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Name : Shofia Debora Pasaribu

NIM : 4213121037

Subject : Study Of Physics Learning Model

Lecturer : Rajo Hasim Lubis, M.Pd

CLASS : PESP - 2021



The direct learning model is an approach aimed at developing students' declarative and
procedural knowledge. Declarative knowledge is knowledge about something that can be
expressed in words. For example, the concept of pressure in Physics. Where the teacher can
explain that pressure comes from the quotient between the force (F) and the area of the object
subjected to the force (A). Meanwhile, procedural knowledge is related to how to do something.
For example, regarding the Physics material above, the procedural knowledge is how to obtain
the formula for the concept of pressure or solve the equation. In other words, the learning model
directly leads to structured learning activities. Also, lesson material can be taught in a gradual
activity pattern. So, students can learn basic skills and gain knowledge step by step.
The guided inquiry learning model is an inquiry learning model in which the teacher provides
quite extensive guidance or instructions to students, some of the planning is made by the teacher,
students do not formulate problems or problems." In inquiry learning, students are expected to be
maximally involved directly in the process of learning activities, so that they can improve these
abilities. Carin and Saud in Ismawati (2007:36) argue that "inquiry model learning includes
guided inductive inquiry and guided deductive inquiry and problem solving". Guided inquiry is a
learning process where the teacher provides the basic elements in a lesson and then asks students
to make generalizations.
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a learning model that focuses on tracing the roots of
problems that exist in the real world as a learning context by involving students in the problem
solving process through the stages of the scientific method so that students learn to think
critically and learn through problem solving experiences in order to obtain essential knowledge
and concepts from the subject matter.
Journal I
Background : critical thinking skills, namely comparing, clarifying, sequencing, cause/effect,
patterns, analogies, deductive and inductive, predicting, planning, making hypotheses and
providing criticism (Roekel, 2011). Critical thinking skills are divided into five groups, namely:
(1 elementary clarification, (2) basic support, (3) inferring, (4) advanced clarification, and 5)
strategy and tactics. The worksheets used in the research were prepared by adapting the PjBL
model and so that they can train students to think critically. Students will be faced with problems
and require students to find solutions by creating a product. LKS are expected to train students'
skills in problem solving, creativity and thinking.
Purpose : The goal of critical thinking skills can be achieved by using worksheets during
teaching and learning. LKS can build students' understanding of the material being taught by
making students more active (Kahar et al, 2018). Based on the advantages of using worksheets, it
is hoped that students can improve critical thinking skills, but this does not match the results in
the field.
Method : This research is a research using a quasi-experimental research design because it is
carried out randomly. This research was designed using an experimental research design, one
group pre-test post-test design. The subjects in this research were class XI MIA SMA Negeri 12
Medan odd semester T.P. 2019/2020. The sample in this study was class XI MIA 5, totaling 30
people. Classes that were given treatment used the LKS-based PjBL model on temperature and
heat material. Students will be given a pre-test first to determine students' initial critical thinking
skills, then given treatment using the LKS-based PjBL model. Next, the class will be given a
post-test. Each student is asked to do a post-test well based on what they have learned.
Discussion : Based on the PjBL model syntax, the first stage is finding ideas. Students are
invited to think broadly, search for information in order to find ideas that will be used to solve
the problem. In the second stage, students will design a project. At the first meeting there were
students who designed the project alone and other members did not want to be involved. The
next stage is: drawing up project settings. The project settings in question are preparing a project
plan, project model and preparing what students want to know through this project.
Implementing the project is the fourth stage. Students are monitored and evaluated with. This
facility is needed to give students the opportunity to work both in the laboratory and with the
required facilities. The final stage is assessing the product produced. Project assessments will be
graded by all class members. Students must remain calm, critical and able to see wisely.
The experimental class and control class both showed low pre-test results. This is because
students are not familiar with the PjBL learning model which solves authentic problems where
students are required to think critically about solutions and what products can be produced to
solve the problem. By being given treatment for 4 meetings, each student begins to get used to
learning to think critically. Students have begun to get used to learning using the PjBL model
and show improved results compared to pre-tet results. This is in line with the models and
worksheets used and students can also be trained at each meeting to think critically.
Conclusion : Based on the results and discussion above, I can conclude that students' critical
thinking skills from the research produced are in the medium category. And the increase in
students' critical thinking skills is also in the medium category. Students' critical thinking skills
can be improved by using the LKS-based PjBL model.
Journal II :
Title : The Models Of Guided Inquiry Learning With Software Tracker On Students Conceptual
Understanding In Sma Negeri 1 Keluang
Background : The guided inquiry learning model is a learning model that requires students to
make discoveries. The guided inquiry learning model focuses on students being able to think
critically. Guided inquiry is applied so that students can freely develop the concepts studied both
individually and in groups (Sumarni, Santoso, & Suparman, 2017). The basis for thinking about
the inquiry approach is the concept of learning where teachers do not only provide knowledge,
but students must build their own knowledge in their minds. So that students feel interested and
motivated to learn, a learning approach using the right media is very necessary. Researchers use
tracker software as a learning medium with a guided inquiry learning model to attract interest in
learning so that students will more easily understand physics concepts. Physics learning media
through video analysis and tracker modeling tools, this solution is seen as relevant to 21st
century education. Tracker software is designed for Physics learning. Tracker provides images
from videos that are suitable for conveying Physics concepts by producing precise and accurate
track data. Learning using tracker software is a good idea to develop in Physics learning.
Purpose : This research was carried out to see the effect of the guided inquiry learning model
assisted by tracker software on students' conceptual understanding at SMA Negeri 1 Keluang.
The purpose of this journal is the basis for thinking about the inquiry approach, namely the
learning concept where teachers do not only provide knowledge, but students must build their
own knowledge in their minds. So that students feel interested and motivated to learn, a learning
approach using the right media is very necessary.
Method : This research is a quasi-experimental design research, with a posttest-only control
design. The subjects of this research were students who were prospective Physics teachers who
had contracted general courses at one of the private universities in Palembang for the 2016
academic year. The test instrument used was 10 essay questions which referred to indicators of
conceptual understanding in the material of harmonic vibrations.
Discussion : This research was carried out to see the effect of the guided inquiry learning model
assisted by tracker software on students' conceptual understanding at SMA Negeri 1 Keluang.
Based on the test results, students' conceptual understanding abilities for each indicator show
significant differences in the experimental class and the control class. Based on the percentage
results, it shows that the experimental class has a higher average after implementing learning
using a guided inquiry model assisted by tracker software compared to the control class which
uses a direct learning model. In the control class the learning process is more controlled by the
researcher. Students only pay attention to the explanation from the researcher. This makes
students tend to be passive so they have difficulty understanding the concepts in the material
being studied.
From the results of the posttest that was carried out in each class, namely in the experimental
class and control class, the average results were obtained as in the diagram above. From the
diagram it can be seen that the average score of the final test results of the experimental class is
higher than that of the control class. So it can be concluded that the posttest results of the
experimental class obtained a higher score compared to the scores obtained in the control class.
The results of this research are also taken from previous research where previous research carried
out normality tests and hypothesis tests where the results obtained by tracker software is a
medium that is able to support the inquiry learning model which functions as a tool to focus
students' attention, besides that it can also save time for learning. can run according to the time
prepared based on the learning implementation plan (RPP). This is in line with Munadi's theory
which states that learning media functions as a tool in focusing students' attention on teaching
Conclusion : Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there is a significant
influence of the guided inquiry learning model assisted by tracker software on students'
conceptual understanding at SMA Negeri 1 Keluang. This is proven by the results of students'
ability to understand concepts using the guided inquiry learning model assisted by tracker
Journal III
Title : The Influence Of Direct And Indirect Learning Models On Student Learning Outcomes In
Physics Material
Background : The education system in Indonesia is implemented using a direct learning model
or direct instruction and an indirect learning model. The direct learning model refers to a
teaching style where the teacher is actively involved in conveying lesson content to students and
teaches it directly to all students (Suprijono, 2016: 66). And also able to increase students'
understanding of physics concepts is the direct instruction model. The direct instruction model is
a teaching model designed to improve mastery of various skills (procedural knowledge) and
factual knowledge that can be taught step by step (Prayogi, 2014 in Nurhaerani 2015). With this
model, students can easily learn basic procedural skills and acquire declarative knowledge step
by step. Meanwhile, indirect (online) learning is learning that is carried out without face-to-face,
but through available platforms. Online can provide effective learning methods such as providing
related feedback, combining collaborative independent learning activities, and personalizing
learning based on student needs using games and simulations.
Purpose : The aim of this research is to determine the differences in learning outcomes through
direct instruction and indirect learning models, to find out students' abilities or level of
understanding of both learning models regarding physics material, to improve the standard of
quality of one of the learning models which is considered less effective which may cause student
learning outcomes to decrease. .
Method : This research is library research, according to the source of data collection which is in
the form of reading results from library materials available to the author (Sutrisno Hadi: 1990).
The method used in this research is descriptive analysis with steps: data reduction, presentation,
and interpretation or drawing conclusions to answer research problems (Nasution, 1996;
Sugiyono, 2008; Satori and Komariah, 2010). Literature study is an activity that involves
searching for references related to methods of reading, taking notes, collecting data and
processing research materials sourced from secondary data collected through scientific journals,
books, e-books and other sources that are relevant and in accordance with the influence of
learning. directly and indirectly on student learning outcomes in physics material.
Discussion : In this research, offline and online learning is discussed. Where the journal also
discusses the effectiveness of online and offline learning. Where online learning was very
effective during the Covid pandemic. This says clearly that online or offline learning is better
used looking at the surrounding situation and conditions and also looking at the abilities of the
students. The direct instruction model is a systematic model. Garrdison & Vaughan found that
direct instruction provides a disciplined structure and can lead to meaningful and systematic
learning experiences (Pham, Huang, 2011), It is an approach to learning where students remain
engaged and focused while achieving desired learning outcomes and is designed for the entire
group which is learning-oriented with an emphasis on factual knowledge, Gagne (Pham,
Huang, 2011). Online learning is learning that uses an internet network with accessibility,
connectivity and flexibility, as well as the ability to create various types of learning interactions
(Moore, Dickson-Deane, and Gayle, 2011). Implementing online learning requires the support of
mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops which can be used to access information
anywhere and at any time (Gikas and Grant, 2013). There are many media that can be used to
support the implementation of online learning. The media used include e-learning, Google
Classroom, Google Meet, WhatsApp, Zoom, and other information media. The media used in
online learning at Madrasah Aliyah Yasti Sekura is WhatsApp Group.
And the results of the analysis obtained from literature study research on science students at
Madrasah Aliyah Yasti Sekura and SMAN 4 Jember regarding the influence of direct and
indirect learning models on student learning outcomes in physics material show that face-to-face
learning can increase understanding, interest in learning and influence student learning outcomes
compared to indirect or online learning.
Conclusion : Based on the results of research data analysis and discussion, the following
conclusions can be drawn: 1) There is a significant influence on online and offline learning on
students' learning interest, 2) The level of students' understanding of physics material is higher
using the direct learning model compared to using indirect learning and 3 ) Direct learning is
indeed the most appropriate method for physics lessons.
Journal I
Advantages Of Journal I

 Emphasis on learning diversity: The journal recognizes the diversity of students' learning
styles and strives to create worksheets that suit their intrapersonal and interpersonal
 Positive response from students: The research results showed that the worksheets
designed received positive responses from students in terms of ease of use, attractiveness,
ease of understanding, benefits and time efficiency.
 Theory-based approach: This research is based on the theory of multiple intelligences,
demonstrating a structured and theory-based approach in the development of worksheets.
 Potential to increase learning motivation: This journal aims to increase students' learning
motivation based on their individual cognitive potential, showing a focus on the
psychological and motivational aspects of student learning.
 Relevance to inclusive education: This journal can have relevance to inclusive education
because it considers the diversity of student learning styles.

Disadvantages of Journal I

In our opinion, the only drawback of this first journal is that the language is slightly
less understood.

Journal II
Advantages Of Journal II
1. Emphasis on the diversity of data obtained: where the data obtained is qualitative
and quantitative data
2. Positive response from students: where the students renponse are very visible in
the research results
3. Sufficient theoretical basis : this research contains a complete and structured
theoretical basis for developing worksheets.
Disadvantages Of Journal II
In our opinion, the shortcoming we found in this second journal were that the authors used a lot
og language that was not well understood.
Journal III
Advantages Of Journal III

 Fill in the journal according to the title.

 The journal abstract has described the contents of the journal.
 Has a complete and easy-to-understand explanation.
 Have a complete journal structure.
 Research is accompanied by theories from several figures.
 Fill in the discussion of the journal using sentences and language that is easy understood.
 Can be used as a research reference.

Disadvantages Of Journal III

There is repeated word writing
The direct learning model is a teaching approach that is specifically designed to support students'
learning processes related to well-structured declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge,
which is taught using a gradual activity pattern, step by step.
The guided inquiry learning model is a learning model where the teacher is a facilitator and
director while students actively carry out activities according to procedures or work steps to
develop their curiosity.
Problem Based Learning (PBL) or problem-based learning is a teaching model that is
characterized by real problems as a context for students to learn critical thinking and problem-
solving skills and gain knowledge.
The conclusion that I can draw is that all models, namely the guided inquiry model, problem
based learning model and direct learning model can be used in all learning, depending on which
teacher wants to use depending on the situation and conditions of the learning itself. The three
models also have strengths and weaknesses so teachers can choose which model to use for their
students. A number of skills that students need to be successful facing the real world is a critical
thinking skill, creative thinking, collaborating and communication

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