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A PROJECT REPORT ON “A STUDY ON THE PROBLEMS FACED BY SMALL TEA GROWERS OF MAIJONGA TEA GARDEN, GOALPARA DISTRICT” Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Bachelor of Commerce Degree Under Gauhati University Session : 2021-22 Under the Guidence of MISS. ARISHMA SULTANA Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Goalpara College, Goalpara Submitted by- CHUMKI GOSWAMI Roll : UC-191-099 No. : 0023 G.U. Regd. No. : 19024177 of 2019-20 B.Com 6th Semester CERTZFTCATE Miss. PRISHMA SULTANA Depantnent of Commence Goalparor Collyge., Giestpanr ‘Tin Is ewihly Kok ue Quedeet entifled “A Shodly ua Ae Pusblins Faced By Smo! Ten Growers of Mnisrn} Tea Grodin, Groosparo. Dis burl” kns bun Submited &y Chuirki Gosuomi 0 Student of Blom 6th Semuste, Greopann Collage, Groodpanor in posto! {lypbnent- of Blom bh Lemestr Cages und. Hs Vb. Syllabus to Comments Gouhoty Univeraity tn tes 030! iro! cura! donafch wonk ond the sepont hi dure submited elsuskie fo the dust of. ny lnssledge od) it may be plored Lifes he. cxorminars fan thet Considveabion Plnee- Grenlpana Colle, Groofpona end, Dok - 95/07/2022 SE DECARATION By STUDENT. Thwuby dhelase Hort ks dbiserlotion entithe "2 Stl on tke Pueoblias foud Smo) ten sours @ Muizongn Tem garden, Goolpann Ditch” Submited + Croarhont; thivenaity in Ponti! fulfidirunt of the aguiseeranl fon hi ouserl of the Daguss of Beceln of Commoner M8 Lucond of Onis ined! wonk done me dei ny pusiod of Stutly in Goolparn lege Oifrliorkel to Geaukot University T fuorhtess celars. ont Hin dissorlotion supont- das not bun Subm'Hed do ory orken Lnivensity [Tastittiog) Board far aware! of ony gue on Uplemoy . SBRCEC LEB CLAAAAAL LA: ano oo oO o on a Dorke— 9 z Pines Ganlparin Colle, Geofpaan Chumki Grossi 2 Gi... Roll NO-UC-191-099-002 « ( G.U ‘agletsenntion o- 190247 B.tom th Semestey Gronlpana Collage, Goolpara v0U033 CLALD A PREFACE Tov serolly ovenslilmed ond > > > > 3 3 > > 3 > : . . : Tee eee ete eee ee eer 44) Jrportance o the Shady Th Soll Teo guowers peom an inferastieg fold in economit gephy. Tuu ww money irrdensive. Stuahies udirk dove in” tosoried out on-kea industiey in diffeunt- dietplins in dliffucint- pots of. te woill, duct: vey LHe lontuidudlion wwe prvoibhl puom te eosaphers os well ab etonomists on Hs inppontonee of. cullivivrdion by Soll fen guswxs tn Pao on well a in or crawls of Ke bmundyy, Touforu it is tan inferastigg fell of. suseanel rw it das lapd Peopl's oblptude in Hely occupohonoy! Shuuctare thus pouring biter economic Cmlbon andl copiyne Oppontanities . (5) 45) _ Scope of He Sully Te Shedy is Juatitoted fo villages of Moijmon under Ten godin (hoolpexo,), This is Situoded neon fe Mohn which, is obnd- to 11am outer feeom te village . 6096 dos poured fe Kis asten. The people ase rein dipendent- on powuinltou and mostly e in te Ten gs. $0 suseared fal lomfort” ancl Convenient of asig this wun fn cA Staal. (6) 4.6) Reoscorrch Delhodolacy Prewerneh Nuhodalooy is he Speezfe Queceous on Archnigues teste to irenli 4, elel, Puce, auto! analyze Informedion obra! pie : 18.1) Duan of He Slaly'= The axe wnderedern for ts Sey ts Merkin « 1.6.9) Preah Pipe = Th shely dhaign is adlophd kerping sh vies In the obitebives of ke Shey. Th parack tyre dhsesiptive in nefuxe . 1.6.3) Sample Design: The Samplh dggn of Ks prunent Stealy Constitute ke folleasing . Soop. Size: The Sompl lonaist of. 80 members f Y Mnrisagn Tem bearden inden broolpanor cistteict The eSasnple Size, n=80. Ling Mibhod'- Sine Ke doa aur Colleoted domagentous in nmkvu, in de Survey He Sounpli iached oolpled for te Seay 3s He Cuaalon Sans (4) 2 aoa Gusueude PPPS PoOnn nn 7 oO j SSebsesCcEuGuU — 48-4) Sounees of Doda :- ‘ Meekd APuimany Dortor’s Te primary dnd war Co from fielo! Study Huoygh gquestionnoie fom 80 mum bn Maidngn “Ba Gardin . . é Setondany Dodo Tha Secondot dnta wor Colle Hed from ryostious Source Liles ‘yournnlh, morgozint inferwat, boold, webside, astiohs ete . 46-5) Mukkod> of. collicion of. Doteix ALeustionai:- A well Sucked ye i Quovidedl fo fhe mumbus Jon Colleabion off hte 4) Qorsoner| Indemieis:- Tnfannortion fon the gureanrh work nlso being Collseted 4y meonds of- |. Personor! interviess mubtod . (%) 17) Pesiodieity o he Shaly Te tolan Jon He Staal s ogpuioximorely L monks . 41.8) Limidortion of. the Stoaly Some of tk Limilahions fred dang tke Shealy O) The Sasly is bowed on opinion Sumey of suspen -obnts. aa, the opinion expired! Ks ey differ nig to time and Sifaotions . i 6) Samra Hou ure Some lommunivortion wit Ke seexpendents dreouse Some of an wu. jllpsexork. person . C) Tine Cmstuains ols6 onoken puobln in Bis REVIEW OF ® z= = eee Ee VE YN VU VE SY a ¢ SUUDUOBCOCGCGGESG A lilerrbou suvier i fe wsilliog Quoews of- Samm asickg, mbtesizing ore Ceitiguing He htwiotwu found os 0 seesult of a Uiluorteuer Seanch Ft may bh used as dockguound on Context pr a Paimany Juseanch. uaiect. ofome of ts mmotn Studien ig sebekd fon luavites Kove din aliscussed below — ; © Bulscs ound! Sosenneh (1993) chacuife ths many on gendan in B seieallasro| dhvelopinent. This S$ 7 1s bored on Sinollkolden feo producon in ketkhe In lanyn. Moinky Hr low productwity in fmoolf fea v sulla oni domflitt of Cpt ole Aiphight- tHe lobar obs kay, Ineor Sree. © Bindu Go08) in he asin entidd ® Stualy on Liettood juts of Smosl! tor juounr of the” Wilgisei chisel” highlights Hott fall tr He fen pura? dave chuviows mpnit on rhe fmol! fer Pieousens Livelihood of he Midgise distuicts , (9) © kaboti (oot) in dis avrbiele diseseihs Ms quoblins of Sunol fo. guowerts in douldimpun dlspucl of. Msoun, moin te low quies of. uth feor Luf, ninimuxn incoma from fern uoduction, Potton Juloted ueblen ele foced dy Snonll feo geswiens . O Granguli (2014) in Re Meats Smell Teor rows of- Pwo Kors, puochirs ond Chollanger of on Tralgenous Lrbupsaneurshp” mantoned about: Ke kolbngs forced dy he nal Ho guns long wile he imal indigenous Sinool! Stoly erdespuise . 6 Bosuodk. (2015) in te Study “problems of. Smo! Feo Corwen: J Stanly in Soppituun Distubl, Don’ hi Lihts Hot Re Smodl! Teor plantation Sector Plays ound impart dele In economy Of. Junin ond oko Cmnbuidutes towands emple mink ation. However, tke eter is not pus Cam pilin os @ -- +> vee ew wwuuus PROFILE ABOUT GOALPARA DISTRICT AND MATIONGA 3.4) Grooifpavton Dis hue if Groolpaxto disturel ban naininisheottve dishelel- in Jha SHok of. Bosom in Tin. The quusent Gontpara divi- ions Viz buonlparta Solan ub- division aud nottlh Soman Cril Subdivision Carved out: feom ersluhile Blokes dlinduiol. However the Sount wor Again paconbtitecled jn He egean 1989 with only Soden sub-division of Froodparo| oud the Civil Sub-divislon of- porte Solmanor wos foleun onbvery in Hot yeon aud mongod wih md Quoted Bon gan distil At prsent the disbuth of be Us biteodtedl entiiuby on he Soutk, bunk of the sure Buoknecucsea Gaolperia distuicl it ont of he fess diy dirbutls of the Hate of Arson with. fe teod- Biles locorted at buoobpaxr. Town, The distil Oeeupies. an auea of. /894S9, hn and Ans, 0 qepelon of. 10,08,959 (os % 01-5, 14,162 Male, 494797 fenok,), The bronlpasin disbutl Leds endowed with nodwtar|| toouty and arelacslegienl tuaoswu , te mppoatannt- tous? Spot of- th distturl Include: Sui Suny ppahon, a ve4y Significant bul- sulabrely unknown arhoto - -Logivo/ Site in Prsoun. Qordoun Lill hos 0 Slovo Temple on ite Top. Be mysheol kill js, Suscrowned dy 0 ropa - eal dforsics slated fo He dygone excor« Pit Mohan Is Siteonkel of Hy boat of tke Grootpero Tourn Tomb OL a Saint nomed brzasol Sayed Hub badlen Khostowous. He Is Scant Jaupecded 4 Hondas and Muslin wile. Hubukonord £:l1, porolankh Bobr of- Basbliln., wstpod du! Rein Blanory Giser- dou! Of- Unbhipurr ts bom ofttn ‘obbyochons off the disbued, 5) 32) Moisi ong Fecomling fo Census doll infonmodion the locertion Code ot villuge Code of Matsonga vile Is 89067, Puidongn vilege in locaded in nha Subdivision of - Croolpabio. chistsuint- In Pssorn, Srabin. Tl is Siteonleal » Li ham awery feo diburl deodynarlay Molin , Morko He Sub-dishert Aodyuanfey af. Matonga village . A Per 2009 Stats, Haruinuto_ 1% He pan efor of Maing? wilesge he tool Sepetical aor of village is 729.499 drefows. Paizmga das a dota! pepulohion of i peoples, oud of. which mols populnbion its 36 whi mole Population is 869. Tuer are about 1496 Lures in Maijngn vilege . Groolpasto 2 neal foun to nalvonga jan adl mason eeonomic achvbes C which. ib Orppronimodly It Ln awe, 7 | eee | (4) CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK EEN ES SEUEEUObCHGGEE 4.4) Teo. Gravden A len garden is o1n outoon eSpnrer on Jaren whoa deo and Light tugesskmints we Aowed, OH Oey grid wih whik Ke dluernbiv of. fea 1 axsoctonded. Lapecioly inTndiin, ft ols a” Comman foon for a fer plantation Te tor garden wos a pant of early ¢ lish Commune Plrasusee godess allen panies of Couples visikel Haat, he mon oceapting Hhempches wrth Lown brats and! bun OH wine, ashile te Lodhts went tote fen gaudtn. Th. modem Himsa it olen menns an outside “asin ot ow Loge on feanbom . “Tn Jopansse dining, a Hogi’ its 0 path eulans Styl of subrbively Small gue, ondinolly gyelopedl for Ba ent dns, fo Sorponnene. feoksuts, , infendsd to Set He mood of. spessts ausiving pay Hs Sopontse to Cvumony. Tae ose dhasgntd ovnost- exelusirely fo bi sean pom thy poche lang Humyoh. sm to the buillieg, ond foo would not honmolty bt Consumed i fm. The Syl is suiloble fot Smoltz font. bs of det aa Ue) offen bun used jor ne Us) both in Sopon aud He wos. Hh form ner fomehmth h und fon ov hub den Specializing in kvibs thot ae. Comsured 0 ten, such oA chnmomyle . da bbn, (peppenmint Limon dol, and dnvendot, (18) 92) Histosy of. Jea_in Iolin Tidlin iis one of ke daygel to puodlucys in He wold, although over yo pereent of its ho 15 Consumed luithin Trin ilseld. A numben of sunountad AS Amom and Danjeelag , Oso you exclusively Ine Tron. The Indian ter tndustyy dns youn fo oun money olodal kor huomds ome don evolved into ont of. fe most dechnole icolly equipped fea jndustuitg in te would . The production, cubifention, exportation, and oll othy facets of te ker duds In Indios 03. Conduolld dy He Ten Booull ob Indi. Tn 1689, ovingten yuconds that fem 1308 falar. 4 ta donior in Sut without ugar, on mixed tia moll quantity of Coreenved lemons, Curd Hark feo with Some Spies orablea tos ustol st dendrohe, grovel and gipe - Ta ke» lnves for Such ust troy dove. Come frum ohn . whi experimunth to inbeoduce fea in Todi, British Colonists novices that Yeon rlonds Luitk. ike fens, Suck (rm) droves oso asues in Pusovn, ond ise, wher Plonted in Indio, Juponded very well. the Sonne pnts dod long din cublvoded dy Hs cSiegphos fuibe of Anson, nd okssts of tea Lagpied &y te duiba/ _ | ult Mingseedn. Th Disormu ond chine youue - “ties hove daw sugared jn the gost 0h diffsant sulded specs, dul: wu now usuolly olrssifitel ty dotonists ov Ha Some Speciis , Cnmellion cSinensis . Ue) yporcrirsr F595 9% 98% 9 oe SUUUGSEUBUDbEY Ary 'UOBG oa peed danutfel oud kod spot jupraaking i Plany Tndinns oe pdicted Yo fea , A it pepulay dv in Tndlin aud numUous Aowstholds ¢ jn India, Slrd Hain doy wi Di Trelin, onu tan find! numerous for garden bilsus we ton. fro he bit of- Some of- hum. !) Gilendurn Jen Eifode.. This one ts one od ke famous, fer penden in Tdi, i+ ts locorded in Danieabing, jn Ke foothills of 4s Hinelaya Ths destination is Spuend i mos than Ubo0o tour in fhe awesome erly yun nsodowa . ii) Hogpy volley Tin Litote: This ome is oun oldst fer tabard. the fea. m ib jonnes por 2) Hower jflovon . bus Production os well . UD VeVvuVuEVvvv~ - - - in Dilpiui torn Exton: “This ont its one of the but fem agonist, bas dun peoug den fon mas Han 100 yen This fer. gasedin is fomous jon its ten diewunt of its Sheng flovon, dale weinntte for « Th okku sem > d ’ ’ d d d d » v v v 9 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ » , , ey 1 TT TY Oe ee ee 1 63) SUGGESTIONS 8 Lducortiones! Solus bs Yery Poar ound ygopasiore ateg don to be formed Jon the Some fo Inguoee te Stil. 6 Sepaorte with Sanitary good Condition Yoib ls wes Meguisesd and fist aid bores, 8-4 Hire pe medica! ekchup per (feat ane oho nuded! . 6%0 maior ond Shot intervals arte hecessay/ fon the workers, wastage. dhsposor! should be pnoper. Duinkivg worker, basa well should de planned prepery. 0 Fabcohonn| and Aoustag fouiltes kas Yo de inp wih teomyportotion Jocilibies should bt provided , 0% off he woovland 1 vorry (ous. Thos 14 0) hued for gy mun h ies wage of He wok . 6 Anolileg tnt He teehnieen! pusblems of He Smorl Yeo. wouers, he ten Board f Ipubin, Fen seuseanh Pudhosuty ond Conposconte fer uoductrs should dole fa lusponribility of Yat diffesent- aspeel Gf ren aultivertion to “fh Smo! fea gsouens , This aailf improre the kehnion| bnoled ge y the culbivortons (48) - +--+ yr ye yee eer ee rrurus | Leo poulili che. the Shedy olso dusygh/- out Some | 3 re doo weruers has to be hrproved ond phe coals 6.3) CONCLUSION Tea is the ynoat- way Consumsd diink In the wonld, 8.5 billion Cuma of feo, Consumed! every dny in Indio. Ten ts Ke main drverege son cork orn eve kacathod Tea culfvortion ts Considsad a4 om impontan pant of. Trdiom economy ound rs 4 suuseor! dosed 09H0 indus feey Sirol Ton cgutsuens Ploy on exsentio,| pont in puoduchon of fen. "Pbout gs portink dom Is Contuibuted by te Amol) tor gs0werrs in Brom. ‘Th bt jer gardens Osu arlso depentlee! on Small deo, gsswens quaduchon. Tr Arsorm, He Sinorl! toon as Ploy a Gynifiont fool in fen Puoduchon System. The sea derveols varus Puoblams gourd! by Smoll ton guecwen of mnadsongo~ fee garden of Goofparn Disiert. Me vosriows prechlin oud dy ths feo Guswer Suhor lack of Co-operoher, tunovarlodility of. Looms , lath of. tuonsportlation— poiliktes, hing Asolh Queoblems loch of proper Suggestions oh fo how He producfron of. fen 4 | Tvufore, fon Ke development of. fem Culfivorb'on He Conditions of He fem gsmmers shoul! obo be Inpuered, ton gusvers kore to Come out of- ‘the Woditivnol ays of callvolion ond oabpl-bcionkfre Mmelad fon precin tn, (49) BIBLIOGRAPHY Biola, 1) Banus P Study on Problems, a. Smo} 400 guoues: J Shudly in Sonibpun Disisucl, Avorn. Social change . and Development, Kit 9-96. 2) Bonnh p May 2016 Study on the Psoblams and Siroregias deguiserd Jon “the dsvelopment of smoit Feo Hswend In Brom with Specinl uufouence to Dibwuxganh Dishurl, Inkemobonal Journo| of Humenities socin/ Scion: Studien (T8883), Ih t7¥-183.. S)bomguli P Sep 2014 Sludy on Amoll ter guowens of. Brsorm’ TRonier ,‘Puoreticas and dualtonger of om Trdigenous Endupsunewrakip. Trtemotonon! Soumor] 0f Tnfonmortve ound! Fidwnistie Rorearch,, 19 91-97, ~vvvveveve eevee uurvuyw SOC CCC rere ee eee w “. S wa S 4) Moho Extuly 016 Stody on patents of. Amor/} Ter Goscawens (STi) jy Sivosngan Dishutl of Bison: v] Aottalagieoy/ Study. Tylornotionoy| Joumnol of- Pdvomeral Research , 4, 2264-269 . INTERNET © Wl, teadoand , gov. in © ww. aodeplus Com owe ee hh 6 Ww. Indionbusinessinsigh Com ~- eee eevee L Pa 2 aaa AA ADAADDDD.9 9.9.0 POOR KR HOHE no. ‘22296 2,22 TA 4AAPPP PP PP 2 fou P-PPDIONAN OMA AAANRAN BAA eo OA A a A eA QUESTIONNAIRE FOR_SURVL Bean is/ Moxlom, Town o Seden/- of Bom bk Semestot tn Croospono Colkge, Grocrfpanor . Thy oust Curriculum, We howe warlepo om puaiet supant. Tom abi iny pice! on dhe topic OF "D Shaly on Grablins four dy Smell tha gvevrens oy Moivomon Teor Gronden, bocbann’ Tr Kvuforu supe f™ 4 Spa a fu minkdes, ¥ ym yoluobls He in onsuewtug rhe guistions veh blew. F Oyu gm th Informendion will uc axked fon Ortordkmye Purpose only Youn Sinessul Chumki beosworni Boom 64 Semsten Age Goentors = Edueotionn! gunlipitrtion Groduolion Frmuol Tneome 2.5 loth . J) Year of Frperiene forming a 1) dus kon 5 years Ol Wv) 15-20 yeans | #) 6-10 years = []_—v) oa yeas LI §) 10-18 yeams oO vi) a6 omd above [_] a) Type of worl i) Moke [7] ii) Fema [] » ? ? 3) You decode any rman lig, Sueppoat feo Grovernno dy CI) wwo [J 4) de You swerve any finmdal Aalp som th. Tern Bound} Compomy on omy ofr {inometor) instilubion? yap No LT > | 5) Me you bensfiled qhuom vardeus Sehames Jussulved 5 » > > > > 3 , 9 2 2 > y Gavmment i eo 6) Yo you sucive omy Livieg quandens 2 1) yes [7] i) No [7] Pag et ae O/4ex|| Sump at Nou fie) © OTe 6 BO OS eee 8) How muck dims dbo you Love. ty work in thy frble i) I-3 howw [] wi) 6-9 hours C1 Ht) 3-6 hows [J iv) 9-19 hows L] 9) Com You Sortafy your baste nds qorom ths Inco. You Bann i ES iyo [7] 10) Bo you yucuive quoqer heorlth fouilly if you Buffon Yum oom Lind ofp dineaue f a a 41) Bo qo howe o Saving Oeounl tity o fnomcod Naktation ? i) Yes jaan) i) NO fa) 12) Do you sumived oon looms from ‘formal Souness, Sush. on fomily dnd fsurends, # ysl) Hw LI

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