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SUBJECT : ENGLISH CORE (301) Maximum Marks: 80
CLASS -XI Time allowed: 3 hrs

a. This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All questions are compulsory.
b. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.
c. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions

Section A (Reading) 26 marks

Q.1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: - 10

1. Today there is a lot of talk about the environment. All nations are coming to an agreement to
save planet earth. Like we pollute the earth, we pollute the water. We also contaminate the
subtle environment through our negative feelings and emotions. We have become a victim of
our environment. We are not in control of our mind. We hear a lot about other things in life but
we spend very little time to hear about ourselves. The most unfortunate thing is that we have
not learnt: How to handle our mind? How to be in the present moment? How to be happy and
grateful? Then, what is the solution. This is where we miss a very fundamental principle that
governs our environment, our mind, our emotions and our life in general.
2. Our body has the capacity to sustain much longer the vibration of bliss and peace than it does
negative emotions because positivity is in the centre of our existence. Just like, in the structure
of an atom, protons and neutrons are in the centre of the atom and electrons are only the
periphery, same is with our lives; the centre core of our existence is bliss, positivity and joy but it
is surrounded by a cloud of negative ions. Through the help of the breath we can easily get over
our negative emotions in a short period of time. Through meditation and certain breathing
techniques, we can clear this negative cloud.
3. This life has so much to offer to you. You can see this once you take some time off, rejuvenating
the soul. Your soul is hungry for a smile from you. If you could give this, you feel energized the
whole year and nothing whatsoever can take the smile from you.
4. Everyone wants to be successful in life. But without knowing what success is, you want to be
successful. What is the sign of success? Just having a lot of money, is that success? Why do you
think money means success? Because money gives you freedoms so that you can do whatever
you want. You may have a big bank balance, but, you have stomachaches, ulcers, you may have
to go for bypass surgery; can’t eat this, can’t do this, can’t do that. It is very bad mathematics.
We spend half our health to gain wealth and spend half our wealth to gain back the health. Is
this success?
5. Look at all those who claim to be successful - are they successful? No, they are miserable. Then,
what is the sign of success? It is confidence, compassion, generosity and a smile that none can
snatch away, being really happy and being able to be more free. These are the signs of a
successful person.
6. Take some time off to look a little deep into yourself and calm the mind down. Thus erasing all
the impressions that we are carrying in our minds and experience the presence, the divine that is
the very core of our existence. This is feeling the presence!
On the basis of your understanding of the above passage complete the statements given below with the
help of the options that follow: 1 x 10= 10

a) The signs of a successful person are__________________________

i) having a lot of money.
ii) freedom that money gives you.
iii) confidence, compassion, generosity and a happy smile.
iv) wasting health to gain wealth and then wasting wealth to regain health.

b) How do we pollute our subtle environment?

c) We can feel the ‘Present moment”______________________________

i) if we have a big bank balance.
ii) if we are able to wipe out all the impressions we are carrying.
iii) if we are free.
iv) if we are successful.
d) What, according to the author is ‘bad mathematics”

e) We hear a lot about other things but ______________________________

i) we don’t follow it.
ii)we forget it very soon.
iii) we don’t hear about ourselves.
iv) we do what we think right.
f) How can we get rid of our negative emotions?
g) Everybody wants to be successful in life without_______________________

i) doing hard work.

ii) perceiving what success is
iii) paying for it.
iv) bringing change in themselves
h) What is the most unfortunate thing?

i) Find words from the passage which is synonymous to Prey (para 1)

j) Find words from the passage which is opposite to dismantle (para 3)

Q.2 Look at the image given below and read the passage then answer the questions that follow:
An insect's body has three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. The head contains antennae, eyes, mouth
parts and ocellus. The antennae are very tiny parts which behave like feelers. They are used to gain a
sense of smell and taste and also to feel the environmental changes like breeze currents, temperature,
etc. Insects have ocellus that is a simple eye like we have, but unlike humans, they have compound eyes
that help them view moving objects with amazing precision. They have piercers or suckers in addition to
other mouth parts. Insects also have multiple pairs of legs to move about. They may or may not have
wings. Insect wings are different from bird wings as they don't have feathers, scales or bones. They have
two pairs of wings while insects have only one.

Answer the following questions, with the help of the given options: 1x8=8
(i) Which of these parts are not found in the thorax?
(A) Compound eyes (B) Forewings (C) Legs (D) Hind wings

(ii) The ocellus is:

(A) A mouth part (B) An eye part (C) An antenna (D) Simple eye

(iii) Why are antennae called feelers?

(A) Because they are used to feel emotions.
(B) Because they have an amazing sense of touch.
(C) Because they are used to detect smell, taste and environmental changes.
(D) Because they contain the compound eye.

(iv) Which is the biggest part of the insect's body?

(A) The head (B) The thorax (C) The abdomen (D) All of them are equal

(v) What can you say about the spiracle?

(A)It is a small opening in the abdomen used for breathing.
(B) It is used for spiral parts of the abdomen.
(C) It is used to digest the food in the abdomen.
(D) lt is similar to the reproductive organs.

(vi) How does an insect move?

(A) It uses its feelers to feel things around as it cannot see
(B) It uses its antennae to go here and there.
(C) It uses its legs or wings for movement.
(D)lt moves with the help of its mouth parts.

(vii) Insect wings are different from bird wings, because....

(A) they can fly higher than birds. (B) they cannot fly higher than birds.
(C) birds can flap their wings faster than insects. (D) birds have only one pair of wings

(viii) On the basis of the information given in the passage, which of these statements is true:
(A)All insects have wings.
(B) Some insects have wings while some do not have wings.
(C) All insects are wingles.
(D) Insects do have wings but cannot fly like birds.

Q.3 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. According to the New York based Wildlife Conservation Society, if immediate corrective measures are
not taken the Tiger will be extinct by the year 2000. The reason is that several East-Asian and South-East
Asian countries hunt for tiger bones. With the tiger population in China and Taiwan virtually wiped out,
smugglers are concentrating on poaching tiger in India and Nepal, where half of the world's tiger
population dwells. The population of the tiger has declined sharply from 4.334 in 1989 to 3,750 in 1993.
One tiger is poached every day. If this continues, the next generation will not be able to see them.

2. Three decades ago, India launched Project Tiger covering nine national parks. Initially the project was
successful. However, in the last few years, the systematic killing of tigers by poachers has led to a sharp
decline. Even Kailash Sankhalu, architect of Project Tiger, has turned a critic of the project. Illegal trade
in the endangered species is flourishing in China and Taiwan for tiger derived medicines like

3. The "Bagh Bachao Andolan launched by several organizations has put the 'Save Tiger Campaign' back
on the rails. Public is the need of the hour. There are, of course, laws against poaching but their
enforcement is difficult. International campaign is required to put pressure on countries like China and
Taiwan where trade of tiger bones and skin is flourishing despite an official ban. The nexus between
poachers like Sansar Chanda and Veerappan and the law enforcing agencies should also be broken.

a. On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and
subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary (minimum FOUR) and format you
consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it.
b. Write summary of the notes in about 80 words. (3)

Section B (Grammar and Creative writing) 23 Marks

Q. 4
(i) Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verb.

(1/2 x 6=3)
Years of negligence (a) ________ (cause) a severe fall in the number of science graduates. Enrolment in
science courses (b) ________ (be) on the decline. Science education, which (c) ________ (command)
pride of place among Indians (d) ________ (become) less popular among the new generation. If we (e)
________ (not halt) the trend now, in a decade we (f) ________ (not have) enough competent scientists
to run our research institutions.
(ii) Rearrange the jumbled words/phrases to make meaningful sentences (Do any four) (1 x4=4)
(a) elephant/land animal/largest/is/today/the
(b) mild/peace loving/is/animal/it/a/and
(c) more easily/that is why/domesticated/be/can/and/it/trained
(d) weigh up/elephant/a/to/can/5 tons/fully grown
(e) Species /is /obedient/the elephant/is/intelligent/both/a/and/that
Q. 5

(i) You are the General Manager of a leading company. You need a Chartered Accountant for your
office. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in the Times of India, New
Delhi, under the classified columns. (3)


You want to sell your car as you are going abroad. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50
words to be published in classified columns of "The Times of India'. Give necessary details of the car.
You are Abhay/Anita residing in Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

(ii) Imagining yourself to be the organizer of an "Abolish Child Labour Campaign" create a poster
highlighting the points of educating every child, free and compulsory till 14 years, child labour being
illegal etc. Do not exceed the word limit of 50 words. (3)


Imagine that a career counselling session is being organised by Mr. P. K. Puri in Hotel Ashoka, New Delhi
Draft a poster in 50 words for the same.

(iii) There was a time when children could be seen playing outdoor games like Hide and Seek, Football
etc. But now-a-days they are very much pre-occupied with chatting on mobiles, surfing the internet and
watching TV. Outdoor games are very necessary as they keep one physically fit. Write a speech to be
delivered in the morning assembly on 'Games are very necessary for holistic growth in about 120-150
words. (5)


On the occasion of National Girl Child Day, you have been assigned a duty to deliver a speech. Write a
speech to be delivered in the morning assembly on 'Significance of National Girl Day Celebration” in
about 120-150 words. You are Raj/Reena.

(iv) You are Abha/Ajay of MTS Public school. You think that “Online teaching cannot replace a classroom
teacher”. Write a debate in 120-150 words in either favour or against the motion.

A concern for environment is a concern for everyone. In the light of this statement, write a debate on
the topic “Using public transport has made our life easier than own transport (personal vehicles).”

Section C (Literature) 31 Marks

Q.6 Reference to the Context

(i) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 1x3=3
Then sleek as a lizard, and alert, and abrupt,
She enters the thickness, and a machine starts up
Of chitterings and a tremor of wings, and trilling
The whole tree trembles and thrills.
(i) How did the bird move to the other side of the branch?
(A) Swiftly (B) Trembling (C) Smoothly (D) by flying

(ii) When did the death-like tree become alive?

(A) in the month of March (B) by the arrival monsoon season
(C) by the arrival of the Goldfinch bird (D) by the arrival of sparrows

(iii) Identify the poetic device used in the first line?

(A) Personification (B) Simile (C) Alliteration (D) Onomatopoeia


Silence surrounds us
I would have Him prodigal,
returning to his father’s house, the home he knew,
Rather than see him make and move
(i) Why does father see his son as prodigal?
(A) Because the son is arrogant (B) Because the son lives somewhere else
(C) Because the son does not consult his father (D) Because the son is extravagant

(ii) What would the poet like in the end?

(A) Son should share his feelings (B) Son should make his own new world.
(C) Son shouldn’t make his own new world. (D) Son should become extravagant.

(iii) Which poetic device is used in the first line?

6. (ii) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 1x3=3
With land under my feet again, my thoughts were full of Larry and Herbie, cheerful and optimistic
under the direst stress, and of Mary, who stayed at the wheel for all those crucial hours. Most of
all, I thought of a seven-year-old girl, who did not want us to worry about a head injury (which
subsequently took six minor operations to remove a recurring blood clot between skin and skull),
and of a six-year- old boy who was not afraid to die.

(i) When did the narrator say this phrase, “with land under my feet again”?
(A) When he reached Ile Amsterdam (B) When he reached Australia
(C) When he thought about his family (D) When his ship was sinking

(ii) Larry and Herbie were cheerful and optimistic under the direst stress. Who were they?
(A) The inhabitants of the island (B) Colleagues of the narrator
(C) Old friends of the narrator (D) The American and the Swiss crewmen

(iii) Find the word in the passage whose antonym is “bleak/gloomy”

We passed nomads’ dark tents pitched in splendid isolation, usually with a huge black dog, a
Tibetan mastiff, standing guard. These beasts would cock their great big head when they became
aware of our approach and fix us in their sights. As we continued to draw closer, they would
explode into action, speeding directly towards us, like a bullet from a gun and nearly as fast.
These shaggy monsters, blacker than the darkest night, usually wore bright red collars and barked
furiously with massive jaws. They were completely fearless of our vehicle, shooting straight into
our path, causing Tsetan to brake and swerve.

(i) Name the author of the lesson from which above paragraph has been taken.
(A) Jayant Narlikar (B) Nick Middleton (C) Shirley Toulson (D) J.B. Priestly

(ii) What does the word ‘Swerve’ mean?

(A) Run Fast (B) Stop (C) Change direction (D) Change gear

(iii) What would happen when Tibetan Mastiff were aware of someone’s approach?

6. (iii) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 1x4=4
“Good morning, son of my friends,” he said. What is the name of your horse? My Heart, my cousin
Mourad said in Armenian. A lovely name, John Byro said, for a lovely horse. I could swear, it is the
horse that was stolen from me many weeks ago. May I look into his mouth? Of course, Mourad
said. The farmer looked into the mouth of the horse. Tooth for tooth, he said. I would swear it is
my horse if I didn’t know your parents. The fame of your family for honesty is well known to me.
Yet the horse is the twin of my horse. A suspicious man would believe his eyes instead of his heart.
(i) ‘May I look into his mouth?’ What is the context of this statement?
(A) Check the age of the horse (B) Check the similarity of his horse with his
(C) Just for fun (D) Count the number of teeth

(ii) “The fame of your family for honesty is well known to me.” In this sentence which family is being
talked about?
(A) Armenian (B) Garoghlanian (C) Saroyanian (D) Mangolian

(iii) The horse ‘My Heart’ in reality belonged to _________________.

(A) John Byro (B) Mourad (C) Aram (D) Both A & B

(iv) Identify the figure of speech in the statement ‘Tooth for tooth’?
(A) Alliteration (B) Irony (C) Repetition (D) Metaphor


‘Susan said not to give her the chloroform if it would harm the baby. She’s awful set upon
this child, Doctor Bach.” Her old eyes warmed at a sudden thought. She added in a low
tone: “Ay, we all are I fancy.” He collected himself with an effort. “It won’t do any harm, the
anesthetic,” he said kindly. “They’ll be all right.”
(i) What is the name of the lesson?
(A) Mother’s Day (B) Birth (C) Father to Son (D) The Address

(ii) “She’s awful set upon this child, Doctor Bach.” Who is the ‘She” in this sentence?
(A) Mrs. Morgan’s mother (B) Midwife (C) Mrs. Morgan (D) None
(iii) Morgans were worried on that day due to a reason. In this regard, which of the given statements
is incorrect?
(A) They are expecting this child after 20 years of their married life
(B) They didn’t want any complication during the delivery procedure.
(C) They all were awfully set upon the child
(D) The doctor did not want to give the anesthetic.

(iv) Find the phrase in the extract which means, “recovered/ take a hold of yourself.”

Q. 7 Answer ANY TWO questions in 40- 50 words each. 3x2=6

(i) How did the narrator suffer due to the wave hit?
(ii) Khushwant Singh said about his grandmother: ‘She could never have been pretty, but she was always
beautiful.’ Explain.
(iii) According to Markus Natten, when does the child become an adult?
(iv) What came as the biggest blow to Professor Gaitonde?

Q.8 Answer ANY ONE question in 40 - 50 words each. 3x1=3

(i) What is Mrs. Pearson’s reaction to see her children giggling when she returns to the room?
(ii) Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address?

Q.9 Answer ANY ONE question in 120 – 150 words each. 6x1=6
In the line ‘Both wry with the laboured ease of loss’ The poet is missing her mother. What is the role of
the mother in forming the personality of a child?
Discuss the suitability of the title, ‘Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues’.

Q. 10 Answer ANY ONE question in 120 – 150 words each. 6x1=6

What impression do you form of cousin Mourad?
‘The Tale of Melon City’ tells the story of a king who either does not govern or misgoverns. It is a satire
on a ruler who has no concern for justice or welfare of the people in his kingdom, blame gets shifted
from one to the other.
Do you think the poem echoes the misgovernance prevailing in modern India? Write an essay in 120-
150 words giving your suggestions of what steps the people and the government need to take to put
the country on the track of progress and growth.

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