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Account Statement (Online) = = MEEZAN DANK LIMITED Print Date : KHEWAT NO 448 KHATOON! NO 779 789 BADSHAH PUR ROAD MALAKWAL, STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT _ Ota Account No: ADRISH SHANEAD count no: currency From bate Toate: PO KHAS OHOK KAS! TTEWAND DISTT MO DIN-PARISTAN 03428489284 Generated Page | of 1 APR 2022 10.3447 PSSMEzN0098600104230702 ‘104330702 Pakistan Rupee 13 Fen 2022, 13 aPR2022 SHOUKET.25742 pares | avenna” aver Cntne cash wiheranat | {on momaaoNNRseH sero | osvos22 01/03/22 Payment of Profit 529.97 | eveve oven Wotholdng Tax Dee asa | ne-o1onorez | ana | owowzz — osrowee cas depose 2,000.0 | eaestt | ovowar — owrounz Charges Tees Ps FD 232.0 soc CURceS { ‘VISA Annual Fee 2022 | owvowz2 — osrouna = “1450.00 | Wa Ano Fee 2022 | aoc cranes 4 anual Fee 2022 | osroaaz — ovvoaraz Payment of Profit 164 cwroaree —or/oarz Wielding Tax Debit 248 acoroano7e2 70156 raeane— raeun Onin Cash Deposit 150,000.00 (2) mANDBAHAUODINBRANCH 162610 | <= CLOSING- BALANCES sso7erss | Teta No, of Creat Transaction a | Total, of Debt Trenacton 3 | Total credit Turnover, 152,531.64 | Teta Debit Turnover Moira ek orate ork rge Hebe BAN npg om | [7 epectregics of state Banko atinan (S80), pene ‘fol Gin the newer! Mecron Bart Brosch toa rebate anrwcmeceannkcom tar OA ted 2.iase note tha at ps SEP Prades Regutions tacneslharny ‘ot sbowed in acecars opened and mantained wih banca i anengeand person oe ‘opt menaanl over 68 yous fae sSomesd pldarces relate transactions and/or any cy forthe purpose ef ealcin of donations is 3 tfyour CAC has expired afer opening of your account, Kindly provide ws an rested eopy othe valid CC at your ere. This requirement dors nt 9 et casted as Dormant Accoud.m order to have your dormant |4.As per preatig es and regulations, any account ot eoeated force lec Wamv account reams opereiv fora peed 0 yeos sea become ‘Scbunt seated handy your branch eng with og a Bening Companies Ordnance 1962 j |], scnedindeltstnendedtiRP ange psc! | | SiSemetesiespas rset Sco yumoy oer tnt Pas ae img MR er now barkingmohtaa goupk wth Ao ich hii A eas Hep roe ALG eLUh L esr ge delta ons ty S goer eeyting tenet mowers pr tek ithe em ar erm nh eer Re wittlihreurtat ive buses verb aNQSWiel Lnseroatid tow SBEPGS Lat iw CORPO CENT HO TAT REED | : Scanned with CamScanner

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