior Focus Warrior Focus

Expend a focus point and make one melee or ranged strike. Expend a focus point and make a ranged strike against a
If the attack hits your target, it is knocked directly away from second target within 30 ft to cover it in gore. If your second
you 10ft per tier. If the target hits another target, the second strike is successful, the target gains a sickened value equal to
target travels with it. If the target collides with a wall and half of your tier (minimum 1). If the second attack is also a
stops, then it takes half of the damage from the strike again critical hit, the target is blinded until their sickened
as bludgeoning damage. condition is reduced to 0.

Devastating Smash Feat 1 Endless Hatred Feat 1

Warrior Focus Warrior Focus

Whenever you strike a construct or object, treat its hardness When you have a favored enemy granted by a class feature,
as 5 lower and add your tier to the damage you deal. If you gain a circumstance bonus to damage equal to your mythic
expend a focus point as part of the strike, treat the target's tier against that enemy. If you expend a focus point, deal
hardness as 0 and add double your mythic tier to damage. double your tier in damage and bypass any of the target's
damage resistance for one round.

Impossible Speed Feat 1 Imprinting Strike Feat 1

Warrior Focus Warrior Focus

Your base speed increases by 30 ft. In addition, if you expend Make a melee or ranged strike. If you succeed, you instantly
1 focus point, your base movement speed increases by an learn one of the target's weaknesses. If the strike is a success
additional 10 ft per tier for 1 minute per tier. and you expend a focus point, then you learn all of the
target's weaknesses, and as long as the target survives you
also know its direction from you and approximate distance.
Any focus point spent in this way cannot be regained. When
the target dies, or you dismiss this ability as a single action,
you may regain your spent focus point normally.
Limitless Range Feat 1 Lesson Learned Feat 1
Warrior Warrior Focus

Increase the range increment on all of your ranged weapons Gain a +2 status bonus to all further saving throws against
by 30 ft per tier. Weapons no longer have a maximum range that same ability for the rest of the encounter. If you expend
increment for you but you still take penalties per increment a focus point when you fail your saving throw, the bonus
beyond the first. increases to +4 and lasts for 1 day per tier. This bonus is
iterative and stacks with itself each time you fail a saving
throw against the same ability.

Meat Shield Feat 1 Atlas Strength Feat 1

Warrior Focus Warrior Focus

Trigger You have a target grappled and you are the target of Your musculoskeletal system is legendary. Your regular
an attack or ability that requires a saving throw. carrying bulk increases by 10 and your maximum carrying
bulk increases by 20. You may expend a focus point to
You can use a creature you are currently grappling to protect increase your carrying bulk by 10x your tier for 1 minute.
yourself from harm. Expend a focus point and roll an
Athletics check against your grappled target's Fortitude
Defense. If you succeed, the incoming attack or hostile
ability targets your grappled foe instead.

Maneuver Master Feat 1 Titan's Bane Feat 1

Warrior Focus Warrior

Trigger You succeed on a melee or ranged strike against a You can share and move through the space of any creature
target. two size categories larger than you or more without
provoking attacks of opportunity. When sharing such an
Expend a focus point and select a trained or untrained action enemy's space, it is considered flat-footed against you. You
listed in the Athletics skill. The target is affected by the still provoke attacks of opportunity each time you move
chosen action at the same degree of success as your strike. through threatened spaces the target does not occupy.
Mythic Weapon Fighter Feat 1 Sniper's Riposte Feat 1
Warrior Warrior Focus

Select one weapon group. When wielding weapons of that You no longer provoke attacks of opportunity from ranged
group, increase your proficiency bonus by +2. strikes. Immediately after making a ranged attack, you may
expend a focus point to negate all stealth penalties from any
source until the beginning of your next turn.

Punishing Blow Feat 1 Mythic Grappler Feat 1

Warrior Focus Warrior

Any target you hit with a melee or ranged attack loses its When you roll an Athletics check to grapple a non-mythic
regeneration for 1 round. If you critically hit the target, it creature, treat the result as one better. When throwing or
loses the benefits of its damage resistance for 1 round. If you shoving a grappled creature, increase the distance thrown or
expend a focus point and the target was mythic, it loses pushed by 5ft per tier.
benefits normally. If the target is non-mythic and you
expend a focus point, it instead loses benefits for 1 round per

To The Death Feat 3 Titan's Rage Feat 3

Warrior Focus Warrior Focus

You can shrug off wounds that others would find Whenever you are larger than medium size, increase the
devastating. damage you deal by an additional +2 per size and reduce
your clumsy condition by 1. Additionally, you may expend a
Trigger You fall unconscious. focus point to increase your size by 1 size category regardless
of your previous size and maintain the new size for a number
Expend a focus point and remain conscious. This of minutes equal to your tier. This stacks with, and extends,
consciousness lasts for a number of rounds equal to your all effects that increase your size.
tier, even if you are at 0 hit points. Damage still causes your
dying value to increase.
Unstoppable Shot Feat 3 Incredible Parry Feat 3
Warrior Focus Warrior Focus

Expend a focus point and use a ranged or thrown weapon to Trigger A target succeeds at a melee strike against you.
make a single powerful shot that targets all creatures in a
line up to your first range increment. Make a single ranged Expend a focus point and make a melee attack roll. If your
strike and apply the result to the AC of all targets in the line. attack roll beats the target's strike result, then you negate the
You may expend additional focus points as a free action to target's blow with your weapon. If you beat the enemy's
change the trajectory of the line. The line trajectory may be strike result by 10 or more, you disarm the opponent and you
changed once per focus point spent in this way. may choose to send their weapon sailing 5ft per tier in a
direction of your choice.

Maximum Critical Feat 3 Destroyer Feat 3

Warrior Focus Warrior

Trigger You score a critical hit. You always ignore hardness, even when attacking shields
and spells such as a wall of force.
Expend a focus point to maximize the damage dice dealt by
your weapon.

Sever Limb Feat 6 Mythic Ki Strikes Feat 6

Warrior Focus Warrior Focus

Trigger You critically strike a target. Trigger You successfully strike a target with a ki punch that
did not result in a critical strike.
Expend a focus point to sever one of the target's limbs. The
creature becomes drained 1, clumsy 1, and is prevented from Expend an additional focus point to calculate all damage
using the severed limb until restored. dealt by your strikes so far this round up to the ki strike.
Double that damage and apply it to the target again as part
of your ki strike.
Sweeping Strike Feat 6 Shatter Spells Feat 6
Warrior Focus Warrior Focus

Even when swarmed by foes, they are not safe from danger. Your blows are so powerful they can even destroy magical
Expend a focus point to make a single melee strike, apply the effects.
result to the AC of all foes within your reach.
Trigger You made a successful attack against a spell, or
against a target under the effects of a spell.

Expend a focus point and treat your attack roll as a

counteract check and your tier as your spell level. If
successful, the magic effect is dispelled. If the effect was on a
target, the target takes additional damage equal to double
the shattered spell effect's level.

Perfect Strike Feat 6

Warrior Focus

Expend a focus point and attempt a melee or ranged strike,

or an activity that has the Attack trait. If the attack is
successful, it bypasses all damage resistance and hardness
and is treated as a critical success.
Not all mythic characters seek glory and fame for themselves. Some take a
more humble route, watching over those dear to them or the lands they call
home. Guardians seek connections with those around them, even the
beasts, and draw their power from the trust of such bonds. This doesn't
mean that all guardians are peaceful—indeed many use violent means to
further their goals and safeguard those they watch over. But they find
worth in those who travel with them. In battle, none can take the sort of
punishment and wounds that a guardian can sustain. When others would
retreat, you stand your ground.

Tier Guardian Features

1 Path Ability, Path Feat
2 Path Feat
3 Path Feat
4 Path Feat
5 Path Feat
6 Path Feat
7 Path Feat
8 Path Feat
9 Path Feat
10 True Defender, Path Feat

Guardian Path Ability Tier 1 Guardian Path Feat Tier 1

Guardian Guardian

Select a single Guardian path ability from the three Select a Guardian path feat. Alternatively, you may select a
presented below. Once chosen, it cannot be changed. path feat from the universal mythic path.
Absorb Blow Ability 1 Sudden Block Ability 1
Guardian Focus Guardian Focus

Trigger You take hit point damage. Trigger You or an ally within your reach are the target of a
melee strike.
Expend a focus point to reduce the total damage taken by 5
points per tier. This reduction applies after all other effects Expend a focus point and add half your mythic tier to your
and abilities that reduce damage. For every 10 points of AC or to your ally's AC against this attack. The triggering
damage negated, you gain Resistance 5 physical for 1 minute. target must also roll their strike twice and take the lower
result. If the target's attack misses, you or the ally may make
a melee strike against the triggering target.

Beast's Fury Ability 1 True Defender Tier 1

Guardian Focus Guardian

Expend a focus point and imbue your animal companion or At 10th tier, whenever you take damage from a non-mythic
familiar with mythic power. The target becomes quickened creature, the damage is halved. This reduction is applied
and may use its extra action to Stride or Strike. If the target after all other resistances to that damage. Additionally, when
makes a strike using Beast's Fury, that strike ignores any of an enemy scores a critical hit against you, you regain one
the target's resistance. This strike does not increase multiple focus point.
attack penalty, and the multiple attack penalty does not
apply to this strike.

Additional Ability Feat 1 Avenging Maneuver Feat 1

Guardian Guardian Focus

You gain an additional guardian path ability. This feat can be Taking wounds only empowers you.
selected twice, each time gaining a different guardian path
ability. Trigger A target scores a critical hit against you with a melee

Expend a focus point and make a melee strike against that

Adamantine Mind Feat 1 Affliction Resistance Feat 1
Guardian Focus Guardian Focus

Your mind is as tough as any armor and hazardous to Your body is honed to fight off even the most virulent
engage. You gain a mythic bonus to Will saving throws equal illnesses.
to a third of your mythic tier (minimum 1).
Trigger You succeed a saving throw against a disease or
Trigger You succeed a Will Saving Throw against a mind- poison.
affecting effect.
Expend a focus point and remove all negative effects or
Expend a focus point making the creature attacking you conditions you have suffered from that disease or poison.
repeat the same Will Saving Throw. On a failure, the target is The disease ends.
stunned 3.

Armored Might Feat 1 Armor Master Feat 1

Guardian Guardian

Your proficiency bonus from any armor applies to all armor You never take penalties normally incurred from wearing
you wear. When wearing armor, increase its base armor light armor, and the maximum dexterity bonus for that
bonus to AC (before adding runes) by half. (If the item bonus armor does not apply to you. This feat can be selected up to 3
to AC is +4 for the armor, it gains an additional +2, making times. The second time it applies to medium armor, the
the new armor bonus +6) third it applies to heavy armor.

Borrow Elements Feat 1 Draw Fire Feat 1

Guardian Focus Guardian Focus

When you take elemental damage, you may expend a focus When an ally within 60 ft of you is targeted with a ranged
point to deal half of that damage to others as part of each strike, you can expend a focus point to direct that strike to
successful strike until the end of your turn. target you instead. If the strike is a melee strike and you are
within the enemy's range, you may instead expend a focus
point to have that strike target you.
Empathic Healing Feat 1 Ever Ready Feat 1
Guardian Focus Guardian

Trigger You are touching a damaged target. You can take reactions in initiative before you have acted in
combat. Additionally, the number of reactions you can take
Expend a focus point and transfer up to 10 of the target's per round increases by 1. This path ability can be selected 3
damage per tier to yourself, healing the target. By expending times, once at first tier, once at 3rd, and once at 6th.
two actions, you can also transfer any ongoing disease or
persistent negative condition from the target to yourself. If
you are immune to a condition that is transferred to you,
then the condition simply ends.

Guardian's Shout Feat 1 Immovable Feat 1

Guardian Focus Guardian

Your warning shouts protect allies from danger. Non-mythic creatures that attempt to move you must roll
When you attempt a Reflex save to avoid an effect that their Athletics checks twice and take the lower result.
affects multiple creatures, you can expend one use of mythic
power to call out to all allies within 100 ft. Allies that can hear
you are granted a circumstance bonus to their Reflex save
equal to a third of your tier (minimum 1).

Lesson Learned Feat 1 Pack Wild Shape Feat 1

Guardian Focus Guardian Focus

Whenever you fail a saving throw against an enemy ability, *Prerequisite:* Wild Shape class feature.
you gain a +2 bonus to all further saving throws against that If you expend a focus point when you use Wild Shape, it
same ability for the rest of the encounter. If you expend a affects a number of willing allies within 30 ft equal to your
focus point, the bonus increases to +4 and lasts for 1 day per tier. Allies gain all of the effects of your Wild Shape,
tier. This bonus is cumulative as long as you continue to fail including the form you take. Their form lasts until they
saving throws against the same ability. voluntarily end it, or your Wild Shape ends.
Partial Transformation Feat 1 Quick Recovery Feat 1
Guardian Focus Guardian Focus

*Prerequisite:* You used Wild Shape within the last round. Expend a focus point and reduce any condition you are
Expend a focus point and partially transform. Select any suffering from by a number equal to your tier.
number of features granted by any of your available forms
and use them simultaneously (such as the attacks of one
shape and the AC of another). This lasts for a number of
minutes equal to your tier, during which time you may
exchange 1 feature per round.

Raise Companion Feat 1 Ranged Disarm Feat 1

Guardian Focus Guardian Focus

By burying the corpse (or at least the bones) of an animal Expend a focus point and make a ranged strike against a
companion or familiar, you may expend a single use of target's Reflex defense. On a success, the creature drops a
mythic power to restore it from the dead overnight. This single held or worn item of your choice.
focus point can be regained 24 hours after the
resurrection is completed.

Retributive Reach Feat 1 Relentless Healing Feat 1

Guardian Guardian Focus

Treat your reach as 5ft greater when making a melee *Prerequisite:* A creature died this round or last round.
strike as a reaction and treat your reach as 5ft greater Expend a focus point while casting a healing spell and
when calculating the area that creatures provoke restore hit points to the dead creature as though it were
reactions. still alive, causing it to return to life. The dying value of
the creature, and its wounded value return to one above
Sacrificial Shield Feat 1 Cage Enemy Feat 1
Guardian Focus Guardian Focus

Once per round when you use the Shield Block reaction, Trigger A creature provokes a reaction from you and you
you can expend a focus point to negate all damage dealt successfully strike them.
to you by a single attack. This negated damage is
transferred to your shield. Expend a focus point. If your strike hits, it interrupts the
target's activity.

Impervious Body Feat 3

Guardian Focus

Impervious Companion Feat 3

You gain 5 mythic resistance. This feat can be taken a
second time at 6th tier, and a third time at 9th tier. Each
Guardian Focus
time you take this feat your mythic Resistance increases
by 5.
You empower your animal companion or familiar with your
mythic power. Expending a focus point, your companion
gains your mythic resistance for a number of rounds equal to
your tier.

Improved Parry Feat 3

Guardian Focus

Incredible Parry Feat 3

If you have not attacked this round, you may convert any
number of your remaining attack actions into focus
Guardian Focus
points that can only be used to parry enemy attacks.
These extra points are lost at the end of the round.
Trigger A target succeeds at a melee strike against you.

Expend a focus point and make a melee attack roll. If your

attack roll beats the target's strike result, then you negate the
target's blow with your weapon. If you beat the enemies
strike result by 10 or more, you disarm the opponent and you
may choose to send their weapon sailing 5ft per tier in a
direction of your choice.
Drive Back Feat 3
Guardian Focus

Expend a focus point and perform a single push combat

maneuver. Apply the result to all enemies within reach.
Parry Spell Feat 3 Shrug It Off Feat 3
Guardian Guardian Focus

You can use your Incredible Parry to parry spells. Treat When an enemy critically strikes you, an animal
hostile spells as though they were melee strikes for the companion, or a familiar, you may expend a focus point
purpose of Incredible Parry. to change the hit from a critical strike into a normal

Indomitable Feat 3 Cling To Life Feat 3

Guardian Focus Guardian

Expend a focus point and select one condition (such as When you die, as long as your body remains mostly
Clumsy, Dazzled, Confused, etc.). You become immune to intact, you can still be healed by any spell that heals
that condition for a number of rounds equal to your mythic damage for half of the normal amount of healing. During
tier. this time, you remain unconscious in a deathlike state. If
you reach full HP, you come back to life as though
affected by resurrection.

Invincible Stand Feat 6 Mythic Resolve Feat 6

Guardian Focus Guardian Focus

Expend a focus point and gain mythic resistance 30 against Trigger you roll a saving throw and fail.
all damage for a number of rounds equal to your tier. If you
move from your place, or are moved by an effect, you lose Expend a focus point to reroll and take the higher result.
this resistance.
Shield Of The Martyr Feat 6 Stasis Feat 6
Guardian Focus Guardian Focus

You may trade your life for another. Expend a focus point and place yourself or a willing (or
unconscious) individual you are touching into stasis. While
Trigger a target within 30 ft of you dies. in this stasis, the target cannot take actions, refocus, or heal,
and can only take mental actions. While in stasis, the target
Expend a focus point as a free action to trade your HP, is partially aware of their surroundings and threats within
and wounded, and dying conditions with those of the 5ft, is immune to suffocation, environmental damage, does
target. not age and requires no sustenance. The target must expend
a focus point to reawaken. If the target has no focus points
left, another must touch the target and expend a focus point
on their behalf to awaken them.

Take The Hit Feat 6

Guardian Focus

You are a living shield for your allies.

Expend a focus point and take half of the damage for all
allies within 10ft for a number of rounds equal to your
Those who draw upon a god’s power find themselves becoming closer to the
divine. Some aspire to become immortal servants of their gods, and others
reach for apotheosis itself. A hierophant could be either of these,
channeling divine power directly or indirectly—whether from a deity, the
spirit of nature, or the power of life itself—and eventually becoming more
like a patron of divine power than a mere devotee. As a hierophant, your
role in the group is to act as a conduit to the divine, healing and helping
your allies through the miracles that you bestow.

Tier Hierophant Features

1 Path Ability, Path Feat
2 Path Feat
3 Path Feat
4 Path Feat
5 Path Feat
6 Path Feat
7 Path Feat
8 Path Feat
9 Path Feat
10 Path Feat, Divine Vessel

Hierophant Path Ability Tier 1 Hierophant Path Feat Tier 1

Hierophant Hierophant

Select a single Hierophant path ability from the three Select a Heirophant path feat. Alternatively, you may select a
presented below. Once chosen, it cannot be changed. path feat from the universal mythic path.
Inspired Spell Ability 1 Recalled Blessing Ability 1
Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

Expend a focus point and cast any one prepared divine spell Expend a focus point and cast any one divine spell on your
without expending a spell slot. If the spell requires a saving spell list without expending a spell slot. When you cast the
throw, non-mythic creatures must roll twice and take the spell, it manifests at one level higher than your highest spell
lower result. slot but must be a spell you can access at your current level.

Beast's Fury Ability 1 Divine Vessel Tier 10

Hierophant Focus Hierophant

*Frequency:* once per round. Trigger you are in the area of a heal or harm spell.
Expend a focus point and imbue your animal companion or
familiar with mythic power. The target becomes quickened Expend a focus point and make a counteract check against
and may use its extra action to Stride or Strike. If the target the target's spell DC. If you succeed, you may alter the spell
makes a Strike using Beast's Fury, that Strike ignores any of cast, changing it from a heal to a harm, or a harm to a heal.
the target's resistance. This Strike does not increase the
multiple attack penalty, and the multiple attack penalty does
not apply to this Strike.

Alter Channel Feat 1 Bleed Holy Power Feat 1

Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

Trigger you are in the area of a heal or harm spell. Trigger you are struck by an undead creature.

Expend a focus point and make a counteract check against Expend a focus point and cast a 3-action heal spell. This
the target's spell DC. If you succeed, you may alter the spell consumes a spell slot as normal.
cast, changing it from a heal to a harm, or a harm to a heal.
Contingent Heal Feat 1 Divine Countenance Feat 1
Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

Expend a focus point and cast a heal spell, determining how

many actions it will take and the target of the spell as Whenever you encounter a creature whose alignment is
normal. Then state the circumstances in which the heal spell within one step of your own, its starting attitude toward you
will activate. You must be specific. The heal spell activates as is automatically one step better.
a contingency, but your focus point cannot be regained until
the contingency is activated or dismissed.

Divine Guardian Feat 1 Endless Bounty Feat 1

Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

Expend a focus point and petition your deity for a divine When you cast a spell that creates something (create water,
servitor whose alignment matches your own. The entity lasts create food, creation, etc.), you can expend a focus point to
for a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier, is sent by cause the duration to become permanent and the casting
your deity, and is of a CR 1 below your current level or lower. time to become sustained. Each round you spend casting the
The servitor acts on your turn, but has its own actions spell, it creates an additional amount of matter as described
determined by the GM. in the spell without consuming a new spell slot.

Faith's Reach Feat 1 Heathen Slayer Feat 1

Hierophant Focus Hierophant

Expend a focus point and double the range of any cast divine Select one deity (or similar entity capable of granting divine
spell for a number of rounds equal to your tier. spells to its followers). You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to
ranged and melee strike rolls against followers of that deity.
Instrument Of Faith Feat 1 Hurling Vengeance Feat 1
Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

Trigger a target successfully strikes you with your deities You are wielding your deity's favored weapon. Expend a
favored weapon. focus point. Treat your weapon as if it had the thrown
weapon trait and the returning magic weapon rune. This
Increase your mythic resistance to 15 against the triggering lasts for a number of minutes equal to your tier.
attack. Additionally, you may expend a focus point to make a
spell strike, treating the triggering attack roll as the DC. On a
critical success, the weapon that struck you is destroyed.

Plant Bringer Feat 1 Sustained By Faith Feat 1

Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

You may expend a focus point to grant all plants within 30 ft You require no food, water, or sleep. You can regain class
of you fast healing equal to double your tier. This effect lasts abilities once per day by spending 1 hour in meditation. If
as long as you sustain it. you expend a focus point, you do not need to breathe for 24
hours. This focus point cannot be regained for 24 hours.

Symbol Of The Holy Feat 1 Water Of Life Feat 1

Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

Hold a small amount of any material aloft and expend a Every potion you consume always has the maximum effect.
focus point to instantly transform it into the shape of your Additionally, you can expend a focus point and cast a healing
deity's holy symbol. This holy symbol acts as any talisman of spell into a pint of water. The water becomes a potion of the
your level or below, and the focus point cannot be regained healing spell you chose, and the focus point remains spent
until the talisman is expended. until the potion is consumed or destroyed.
Tongue Of The Land Feat 1 Abundant Blessing Feat 1
Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

You can communicate with everything as if you were Whenever you cast a 3-action heal spell, you can expend a
constantly under the effect of the tongues spell. You can focus point to apply any excess healing from any number of
always understand others, but by expending a focus point, targets to any number of other targets within 30 ft.
you gain the ability to speak to and understand the elements
themselves. The elements openly reveal information they
have witnessed. This lasts for a number of hours equal to
your tier. The spent focus point cannot be regained until the
effect ends.

Alignment Insight Feat 3 Animal Friend Feat 3

Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

Trigger A divine spell is cast in your line of sight. Animals that you encounter have a starting attitude toward
you of helpful. Expend a focus point to claim a wild animal of
Expend a focus point and roll a Perception check against the your CR or lower as a minion indefinitely. A focus point
triggering target's Will DC. spent in this way cannot be regained until the animal is
released from your control.
Critical Success As a success, except that you learn
everything there is to know about the triggering target's
moral code, including any anathema.

Success You learn the target's alignment and deity.

Hand Of Mercy Feat 3 Shape Mercy Feat 3

Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

When you use an ability that lessens a condition, you may Expend a focus point and shape a one or two action heal or
expend any number of focus points. Each point spent harm spell, creating a 60 ft cone, a 20 ft radius 100 ft tall
reduces that condition by an additional step to a minimum column, or a 120 ft line.
of zero.
Blessed Companion Feat 3 Divine Potency Feat 3
Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

Expend a focus point and select one minion, granting it Choose one of your divine spellcasting classes. You gain
mythic boons. A creature blessed in this way gains mythic three bonus 1st level divine spell slots for that class. You can
resistance 10 and increases in CR to your level -2. The focus select this feat more than once. Each time it is selected it
point spent in this way cannot be regained until the minion applies to the next level of spell slot. This feat cannot grant
is slain or the boons are revoked. you spell slots of a level you do not qualify for from your

Domain Immunity Feat 3 Overflowing Grace Feat 3

Hierophant Focus Hierophant Focus

When you would suffer a negative effect from a spell When you heal a target that has full hp, you may expend a
outlined in any of your selected domains, you gain immunity focus point to grant the creature a circumstance bonus to
to the harmful effects of the spell, even if you aren't high strike rolls equal to 1/3rd your mythic tier for one minute.
enough level to cast it. This immunity lasts for a number of
rounds equal to your mythic tier. Additionally, you may
expend a focus point to turn the spell back on its caster.

Life Current Feat 3 Arcane Knowledge Feat 3

Hierophant Hierophant

You are more attuned to the source of negative or positive Choose three arcane spells and add them to your spell list.
energy and better able to access its power. When you roll 1's The spells must be at least 1 level below the maximum spell
on heal or harm spells, treat them as the maximum number level you can cast. This feat can be taken multiple times, each
on the die. This feat can be taken multiple times, each time it time allowing you to choose three additional spells.
treats the next number up (2's the second time, 3's the third
time) as maximum numbers during a heal or harm spell.
Conduit Of Divine Will Feat 6 Overcome Curse Feat 6
Hierophant Focus Hierophant

Expend a focus point and cast a single spell from your Cursed items impart no negative effect on you and you can
domain as part of this activity. Divine energy enshrouds you, discard them at will. Any positive benefit of a curse or cursed
granting a circumstance bonus to your AC equal to 1/3 your item still affects you.
tier for a number of rounds equal to your tier.

Divine Form Feat 6 Puppet Master Feat 6

Hierophant Hierophant Focus

Permanently lose a focus point and gain a template pleasing Expend a number of focus points equal to half the target's
to your deity or patron (subject to GM discretion). If this level (rounded up) and animate a target within 60 ft that died
form is ever reverted or taken from you, you regain your lost within a week. The animating energy matches that of your
focus point and may choose a different Hierophant feat. deity, either positive or negative. The target becomes an
animate, mindless, and soulless husk, and becomes your
minion for a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier.
The husk regains half of its maximum HP and can use any of
the abilities it possessed in life.

Undying Healer Feat 6 Appeal To Nature Feat 6

Hierophant Hierophant Focus

Whenever you fall unconscious, your spirit manifests Your speech awakens the spirits of beasts, plants, and even
partially over your body. It can only cast positive or negative the elements. Expend 5 focus points and make an appeal to
energy spells and still consumes spell slots and focus points nature. Nature responds, taking the form of one 10th level
as normal. This effect can be dispelled and ends when you spell of your choice from the primal or elemental spell list
heal above 0 HP and awaken. and with one or more elemental traits (such as earth, fire,
water, etc).
Some are destined not only to achieve personal greatness but also to inspire
armies, rally the fallen, and bring the most out of those who follow them.
The marshal is such a leader, renowned for his vision, courage, and
strategic acumen. Soldiers flock to a marshal’s banner for a chance to serve
under such a commander, confident that his skill will see them through
even the most difficult challenges. As a marshal, your abilities allow you to
inspire mythic and non-mythic allies alike to greatness. In a group, you
protect and push your allies to even greater acts of heroism. All the while,
the powers of the marshal allow you to take the lead, help your companions,
and take the fight to your enemies.

Tier Marshal Features

1 Path Ability, Path Feat
2 Path Feat
3 Path Feat
4 Path Feat
5 Path Feat
6 Path Feat
7 Path Feat
8 Path Feat
9 Path Feat
10 Path Feat, Visionary Commander

Marshal Path Ability Tier 1 Marshal Path Feat Tier 1

Marshal Marshal

Select a single Marshal path ability from the three presented Select a Marshal path feat. Alternatively, you may select a
below. Once chosen, it cannot be changed. path feat from the universal mythic path.
Advance! Ability 1 Strike! Ability 1
Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

Frequency: once per round. Expend a focus point and give Expend a focus point and grant a free attack to one ally
yourself and every ally within 30 ft an immediate free move within 30 ft. This attack does not count toward the ally's
action that must be expended before the end of your turn. multiple attack penalty and takes place immediately on your
turn. This attack ignores any of the target's damage

Rally! Ability 1 Visionary Commander Tier 10

Marshal Focus Marshal

Expend a focus point and grant all allies within 30 ft a single At 10th tier, whenever you or an ally within 30 ft rolls
reroll on any one d20 roll before the beginning of your next initiative, roll twice and take either result. If the roll is a
turn. You must decide to reroll after the initial roll is made. natural 20, you and all allies within 30 ft gain a single round
The new result must be taken even if it is lower. of actions before combat starts. Once per round when you or
an ally scores a critical hit against a mythic creature, you
regain a focus point.

Clarion Call Feat 1 Additional Ability Feat 1

Marshal Focus Marshal

If an ally within 30 ft is using an ability that grants a static You gain an additional guardian path ability. You can select
bonus to damage, such as rage or favored enemy, you may this feat twice, each time gaining a different guardian path
expend a focus point to share it with all other allies within 30 ability.
ft for a number of rounds equal to your tier.
Commanding Entrance Feat 1 Deadly Guidance Feat 1
Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

Trigger You make your presence known to a group of You are able to point out weak points in the enemy's
strangers. defenses. Expend a focus point and grant all allies within 30
ft of you 1d6 sneak attack dice for a number of rounds equal
Expend a focus point and attempt a single diplomacy check to your tier. You can select this feat four times, each time it
to modify the attitudes of all creatures within 10 ft per tier. grants an additional sneak attack die.
You may also affect an additional number of targets equal to
your charisma modifier that are not in range but are in line
of sight. If you are in combat, you may expend a focus point
in the first round to make an intimidate check with the same

Resurging Speech Feat 1 Distracting Assault Feat 1

Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

Using the power of your mythic presence, you spur on allies Trigger You successfully strike a foe with a melee strike.
when all seems lost. Expend a focus point and give a speech
inspiring your allies to death or glory, granting all allies Expend a focus point and make the target flat-footed to all of
within the sound of your voice temporary HP equal to your your allies' strikes until the beginning of your next turn.
charisma modifier multiplied by your mythic tier. Allies that
hear your speech become immune to fear effects for a
number of rounds equal to your tier.
Team Focus Feat 1 Granted Stride Feat 1
Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

Your mighty and inspiring presence enhances the power of Expend a focus point. You and any allies within 30 ft ignore
your allies' mythic power. Whenever an ally within 30 ft of difficult terrain and penalties to perception checks to see for
you surges, the ally may roll the bonus die twice and takes a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier.
the higher result. Additionally, you may expend two focus
points once per round to grant a single focus point to all
allies within 30 ft.

Greater Surge Feat 1 Helpful Rebuke Feat 1

Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

When expending a focus point to surge, treat your tier as if it You are quick with stern yet helpful words.
were three higher for the purpose of determining what
bonus die you roll. When you gain your 10th tier, you roll Trigger an ally within line of sight fails a skill check with a
1d12 instead of 1d10. skill that you are trained in.

Expend a focus point and grant that ally a reroll with a bonus
equal to half your mythic tier rounded up. If you are
untrained in the triggering skill, you must expend two focus

Command Minions Feat 1 Lightning Performance Feat 1

Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

Frequency: once per round. Expend a focus point and Your bard focus spells take one fewer actions to activate, to a
command all minions that belong to you and are within the minimum of 1 action. You may expend a focus point once per
sound of your voice. round to activate any single performance as a free action.
Heroic Block Feat 1 Inspiring Focus Feat 1
Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

You can leap to your allies' defense. Whenever you expend a focus point for any reason, all non-
mythic allies that can see and hear you gain a +1
Trigger an opponent makes a melee strike against one of circumstance bonus to attack and AC until the start of your
your allies. next turn. This feat can be taken three times, the second
time the bonus is equal to half your tier rounded up, the
Expend a focus point and stride twice toward your ally. If third time the bonus is equal to your tier.
you end your movement adjacent to the triggering ally, it
gains a circumstance bonus to AC equal to half your mythic
tier rounded up against the triggering strike.

Loyalty Feat 1 Mounted Marshal Feat 1

Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

Your name and feats of bravery have attracted numerous When you are riding a mount and an enemy is in range of
followers. There is no longer a maximum limit to the both you and your mount, you may treat the target as
minions you can control. You can also expend a focus point flanked by you and your mount.
to instantly attract a troop of followers with a CR equal to
your Charisma modifier plus your mythic tier. This focus Trigger You are mounted and your mount has strided at
point cannot be regained until the troop is dismissed. If least twice in a straight line.
these followers are slain, you can replenish them by
expending another focus point in a reasonably populated Expend a focus point, and if your next attack hits, it is
area. treated as a critical hit.

Menacing presence Feat 1 Painful Gambit Feat 1

Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

Your presence puts others on edge. When you perform an Trigger You are the target of a successful attack of
activity that requires an Intimidate check, you can expend a opportunity.
focus point to apply the result to all creatures within 30 feet.
Expend a focus point and grant an attack of opportunity to
all allies adjacent to the enemy that struck you.
Perfect Aid Feat 1 Words Of Hope Feat 3
Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

Whenever you successfully aid another, you may expend a Expend a focus point and grant all allies in 30 feet the ability
focus point to grant the aided creature an additional bonus to roll twice and take the higher result on a single roll of their
equal to 1/3rd of your tier (minimum 1). choice. This roll must be made within a number of rounds
equal to your tier, or it is wasted.

Potent Message Feat 3 Directed Assault Feat 3

Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

You may expend a focus point while rolling a Diplomacy, Trigger You critically strike a target.
Deception, or Intimidation check against a target's Will DC.
If you succeed, the target is deeply impacted by your Expend a focus point and grant a flanking ally an improved
message, which spreads organically through their ability to follow through. If the next ranged or melee strike
community and remains a topic of interest for a number of roll your ally makes against the same target hits, treat it as a
days equal to your tier. critical hit.

Press The Advantage Feat 3 Stand Tall Feat 3

Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

Trigger An ally within 30 feet critically strikes a target. Trigger Any number of allies within 30 feet roll a saving
Make an attack of opportunity against the same target. If
you hit the target with your strike, you may expend a focus Expend a focus point and roll the triggering saving throw
point to grant an attack of opportunity to another ally within yourself. Your allies may use your result instead of their own.
30 feet.
Aura Of Perseverance Feat 3 Caster's Friend Feat 3
Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

Expend a focus point and grant yourself an aura of Expend a focus point and bolster the magical abilities of
perseverance for a number of rounds equal to your tier. spellcasting allies standing adjacent to you. Spells cast by
While the aura is active, allies within 30 feet of you do not fall these allies gain a bonus to their attack rolls or save DCs
unconscious when they reach 0 hit points. They can still be equal to half your tier, rounded up, until your next turn.
damaged normally and must still roll their death saving
throws. If they leave this area, they fall unconscious. If they
reach a dying value that would kill them, they still die.

Concentrated Barrage Feat 3 Mob Rule Feat 3

Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

Expend a focus point and direct the strikes of two allies Expend a focus point and make a Diplomacy, Intimidation,
against a single target. The two allies gain a single free action or Deception check. Everyone within 30 ft per tier is affected
that they can use to make any single activity that takes two or by the result of your skill check. If you succeed, you may
fewer actions and includes a strike or the attack trait. Both make a request of the crowd as if you had succeeded against
allies roll and total their results separately, then both allies all members of the crowd with a Suggestion spell. If you
use the higher of the two results as their final strike result. critically succeed, you can cause all targets to suffer the
This feat can be taken three times, once at 3rd tier, 6th tier, effects of a Confusion spell.
and 9th tier. Each time it is selected again, you may add one
additional ally to make a strike.
Dispel Fear Feat 3 Don't Cross Me Feat 3
Marshal Focus Marshal

Expend a focus point and end the effects of fear on all allies Even when you are away from your followers, they fear and
within 30 ft. obey you. When you have successfully intimidated a target,
it remains helpful toward you for a number of days equal to
your tier. After this time, the target may make a Will save
each day against your Intimidation DC to end the effects of
your intimidation.

Inspire Martyrdom Feat 3 Master Of Shadows Feat 3

Marshal Marshal

When using Diplomacy or Intimidate to coerce others into When you and allies within 30 ft per tier must make Stealth
performing dangerous acts, you may expend a focus point to checks, you may expend a focus point to take the highest
cause the NPCs to treat dangerous requests no differently check result and apply it to everyone.
than they would reasonable requests.

Shared Alertness Feat 3 Shout Of Defiance Feat 6

Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

When an ally within 30 ft benefits from an ability that allows Expend a focus point to create a 100 ft burst of healing
them to treat a save as one result better, you may expend a energy. All allies within the area benefit from a heal spell
focus point to apply that ability to all allies within 30 ft of equal to your tier, prone allies within the area may stand up
that ally. as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Fight On! Feat 6 Free Your Mind Feat 6
Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

With an order or a determined look, you spur a wounded ally Expend a focus point and end any mental effect that is
to keep fighting. Once per round, expend a focus point and negatively impacting a target within 100 ft. The effect targets
allow a target other than yourself that is benefiting from you instead, but you may make a saving throw as normal. If
your Aura of Perseverance to keep fighting even after it has you succeed, the effect is ended.
reached a dying value that would normally kill it. The target
cannot die from hit point damage, even if its Wounded value
would normally kill it, until the start of your next turn, at
which point you can expend another focus point to give the
target another round.

Unswerving Loyalty Feat 6 Words Of Valor Feat 6

Marshal Focus Marshal Focus

You are a bastion of strength and resolve, and you can With a short speech, you empower your allies to take on any
protect your mind from even the most powerful charms and foe. Expend two focus points. Allies within 30 ft gain the
compulsions. effects of a Heroism and Haste spell, heightened to a level
equal to your tier.
Trigger You are targeted with an effect that includes the
Mental trait.

Expend a focus point and gain immunity to mental effects

for a number of rounds equal to your tier.
Tricksters, masters of manipulation and deception, are often unseen until
they choose to make their presence known. Through their exceptional skills
and cunning, they can sway the will of both kings and peasants alike, most
of the time without anyone realizing they've been influenced. Tricksters are
the heroes who can perform the seemingly impossible: scale any wall, swim
against the strongest current, and remain undetected by the sharpest-eyed
guard. Their strikes are precise and lethal, often catching their foes off-

As a Trickster, your role in the party involves deception and manipulation.

Your abilities empower you to physically and mentally confound your

Tier Trickster Features

1 Path Ability, Path Feat
2 Path Feat
3 Path Feat
4 Path Feat
5 Path Feat
6 Path Feat
7 Path Feat
8 Path Feat
9 Path Feat
10 Supreme Trickster, Path Feat

Trickster Path Ability Tier 1 Trickster Path Feat Tier 1

Trickster Trickster

Select a single Trickster path ability from the three Select a Trickster path feat. Alternatively, you may select a
presented below. Once chosen, it cannot be changed. path feat from the universal mythic path.
Deadly Throw Ability 1 Surprise Strike Ability 1
Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Once per round, you may expend a focus point to draw and Once per round, you may expend a focus point to make a
throw a weapon or alchemical item. Make a ranged strike melee or ranged strike against a target within 30 ft. This
that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, rolling twice strike doesn't count against your multiple attack penalty,
and taking the better result. If the strike misses, the thrown and all targets of the attack are considered flat-footed.
weapon always lands adjacent to the target, regardless of Damage from this attack bypasses any of the target's damage
range. resistance and immunities, such as immunity to precision

Backstab Ability 1 Supreme Trickster Tier 10

Trickster Focus Trickster

Trigger You strike a target that hasn't acted yet in initiative. At 10th tier, whenever you make an attack roll against a non-
mythic foe, that foe is treated as flat-footed, even if it has
Expend a focus point and treat your attack as a critical hit as abilities that prevent it from becoming flat-footed. Once per
long as the attack would have at least hit the target. round when you critically succeed at a skill check, you regain
a focus point.

Additional Ability Feat 1 Aim For The Eyes Feat 1

Trickster Trickster Focus

You gain an additional Trickster path ability. You can select Trigger You critically succeed a ranged strike against an
this feat twice, each time gaining a different Trickster path enemy within 60 ft.
Expend a focus point and blind the creature for a number of
rounds equal to your mythic tier.
Assured Drinker Feat 1 Assured Skill Feat 1
Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

No one can stop you from drinking, even in combat. Once Frequency Once per round
per round, you may expend a focus point to draw and
consume a potion, elixir, mutagen, or extract. Trigger You just rolled a skill check.

Expend a focus point to roll the skill check twice, taking the
higher result.

Astounding Disable Feat 1 Combat Trickery Feat 1

Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

For you, disabling a device never provokes reactions or Through buffoonery and deceit, you can trick opponents into
attacks of opportunity. When disabling a device, you may moving where you want them. Roll a Deception check
expend a focus point to gain the quickened condition for a against the target's Fortitude DC. Treat the result as a Bull
number of rounds equal to your tier. This extra action can Rush attempt for the distance the target moves, except that
only be used to continue disabling a device. you may reposition them in any direction.

Compelling Feint Feat 1 Crime Spree Feat 1

Trickster Trickster Focus

When you use the Feint action, expend a focus point to roll a Expend a focus point and make a Thievery check. Apply the
single Deception check and apply the result to the Perception result to the Perception DC of all creatures within 10 ft of
DC of all enemies within 10 ft. you. For each success, you can take one item of 1 bulk or less.
This feat works with Grand Larceny.
Deadly Dodge Feat 1 Defensive Move Feat 1
Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Expend a focus point to gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Expend a focus point. You do not provoke reactions from
your AC until the start of your next turn. During this time, movement and automatically succeed when Striding
whenever a creature misses a melee strike against you, it through enemy-occupied squares until the start of your next
provokes a reaction from you. You can use this reaction to turn.
make a melee strike against the triggering target, or choose
another target within reach of the enemy as the new target of
the enemy's triggering strike.

Down Like Dominoes Feat 1 Faster Than The Eye Feat 1

Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Trigger You successfully tripped a target. Few can trace your expert skills of legerdemain.

Expend a focus point and apply the check result that tripped Trigger You rolled a Thievery check to steal or plant an object
the triggering target to an adjacent target at a -2 penalty. If on a target. Expend a focus point and give the target a
the second target is also tripped, apply the result to another penalty to their Perception check equal to half your mythic
target at a -4 penalty. Continue this until a check fails to trip tier.
an enemy, at which point this effect ends.

Ghostly Performance Feat 1 Impossible Pockets Feat 1

Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

When a bard focus spell would end, you may expend a focus You gain a number of magical pockets equal to your tier on
point as a free action to cause it to linger for a number of the inside of any clothing that you wear. Each pocket can
rounds equal to your mythic tier. store a number of bulk equal to double your mythic tier.
Expend a focus point and retrieve an item from one of these
pockets as a free action; otherwise, retrieving an item takes a
single action.
No One Of Consequence Feat 1 Master Dilettante Feat 1
Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Your mythic nature is a cloak that can shield you from the You are passingly familiar with every subject and have
memories of others. By expending a focus point, you become dabbled in numerous fields and activities. When you roll a
unremarkable to non-mythic creatures for 24 hours. One skill check with which you are not trained, you always add
minute after interacting with you, creatures struggle to your level and tier to the result as though you were trained.
remember anything beyond the most vague details of your By expending a focus point, you can add a +2 circumstance
appearance and conversation. You can end this effect as a bonus and treat your training level as expert for a number of
free action at any time, at which point targets you interacted minutes equal to your tier. This feat only works on skills with
with remember you clearly, and you regain your focus point. which you are not trained, including common and obscure
Lore and Profession skills.

Nimble Glide Feat 1 Knot Expert Feat 1

Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Your mythic power causes gravity to work strangely for you. Trigger You used an item or weapon that could reasonably
be tied into a knot (rope, whip, spiked chain, flail, etc.) to
Trigger You begin to fall. successfully grapple an opponent.

Expend a focus point; your fall rate drops to 100 ft per round, Expend a focus point and cause the target to become tied up
and you may move 5 ft horizontally for every 10 ft you fall. by the weapon and restrained.
When you land, you take no fall damage.

Path Dabbling Feat 1 Persuasive Countenance Feat 1

Trickster Trickster Focus

Select one path feat from another mythic path. You must Trigger You encounter a target for the first time.
meet any other requirements that path ability has, including
minimum tier restrictions and prerequisites. This feat can Expend a focus point. The target's starting attitude toward
be taken multiple times. you begins as indifferent. If the starting attitude is already
indifferent or higher, it is always one step better.
Ranged Disable Feat 1 Ricochet Feat 1
Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Your impeccable luck allows you to disable devices and break Trigger You make a ranged strike.
locks at a distance.
Expend a focus point and target an area instead. Treat that
Trigger You hit a device with a ranged strike. targeted area as the new origin point of your attack for
hitting creatures out of your line of sight or behind cover.
Expend a focus point and attempt a Thievery check to disable

Sniper's Riposte Feat 1 Supreme Stealth Feat 1

Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

You no longer provoke attacks of opportunity with ranged Choose a supernatural sense (blindsight, scent, tremorsense,
strikes. Immediately after making an attack, you may etc). A creature using the chosen precise sense can't
expend a focus point to negate all penalties to stealth for automatically detect you with it but must succeed at a
sniping. Perception check as normal against your Stealth DC. You can
select this feat multiple times, each time select a different

Light Foot Feat 1 Mythic Inspiration Feat 3

Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Expend a focus point. Any surface can bear your weight as Trigger You use a spell or ability that grants a status bonus to
long as you are moving until the end of your next turn. When yourself or an ally.
you Stride, you may do so across hazardous terrain (lava,
water, traps, horizontal or vertical surfaces etc.) without Expend a focus point and increase that status or
impediment or suffering the ordinary negative effects of circumstance bonus by 1/3rd your tier.
movement across such terrain until your stride ends.
Shadow Stealth Feat 3 This Just Might Work Feat 3
Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Your mythic power makes walls and doors optional. While You're adept at combining optimistic resourcefulness with
looking into a shadow, you can perceive out of other natural skill. Whenever you roll a skill check with a
shadows within 50ft. Additionally, you may expend a focus corresponding ability (such as Thievery and Acrobatics both
point to vanish into the shadow and reappear out of another based on Dexterity), you can attempt the skill check with the
shadow within 50ft. better of the two skills.

Thwart Detection Feat 3 Steal Spell Feat 3

Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Expend a focus point and cause all trap and construct effects Expend a focus point and make a steal attempt against a
that would automatically prevent entry or impose harm to target benefitting from a duration spell that improves it. Roll
allow you a Stealth check at their level DC to circumvent your Thievery against the spell DC. If you succeed, the effect
them. ends for the target and transfers to you.

Trap Taker Feat 3 Unintentional Feint Feat 3

Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Trigger You critically succeed at a Thievery check to disable a When you make a melee strike that misses a target, you may
trap. expend a focus point as a free action to apply the result to a
different enemy within range. If the original strike result
Expend a focus point and store the trap in one of your would hit the second target, it does.
improbable pockets, completely filling the pocket. The focus
point remains expended until you place the trap somewhere
else, but doing so allows you to reset the parameters of the
trap to ignore your allies and harm your enemies.
Fickle Attack Feat 3 Perfect Lie Feat 3
Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Trigger you roll damage for a melee or ranged strike with a Trigger you roll a Deception skill check.
weapon or alchemical item.
Expend a focus point. The lie becomes indistinguishable
Expend a focus point and treat any 1's you roll on the damage from the truth, whether by perception or magic. Obvious
dice as the highest number on those dice. This feat can be proof of your falsehood still reveals the lie for what it is, but
taken three times: once at 3rd tier, once at 6th tier, and once in the absence of proof, those who hear your lie are just as
at 9th tier. At 6th tier, this applies to 1's and 2's. At 9th tier, likely to believe it as they would the truth.
this applies to 1's, 2's, and 3's.

Vanishing Move Feat 3 Master Of Escape Feat 3

Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

You can vanish, becoming invisible until the end of your next Once per round, you may make a free additional check to
turn. This effect ends if you do anything other than standing end any immobilized or pinned conditions with no penalty.
still or moving. Additionally, you may expend a focus point
to treat this as an invisibility spell heightened to 4th level.
The effects last for 10 minutes.

Enduring Elixir Feat 6 Precision Critical Feat 6

Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

When you drink an elixir, extract, or potion with a duration, Whenever you successfully deal sneak attack damage to an
you may expend a focus point to cause the effects to last for unconscious target, treat your strike as a critical strike.
24 hours. The focus point is expended and cannot be
regained until the effect ends. Trigger you successfully deal sneak attack damage on a
critical hit.

Expend a focus point and double your sneak attack dice.

Bloody Streak Feat 6 Bottle Talent Feat 6
Trickster Focus Trickster Focus

Trigger you successfully deal sneak attack damage to a Expend a focus point and make a spell attack roll or Thievery
creature. check against a target in melee range. If you succeed, you
can choose one of the creature's limited-use abilities and
Expend a focus point to heighten your bloodshed. You gain replicate that ability by placing it into an item. The item
an additional 1d6 sneak attack die for every subsequent gains a number of charges equal to the number of times per
successful sneak attack. This lasts until you fail to deal sneak day the target can use the ability. Any creature holding that
attack damage in a single round, at which point the streak item can expend 1 focus point to activate the replicated
ends and you lose all additional sneak attack dice. The ability as though the creature had used it. The ability
maximum number of additional sneak attack dice you can emanates from the item, and this expends 1 charge. Once the
gain is equal to your tier. item has expended all of its charges, the effect ends.

Slayer's Cyclone Feat 6

Trickster Focus
Steal Power Feat 6

When you spot a breach in an enemy's defenses, you make Trickster Focus

strikes with a lethal blend of speed and precision. Expend a

focus point and make a single melee strike at your highest
attack bonus. If you hit and the target is flat-footed, deal Make a steal attempt against a mythic target. If you succeed,
damage as normal. You can then Stride once to another the target loses a focus point and you gain one.
target and make another strike. As long as the targets are
flat-footed and you do not miss, you may continue to Stride
and strike until you have Strided double your movement
speed or struck a number of opponents equal to your mythic
tier. You cannot strike a single target more than once with
this ability per encounter.
These universal feats are available to all mythic characters. Each tier when
you select a mythic path feat from your chosen mythic path, you may
instead select one of these universal path feats.

Commune With Nature Feat 1 Dampen Magic Feat 1

Universal Universal Focus

Once per day, you can spend 1 hour in uninterrupted Expend a focus point to halve the remaining duration of a
meditation to commune with the source of your mythic hostile spell affecting you. If there is one round remaining in
power. You may ask general yes or no questions, receiving the duration, the hostile effect ends.
single-word responses or impressions.

Extra Mythic Feat Feat 1 Extra Focus Feat 1

Universal Universal Focus

You gain an extra mythic general feat. Select a feat with the Your maximum number of Focus Points increases by 2, and
Mythic trait. You can select this path feat multiple times. you gain 2 Focus Points. This path ability can be selected 3
Each time you may select another class, general, skill, or times: once at 1st, 3rd, and 6th tiers.
mythic feat.
Artifact Item Feat 1 Seal Of The Star Tower Feat 1
Universal Universal Focus

You imbue an item with mythic power, causing it to become Make a melee strike. On a critical success, you may expend a
an artifact. The artifact gains a number of abilities equal to focus point to force the target to make a Will save against
your tier (maximum 3). You must select the artifact abilities your class DC or Spellcasting DC, whichever is higher. If the
from the universal path section. You must meet the required target fails, you seal away the target's magical abilities
tier and the path feat must have the Artifact Ability trait. At (spellcasting, focus points, limited number use abilities etc)
third tier, you can select this feat again increasing the for a number of rounds equal to your tier. If the target
maximum to six abilities. At sixth tier, you can select this critically fails, you may expend 1 additional focus point to
feat again, increasing the maximum to 10 abilities. cause the sealing to become permanent. This focus point
cannot be regained until the target regains their abilities.

Legendary Surge Feat 1 Touched By The Depths Feat 1

Universal Artifact Ability Focus Universal

The artifact gains a focus point pool of its own. Increase the Your mythic power draws the attention of an elder being
maximum number of focus points the legendary item can who twists it. You gain a swim speed equal to your highest
have to 2. Anyone who has invested the Artifact can use these other movement speed and the ability to breathe water as
focus points to activate mythic abilities. The artifact never easily as air. You also gain precise tremorsense in water that
recharges these focus points on its own, but any creature functions to a range of 60 ft.
with focus abilities can expend focus points to recharge it.

Pierce Darkness Feat 1 Longevity Feat 1

Universal Universal

You gain permanent darkvision. If you possess darkvision You continue to age, but will no longer die or take penalties
already, you gain greater darkvision. If you have greater from old age.
darkvision, no darkness can blind you under any
Intelligent Item 1 Upgradable Item 1
Universal Artifact Ability Intelligent Universal Artifact Ability

The artifact awakens and becomes intelligent, gaining or An invested creature can improve the artifact by performing
beginning to develop its own personality. It gains Wisdom, a special ritual. In which the artifact is placed in liquid, an
Intelligence, and Charisma scores of 10 and learns 1 item with some property or ability not contained by the
language. The artifact gains blindsight to a range of 30 ft and artifact is destroyed and distilled into the same liquid. The
the ability to communicate feelings to anyone touching it. old item is gone forever, and the artifact gains a number of
The Artifact immediately gains the alignment of the qualities and abilities from the item determined by the
character that awoke it, and develops a singular ideal or goal. artifact power: 1 quality if the artifact master is at least3rd
Only powerful magic can change this alignment or the tier, 2 if they are 6th, and 3 if they are 9th. The invested
artifact's ideal or goal. This ability can be selected three creature may choose which abilities or qualities to add.
times: once at 1st, 3rd, and 6th tiers. Each time it is selected, Similar effects do not stack, but lesser bonuses are replaced
increase all three of the ability scores by +2, or a single ability by higher bonuses. The ritual takes 1 day.
score by +4. You may also select a single ability with the
prerequisite Intelligent to add to the Artifact each time this
artifact ability is selected.

Legendary Fortification Item 1 Metamagician Item 1

Universal Artifact Ability Focus Universal Artifact Ability Focus

When a critical strike or sneak attack is scored against a Frequency: Once per round. While wielding or wearing this
creature wearing this artifact, the wearer can expend a focus artifact, a spellcaster can apply any single metamagic feat
point from the artifact to reduce the damage taken to they know to a spell as a free action. They may expend a
normal. This ability can only be used if the artifact is in a focus point to apply a second known feat that can affect
wearable form and not a weapon. spells, as a free action.

Perfect Surge Item 1 Powerful Item 1

Universal Artifact Ability Intelligent Universal Artifact Ability Focus

When a character uses a surge while this artifact is invested The artifact's maximum focus point pool increases by 2. This
and in their possession, it automatically aids them by adding Legendary Item Ability can be taken 3 times: once at first
a +2 to that surge result. tier, once at 3rd, and once at 6th.
Intelligent Abilities Item 1 Diverse Abilities Item 1
Universal Artifact Ability Intelligent Universal Artifact Ability Intelligent

Select one of the following abilities to add to the intelligent Select one of the following abilities to add to the intelligent
artifact: Artifact:

- Skill: This item gains or improves proficiency in a number - Animate: The item can sprout limbs, wings, or simply
of skills equal to half its Int modifier. levitate with a speed of 30 ft. It gains a single stride action
- Spellcasting: The creator gains 5 spell levels to spend on per round.
spells from their own spell list to add to the artifact. The - Expanded Senses: Blindsight range increases to 60 ft.
wielder can command the artifact to cast a spell as a single - Read Languages: The item can read any language,
action 3 times per day. No spell can be of a level greater than including secret languages.
the creator's mythic tier. The artifact's spell attack modifier - Read Magic: The item automatically succeeds on attempts
is its Int mod + Cha mod + Creator's tier. The artifact's Save to recognize any spell equal to the number of Legendary Item
DC is this same number +10. Abilities it possesses.
- Telepathy: The item can fully speak any language to the - Change Shape: The item can change its shape into one
mind of anyone in contact with it. other item shape. This ability can be selected multiple times,
- Teleport: Once per day the item can teleport as per the with a different ability chosen each time.
spell, or directly into the possession of someone who has
touched it. This ability can be selected multiple times, with a
different ability chosen each time.

Mythic Craft Feat 1


When using the Craft skill, you take only half the amount of
time to complete items.

Pure Destiny Feat 1 Pure Body Feat 1

Universal Universal

Your mythic destiny is guided by providence. You become Your body is so pure that you become immune to all non-
immune to all non-mythic curses and compulsions. mythic diseases and poisons.
Mythic Companion Feat 1 Mythic Sustenance Feat 1
Universal Universal

Select an animal companion, cohort, or familiar. That Your mythic power is enough to sustain you. You no longer
creature can use your mythic abilities and gains a number of need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe to live. However, you are
mythic focus points equal to half your tier (minimum 1) per still affected by inhaled or consumed poisons if you inhale or
day. consume them.

Telepathic Mindlink Feat 3 Mythic Contact Feat 3

Universal Universal

You gain a single permanent telepathic bond with one other You learn the true name of a particularly powerful and
creature. You can change this bond to a different creature knowledgeable outsider of your choice with a level of up to
with a special ritual that takes 1 hour. If the creature is 20+ your mythic tier. You can expend a focus point to
unwilling, it must succeed on a Will save against your class conjure the creature, or in some cases an aspect of this
DC or Spellcasting DC, whichever is higher. creature for negotiation or questioning. The aspect can be
summoned only once per day and the focus point used
cannot be regained until the following day.

Beyond Morality Feat 3

Divine Source Feat 3
Universal Focus

You have no alignment. For effects or abilities that require

alignment, you are always treated as whatever alignment is You can grant spells to those who worship you. You are
most favorable to you. Attempts to detect your alignment considered a deity or patron for the purpose of determining
return no results, and you are immune to effects that alter spells and domains. Select two domains and a spell list - you
alignment. You never lose class abilities, spells, or benefits as now grant access to these domains and this list as a minor
a result of violating your anathema, though others may still deity. You cannot grant spell slots per day of a level higher
try to punish you for such acts. than your tier. By expending a focus point activity, you can
cast one of the spells from your domains or a spell from your
list with a level equal to or less than your tier, and heightened
up to your tier. Spell attack rolls for this ability are Wis Mod
+ Character Level + Tier. Spell Save DCs are this same
number +10.
Defy Death Feat 3 Fearless Feat 3
Universal Universal

When you are the target of an effect that would cause your Few things in this world scare you. You become immune to
death (damage, death spells, poison, doom, etc.) and allows the fear condition.
a saving throw, you gain a bonus to your save equal to 1/3rd
of your tier.

Enhance Ability Feat 3 Interplanar Prestige Feat 3

Universal Universal

You gain a single free ability boost. This increases an ability Your might has drawn the notice of creatures beyond your
score under 18 by +2, and an ability score above 18 by +1. This home plane. You gain a bonus equal to 1/3rd your mythic tier
feat can be selected six times, each time it must apply to a on diplomacy and intimidate checks against extraplanar
different ability score. creatures, and they recognize you for your

Rejuvenating Item 4 Foe-Biting Item 3

Universal Artifact Ability Focus Universal Artifact Ability Focus

The bearer of this item can expend a focus point to heal 10HP When this artifact deals damage, its user can expend a focus
per tier. If the item is a Major Artifact, the bearer may point to double the total damage dice it deals. If the strike
alternatively expend two focus points to remove any single was a critical success, the wielder can expend two focus
negative persistent condition. points; the second adds +1 to the critical multiplier of the
critical strike. This applies to all damage dice rolled from the
weapon, including weapon runes such as flaming or weapon
abilities such as deadly. (In all cases, multipliers are additive,
not multiplicative. For example, if a critical strike would deal
x3 damage, this ability increases the total multiplier to x4,
not x6). No multiplier can ever exceed x4.

Returning Item 4
Universal Artifact Ability Focus

A creature that has invested the artifact can expend a focus

point to teleport it onto their person or into their hand if they
desire. This teleportation works at any distance on the same
Far Walker Feat 6 True Tongues Feat 6
Universal Universal

The boundaries of the material plane mean little to you. You You understand and speak all languages, even secret,
can expend a focus point to cast Plane Shift. The focus point hidden, and forgotten languages.
cannot be regained until the following day.

Everlasting Item 7
Undetectable Item 7 Universal Artifact Ability

Universal Artifact Ability

When this artifact is worn, held, or in the possession of a

creature, it grants limited immortality. While in contact
An invisible creature in contact with this artifact leaves no with the artifact, the creature ceases to age and doesn't need
automatic trace of its existence and cannot be detected or to eat, drink, or breathe. Nor does the creature suffer ill
scried by any means. Such a creature that manipulates effects from extreme environmental heat or cold from
objects, strikes, or otherwise intentionally draws attention natural sources.
from others can still be struck if an attack lands in their

Eternal Investiture Item 7 Indestructibility Item 7

Universal Artifact Ability Universal Artifact Ability

Before this artifact can be activated, it must be invested. To The artifact gains a hardness value equal to double that of a
invest this legendary item, a creature must expend a number regular item of its type and is invulnerable to all forms of
of focus points equal to the number of abilities the legendary damage. Its destruction can only be achieved through special
item possesses. Non-mythic creatures cannot invest in the means agreed upon by the GM and player. Typically, this
legendary item and therefore cannot activate it. destruction method should be as challenging as grinding up
the creator's bones, sprinkling them over the artifact, and
The creator of the item is always considered to have it whispering the creator's three least favorite things.
invested without it counting against the number of invested
items they can possess. As long as the creator is alive, the
item remains loyal to them, and if it has intelligence, it
makes an effort to return to its creator.
Mythic General Feats
These mythic general feats are available to all mythic characters. When a
tier advancement or ability grants you a mythic feat, it must be chosen from
these feats below.

Accursed Hex Feat 1 Mythic Acrobatics Feat 1

General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

You have no limit to the number of hexes or focus spells you Your grace and fluidity are unparalleled. You roll acrobatics
can cast per round, and your hexes resonate with persistent checks with a +2 bonus and can roll twice, taking the higher
potency. When you target a creature with a hex or focus result. You can also expend a focus point as an additional
spell, you can expend an additional focus point to force the action before you make an acrobatics skill check to add +10 to
target to roll its save twice, taking the lower result. the final result.

Mythic Awareness Feat 1 Mythic Life Affinity Feat 1

General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

Your powers of perception surpass even the keenest You have an incredible affinity for all forms of life. You roll
observers. You roll perception checks with a +2 bonus and nature checks with a +2 bonus and can roll twice, taking the
can roll twice, taking the higher result. You can also expend a higher result. You also gain the ability to communicate with
focus point as an additional action before a perception skill and understand any living creature with 4 or less
check to improve the result by one step. intelligence. Before you make a Nature skill check, you may
expend a focus point as an additional action to improve the
result by one step.
Mythic Athletics Feat 1 Persuasive Feat 1
General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

You excel far beyond others in physical prowess. You roll You are a master of persuasion, both with soothing words
Athletics checks with a +2 bonus, and before you make an and commanding tones. You roll Diplomacy checks with a +2
Athletics skill check, you can expend a focus point as an bonus and can roll twice, taking the higher result. You can
additional action to treat the result as one step better. also expend a focus point as an additional action before a
Diplomacy skill check to improve the result by one step.

Mythic Power Attack Feat 1 Dual Path Feat 1

General Mythic Focus General Mythic

Your attacks are devastatingly powerful. When making a You walk two mythic paths. Select a second path and gain its
Power Attack, you can expend a focus point and one 1st tier ability. Henceforth, when you must select a single
additional action to double the regular number of damage path feat, you can choose from either path.
dice from Power Attack.

Bleeding Strike Feat 1 Mythic Sudden Charge Feat 1

General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

Your deadly strikes cause severe bleeding. Add your tier to You can charge through multiple enemies to reach your
any persistent bleed damage you deal. When you critically target. If there are enemies in a straight line to your target,
hit a target and deal persistent bleed damage, you can you can expend one focus point per enemy to successfully
expend a focus point to also inflict 1 persistent drained value charge through them without an acrobatics roll. When you
on the target, which increases by 1 each round until the reach your target, make a single strike and apply the result to
target is healed or killed. all the enemies you charged through.
Mythic Cleave Feat 1 Mythic Command Undead Feat 1
General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

You can cleave any foe within your reach. Whenever you use When you use Command Undead or Improved Command
cleave or great cleave, you may take a single 5-foot step Undead, treat your results as one degree better. Target
between each successful strike to continue cleaving. You can undead creatures need only be one level beneath your
also expend a focus point for each non-adjacent enemy current level. Undead that critically fail their save become
within your reach to include them in your cleave. your minions indefinitely, remaining until they are
commanded by another or you are slain or destroyed.

Mythic Exacting Strike Feat 1 Mythic Specialization Feat 1

General Mythic Focus General Mythic

Your attacks are perfectly balanced and conserve Your weapon specialization is legendary. When a weapon
momentum. When you make a strike, you can expend a you wield benefits from weapon specialization, double the
focus point to negate the multiple attack penalty for any damage bonus granted by weapon specialization: 4 for
missed strikes for a number of rounds equal to your tier. Expert proficiency, 6 for Master, and 8 for Legendary.

Mythic Deceit Feat 1 Mythic Deft Hands Feat 1

General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

Your deceit is unparalleled. When you make a Deception You can pick any lock. When you make a Thievery check, you
check, you gain a +2 bonus and can roll twice, taking the gain a +2 bonus and can roll twice, taking the higher result.
higher result. Before a Deception check, you can expend a Before a Thievery check, you can expend a focus point as an
focus point as an additional action to treat the result as one additional action to treat the result as one step better.
step better.
Natural Items Feat 1 Extra Power Feat 1
General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

You can access your magic items even when they are melded You can store more mythic power than others of your tier.
into your body through transmutation. You can expend a Your maximum focus points increase by 2, and you gain 2
focus point to be able to access magic items as a free action focus points. This feat can be selected up to three times: once
for a number of rounds equal to your tier while using such at first tier, once at third, and once at sixth.
transmutation magic.

Distance Thrower Feat 1 Extra Path Feat Feat 1

General Mythic General Mythic

You are a master of thrown weapons. The range increment of In place of a mythic general feat, you can select a path feat
all your thrown items is doubled. from your chosen path.

Mythic Fleet Feat 1 Knockout Artist Feat 1

General Mythic General Mythic Focus

Increase all of your movement speeds by an additional 15 Your knockout punches are legendary. When you use a
feet. weapon to deal non-lethal damage, you can expend a focus
point to increase your sneak attack dice to d12s. If the target
isn't knocked unconscious by your attack, the damage is
halved at the end of your turn.
Mythic Far Shot Feat 1 Heal Or Harm Feat 1
General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

Your long-ranged strikes are remarkably accurate. When Your conjured energy is harder to resist. When a target rolls
making a ranged strike, reduce the range penalty by 2. You to resist your heal or harm spells, you may expend a focus
may expend a focus point to ignore all range increment point to make them roll twice and take the lower result.
penalties for your ranged strikes until the end of your turn.

Mythic Saving Throw Feat 1 Mythic Paragon Feat 1

General Mythic General Mythic

Choose a saving throw: Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. Increase You are a legend even among mythic beings. When
the chosen save by +2. This feat can be taken a maximum of calculating the effect of your mythic tier on abilities, count it
three times, once for each save. as two higher.

Precise Shot Feat 1 Steal Feat 1

General Mythic Focus General Mythic

You can strike your foes with incredible precision. When Your light fingers can lift even the most closely guarded
making a ranged strike, you may expend a focus point to add items off an enemy. Roll a Thievery check against the target's
your Dexterity modifier to your damage. Perception DC. If you critically succeed, you may remove an
item of 1 bulk or less from the target.
Mythic Stealth Feat 1 Mythic Counterspell Feat 1
General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

You move as silently as a shadow. Whenever you roll Stealth, You can unravel magical energy with pure mythic power.
you gain a +2 bonus, and you may roll twice and take the Whenever a spell is cast that you could counter, you may
higher result. Before a Stealth check, you may expend a expend a focus point instead of a spell slot to counter the
focus point and treat the result as one degree better. spell.

Maximum Effort Feat 1 Mythic Reflexes Feat 3

General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

Your focus defies the odds. Whenever you surge, you may Your reactions defy time. You may expend any number of
instead expend two focus points to maximize the die result. focus points to gain an equal number of additional reactions
until the end of the round.

Grand Larceny Feat 3 Mythic Summoning Feat 3

General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

When you roll a Thievery check against a target's Perception Your summons are not mere aspects of ordinary creatures,
DC to steal an item and you critically succeed, you may but rather aspects of epic beings. Any creature you summon
expend a focus point to remove a number of items up to 1 gains mythic resistance equal to your tier. Each summoned
bulk per tier from the target. creature also receives an elite adjustment.
Improved Critical Feat 6 Mythic Blind-Fight Feat 6
General Mythic Focus General Mythic Focus

Your critical strikes are deadlier than most. When you score No creature can evade your preternatural senses. Spend a
a critical hit, increase the critical multiplier by 1. (For focus point to ignore all flat checks due to concealment for a
example, if a critical hit would deal x3 damage, this feat number of rounds equal to your tier.
increases the total multiplier to x4, not x6. The maximum
critical multiplier is x4.)

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