The Philippine Professional Standards For Teachers - REPORT

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The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) is a framework developed by

the Philippine Regulatory Commission (PRC) and the Department of Education (DepEd)
to guide the professional development of teachers in the Philippines. The PPST outlines
the competencies and behaviors that teachers should demonstrate across various
domains to ensure effective teaching and learning. These domains include:

1. Social Regard for Learning: Teachers should uphold respect, care, and concern for all
learners, acknowledging their diverse backgrounds and needs.
2. Learning Environment: Teachers should create a safe, inclusive, and stimulating
learning environment that fosters the holistic development of students.
3. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy: Teachers should possess deep knowledge of their
subject matter and employ effective instructional strategies to facilitate student learning.
4. Assessment and the Development of 21st Century Skills: Teachers should design and
implement assessments that accurately measure student progress and promote the
development of critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration skills.
5. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement: Teachers should actively engage
with parents, communities, and professional networks to enrich the learning experiences
of students and continuously improve their own practice.

The PPST serves as a guide for teacher education programs, professional development
initiatives, and performance assessment systems to ensure that Filipino teachers are
equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to meet the evolving needs
of learners and society.
“Thank you ma’am Rochel”

Alright, Continuing with the 7 domains, the fifth domain of the PPST framework focuses on
Assessment and Reporting:

Now! This domain basically is a critical aspect of effective teaching and learning
practices. And it encompasses five key components aimed at ensuring comprehensive
assessment strategies and meaningful reporting mechanisms to support student

Alright! The First Component is

1. Design, Selection, Organization, and Utilization of Assessment Strategies: Now,

in this component, teachers are responsible for designing, selecting, organizing, and
effectively using various assessment strategies to evaluate student learning. This
includes creating assessments such as tests or exams, quizzes, projects, and homework
or assignments that which are align with learning objectives and standards.

2. Monitoring and Evaluation of Learner Progress and Achievement: In this

component, Continuous monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and
achievement are essential for effective teaching. Teachers regularly assess student
performance to track progress, identify areas of strength and improvement, and this
way, teachers can adjust how they teach, to make sure students are learning as
effectively as possible.

Kanina, The first component is all about making tests, quizzes, and other ways to check
how well students are learning. And then Teachers create these tests and decide how to
use them to see what students understand.

This time, the second component is about keeping an eye on how students are doing in
class all the time. They pay attention to how students are learning and improving.
Teachers use this information to figure out how to teach better and help students learn
more. I hope this makes sense

The third component is

3. Feedback to Improve Learning: Providing timely and constructive feedback is

crucial for student growth and improvement. Teachers offer feedback to students on
their work, highlighting strengths and areas for development. This feedback kasi helps
students understand their progress and encourages them to actively engage in the
learning process.
4. Communication of Learner Needs, Progress, and Achievement to Key
Stakeholders: Now! Effective communication with key stakeholders (if we say
stakeholders, this includes parents, school administrators, and other relevant parties),
Effective communication with key stakeholders is vital for student success. Teachers
communicate learner needs, progress, and achievements to stakeholders through
regular updates, progress reports, parent-teacher conferences (PTC), and other means
to ensure a collaborative approach to supporting student learning.

The last Component of domain 5 is:

5. Use of Assessment Data to Enhance Teaching, Learning Practices, and Programs:

In this component, Teachers look at the scores or the results and other information
about how students are learning. They use this data to make their teaching better. By
studying this information, teachers can see what students are struggling with and where
they need help. Then, they change how they teach to help all students learn better.

In summary of the Domain 5, It is all about making sure teachers understand how well
their students are learning and using that information to help students improve and

Okay! SO next is the

Domain #6: is all about “Community Linkages and Professional


Domain 6 encompasses the vital aspects of community linkages and

professional engagement within the educational setting. It underscores the
importance of fostering strong connections between the school and its
surrounding community, as well as maintaining high standards of
professionalism among staff members.

Here's a breakdown of the key components within Domain 6:

1. Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community
 This means making sure that the way we teach and what we teach reflects the
community where the school is located.
 It involves including local culture, traditions, and issues in the lessons so that
students can relate better to what they're learning.
 For example, if a school is in a farming community, lessons might include topics
about agriculture or local history related to farming.
2. Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process:
 This is about involving parents and other community members in the school's
activities and decision-making.
 It includes things like inviting parents to attend school events, volunteering
opportunities, or parent-teacher meetings.
 By getting parents and the community more involved, everyone works together
to support students' learning and well-being.
3. Professional ethics:
 Professional ethics are like a set of rules or guidelines for how people should
behave in their jobs.
 For educators and staff at a school, this means acting with honesty, fairness, and
respect towards students, colleagues, and parents.
 It's about making sure that everyone behaves responsibly and treats each other
well in the school environment.
4. School policies and procedures:
 These are the rules and guidelines that everyone in the school needs to follow.
 Policies might include things like rules for behavior, academic standards, safety
procedures, or how to handle conflicts.
 Procedures are the steps or processes that need to be followed to make sure
policies are carried out correctly.
 Having clear policies and procedures helps to keep things running smoothly and
ensures that everyone knows what is expected of them.

In simple terms, Domain 6 is about making sure that the school is connected to the
community, that parents and others are involved in the school, that everyone behaves
properly, and that there are clear rules for how things are done.

And the last Domain


In Domain #7, teachers focus on their own growth and development to become even better

Here's a simplified breakdown of each component

1. Philosophy of Teaching:
 Your philosophy of teaching is like your personal teaching mission statement. It's
about what you believe about teaching and learning, and it guides how you
approach your role as an educator.
2. The Dignity of Teaching as a Profession:
 Teaching is an honorable profession that deserves respect. It's about recognizing
the importance of educators in shaping the future and acting with
professionalism, integrity, and pride in your work.
3. Professional Links with Colleagues:
 Building professional relationships with your fellow teachers. It's about working
together, sharing ideas, and supporting each other to improve teaching practices
and student outcomes.
4. Professional Reflection and Learning to Improve Practice:
 Taking time to think about your teaching methods and experiences. It's about
looking back on what went well and what didn't, so you can learn from your
successes and mistakes and become a better teacher.
5. Professional Development Goals:
 Setting targets for your own growth and learning as a teacher. It's about
identifying areas where you want to improve or learn new skills, such as
attending workshops, getting additional training or focusing on specific teaching
In essence, Domain #7 it is about understands your teaching philosophy, respecting the
profession of teaching, working together with colleagues, reflecting on your teaching practices,
and setting goals for continuous improvement. And again, it is about teachers investing in
themselves to grow both personally and professionally, ultimately benefiting their students and
the entire education community.

So that’s it for the seven domain of Philippine Professional Standard for


Once Again, These 7 domains of PPST outline the essential qualities and practices that
Filipino teachers should embody to ensure quality education for all students.

I hope this makes sense!

Alright! The next topic, which is 'PPST CAREER STAGES,' will be led by Sir Joshua Sianne
Gabrielle Camporedondo.

Sir josh the floor is yours

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