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The splendid, radiant, traitorous sun stretched its golden

arms, climbed above the mountains and smiled to me.
The warm air was whispering in my ear the whole
afternoon. I felt like my eyes are burning and sweats are
falling down like a waterfall. I thought I going to explode
like a bomb. It was really killing me. And I noticed that
not a single bird was flying there. All I saw was endless,
shinning and shimmering sand like golden ocean. The
only company for me is the sound of my own steps and
the bow which existed steady like a stone from my back
and because of the bow weight, I felt like my strength are
drowning. Many times, I lose sight of the thing I sought
as I plunged along the sand depressions. I wished I could
fly like an eagle. After walking for a long time, my tongue
was in the desert and swollen once, the throat was as dry
as a bone. Water is as scares as hen’s teeth and finding
water is a wild goose chase. However, I felt dead on my
feet and I know if I don’t find the water sooner, I would
surely be dead.
“Where there are trees there is water.” I kept my chain
Out of the blue, not only the refuge but also the faint
voice appeared in my sight. I thought it was pie in the sky
to see that but I had only option. I decided to follow the
castle in the air. As I got closer, it began to take shape
and definition and hope began to live again.
“An oasis!” I shout like a mad man, run towards to there.
Then I also heard the voice become as clear as crystal as I
got near. The tree loomed larger and I saw that they
were palms. They were so tall as they almost touch the
sky. In their shade was a sunken hollow, roughly oval
shaped and I knew this must be cool crystal water.
Besides that, I saw a girl as beautiful as the spring flower,
sitting at the edge of the water and singing lullaby like a
nightingale. The place is glorious like a paradise and the
elegant girl’s voice was like a sugar cane and I thought I
get a toothache from hearing it. The desert roses are
dancing and the cacti are playing a band along with her
cotton candy melodious. The girl looked like a goddess,
wearing a golden toga and sandals which matched with
the wild. With the help of the sunlight, her hair was
shining like a glitter and then she met my eyes and
smiled at me like she already awed of my existence. The
smile on her lips was clam and as captivating as a
Monalisa and that took the half of my distress. If I have a
change to spend my entire life here, I would do it without
thinking twice.
“Welcome, my dear! You should come up for air. You
must be fatigued after this dead tired journey” she said
kindly like she knew what I was thinking about.
And then she waved her hand in the air and the food
appeared in a blink of an eye. Since I was ready to drop
and could eat a horse, so I sat down and accepted her
After I had finished the meal, I sensed something that
was hissing and slithering, gliding behind my back .That
sound like a thunderstorm almost hurt my eardrums.
When I turned back, i saw two horns that led me to my
prey. I hurriedly built as fast as lightning a circle of pine
cones, which I lit. I approached the snake as silently as
midnight and slowly raised my bow. The snake glimpsed
me but too late. The arrow whizzed past my shoulder
and sped towards the seventh stripe of the snake’s skin
which is its life situated there. I leapt into the ring of fire,
avoiding the poison that flowed like a torrent from the
dying body.
This battle wore me out and I can get a bucketful of
water if I wring my shirt out. After I relaxed for a while, I
started to explore the oasis. And I found the millions of
gold and jewelry unexpected. This unbelievable sight
made me on cloud nine. I took them with joy and began
to start my new adventure.

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