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Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 635–643

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Fuel cycles optimization of nuclear power industry in China

Qiang Yue a,⇑, Jingke He a, Shengke Zhi b, Hui Dong a
State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Eco-Industry, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China
Clean Energy, AMEC, Knutsford WA16 8QZ, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: With the rapid rise of installed nuclear power in China, meeting the increasing demands on natural ura-
Received 11 July 2017 nium and rationally treating the vast spent fuel are essential issues for the sustainable development of
Received in revised form 24 September Chinese nuclear power industry. This paper discusses four most potential nuclear fuel cycle modes in
China and analyzes the natural uranium requirements under these different fuel cycle modes first based
Accepted 28 September 2017
Available online 7 October 2017
on three development patterns (low-, medium-, and high-speed) of installed nuclear power capacity.
Then, an optimization model including natural uranium requirements, spent fuel final disposal amounts
and total cost of electricity generation is constructed and optimization problem under two scenarios of
Nuclear power industry
reprocessing capacity are solved and results discussed. The annual and cumulative natural uranium
Fuel cycle requirements under these two scenarios are also calculated. Finally some conclusions are put forward
Optimization based on the analyses.
Natural uranium Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spent fuel

1. Introduction resources use efficiency is closely related to the modes of nuclear

fuel cycle, so the development of nuclear fuel cycle modes have a
Continually growth of energy demand with the development of vital role for the sustainable development of nuclear power
economy, the shortage of fossil fuels supply and the limits on industry.
greenhouse gas emissions will greatly speed up the nuclear power Some studies on the development of nuclear fuel cycle modes
industry’s development in China in the coming next decades have been carried out. Kunsch and Teghem (1987) carried out
(National Development and Reform Commission, 2007; China the optimization analysis of nuclear fuel cycle modes by using
Academy of Engineering, 2011). At the same time as effected by multi-objective stochastic linear programming application, con-
the Fukushima accident, China’s nuclear power development is forming to the four standards of production cost, resource supply,
slower than expected in recent years. According to some plans balance of business and provide employment as the goals. Kim
and research reports, it is reasonable to present three scenarios et al. (1999) compared the six kinds of fuel cycle [pressurised
for nuclear power development in China to 2050 (see Table 1). water reactor(recycling uranium, Pu), pressurised water reactor
It can be seen from Table 1 that nuclear power will step into a (mixed oxide)-pressurised heavy water reactor(recycling ura-
rapid development period in the future in China. To promote the nium), pressurised heavy water reactor(Pu-U), pressurised heavy
sustainable development of nuclear power, the sustainable supply water reactor(direct use of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactors),
and use of nuclear fuel, as well as the treatment of spent fuel, are pressurised water reactor and pressurised heavy water reactor
very important issues for the nuclear power industry. However, the (once through)] by Goal Programming Method and Analytic Hierar-
actual state of China’s uranium resources is not ideal. Uranium ores chy Process (AHP), considering the four quantifiable factors: the
have been predominantly low-grade, with 0.05%–0.3% grade ore fuel demand, the total depreciation cost, cost sensitivity and the
accounting for the highest percentage. At the same time, the environmental impact, the conclusion is the adoption of pres-
reserves were mainly small- and medium-sized (accounting for surised water reactor(mixed oxide)-pressurised heavy water reac-
more than 60% of the total reserves) (China Academy of tor(recycling uranium) is the optimization scheme. Liu et al. (2006)
Engineering, 2011). Enhancing the uranium use efficiency is an forecasted the natural uranium resources demand and spent fuel
important issue for the nuclear power industry in China. Uranium generation for PWR in China till 2035, and discussed the effects
of spent fuel reprocessing and plutonium separating to reduce
the natural uranium demand and waste accumulation of China’s
⇑ Corresponding author. nuclear power industry in the future. Bernard (2007) proved mixed
E-mail address: yueq@smm.neu.edu.cn (Q. Yue).

0306-4549/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
636 Q. Yue et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 635–643

Table 1
Installed nuclear power capacity in China to 2050 (unit: GWe).

Year 2020 2030 2050

Capacity Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High
40 58 70 83.8 150 200 250 325 400

Sources: 1. China Academy of Engineering (2011); 2. National Development and Reform Commission (2007); 3. OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and International Atomic Energy
Agency (2014); 4. Nuclear Energy Agency and International Energy Agency (2015).

oxide (MOX) fuel and uranium oxide (UOX) fuel are very similar by (3) PWR and mixed oxide (MOX) used in PWR (PWR-MOX)
the French thermal reactor operating experience, the use of MOX (4) Sodium fast reactor (SFR) and MOX used in SFR (SFR-MOX)
can reduce almost equivalent amount of UOX. Cao et al. (2013)
given China’s nuclear power installed capacity in 2050 in accor- 2.2. Scenario analysis
dance with the three different growth speed (300 GW, 400 GW,
500 GW) according to the present situation of China’s nuclear Natural uranium requirements under different nuclear fuel
power development and long-term development plan, and fore- cycle modes till the year 2050 will be analyzed.
casted natural uranium resources demand, the amount of spent
fuel, plutonium and minor actinides (MA) under these three 2.2.1. Scenario I: The newly-built reactors are all PWRs and no
schemes by 2050, and pointed out that advanced nuclear fuel cycle recycling of spent fuel (PWR-OT)
mode and spent fuel reprocessing plant construction can effec- The reactors in operation now in China are two PHWRs and the
tively reduce the accumulation of spent fuel quantity. Worrall installed capacity is 1456 MW, the other reactors are all PWRs. If
(2013) analyzed the utilization of used nuclear fuel in a potential the newly-built reactors are all PWRs in China till the year 2050,
future US fuel cycle scenario. Ma et al. (2013) calculated the natu- then natural uranium requirements under this condition will be
ral uranium demand and spent fuel accumulated quantity under as the following
‘‘once through” fuel cycle mode and closed fuel cycle mode by
using the dynamic analysis program of DESAE-2, the results MNU ¼ a1  IC PWR þ a2  IC PHWR ð1Þ
showed that the closed fuel cycle mode has certain advantages in
where MNU is annual natural uranium requirements, t/a; a1 and a2
the saving of uranium resources and reducing the amount of spent
are natural uranium requirements per power rating of PWR and
fuel disposition compared with the ‘‘once through” fuel cycle
PHWR, t/MW; ICPWR and ICPHWR are installed capacity of PWR and
mode. Yolanda Moratilla Soria et al. (2015) analyzed the impact
of the taxes on used nuclear fuel on the fuel cycle economics in
The values of a1 and a2 are 0.1935 and 0.1321 t/MW (see
Spain. Zhang et al. (2016) carried out the uranium demand and
Table S1 in Supplementary Information) respectively (Yue et al.,
economic analysis of different nuclear fuel cycles (the once-
2017). Then annual and cumulative natural uranium requirements
through cycle route and the partial recycling in PWR route) in
can be obtained according to Eq. (1) and Table 1 (the installed
China. Park (2017) assessed the spent nuclear fuel amounts to be
capacity of PWR is assumed to be in a linear increase in each time
managed based on disposal option in Republic of Korea. Yoon
period, the same circumstances are also occurred in the other sce-
et al. (2017) used an integrated multicriteria decision-making
narios), which are depicted in Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b. The three curves
approach for evaluating nuclear fuel cycle systems for long-term
are corresponding to the low-, medium- and high-speed develop-
sustainability on the basis of an equilibrium model.
ment of installed nuclear power capacity in Table 1.
However, few studies have been carried out on fuel cycles
Annual natural uranium requirements under scenario I are
modes optimization in China’s nuclear power industry. This paper
48,286, 62,798 and 77,311 tons respectively in 2050 for low-,
will give four most potential nuclear fuel cycle modes and analyze
medium- and high-speed development schemes of China’s
the natural uranium requirements under these different fuel cycle
installed nuclear power capacity. And cumulative natural uranium
modes first. Then an optimization model including natural ura-
requirements under scenario I will reach 727,657, 1,155,534 and
nium requirements, final spent fuel disposal amounts and total
1,561,933 tons in 2050 respectively.
cost of electricity generation will be constructed and optimization
problem will be solved and results discussed. Finally some conclu-
sions will be put forwarded based on the analyses. 2.2.2. Scenario II: The ratio of installed capacity between PWR: PHWR
= 1:0.221 and recycling uranium used in PHWR since the year 2025
2. Natural uranium requirements under different nuclear fuel A spent fuel industrial reprocessing plant will be in operation in
cycle modes in China the year 2025 in China (China Academy of Engineering, 2011; Hu
et al., 2012; World Nuclear Association, 2015) and recycling ura-
2.1. Nuclear fuel cycle modes nium is assumed to be used in PHWR since the year 2025 (World
Nuclear Association, 2014). The average U-235 content in spent
Pressurised water reactor (PWR) and pressurized heavy water fuel of PWR is about 0.80% (Hu et al., 2012). Then spent fuel gener-
reactor (PHWR) are the two types of reactors used in China now. ation of 1 MW PWR can support 0.221 MW PHWR (see Table S1 in
Sodium fast reactors are expected to be put into use in the 2030s Supplementary Information). Assuming the ratio of installed
in China. So four most potential nuclear fuel cycle modes of China’s capacity between PWR and PHWR is 1:0.221, then natural uranium
nuclear power industry in the future are mainly discussed here requirements under this condition will be as the following
(see Fig. 1). 
M NU ¼ a1  IC PWR þ a2  IC PHWR ð2015—2024Þ
(1) PWR and no recycling of spent fuel [PWR-OT (Once M NU ¼ a1  IC PWR ð2025—2050Þ
Through)] Then annual and cumulative natural uranium requirements can
(2) PHWR and recycling uranium (RU) used in PHWR (PHWR- be obtained according to Eq. (2) and Table 1, which are depicted in
RU) Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b.
Q. Yue et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 635–643 637

Fig. 1. Four potential fuel cycle modes in China’s nuclear power industry in the future NU: Natural Uranium; EU: Enriched Uranium; SF: Spent Fuel; PWR: Pressurised Water
Reactor; PHWR: Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor; SFR: Sodium Fast Reactor; OT: Once Through; RU: Recycling Uranium; MOX: Mixed Oxide; DUPIC: Direct Use of Spent
PWR Fuel in CANDU Reactors; PUREX: Plutonium Uranium Recovery by Extraction.

80000 1600000
Low Low
Medium Medium
60000 High 1200000 High

40000 800000

20000 400000

0 0
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Fig. 1a. Annual natural uranium requirements under scenario I (unit: t). Fig. 1b. Cumulative natural uranium requirements under scenario I (unit: t).

Annual natural uranium requirements under scenario II are 969,823(185,711) and 1,307,357(254,576) tons in 2050
39,625(8661, that is comparing with scenario I, natural uranium respectively.
requirements decrease 8661 tons under scenario II), 51,513
(11,286) and 634,00(13,911) tons respectively in 2050 for 2.2.3. Scenario III: The newly-built reactors are all PWRs and mixed
low-, medium- and high-speed development schemes of China’s oxide fuel used in PWR since the year 2025 (PWR-MOX)
installed nuclear power capacity. And cumulative natural uranium MOX fuel used in PWR can increase the uranium fuel use effi-
requirements under scenario II will reach 613,645(114,012), ciency about 1.38 times (China Academy of Engineering, 2011).
638 Q. Yue et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 635–643

80000 80000

Low Low
Medium Medium
60000 High 60000 High

40000 40000

20000 20000

0 0
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2015 2025 2035 2045

Fig. 2a. Annual natural uranium requirements under scenario II (unit: t). Fig. 3a. Annual natural uranium requirements under scenario III (unit: t)

1600000 1600000

Low Low
Medium Medium
1200000 High 1200000 High

800000 800000

400000 400000

0 0
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Fig. 2b. Cumulative natural uranium requirements under scenario II (unit: t). Fig. 3b. Cumulative natural uranium requirements under scenario III (unit: t).

Natural uranium requirements under this condition will be as the PWRs. Then natural uranium requirements under this condition
following will be as the following
M NU ¼ a1  IC PWR þ a2  IC PHWR ð2015—2024Þ < MNU ¼ a1  IC PWR þ a2  IC PHWR
> ð2015—2024Þ
M NU ¼ a3  IC PWRMOX þ a2  IC PHWR ð2025—2050Þ MNU ¼ a3  IC PWRMOX þ a4  IC PWRPHWR ð2025—2034Þ
MNU ¼ a3  IC PWRMOX þ a4  IC PWRPHWR þ a5  IC SFR ð2035—2050Þ
where a3 is natural uranium requirements per power rating of
PWR-MOX, t/MW, and the value of a3 = 0.1935/1.38 = 0.1405 t/MW. ð4Þ
Then annual and cumulative natural uranium requirements can where a4 is natural uranium requirements per power rating of PWR
be obtained according to Eq. (3) and Table 1, which are depicted in (NU)-PHWR(RU), t/MW, and the value of a4 = 0.1935/1.221 =
Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b. 0.1585 t/MW; ICPWR-PHWR means the sum of installed capacity of
Annual natural uranium requirements under scenario III are PHWR plus the corresponding PWR capacity needed to provided
35,113(13,173, that is comparing with scenario I, natural ura- the recycling uranium for the PHWR, MW; a5 is natural uranium
nium requirements decrease 13,173 tons under scenario III), requirements per power rating of SFR, t/MW, and the value of a5
45,650(17,148) and 56,188(21,123) tons respectively in 2050 = 0.0016 t/MW (China Academy of Engineering, 2011); ICSFR is
for low-, medium- and high-speed development schemes of Chi- installed capacity of SFR, MW.
na’s installed nuclear power capacity. And cumulative natural ura- Then annual and cumulative natural uranium requirements can
nium requirements under scenario III will reach 553,497 be obtained according to Eq. (4) and Table 1, which are depicted in
(174,160), 872,801(282,733) and 1,174,919(387,014) tons in Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b.
2050 respectively. Annual natural uranium requirements under scenario IV are
30,061(18,225, that is comparing with scenario I, natural ura-
2.2.4. Scenario IV: SFR put into commercial operation since the year nium requirements decrease 18,225 tons under scenario IV),
2035 39,036(23,762) and 480,11(29,300) tons respectively in 2050
In the year 2035, the first SFR may be put into commercial oper- for low-, medium- and high-speed development schemes of Chi-
ation in China (China Academy of Engineering, 2011) and is na’s installed nuclear power capacity. And cumulative natural ura-
assumed to account for 1% of total installed nuclear power capac- nium requirements under scenario IV will reach 527,351
ity, account for 5% in 2040, account for 10% in 2045, and account (200,307), 830,830(324,705) and 1,117,123(444,810) tons in
for 15% in 2050. Besides the SFR, the newly-built reactors are 2050 respectively.
Q. Yue et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 635–643 639

80000 It can be seen from Table 3 that the LCOE for the SFR-MOX is the
highest and the PWR-OT is the cheapest. Cost of investment for the
Low SFR-MOX accounts for the largest proportion and cost of invest-
Meidum ment for the PWR-MOX accounts for the smallest proportion. Fuel
60000 High
related cost for the PWR-MOX accounts for the largest proportion,
whereas for SFR-MOX is negative as the recovered transuranic ele-
ment. Operation and maintenance cost for the SFR-MOX is a little
40000 higher than other fuel cycle modes.
Load factors for these four nuclear fuel cycle modes are all
assumed to be 85%, then the annual cost per unit electricity gener-
20000 ation for them will be as Table 4 shows.
It can be seen from Table 4 that the annual cost of per unit elec-
tricity generation for SFR-MOX is the highest and the value is
0 644.54 (103$/MWa), PWR-OT is the cheapest and the value is
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 624.05 (103$/MWa).

Fig. 4a. Annual natural uranium requirements under scenario IV (unit: t).
3.2. Optimization model

Three aspects including natural uranium requirements, spent

fuel final disposal amounts and total cost of nuclear power gener-
ation are considered as the objective functions, the targets are get
the minimum values of them under certain circumstances. Then
Medium the objective functions and constraint conditions are as follows.
1200000 Objective functions:
MinðRNU Þ ¼ IC i ða1 xi þ a4 yi þ a3 zi þ a5 wi Þ ð5:1Þ
800000 i¼2015

MinðF SF Þ ¼ IC i ðb1 xi þ b4 yi þ b3 zi þ b5 wi Þ ð5:2Þ

2 050

0 MinðT C Þ ¼ IC i ðm1 xi þ m4 yi þ m3 zi þ m5 wi Þ ð5:3Þ

2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 i¼2015

Fig. 4b. Cumulative natural uranium requirements under scenario IV (unit: t).
> IC i ðk1 yi þ k2 zi þ k3 wi Þ 6 RC i
<x þ y þ z þ w ¼ 1
i i i i
Constraint conditions : ð5:4Þ
2.2.5. Summary >
> y 6 y 6 1
min i
The cumulative natural uranium requirements under four sce- 0 6 xi ; zi ; wi 6 1
narios analysis are summarized in Table 2.
It can be seen from Table 2 that in the long run, SFR has the where RNU is natural uranium requirements during the period
most advantage in saving natural uranium resources, PWR-MOX 2015–2050, t; FSF is final disposal amount of spent fuel during
comes next, and then PHWR-RU, the last is certainly PWR-OT. 2015–2050, t; Tc is total cost of nuclear power generation during
the period 2015–2050, 103$; ICi is the total installed nuclear power
capacity in the year i, MW; xi, yi, zi, and wi are the ratios of PWR-OT,
3. Optimization model for nuclear fuel cycles in China PHWR-RU, PWR-MOX, and SFR-MOX installed capacity accounted
for the total installed nuclear power capacity in the year i,%; a1,
3.1. Data preparations a4, a3, and a5 are natural uranium requirements per power rating
of PWR, PWR(NU)-PHWR(RU), PWR-MOX, and SFR, t/MW; b1, b4,
In order to compare with the cost for the different fuel cycle b3, and b5 are spent fuel final disposal amount per unit power rating
modes, levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) is used here. LCOE is for PWR-OT, PHWR-RU, PWR-MOX, and SFR-MOX, t/MW (see Sup-
the total cost under a certain fuel cycle mode included, and divide plementary Information S1); m1, m4, m3, and m5 are annual cost per
it into the electricity generation cycle in the service period. The unit electricity generation for PWR-OT, PHWR-RU, PWR-MOX and
LCOE under different nuclear fuel cycle modes is depicted in Table 3 SFR-MOX, 103$/MWa (see Table 4); k1, k2, and k3 are reprocessing
(Ding, 2014; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003, 2009). capacity demand coefficient per unit power rating for PHWR-RU,

Table 2
Cumulative natural uranium requirements under the four scenarios in the year 2020, 2030 and 2050 (unit: t).

2020 2030 2050

Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High
Scenario I 44092 57250 66925 176306 263256 334996 727657 1155534 1561933
Scenario II 44092 57250 66925 160557 237474 300882 613645 969823 1307357
Scenario III 44092 57250 66925 152108 223865 282989 553497 872801 1174919
Scenario IV 44092 57250 66925 153051 224807 283931 527351 830830 1117123
640 Q. Yue et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 635–643

Table 3
Levelized cost of electricity under different nuclear fuel cycle modes (Unit: 103$/KWh).

Cost of investment Fuel related cost Operation and maintenance cost Levelized cost of electricity
PWR-OT 67.68 8.40 7.72 83.81
80.76% 10.03% 9.22% 100%
PHWR-RU 68.08 8.15 7.74 83.97
81.08% 9.71% 9.21% 100%
PWR-MOX 67.68 9.97 7.72 85.38
79.27% 11.68% 9.05% 100%
SFR-MOX 81.23 -3.911 9.25 86.57
93.83% -4.52% 10.69% 100%

Note: 1. Fuel related cost for SFR-MOX is negative as the fuel made from the recovered transuranic element can obtain high cost deduction.

Table 4 Then kmax can be calculated as kmax = 3.065.

Annual cost of per unit electricity generation for PWR-OT, PHWR-RU, PWR-MOX and
SFR-MOX (Unit: 103$/MWa).
 Consistency check
624.05 630.47 635.72 644.54 Based on the formula, CR = CI/RI, where CR is the consistency
ratio, CI is the consistency index, and RI is the randomness index.
By the corresponding formula CI = (kmax  n)/(n  1) and values of
PWR-MOX, and SFR-MOX, t/MW (see Supplementary Information kmax = 3.065, n = 3, RI = 0.58. Then CR can be calculated as CR =
S1); RCi is reprocessing capacity of spent fuel in the year i, t (see 0.056 < 0.1, so the judgment matrix (P) has the satisfactory
Supplementary Information S2); ymin is the existed PHWR ratio consistency.
(the PHWR installed capacity is 1456 MW at present).

3.3. Model resolved 4. Results and discussions

Three objection functions are included in the optimization 4.1. Optimization results
model, so it belongs to multi-objective optimization. The weight-
ing method is applied here to transform the multi-objective prob- Based on the eigenvectors obtained in Section 3.3 and by the
lem into single objective problem, and then MATLAB is used to MATLAB software, the optimization results under scenario A and
solve the model. scenario B of reprocessing capacity (see Supplementary Informa-
The determination of weighting value includes the following tion S2) can be solved.
three steps (Chang and Jiang, 2007).

(1) constructing judgment matrix (P) (Table 5) 4.1.1. Results under scenario A of reprocessing capacity
For the high speed of installed nuclear power capacity in China
According to the meaning of 1  9 in AHP method (Chang and described in Table 1, the optimization results under scenario A of
Jiang, 2007), the weighting values of the three indicators ZC, ZSF, reprocessing capacity are depicted in Fig. 5.
and ZNU are determined. In the period 2015–2024, as China doesn’t built commercial
spent fuel reprocessing plant in this period, the reactors are ‘‘once
(2) Solving the eigenvectors (W) through” fuel cycle mode. At the same time, PHWR will not be
built during this period and PWR-OT proportion (Xi) will rise year
According to Table 5, the eigenvectors W can be calculated as by year. In the period 2025–2034, the proportion of recovered
W=(W1, W2, W3)=(0.072, 0.279, 0.649). uranium used in PHWR (Yi) decline year by year, which is mainly
due to limited spent fuel reprocessing capacity in China. The scale
(3) Consistency check of reprocessing capacity development speed is far behind the
expansion of installed nuclear power capacity, leading PWR-OT
 Calculate the maximum eigenvalue of judgment matrix (kmax) to increase year by year. In the year 2035 and 2045, the propor-
tion of recovered uranium used in PHWR has an increase as two
1X 3
ðPWÞi 800 t/a spent fuel reprocessing plants are put into commercial
kmax ¼ ð6Þ
n i¼1 W i operation in these two years. The trends during the period
2035–2044 and 2045–2050 are similar to the period of 2025–
where (PW)i is the element i of PW, n is 3 here. 2034, the proportion of recovered uranium used in PHWR will
decline year by year.
2 3 2 32 3 2 3
ðPWÞ1 1 1=5 1=7 0:072 0:2205
6 7 6 76 7 6 7
and PW ¼ 4 ðPWÞ2 5 ¼ 4 5 1 1=3 54 0:279 5 ¼ 4 0:8553 5
4.1.2. Results under scenario B of reprocessing capacity
ðPWÞ3 7 3 1 0:649 1:990 For the high speed of installed nuclear power capacity in China
described in Table 1, the optimization results under scenario B of
Table 5
reprocessing capacity are depicted in Fig. 6.
Judgment matrix (P).
Comparing Figs. 5 and 6, it can be seen that with the expansion
P ZC ZSF ZNU of spent fuel reprocessing, the proportions of PHWR-RU and SFR-
ZC 1 1/5 1/7 MOX are both relatively increased. So the most important factor
ZSF 5 1 1/3 restricting the adjustment of fuel cycle mode’s structure is the
ZNU 7 3 1
scale of spent fuel reprocessing ability.
Q. Yue et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 635–643 641

0.9 Xi Yi Zi Wi
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Fig. 5. Optimization results under scenario A of reprocessing capacity.

0.9 Xi Yi Zi Wi








2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Fig. 6. Optimization results under scenario B of reprocessing capacity.

4.2. Discussions to the year 2050 (compared with before optimization), accounts
for 5.19% of the total natural uranium demand before optimization.
4.2.1. Annual and cumulative natural uranium requirements under By the same method for the optimization of low speed and
scenario A of reprocessing capacity medium speed of installed nuclear power capacity (Table 1), the
For the high speed of installed nuclear power capacity in China cumulative savings of natural uranium requirements to the year
described in Table 1, the annual natural uranium requirements 2050 (compared with before optimization) are 81,724 t and
under scenario A of reprocessing capacity can be calculated accord- 80,514 t, respectively, which are accounted for 11.34% and 7.01%
ing to Eq. (7). of the total natural uranium demand before optimization.

ARNU ¼ a1 xi þ a4 yi þ a3 zi þ a5 wi ð7Þ
4.2.2. Annual and cumulative natural uranium requirements under
where ARNU is annual requirements of natural uranium, t/a; the def- scenario B of reprocessing capacity
initions and values of a1, a4, a3, a5 and xi, yi, zi, wi have been given in For the high speed of installed nuclear power capacity in China
Section 2.2 and Section 4.1.1 respectively. So the corresponding described in Table 1, the annual natural uranium requirements
annual and cumulative natural uranium requirements under sce- under scenario B of reprocessing capacity can be calculated accord-
nario A can be calculated and are depicted in Fig. 7. ing to Eq. (7).
Natural uranium requirements start to reduce in the year 2025, The values of a1, a4, a3, a5 and xi, yi, zi, wi have been given in Sec-
and repeated reduce in the year 2035 and 2045 as reprocessing tion 2.2 and Section 4.1.2 respectively. So the corresponding
capacity are enlarged in these two years and SFR is put into use annual and cumulative natural uranium requirements under sce-
in 2035. But the decrement is not large as the relatively small scale nario B can be calculated and are depicted in Fig. 8.
of reprocessing capacity. Natural uranium requirements start to reduce in the year 2025,
After the optimization, the cumulative natural uranium require- and repeated reduce in the year 2035 and 2045 as reprocessing
ments start to decline in the year 2025 comparing with wholly capacity are enlarged in these two years and SFR is put into use
PWR-OT fuel cycle, and the decline increases gradually. But due in 2035. And the decrement is bigger than that in scenario A of
to the limitation of spent fuel reprocessing capacity in China, the reprocessing capacity as the relatively larger scale of reprocessing
cumulative savings of natural uranium resources is only 80,652 t capacity.
642 Q. Yue et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 111 (2018) 635–643

80000 1600000

Annual natural uranium requirements

Before opmizaon(annual)
Aer opmizaon(annual)

Cumulave natural uranium

60000 Before opmizaon(cumulave) 1200000
Aer opmizaon(cumulave)

40000 800000


20000 400000


0 0
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Fig. 7. Annual and cumulative natural uranium requirements before and after optimization under scenario A (unit: t).

80000 1600000
Before opmizaon(annual)
Annual natural uranium requirements

70000 Aer opmizaon(annual)

Cumulave natural uranium

Before opmizaon(cumulave)
60000 1200000
Aer opmizaon(cumulave)


40000 800000


20000 400000


0 0
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Fig. 8. Annual and cumulative natural uranium requirements before and after optimization under scenario B (unit: t).

After the optimization, the cumulative natural uranium require- uranium resources and reduces the amount of spent fuel disposal.
ments start to decline in the year 2025 comparing with wholly Fast reactor fuel cycle has obvious advantage of saving uranium
PWR-OT fuel cycle, and the decline increases gradually. Due to resources.
the limitation of spent fuel reprocessing capacity in China, the Then taking the natural uranium requirements, spent fuel final
cumulative savings of natural uranium resources is 139,315 t to disposal amounts and total cost of electricity generation as the
the year 2050 (compared with before optimization), accounts for optimized objectives, restricted by the different reprocessing
8.96% of the total natural uranium demand before optimization. capacity, structure of fuel cycle modes in nuclear power industry
By the same method for the optimization of low speed and is optimized in 2015–2050. The results show that the mode of
medium speed of installed nuclear power capacity (Table 1), the PHWR-RU is more competitive when spent fuel reprocessing
cumulative savings of natural uranium requirements to the year capacity is small. The uranium resource saving rate and the reduc-
2050 (compared with before optimization) are 124,065 t and tion rate of spent fuel disposal (see Supplementary Information S3)
138,742 t, respectively, which are accounted for 17.21% and increase with the reprocessing capacity increases. So it is the scale
12.08% of the total natural uranium demand before optimization. of reprocessing capacity that is most critical for restricting the
In order to maximize the saving of natural uranium resource structure regulation of fuel cycle mode of China’s nuclear power
consumption and the reduction of spent fuel final disposal industry in the future.
amounts, research and investment on the advanced fuel cycle
modes should be enhanced, as well as the expansion of the scale Acknowledgements
for spent fuel reprocessing capacity so as to increase the uranium
use efficiency. As these are two of the most critical factors that This research was supported by the National Natural Science
restricting the sustainable development of the nuclear power Foundation of China (71373003).
industry in China at present and in the future.
Appendix A. Supplementary data

5. Conclusions
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2017.09.
The natural uranium requirements are predicted under three
development patterns (low-, medium-, and high-speed) based on
the national nuclear power development’s plan of China’s nuclear
power industry till the year 2050 with reprocessing fuel cycle
mode and ‘‘once-through” fuel cycle mode. Compared to ‘‘once- Bernard, P., 2007. French experiences and perspectives on plutonium recycling in
through” fuel cycle mode, reprocessing fuel cycle mode conserves the existing power fleet. Prog. Nucl. Energy 49, 583–588.
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