6.historical Perspective of Ideology of Pakistan-Impact of Islam

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Course Instructor: Saba Alam SOL| School of Law

Subject: Pak-Studies LL.B-II (5 Years)

Handout # 2


Islam reached to the Indian shores through Arab traders. Earlier contacts with the Indians of
Malabar Coast dated back to the reign of Hazrat Umar RA (634-644). Arabs impressed the locals
through their fair dealings. The first Indian national to embrace Islam was the ruler of the small
state known as Kiring Noor. Muslims left an everlasting impact of their piety and simplicity on
the Indian population.This is how the Muslim society originated in India and a separate and
distinct system, culture and religion took place here resulting into a separate nation.

3. SINDH THE BAB-UL-ISLAM (Muhammad Bin Qasim-712 A.D):

Sindh was ruled by a Hindu ruler, Raja Dahirwho plundered the ship which carrying precious
things and some Muslim women going to Governor of Iraq, Hajjaj Bin Yousuf.Hajjaj demand the
booty back and set the women and children to set free Raja Dahir bluntly refused.

Hajjaj sent several expeditions to punish Raja Dahirbut failed until he sent his young nephew
Muhammad Bin Qasimwho defeated Raja Dahir and conquered the area up to Multan. Thus
Muhammad Bin Qasim was the first Muslim commander to have entered India as a conqueror.
He remained there for a few months.

Qasim controlled the areas with the assistance of the local people.He allowed the Hindus to
profess their religion. The laws of sharia were declared as supreme law of the land. He treated
the people with kindness. Hence he made Sindh a Dar-ul-Islam.


Conquest of Sindh opened the doors for the spread of Islam to other parts of India.

Course Instructor: Saba Alam SOL| School of Law
Subject: Pak-Studies LL.B-II (5 Years)
Handout # 2
I. Mahmud Ghazni:

Conquest of Sindh opened the doors for the spread of Islam to other parts of India. The second
phase of Muslim expansion began with the establishment of Turkish Muslim dynasty in Ghazni.
Mahmud of Ghazni carried out nearly 17 expeditions during 1000 to 1026 AD and was given
with proud title of Idol breaker. Under Muhammad Ghazni the Muslim power spread to all
parts of India including Bengal and Bihar. After Muhammad Ghazni, the Ghazniempire could not
stand the might of Gohars. MuhamadGori subdued the Indusvalley in 1185

II. Babur founded Mughal rule in 1526 which lasted till1857.

After Ghori, Delhi Sultanate established till Babur laid Mughal dynasty in Islam. Islam spread
through saints and scholars like Sheikh Ismail, Ali MakhdumHajveri of Ghazni,
BahauddinZakariya ,Farid-ud-din Shaker, NazimuddinAulia, MujaddidAlifSani, Shah Waliullah,
Moin-ud-din Chishti and many other mystics and religious leader who devoted their life for the
spread of Islam in the subcontinent..


By the end of 14th century Islam had penetrated in all parts of India making its indelible impact.

I. Changed the Caste Dominated Hindu Society:

Before the advent of Islam in India the people were divided in several social groups because
of the caste system. An extreme and continuousconflict was going on between all social
groups of society. Solidarity and equalitydid not prevail in the society. The people were
greatly worried over the unstable social conditions.

The caste system had divided the societyin different social groups with hostile approach and
feelings towards each other. The prevailing conditions were ripe for the introduction of a
new religious faith and system which was to negate the existing philosophies of life based
on inhuman trends and customs.Islam challenged the Hindu society with its doctrine of
equality among ranks and social classes.

II. Islam a new Social System:

Course Instructor: Saba Alam SOL| School of Law
Subject: Pak-Studies LL.B-II (5 Years)
Handout # 2
When Islam was introduced in to the people of the sub-continent, it attracted many
followers because of its Simple andeasily understandable principles. The social and cultural
impact of Islam was on the pattern which characterized a new social system. Islam
challenged the Hindu society, with its strong traditions of social and religious democracy. It
presented anoutstanding comparison between Islamic and Hindu societies, where the
spiritual and intellectual superiority was gained by the privileged classes.

III. Tolerance and Acceptance of each other:

Theadvent of lslam, therefore, completely changed the character of Hindu society. A new
understanding of human relationship emerged giving shape to tolerance and acceptance of
each other. Consequently, with the lapse of time reformers like Ramananda, Guru Nanak
and Ghaitanya emerged in the Hindu society, who being impressed by the simple and
gloriousprinciples of Islam openly denounced the rigid caste system of India. They
emphasized on the doings of the individual rather than the superiority or inferiority of the

IV. Islam was a blessing for lower and subordinate Classes of India:

Islam, therefore, became a blessing for the lower classes India. The occupational groups,
hopeless and suppressed people under the existing system willingly embraced Islam to shed
away the burden of their continuous subordination. The rigorous of the caste system
diminished and the life became happier and bearable for the under-privileged groups.

V. Respectable way of life:

Islam showed them a new way of life which they had never experienced before in the
Hindu society. The respectable way of life, ensured by Islam, gave the masses a feeling of
being human beings.

VI. Rejection of Outdated and Absurd Customs:

The peoplerejected the outdated and absurd customs ofHindu society and showed their
interesttowards the new trends of life.

VII. Development of Urdu:

The old language Sanskrit and Parakrit were influenced Persian and Turkish. By the
interaction of these languages new languages like Urdu and Hindi developed.

I. Concept of Tauheed:

Course Instructor: Saba Alam SOL| School of Law
Subject: Pak-Studies LL.B-II (5 Years)
Handout # 2
Islam and Hinduism basically differ in their attitude toward life. Islam strongly believes in
the concept of Tauheed (Oneness of God) and insists on the equality of mankind before law.
It does not see any distinction among the people on score of such inhuman principles as
caste, creed and social position. Hinduism, on the other hand, believes in the multiplicity of
gods and is based on the unethical caste system which had divided society into privileged
and under-privileged classes.

II. Influenced the Basic Tenets of Hinduism:

Islam also left its impact on the religious sphere of India and it immediately influenced the
basic tenets of Hinduism. Important and significant developments occurred in the Hindu
temples and their architectand they began reflecting the Islamic way of construction.

III. Hindus Leaders were Influenced by the Islamic Principles:

The religious leaders of Hindus were greatly influenced by the Islamic principles and
reshape their Philosophy in the light of Islamic values. They began preaching the Islamic
principles of brotherhood, equality and Oneness of God and impressed upon the people to
abandon idol worship. Shankarachariya the great organizer of modern Hinduism was
influenced by Islam. He responded to the call of Islam and its teachings.The other leaders of
Hinduism influenced by the teaching of Islam were Chaitanya, Ramananda, the important
leader of Bhagti Movement and Baba Guru Nanak, the founderof Sikh religion.


Islam gave a new understanding of human relationships giving shape to tolerance, respect and
acceptance of each other. People rejected the outdated and absurd customs of Hindu society.
Islam became blessing for the lower classes of Indians.Important developments took place in
development styles of Hindus.


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