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de la Cruz, Gea Nelcy B.

BSMA 2-B SSCI 7 – Module 1 Output

Copy and paste a picture (which shows the values of patriotism or nationalism) from
the internet and write a short explanation about the picture.

Image by Freepik from an article in Interaksyon Philstar Website

The picture shows both patriotism and nationalism as it shows love for one’s country
and it presents loyalty to the nation. It is patriotism in which they stand proud holding
a flag in which they represent their love and respect to the country. It is also
nationalism as it shows that they are wearing a traditional clothing that represents
cultural identity. It is important to be open to the country’s culture, history, symbols,
and traditions. It is essential to build a strong, inclusive, and peaceful society.
de la Cruz, Gea Nelcy B. BSMA 2-B SSCI 7 – Module 3 Output

Make a photo collage about Rizal's life in Dapitan and write a short description of the
pictures in the collage.

Photo Credits: Google

José Rizal's exile to Dapitan, a remote town in Mindanao, Philippines, was a defining
chapter in his life. Many tourists who are interested in touring historical places begin
their exploration at the Rizal Landing Site, which marks the beginning of his exile.
Rizal continued writing during his exile despite restrictions, working on his unfinished
novel, "El Filibusterismo." Rizal's medical skills continued to serve others, even as he
successfully performed eye surgery on his mother. His experience in Dapitan
demonstrated his constant commitment to education, science, and service.

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