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Grade 9n Unit 1 – Local environment

I. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can use other
words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
Answer: 0. Ngoc usually plays badminton on Sundays.
1. Phù Lãng/one/most famous/pottery/village/Viet Nam.
2. It/locate/along/Cầu River/about/60/kilometre/Ha Noi.
3. Potter/be/at/work/Phù Lãng/for/long time/since/Trần Dynasty.
4. In/past/village potter/mainly/produced/article/everyday/life.
5. Recently/young/artisan/opt/produce/artistic ceramics.
II. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B or C.
1. ______ I warned her about the quality of the product, she bought it as a souvenir.
A. However B. When C. Although
2. We travelled to a craft village ______ we had spent two hours in the gallery.
A. before B. after C. while
3. ______ she was knitting the hat, I was cooking dinner.
A. After B. While C. Before
4. We got a discount ______ we had spent more than $200.
A. as B. although C. when
5. I’ll take my foreign friends to the local market ______ they can see how people sell and buy things.
A. so B. because C. so that
6. He ______ his name on a tree and left.
A. created B. carved C. cut
7. How many balls of wool do you need to ______ that sweater?
A. do B. weave C. knit
8. She is ______ boats on the pillow covers.
A. embroidering B. making C. casting
9. This type of wool is ______ into fabric which will make jackets.
A. knitted B. give C. woven
10. They ______ these statues in bronze.
A. moulded
B. cast C. wove
III. Match the word with its
Definition Word
1. a thing which is skilfully made with your hands a. artisans
2. start something (a business, an organisation, etc.) b. specific region
3. take control of something (a business, an organisation, etc.) c. attraction
4. people who do skilled work, making things with their hands d. remind
5. an interesting or enjoyable place to go or thing to do e. look round
6. a particular place f. craft
7. make someone remember or think about something g. set up
8. walk around a place to see what is there h. take over
IV. Fill in each sentence with a word/ phrase from the box. There is one extra word/ phrase
paintings pottery drum silk lacquer ware conical hats baskets

1. These products are called …………………….. because they are decoratively covered with lacquer.
2. These …………………………….are made of thin bamboo strips that are woven together.
3. To play this ……………………….. you should use your hands, not sticks.
4. This vase is a beautiful piece of ………………….. It’s made from clay dug from our river banks.
5. Lots of Vietnamese girls like wearing …………………….. and ao dai.
6. When I go somewhere on holiday, I usually buy ……………. as souvenirs because I love works of art.
V. Fill in each sentence with a suitable word from the box to complete a passage
about Doi Tam Drum - making village
famous more since amazed takes follow sold introduced

We went to Doi Tam, a village (1)…………………….for its drum making techniques, in Ha Nam
Province last month. The craft was first (2) ……………to the village sometime in the 8th or 9th century.
Today there are (3) …………………….. than six hundred drum makers living in Doi Tam village.
I was (4) ………………………… to see big drums in front of every house in the village. People say that
it (5) …………………. four workers three days to make a drum with a diameter of 1.5 metres. To make
a drum, the craftsmen have to (6)…………… an eight stage process. Stretching the drumhead is the
most challenging stage (7) …………….. they have to carefully assess the sound it makes. The other steps
do not require such high skills.
Nowadays, Doi Tam drums are not only famous in Viet Nam but are also (8)…………………. to other
countries such as Laos, Cambodia, Japan, and the USA.
VI. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box
conical hat marble sculptures lanterns Pottery silk paintings

1. The birthplace of the famous bai tho ………………………… is Tay Ho village in Hue.
2. If you go to Hoi An on the 15th of each lunar month, you can enjoy the lights of many
beautiful ……………………
3. Van Phuc village in Ha Noi produces different types of ………….. products such as cloth, scarves,
ties, and dresses.
4. On the Tet holiday, many Hanoians go to Dong Ho village to buy folk …………………...
5……………… products of Bau Truc, such as pots and vases, have the natural colours typical of
Champa culture in Ninh Thuan.
6. Going to Non Nuoc marble village in Da Nang, we’re impressed by a wide variety
of ……………………………… from Buddha statues to bracelets.
VII. Complete the passage by filling each blank with a suitable word from the box:
culture traditional historical attraction handicrafts exercise

Some people say that a place of interest is a place famous for its scenery or a well-
known (1) …………………… site. I don’t think it has to be so limited. In my opinion, a place of interest
is simply one that people like going to.
In my town, the park is a(n) (2) …………………. because many people love spending time there. Old
people do (3) ……………. and walk in the park. Children play games there while their parents sit and
talk with each other. Another place of interest in my town is Hoa Binh market. It’s
a(n) (4) ……………………. market with a lot of things to see. I love to go there to buy food and clothes,
and watch other people buying and selling. Foreign tourists also like this market because they can
experience the (5) …………… of Vietnamese people, and buy woven cloth and
other (6) ……………………… as souvenirs.
VIII. Complete each sentence using a verb from A in the correct form and a
particle from B. You can use any particle more than once
find turn bring close get deal out down with up
1. What time does your mother usually ……………………………. in the morning?
2. We must ………………….. the train times so that we can take the earliest train to Hai Phong.
3. My favourite writer has ………………………… another best-seller.
4. We’re …………………….. lots of complaints from customers about the quality of these shirts.
5. Why did you …………………… your workshop? I thought that it was running quite well.
6. I had to …………….. their invitation to take part in the trip because my father didn’t allow me to go.
IX. Read a passage about the Somerset levers and do the exercises that follow.
Last year I visited the Somerset Levels, a coastal plain and wetland area in Somerset, South West
England. This area is home to one of Somerset's oldest traditional crafts - willow basket making. Basket
making began in the area a long time ago. At the beginning of the 19 th century, more than three thousand
acres of willow trees were planted commercially there because the area provided an excellent natural
habitat for their cultivation.
I’d seen willow baskets before I visited the Levels, but I was still amazed at the numerous products
created by the basket makers there. They make lobster pots, bread trays, and even passenger baskets for
hot air balloons.
Although the arrival of plastics in the 1950s caused the basket making industry to decline, willow
growing and basket making have continued to play a significant role in Somerset’s rural economy.
Willow growers and basket makers have dealt with this challenge by finding new markets and innovative
ways of using willow. They make willow charcoal for artists and bower seats for gardens. Some even
weave willow coffins. Therefore, people here can still live on the craft that their great-grandparents
passed down to them.
a. Match the words with their definitions
Words Definition
1. significant a. existing in large numbers
2. willow b. introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing something, etc.
3. commercially c. in a way that is connected with the buying and selling of goods and services
4. numerous d. large or important enough to have an effect
5. innovative e. a black substance made by burning wood slowly in an oven with little air, used
6. charcoal for drawing
f. a tree with long branches and long thin leaves that often grows near water
b. Decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
1. Willow basket making is the oldest traditional craft in Somerset.
2. Willows can grow well in the area because of its favourable natural conditions.
3. The presence of plastic products did not affect the growth of the basket making industry in the area in
the 1950s.
4. Basket making does not play an important role in the area now.
5. Willow growers and basket makers have found new ways to promote their industry.
6. Basket makers can live on their craft nowadays.
c. Answer the questions
1. Where are the Somerset Levels?
2. How many acres of willows were planted commercially there at the beginning of the 19th century?
3. How did the author feel when he visited the place?
4. What are some innovative products made in the area?
5. Is basket making passed down through generations?
X. Underline the dependent clause in each sentence below. Say whether it is a
dependent clause of concession (DC), of purpose (DP), of reason (DR), or of time
1. When people talk about traditional paintings, they think of Dong Ho village.
2. My sister went to Tay Ho village in Hue so that she could buy some bai tho conical hats.
3. Although this museum is small, it has many unique artifacts.
4. This square is our favourite place to hang out because we have space to skateboard.
5. The villagers have to dry the buffalo skin under the sun before they make the drumheads.
XI. Match the verbs in column a with the groups of nouns in column B
1.carve a. clay, cheese, chocolate
2.cast b. baskets, carpets, silk, cloth
3.weave c. sweaters, toys, hats
4.embroider d. bronze, gold, iron
5.knit e. stone, wood, eggshells
6.mould f. handkerchiefs, tablecloths, pictures
XII. Make a complex sentence from each pair of sentences. Use the subordinator
provided and make any necessary changes
1. The villagers are trying to learn English. They can communicate with foreign customers. (in order that)
2. We ate lunch. Then we went to Non Nuoc marble village to buy some souvenirs. (after)
3. This hand-embroidered picture was expensive. We bought it. (even though)
4. This department store is an attraction in my city. The products are of good quality. (because)
5. This is called a Chuong conical hat. It was made in Chuong village. (since)
6. There are modern knitting machines. The artisans in my village like using traditional looms. (although)
7. Many children like to go to Bat Trang Ceramic village. They can make their own pottery there. (as)
8. We have to follow more than ten stages. We can make a simple conical hat. (so that)
9. Sinh paintings are special. They are burned after worship. (since)
10. We’ll have to phone you first. Then we’ll organise the trip. (before)
11. We were visiting an old building. They were going to a traditional market. (while)
XIII. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1. The flower was _____________ out of a single piece of valuable wood.
A.carved B.moulded C.cast D.given
2. In this town, they _____________ all the frames in steel.
A.make B.have C.mould D.cast
3. She is skilled at _____________ cloth.
A.giving B.weaving C.doing D.carving
4. If you like, I can _____________ flowers on the cushion covers for you.
A.grow B.make C.embroider D.knit
5. Is it true that you _____________ this woollen hat yourself?
A.knitted B.wove C.did D.carved
6. The doll has been _____________ out of clay.
A.embroidered B.cast C.woven D.moulded
7. I love going to this place _____________ it’s the quietest place in the city.
A.so B.though C.so that D.as
8. They keep changing the decoration of the shop _____________ they can attract more young people.
A.so that B.because C.although D.when
9. _____________ she’s young, she’s the most famous artisan in the village.
A.When B.Although C.Whereas D.In order to
10. Do you know who’s _____________ his pottery workshop?
A.bringing out B.taking over C.passing down D.turning down
11. I’ve _____________ the product catalogue and decided to buy this table.
A.found out B.closed down C.looked through D.lived on
12. This sports centre is so small that it cannot _____________ the demands of local residents.
A.keep up with B.face up to C.deal about D.set up
XIV. Complete each sentence using the correct form of a phrasal verb form the
box. You don’t need to use all the verbs
pass down live on deal with close down
face up to get on with come back turn down
1. We must …………………… the reality that our handicrafts are in competition with those of other
2. I invited her to join our trip to Trang An, but she ……………… my invitation.
3. The craft of basket weaving is usually ………………………… from generation to generation.
4. Do you think we can ………………….. selling silk scarves as souvenirs?
5. They had to ……………………. the museum because it’s no longer a place of interest.
6. What time did you ………………………………….. from the trip last night?
XV. Complete the passage by filling each blank with the correct form of the word in
Some people ask me if I like living in my hometown. The answer is certainly ‘yes’. The simple
reason is that it has lots of (1. interest) …………………. places. If you want to widen your knowledge of
the past, you can go to the museum. It’s a (2. history) ………………… building, with a big collection of
valuable artefacts. There is also a craft village in my hometown. There, the (3. village) …………… make
drums. Their drums are not only famous in the (4. local) …………………, but also nationwide. You can
visit the old workshop, where drums are still made in the traditional way. Some of them are huge!
Another (5. attract) …………….………… in my hometown is the local library. It’s an (6. educate)
………………….. place where anyone can borrow books and take them home to read. Besides, it also
has a (7. read) ……………… club. I’m one of its members, and we gather once a week to discuss what
we’ve read together. My hometown is also a (8. culture) ……………….. centre, with many traditional
festivals and activities. I love it very much.
XVI. Make sentences using the words and phrases below. You can add extra words
or make changes
1. There/be/some/famous/pottery village/Viet Nam/as Chu Dau/Bat Trang/Bau Truc.
2. Bau Truc/one/old/pottery village/Southeast Asia.
3. It/locate/ten/kilometre/Phan Rang City.
4. There/young girl/twelve to fifteen years old/begin/learn/how/make/pottery.
5. They know/how/make/pottery product/from/pot/to/small jar.
XVII. Match the phrasal verb (1-8) with their meaning (a-h)
1. come back a. stop doing business
2. turn down b. have a friendly relationship with somebody
3. deal with c. transfer from one generation to the next
4. face up to d. reject or refuse something
5. get on with e. return
6. pass down f. take action to solve a problem
7. close down g. have enough money to live
8. live on h. accept, deal with
XVIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given
1. Where did you get the information about Disneyland Resort? find
Where …………………………………………………………………………….?
2. What time did you get out of bed this morning? up
When ……………………………………………………………………………..?
3. I’ll read this leaflet to see what activities are organised at this attraction. look
I'll …………………………………………………………………………………..
4. They’re going to publish a guidebook to different beauty spots in Viet Nam. out
They're ……………………………………………………………………………...
5. I’m thinking with pleasure about the weekend! forward
I'm …………………………………………………………………………………..!
XIX. Complete the second sentence in each pair by putting the correct form of a
verb from the box into each blank.
carve cast weave embroider knit mould
1.The artisan made this statue by pouring hot liquid bronze into a mould.
→ The artisan …………………………. this statue in bronze.
2.I’m decorating a cloth picture with a pattern of stitches, using coloured threads.
→ I’m ……………………………… a picture.
3.They made baskets by crossing strips of bamboo across, over, and under each other.
→ They ……………………………. baskets out of bamboo.
4.My mum made this sweater for me from wool thread by using two bamboo needles.
→ My mum ………………………………a wool sweater for me.
5.He made this flower by cutting into the surface of the wood.
→ He ………………………………. this flower from wood.
6. I took some clay and used my hands to make it into a bowl shape.
→ I …………………………………… the clay into the desired shape.
XX. Complete the passage with the words/ phrases from the box
looked team-building zoo lunch
interest looking forward to craft museum
Last week we had a memorable trip to a new (1) ……………………on the outskirts of the city.
We were all (2) ……………………….. the trip. There are lots of wild animals, and they are looked after
carefully. Each species is kept in one big compound and the animals look healthy. After
we (3) ……………….. round the animal zone, we gathered on a big lawn at the back of the zoo. There
we played some (4) …………………. games and sang songs. Then we had a delicious
(5) …………….. prepared by Nga and Phuong. In the afternoon, we walked to a (6) ………… nearby.
There is a big collection of handicrafts made by different (7) …………….. villages. I’m sure that the
zoo will be our new place of (8) …………………….
XXI. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the phrasal verb in brackets. You may have to change the
form of the verbs
1. I don’t remember exactly when my parents started this workshop. (set up)
2. We have to try harder so that our handicrafts can stay equal with theirs. (keep up with)
3. What time will you begin your journey to Da Lat? (set off)
4. We arranged to meet in front of the lantern shop at 8 o’clock, but she never arrived. (turn up)
5. The artisans in my village can earn enough money from basket weaving to live. (live on)

Grade 9n Unit 2 – City life

I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete Mi’s email to her new friend, Alisa
Dear Elisa,
Thanks very much for your email. It was fun to read about the places you find interesting.
I (1) ______ like going to museums in my free time. There are several museums in my city, but I like the
Museum of Fine Arts the most. I love art, so (2) ______ I have free time, I go to this museum. There's a
great mix (3) ______ art from across the eras, including some really impressive modern Vietnamese
paintings. What I especially like about the museum is that (4) ______ of its galleries have an introduction
in Vietnamese, English, and French. It (5) ______ that I can learn lots of English while enjoying the art
Another place of interest that I love is the (6) ______ park. It’s near my house, so I go there almost every
day. Sometimes I go for a walk around the park with my mother. Sometimes I choose a beautiful place in
it to sit and draw some sketches. And sometimes I just sit (7) ______ a bench, doing nothing, just
watching people passing by. It’s really relaxing.
I hope someday I’ll have a(n) (8) ______ to visit your National Portrait Gallery and Hyde Park.
Until the next email,
1. A.don’t like B.interested in C.also D.will
2. A.because B.though C.that D.when
3. A.in B.of C.on D.with
4. A.all B.one C.none D.not
5. A.means B.shows C.proves D.tells
6. A.locality B.small C.area D.local
7. A.in B.at C.on D.with
8. A.chance B.opportunity C.time D.choice
II. Match the word with its definition:
a. metropolitan 1. tiredness from travelling across different time zones
b. jet lag 2. an attraction
c. a feature 3. that can be trusted
d. reliable 4. belonging to a very large city
e. multicultural 5. including people of different races, religions, languages, and traditions
III. Replace the words in italics with one of the words from the box
crowded international local urban neighbouring
1. There is not a lot of world ………………………………. news in this newspaper.
2. I do my shopping in the neighbourhood …………………………… shops, not in the town centre.
3. At weekends the city centre is always packed ………………………. with people.
4. My friend’s family has just moved to a nearby ………………………….. town.
5. There is far too much pollution nowadays in city ……………………………………. areas.
IV. Put one of the adjectives in the box in the blanket
local delicious ancient historic
helpful warm fascinating comfortable
Dear Oggy,
We’re having a fabulous time here in Hoi An. You know, it’s a(n) (1) ……………………. town 30 km
from Da Nang. The weather is very (2) ………….. and sunny. Our hotel is small but (3) ………………...
The staff are friendly and (4) …………………..
We’ve seen most of the sights of the town. The street life here is (5) ……………….. We’ve spent a lot of
time wandering around and looking at the (6) ………………….. temples, bridges, and houses. We’ve
also bought a lot of (7) ………………. souvenirs, crafts, and clothing. Well, the street food in Hoi An
is (8) ………………. and affordable. I wish you could be here with us!
Anyway, I hope things are good with you.
Lots of love,
V. Put one of the adjectives in the box in the blanket
annoying fashionable modern forbidden polluted cosmopolitan
1.She lives in one of the most ……………………. parts of the city: there are lots of luxury shops there.
2. How ………………………..! The roads are crowded and I’m stuck in a traffic jam.
3. You can’t stop here. Parking is ……………………….. in this street.
4. This city is very ………………………….., there are people here from all over the world.
5. The gallery downtown has regular exhibitions of ……………………….. art.
6. Nhieu Loc canal in Ho Chi Minh City is much less ………………………… than before.
VI. Complete the text with the most suitable form of the adjectives in the brackets.
Add the where necessary
London is one of (1. large) …………………… cities in the world. Its population is a lot (2. small)
…………………. than Tokyo or Shanghai, but it is by far (3. popular) ……………… tourist destination.
London is probably most famous for its museums, galleries, palaces, and other sights, but it also includes
a (4. wide) ………………range of peoples, cultures, and religions than many other places. People used
to say that it was (5. dirty) …………….. city too, but it is now much (6. clean) …………. than it was. To
the surprise of many people, it now has some of (7. good) ……………….. restaurants in Europe too. For
some people, this makes London (8. exciting) ………………………….. city in Europe.
VII. Underline the correct participle to complete each phrasal verb
1.The city has recently set up/off/out a library in the West Suburb.
2. I don’t think Fred gets over/through/on with Daniel. They always argue.
3. You should take your hat in/over/off in the cinema.
4. Their children have all grown up/out/out of and left home for the city to work.
5. We were shown up/off/around the town by a volunteer student.
6. The town council decided to pull up/over/down the building, as it was unsafe.
VIII. Underline the phrasal verbs in the sentences, and match their meaning from
the box
1. You don’t need the light on in here. Turn it off, please.
2. They offered him a place at the company but he turned it down.
3. The doctor wanted to go over the test results with her patient.
4. Once you’ve finished cleaning, you can go on with your work.
5. When you come inside, you should take off your coat and hat.
6. The local meeting is on Oct. 15th. Put it down in your diary.
remove examine press the switch refuse make a note continue doing
IX. Put one word from the box in each gap
noisy full crowded bored fabulous urban fascinating
A big city is full of life. City life is more modern and (1) ……………………. than elsewhere. It is
usually very busy and (2) ……………………, even at night.
Life in a big city starts early in the morning. Soon the roads are (3) ……………………of vehicles.
School children in their uniforms can be seen on the pavement, walking or waiting for buses. People rush
to work. With every passing hour, the traffic goes on increasing. The shops and the market places
remain (4) ………………………….. till the evening hours.
Certainly (5) ………………….. life has certain charms. It offers great opportunities and challenges,
especially for the young. There are lots of things to do, and facilities are well developed. There
are (6) ………………… places for amusement and recreation. One never feels (7) …………… in a city.

X. Read the text and find out eight phrasal verbs. Match each of them with their
definition from the box
For her first evening’s work at the bar, Sarah dressed up. She wore a black skirt and white
blouse, as she had been told to look smart. However, when she turned up, she found out that the
manager had been less than honest with her about the job. She had to serve the customers and
also work in the kitchen. Still, she decided to go on working at the bar for the time being. After
all, she was getting on well in the job. Three months later, she saw an advertisement in the paper
for a sales assistant at a department store. She thought it over carefully, and decided to apply for
it. ‘But I won’t tell anyone until I’ve got the new job!’ she thought. The prospect of doing
something different cheered her up considerably.
consider ask for (a job) arrive put on smart clothes discover
continue make someone feel happier make progress

………………………………… ask for (a job)

………………………………… make someone feel happier
………………………………… put on smart clothes
………………………………… discover
………………………………… continue
………………………………… arrive
………………………………… make progress
………………………………… consider
XI. Read the passage and answer the questions
Which is the best city in the world to live in? Every year, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) conducts
a fascinating survey to determine which cities around the world “provide the best or worst living
conditions”. It uses factors such as climate, transport, education, safety, and recreational facilities in
cities. It gives scores for each, and ranks the cities in order – from the best to the worst.
For the year 2014, the top 10 cities came from Australia, Canada, Europe, and New Zealand. Melbourne
in Australia had the highest score, which means it is the most ‘liveable’ city. Some famous cities came in
the top 20, such as Tokyo (19th) and Paris (17th). Perhaps surprisingly, Osaka (13th) had the best score
in Asia.
Cities with major conflicts tended to score the lowest. In these countries, living conditions were the most
difficult or dangerous. Among the worst cities on the list were Dhaka in Bangladesh, Tripoli in Libya,
and Douala in Cameroon.
However, some other organisations and individuals would like to add other factors to the index. They say
that a city’s green space, urban sprawl, natural features, cultural attractions, convenience, and pollution
should be added to the list.
1. What factors are used by the EIU to rank the world’s cities?
2. Where were some famous cities on the list?
3. Why were Dhaka, Tripoli, and Douala ranked among the worst cities?
4. Which was the most "liveable" city in Asia?
5. What are some factors that should be added to the index?
XII. Complete each of sentence with the word given, using comparison. Include any
other necessary words
1.The last exhibition was not …………………………………….. this one. (INTERESTING)
2. This city is developing …………………………. in the region. (FAST)
3. Let’s take this road. It is …………………………. way to the city. (SHORT)
4. I was disappointed as the film was …………………. than I had expected. (ENTERTAINING)
5. You’re not a safe driver! You should drive ……………………………... (CAREFULLY)
XIII. Complete each space with a phrasal verb from the list. Change the form
of the verb if necessary
cheer up get over turn back find out turn down go on
1. She …………………………. his invitation to the party and now he’s really upset.
2. What’s …………………….. in the street over there? Open the door!
3. Lots of fruit and vegetables will help you ……………………….. your cold.
4. My brother was …………………………. with a trip to the zoo.
5. The road was jammed, so we had to ……………………… and find an alternative route.
6. I have ……………………… about a fabulous place where we can go for a picnic this weekend.
XIV. Rewrite each sentence so that it has similar meaning and contains the word in
1. Don’t leave the lights on when you leave the classroom. (OFF)
2. Mai spent her childhood in a small town in the south. (UP)
3. Kathy checked the restaurant on her mobile phone. (LOOKED)
4. My grandmother has recovered from her operation. (GOT)
5. We are really expecting to see you again with pleasure.(LOOK)
.XV. Use the correct from of the words given in brackets to complete the
1. Our city has some fashionable shops, but they are not very (afford) …………………………….
2. Many people move to the city because they enjoy the (pleasure) ……………….. and (convenience) .
………………………life there.
3. New York is a multi-(culture) …………………. city. It has people from all over the world living in it.
4. City authorities are spending (much) …………..and (much) ……………. money on public transport to
make it (good) …………………..
5. - What’s the (small) ……………………….. country in the world?
- I think it’s Monaco.
XVI. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1. When I turned up, the town hall was already ___________ of teenagers.
A.full B.packed C.crowded D.jammed
2. She turned ___________ the new job in New York because she didn't want to move.
A.on B.down C.off D.up
3. This city has one of the most ___________ underground rail networks in the world.
A.efficient B.fashionable C.cosmopolitan D.fascinated
4. This laptop is much more user-friendly, but it costs ___________ the other one.
A.so much as B.as many as C.twice as much as D.twice as many
5. Today’s cities are ___________ than cities in previous times.
A.lots larger B.much larger C.as large D.the largest
6. After I found all the information I needed, I ___________ the computer.
A.turned off B.switched on C.looked for D.put off
7. Japan is the ___________ developed country in the world.
A.most second B.second in most C.second most D.two most
8. Factories and offices should be built in ___________ areas only.
A.rural B.coastal C.cultural D.urban

XVII. Complete each sentence (1-6) with an appropriate ending

1. That’s enough for today – let’s go a. the foreign visitors around his family’s workshop.
2. Tam had a good opportunity to show b. on well with the people she works with.
3. Our class are really looking c. on with it tomorrow.
4. He’d like to have more time to think d. up with the others any more.
5. Janet is very friendly and generally gets e. forward to having a trip to the National Park.
6. Halfway through the race, Phong found f. over everything before he makes a decision.
that he couldn't keep
XVIII. Complete each sentence using the correct form of a verb form the box. You don’t need to
use all of them
live turn break get give keep come take find go
1. - Has Phuc arrived yet?
- No, but I’m sure he …………………………. up soon.
2. My aunt never really ………………………………over the death of her pet dog.
3. It’s not easy to ………………… up smoking. My uncle has tried to do it lots of times without success.
4. Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt you. Please ………….. on and finish what you are saying.
5. I enjoyed living in London, but it didn't really ……………….. up to my expectations.
6. I’m sorry I’m late, but the car ………………….. down on the way here, so I had to phone for a taxi.
7. You were going too fast! I couldn't ……………………. up with you.
8. Remember to …………………….. out how many people are coming to the party.
XIX. Read the passages and answer the questions
Venice is a beautiful city in northeastern Italy. It is called ‘The Floating City’ as it is built on 117 small
islands. This city has no roads. Instead, people use boats to travel along the canals. Flat-bottomed boats
were once the main means of transport, but today motor boats are more popular. In Venice, you can visit
the famous Piazza San Marco with its world famous basilica, the lovely bridges over the narrow canals,
and some of the best museums in Western Europe.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles is the most populous city in California, and the second most populous city in the USA. It is
a global city, a centre of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, and fashion. The Los
Angeles area includes Hollywood, and leads the world in the creation of television productions, video
games, and recorded music. The weather here is usually dry and warm. Visitors like to go to the film
studios and to drive along Hollywood Boulevard. There are also some good beaches near the city, such as
Venice Beach.
1. What is special about Venice?
2. Where’s Los Angeles?
3. What can visitors do in Venice?
4. Which city is famous for its entertainment industry?
XX. Fill each blank with a suitable word to complete the passage
If you live in a city, you will probably see many people, hear the noise of traffic, and smell the
pollution (1) …………. cars and factories. We are living in a new era in the history of the world. Before
this, most people were farmers. They lived in small communities in the (2) …………. Now many people
are leaving the farms and moving into the cities. They are looking for (3) …………. jobs. As a result, the
cities are growing very quickly. Most cities are becoming more (4) ……………. People are driving more
cars, burning more fuel, using more water, eating more food, making more garbage,
and (5) …………….. more things in factories than ever before. Life in modern cities can bring many
opportunities, but also many difficulties.
The authorities are trying to plan for a better future. They are building new roads, putting (6) ……… new
houses, looking for more water sources, and limiting growth in certain areas. But people are still
crowding into the cities faster (7) ………… the cities can take them. The cities are (8) …………… out
of space. There are no easy answers to this problem.
XXI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each gap in the passage
Homelessness is a problem in many big cities in the world. It occurs when a part of the population
does not have any (1) ______ place to call home. Hundreds of millions of people in the world spend at
least some time of the year homeless. This is an issue that the authorities are trying to (2) ______.
However, there are (3) ______ things that each person can do to help those people. One of the things that
you can do to help the homeless is to volunteer your time. If you have a lot of free time, you might go on
an extended trip to help (4) ______ homes or improve an impoverished area. Even with just a few hours
a week, it is possible to make an impact in your own city. You can also sign up to help at a (5) ______
soup kitchen: most cities have a mission of some kind (6)______ food to the homeless and offering
temporary shelter
1. A.common B.regular C.unusual D.fixed
2. A.deal with B.get over C.look through D.find out
3. A.little B.less C.more D.fewer
4. A.care for B.show around C.set up D.pull down
5. A.urban B.central C.capital D.local
6. A.cooking B.supporting C.helping D.serving

XXII. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first sentence
1.This exhibition is much more interesting than the last one.
The last exhibition was not ……………………………………………………………………………..
2. The teacher says that no student in the school is noisier than I am.
The teacher says that I'm ………………………………………………………………………………..
3.This book is the least interesting I've ever read.
I have never ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. I think Vung Tau City is the most ‘liveable’ city in Viet Nam.
I think there is no ……………………………………………………………………………………….
5. This city is the same as it was in the 1990s.
This city hasn’t ………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. He found the visit to the gallery quite depressing.
He felt …………………………………………………………………………………………………...
XXIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the original one, using the word
in brackets
1. You should use a dictionary to check the meaning of new words. (LOOK)
2. The doctor told my father to stop smoking. (GIVE)
3. The cost of living has been increasing considerably in the past few weeks. (UP)
4. Margaret Thatcher was born and spent her childhood in the town of Grantham, Lincolnshire, England.
5. His business is going badly – he’ll have to stop doing it soon. (CLOSE)
6. My aunt has got two teenage children, but they don’t seem to have a good relationship with each other.
Grade 9n Unit 3 – Teen stress and pressure
I. Find the OPPOSITE of the following words
1. to go to bed early a. to be stressed / to be stressed out
2. to be relaxed b. to stay up late
3. bad exam results c. good grades
4. to make someone happy d. to be fully booked
5. to work continuously e. to disappoint someone
6. to have no plans f. to take a break
II. Fill in the blank with the words in the box. In some cases more than one word
may be suitable
tense frustrated delighted confident relaxed worried depressed calm stressed
1. Thu had been studying very hard for the exam, but she still felt …………………………. Now that she
has done well in the exam she is feeling much more ……………………………..
2. My mother is a strong person. She stays …………………… even in the worst situations.
3. Linh is feeling a bit ……………………… about her study. She’s failed the exam once again!
4. I think taking a speech class is a good idea if you want to be more …………………………………….
5. Emma is feeling so ………………………….. with her fashionable new hairstyle.
6. Phuc, Nick, and Amelie feel …………………. They want to help Mai but don’t know what they can
do for her.
III. Match the statements with the functions
give advice to someone encourage someone empathise with someone assure someone
1. ‘Go on! I know you can do it!’
2. ‘If I were you, I would (get some sleep).’
3. ‘You must have been really disappointed.’
4. ‘Stay calm. Everything will be alright.’
5. ‘I understand how you feel.’
6. ‘Well done! You did a really great job!’
IV. Complete the paragraph with the words in the box. There is one word that you
don’t need
independence informed shape and height embarrassed
delighted self-aware reasoning skills

Adolescence is the period between childhood and young adulthood. Your body will change
in (1) ……………………………... Your brain will grow and you’ll have improved self-control
and (2) ……………………….. Physical changes are different for everyone, so you don’t need to
feel (3) …………………. or frustrated! You’ll experience emotional changes as well. You’ll feel you
want more (4) …………………….. and responsibility. You may become more (5) …………….., and
care about other people’s opinions, especially those of your friends. But remember you’ll need adult
support and guidance to make (6) …………………………… decisions and overcome stress.
V. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech
1. ‘We will visit you this week,’ my parents told me.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Our teacher asked us, ‘What are you most worried about?’
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. ‘I’m so delighted. I’ve just received a surprise birthday present from my sister,’ Phuong told me.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. ‘Kate can keep calm even when she has lots of pressure,’ Tom said.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. ‘I got a very high score in my last test, Mum,’ she said.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. ‘Do you sleep at least eight hours a day?’ the doctor asked him.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. ‘I’m really stressed out! I’ve had three sleepless nights thinking about my exam.’
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. ‘I can’t concentrate! It’s too noisy in here.’
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. ‘She was very upset at first but she’s fine now.’
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. ‘I don’t think taking risks too often is a good idea.’
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
11. ‘He’ll take a cooking class before he goes to college.’
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
12. ‘I really wish I could make informed decisions!’
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
VI. Rewrite the sentences using wh-question + to infinitives
1. I don’t know what I should wear!
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Could you tell me where I should sign my name?
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. I have no idea when we should leave for the bus.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. We’re not sure where we should hang the painting.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. He wondered how he could tell this news to his parents.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. They can’t decide who should go first.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
VII. Rewrite the following questions in reported speech, using questions word
before to infinitives
1. ‘How should we use this support service?’ they wondered.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. ‘Who should I turn to for help?’ he asked.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. ‘Mum, when should I turn off the oven?’ Mai asked her mother.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. ‘Where should we park our bikes?’ asked Phong and Minh.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. ‘Should we call her now?’ he asked.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. ‘What should we do to make Linh feel happier?’ they wondered.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
VIII. Rewrite the underlined phrases in the following text, using question words +
to infinitives
In our Life Skills lesson last week, our class had a visit from a Fire Safety Officer, and this is
what he told us: ‘Today I’m going to tell you (1) what you should do in case of fire. If there is a fire,
keep calm. Be sure you know (2) where you can find the nearest exit or stairway. Do not use the lift.
Before you leave, close all the doors behind you. You should know (3) how you could activate the fire
alarm, and then shout ‘fire’. You should know (4) what number you should call to report the fire and ask
for help. In Viet Nam, it's number 114. The number is toll-free and you can call it any time from either a
mobile or a landline without dealing area codes.’
1. what you should do
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. where you can find
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. how you could activate
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. what number you should call
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

IX. Read a passage and do the exercises that follow.

The Magic Number
Magic Number 18001567 is a 24-hour toll-free service for counselling and protecting children and
young adults in Viet Nam. The helpline was set up in 2004 by the government with support from Plan
Vietnam, an international children’s development organisation.
By 2014, the helpline had received over 1.5 million calls from children and adults nationwide.
Sixty-nine per cent of the calls came from children and most child callers were in the 11-14 year old and
15-18 year old groups. The calls were mostly questions about family relationships, friendships, and
physical and mental health. Moreover, nearly 3,000 cases of missing or abandoned children, or children
who were suffering from violence, trafficking, or sexual abuse received emergency support. The helpline
promotes child participation in its operations by involving children as peer communicators and decision
A member of Child Helpline International, Magic Number aims to create favourable conditions for
children to develop physically and mentally. If you need support or advice, or know of someone who
does, just dial 18001567!
(The facts, figures, and photos in this text are provided by Plan Vietnam)
a. Answer the questions
1. What is Magic Number 18001567?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Which age groups have called the helpline most?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. What were the calls mostly about?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Why have 3,000 calls received emergency support?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. How does Magic Number promote child participation in its operations?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. What is the aim of the helpline?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
b. Decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
1. You can call Magic Number anytime during the day or night.
2. The service and the telephone calls are free.
3. Only children can call the helpline.
4. The typical caller to Magic Number is a nine-year-old child.
5. All decisions about the operation of the helpline are made by adults.
6. The service is available in all cities and provinces in Viet Nam.
.X. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech
1. ‛Have you seen her recently?’ asked Thanh.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. ‛Last night I couldn’t sleep!’ she said.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. ‛I am on my way,’ he said.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. ‛We want to send our son to a university in the UK,’ they said.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. ‛Have you ever tried calling a helpline?’ the teacher asked Ngoc.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. ‛Tell Emma I miss her very much,’ she told me.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
XI. Match the verbs (1-6) to the nouns (a-f) and use these phrases to complete the

1. make a. stress
2. resolve b. risks
3. overcome c. healthy habits
4. take d. informed decisions
5. ask for e. conflicts
6. form f. support
1. Recognising your feelings is a way to ……………………………………..
2. Our teacher said we should ………………………………… such as sleeping at least eight hours a
night, and exercising regularly.
3. ‘I’m fighting with my sister again! It feels like we can never ………………. our ……………….!’
4. ‘Don’t act too quickly! You should consider both the good points and bad points in order
to ……………………………………..!’ my father advised me.
5. He is a very wise man. He knows when to …………………… and when to wait.
6. ‛When you are in trouble, who do you …………………………………..?’ asked the survey.
XII. Turn the following sentences into direct speech
1. He advised me to visit the company’s website.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. They said he hadn’t come to the meeting.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. She asked if I wanted to become a doctor.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. They said the support service would be set up in December.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. My mother said she had sent me the book the week before.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. He asked if it was too late to apply for the course.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
XIII. Rewrite the sentences using wh-question + to infinitives

1. ‛When should I start the computer?’ Nguyen asked his teacher.

→ Nguyen asked ……………………………………………………………………………...
2. I don’t really know what I should say in my graduation speech. Can you help me?
→ I don’t really know …………………………………………………….. Can you help me?
3. They can’t decide what they should do in this situation.
→ They can’t decide …………………………………………………………………………..
4. ‛Should I tell this to her?’ he asked himself.
→ He wondered ……………………………………………………………………………….
5. She was not sure who she should contact.
→ She was not sure …………………………………………………………………………...
6. ‛Where can I find more information about this?’ he asked.
→ He didn’t know …………………………………………………………………………….
XIV. Read the following text about Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and do
the exercises that follow.
Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft, the world’s largest PC software company. He is among
the richest people in the world. Bill Gates’ interest in computers started when he was a teenager. After
high school, he was accepted to several top colleges in the USA: Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. He chose
to go to Harvard to study law. At Harvard, he focused more on his interest in computers than on
coursework. He often relaxed by playing video games in Harvard’s computer lab. He left Harvard before
graduating because he wanted to open a software company with his friend Paul Allen. However, he later
said, ‛I don’t think dropping out is a good idea.’ In 2007, he received an honorary degree from Harvard.
He began his speech by saying this to his father in the audience. ‛I’ve been waiting more than 30 years to
say this: Dad, I always told you I’d come back and get my degree.’ Bill Gates is no longer working full
time for Microsoft. He is now, with his wife, running The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which aims
to improve healthcare, reduce poverty, and promote education around the world.
a. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1. When did Bill Gates first develop his interest in computers?
A.during his teenage years B.when he went to university C.when he was at nursery school
2. What did he study at Harvard University?
A.computer science B.business C.law
3. What did he often do to relax while at Harvard?
A.play sports B.play video games C.go to parties
4. Why did he drop out of Harvard?
A.because he was ill
B.because he wanted to study at another university
C.because he wanted to start a software company
5. What did he receive from Harvard in 2007?
A.an honorary degree B.a job C.a company
6. What is the purpose of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?
A.law B.healthcare, poverty reduction, and education C.computer software
b. Decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
1.After high school, Gates was accepted to only middle-ranking colleges in the USA.
2.At Harvard, he focused more on his coursework than his interest in computers.
3.He didn’t know how to relax after his hard work.
4.He regretted that he had dropped out of Harvard.
5.He had always wanted to get his degree from Harvard.
6.He wanted to make his father happy by getting his degree.
XV. Match the following pieces of advice to the situation
A. It might help if you try to be open and friendly first. This will make it easier to make new friends.
B. Have you thought about asking someone to show you how to fix it?
C. The change is normal, but if you are worried, it might help to call a helpline.
D. I think you should relax now. You’ve done very well in the exam.
E. It might be a good idea to find out about the format of the exam in advance.
F. If I were you I would talk to the teacher about this problem with your classmates.

1. You may feel surprised before taking an important exam.

2. You have finished your exam, and you think you did quite well. You may feel depressed.
3. You have a problem with your classmates at school and you don’t know who to talk to. You may feel
4. You are asked to fix a broken bicycle chain and you are not sure what to do. You may feel happy.
5. You have moved to a new school and you know nobody there. You may feel delighted.
6.You notice something strange happening to your body when you start your adolescence. You may feel

Grade 9n Review 1
I. Match the verbs 1-8 with the words/phrases a-h
1.reduce a. a home business
2.pull down b. high expectations
3.empathise c. a handicraft
4.make d. worried and frustrated
5.set up e. employment
6.feel f. an old building
7.have g. pollution
8.provide h. with someone
II. Fill each blank with one word from the box
attractions giant excited interest fascinating tallest symbol affordable

The London Eye, also known as the Millennium Wheel, is a (1) ………………… observation wheel
in London. The entire structure is 135 metres (443 ft) tall and the wheel has a diameter of 120 metres
(394 ft). When erected in 1999 it was the world’s (2) …………… observation wheel. It is now one of the
most popular (3) ……………….. in the world. It is considered to be a (4) ………………… of London.
People make special journeys to see the (5) …………….. giant wheel. 15,000 people can ride the wheel
every day. They feel (6) ……………..…. to climb above the city and look back down on it. Not just rich
people, but everybody can do this. It is public and (7) …………..………., and it has become a place
of (8) ……………………… in London.
III. Complete each space with a phrasal verb from the list. Change the form of the
verb if necessary

look up deal with turn down set up get over put up with give up keep up with

1.The two countries agreed to ……………………… full diplomatic relations.

2. When you’re tired and under stress, it’s important to look after yourself and find ways to ………… it.
3. Six people applied for the job, but four of them were ………………………….
4. Why don’t you …………………………. this word in the dictionary?
5. Mike had to …………………………. gymnastics because of his injury.
6. I’m going crazy! I can’t ……………………………. so much confusion!
7. I think she …………………………… the quarrel with her close friend.
8. It’s difficult to ……………………………. changes in technology.
IV. Choose the suitable words/ phrases to complete the mini-talk

what to do As far as I know Cool No worries If I were in your shoes

1. A: My face often goes red and hot these days. What should I do?
B: ……………………………………, there’s no cause for concern.
2. A: You look upset. What’s the problem?
B: Well, my cousin wants to share my room during his visit, but we don’t get on very well. I don’t
know ……………………………..
3. A: Shall we visit the lantern making workshop?
B: ……………………………..! When should we go?
4. A: Thanks a lot for your sound advice.
B: ……………………………….
5. A: What do you suggest I should do now?
B: ………………………………………, I’d take it easy and try to forget it.
V. Rewrite the sentences using wh-question + to infinitives
1. “What should I wear to the fancy dress party?” Trang asked.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. “Should I help Chau with the money my mum gave to me?” she wondered.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. “Where can we get those traditional handicrafts?” Nick wondered.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. “Who can I turn to for help with my homework now?” Phuc said.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. “When should I break the sad news to him?” Hoa asked.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
VI. Read the two letters: One from a girl and the other from Miss Wiselady. Underline the phrasal verbs from the letters and
say what they mean.
Dear Miss Wiselady,
I am in grade 9 at a school in town. I absolutely love my school, and I love my classmates, except one
It seems that the girls are always saying negative things about our teachers, even our headmistress. This
kind of gossip makes me uncomfortable and upset. I don’t think it’s good for the study atmosphere, and it
would be terrible if the teachers found out. I don’t know how to face up to this issue. What should I do?

Dear Upset,
Well, that is a nasty problem. If you really wanted to do something, you could explain how you feel. Tell
them that they should not go on with the gossip. But it might be too direct for some people. I suggest you
try to keep away from it as much as possible. Keep quiet, or better still, just leave them if you are not
comfortable with the topic of discussion.
a. Meaning:
b. Decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
1.Upset doesn’t love her classmates.
2.There is some gossip among Upset’s friends.
3.Upset wants some advice from Miss Wiselady.
4.Miss Wiselady says the problem is not easy to solve.
5.Miss Wiselady suggests Upset should deal with the gossip directly.
.VII. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1. Nam didn’t know ___________ to find more information about the course.
A.what B.why C.where D.while
2. He asked ___________ it was too early to apply for the course.
A.if B.for C.when D.that
3. I couldn’t sleep last night ___________ the bar nearby played music so loudly.
A.although B.so that C.while D.because
4. ___________ they moved to the city five years ago, they still remember living in a small town.
A.Although B.Whereas C.While D.In order that
5. The students didn’t know ___________ to do to deal with the problem.
A.where B.when C.why D.what
6. Lots of people choose to buy houses in the suburbs ________ they can avoid the noise and pollution in the city.
A.although B.when C.so that D.so as
7. Minh is ___________ the most successful student in my class.
A.so long B.by how C.by far D.so now
8. My grandfather is the ___________ oldest artisan in the village; Ngoc’s grandfather is the oldest.
A.first B.second C.most D.one
9. ___________ I was talking to my teacher, my friends were waiting outside the classroom.
A.In order that B.While C.Although D.So that
10. Lan couldn’t decide ___________ to work with on the project.
A.who B.what C.how D.when
VIII. Complete each sentence using a verb from A in the correct form and a particle
from B. You can use any particle more than one
turn bring deal set keep out up down
go live break give run on with off

1. Don’t …………………………….. practising. You’re making good progress.

2. Mai ………………………… her stress by taking up yoga.
3. Hoang was sad because he failed to ……………………. to his parents’ expectations.
4. If they ……………………… cutting down trees, the city will lose its beauty.
5. Our band has just ………………………….. our second album.
6. We missed the beginning of the film since our motorbike ………………… on the way to the cinema.
7. She wanted to knit a scarf, but she ……………………… of wool before she was finished.
8. If you don’t …………………. with your regular exercise, you’ll gain more weight.
9. Their proposal to build another skyscraper in the city has been ………………. as it may be dangerous.
10. What time do you want to ……………….. for Hai Duong?
IX. Use the correct from of the words given in brackets to complete the sentences
1. One of the ………………… in my hometown is the traditional market, which is open every Sunday.
2. What are the differences between Dong Ho ……………………… and Sinh ones? (paint)
3. This is a very beautiful piece of ……………………….. (embroider)
4. …………………………. is one of the biggest problems in this city. (employ)
5. Photography is strictly .……………………in this museum. (forbid)
6. Do you know what is the most ………………………. town in this region? (population)
7. Remember to visit the Ancient Tower as it’s the only …………….. building in our area. (history)
8. I feel so ………………….. because I can’t run as fast as my friends. (embarrass)
9. ……………………. can help you succeed in many fields. (confident)
10. Find out more about the job so that you can make an …………………… choice. (inform)

X. Identify a mistake in each sentence and correct it

1. Mai went to the Student Support Office although she wanted to get some advice.
2. I don’t know which one is most ancient: Bat Trang pottery village or Bau Truc pottery village?
3. Are you sure you can get on your new classmates?
4. If you don’t know what to operate the machine, you should read the instruction manual.
5. Ngoc is stressful because she’s sitting an important exam tomorrow.
XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given
1. I have no idea when I should take that English test. (to)
→ I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
2. The prospect of moving to a new flat on the outskirts of Ha Noi made me much happier. (cheered)
→ The ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Why did you put on smart clothes yesterday? (dress)
→ Why …………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
4. Despite the bad weather, we went out for a picnic. (although)
→ We ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. His parents haven’t decided who they should seek advice from to deal with their son’s problem.
→ His ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
XII. Fill each blank with a suitable word to complete the passage
I’ve (1) ………….. working with teenagers for five years. I’ve spent time talking to them besides
teaching them English. I remember once I asked them (2) ……………… their parents or classmates had
more influence on their success at school.
Some said their parents had (3) ………………………………… influence on their achievement.
The (4) ……………. given was that parents usually loved their (5) …………………….. unconditionally,
and they definitely would do their best to help and support their children. For (6) ………………………..,
parents could do all the housework so that their children could have (7) …………………… for studying.
However, some students revealed that their parents were (8) …………….. busy to spend time with them.
Therefore, it was difficult for parents to help their children. In this case, classmates or friends affected
their success (9) ………..…..… because they talked to them more and they helped each other to deal
(10) ……………….. any difficulty in studying.
XIII. Read some students’ opinions about whether a city should preserve its old,
historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with the modern buildings. Do
the following exercises
Preserving some of our old and historic buildings for future generations is necessary. We can build
modern buildings any time. However, once old buildings are destroyed, we can never bring them back
again. We may find these buildings unnecessary at the moment, but in the distant future, they may
become very important to our descendants. They may want to see those buildings with their own eyes,
not just look at pictures, or read descriptions of them.
We should preserve historic sites because they are of educational value. To be specific, historic buildings
are popular spots for field trips for various schools, ranging from primary schools to high schools. In fact,
my class was taken to the Temple of Literature, the first university in Viet Nam, when I was in grade
five. It was an interesting experience as it helped me and my friends understand more about our
educational system in the past.
Old and historic buildings can be interesting tourist attractions. We may be astonished by, and admire,
their unusual and distinctive beauty. Local people enjoy experiencing their country's history, but foreign
visitors also want to see those buildings. They come from other cultures and want to enjoy something
a. Match the words in A with their definitions in B
1.descendants A. very surprised
2.ranging B. people who are related to you and who live after you
3.spots C. having a quality that makes something different and easily noticed
4.astonished D. varying between two particular amounts, groups, etc.
5.distinctive E. particular areas or places

b. Which student Nga, Trang or Long mentions the following points?

1……………………..visited a historic site?
2……………………..says foreign tourists may like seeing historic buildings?
3……………………..thinks future generations may be interested in historic buildings?
4……………………..mentions the educational aspect of these buildings?
5…………………….mentions the special beauty of historic buildings?

Grade 9n Unit 4 – Life in the past

I. Match the expressions with their meanings and fill in the blanks with suitable expressions
1.How cool! a. expressing agreement
2.Sure. b. expressing a wish
3.Wow, I can’t imagine that. c. expressing appreciation
4. I wish I could go back to that time. d. expressing surprise

1- Would you like to participate in this ‘Preserving the past’ project?

- ……………………………………………………...
2- Marriages used to be arranged by parents.
- ……………………………………………………...
3- I’ve finished my painting. Look!
- ……………………………………………………...
4- Children used to play outdoors with things they found, like stones or feathers.
- ……………………………………………………...
5- The Time Machine is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells can take people back to the past.
- ……………………………………………………...
6- It’s a New Year tradition in Russia for people to take a bath in a hole which is dug in the ice.
- ……………………………………………………...
II. Fill each blank with the words/ phrases from the box

loudspeaker technological changes generations traditions events a special occasion

1. ……………………………….. is used to make the sound much louder so that many people can hear it
from a distance.
2. Every country has its own customs and ………………………….
3. There is always a big gap between ………………………. The old sometimes find it difficult to
understand the young.
4. People in the past were slower in accepting ……………………………. than they are today.
5. Traditionally, weddings and funerals are considered important village …………….. in Viet Nam.
6. A wedding is …………………………., not only for the bride and groom but also for other attendants
as they can meet friends and relatives.
III. Match the verbs 1-8 with the words/phrases a-h
1. go a. to drum music
2.collect b. themselves
3. entertain c. stories
4. dance d. a diary
5.act out e. your imagination
6. use f. bare-footed
7. preserve g. the post
8. keep h. our traditions
IV. Fill each blank with the words/ phrases from the box

illiterate face to face physical strict rules street vendors seniority

1. Paying respect to people of ………………………….. is a tradition in Viet Nam.

2. Quite a large number of ethnic people in the mountains are still …………….. They can’t read or write.
3. Eating from ………………………………. is a popular habit of people in big cities in Viet Nam.
4. There should be strict ………………….. on the roads to reduce the number of accidents.
5. …………………………. punishment was common at schools in the past.
6. I prefer talking ………………………….to talking on the phone.

V. Fill each blank with the words/ phrases from the box

Use your imagination entertain themselves kept a diary preserve our traditions
acting out stories collect the post going bare-footed dance to drum music
1. In my time, most girls ……………………… where they could write down their daily thoughts and
2. - ‘Grandpa, how did the children in your village use to …………………….?’
- ‘They played games like tug of war, hide and seek, or flew their kites.'
3. We should work together to …………………………….. They are of great value to us.
4. ………………………………..and draw a picture of your dream house.
5. Children are very creative. They are good at …………………………..
6. A postman comes once a day to ………………………………. from the post box.
7. I love ………………………………………… on the beach and feeling the sand under my feet.
8. The Lion Dance is usually performed at Mid-Autumn Festival, where the dancers skilfully
VI. Complete the sentences with the right form of the words below

tradition habit behavior practice

1. It’s never easy to break a bad …………………………….

2. His bold ………………………….. shocked everybody present.
3. It runs as a ………………… in Viet Nam that elderly grandparents and parents are taken care of by
their children until they die.
4. It was his ……………………. to take a nap after lunch.
5. Using blackboards and chalk as the only teaching aid is still a common …………………. in most
developing countries.
6. He could be fired for his rude ………………………… towards the VIP guest.
VII. Make up wishes from the prompts
1. we/can communicate/animals
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………...
2. no child/be suffering/hunger
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………...
3. be playing/the beach
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………...
4. there/be no more/family violence/the world
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………...
5. I/go bushwalking/friends
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………...
6. there/be/four seasons/my area
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………...
VIII. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1. The children in my home village used to go ___________, even in winter. Now they all have shoes.
A.on foot B.bare-footed C.playing around
2. There is usually a ___________ gap between the old and the young, especially when the world is
changing so fast.
A.generation B.value C.age
3. Every nation has respect for their long-preserved ___________.
A.behaviours B.practices C.traditions
4. In Viet Nam, ___________ often refers to age and social position, not to wealth.
A.seniority B.tradition C.generation
5. Giving lucky money to the young and the old at Tet is a common ________ in many Asian countries.
A.behavior B.practice C.tradition

IX. Match the verbs in A with their definitions in B

1.act out A. bring together
2.preserve B. perform
3.collect C. bring enjoyment
4.entertain D. no longer exist
5.die out E. keep alive
X. Complete the sentences with the right form of the words below
act out preserve collect entertain die out

1. Small children like listening to and ……………………………….. stories.

2. Hand-writing a letter is a pastime that is beginning to ………………. I’m already beginning to miss it.
3. Should we try to ………………………. every custom or tradition which is in danger of dying out?
4. He’s ……………………………. data for his book Values in the Past.
5. She often ……………………………. her children by telling them stories and acting them out.
XI. Write true sentences about the practice of the following things in the past,
using used to and didn’t use to
1. men/bread winner of the family
2. women/go to work
3. people/travel/on holiday
4. families/be/nuclear
5. people/make banh chung at Tet/themselves
6. children/play outdoor games
XII. Read these situations and write wishes you want to make for them
1. Your village does not have access to clean piped water.
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Your school is on the other side of a river, and you have to cross the river by boat twice a day to
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. There is no organisation for social activities for teenagers in your town.
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. You are interested in basketball but you are not tall enough for the sport.
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. In your area, there are only two seasons: dry and wet. You love autumn and spring.
I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
XIII. Rearrange sentences to make a meaningful conversation
a. We used to. But this year my mother wants to bring back some traditions.
b. Interesting! I’ll come.
c. I’m sorry I can’t. I’m making candied fruits.
d Mai, are you going to the Tet flower market with us this afternoon?
e. Wow… That’s time-consuming and it requires a lot of patience. My family buys it.
f. Certainly! And we can learn how to make banh chung too. My father will teach us.
j. She said that if we didn’t do it, our customs and traditions would die out.
h. Oh, I see. Can I join you?
i. Why?
.XIV. Use the verbs below in the correct forms to complete the sentences

transport light act out change preserve worry communicate pass down

1. My grandparents used ………………………….. their house with oil lamps.

2.- I wonder how the farmers used …………………………… their crops home in the past.
- They used buffalo-drawn carts.
3. We are making a great effort …………………………. our valuable customs for the future.
4. Children love to …………………………. the stories as they tell them.
5. Today teenagers have ………………….. a lot in comparison with teens in the past, especially in the
way they spend their free time.
6. Women in the past did not have to ……………………. too much about their weight, diets, or obesity.
7. Customs and traditions are ……………………… from generation to generation.
8. ……………………………. by instant messaging has become an essential feature of teens’ social life.
XV. Match the words/phrases in A with their definitions in B
Words/phrases Definitions
1. a family tradition A. people of older age, or higher social position
2. entertainment B. a family in which more than two generations live together
3. a special occasion C. all the people who were born at about the same time
4. festivities D. a practice which runs in a family
5. generation E. something that we enjoy doing in our free time
6. seniority F. types of activities which bring pleasure
7. pastime G. activities that are organised to celebrate a special event
8. extended family H. a particular time when something meaningful happens
XVI. Choose the words/ phrases to complete the conversation
a family tradition entertainment a special occasion festivities
generation seniority pastime extended family

A: What’s your favourite (1) …………………………..?

B: I have many pastimes, but I love reading the most.
A: You can easily do that at home, so I suppose you don’t often go out.
B: I live in an (2) ……………….. where there are many (3) ………………… living together. So the
house is usually crowded and noisy, and I can hardly concentrate on my reading. That’s why I usually go
to the library to read.
A: Is there any type of (4) …………………………. that you can enjoy at home?
B: Of course there is. For example, I can play with my pets, watch TV, or...
A: What happens if your grandparents like watching different programmes from yours?
B: I will compromise. It’s (5) …………………… that we have respect for (6) ……………………...
A: Wow... You must be a very tolerant person!
XVII. Use used to or didn’t use to with the right form of the verbs in brackets to
complete the sentences
1. My brother ……………………………… interested in Geography when he was at school. (not/be)
2. It might surprise you to know that he ……………………………. a wild life. (lead)
3. Paper money ………………………………… on these Pacific islands. (not/be used)
4. When David was young, he ………………………….. of becoming a magician. (dream)
5. Our school ……………………………………. elective subjects. (not/have)
6. This was my favourite bicycle. I …………………………. everywhere on it. (ride)
7. Entertainment for the children in my village ………………. as simple as playing hide-and-seek, or
going swimming in the river. (be)
8. Houses …………………………… in light yellow only. They were not as diverse in colour as they are
now. (be painted)
XVIII. Choose the correct sentences
1. A.She wishes she could have a longer summer vacation.
B.She wishes she can have a longer summer vacation.
2. A.It is getting dark and they wish they will soon find a motel.
B.It is getting dark and they wish they would soon find a motel.
3. A.Did you use write with a fountain pen? I can see an ink stain here.
B.Did you use to write with a fountain pen? I can see an ink stain here.
4. A.I wish I had a laptop to replace this old-fashioned computer.
B.I wish I have a laptop to replace this old-fashioned computer.
5. A.Trees use to fully cover this bare hill.
B.Trees used to fully cover this bare hill.
6. A.They are building a new airport in my area. I wish they aren’t.
B.They are building a new airport in my area. I wish they weren’t.
7. A.This method didn’t use to work as effectively as it does now.
B.This method didn’t use to work effectively as it does now.
8. A.I wish I was travelling on an express train, not this slow one.
B.I wish I am travelling on an express train, not this slow one.
XIX. Choose the incorrect words/phrases and correct them
1. When we are on holiday, we used to go to the beach every day.
2. We wish we can consult an expert on how to solve this problem.
3. He works much more hard for his exams than he does for his normal school work.
4. I used to listen to music during I was riding my bicycle to school.
5. None of them had any idea about how make a raft with only a few bamboo canes.
6. He said that they will have to set off soon after midnight.
7. When he lived in Japan, he didn’t used to eat food with forks, but with chopsticks.
8. He thinks that geometry is not as difficult than arithmetic.
9. She wished she is not getting stuck in another traffic jam.
10. I am tired of being told all the time what to do, and when doing it.
XX. Rearrange sentences to make a meaningful conversation
A. Your grandmother taught me. Cooking used to be one of the criteria for being a good wife.
B. I’m happy that life has changed.
C. Why so many ‘shoulds’, mum? Didn’t a wife have any rights in the family?
D. Mum, how can you cook these traditional dishes?
E. There are many. You should know how to sew and how to embroider. You should take care of every member
in your husband’s family. You should be obedient and submissive. When you talk, you should...
F. What are some of the other criteria?
G. Very few, dear. When you were married to a man, you had to obey the man as well as his family. You didn’t
have a voice in the decision making.
H. I am too.
XXI. What are these people doing? Match the headlines with the situations
A. Keeping the past alive
B. Preserving family traditions
C. Cleaning up the festivals
D. Educating children about the value of the past
1. When a boy in the family reaches the age of twelve, the father takes him into the forest for his first hunting
season. He teaches the boy how to find his way in the forest, how to discover and follow the tracks of a game,
how to hunt, and above all, how to become the ‘man of the family’.

2. Last year, the people in our village started a project. They collected items relating to life in the past,
especially those of cultural or historic value. Then they opened a small museum to exhibit those items, so that
everyone could come and learn about our history.
3. Last year our school carried out a programme called ‘Listen to the Past’. The participants of this
programme did some research on an aspect of life, or events, in the past. They then made group presentations of
their findings to the students in the school, and conducted follow-up quiz competitions.
4. Not every traditional activity at a festival is appreciated. Recently, there have been talks about outlawing
some practices which might cause negative reactions from the public.
XXII. Read the passage and choose the best answer
Good manners are a treasure to the people who possess them, as well as to the community they live
in. Manners are taught, learnt, and passed from generation to generation.
Even hundreds of years ago, children were taught to behave responsibly. They learnt to respect seniority.
When they passed an object to another person, they had to use both hands. When they entered a room,
they had to bow and greet the oldest person first. Boys learnt to work hard to support their families. Girls
learnt to do housework, and to take care of others. Loyalty and honesty were highly appreciated. When
they made a mistake, they would not let another person be punished for it. That would be cowardly and
mean. They were taught that families were strong, and everybody should stick together in adversity.
Fortunately, many of these values have been well preserved. They have contributed to making the unique
Vietnamese culture, and strengthening our society.
1. Good manners are _______________________.
A.of great value B.of the community C.traditional D.only for the old
2. What was seen as a boy’s main duty?
A.to respect seniority B.to support his family C.to do housework D.to share good things
3. The sentence: ‘When they made a mistake, they would not let another person be punished for it,’ means they
would _______________________.
A.deny their mistake B.admit their mistake C.keep it a secret D.be punished
4. The underlined word ‘they’ refers to _______________________.
A.tradition B.generations C.children D.seniority
5. ‘... cowardly and mean’ is used to describe _______________________ behaviour.
A.acceptable B.good C.proper D.unacceptable
6. This passage is about_______________________.
A.people who possess good manners B.what bad manners children in the past had
C.the preservation of bad values D.good manners and their value
XXIII. Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete the passage
As a child, Phong always dreamt of going (1) ______ to study. (2) ______ he graduated from high school, his
parents sent him over to New Zealand to attend college. Phong was very happy that his dream finally (3) ______
When he first arrived in the country, Phong’s English was not very good and sometimes he did not (4) ______
what other people said. He also had difficulties in class because he was not familiar with the new teaching and
learning method. He felt (5) ______ in this new place, and missed all his buddies in Viet Nam. The food there was
so different (6) ______ what his mum used to cook for him. And for the first time in his life, Phong had to think
about his finances, and to plan his spending (7) ______. But Phong was young and enthusiastic. He learnt to (8)
______ to this new environment. After two years, Phong is now very (9) ______ in English and has achieved the
top academic award at his school. He has a lot of friends from different countries. He is even good (10) ______
being able to earn money for his daily needs from his part-time job at a restaurant.
1. A.travelling B.abroad C.up D.foreign
2. A.At B.During C.After D.While
3. A.come B.become C.turned D.came
4. A.understand B.like C.care D.consider
5. A.happy B.interested C.desperate D.lonely
6. A.to B.for C.as D.about
7. A.freely B.careful C.carefully D.carelessly
8. A.discover B.explore C.adapt D.adjust
9. A.bad B.good C.smooth D.fluent
10. A.at B.than C.of D.that
Grade 9n Unit 5 – Wonders of Viet Nam
I. Fill each blank with the adjective from the box
geological located/situated picturesque astounding administrative

1. The hotel is beautifully ……………………………… in a quiet spot near the river.

2. It is a quiet fishing village with a …………………………. harbour.
3. The original size of the Forbidden City is ………………………….. - it’s hard to believe.
4. This book is about …………………………… features of Viet Nam.
5. Ha Noi is the ……………………………… centre of our country.
II. Match the nouns in A with their definitions in B
1. setting a. a general word for a building of any kind
2. complex b. the place where something is and the general environment around it
3. structure c. an acceptance that something exists, is true, or is valuable
4. measures d. a group of connected buildings that are designed for a particular purpose
5. recognition e. official actions that are done in order to achieve a particular aim
III. Fill each blank with the noun from the box

setting complex structure measures recognition

1. This ……………………… has been standing since the 15th century.

2. The government must take …………………….. to preserve historical sites in the area.
3. I like a hotel in a beautiful ……………………… of landscaped gardens.
4. The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long is a ……………… that consists of royal palaces and monuments.
5. There is a growing …………………….. that protecting natural wonders has financial benefits as well
as cultural importance.
IV. Write answers to the following questions using suggest + V-ing/ clause with
should and the prompts in brackets
1. A: Have you thought of recycling?
B: I suggest ……………………………………………… (recycle things such as bags, cans, and bottles).
2. A: What should we do to protect and preserve our man-made wonders?
B: I suggest ……………………………………………………………………….……………………………….
(the government/ limit/the number of visitors/every day).
3. A: What should we do to conserve forests?
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. A: What should we do to protect valuable things in pagodas and temples?
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………..………………
(put/these valuable things/ in high-security places).
5. A: What should we do to restore our aging man-made wonders?
B: …………………………………………………………………………… …………………(raise/money).
6. A: What should we do to prevent global warming?
B: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
. (reduce/smoke/exhaust fumes).
V. Match the adjectives in A with their definitions in B
1.located a. so surprising that it is difficult to believe
2.picturesque b. in a particular position or place
3.astounding c. relating to the work of managing a country or an institution
4.geological d. pretty and unchanged by time
5.administrative e. relating to the rocks that make up the Earth’s surface

VI. Read an article about Perfume pagoda and answer the questions
Perfume Pagoda is a religious site as well as being a great sight-seeing spot in Viet Nam. It is
situated in Huong Son Commune, My Duc District, Ha Noi. It is a vast complex of Buddhist temples and
shrines, including Den Trinh (Presentation Shrine) and Thien Tru (Heaven Kitchen) Pagoda, in the
limestone Huong Tich mountains. The centre of this complex is the Perfume Temple, also called Chua
Trong (Inner Temple), located in Huong Tich Cavern. It is thought that the first temple was built on the
current site of Thien Tru in the 15th century during the reign of Le Thanh Tong. Over the years some of
its structures which were in ruins have been restored or replaced
Many Vietnamese works of literature, both old and modern, have made Perfume Pagoda their
focus. It has also provided backdrops for many famous paintings. Its beauty has been used as a theme of
many famous songs and a topic of lyric poetry. Nowadays during its festival (from the middle of January
to the middle of March on the lunar calendar), Perfume Pagoda attracts large numbers of pilgrims from
all over Viet Nam.
1. Where is the Perfume Pagoda located?
2. What does the complex of the Perfume Pagoda include?
3. Where is the centre of this complex located?
4. What is special about the beauty of the Perfume Pagoda?
5. Who visits the Perfume Pagoda during its religious festival?
VII. Underline the correct word in each sentence
1. A fortress/cathedral is a building that has been made stronger and protected against attack.
2. From Port Eynon, the cement/limestone cliffs extend for five or six miles to Worms Head.
3. A cavern/bay is a cave that is big enough for humans to go inside.
4. Hue’s most outstanding attractions are the emperors’ tombs/graves.
VIII. Fill each blank with the noun from the box

setting complex structure measures recognition

1. The new leisure ……………………… includes a swimming pool, a sauna, and a gym.
2. There are …………………… in place to reduce the damage to man-made wonders.
3. Hoi An town gained UNESCO’s …………………. as a World Heritage Site in 1999.
4. The pagoda is located in a rural ……………………….
5. The ……………………………. has been restored over the years.
IX. Rewrite the following sentences using impersonal passive
1. They expect more than 100,000 people will attend the festivals at the Perfume Pagoda this year.
2. People have reported that Thien Duong is the longest cave in Viet Nam.
3. People believe the Perfume Pagoda was built during the reign of Le Thanh Tong in the 15th century.
4. People say Ha Long Bay is one of the most extraordinary natural wonders you will ever see.
5. People hope many defensive measures will be taken to protect and preserve our man-made wonders.
.X. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1. All the best theatres and restaurants are ___________ within a few minutes' walk of each other.
A.laid B.situated C.seated D.stood
2. Would you like to live in a modern house or a(n) ___________ cottage?
A.picturesque B.awful C.terrible D.bad
3. A ___________ is a solid figure or object, made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay, etc.
A.painting B.sculpture C.medal D.picture
4. Ho Chi Minh City has been divided into twenty-four ___________ divisions since December 2003.
A.administer B.administration C.administrative D.administrator
5. A ___________ is a castle on high ground in or near a city, where people could go when the city was being
A.cathedral B.monument C.centre D.citadel
6. The station building used to be a high wooden ___________ with a curved roof.
A.facility B.carriage C.complex D.structure
7. The new sports ___________ has six tennis courts.
A.complex B.match C.medium D.game
8. The local government is introducing tougher ___________ to preserve historical sites.
A.measures B.actions C.plans D.steps
9. The pagoda is in a beautiful ___________, close to the sea.
A.spaces B.setting C.tower D.set
10. There is general ___________ that Vietnamese students lack knowledge of the natural, or man-made, wonders
of Viet Nam.
A.accepting B.saying C.recognition D.undertaking
XI. Match the words in A with their definitions in B
1. man-made A. good or unusual, and therefore worth remembering, or easy to remember
2.former B. very impressive
3.vast C. used to exist in earlier times
4.spectacular D. extremely large in area, size, or amount
5.unforgettable E .made by people; not natural
XII. Read the two paragraphs below and fill each blank with the words/ phrases
from the box

structures former surrounded culture ride

The Ancient Town of Hoi An
Listed as a World Heritage Site in 1999, Hoi An is the (1) ………………. main port of Viet Nam dating
back to the 16th century. Today, most of its historic (2) ……………………… have been preserved as
landmarks. There are many things you can do there. For example, you can walk down the streets,
(3) …………………… by the atmosphere of times gone by. You should visit the town during the full
moon, when the shop owners turn off the lights and decorate the streets with candle lanterns. You can
also take a sampan (4) ………….. down the Song Do River, hunting traces of foreign traders such as the
Japanese, Chinese, and Dutch who made Hoi An a centre of (5) ………………….. in old Viet Nam.

archaeological destination base beauty history

Ly Son Island
Although it isn't well-known to most people planning their Viet Nam trips, Ly Son Island is a terrific
beach (6) ……………………. in the centre of the Vietnamese East Sea. Beside its natural beauty, Ly
Son has its own rich (7) ………………….. Researchers have found a lot of (8) ……………….. evidence
there of the presence of people from the ancient Sa Huynh culture dating back thousands of years. The
Cham empire also once used Ly Son as a transshipment (9) ………………….. Being a former volcanic
field, Ly Son has a pristine (10) …………………… that not many other islands in Viet Nam can match.

XIII. Rewrite the sentences below in the impersonal form of the passive
1. People expect that the report will suggest some major reforms.
→ It is expected …………………………………………………………………………………………..
→ ……………. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. They say that he invented the digital camera.
→ It is said ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
→ ……………. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Scientists have discovered that there is water on Mars.
→ It has been …………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. We expect the professor to arrive this morning.
→ It is expected ………………………………………………………………………………………….
→ ……………. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Many employers consider computer skills to be more important than work experience.
→ It is considered ………………………………………………………………………………………..
→ ……………. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
XIV. Read the passage and put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense
It (1. announce) ……………………….. by the police last night that three men (2. arrest)
…………………………………………. in relation to the robbery at a jeweller’s on Hang Bai Street. It
(3. report) …………………………. that jewellery costing more than 500,000,000 VND (4. steal)
…………………………. from the shop last Tuesday afternoon. It (5. know) …………. that at least four
people were involved in the dawn raid. Three armed men stormed into the jeweller’s, and ordered the
customers and the shop owner to lie down on the floor. They filled up two big bags with valuable pieces
of jewellery. It (6. say) ……………… that the three men then ran outside and (7. drive) ………….…….
away in a red car by a fourth man. It (8. widely rumour) ………………………… that the three suspects
(9. hold) ……………….. in the city centre police station. Members of the general public who may have
information about the crime (10. ask) ………………………….. to contact the police on 0483456789.
XV. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box

worth best recommend bother Don’t wouldn’t

definitely worth must visiting about tips
sounds good heard best know useful

1. Don’t ……………….. going to the museums.

2. It isn’t really ………………….. visiting there.
3……………………. drink the water.
4. I ……………………. eat anything that’s sold in the street.
5. It’s probably …………………….. to use rickshaws to get around.
6. I’d …………………………. using the trains.
7. You should ………………………… see the Perfume Pagoda.
8. That’s well ……………………. seeing.
9. You really ……………………… go to Ho Chi Minh City.
10. What’s the …………………….. way to get around?
11. Do you know any ………………………. places to stay?
12. Is there anything else worth …………………..?
13. What …………………….. the places outside Hue City?
14. Have you got any other………………….. ?
15. That’s good to ………………………….
16. That …………………………… good.
17. Thanks, that’s really ………………………..
18. Yes, that’s what I’ve ……………………. before.
XVI. Read the paragraph and choose the best answer
After an enormous breakfast at a restaurant in Quy Nhon, you will be driven to (1) ______ Hue,
which served as the (2) ______ capital of Viet Nam during the 19th and early 20th centuries. You will
travel north to Da Nang to visit the Cham Museum, home of the largest (3) ______ of Cham sculptures in
Viet Nam, then continue on to Hue, stopping (4) ______ the sensational Marble Mountain and Non Nuoc
Beach. The road begins to wind as you make your way up the (5) ______ Hai Van Pass, pausing at the
top to admire the (6) ______ view of Lang Co Beach. When arriving in Hue, you should definitely visit
the Imperial Citadel. This royal (7) ______ was once badly damaged, but it was later listed as a
UNESCO World Heritage Site, and has been undergoing extensive (8) ______ in recent years. You can
have a wander through the many residences and other buildings within the fascinating citadel, once only
(9) ______ to the royal family and oficials. In the evening, you can take a pleasant (10) ______ along the
Perfume River.
1. A.historical B.historic C.history
2. A.emperor B.imperial C.empire
3. A.contribution B.grouping C.collection
4. A.in B.on C.at
5. A.special B.spectacular C.particular
6. A.stun B.stunning C.stunned
7. A.residence B.resident C.residential
8. A.renovations B.renovating C.renovated
9. A.allowable B.accessible C.admissible
10. A.stroll B.trek C.hike
XVII. Read the paragraph and choose the best answer
Being overshadowed by Ha Long Bay to the north, Cat Ba Island is often left out of the itineraries
of the majority of travellers coming to Viet Nam. Nevertheless, Cat Ba Island is one of the most
underrated destinations in Viet Nam.
The massive island of Cat Ba is a fantastic destination for ecotourism and adventure activities in
Northern Viet Nam. Cat Ba National Park, which was established on 31st March 1986, is one of the most
ecologically diverse national parks in Viet Nam. The park possesses seven different ecosystems, both
underwater and inland. It is home to thirty-two types of mammals, along with seventy bird species, and
more than a thousand species of plants, hundreds of which can be used as medicines.
There are several different hiking and trekking routes through rugged and forested mountain within Cat
Ba National Park. These routes are also divided by different levels of difficulty, so travellers don’t have
to be worried if their fitness is not very good. In addition, travellers can take a side visit to explore
the exquisite Trung Trang cave, or discover the traditional village of Viet Hai.
1. Many travellers choose not to visit Cat Ba Island because ___________.
A.they think Ha Long Bay is much better B.it is not a good destination for tourism
C.there is too much rain there D.it is too far from Ha Long Bay
2. Cat Ba Island is suitable for ___________.
A.scientific research and exploration B.ecotourism and adventure activities in Northern Viet Nam
C.experiencing urban life D.many indoor activities
3. Which of the following is NOT true about Cat Ba National Park according to the passage?
A.Hiking and trekking in Cat Ba National Park requires a high level of fitness.
B.It is one of the most diverse national parks in Viet Nam.
C.There are seven different ecosystems in Cat Ba National Park.
D.It was established in 1986.
4. The word "rugged" in the passage is closest in meaning to ___________.
A.even B.smooth C.flat D.uneven
5. The word "exquisite" in the passage is closest in meaning to ___________.
A.quiet B.ugly C.plain D.beautiful
XVIII. Read the text and answer the questions that follow
Ke Ga Cape, which is about twenty-five kilometres from the city of Phan Thiet, is often
overlooked by the majority of travellers coming to Viet Nam. Therefore, the peacefulness of this coastal
area has been preserved. If you want to experience the ‛real’, unspoiled side of Viet Nam, we highly
recommend that you add Ke Ga Cape to your ‛places to visit’ list.
Once you’ve arrived at Ke Ga Cape, its attractions are immediately obvious. Most travellers are
attracted by the sight of its untouched cliffs spreading out along the coast and the sound of the casuarina
trees rustling in the breeze.
On sunny days, you will be enthralled by the harmonious tones of the sea and sky, and the sight of
clouds embracing the mountain peaks. You can also admire the splendid sunrise, and later go for a walk
to enjoy the mesmerising sunset. The red-yellow rays of the sun reflected in the waves paint an
enchanting picture of the pristine Ke Ga Cape. Sometimes, it may be hard for you to distinguish where
the sky ends and the sea begins.
If you want to get to Ke Ga Lighthouse, taking a canoe is highly recommended because it is quick,
convenient, and safe. Ke Ga Lighthouse is worth a visit during your Viet Nam tour, if you want to
experience daily life in a fishing village. The locals are very friendly, warm-hearted, and sincere. Not
surprisingly, they will often invite you to join them for a meal of their freshly caught seafood, which will
definitely awaken your taste buds.
1. Why has the peacefulness of Ke Ga Cape been preserved?
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. To whom is Ke Ga Cape highly recommended?
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. What attracts most travellers to Ke Ga Cape?
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Why is taking a canoe highly recommended if you want to get to Ke Ga Lighthouse?
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. What are the locals in Ke Ga Lighthouse like?
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
XVIII.Read this itinerary of a trip to Lao Cai, and decide whether the statements are true or false
Night 1: Ha Noi night train to Lao Cai
At 20:00 you are collected and driven to the railway station for the 21:10 train to Lao Cai. Stay overnight
on train.
Day 1: Lao Cai – Sa Pa - Sin Chai - Cat Cat - Y Linh Ho
When you arrive at Lao Cai station, you will be met by a local guide and a driver. Have breakfast at a
local restaurant, then start your journey to Sa Pa. You will be transported down the hill to Sin Chai
village, home of the Black Hmong people. Here you can start the journey up the Hoang Lien mountains.
Once you reach the summit, you will trek along a small trail with spectacular views, and then gradually
descend to Cat Cat village. In the afternoon, you take a trail sneaking through the Hoang Lien mountains.
You will enjoy spectacular scenery while walking along a narrow river eventually arriving in Y Linh Ho
village. There you can rest in a scenic spot near the beautiful river. You will stay overnight in Y Linh Ho,
either in a local house, or camping in a tent depending on the season.
Day 2: Y Linh Ho - Lao Chai - Ta Van
Today’s trek will continue along the Hoang Lien mountain range. You will have many opportunities to
enjoy views over the huge rice paddy terraces in Muong Hoa valley. Have lunch at a scenic spot, then
descend into the bottom of the valley. You will pass through Lao Chai, a Black Hmong village, and then
Ta Van village, where Giay people live. You will spend the night in a traditional house of the Giay
people. There, you can take a walk to enjoy the scenery of the valley as well as swim in the river nearby.
Day 3: Ha Noi arrival
Arrive in Ha Noi at 05:00. Return to your hotel on your own. End of the tour.
1.When arriving at Lao Cai station, you will be met and transferred to a local restaurant for breakfast.
2.Cat Cat village is on the top of the Hoang Lien mountains.
3.You will stay overnight in Y Linh Ho in a local hostel.
4.Sin Chai is a village of Black Hmong people.
5.You can enjoy views over the huge rice paddy terraces in Muong Hoa valley.
6.You will have lunch in the Muong Hoa valley.
7.Ta Van is a village populated by Giay people.
8.When arriving in Ha Noi at 05:00, you will be taken back to your hotel by a driver.
Grade 9n Unit 6 – Viet Nam: Then and now
I. Write sentences in the passage voice, using the suggested words. You can change the order of the words
1. We/suggest/that/the government/limit/the number/visitors/daily
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. I/suggest/that/control/the deforestation
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. I/suggest/that/reduce/smoke/exhaust fumes
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. I/suggest/that/raise/money/charity
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. I/suggest/that/put/valuable/things/high-security/places
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
II. Match the words in A with their meanings in B
1.celebration of an important year a. missing
2. very interesting b. conditions
3. not there c. anniversary
4. situations d. improved
5. got better e. proper
6. real f. fascinating

III. Complete the correct form of the words in the box which has the same meaning as the words in brackets
gradual slight dramatic considerable significantly

1. There have been ………... differences in the country’s policies as compared to two years ago. (minor)
2. The traffic system in Ha Noi has been ……………………………… upgraded over the last ten years.
(suddenly and to a great degree)
3. Vietnamese people’s lives have been ………………………. improved. (enough to make a difference)
4. There have been …………………………… changes in the way people work. (quite large)
5. There has been a ………………… increase in people’s income over the last ten years. (little by little)
IV. Complete the correct form of the words in the box

tram underpass tunnel elevated walkways skytrain flyover

1. Hai Van ……………………. is 6.28 km long.

2. Thanks to the ………………………………, pedestrians can be much safer.
3. A ………………………….. is a bridge that carries one road over another one.
4. The railroad track that runs overhead is known as a ………………………..
5. A road or path that goes under another road or railroad track is called an ……………………………...
6. The clanging sound of the Ha Noi …… in the 1970s has gone deep into people’s collective memory.
V. Match the words/phrases in A with their definitions in B
1.extended family A. parents and children living together as a family unit
2.tolerant B. able to accept what other people say or do even if you do not agree with it
3.cooperative C. willing to do what you are told to do
4.sympathetic D. kind to somebody who is hurt or sad; showing that you understand and care
5.obedient about their problems
6.nuclear family E. working together with others towards a shared aim
F. more than two generations living together as a family unit
VI. Complete the correct form of the words/ phrases in the box
obedient extended family cooperative sympathetic tolerant nuclear family
1. Our grandparents used to live in an …………………………..
2. My mother is a ……………………. woman. She always cares about how we feel.
3. The boys are willing to do what you want them to. They are really ……………………..
4.She is ……………………. with her children even when they misbehave.
5. Nowadays the …………………….. is becoming more common in the cities.
6. Having students work in groups, she hoped they could learn to be ……………………
VII. Ask and answer the questions using the cues
1. What/family groups/Vietnamese people/live in before 1990?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- They/live/extended family.
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. How/people in Viet Nam/travel/before the first motorbike/imported?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- They/travel/bicycle.
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. How/Vietnamese people/live/before the open-door policy in 1986?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- They/had/harder life.
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Where/your family/spend/holidays/before 2005?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- We/holidays/Viet Nam/only/before then.
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Who/rule/Viet Nam right before the Tran dynasty?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Ly Chieu Hoang/rule/before the Tran dynasty.
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
VIII. Match the first half of the sentence 1-6 with the second half a-f
1. It was smart of her a. to stay in the old house alone the whole night.
2.It was brave of him b. to lend me her book.
3.It was kind of her c. to get along with people from other cultures.
4.It was unprofessional of her d. to know about how our people used to live in the past.
5.It is useful for us e. to be late for the meeting.
6.It is hard for us f. to be able to solve the maths problem.

VI. Complete the blank with one adjective in the box. More than one adjective can
be used
glad sure sorry certain confident astonished pleased relieved surprised

1. I was ……………………………. to meet my best friend yesterday.

2. He is ……………………….. to have so little time for his family.
3. They were ………………………….. to finish their last performance.
4. She’s ………………………. to get the job. The interview went really well.
5. The mother was ……………………………. to hear that her smart son failed the exam.
6. All the students were …………………………… to have passed the exams.
VII. Create one sentence by combining each pair of sentence using subject + be +
ajd + that clause
1. The traffic problems of the city had been solved. The Prime Minister was pleased.
The Prime Minister …………………………………………………………………………………...
2. We did well in the exam. We were relieved about that.
We …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. I am sorry about the school facilities our parents had. They were very poor.
I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Everyone was glad. The government had decided to invest more in education.
Everyone ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. It will be much safer to have elevated walkways and underpass systems for pedestrians. Everyone is
aware of this.
Everyone ………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Life in the countryside has improved considerably. All of us are delighted about that.
All of us ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
VIII. Read the text and do the tasks that follow
Ha Noi had its first tramways in 1990. The tram system was a major means of transport in the city for
nine decades and thus the image of the tram and its clanging sounds have gone deep into the hearts and
minds of Hanoians. Since it was convenient and cheap to get around the city and to the suburban areas by
tram, the system was very popular. However, due to the population boom and the need for a wider road
system, the last rail track was removed.
Now, after more than 20 years, the population of Ha Noi has risen from about two million people to more
than six million people; therefore, the number of vehicles on the roads has increased dramatically. To
meet the increasing travel demands, Ha Noi is launching its first skytrain system, connecting Cat Linh
and Ha Dong. The system is expected to begin operations by 2016, with initial four-compartment
skytrains. Furthermore, a new rail system project including around eight kilometres of skytrain rail and
four kilometres of subway rail, connecting Ha Noi Central Station and Nhon, has also been under
construction and is expected to be completed in a few years.
a. Answer the questions
1. In which century was the tram system built?
2. What was the role of the tram system in Ha Noi?
3. When was the system removed?
4. What has happened to Ha Noi’s population over the last two decades?
5. How has the tram system in Ha Noi been improved recently?
b. Decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
1.The purpose of the passage is to persuade people to go by skytrain.
2.Hanoians were deeply attached to their tram system.
3.The tram system of Ha Noi only operated in the downtown area.
4.There has been a sharp increase in the number of vehicles in Ha Noi.
5.The new skytrain has been running for two years.
IX. Complete the sentences with the words/ phrases in the box

Rubber sandals extended facilities trenches nuclear

1. She lived in a(n) ……………………………family, so she didn’t have much privacy.

2. We live in a …………………… family with only my parents and me.
3. Our children didn’t have good learning ………………. like computers, CD players, or laboratories
during the 1980s.
4. …………………………..used to be an image associated with our soldiers in the past.
5. Classrooms made of mud and straw with ……………… all around used to be common in Viet Nam
during the war.
X. Read the passage and fill in the gap with a suitable word from the box
tolerant disobedient sympathetic nuclear
caring understanding extended share
I used to go to a school for the gifted in Ho Chi Minh City. My house was far away, so I had to
live with my relatives. It was an (1) …………………….. family with ten people and a cousin of my age.
My mother was worried because I came from a (2) ………………… family – much smaller and less
complicated. I was a very (3) ……………………… girl – the type of person who never does what they
are told. I was even envious when my cousin got higher grades. Luckily, my relatives were actually
very (4) …………………………. and (5) ……………………….., and my cousin herself was
a (6) ………………. girl. She didn’t get too upset by my bad behaviour. Just as (7) ……………. as her
mother, she was ready to lend a hand in my study and to take care of me when I was ill. After three years
with them, I also learnt that to get along with members in a big family, I should learn how to (8) ………..
XI. Complete the sentences with the appropriate adjectives from the box. More than one word in each

necessary certain sure sorry hopeful important convinced confident

1. It is ……………………………. to value the improved living conditions we have today.
2. She was ……………………. the skytrain system would solve the traffic problems in the city.
3. The government is …………………… that our education system will be improved significantly by the
year 2020.
4. We are all …………………that pollution is getting more and more serious.
5. We were …………………………..to have heard about the poor living conditions back then.
6. I am ………………….. that the clanging sounds of the trams in Ha Noi will stay in our hearts forever.
XI. Correct the italised text where necessary
We had finally finished the school year and Trang asked me to go to Da Nang by train with her. I
thought that (1) it was dangerous to go by ourselves since we were just fifteen. But Trang (2) was
confident that she take me there safely. Moreover, our (3) parents were too busy to go with us, so
they (4) were happy let us go. They even took us to Ha Noi Station and left us there with all the luggage
and tickets. I (5) was still worried that we would get lost, but Trang (6) was pleased to be allowed to go
on her own. We both (7) felt that it was more convenient to go by night train because we could sleep
during the night. When we arrived, I (8) was astonished that the city be very different from what I saw
five years earlier, and I was so relieved that we had arrived safe and sound as she promised.
1. ………………2……………….3…………………..4………………………
5. ………………6……………….7…………………..8………………………
.XII. Complete the sentences with the words/ phrases in the box

uniforms thatched houses tiled roofs facilities trenches straw hats

1. Fifty years ago, we had very few schools and the rows of classrooms looked like ……………………..
2. During wartime, all around the rows of classrooms there were …………….. so that children could
shelter from bombs.
3. Modern classrooms are well equipped with various …………….. including bookshelves, cassette
players, or computers.
4. In the past, school children didn't often wear ………………….. like they do today.
5. The only things that made school children in the past look alike were their …………………. and
rubber sandals.
6. In the past, many classrooms in Viet Nam were made of mud and straw and few had ………………..

XIII. Rewrite the following sentences using adjectives or adverbs showing degree of change
1. The school facilities have been improved a lot within the last three years.
→ There have been ………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. There is a minor increase in the number of children going to school this year.
→The number ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. The number of nuclear families in the countryside has risen little by little.
→ The number …………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. There has been quite a large reduction in the number of poor families in the countryside.
→ There has been ………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. The number of students attending university in Viet Nam has grown very much in recent years.
→ There has been a ………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. Though the pace of life in the countryside has not changed as rapidly as in the city, the changes seem
→ In spite of ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
XIV. Read the passage and fill in the gap with a suitable word from the box
cooperation tolerant privacy nuclear disobedient annoying patient

I wish I were living in a (1) ……….. family, with just my parents. At the moment my grandparents,
my parents, my uncle’s family, and my two siblings all live together in the same house. I feel that I don’t
have much (2) …............................. I have to share almost everything with so many people, and the most
(3) ……………………….. thing is the television time. Everyone has different ideas about what to watch.
What’s more, there is no (4) ……………………. when it comes to decision making. Most of the time,
the elders make the decisions, and the younger family members just have to go along with it. If I raise my
voice, people consider me (5) ……………….., but if I try to be (6) ……………… of the situation, I feel
that I’m not myself. Because of my living situation, I’ve learnt to be (7) …………...…… and easy-going.
XV. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one
1. She was so unprofessional that she didn’t prepare for the presentation.
→ It was ……………………………………………………………..………….......................
2. It was confident of her to say that she would win first prize.
→ She was …………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Our teacher was relieved when he heard that all of his students had made progress.
→ Our teacher ………………………………………………………………………………...
4. It was surprising for me to learn that he is the only child in his family.
→ I was ………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. They know very well that physical education is an important school subject.
→ They are …………………………………………………………………………………….
6. The mother was happy when she learned that her daughter had enjoyed herself at the party.
→ The mother ………………………………………………………………………………….
XVI. Each of the following sentences as a mistake in it. Find and correct it
1. It was kind to her to consider other people’s interests when making decisions.
2. It is hard for a country that develop its economy with poor resources.
3. The students are conscious that they be closely monitored.
4. They are annoyed that considered the slowest group.
5. Visitors were surprised that find dramatic changes in the country within a very short time.
6. Passers-by are delighted to the new underpass is being built.
XVII. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets
1.There are many benefits of building a skytrain system in the city. (beneficial)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2.It is advantageous to invest more in education. (advantages)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3.The number of well-equipped schools has increased sharply. (sharp)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4.The traffic system in the country has gradually been upgraded in the last decade. (gradual)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5.The quality of life of people in the countryside has also been improved significantly. (significant)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6.Recently there has been a considerable rise in investment in school facilities. (considerably)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
XVIII. Read the paragraph and choose the best answer
The railway system in Viet Nam was first built in 1899, when Viet Nam was still a French colony. The
total (1)_____ of the railroad is over 3,000 km, with the main route being the North-South (2)______, which is
1,726 km long. This track was considered the backbone of Indochina at the time. Now, the rail system (3)______
35 out of the 63 cities and provinces of Viet Nam.
However, the system was (4)______ damaged by bombings during the war. In 1975, after the reunification of the
north and the south, the Vietnamese government decided to (5)______ the system. In the space of a year,
hundreds of bridges, tunnels, and stations were restored, along with 660 km of tracks. The new and improved
system was (6)______ the Thong Nhat Express. Thanks to the rail system, travelling from north to south has
become much more (7)______ for tens of thousands of people.
In the past, in order to be able to buy train tickets people had to wait in long lines. Now, (8)______ can buy tickets
online, or at the central station, without having to wait that long.
1. A.long B.length C.wide D.will
2. A.Railway B.Road C.Route D.Way
3. A.uncovers B.discovers C.covers D.stretches
4. A.seriously B.importantly C.serious D.very
5. A.build B.restore C.grow D.upgrade
6. A.recalled B.known C.considered D.renamed
7 .A.convenient B.uncomfortable C.harder D.modern
8. A.buyers B.visitors C.passengers D.attendants
XIX. Read the text and do the tasks that follow
The London Underground, or the Tube, is the popular public transportation system of London. The
concept for the London Underground was first proposed in the 1830s, by a lawyer called Charles
Pearson. However, not until 1863 was the first section of the Underground built, and opened to the
public. On its opening day, it transported 38,000 passengers, and within the first year it had been used by
9.5 million passengers.
The system has been improved significantly over the past century, and now it includes twelve lines
serving Greater London, operating from 5.00 am through to 1.00 am, Monday to Saturday. On Sundays,
it operates a reduced service. For the passengers’ convenience, the system is also interconnected with the
overground train network, which links to other parts of the country outside London.
To enable passengers to get around easily, London Underground maps are distributed freely at all
stations. Along with a plan of the Tube system, the free maps contain useful tips for safe and efficient
travelling. The map itself is a design classic, with the various lines indicated in different colours, and
clearly indicated junctions showing the stations where passengers can change between lines.
a. Match the words/phrases with their meanings
a. significantly 1.shown, or otherwise made clear
b. proposed 2.in a way that is important enough to have an effect on something
c. interconnected 3.suggested
d. tips 4.places where roads or lines join up
e. indicated 5.small pieces of advice about something practical
f. junctions 6.connected to, or with, similar things
b. Decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
1.It was first proposed by a famous London architect.
2.The system was opened to the public in the 18th century.
3.The system operates around the clock.
4.It is convenient to travel on the Tube because it connects with the rail system above the ground.
5.London Tube maps are provided free of charge at every station.
6.There are twelve lines in the Underground system.
7.You have to pay for tips about London Tube travelling.
Grade 9n Review 2
I. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box

a. an acceptance b. respect for seniority c. earthen room d. entertain themselves

e. living standards f. preserve our traditions g. geological museum h. historic wonders
1.Children in my time used to ……………………. by playing with things they could find in nature.
2.The word ‘recognise’ is used to show ………………. that something exists, is true, or is valuable.
3.The Grand Canyon in the USA is claimed to be a huge ……………………….
4.These annual festivals are held to help ……………………..
5.This is a photo of my school forty years ago. It’s a small ………….. surrounded by paddy fields.
6.The Tower of London is evidence that protecting ………….. has both financial and historical benefits.
7.The …………………… in the countryside have considerably improved in the last ten years.
8.Most Asian countries place a great value on ……………………………
II. Use the correct from of the words given in brackets to complete the sentences
1. An ……………….. family includes several generations living together in the same house. (extend)
2. It’s a tradition in Viet Nam that the juniors have to ………………… the seniors. (obedient)
3. Traffic jams in most big cities are getting more and more serious, and it’s hard to find a proper
………..…….. (solve)
4. What should we do to …………………… our man-made wonders? (preservation)
5. Thien Mu Pagoda is a famous …………… spot in Hue, an ancient city in central Viet Nam. (religion)
6. Ha Long Bay has been ……………………by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. (recognition)
7. Customs and traditions make a great ………………… to the unique culture of a country. (contribute)
8. Many ethnic people in mountainous areas are …………….. They can’t read or write. (illiteracy)
III. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1.There will be a lot of work to do in this preservation project. I ___________ forming a team of five.
A.suggesting B.suggest C.suggest that D.to suggest
2.___________ that the most-visited place in Hue is the Royal Citadel.
A.It reports B.People are reported C.It is D.It is reported
3.It’s not easy ___________ the origin of that ballad.
A.trace back B.to trace back C.tracing back D.that to trace back
4.We are all certain that these Roman ruins ___________ well preserved.
A.should B.is C.should be D.to be
5.It is said that Edinburgh ___________ the most historic city in Great Britain.
A.are B.to be C.be D.is
6.Many scientists suggest that the government ___________ strict laws to control deforestation.
A.applied B.applying C.should apply D.applies
IV. Complete the wishes for the situations
1.My friend Veronica is now participating in an international summer camp in Brazil. I’d love to be with her.
→ I wish ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.The traditional markets in my town have been replaced with supermarkets. I really miss them.
→ I wish ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.Nha Trang is said to be a very friendly tourist city, but I’ve never been to it.
→ I wish ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
4.My sister suggests that I should learn ceramic painting. I’d love to but I don’t have time for it.
→ I wish ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
5.It’s a beautiful day, and I’m at home writing an essay. How boring!
→ I wish ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
.V. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1.It is important to _______the wonders of the world so that future generations can see them with their own eyes.
A.destroy B.ignore C.remain D.preserve
2.You don't have to go to a supermarket for that. Just wait for a street ___________ to go past, and buy it.
A.person B.vendor C.supplier D.purchaser
3.Production methods in the village are normally ___________ from ancestors to the younger generations.
A.passed away B.passed out C.passed up D.passed down
4.It is important to decide if promotion should be based on merit or ___________.
A.gender B.year C.seniority D.weight
5.It's a great experience to be sitting comfortably in a _________ pulled by someone through the ancient streets.
A.bicycle B.rickshaw C.car D.train
6.Working in a place full of hustle and bustle like this, I can't help missing my tranquil and ___________ village.
A.picturesque B.modern C.loud D.ugly
7.The scenery is ___________ when viewed from the mountain top. It feels like your breath is being taken away.
A.nice B.good C.spectacular D.peaceful
8.___________ by the sea, the country has the advantage of having a large coastal area.
A.Situating B.Located C.Locating D.Stood
9.I love it when we go to see plays, and try to ___________ when we get back home.
A.play B.role-play C.act them out D.act
10.It is hard for people of different ___________ to get along in an extended family.
A.generations B.genders C.blood D.families
VI. Match the sentences (1-10) with the sentences that have roughly the same
meaning (a-j)

1.Who do you take after? A. He’s the man you should consult.
2.You should take out ‛quality’. B.I really hope you have a good time.
3.This is the man you have to talk to. C. Be careful, boy!
4.You mustn’t smoke in here. D. Don’t forget to clean it!
5.I didn’t email him. E. Who do you resemble?
6.I do hope you enjoy yourself. F. Don’t keep holding that!
7.She has finished the essay, but I haven’t. G. I only sent him a text message.
8.Put that down! H.The word ‛quality’ should be omitted.
9.Remember to wash it! I. I am worrying about the essay.
10.Watch out, boy! J. You are not allowed to smoke in here.
VII. Each of the following sentences as a mistake in it. Find and correct it
1.I used to having a very good time with my grandparents when I was a child.
2.They are getting used to walking to school in two months.
3.I wish I can go to see all the wonders which have been recognised by UNESCO.
4.They wished that time will be turned back so that they could go kite-flying with other kids.
5.He suggested to go to Phong Nha Cave since it’s a famous natural wonder of Viet Nam.
6.It was reported that the city had invested more on the preservation of it’s wonders.
7.It is annoying that many of the village's customs have replaced with new ones
8.The doctor suggested that he should drink more water, and took a lot of rest.
9.The environmentalist suggest planting more trees to improve the city’s landscape and the
environment as well.
10.I am confident that life in the country has improved significant in the last five years.
VIII. Put an appropriate word in each gap in the following passage
I still remember how we celebrated Tet when I was small. We used to live in an (1) ………...……
family, with our grandparents and our uncle’s family.
Our family (2) …………..to make banh chung when Tet came. It was a busy, but wonderful, time for all
of us. My aunt used to be the one to clean dong leaves, the (3) …………. we used to wrap the cakes
with. My uncle was the one to get water from the well for (4) …………… to do the cleaning. My mum
was always (5) ………………… for the preparation of the filling, which was made of green beans, and
pork flavoured with onion and pepper. Normally, my grandfather did the wrapping, and we sat around
watching him do it excitedly. We (6) ……………. also happy to be asked to fetch anything my grandpa
needed. When the night fell, we started boiling the cakes, which (7) ……………… about eight hours. It
was hard to wait so long for them! We stayed up (8) ………………….. the night, grilling sweet potatoes,
listening to our grandpa’s (9) ……………, and playing chess or cards. Now we have grown up, and are
often too busy to make banh chung. But it remains a really sweet (10) ………………….. for us all.
IX. Read the text and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each question below
Chu Van An High School is one of the oldest and most prestigious state schools in Viet Nam.
Established in 1908 by the French, the school was located beside the West Lake, and was originally
named after the location it was in. It is a very pleasant, spacious school with great views of the lake from
the classroom windows.
In 1943, the school was moved to Ninh Binh, and was not moved back to Ha Noi until 1945. In that
year, the school was renamed Chu Van An, after a famous Vietnamese Confucianism teacher of the Tran
Dynasty. Professor Nguyen Gia Tuong became the first Vietnamese principal of the school. Many
famous people like ex-Prime Minister Pham Van Dong, Doctor Ton That Tung, and poet Xuan Dieu used
to be the school’s students.
Today the school is still located in the same area, and has maintained its prestige, as well as its
reputation as one of the top schools in Ha Noi. It is very difficult to be admitted to the school. Every
year, there are around three thousand applicants but only about five hundred are admitted. Those
applicants have to take an entrance examination conducted by the Department of Education and Training
of Ha Noi.
1.The passage mainly discusses ___________.
A.Chu Van An, the teacher B.Chu Van An School in the future
C.Chu Van An School over time D.the difficulty of being admitted to Chu Van An School
2.All of the following are true about the school EXCEPT ___________.
A.the school was originally named after the location it is in
B.the school admits three thousand students every year.
C.the school has a view of the West Lake
D.the school is large
3.The word ‛principal’ is closest in meaning to ___________.
A.teacher B.head teacher C.founder D.supporter
4.The word ‛prestige’ in the passage mostly means ___________.
A.respect B.fame C.status D.position
5.It can be understood from the passage that ___________.
A.students of the school are very smart B.the school fees are very high
C.only children from prestigious families can enter the school D.the teachers at the school earn a lot of money
* Read the passage again and answer the questions
1.When was the school established?
2.How is the school described?
3.Who was Chu Van An?
4.Why is the school prestigious?
5.Why do you think the school is named after Chu Van An?
X. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one
1.It's not a good idea to use the village's land to build new roads. (wouldn't)
→ I …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.You should visit the historical places of the area. (worth)
→ It is ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.He suggested seeing Trang An, a natural wonder of our area. (visit)
→ What about …………………………………………………………………………………………
4.The sleepy villages are expected to mushroom into crowded towns within two years. (supposed)
→ The sleepy villages ………………………………………………………………………………...
5.It is important to educate children to preserve traditional values. (necessary)
→ It is ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Grade 9n Unit 7 – Recipes and eating habits
.I. Read the text and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
Welcome to Thung Nham, the Ecotourism Bird Garden!
This area is in Ninh Hai commune, Hoa Lu district, Ninh Binh, north Viet Nam. Come, and
you can enjoy a forty-minute boat-ride on the river from Tam Coc, Bich Dong, to the small
picturesque valley where the Bird Garden is located. The experience of floating past mangroves
and water caves to the astoundingly vast garden will definitely bring you a feeling of deep
satisfaction. The Bird Garden boasts forty-six varieties of bird, forty thousand specimens, and
five thousand nests. Come and experience the beauty of the Buddha Cave, which is five-hundred
metres long, seventy metres at its widest point, and thirty metres at its highest point. Exploring
the cave, you will be deeply impressed by the images, especially the image of Buddha sitting by
the underground river bringing good luck to visitors. And don’t forget to climb up to Vai Gioi
Cave, which is spectacularly located on a hill top, eighty-eight metres above the ground. The cave
covers up to five thousand square metres, and includes three levels representing Hell, Earth, and
1.The area can be accessed by boat.
2.On the way to the valley, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the mangroves and water caves.
3.The Bird Garden is very small and boring, with only a few different types of birds.
4.The Buddha image shows the Buddha standing and giving luck to visitors.
5.Vai Gioi Cave seems to have a sacred meaning for the people of the area.
II. Match the words with their meanings
a. chop 1. a light dish served as the first part of a meal
b. starter 2. have lots of uses
c. peel 3. pour the water away
d. combine 4. take off the outer layer of food
e. versatile 5. cut food into pieces with a knife
f. drain 6. mix
III. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box

whisk grate chop sprinkle slice dip spread marinate

1. Don’t ………. the cucumber into chunks…………………it thinly.

2.My mother usually …………………………..some cheese and………………it over the pasta.
3. …………………………..the chicken in white wine for one hour before roasting.
4.To make this cake successfully, you should …………………… the eggs lightly.
5………………………...the prawns into the batter.
6.Can you ……………………………. the butter on this slice of bread for me?
IV. Match each cooking verb with its definition
1.stir-fry a. place food over boiling water so that it cooks in the steam
2.deep-fry b. cook something by keeping it almost at boiling point
3.roast c. cook food under or over a very strong heat
4.grill d. cook something slowly in liquid in a closed dish
5.bake e. cook cakes or bread in an oven
6.steam f. fry food in oil that covers it completely
7.stew g. cook thin strips of vegetables or meat quickly by stirring them in very hot oil
8.simmer h. cook meat, or vegetables without liquid in an oven or over a fire
V. Fill each blank with a, an, some, or any
Tom: Nina, you’re drinking (1) ………………… cola for breakfast?
Nina: Yes, (2) ………………. glass of Coke and (3) ……………….. crisps. That’s my favourite.
Tom: Don’t you know that is a very bad way to start your day?
Nina: Why is it bad?
Tom: Breakfast is the first meal of the day, so it’s very important to eat nutritious things.
Nina: Such as?
Tom: If you can’t cook (4) ……………. food yourself, have (5) ……. bowl of cereal and (6) ……. milk.
Then eat (7) ……………..apple.
Nina: But there isn’t (8) …………….. milk in the fridge.
Tom: Go out and buy (9) …………………..
VI. Match the food quantifiers with the nouns. Some quantifiers can go with more than one noun
a. milk 1. a teaspoon of
b. garlic 2. a bottle of
c. celery 3. 300 grams of
d. cabbage 4. a stick of
e. salami 5. a bunch of
f. beef 6. a head of
g. sugar 7. a slice of
h. grapes 8. a clove of
VII. Read the instructions to make a chicken salad.Fill in the blank with a word/phrase in the box

tablespoons some an 200 grams teaspoon (x2)

Chicken Salad
Boil (1) …………………. of lean chicken. While the chicken is cooking, wash two cucumbers,
chop them in half and slice them. Then peel (2) ………… onion and slice it. Mix the sliced cucumber
and onion in a bowl. Add two (3) ………. of vinegar, a (4) ………….. of salt and a (5) ……………. of
sugar into the bowl and mix well. Leave the mixture to marinate for 10 minutes. Now slice the cooked
chicken and combine it with the mixture in the bowl. Before eating, add (6) ……….. pepper.
VIII. Match the half of the sentence (a-h) with the second half (1-6)
a. if he wants to eat them raw. 1.If we have more money,
b. you should use less salt. 2.If she eats less fast food,
c. we can eat out more often. 3.He must wash the vegetables carefully
d. you can have a bar of chocolate tomorrow. 4.If you cook for Hung,
e. she may lose weight. 5.My mum may be surprised
f. if my dad cooks dinner. 6.If you eat healthy food tonight,
IX.What will you say in this situation?Use suitable modal verbs with conditional sentence type 1
Example: Your friend, Mai, is not good at cooking, but she wants to study abroad. You think learning to
cook is a good idea because she can cook for herself when she’s away from home. Give her some advice.
→ If you want to study abroad, you should learn to cook.
1.Your father likes salty food, but you think it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in his food.
Otherwise, his health will suffer. You share your opinion with him.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.Your brother is a good eater. He’s able to eat three bowls of rice when he’s hungry. You tell this to
your friend.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.You want to take a cooking class. Your mum agrees but asks you to choose a class at the weekend.
Here is what she says to you.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4.Your friend offers you a slice of pork, but you see that it is undercooked. You refuse because it is
possible that you will have a stomachache. You tell this to her.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5.Your sister is making a cake. You advise her to whisk the eggs for 10 minutes so that the cake is
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
X. Read the steps to make a dish. Rearrange them to make correct order
a. Add the cream and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes.
b. Heat the butter in a deep pan, add the shallots and celery and stir fry for a few minutes.
c. Purée the soup in a mixer until it is smooth.
d. For the finishing touch, garnish it with some celery leaves.
e. Add the pumpkin and stir fry for a few more minutes.
f. Add 750ml of water and a pinch of salt and cook until the pumpkin is tender. Cool for 10 minutes.
XI. Read an article about Japanese eating habits. Match the heading (1-3) with the paragraph and answer the questions
1. The art of arranging dishes
2. The habit of having raw food and simple sauces
3. Components in a typical Japanese meal
Japanese people are famous for their well-balanced and healthy diet. That is the main reason for
their longevity.
A. ………
Typically, a Japanese meal consists of rice, miso soup, the main dish(es) and pickles. Rice is the staple and plays a
central part in people’s eating habits. Japanese rice is sticky and nutritious, so when combined with the main
dishes and the soup, they make a complete meal. The portions of each dish are individually served.
B. ……….
The most important characteristic of their eating habits is they like raw food and do not use sauces with a strong
flavour. Two typical examples are sashimi and sushi. The Japanese make sashimi simply by cutting fresh fish.
Then they serve it with a dipping sauce made from soy sauce and spicy Japanese horseradish (wasabi). Sushi is
similar. The cooked, vinegared rice can be combined with raw fish, prawn, avocado, cucumber or egg. Sushi is
usually served with soy sauce and pickled ginger.
C. ……………
It is said that the Japanese eat with their eyes. Therefore, the arrangement of dishes is another significant feature
of their eating habits. If you join a Japanese meal, you may be excited to see how the colourful dishes are
arranged according to a traditional pattern. In addition, there are plates and bowls of different sizes and designs.
They are carefully presented to match the food they carry.
* Questions
1.What is the most important feature of Japanese eating habits?
2.How do they make sashimi?
3.What sauce can both sashimi and sushi be served with?
4.How many components are there in a typical Japanese meal?
5.How is rice important in Japanese meals?
6.Why do people say that the Japanese eat with their eyes?
XII. Match the words 1-8 with their descriptions or definitions a-h
1.garnish a. drop a few pieces or drops of something over a surface
2.versatile b. put something quickly into a sauce and take it out again
3.purée c. pour a mixture, usually containing oil, wine or vinegar and herbs and spices,
4.dip over meat or fish before it is cooked to add flavour or make it tender
5.sprinkle d. decorate a dish of food with a small amount of another food
6.marinate e. having many different uses
7.whisk f. remove the outer layer of food
8.peel g. make fruit or vegetables into a thick, smooth sauce, usually in a blender
h. beat eggs, cream, etc., to add air and make the food light
XIII. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box

deep-fry sushi hamburger stew steam

Well, I think there are some ways to keep fit. Firstly, we should eat healthily. Don’t eat too much fast
food. Some people have a big (1) ……………….. and a soft drink for lunch. It isn’t a good idea because
that meal doesn’t include any vegetables. Instead, if they want to have a quick healthy lunch, they should
buy some avocado (2) ……….…. Secondly, we shouldn’t (3) …………..…………. food. We should (4)
…………………… it. Steamed dishes don’t use any fat. If you like, you can also (5) ………….. lean
meat with vegetables. It’s healthy and nutritious.
XIV. Circle the correct answer
1. Don’t put too much bacon in the dish. A pinch/slice is enough.
2. To make this soup, you need two slices/sticks of celery.
3. There isn’t some/any butter in the fridge. We should go to the supermarket to buy some/any.
4. Can you go to the convenience store and buy me a tin/bag of rice?
5. Slice a clove/loaf of garlic, then add some honey.
6. Look! This bunch/cup of grapes is so fresh.
XV. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the modals verb in brackets
1.If you keep eating fast food, ………………………………………….. (might)
2.If you promise to finish your homework tonight, ………………………………………………. (can)
3………………………………………… if he doesn’t want to have toothache. (should)
4…………………………………………. if she wants to lose weight. (must)
5.If you join this cooking lesson, ……………………………………………………... (can)
.XVI. Match the words in A with the phrases in B
1.slice A. the carrot and mix with the sliced cucumber
2.grate B. the duck in the oven until it gets brown
3.chop C. the squid in the batter, then drop it into the hot oil
4.dip D. the beef for two hours before serving
5.roast E. the onion as thinly as possible
6.stew F. the sausages over strong heat for 10 minutes
7.grill G. the broth gently for 15 minutes
8. simmer H. the spring onion into small pieces
XVII. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. A word may be used more than once

Add tender Heat Divide stir-fry garnish stir-fry

Cook the egg noodles in boiling salted water until just (1) …………... Drain, place in a bowl, and set
aside. (2) …………….. a frying pan until very hot. Add a splash of oil, then (3) ………….. the beef
slices with the sliced garlic, ginger, and chillies until just cooked. (4) …………….. the bean sprouts, a
tablespoon of soy sauce, and lime juice for the last 30 seconds of cooking.
Put all the cooked contents into a large bowl, including all the juices. Put the pan back on the heat,
and add some oil. Then add the cooked noodles and toss well over the heat.
(5) …………….. the fried noodles between four plates. Return the beef and juices to the pan and (6)
…………… until heated through. Arrange the beef on top of the noodles and (7) …………. with a
lettuce leaf and some coriander.
.XVIII. Circle the correct answer
1. Cook/Boil some water, and pour it into the glass.
2. Have you peeled/taken the potatoes for me?
3. My mother usually steams/fries fish because she doesn’t like oil.
4. Separate/Combine the celery and shrimp, and mix them well.
5. You should water/drain the pasta before mixing it with tomato sauce.
6. They usually have a starter/dessert before having the main course.
7. The first solid food my mother gave my baby sister was sliced/puréed pumpkin.
8. You should spread/sprinkle butter on a slice of bread and put it in the oven for two minutes.
XIX. Fill each blank with a, an, some, or any
Nick: Let’s discuss what to prepare for our picnic.
Mi: You and I have been assigned to buy (1) ………………… fruit and drinks.
Nick: I think it would be better to buy fruit which are easy to peel, such as bananas or mandarins.
Mi: (2) …………… kilo of mandarins and (3) …………….bunch of bananas are enough, I think.
Nick: Should we buy (4) ……………………. snacks such as crisps?
Mi: That’s fine. Let me write it down: (5) ……………….. big packet of potato crisps.
Nick: What about drinks? Should we buy soft drinks?
Mi: I don’t think that’s a good idea. Just buy (6) …………………. bottles of mineral water.
Nick: My mother told me that she could bake (7) ………………… apple pie for us.
Mi: Oh, that’s great!
XX. Complete the conversation with suitable food quantifiers
A: Can you go to the supermarket and buy me some things?
B: Ok. What do you want?
A: We’ve run out of milk, so buy two (1) ……………………….. of milk, please.
B: What about bread? There’s only one (2) …………………….. left in the fridge.
A: Yes, you can buy a (3) …………… of bread. We also need a (4) ……………. of cauliflower and
a (5) ……………………… of celery. I will make some salad.
B: Do you need some bacon for the salad?
A: Good idea. Just buy 200 (6) ……………………… of bacon.
B: Anything else?
A: That’s enough for today.
XVIII. Fill each blank with a suitable word
My mother is a good (1) ……………… and she can make a lot of delicious dishes. She
also (2) ……………….. my brother and me how to cook. Now we can make different Vietnamese
dishes (3) …………… as fried beef, spring rolls, vegetable soup, pho, etc. In addition, we’ve learnt how
to make pizza, lasagne, sushi, and curry. My brother’s (4) …………… dish is lasagne while I
like pho and spring rolls the (5) ……………... At the moment, my mother is teaching us how to bake.
My mother has very good eating (6) ………….. For breakfast, she usually has a bowl of rice, some lean
chicken or pork, a plate of vegetables, and a banana. She never (7) …………….. this important meal. For
lunch, she has different types of salad, some fish, and some rice. She doesn’t eat (8) …………….. for
dinner, just some vegetables and lean meat. She encourages us to (9) ………… healthily by avoiding fast
foods and soft drinks. In addition, every morning, we get up early to do (10) ……………….. together.
It’s a good way to keep fit, isn’t it?
XVIII. Make sentences using the words and phrases below. You can add extra words or make changes
1.Children/adolescent/should/eat/sufficient/nutritious/foods/grow/develop normally.
3.Healthy lunches/important/for/them/because/these/help/concentrate/learning.
4.Some/student/usually/have/unhealthy lunch/of/fast food.
5.School aged/children/learn/fast/and/be/influenced/friends.
6.If/we/not talk/them/about/healthy eating/they/may/only eat/junk food.
7.At home/parents/should/encourage/children/prepare/lunchboxes.
8.They/should discuss/healthier/food choices/and/decide/what/be/lunchbox/with/children.
VI. Match the half of the sentence (a-h) with the second half (1-6)
1.If you want to lose weight, A. you should drink this herbal tea.
2.You can improve your cooking skills B. you shouldn’t miss the croque monsieur.
3.If you are tired, C. if you want to follow the traditional recipe.
4.If you go to France, D. you should eat less rice and sweet food.
5.You must reduce the amount of salt in your food E. she will be very surprised.
6.You mustn’t put butter in this dish F. if you enter this cooking competition.
7.If you cook your mum breakfast, G. if you like spicy food.
8.You might add more pepper H. if you don’t want to become unhealthy
XXI. Read the paragraph and choose the best answer
Last week I went to an International Food Festival taking place in Hai Phong. Because the festival only
(1) ______ place for one day, hundreds of people crowded into it. It was the biggest food festival I had
ever seen. There (2) ______ thirty countries participating in the festival. They brought with them
traditional food specialities which reflected their unique national (3)______.
I was really impressed (4) ______ the Cobb salad. It is an American garden salad made from chopped
salad greens, tomato, bacon, chicken breast, hard-boiled egg, avocado, cheese, and red-wine vinaigrette.
(5)______ the salad requires quite a few ingredients, it is quick to make. The American chef at the
festival (6)______ me the way to make the salad and it took me only 15 minutes to complete. How
amazing! The next day I made Cobb salad (7)______ my mum for lunch, and she loved it right away.
(8)______ good dish is steak pie, a traditional British meat pie made from stewing steak and beef gravy,
enclosed in a pastry shell. Unfortunately, I did not have (9)______ time to listen to the chef give
instructions on how to make this dish. However, I tried it and it was brilliant.
Next year (10)______ there is another food festival, I will definitely join in.
1.A.ran B.took C.went D.found
2.A.are B.is C.was D.were
3A.cooking B.food C.foods D.cuisine
4.A.by B.at C.in D.on
5.A.But B.Although C.Because D.So
6.A.said B.asked C.gave D.showed
7.A.for B.with C.together D.like
8.A.One B.Another C.Second D.Next
9.A.little B.many C.enough D.few
10.A.while B.as C.if D.because

Grade 9n Unit 8 – Tourism

I. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

delayed seaside resort souvenirs destination luggage price in advance accommodation

Most people enjoy travelling abroad, and having the chance to stay in an exotic city or
a (1) ………………………….. You can meet new people, learn new things, and take home some
interesting (2) …………………. But before you can do that, you have to reach your (3) ……………….,
and that can sometimes be a challenge! You need to make lots of preparation. You will probably have to
reserve a seat (4) ………………….. on planes, trains or buses. If you fly, you may find that your flight
has been (5) ………………. or you have problems with your (6) ………………... In addition to the
travel, it is often difficult to find good (7) ………………………. at a (8) …………. which you can
afford. Nevertheless, most people love to go on holiday.
II. Match each word/ phrase with its definition

trip travel expedition resort tour tour guide

1.A journey, usually for pleasure, to visit different places: …………………..
2.A place where a lot of people go on holiday: …………………..
3.The act or activity of moving from one place to another: …………………..
4.A person who shows tourists around: ………….……….
5.A short journey to a place, especially one for pleasure: ………………….
6.An organised journey to a place that is not easy to reach: ………………….
III. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. There are two extra words

visit travel environment holiday book

guides pleased excursion reasonable trip
Would you like to explore an exciting location? Do you want to (1) ………………. to a
beautiful, relaxing beach, and help to save the environment? If the answer is yes, then you
should (2) ………………. your holiday with EcoTours! At EcoTours, we help you enjoy your holiday
and learn more about the places you (3) …………. In addition, EcoTours gives one dollar of the cost of
your trip to help protect the local (4) ……………….. Call us today to talk with one of our experienced
tour (5) ………….... We’ll help you choose and plan a stimulating (6) ………… that is right for you!
Our holidays are definitely not boring. Don’t worry about the cost. Our prices are very (7) ……………..
Call right now at (048) 555-6788. You’ll be (8) ……………… with your EcoTours vacation.
IV. Use the words below to complete the compound nouns that match the definitions.

lag in season over back stop

1.A feeling of tiredness and confusion about time after a long plane journey: jet ………..
2.A disadvantage or problem that makes something a less attractive idea: draw…………..
3.A short stay somewhere between two parts of a journey: stop…………………
4.A popular time of the year for holidays: peak …………………
5.The place where you go first when you arrive at an airport, to show your ticket: check-…………….
6.A place at the side of a road marked with a sign, where buses stop: bus …………….
V. Complete the sentences using the compound nouns below.

swimming pool touchdown checkout pile-up mix-up full board

1.The ……………………….. time is 12 noon at this hotel.
2.Let’s make sure that we stay at a hotel with a …………………………….
3.There was a ……………... with our tickets – we were charged for one-way tickets and not a round trip.
4.The motorway was blocked because there had been a ……………………..
5.After …………….…., please remain seated until the aircraft comes to a standstill outside the terminal building.
6.At the hotel, you can choose between bed and breakfast, and …………………….
VI. Complete the text with a, an, the or zero article (Φ)
The Dominican Republic is (1) …….. country on the island of Hispaniola, in (2) …….Caribbean
region. It is (3) ………… second largest Caribbean nation after Cuba, with nearly 10 million people, one
million of whom live in (4) ……………. capital city Santo Domingo. (5) ……….. second largest city is
(6) …. Santiago. The geography of (7) ………country is varied, and ranges from (8) …….. semi-desert
plains to (9) …….. lush valleys of tropical rainforest. (10) ………….. economy depends largely on (11)
……. agriculture, with (12) … sugar as (13) ……. main crop. Tourism is (14) ……. important industry.
VII. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. There are two extra words

touring safaris breathtaking experience

holidays expeditions travelers ticket

If you dream of getting close to the wild side of the natural world, then join our WildlifeTours! We
offer classic wildlife (1) ……………., exciting (2) ………………, family holidays, and tailor-made
holidays. Our adventure (3) ………… to Africa range from a week (4) ………….. Kenya to the ultimate
African adventure travelling from South to East Africa over one month! Perfect for families, groups of
friends or solo (5) ……….., our safari holidays aim to offer you an incredible wildlife (6) ……………...
And remember, nothing gets your heart beating faster than hearing lions roar at night.
VIII. Form compound nouns from the following words, then fill the gaps to complete the sentences

holiday out jet offs check sunglasses over take maker stop lag
1. Travellers who cross the Atlantic from New York to London often suffer from ………. for a few days.
2. We would like to remind all guests that ……………………. is at noon.
3. We didn’t fly directly to Australia – we had a one-night ………………….. in Singapore.
4. It is irritating that some movie stars wear their ……………………. even in church.
5. Someone who is away from home on holiday is a …………………………..
6. Because of the bad weather, there were no …………………….. from the airport this morning.
IX. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences using a, an, the or zero article
1.My aunt and uncle love sun! They stay in UK in summer and visit friends in Australia in winter.
→ ……………………………………………………..
2.Not much is known about how brain works.
→ ……………………………………………………..
3.Bicycle is among the most efficient machines invented by man.
→ ……………………………………………………..
4.They plan to launch expedition into interior of Australia.
→ ……………………………………………………..
5.If you want to go on long trip, you should prepare properly for it.
→ ……………………………………………………..
6.I’m very interested in the history, especially history of Asian countries.
→ ……………………………………………………..
X. Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning, using the words in CAPITALS
1.The journey was terrible. (WHAT)
2.Our hotel was lovely – it was by the sea. (STAYED)
3.I watched an interesting programme on TV yesterday. (THE)
4.The guitar my friend has just bought is old (AN)
5.She needs to travel to Kyoto on business. (TRIP)
6. My sister studies at university.(A)
.XI. Insert a suitable word in each numbered gap to complete the passage
Thomas Cook (1808 - 1892) is widely considered to be the father of modern mass tourism. He
organised the first package (1) …………….. in history. He arranged for the Midland Counties Railway
to charge one shilling per person for a group of campaigners travelling (2) ……….. Leicester to a rally in
Loughborough, eleven miles away. Cook was paid a share of the fares charged to the passengers, as the
railway tickets couldn’t (3) ……. issued at his own price. There (4) …… been railway excursions before,
but this one included entrance to an entertainment held on private grounds, rail tickets, and food during
the train (5) ……... Cook immediately saw the potential of a convenient ‘off -the-peg’ holiday product in
which everything was (6) ………… in one cost. Afterwards he pioneered (7) ………….. holidays both in
Britain and on the European continent (where Paris and the Alps were the most popular destinations). He
founded the (8) ………………. agency Thomas Cook & Son (popularly nicknamed Cook's Tours), which
became Thomas Cook AG before eventually becoming Thomas Cook Group in 2007.
.XII. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1.You can learn a lot about the local __________ by talking to local people.
A.territory B.area C.land D.nation
2.It’s good to have someone to __________ you when you are visiting a new place.
A.lead B.take C.guide D.bring
3.When you __________ your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport.
A.arrive B.reach C.get D.achieve
4.It can be quite busy here during the tourist __________.
A.season B.phase C.period D.stage
5.Make sure you __________ a hotel before you come to our island, especially in the summer.
A.book B.keep C.put D.buy
6.Captain Cook discovered Australia on a __________ to the Pacific.
A.vacation B.travel C.cruise D.voyage
7.Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission __________.
A.fare B.ticket C.fee D.pay
8.The hotel where we are __________ is quite luxurious.
A.living B.existing C.remaining D.staying
XIII. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the passage
Welcome to wonderful Dana Tours! Come to us and you are sure to find the (1. WIDE) ……. range
of holidays! You can pamper yourself at the five-star Vinland Hotel in a well-(2. KNOW) ……... seaside
resort, where the facilities are second to none. If you prefer a more active holiday, you can cruise around
the island in a canoe, go diving to see the (3. WONDER) …….……. coral reef, or go trekking to admire
the spectacular scenery. (4. ALTERNATE) …………………….., you might prefer to take a self-catering
apartment in one of the (5. PICTURE) …………….. fishing villages. There you can sample the authentic
local cuisine, with its famous seafood (6. SPECIAL) …………………….., and choose from a variety of
excursions to places of cultural and (7. ARCHAEOLOGY) …………………….. interest. Our prices are
inclusive of all flights and (8. ACCOMMODATE) ……………….., and represent excellent value. Book
now, before it’s too late!
XIV. Fill in the gaps with the compound words from the box.

suntan window shopping vending machine lookout sightseers broomsticks

1.It’s easy to use the …………………... Enter the code for the item you want, then insert coins equalling
the price shown.
2.After the explosion, the guards at the temple have to keep a sharp ……………..for anything suspicious.
3.I’m not going to buy anything – I haven’t got any cash on me anyway. But it’s fun to do some ...…….!
4.For Halloween, we decorated jack-o’-lanterns and hung up pictures of witches riding ………………….
5.After a long holiday at the seaside, I’ve got a great …………………………!
6.The terraced rice fields in Ha Giang attract a large number of ……………when harvest season comes.
XV. Correct the mistakes in the sentences by adding a, an, the or by changing or removing an article that
has been used
1. We spent little time in Paris seeing some of the sights.
2. We are working for the cleaner environment.
3. The tourists flock to this island every summer.
4. My cousin took a part in the London Marathon.
5. The sun sets in west.
6. Young don’t have much free time to enjoy their childhoods nowadays.
7. Unfortunately, fewer people came to a festival than last year.
8. It is generally believed that an university education will lead to a well-paid job.
XVI. Form compound nouns from the following words, then fill the gaps to complete the sentences

standers sea away out let pour shells by down take down check
1.We got something to eat from an Indian ……………………… on the way to the hotel.
2.The suddenness of the …………………… had caught the tourists by surprise.
3.The ……………………… near the bus stop saw the accident.
4.We enjoyed the sight of children gathering …………………………. on the beach.
5.You can’t just go through the ……………………… without paying!
6.In comparison with the exotic pictures in the brochure, the resort was a real ……………………...
XVII. Complete the text with a, an or the
Egypt, (1) …… most populous country in the Arab world, is home to one of (2) …………world’s
oldest cultures. Modern day Egypt is descended from (3) ………… ancient civilisation that emerged in
the 10th millennium BC. (4) …………… stunning, colossal monuments of Ancient Egypt never fail to
astonish. (5) ………… romantic cruise along the Nile - (6) ….…… world’s longest river – dazzles the
senses. Giza Plateau is Ancient Egypt’s most famous, fascinating, and mysterious archaeological site for
people to explore. No other place has (7) ……….. magic, mystery, and pleasures of Egypt. Travel to
Egypt and you will discover (8) ………….……. world of wonder.
XVIII. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

broaden arrival in advance description journey took timetable exotic places

1.We prefer to go by train, even though the car ……………………. is a lot quicker.
2.The ………………… of Flight 382 from Moscow has been delayed by one hour.
3.I’ve always wanted to be a travel photographer and take pictures of ……………………...
4.Passengers requiring a special meal during the flight should inform the airline …………………….
5.We had plenty of time so we ………………… the scenic route.
6.Travelling to a foreign country really does ……………………. your horizons.
7.Now, class, I’d like you all to write a ……………………. of your last holiday.
8.Once we got to the station, I quickly looked through the …………… to see when the next train was.
XIX. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one
1.You spent more money during the trip than I did.
→ I didn’t …………………………………………………………………………………..
2.Have you ever been to Kuala Lumpur before?
→ Is this your ………………………………………………………………………………?
3.China is a huge tourist attraction: it has many old castles and pagodas.
→ As China ………………………………………………………………………………...
4.I found this place rather boring.
→ I wasn’t …………………………………………………………………………………..
5.We last went to Spain three years ago.
→ It is ……………………………………………………………………………………….
6.We visited a magnificent old house on the plateau.
→ The ………………………………………………………………………………………..
XX. Complete the second sentence using the words given so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
Write no more than five words in each gap

1.I have visited the Stone Forest once before. (SECOND)

This is the …………………………………………… the Stone Forest.
2.I find it hard to go at the same speed as my brother on walking holidays. (UP)
I find it hard to ………………………… my brother on walking holidays.
3.Dzung is very fond of travelling and has been everywhere. (KEEN)
Dzung is ……………………………… and has been everywhere.
4.We drove away as fast as we could, ready to begin our adventure. ( FULL)
We drove away …………………………, ready to begin our adventure.
5.As the storm started, we went towards the old house. ( DIRECTION )
As the storm started, we went …………………………….. the old house.
6.The information I got from the travel agent was very confusing and I didn't know what was going on. (GAVE)
The travel agent ………………………………… and I didn't know what was going on.
7. We arrived in Budapest two days ago. (FOR)
We …………………………………………. two days.
XXI. Read the paragraph and choose the best answer
The tourist industry is considered to be the world’s largest industry. The direct (1)_______ impact of the
industry, including accommodation, transportation, entertainment, and attractions, is worth trillions of dollars
every year. The statistics show that the number of international tourist (2)_______ worldwide reached 1.04 billion
in 2012.
Such large (3)_______ of tourists, however, are beginning to cause problems. For example, in the Alps the many
thousands of skiers are (4)_______ the mountains they came to enjoy. Even parts of Mount Everest in the
Himalayas are reported to be covered (5)_______ old food tins, tents, and pieces of equipment that have been
(6)_______ away. At a time when we have greater freedom to travel (7)_______ ever before, more and more
people are asking how they can enjoy their holidays (8)_______ causing damage to their destinations.
Now there is a new holiday guide (9)___ Holidays That Don’t Cost the Earth. It tells you how you can be a
responsible tourist by asking your travel agent or your tour (10)___ the right questions before you book a holiday.
1.A.national B.educational C.economic D.cultural
2.A.arrivals B.deliveries C.comings D.figures
3.A.totals B.numbers C.amounts D.digits
4.A.bending B.destroying C.fixing D.hurting
5.A.for B.on C.with D.below
6.A.put B.tidied C.given D.thrown
7.A.than B.when C.then D.while
8.A.outside B.instead C.beside D.without
9.A.called B.known C.termed D.described
10.A.advisor B.director C.operator D.worker
XXII. Complete the following conversation with the questions from the box

How can I help you For bed and breakfast how long do you plan to stay
Would you like a single room Does that include everything Could you give your name and address
Receptionist: Grand Hotel. Good morning.
(1) ……………………………………………..?
Mary: I’d like to book a room, please.
Receptionist: Certainly. And (2) ……………………………………….?
Mary: Three days.
Receptionist: (3) ……………………………………………..?
Mary: Yes, please. I’ll be on my own.
Receptionist: Very well. (4) …………………………………………………?
Mary: Yes, it’s Mary Smith, 30 Old Road, York. By the way, what do you charge for bed and breakfast?
Receptionist: (5) ………………………………………..? It’s $35 a night.
Mary: (6) ……………………………………………………..?
Receptionist: Yes, that’s everything. There are no extra charges.
Mary: Oh, thank you.
Grade 9n Unit 9 – English in the world
I. Match the words 1-5 with their descriptions or definitions a-e
1.first language A. a way of pronouncing the words of a language that shows which country or area a
2.second language person comes from
3.official language B. this language is generally used in the government, public administration, law and the
4.accent education system
5.dialect C. the language that you learn to speak from birth
D. a regional form of a language in which some words and grammar differ slightly from
the standard form of the same language
E. a language that you learn to speak well and that you use for work or at school, but
that is not the language you learned first at home
II. Match the beginning of each sentence to its ending
1.English is A. learning English worldwide.
2.The British Council estimates that about 375 B. all contributed to the growth of English.
million people speak C. English regularly as a second language.
3.At present, over a billion people are D. though all can be understood, more or less, by
4.Immigration, new technologies, popular culture speakers of other varieties.
and even war have E. British English, American English, Australian
5.Nowadays, there are many varieties of English all English, Indian English, etc.
over the world such as F. used as a first language in at least 75 countries
6.There are many differences in accents and dialects around the world.
between varieties of English
III. Match the words 1-5 with their definitions a-e
1.bilingual A. not as good at a language as you used to be because you have not used it for a
2.fluent long time
3.rusty B. able to speak two languages equally well because you learned them as a child
4.pick up a language C. know just enough of a language for simple communication
5.reasonably D. learn a language by practising it, rather than by learning it in a class
6.get by in a language E. able to speak, read or write a language easily, quickly, and well
F. to a degree that is fairly good, but not very good
IV. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box.
guess know have make translate correct imitate look up

If you don’t (1) …………… what a word means, try to (2) ……….……..the meaning,
or (3) ……………. the word in your dictionary. All foreign speakers (4) ………….. an accent, but that
doesn’t matter. To make your pronunciation better, listen to English speakers and try to (5) ……. them.
Don’t worry if you (6) ………… mistakes or don’t try to (7) ……………… a mistake – that’s normal!
It’s often useful to (8) …………… words from one language to the other, but it’s best when you can start
to think in the new language.
V. Rewrite the following sentences using the conditional sentence type 2
1.I don’t feel confident at interviews because my English is not very good.
If my English ……………………………………………………………….……………………..
2.Minh doesn’t read many English books because she doesn’t have time.
If Minh ……………………………………………………………………………………………
3.I think you should spend more time improving your pronunciation.
If I were …………………………………………………………………………………………..
4.Mai is so good at the language because she has some friends who are native speakers of English.
If Mai didn't have …………………………………………………………………………………
5.We can’t offer you the job because you can’t speak English.
If you could speak ………………………………………………………………………………..
6.Peter has such a lot of English homework that he won’t go to the party.
If Peter ……………………………………………………………………………………………
VI. Circle the correct word. Sometimes more than one answer is possible
1.That’s the boy who/whom/that is bilingual in English and Vietnamese.
2.This is the room which/who/where we are having an English lesson this evening.
3.The girl who/whose/which father is my English teacher is reasonably good at English.
4.Do you remember the year where/when/that we started to learn English?
5.The teacher whom/which/who you met yesterday is fluent in both English and French.
6.That’s the reason where/when/why his English is a bit rusty.
VII. Rewrite these sentences as one sentence using a relative clause
1.My friend plays the guitar. He has just released a CD.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2.Parts of the palace are open to the public. It is where the queen lives.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3.English has borrowed many words. They come from other languages.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.I moved to a new school. English is taught by native teachers there.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5.I don’t like English. There are several reasons for that.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6.The new girl in our class is reasonably good at English. Her name is Mi.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
VIII. Underline the correct word in each sentence
1.I’m from Viet Nam. My first/foreign language is Vietnamese.
2.She spoke English with a strong accent/intonation that I couldn’t understand.
3.The Yorkshire dialect/language is one of many in England.
4.Most students learned English as their official/ second language.
5.Canada has two foreign/official languages: English and French.
IX. Read what three people say about say about speaking language. Fill each blank with the given phrases
can also get by am reasonably good picked up
My first language is Vietnamese, but I live in a neighbourhood where there are a lot of English families, so
I (1) ……………………… at English. I (2) ………………….. in French. We went to Paris last summer and
I (3) ………………… the basics.
also fluent in can have a conversation am bilingual it’s a bit rusty
I (4) ………………. because my father is French and my mother is Spanish. I’m (5) …………… English
because I work in a multinational company. I (6) ……………………….. in Italian, but (7) ………………….
know a few words can’t speak a word am quite bad at
To be honest, I (8) ………………… languages. I (9) …………………… of English that I learned from my
grandfather, but I (10) ……………………….. of anything else.
X. Rewrite these sentences using the words/ phrases in brackets
1.I don’t know any French. (speak a word)
I ………………………………………………………………...
2.I learned a few words of English on holiday. (picked)
I ………………………………………………………………...
3.My brother can speak Italian very well. (fluent)
My ……………………………………………………………...
4.I can speak both English and French perfectly. (bilingual)
I ………………………………………………………………..
5.I speak enough German for holidays. (get by)
I ………………………………………………………. on holiday.
6.I haven’t practised my Russian for a long time. (rusty)
My …………………………………………………………….
XI. Put the correct relative pronoun in each sentence
1. Those are the stairs I broke my arm.
2. There’s a shop you can buy English books and CDs.
3. The English couple live next to us can get by in Vietnamese.
4. There’s a shop near my house sells cheap DVDs.
5. Look up the new words in the dictionary has just been published by Oxford University Press.
6. That’s the dog ate our dinner.
XII. Fill in the passage with the verbs from the box.
mistakes imitate corrects translate look up accent communicate guess

It’s normal to have a(n) (1) ………. when we speak English. It’s OK – other people can usually
understand us. It’s a good idea to listen to CDs or watch DVDs and try to (2) ……… other speakers to
make your pronunciation better. If you see a new word and you don’t know what it means, you can
sometimes (3) ………..the meaning from words you know, or you can (4) …………. the word in a
dictionary. A lot of good English learners try not to (5) ……………. things from their first language.
Translation is sometimes a good idea, but try to think in the foreign language if you can! It’s normal to
make (6) ………….. When your teacher (7) …………a mistake in your writing or speaking, think about
it and try to see why it’s wrong. But it’s more important to (8) ................., so don’t be afraid to speak!
.XIII. Match the words 1-5 with their definitions a-e
1.guess (v) A. the thing or idea that a sound, word, sign, etc. represents
2.imitate (v) B. a noun, an adjective, or a verb made of two or more words or parts of words
3.mistake (n) C. copy somebody or something
4.meaning (n) D. something that has been done in the wrong way or an opinion or statement that is
5.derivative (n) incorrect
6.compound (n) E. find the right answer to a question without knowing all the facts
F. a word that has been developed or produced from another word
XIV. Read the two paragraphs below and fill each blank with the suitable words from the boxes
global second tongue expansion status
English is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is the first language, or mother (1) ……., of
around 400 million people living in Britain, Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and South Africa,
and it is spoken as a (2) ………….. language by millions more. English is learned by many more people
worldwide as a foreign language. English has become a(n) (3) ………….. language, or international language,
used by people who speak different native languages to communicate with each other.
English has achieved the (4) ……………. of a world language over a long period of time, and for various
historical and cultural reasons. In the 17th century English was spread by settlers going from Britain to America,
and in the 18th and 19th centuries by the (5) ……………. of the British Empire.
speech simplicity change openness flexibility
English is the language which has the largest vocabulary, with approximately 500,000 words and 300,000
technical terms. One of the basic characteristics of English is the (6) ……………….. of form. Many English
words have been simplified over centuries. Many English words do not (7) ……………. according to parts of
speech. Another basic characteristic of English is the (8) ……………….. English has become a flexible language
in which the same word can operate as many parts of (9) …………. The (10) …………………. of vocabulary is
another basic characteristic of English. English has many borrowed words, derivatives, and compounds.
V. Read the following conversation and fill each blank with a suitable relative pronoun
A: Here are our holiday photos from England. That’s the village (1) ……………….. we stayed in. And that’s
Mary (2) ……………….. lived next door.
B: Oh, is that the girl (3) ………………….. father is an English teacher? You’ve told me about her many times.
A: That’s right. With the help of her father, I picked up a bit of English.
B: I always take photos of people (4) ………………… I meet on holiday and places (5) ………… we stay.
A: But this is the photo (6) ………………. I like best. This is one of the funniest photos (7) ……..….. I’ve ever
taken. We were in a restaurant (8) …………. lamb with new potatoes and green beans was served. While we were
eating, Nick’s chair broke. He fell, and his face went right into his plate.
XVI. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1.Computers offer a much greater degree of ____________ in the way work can be organised.
A.flexible B.flexibility C.flexibly D.inflexible
2.She spoke English with a(n) ____________ that I couldn’t understand.
A.accent B.stress C.intonation D.tone
3.Louis is virtually bilingual ____________ Dutch and German.
A.on B.in C.for D.with
4.She ____________ up some Spanish when she was living in Mexico.
A.took B.looked C.picked D.learnt
5.Teachers provide a model for children to ____________.
A.allow B.behave C.change D.imitate
6.Peter can just about get ____________ in German.
A.up B.down C.out D.by
7.Sound symbolism means that we often ____________ the meaning of a word from its sound.
A.guess B.judge C.imagine D.expect
8.I can have a conversation in Italian, but I’m a ____________ rusty.
A.bit B.lot C.very D.too
9.Is English a(n) ____________ language in your country?
A.mother B.official C.living D.old
10.He spoke a ____________ of French that we found hard to understand.
A.slang B.jargon C.dialect D.language
XVII. Read the paragraph and choose the best answer
I started (1)_______ English when I was 14 years old after five years of studying Russian. In the (2)_______
I encountered some difficulties learning the language, but I tried my (3)_______ to overcome them. Firstly, my
English pronunciation was (4)_______ by the way I spoke Russian. To solve this problem, I practised by listening
to tapes in English every day. I played the tape, stopped after each sentence, and (5)_______ the sentence several
times. At school, I joined an English speaking club (6)_______ was organised by a teacher from Britain. She
understood my difficulty and helped me very much in improving my pronunciation. Secondly, I found it really
hard to learn English vocabulary. In Russian, the way you write the word is the way you pronounce it. However,
English spelling is often (7)_______ from its pronunciation. To get over this difficulty I started using the
dictionary. Whenever I learnt a new word, I looked it (8) _______ carefully in the dictionary. Then I tried to
remember the way to read and write the word. After that, I wrote the word down several (9)_______ in a
notebook. Gradually, I got (10)_______ to the spelling system of the language. Now I’m confident that my
English has become much better.
1.A.getting B.learning C.writing D.reading
2.A.start B.beginning C.end D.begin
3.A.most B.self C.best D.hard
4.A.effected B.given C.affected D.reflected
5.A.said B.told C.spoke D.repeated
6.A.which B.it C.and D.but
7.A.different B.the same C.far D.differ
8.A.down B.on C.out D.up
9.A.ways B.times C.minutes D.lines
10.A.used B.remembered C.well D.attracted
XVIII. Fill each of blanks with an appropriate word to complete the passage
It is not easy for adult students of English to improve their pronunciation. Unlike children, adults
often find it hard to (1) …………………. the way they speak. This is why adult students have more
difficulties in developing speaking (2) ……………… than children. First of all, don’t worry about
not (3) …………. a native-English accent. It’s more important to be able to speak (4) ………., so that
people can understand you. Then there are several things that international students of English can do to
improve (5) …………pronunciation and to learn English well. An English (6) ……………… helps you a
lot in that it shows you the phonetic pronunciation of every word, which part of the word is stressed.
You (7) ……. also join an English pronunciation class, or practise speaking and (8) ………….. to native-
English speakers as much as possible. Watching TV programmes in English is another (9) ……….. way
of improving your pronunciation. Above all, the best way to improve your pronunciation is to learn
English in an English-speaking country where you can learn the (10) …………….. as well as its culture.
Grade 9n Review 3
I. Complete the second sentence using the words given so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
1.She learned a few words of German last month. (UP)
2.Duong’s sister can speak Italian very well. (IN )
3.She can speak both Vietnamese and English perfectly. (BILINGUAL)
4.She can speak basic German. (GET)
5.Nam hasn’t practised his English for ages. (RUSTY)
II. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box.
tender bilingual stew jet lag full board garnish excursion official language marinate
1. Remember to ……………. the sliced beef in a little oil for half an hour before stir-frying. The beef will
be ………………….. that way.
2. I’m learning to ………………… different dishes to make them more attractive.
3. You should …………… the beef for an hour if you want your grandparents to have it.
4. My best friend couldn’t come to the party because she was suffering from …………. after her trip to the USA.
5.– Are you going on a(n) ………………….. with your class this Sunday?
– Yes, we have one twice a year.
6.– Do you require half or ……………………..?
– Half, please.
7.I was born in Viet Nam and grew up in France. I can speak both Vietnamese and French, so I’m ……………..
8. – What’s the official ……………………. of Canada?
– There are two: English and French.
III. Fill each blank with the correct form of the word given
1.My brother trained to be a teacher, but then he decided to become a tour …………………… . (GUIDANCE)
2.If you want to pay a more …………. price, remember to book the tour two weeks in advance. (REASON)
3.My English is a bit …………………. I haven’t used it for years. (RUST)
4.My grandfather is 80 years old, and he’s ……………….. in both French and English. (FLUENCY)
5.There is nothing more boring than a seaside town in the low ……………………. (SEASONAL)
6.To make a carrot cake for four people, you need 200 grams of ……………… carrot. (GRATE)
7.When you place food over boiling water to cook, it means you ……………………. it. (STEAMER)
8.Someone who is going past a particular place is a ……………………..-by. (PASS)
IV. Find the miatake and correct it
1.We had an excursion to the Lake Hudson, a man-made reservoir in Oklahoma, last Sunday.
2.Don’t put too much garlic in the salad; two bunches are enough.
3.If you did more exercise, your muscles will be stronger.
4.Remember not to skip the breakfast because it’s the most important meal.
5.I don’t like to eat out because it isn’t easy to find a restaurant which have good food and service.
6.She’s fluent in both English and French, but her Vietnamese is rusty even though she is the Vietnamese
V. Rewrite these sentences as one sentence using a suitable relative pronoun
1.Last holiday we stayed in a resort. Mi recommended it to us.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………..
2.Some people talk too loudly in public places. I don’t like them.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………..
3.The dishes are so hot. My mother has cooked them.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………..
4.Last year I visited a small town. They filmed The Little Girl there.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………..
5.Ms Mai was my teacher. I will never forget her.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………..

.VI. Read the letter and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
From: mi@quickmail.com
To: nick@quickmail.com
Subject: English Camp
Hi Nick,
How are you? I’m having so much fun here at English Camp. It’s a pity you can’t join us. It’s my third day here
and I wish the camp would last a month!!!
On the first day, we put up the tents. They held a tent competition, and although we tried our best, our team was
only the runner-up. Guess what? I met Nam, our classmate, but we couldn’t talk much because he was in another
Before lunch we played some team building games. It was exciting! In the afternoon we went fishing. Hung, a
student from Luna School, is a really good angler. He caught ten fish while I caught none. However, we let them
all go.
The second day, when we had a cooking competition, was also awesome. We had to draw lots to choose the
dish we would cook. Hung did ours and we were asked to make sushi. Hung and I didn’t know how to make it,
but lucky us – we had Chie in our team! She’s a student who comes from Tokyo and has lots of experience
making sushi. Our sushi won the first prize! It’s great that Chie taught us how to make this healthy dish.
Today there’s an English speaking contest on how to learn English successfully for non-native English speaking
students. Hung’s giving a presentation on his top tips for learning English.
I must go now. Chie and Hung are calling me.
Until next time,

1.Mi’s team wasn’t the winner of the tent competition.

2.Mi is the only student from her class to join the camp.

3.They played some team building games after lunch.

4.Hung is a better angler than Mi.

5.They kept some fish and let others go.

.VII. Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1.The paintings _________ Mr. Brown has in his house are worth around £100,000.
A.whose B.which C.what D.whom
2._________ is visiting important and historic places in a city or an area as a tourist.
A.Travelling B.Sightseeing C.Wandering D.Sunbathing
3.All _________ must complete a visa form upon arrival at Singapore airport.
A.tourists B.departures C.customers D.passengers
4.The garlic sausage is also sold pre-packed in _________.
A.slices B.stalks C.sticks D.packets
5._________ people never seem to put on weight, while others are always on a diet.
A.All B.One C.Few D.Some
6.Travellers are advised to find an alternative _________ during road repairs.
A.field B.direction C.route D.itinerary
7.All food products should carry a list of _________ on the packet.
A.elements B.materials C.foods D.ingredients
8.Traditionally, an ‘English breakfast’ is a large cooked breakfast, usually _________ bacon and eggs, toast,
baked beans, black pudding, and tea or coffee.
A.making of B.having C.consisting of D.existing of
9.If you want to stay slim and healthy, you _________ reduce the amount of fast food you eat every day.
A.may B.should C.need D.would
10.I have _________ older brother and ____ younger sister.
A.an... a B.an... an C.a... a D.a... an

VIII. Use correct form of the words given in brackets to complete the sentences
1.This beefsteak is not (TENDERNESS) ………………… enough for my grandmother to eat.
2.This poem is written in simple English, which is immediately (ACCESS) …………….. to our students.
3.This area, which is an important natural (PRESERVATION) ……………., is attracting more and more
European (TOUR) ……………………….
4.A (LINGUAL) ……………… person is someone who can speak and use several different languages.
5.Adults often like hot, (SPICE) ……………… foods, whereas children usually prefer mild ones.
6.My grandparents prefer the (SIMPLE) ………………….. of country living.
7.Since the mid-20th century, English has been a(n) (OFFICE) …………….. language of (NATION)
………………………… organisations such as the United Nations.
8.Computers offer a much greater degree of (FLEXIBLE) ………………. in the way work is organised.
IX. Read the paragraph and choose the best answer
What is tasty is not always healthy. Doctors say that chips and pizzas are (1) ______, fizzy soft drinks damage
our teeth, and coffee shortens our lives. If we eat (2) ______ much, we’ll become obese, and obesity leads to heart
disease, diabetes, and other serious illnesses. Unfortunately the world today is (3) ______ fatter and fatter.
Lack of exercise is another serious problem. We spend hours in front of our computers and TV sets. (4) ______ of
us do morning exercises. We walk (5) ______ because we prefer to use cars or public transport. Research shows,
however, that young people who don’t do enough exercise often suffer from heart attacks later in life.
It’s common knowledge that smoking and drinking can shorten our lives (6) ______. Cigarette-smoking, for
example, kills millions of people every year. Many of them die (7) ______ lung cancer. Yet many young people
still smoke and drink. Why? One (8) ______ is that tobacco and drinks companies invest enormous (9) ______ of
money in advertising their products. For them, cigarettes and alcoholic drinks mean money. For us, they mean
disease and even death.
We all know that the healthier we are, the better we feel. The better we feel, the longer we live. So why not (10)
______ ourselves?
1.A.fat B.fatty C.fattening D.fattened
2.A.so B.too C.very D.also
3.A.getting B.making C.being D.turning
4.A.Few B.A few C.All D.Many
5.A.little B.less C.least D.more
6.A.absolutely B.extremely C.intensively D.dramatically
7.A.about B.in C.from D.with
8.A.solution B.answer C.reply D.response
9.A.numbers B.totals C.figures D.sums
10.A.care for B.look for C.take care of D.pay attention to
X. Correct the mistakes in the sentences, using a, an, the or no article
1.What the great progress children have made in English this year!
2.The diabetes is becoming more and more common disease in children.
3.How many hours of the sunshine does region enjoy every day?
4.The most people would agree that travelling broadens mind as you get to see so many different ways of
5.Britain and USA have invested greatly in the development of an English Language Teaching (ELT).
XI. Rewrite these sentences as one sentence using a suitable relative pronoun
1.I lent him a book. It was written by Daniel Defoe.
The book I ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2.A nutritionist is an expert. A nutritionist studies the relationship between foods and health.
A nutritionist is …………………………………………………………………………………………
3.My friend has decided to buy a motorbike. His bicycle was stolen last week.
My friend, ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
4.‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ is a TV show. It is very popular.
5.Yoga is a type of exercise. Many people enjoy yoga.
XII. Insert a suitable word in each numbered blank to complete the passage
English has developed different varieties in different parts of the world. There is not (1) ……..…….
American, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand English, but also Indian English, Singaporean
English, and so on. These languages have their own (2) ……………… and spelling. They also have their
own (3) ……………..…… - a ‘pavement’ in Britain is a ‘sidewalk’ in North America and a ‘footpath’ in
Australia. In fact, one reason (4) ……... the richness of English is its ability to borrow (5) ……….. words
from other languages and cultures that it has come into contact with. Have you ever wondered
(6) ………….. English often has more than one word to refer to the same thing? Well, it’s because new
words were (7) ………….. to English as a result of this contact with other cultures and languages. Many
words (8) ……………… we consider to be wholly English originally came from other languages, for
example, ‘passport’ from French, ‘mosquito’ from Spanish, and ‘sauna’ from Finnish.
You (9) ………………… think ‘hamburger’, ‘ketchup’, and ‘coffee’ would come from American
English, right? No, ‘hamburger’ is from German, ‘ketchup’ is Malay, and ‘coffee’ is Turkish, believe it
or not. Some words you (10) …………….. knew the origin of – ‘karate’ is a Japanese word, for example,
‘violin’ comes from Italian, and ‘tea’ originally comes from Chinese, but what about the word ‘cruise’?
That actually comes from Dutch.
XIII. Read the paragraph and choose the best answer
The price of holidays can fluctuate a great deal throughout the year, so you can save a lot if you are flexible with
your travel dates and avoid peak holiday times. It can be also cheaper if you book well in advance. Before your
departure, make sure you get as much information about your destination as you can. Find out if you require any
special visas or permits to travel there. Think about spending money as well. Will you be able to access your own
money easily enough or will you need to take cash with you? Think about eating larger lunches and smaller
evening meals to help your money go further, as lunch is generally cheaper. Make sure that you keep sufficient
identification with you at all times. It may also help to email a copy of your passport details to yourself, in
case it is lost or stolen. Label your suitcases clearly so that they can be easily identified as yours. It can be useful
to store a copy of your itinerary in a prominent place in your suitcase so that the airline will know where to find
you if your luggage gets lost. Be sure to pack any medication or other essential items in your hand luggage. If
your flight is delayed, or your luggage is lost, these can be difficult to obtain in an airport or foreign country.
1.Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.Travel procedures B.Travel advice
C.How to adjust travel dates D.Protect your luggage
2.Which one of these is NOT advisable according to the passage?
A.Research your destination B.Always bring identification
C.Apply for visas if necessary D.Save money by cutting out dinner
3.According to the passage, your luggage should be ___________.
A.stored in a safe place B.tagged in case of being lost
C.packed with your passport D.painted a bright colour
4.The underlined word ‘it’ refers to your ___________.
A.identification B.luggage C.passport D.flight
5.It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.
A.travelling may cost more in peak season B.you must always take cash with you
C.larger lunches cost more than smaller ones D.you can’t get back your lost luggage overseas
XIV. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has the similar meaning to the first sentence
1.The receptionist gave me very useful information.
The information ………………………………………………………………………….……………..
2.She teaches English at our school.
She is …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.I'm not good at cooking, so I can't become a chef.
If . …………………………………………………………………………………..…………………..
4.'Can you help me wash the dirty dishes' said Tim.
Tim asked me …………………………………………………………………………………………..
5.You should ride your bike carefully, or you may have an accident.
If you ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Grade 9n Unit 10 – Space travel
I. Match the words 1-5 with their definitions A-E
1.astronaut A. the height of something above the sea
2.mission B. with conditions that are suitable for life to exist
3.microgravity C. the science that studies the universe and its objects such as the moon, the
4.astronomy sun, planets, and stars
5.habitable D. a person who has been trained to work in space
6.altitude E. a programme of space flights
F. the state of weightlessness
II. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

orbit launched experienced trained landed

1.It takes 365.256 days for Earth to ……………….. the Sun.
2.Have you ever …………………………… weightlessness?
3.The spacecraft was ………………………. last week.
4.In 2014 a robot named Philae, part of the Rosetta mission, successfully ……………… on a comet.
5.Would you like to be …………………………… to become an astronaut?
III. Choose a word/ phrase from a box to complete the passage

parabolic flights good health spacewalks a flight suit operate


Anyone can apply to train as an astronaut as long as they have a bachelor's degree in science,
mathematics or engineering, experience as a jet pilot, and are in (1) ………………... If they get accepted,
there are several phases of training. The first phase requires them to pass a swimming test in (2)
………………………. They take (3) ……………….. that produce weightlessness. They also learn about
various spaceship systems. In the second phase, they are trained to (4) ………………. spacecraft systems
and deal with emergencies. The training often takes place in a water tank laboratory so that trainees
become familiar with crew activities in simulated microgravity in order to perform (5) ………………….
IV. Match these space – related idioms to their meanings
1.over the moon A. occasionally
2.once in a blue moon B. almost without limit
3.out of this world C. delighted
4.The sky’s the limit D. amazing
V. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense
1.Fruit flies (be sent) ………………. into space before Laika the dog (make) ……….. her space journey.
2.By the time Laika (become) ……………………….… the first astronaut dog, fruit flies already
(be launched) …………………………………….. into space.
3.Gagarin (fly) …………………. into space eight years before Armstrong (walk) ……… on the moon.
4.When the USA (put) ………………. the first human on the moon, Russia already (send) ……………
…………………. the first human into space.
5.When Virgin Galactic (establish) …………………. in 2004, Dennis Tito already (travel) ………...
…………………………….. into space as a tourist.
VI. Complete the following sentences with/without a relative pronoun
1.This is the astronaut ………………………… visited our school last week.
2.This is the village ……………….. Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut, was born.
3.Can you talk more about the parabolic flights …………………. you took for your training?
4.This is the museum …………………. has some of the best rock collections in the country.
5.We’ll explore inland Sweden and visit the summer house ……………… Carin and Ola have built
6.This is the year ………………………. the first human walked on the moon.
VII. Combine each pair of sentences into one, using prompts provided
1.The class watched a film yesterday. The film was about the Apollo 13 space mission.
→ The film ……………………………………………………………………………………………
2.We read about an astronaut. The astronaut travelled into space in 1961.
→ We read about ……………………………………………………………………………………..
3.This is the man. He works for NASA.
→ This is the man …………………………………………………………………………………….
4.The team plays on the left. The team has never won the championship.
→ The team ………………………………………………………….……………………………..…
5.This article describes a ground-breaking space mission to land on a comet. The mission is called
→ The ground-breaking space mission ……………………………………………………………….
6.The Rosetta mission has a task. The task is comparable to a fly trying to land on a speeding bullet.
→ The task ……………………………………………………………………………………….……
VIII. Read the text and do exercises
A. Place these sentences in appropriate paragraphs
a. ‘We felt very lonely travelling in space, so hearing the voices of our relatives brought a lot of happiness to us.’
b. He also suggested people learn more foreign languages to better collaborate with their teammates.
c. ‘No boundaries on Earth can be seen from space,’ he added. ‘I think we should cooperate to take care of our
planet like astronauts help each other in space.’

In November 2014, Viet Nam’s first astronaut Pham Tuan and Christer Fuglesang, Sweden’s first astronaut,
shared their space mission memories in a meeting in Ho Chi Minh City.
Talking to Tuoi Tre newspaper, the two astronauts said they enjoyed floating around in the weightless
environment. ‘From above, Earth didn’t look as big as we had thought,’ Fuglesang, who first flew into space in
2006, recalled (1) ……………..
Pham Tuan described his first meal on Earth after the trip as ‘very delicious’. He said it was a great feeling since
astronauts do not have fresh food in space. He recounted how his family had helped him, (2)
Both astronauts agreed that to realise a dream needs effort, but the chance to fly to space is equal for everyone,
whether they are from Viet Nam, Sweden, or any other country. Fuglesang said teamwork and social skills are
very important for an astronaut as the job requires people to work harmoniously
together (3) …………………………..
B. Answer the questions
1.Who is Pham Tuan and who is Christer Fuglesang?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.What did Fuglesang think when he looked at Earth from space?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.Do you think Pham Tuan enjoyed the food aboard the spacecraft? Why/Why not?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4.How did Pham Tuan’s family help him while he was in space?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5.What do the two astronauts think about the chance to fly into space?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6.What skills does Fuglesang think are important for an astronaut?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
IX. Complete the sentences using the prompts provided
1.Vinasat-1 is Viet Nam’s first telecommunication sa………………, which was launched in 2008.
2.Experiencing microgravity on a p………………. fl……….. is part of astronaut training programmes.
3.In 2015 NASA discovered an Earth-like planet which might be ha……… because it has ‘just the right’
conditions to support liquid water and possibly even life.
4.On the ISS astronauts have to at………… themselves so they don’t float around.
5.It is cheaper to build an unmanned sp………………. than the one that is manned.
6.One of the largest me………… found on Earth is the Hoba from southwest Africa, which weighs about
54,000 kg.
X. Circle the best answer
1.A visit to the ISS will be a life-changing experience whose/when/X you’ll never forget.
2.Have you talked to the student which/who/X has won this year’s karate championship? He’s over there.
3.Have you heard of Kepler-186f? It’s a planet which/who/X is similar in size to Earth.
4.‘The Martian? That’s exactly the film whose/when/X I’ve been reading about!’ Phuc said.
5.Could we meet in the café who/when/where we saw each other last time?
6.Becoming an astronaut is one profession who/X/that needs a lot of training.
.XII. Complete the sentences with the idioms in the box. Some idioms can be used in more than one sentence

out of this world once in a blue moon over the moon the sky’s the limit
1.You can choose any colours and any materials you like for this painting. ………………………….!
2.She was ………………………… because she’d won the scholarship.
3.- I’ve noticed you and Elmer only play football …………………… these days?
- That’s because we’re busy with our astronomy club.
4.We had such a good time last summer in Mui Ne. It was a(n) ……………………….. holiday!
5.Now that you’ve graduated from college, ………………………………….!
6.The cake you brought yesterday was ……………………………….! It was so delicious!
XIII. Change the form of the verbs in brackets to either the past perfect or past simple to complete the passage
Helen Sharman, the first Briton in space, (1. be) ………………. born on May 30th 1963 in Sheffield,
England. Before becoming an astronaut, Helen (2. work) ………………as a technical research engineer
for the Mars chocolate company. In 1989, she (3. hear)…………………. an advertisement for astronauts
on the radio, and (4. apply) …………………. for the job. Helen (5. choose) ………….. as one of the
final four candidates out of over 13,000 other applicants. She (6. send) ……….………. to the Mir space
station in May 1991 for eight days to conduct scientific experiments after she (7. complete)……………..
her 18 months of astronaut training in Moscow, Russia.
XIV. Circle the best answer
1.The book ___________ Amelie is reading now is about the Big Bang theory.
A.which B.who C.where
2.In winter, many Swedes travel to a country ___________ there’s a lot of sunshine.
A.which B.where C.who
3.This is the space tourism service ___________ is being advertised on our website.
A.that B.who C.when
4.‘The cinnamon buns ___________ my mother makes are the best in the world!’ he said.
A.when B.that C.whose
5.A spacewalk occurs ___________ an astronaut gets out of a vehicle while in space to do science experiments, or
conduct repairs.
A.who B.what C.when
6.The dance club ___________ Mai often goes to will be doing a performance this Christmas.
A.when B.who C.which
XV. Combine each pair of sentences into one, using prompts provided
1.He read the poem to us. The poem has been translated into several languages.
→ The poem …………………………………………………………………………………
2.What did you do with the money? Your grandparents gave it to you.
→ What did you do with the money ………………………………………………………..?
3.I used credit card to buy a computer game. The game is called ‘Mars Mystique Mission’.
→ I used ……………………………………………………………………………………..
4.I met the girl in the library. I’ve told you about this girl.
→ I met the girl ……………………………………………………………………………...
5.They work for a company. The company offers space tourism.
→ The company ……………………………………………………………………………..
6.The couple are from Ireland. The couple have just moved in next door.
→ The couple ………………………………………………………………………………..
XVI. Read the text and choose the best answer
Earth, our beautiful home planet, is the only astronomical object to accommodate life as we know it. Scientists
believe Earth was formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago. It is the fifth-largest planet in our solar system. Its
equatorial diameter is about 12,074 kilometres. Earth is the third-closest planet to the sun. The distance from
Earth to the sun is roughly 149,600,000 kilometres. It takes 365.3 days for Earth to orbit the sun, and 24 hours to
rotate on its axis. The surface temperature ranges from -88 to 58°C. Nearly 70 percent of Earth’s surface is
covered by ocean, which has an average depth of about 4 kilometres. In 2015 it was estimated that 7.3 billion
humans are living on Earth.
1.As we know it, Earth is the only planet that accommodates life. It is ________________.
A.habitable B.habitual C.habitat
2.There are ________________ planets between Earth and the sun.
A.two B.three C.four
3.In our solar system, ________________ planets are larger than Earth.
A.two B.three C.four
4.The hottest place on Earth may have the temperature of ________________.
A.-88°C B.58°C C.40°C
5.It takes ________________ for Earth to rotate on its axis.
A.one year B.one month C.one day
6.Most of Earth’s surface is covered by ________________.
A.ocean B.mountain C.forest
XVII. Read the text and fill in the gaps and answer the questions

spacecraft mobility radiation minus 150 degrees Celsius spacewalks oxygen

Did you know that the spacesuit astronauts wear while in outer space is formally called an
Extravehicular Mobility Unit, or EMU? ‘Extravehicular’ means outside of a spacecraft, and (1)
‘……………’ means that the astronaut can move around in the suit, independent of the (2) …………...
An EMU is not simply a set of clothes. The suit provides mobility, life support, and environmental
protection for the astronaut during planetary exploration or (3) ……………….. For example, spacesuits
protect astronauts from extreme temperature change, which can go as cold as (4) ………………………,
or as hot as 120 degrees Celsius. Spacesuits also supply astronauts with (5) …………….. to breathe and
water to drink during spacewalks. They protect astronauts against fast-moving space dust
particles, (6) …………………, and bright sunlight.
1.What does EMU stand for?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………..
2.Why is an EMU spacesuit more than a set of clothes?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………..
3.When do astronauts wear an EMU?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………..
4.Give one example of how an EMU provides astronauts with environmental protection.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………..
5.Give one example of how an EMU provides life support for astronauts.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………..
XVIII. Unscramble the following advertisements
1.What/waiting for/you/are? Upgrade/today/car/your/!
 ………………………………………………………………………………………..
2.Wouldn’t/trees/if/it be great/grew on/chocolate/?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………..
3.Get/healthy-looking hair/all you need/beautiful/for/.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………..
4.No frontiers/your laptop/for you/and/.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
5.Because/girls/comfort and style/love/we/our shoes/into/design/both/. /,
 …………………………………………………………………………………………….…..
6.An/you/offer/just for/exclusive/!
 ………………………………………………………………………………………….……..
Grade 9n Unit 11 - Changing roles in society
I. Complete the words and then fill in the gaps
Verb Noun Noun (person)
1.attend ……………. …………….
2.facilitate ……………. …………….
3.……………. provision …………….
4.……………. ……………. developer
5.……………. interview …………….
6.……………. ……………. evaluator
7.……………. participation …………….
8.……………. ……………. applicant
1.A lot of people have come tonight to ………………… the forum.
2.The application of technology in the school will ………………… self-learning.
3.Even in distant areas, the teacher will no longer be the only ………………… of knowledge.
4.Who has ……………….. the idea into this remarkable event?
5.In the programme, he ………………….. ordinary people about their future plans.
6.The discussion included a critical ………………… of the new course.
7.We require your full ……………………… in this discussion.
8.She decided to ……………….. for a job as an engineer.
II. Choose the correct answer A, B or C which is closest in meaning to the underlined word/phrase in the sentence
1.In the future, fathers may be externally employed or stay at home and look after their children.
A.do extra work B.go out to work C.work full-time
2.There will still be actual classrooms where teachers and students can interact face to face.
A.virtual B.online C.traditional
3.The most fascinating change happening to women is their increasing involvement in education and employment.
A.participation B.roles C.power
4.Viet Nam used to be male-dominated, with men being the voice of the family and society.
A.men doing housework B.men playing the leading role C.men earning money
5.Women get a job to support their families as well as to be financially independent.
A.economically B.physically C.totally
II. Complete the sentences with the phrases formed with “sense of”

humour direction responsibility style time

1.He has a very good ………………………. He never gets lost.
2.She has such a good …………………….. She makes everyone laugh at work.
3.I don’t have much …………………... I always seem to be late for appointments.
4.He has a strong ……………………. You can always rely on him.
5.She has no …………………. at all. She never chooses the right colour or the right clothes for herself.
III. Choose the future active or passive to complete sentences
1.Teenagers ___________ in important decisions concerning their lives.
A.will participate B.will be participated
2.Trees ___________ on both sides of the streets.
A.will plant B.will be planted
3.All the information you need for the report ___________ tomorrow.
A.will provide B.will be provided
4.When put into operation, this factory ___________ tons of cheese a day.
A.will produce B.will be produced
5.In the near future, e-books ___________ paper books in school.
A.will replace B.will be replaced
6.The principal promises that safety measures ___________ immediately ______.
A.will – apply B.will – be applied

IV. Rewrite the sentences without changing the original meaning

1.They will also hold classes in places like restaurants or supermarkets.
→ Classes …………………………………………………………………………
2.The school will constantly tailor its curriculum to meet changes in society.
→ The school’s curriculum ……………………………………………………….
3.Schools will not evaluate students’ academic performance through exams only.
→ Students’ academic performance ……………………………………………...
4.Men will no longer make all the decisions in the family.
→ Not all the decisions in the family …………………………………………….
5.High technology will free women from most housework.
→ Women ………………………………………………………………………..
6.They will build more flyovers to reduce traffic in the city.
→ More flyovers ………………………………………………………………....
V. Put a comma where necessary in the sentences
1.Minh told me about his new job which he’s enjoying very much.
2.The Board of Directors are usually those who get the most votes.
3.The US which stands for the United States is sometimes confused with the UN which stands for the
United Nations.
4.Jack London who is the author of The Call of the Wild is a famous American writer.
5.Psychology which is the study of the mind originates from a Greek word.
6.Jane refused a position which would be a dream job for many of her peers.
VI. Cross out a relative clause which can be omitted without causing confusion to the meaning of the sentence
1.Sarah works for a company that makes bikes.
 ………………………………………………………………………….
2.I’ve got a sister called Caroline, who is now on a tour around Canada.
 ………………………………………………………………………….
3.This morning I met my ex-classmate Janet, whom I hadn’t seen for ages.
 ………………………………………………………………………….
4.The 6.30 bus, which I often take to school, was late today.
 ………………………………………………………………………….
5.Only those who had booked in advance were allowed in.
 ………………………………………………………………………….
6.The stairs which lead to the basement are rather slippery.
 ………………………………………………………………………….
VII. Combine two sentences into one. Use the sentence in the bracket to make a non-relative clause
1.We are staying at the Grand Hotel. (It will be demolished for a department store.)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………
2.The essays will be assessed by Hans de Wit. (He is the President of the EAIE.)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………
3.The Second World War destroyed hundreds of cities in Europe. (It lasted from 1939 to 1945.)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.I have read several short stories by Jack London. (He is a famous American writer.)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………
5.The Eiffel Tower was built over two hundred years ago. (It is on the River Seine.)
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………
VIII. Choose a word/ phrase from a box to complete the sentence
individually-oriented male-dominated financially responsive to facilitators hands-on
1.The feudal system promotes ………………………. societies, where women obey men unconditionally.
2.Most services nowadays are mass-focussed, not ……………………………..
3.This syllabus is quite theoretical. I want to see something more …………………..
4.A successful education must be ……………………. social demands.
5.Women these days prefer to be ………………………. independent.
6.Teachers will become …………… rather than information providers.
IX. Use correct form of the words given in brackets to complete the sentences
1. Greener is an organisation which ………………. community activities. (support)
2. Our dream is to become the largest childcare ……………….. in the area.(provide)
3. I hope that in the near future, scientists will find a reliable method of ……………. earthquakes.
4. We have ……………………… our syllabus to fit this advanced group. (tailor)
5. Every school has to ……………….. how well their students are doing. (evaluation)
X. Circle the best answer
1.A group of biologists ________ come from different countries are studying the emperor penguin in Antarctica.
A.which B.whom C.that D.they
2.The young man sitting by the bar is the famous boyscout Peter Wing, ___________ we were talking about.
A.whom B.that C.whose D.him
3.On the wall are some old photos, ___________ in black and white.
A.which is B.which are C.who are D.they are
4.Have you ever seen Picasso’s La Guerre, ___________ is really a masterpiece?
A.who B.which C.that D.they
5.This lovely place is called Nowy Swiat, ___________ means New World.
A.who B.it C.which D.that
6.The police are now looking for two young men, ___________ were seen running out of the store.
A.which B.they C.whom D.who
X. Use the correct of relative clause to combine the two sentences into one
1.Many tourists visit Liverpool. Liverpool is the home of The Beatles.
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2.The town hasn’t got any parks. People can go and relax there.
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3.My son took part in the Beyond 2030 forum. The forum invited people to share their vision of the
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4.Baron Pierre de Coubertin was the founder of the modern Olympic Games. He was not in favour of
women participating in the Games.
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5.There will be an open discussion. The discussion will look at the main challenges and opportunities in
the coming decades.
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6.The changing economic role of women started in 1948. It has greatly affected the role of men.
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
.XI. Choose a word/ phrase from a box to complete the sentence

externally male-dominated responsive to vision

emotional financially hands-on ahead of
1.Employees with good performance will be promoted, which means they will get a higher salary and
will benefit ……………………………...
2.Mothers are often the ones who provide …………………. support for the family.
3.Field trips will make learning more ………………………… real life.
4.The lessons will certainly be more practical and …………………… when they are conducted in a real
5.In a …………………… society, women are often prevented from doing normal things such as going to
university, or getting a job.
6.Few people can say that they have a clear …………………. of their future.
7.A health farm should be well-designed, both internally and ……………………..
8.I believe that the tourist industry in Asian countries will be ………………… other continents in twenty
years’ time.
.XII. Match the verbs with their definition
1.participate A. help or encourage somebody in their ideas/work
2.predict B. be present at an event like a class or a wedding
3.evaluate C. take part in an activity
4.attend D. make changes to something to make it fit a new purpose
5.develop E. say that something will happen in the future
6.tailor F. form an opinion about the quality of something
7.support G. grow to be bigger and stronger

.XIII. Choose a word/ phrase from a box to complete the sentence

attendance tailoring prediction evaluation
development participation supporting
1.Can you make a ………………….. about the role of the post office in thirty years’ time?
2.Visitors to the safari park will be asked to fill in an …………….. sheet. This is intended to improve the
quality of the service.
3.I hope that the ……………... figures for the exhibition A Look into the Future will be high, and include
many people of different ages.
4.The ………………. of basic skills like how to cross the street, or what to do when you get lost, must be
carefully taught at primary school.
5……………………… in these social activities will promote a sense of responsibility in children.
6.Why do you think that the …………………. of the curriculum to each particular class is necessary?
7.Several major companies are ………………………… the project.
XIV. Circle the best answer
1.He suggests that mothers _____________ are employed full-time will not be able to give their children enough
care and attention.
A.which B.who C.whom D.whose
2.The good news is more money _____________ on education in the next five years.
A.will spend B.will be spent C.spends D.is spent
3.Some people say that the role of family _____________ to fit the development of society.
A.will be changed B.changes C.will change D.is changed
4.The PGA, _____________ stands for Professional Golfers’ Association, organises a prestigious golf
championship every year.
A.which B.who C.it D.whom
5.Louis Lassen, _____________ made and sold the first hamburger, was an American chef from Connecticut.
A.which B.he C.whose D.who
6.More open discussions _____________ online to help us reach a good decision.
A.will conduct B.will be conducted C.conducts D.conducted
7.The Mona Lisa, _____________ is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, has caused a lot of disputes.
A.which B.who C.it D.they
8.In the future, men and women _____________ equal roles in society.
A.play B.will be played C.will play D.are playing
XV. Combine two sentences into one. Use the sentence in bracket to make a non-defining relative clause
1.Internationalisation has brought about both opportunities and challenges. (It started fifteen years ago.)
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2.The National Library opens every weekday. (The library is on the second floor.)
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3.Have you ever heard about Captain James Cook? (He mapped a lot of places in the world, including
Australia and New Zealand.)
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4.Smartphones will be used widely in school to support learning. (They help students to write scripts and
make videos.)
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5.Developed countries are helping developing countries. (They are ahead in education and wealth.)
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6.Jack London wrote internationally famous novels like Call of the Wild and White Fang. (He is an
American writer.)
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
XVI. Read the passage and choose the best answer
The changing roles of the modern father
Fathers used to act as the ‘breadwinner’ of their family, and as the teacher of moral and religious values. Today,
however, those roles are gradually changing.
Changes in economic roles
More and more women are going out to work and earn money. This increases the budget of the family. Apart
from that, there are various social welfare programmes which financially assist mothers in supporting their
children. Both these changes have greatly impacted the role of fathers because they make paternal financial
support less essential for many families.
Changes in caregiving roles
With the burden of financial support reduced, and with a changing concept of a father’s role, modern day fathers
tend to be more involved in children’s caregiving. They are now spending more time and energy on their children.
Psychological research across families from all ethnic backgrounds suggests that the influence of a father’s love
and attention is as great as that of a mother’s. Fatherly love helps children develop a sense of their place in the
world, which helps their social and emotional development. Moreover, children who receive more love from their
fathers are less likely to have behavioural problems.
This trend is still increasing and its effects will become clearer and clearer in the future, especially in traditionally
male-dominated societies.
1.Which of these is NOT the traditional role of a father?
A.financial supporter B.teacher of moral values C.religious educator D.caregiver
2.Social welfare programmes ___________.
A.support families financially B.help mothers with domestic abuse
C.educate fathers about their responsibilities D.train caregivers
3.The influence of a mother’s love is ___________ that of the father’s.
A.more important than B.less important than C.much greater than D.as important as
4.Children who get more fatherly love will ___________ behavioural problems.
A.never have any B.have more C.have fewer D.have a lot of
5.The changing roles of the father will be seen more clearly in ___________.
A.ethnic groups B.developed countries
C.economically independent societies D.traditionally male-dominated societies
6.The word ‘various’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.
A.a few B.no C.many D.only
7.The word ‘paternal’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.
A.fatherly B.motherly C.social D.private
8.The word ‘who’ in paragraph 4 refers to ___________.
A.development B.fathers C.mothers D.children
XVII. Combine two sentences into one with a non-defining or defining relative clause
1.Those girls have passed the entrance examination. They will enter university.
→ Those girls ……………………………………………………………………….………………………..
2.Some women get a university degree. They can get a well-paid job.
→ Some women ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
3.Have you heard about For a Brighter Future? It supports women in their fight for employment equality.
→ Have you …………………………………………………………………………………………………?
4.Some fathers only do a part-time job. They can stay at home more often and have a closer relationship
with their children.
→ Some fathers ………………………………………………………………………………………………
5.Viet Nam used to be male-dominated. It now has a large population of employed women.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Grade 9n Unit 12 – My future career
I. Complete each of the following sentences with a collocation in the box.

did a course / took a course doing a nine-to-five job work flexible time
take / do course work overtime earns money / earns a living
1.He decided to ………………. an English ………………….. before going to work in America.
2.I’m ………………………………. I work my eight hours and I don’t have to work overtime.
3.I prefer to ………………………. That allows me time to take my children to school.
4.She …………………………………… by selling vegetables in the village market.
5.She ……………………………. in cooking before taking the post as a chef in the restaurant.
6.Most people in my company are suffering from stress because they are asked to ………………..
II. Complete each of the following sentences with a word / phrase in the box.
craftsmen career pharmacist opera singer mechanic
physicist profession fashion designer architects businesswomen
career path job
1.She dreams of becoming a …………………. because she really likes physics.
2.He has a talent for fixing things, so he is an excellent ……………………….
3.My father is running a pharmacy. He is a ………………………..
4.He wants to become a ……………………….. He’s very interested in fashion and design.
5.As a(n) …………………………, he has many opportunities to perform in the Grand Theatre.
6.Working as ………………………., they design buildings.
7.They have won many big contracts. They are successful …………………………….
8.Working with skilled ………………………. in a pottery village, I learnt a lot about the art form.
9.Throughout his teaching ………………, he worked as a teacher, a researcher and a textbook writer.
10.His …………………… was becoming boring, so he decided to continue with his studies.
11.If you want to enter the teaching ………….., you need to get a teaching degree.
12.She took a different …………………… when she gave up nursing and became a yoga teacher.
III. Match the words 1-4 with their definitions A-D
1.career A. a type of job that needs special training or skills, often at a higher educational level
2.job B. work which a person does to earn money
3.profession C. the way a person progresses in work in one job or in a series of jobs
4.career path D. a series of jobs a person does in a particular work area
IV. Complete each second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first. Write no more than THREE words
1.Although she loves maths, she has decided to become an English teacher.
In spite of ……………………., she has decided to become an English teacher.
2.He studied hard, but he didn’t pass the exam.
Despite ………………………, he didn’t pass the exam.
3.Even though he is lazy, he was given the job.
Despite his ………………………, he was given the job
4.Although he is short, he has been accepted into the volleyball team.
Despite ………………………….., he has been accepted into the volleyball team.
5.Even though she has poor health, she works twelve hours a day.
In spite of her ……………………., she works twelve hours a day.
V. Circle the correct words or phrases in bold. Sometimes both options are correct
1.The man offered to give/giving me the job.
2.She managed to pass/passing the exam for that top school.
3.The students discussed to choose/choosing a career.
4.Did your teacher mention to take/taking vocational courses?
5.The company refuses to employ/employing poorly qualified applicants.
6.The teacher continued to talk/talking about job opportunities when the principal came in.
VI. Circle the best answer
1.The school is expected ___________ good citizens for society.
A.to provide B.provide C.providing
2.The school headmaster promised ___________ practical study programmes to students.
A.to offer B.offer C.offering
3.The company admitted ___________ the employee unfairly.
A.to dismiss B.dismiss C.dismissing
4.She doesn’t mind ___________ hard to reach her career goals.
A.work B.to work C.working
5.It may be too late to begin ___________ vocational skills after you leave school.
A. learnt B.learn C.learning
6.Many more students tend ___________ in vocational schools than in senior secondary schools.
A.enrolling B.to enroll C.enrol
VII. Use the correct form of the verb in bracket
1.Oh, no! I forgot ………………….. the door! (LOCK)
2. I don’t remember ……………… you at the job fair last year. (MEET)
3.I’ve been trying …………….. the employment office, but no one is answering! (CONTACT)
4.Did you remember ………………… your CV? It’s the deadline this morning. (SEND)
5.I will never forget ……………… so hard to become an architect. (WORK)
6.Please, stop ………………... The library is a quiet space. (TALK)
7.Why don’t you try …………. your CV to the company? They are looking for people like you. (POST)
8.She stopped reading ……………………… the phone. (ANSWER)
VIII. Complete each second sentence using the right form of the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Write
between two and five words
1.The boy finally succeeded in dealing with his peers at the vocational school. (manage)
→ The boy ……………………………….. his peers at the vocational school.
2.She tried hard to cooperate with the others in the team to finish the work. (attempt)
→ She …………………………………… others in the team to finish the work.
3.Although he made efforts in his work, he wasn’t promoted.(in spite of)
→ He wasn’t promoted …………………. efforts in his work.
4.The boss said he didn’t bully the new employee. (deny)
→ The boss …………………………………………….. employee.
5.Although the man was qualified for the job, he wasn’t accepted. (Despite)
→ ………………………………………………………. for the job, he wasn’t accepted.
IX. Read the passage and do the tasks
A career used to be understood as a single occupation that people did to earn a living. However, in the changing
world of work, nowadays people have to keep learning and be responsible for building their future. Therefore, a
career is now considered more than a job. Rather, it is an ongoing process of learning and development of skills
and experience. Choosing a career path is hard – you have to consider many things. Firstly, you should consider
what you like, what is most important to you, what you are good at and who is there to help you. For example,
you may care mostly about earning as much money as possible or you may want to experience job satisfaction, or
make a difference to society. Then, you should take into account education and learning styles. You may want to
follow an academic route of high school, then college or university. Alternatively, you may opt for vocational
training where you learn skills which can be applied directly to a job. Thirdly, you should do your own research to
explore possible career paths. For instance, career paths in education include teaching, curriculum development,
research or administration. Finally, speak to people. Your parents, your teachers, and even your peers can give
you good advice.
a. Match the words a-5 with their meanings 1-5
a.ongoing 1.the route that you take through your working life
b.career path 2.people of the same age or same social status as you
c.take into account 3.non-stop
d.alternatively 4.as another option
e.peers 5.consider something carefully
b. Decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
1.A career no longer means a single job.
2.Your parents will be responsible for your job or career.
3.Before choosing a career, you have to get all necessary education and training.
4.You can choose a job based on your likes, your abilities and priorities.
5.If you follow a vocational education, you learn specific skills to do a job.
6.It is advisable to get advice before you decide on a future job.
X. Match the words 1-6 with their definitions A-F
1.business person A. a scientist who studies biology
2.customer service staff B. a person who brings out new clothing designs
3.tour guide C. a person who works in the business world
4.architect D. a person who deals with customers before, during, and after a sale
5.biologist E. a person who introduces cultures and customs of places to visitors
6.fashion designer F. a person who designs buildings
XI. Match fragments 1-8 with fragments A-H to make sentences
1.She did various jobs to earn A. a course in design.
2.Because he does a B. the job for some extra income.
3.I prefer to work C. overtime for a month now.
4.My friend is doing D. money but also gain satisfaction.
5.Doing a job well means you will not just earn E. nine-to-five job, he has the whole evening with the kids.
6.Although the pay is low, he agreed to take F. flexitime because I am more efficient in the afternoon.
7.He is exhausted because he's been working G. the job to gain experience.
8.He decided to take H. a living and to support her mother.
XII. Complete each of the following sentences with a word / phrase in the box.

dynamic vocational empathetic took into account

academic subjects professional burnt the midnight oil make a bundle
1.Students need some ………………….. skills before they enter the world of work.
2.She’s a/an ……………………. businesswoman. She has so much energy and focus.
3.He is such a/an ………………… nurse that the patients love him.
4.I feel we have too many ……………………………. and not enough time for physical education.
5.I …………………………… the pay and the working conditions before I decided to take the job.
6.He has become a ………………………….. footballer for the local football team.
7.He has ………………………………. for a long time so it’s fair if he gets an A for his final exam.
8.He’s a professional singer. With his beautiful voice, he could ………………………….
XIII. Use the correct form of the verb in bracket
1.He forgot ……………………….. (lock) the door so he lost his laptop.
2.I tried …………………… (work) in a garage but I found it was unsuitable.
3.The boss denied ……………………. (treat) him badly.
4.The employees expected ……………………… (get) a pay rise.
5.The manager encouraged her staff ………………………… (finish) the project soon.
6.The interviewer remembered …………………….. (read) the interviewee’s CV before.
XIV. Correct the italicised phrases where necessary
I have always wanted to work in a big city where I thought I could make a bundle. It’s not easy for
anyone to get a good job there without trying (1) working hard right from secondary school. Thus,
I (2) promised myself to make the most of my school time. Despite (3) to be an outgoing boy,
I (4) refused to attend any parties or picnics. I didn’t (5) mind to burn the midnight oil before the exams
and I (6) managed getting As for most of my school subjects. Finally, I was (7) admitted to study in a
medical university in a big city. After graduating, I accepted an (8) offer working in the university.
Despite (9) prefer working as a doctor in a famous hospital, I agreed (10) to take the job and I grew to
love it. Now I realise that it is the love for the job that matters more than money.
.XV. Match the jobs in A with their responsibilities in B
1.biologist A.I do the cleaning in a big hotel.
2.event planner B.I have to ensure that customers are satisfied with the accommodation provided.
3.housekeeper C.I provide customers with information about our products and deal with
4.tour guide customers’ complaints.
5.lodging manager D.I plan celebrations like fairs, parades, weddings, reunions, birthdays, and
6.customer service staff anniversaries.
E.I specialise in zoology, the study of animals.
F.I introduce the cultural and natural points of interest of a place to visitors.
XVI. Complete each of the following sentences with a word / phrase in the box.

career path mechanic architects occupation

fashion designer opera singer career profession
1. He’s a talented …………………………….. His new collection has won a prestigious prize.
2. I have decided to choose the medical ………………….., as advised by my mother.
3. To decide on a ……………. choice, one has to consider one’s interests as well as one’s ability to do it.
4. Can you fill in the ……………………. box on this form with the title of your job?
5. To be a …………………., one must be interested in machinery and good with his/her hands.
6. You will have to train your voice harder if you want to become a professional ……………………..
7. The construction projects enable ………………….. to make a bundle.
8. Choosing a ……………………. without any guidance is like standing at a T-junction without a map.
XVII. Complete each of the following sentences with a word / phrase in the box. Make changes if necessary

earn money work overtime get a promotion work flexitime

make progress take a course make a fortune do a nine-to-five job
1. She prefers to……………………………. because she can start and finish work earlier so that she can
pick up her children from school.
2. She works hard to…………………………..…. to support her three children.
3. After he set up his business, he…………………………………. .
4. I haven’t ……………………… in my studies because I spent too little time on them.
5. You can ………………………. in business management if you don’t want to get a job right now.
6. He is exhausted now since he has…………………. every day for the last two weeks.
7. It’s 5 p.m. now, so he’ll be back soon. He ……………………………….
8. ……………………………means you have more responsibility and a higher paid post.
XVIII. Choose the correct words or phrases in bold
1.His father promised to send/sending him overseas if he chose biology as a major.
2.They expect more students to enrol/enrolling in their school.
3.My friend offered to train/training me to be a skilled repairman.
4.The farmer stopped to hire/hiring those people because they were lazy.
5.The company will continue to provide/providing on-the-job training.
6.Finally, the interviewer mentioned to offer/offering me a trial period of two months.
7.If you manage to win/winning the contract, I'll offer you a promotion.
8.The class kept to discuss/discussing how to choose a career for weeks.
XIX. Circle the best answer
1.I said that I remembered _____________ with him in a handicraft village, but he said I was mistaken.
A.to work B.working C.work
2.Don’t forget _____________ your identity card with you to the interview.
A.taking B.take C.to take
3.Would you mind _____________ me through to the manager, please?
A.putting B.to put C.put
4.Remember _____________ smartly when you attend an interview.
A.dress B.to dress C.dressing
5.I tried _____________ some essential skills before applying for that job.
A.to master B.master C.mastered
6.My boss promised _____________ me a pay rise but he broke the promise.
A.give B.giving C.to give
7.He admitted not _____________ his colleagues well.
A.to treat B.treating C.treat
8.The company tends _____________ people with higher qualifications.
A.to employ B.employ C.employing
XX. Complete each blank with an appropriate form of the verbs from the box
find say be reply increase work focus admire
I still remember getting my first part-time job, as a craftsman in a pottery village, when I was fifteen. On my
very first day, I met a boy of my age. He seemed (1) …………. cold and reserved, and didn’t look up from his
pottery when I came in. He just kept (2) ………….. very hard. He didn’t even bother (3) …………….. when I
said hello to him. Despite (4) ……………..him for his skill at making pottery, I found it unpleasant to work with
such a quiet man. I tried (5) …………………. out why he didn’t want to talk, but he
refused (6) …………… anything except when it was related to work. I finally learned that it was not because he
didn’t like me, but because the boss expected us (7) …………….. on the job. The boss also
promised (8) …………… his salary if he could produce some beautiful pottery items. In spite of the short time
that we worked together, I will never forget him.
XXI. Complete the second sentence in each pair using the word given so that is has a similar meaning to the first. Write
between two and five words
1.I attempted to get a promotion and I finally got it. (TRIED)
I ………………………….. a promotion and I finally got it.
2.He said he didn’t give out the staff’s personal data. (DENIED)
He …………………………….. the staff’s personal data.
3.‘I know you hoped I would become a nurse, but that’s not what I want,’ said the girl to her mother.(REFUSED)
The girl ……………………………. a nurse as her mother had hoped.
4.I never stay up late because it’s not good for my health. (AVOID)
I ……………………………… because it’s not good for my health.
5.I am interested in working in a multicultural environment. (ENJOY)
I ……………………………… multicultural environment.
6.I will not go to university. I would rather work to earn money. (START)
I will ……………………………….. to earn money instead of going to university.
XXII. Complete the conversation below with the statements (A-G)
A. Thanks. I improved my accent during the time I worked in the international school.
B. Once in a while I might meet a rude student, or a disobedient one.
C. Well, that school is too far from my house.
D. I was lucky to get some training at the international school, too.
E. I was patient and tolerant with them. I believed that when they saw how much I cared about them, they would
change their ways.
F. Thank you.
G. Yes, I taught English for six years at a state school before I started to work in an international school.
Interviewer: Please take a seat.
Nick: (1) …………………………………..
Interviewer: So let’s get down to business. I understand from your CV that you have a lot of teaching experience.
Nick: (2) …………………………………..
Interviewer: I see. You speak English very well. You almost have a British accent.
Nick: (3) …………………………………..
Interviewer: You also said in your CV that you have many skills.
Nick: (4) …………………………………..
Interviewer: Did you have any problems with the students there?
Nick: (5) …………………………………..
Interviewer: And how did you deal with them?
Nick: (6) …………………………………..
Interviewer: That sounds great! So why do you want to start working at our school?
Nick: (7) …………………………………..
Interviewer: I see. Will you be willing to do a three month trial period here?
Nick: ...
Grade 9n Review 4
I. Use correct form of the words given in brackets to complete the sentences
1.In the future, teachers will be ……………………... rather than knowledge providers. (FACILITATE)
2.With rapid scientific ……………….…, people will soon be able to inhabit other planets. (DEVELOP)
3.To become a skilled repairman, you need some special vocational …………………. (TRAIN)
4.This morning’s ………………… of the space shuttle has been delayed. (LAUNCH)
5.He had been an ……………. salesman before he decided to set up his own business. (EXPERIENCE)
6.We will be responsible for our studies, so our teacher won’t have to check ……………... (ATTEND)
7.In our vocational training course, students will be the ……………... of their own work. (EVALUATE)
8.There were over one hundred ……………………………. at the forum.(PARTICIPATE)
II. Complete each of the following sentences with a word / phrase in the box.

mountains of work work flexitime sense of direction make a bundle

burn the midnight oil once in a blue moon The sky’s the limit sense of responsibility

1.My mother chooses to ………………… instead of a nine-to-five job so that she can have more time for
us in the morning.
2.Without a good ……………………, you may be helpless when you are lost on a totally new planet.
3.Men used to be the breadwinners in our country, but now women go to work and many of them ………
4.Those students had to ……………………… before they became successful physicists.
5.Things have changed! Our teacher only checks attendance ………………………….
6.There are numerous jobs in tourism and hospitality for you to choose. ………………………!
7.Students can expect to be more successful if they have a …………………….. for their own learning.
8.In the modern world, women seem to have ………………………, both at home and at work.
III. Use the correct form of the verb in bracket
1.What kind of food do astronauts avoid ……………………. (eat)?
2.Which roles are women expected ……………………… (play) in the future?
3.She began ……………………………… (work) as a biologist three years ago.
4.Students tend ………………………… (be) more responsible for their studies.
5.Men no longer mind ……………………….. (do) housework.
6.Women have attempted ………………………… (share) the financial burden with their spouses.
7.Astronauts never forget ………………….. (float) around in the weightless environment.
8.He stopped ………………………….. (check) attendance as his students are hard-working.
IV. Combine two sentences into one with a non-defining or defining relative clause
1.My grandfather used to be an astronaut. He has been retired for ten years now.
My grandfather, ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
2.The spacecraft is called Vostok 3KA. It took Yuri Gagarin into space.
The spacecraft ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.She likes her father’s career. Her father pursued this career all his life.
She likes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. He admires the teacher. That teacher initiated building the school library.
He admires …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5.I work for a man. The man’s farm covers thousands of acres.
I work ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6.Students will have to make their own learning decisions. This will be hard for many of them.
Students ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
V. Read the text and match the headings with the correct paragraphs and

A. Initial qualifications B. On-the-job duties C. Introduction D. Further training

1. I never had any idea about how much training NASA’s astronauts need until I read a magazine which described
their job requirements and duties.
2. The astronauts need to have an advanced degree from a prestigious institution in engineering, biological
science, physical science, or mathematics. They also have to pass a physical test which is as rigorous as a military
3. Astronauts are required to complete a special training programme, which normally lasts for two years, before
they are allowed to fly into space. During the first flight, they must fly with astronauts who are extremely
experienced in flying jet aircraft.
4. While they are in space, they have to be prepared to make repairs to their spacecraft or space
station, which is not an easy task. Exterior repairs, which involve leaving the interior in a special
suit and spacewalking to troubled areas, can be very hard. Astronauts also have to do scientific
research in space. They do experiments together with Earth-based scientists, who consult with
them on how to deal with the challenges of research in space.
1.NASA's astronauts are well-qualified people.
2.NASA doesn't have any special physical requirements.
3.Astronauts are allowed to fly on their own after two years of special training.
4.Astronauts and scientists move together to troubled areas to make repairs.
5.Astronauts consult with Earth-based scientists on how to deal with challenges during space research.
.VI. Circle the best answer
1.In _____________, students can study a work sector like applied business, design, health, or tourism.
A.vocational subjects B.academic subjects C.applied approach D.schedule
2.What will you do to earn _____________?
A.life B.a living C.a job D.a career
3.I wish I could take _____________ where I can experience microgravity.
A.a parabolic flight B.an ocean cruise C.an express train D.flying course
4.In the near future, a teacher will act more like a(n) _____________ than a giver of knowledge.
A.instructor B.facilitator C.speaker D.listener
5.Astronomy studies _____________ and objects in it like the Moon and the Sun.
A.the Moon B.the planet C.the universe D.the Earth
6.Beyond 2030 is a forum _____________ allows students to share their vision of the future.
A.who B.it C.which D.and
7._____________ are the secondary education certificates awarded to students between the ages of 14 to 16.
A.Academic subjects B.GCSEs C.Careers D.SATs
8.Will lessons ever _____________ in places other than traditional classrooms?
A.deliver B.learnt C.be learning D.be delivered
9.These red buttons are only used in case of _____________.
A.emergency B.hurry C.rain D.sickness
10.I’m interested in doing _____________ so I can stay at home in the evening.
A.night-shifts B.an evening course C.something adventurous D.a nine-to-five job

VII. Use correct form of the words given in brackets to complete the sentences
1.It’s not easy ………………….. both academic and vocational subjects at the same time. (STUDY)
2.The research project How women are changing the fashion industry will be ……………. by the end of
this year. (COMPLETE)
3.A student’s academic performance at school increases his/her chance of ……….. university. (ENTER)
4.The modern father will soon learn ………………… the housework with his wife. (SHARE)
5.The man doesn’t mind ………………… overtime as long as he earns enough for his family. (WORK)
6.The boy managed ………………….. with his peers at the vocational school. (DEAL)
7.My niece is planning ………………. an architect because she likes designing buildings. (BE)
8.Russia /already ……………………..…… a dog named Laika into space when the USA sent Neil
Armstrong. (LAUNCH)
9.We have the same goal of ………………… school students learn more from real life. (SEE)
10.The crew in the spacecraft spend their day ……………………science experiments. (DO)
VIII. Combine the sentences using the words in bracket
1.A fascinating change for women happened in the mid-20th century. It was their increasing involvement
in social life. ( WHICH)
2.I visited the Astronomy Museum. There I was able to touch a meteorite. (WHERE)
3.Dennis Tito was an American millionaire. He became the first space tourist after 900 hours of training.
4.He is performing well at school. He does not know what he will choose as his future career.
5.He made a lot of effort at work. He was not promoted. (IN SPITE OF)
IX. Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it
1. Jupiter, who is the largest planet in our solar system, has more gravity than Earth.
2. Fifteen years of age is too early choosing a career, isn’t it?
3. Although the low wage, he agreed to take the job.
4. My friend Russ is interested in to work in advertising.
5. Can you talk more about Neil Armstrong, that was the first man to walk on the Moon?
6. I believe the biggest change in educational will take place within the school.
7. Women get jobs to support their families as well as to be independently.
8. Teenagers will be participated in important decisions concerning their lives.
9. Recalling his first flight into space in 2006, Christer Fuglesang from Sweden said: ‘From
above, the Earth didn’t look as big as we think.’
10. Classes will be held in places like fast food restaurants, which students will learn how to run a

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