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Tara Mechée Xe is becn iC rao ae keit €or ne How is Hees diferent from ofher tattooed and pierced people? 4. Where does Leoparg Man live? ea Ee e by \WwimSe le thos wa cai th Whé wiblenes 5. According to Feys, what kind of people does society fear? Why? on = S & PEAS hae, ye At Greyt. 6. What eG rola Ine ofl Dut dangerbis psychological disorder” (pa. 6)? a re rgument in on paragraph. ia rh 7 7. Why is Leopard Man so happy? =. 4 ecause \e GGyee at al presse 8. What is Feys’ fir ‘final message to the reader? What does he want the reader to do? Orne Kulbile leave phe ive uene o&sadely. Quickwrite ‘Take 5-10 minutes to write about your understanding of the text at this Point. What is the text about? What is your opinion of the author's main Point ‘so far? What parts confuse you? Why? = re ction ut $e ga harvyvinua, AgYe eC teh SY Ee cs betel) cole Note ig CovPuses med CSU Expository Reading and Writing Modules Leopard Man — Student Version | 2 ya Mohee Leg 87/2029 Activity 3: Annotating and Questioning the Text Evglish Reread the text, and complete the following assignment: 1. Highlight and label the following points in the essay in the left-hand margin: + Introduction + Issue or problem being addressed + Author's main arguments + Author's examples + Conclusion 2. Write in the right-hand margin your reactions to what the author is saying. 3. Highlight in another color any places where you were confused. Activity 4: Analyzing Stylistic Choices The questions below about the author's use of words and sentences will help you understand how the text works. Words 1, What is the definition of “non-conformists" (par. 2)? What image comes to your mind when you hear this word? ole who don't Chi IALAS a ple TAO gene, or ae nangh mine when you hear those were o ne. 2 we € + u feel? What image comes to te 5 P, 2 wher wees. ala cen freak sotcky, Mn Sentences 1. What does Feys mean when he says, “Most anti-social freaks, in their obsession with displaying their freakishness, are just as dependent on others’ opinions as approval- seeking socialites” (par. 2)? Explain what_he means in this statement. He means Twat These “creak? are SuGi as Quilty 99 CORE SANS. CSU Expository Reading and Writing Modules Leopard Man — Student Version | 3 PALA DBPL 317/3p0 ral, 2. In paragraph 4, Feys says, “society looks down upon freakish and extraordinary individuals alike and views them with suspicion.” Who is he talking about when he says “freakish and extraordinary individuals"? eo, v 3, Are thd aSrtenbe ir HE essay mosly long or shor? Are they complex or simple? What effect might these choices of the author have on the pate Long aff plex. IT ya abe s sr Soyid Widivc it alece sat Activity 8: Thinking Critically The following questions and activities will give you a deeper understanding of Feys’ essay and help you discover how logos, ethos, and pathos work. Answer the questions as thoroughly as you can. Then, complete the quickwrite that follows, Questions about Logic (Logos) 1. What are the major claims or assertions made in this reading? Do you agree with the author's claim that people who try to look different are really looking for attention and approval from society? Explain four ans\ enciete Unity lent < doy oh WVea's. do aAdvee 4th We autho. 2. Do any claims appear to be weak or unsupported? Which ones? What makes you think they are unsupported? Ni 3. wpa counterarguments does the author not consider? ua? 4, Do you think the author has left something out on purpose? Explain your answer. No Questions about the Writer (Ethos) 1 Vee author knowledgeable on this subject? How do you know? es CSU Expository Reading and Writing Modules Leopard Man — Student Version | 4 2. What does the authors language tell the reader about him? Ergiish We fe at lige yy 3. Dges the author seem trustworthy? Why or why not? 5 be ca G8 \ne woes cel iable 4. Does the author seem serious? In what ways?

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