2019 - Development of The Specific Emission Factors For Buses in Hanoi, Vietnam

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Development of the specific emission factors

for buses in Hanoi, Vietnam

Trung-Dung Nghiem, Yen-Lien

T. Nguyen, Anh-Tuan Le, Ngoc-Dung
Bui & Huu-Tuyen Pham

Environmental Science and Pollution


ISSN 0944-1344
Volume 26
Number 23

Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019)

DOI 10.1007/s11356-019-05634-9

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Author's personal copy
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2019) 26:24176–24189


Development of the specific emission factors for buses in Hanoi,

Trung-Dung Nghiem 1 & Yen-Lien T. Nguyen 1,2 & Anh-Tuan Le 3 & Ngoc-Dung Bui 4 & Huu-Tuyen Pham 3

Received: 22 January 2019 / Accepted: 29 May 2019 / Published online: 21 June 2019
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

This paper develops the specific emission factors for buses in the real-world traffic conditions in the inner city of Hanoi, Vietnam.
An engine stationary cycle consisting of 14 modes was developed based on the typical driving cycle of Hanoi buses which had
been constructed with the application of Markov chain theory. This is the first engine stationary emissions test cycle constructed
for heavy-duty engine in Vietnam. Based on this cycle, the country-specific emission factors (CSEFs) of air pollutants including
CO, HC, NOx, CO2, and PM for buses in Hanoi have been developed using the emission measurements on the engine test bed. It
is found that almost all developed emission factors are higher than those derived from the emission measurements to the ECE
R49 on the same engine. These emission factors, therefore, can be used to improve the quality of the emission inventory of buses
in Hanoi.

Keywords Emission factor . Exhaust measurement . Engine dynamometer testing . Engine stationary cycle . Bus . Hanoi

Introduction 2015). Developing the public transport system using buses

has been considered as a solution to improve the air quality
The transport sector is one of the main sources of air pollutants in Vietnam in recent years. For the period of 2001 to 2017, the
in big cities, especially in developing countries including number of bus routes, the fleet, and the number of passengers
Vietnam (Elkafoury et al. 2016; Grigoratos and Martini in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, have been increased 3, 4.2,

Highlights •An engine stationary cycle consisting of 14 modes for buses

in Hanoi, called HBSC, was constructed.
•The exhaust emissions were measured on the D1146TI diesel engine
under the HBSC.
•The country-specific emission factors for buses in Hanoi were
•Emission factors determined to the HBSC are higher than those to the
R49 cycle.
•High correlations between the emission rate of CO, NOx, CO2, and the
engine power were observed.
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-05634-9) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.

* Trung-Dung Nghiem 2
Faculty of Transport Safety and Environment, University of
dung.nghiemtrung@hust.edu.vn Transport and Communications, 3 Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam
* Yen-Lien T. Nguyen 3
nylien@utc.edu.vn School of Transportation Engineering, Hanoi University of Science
and Technology, 1 Dai Co Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam

1 4
School of Environmental Science and Technology, Hanoi University Faculty of Information Technology, University of Transport and
of Science and Technology, 1 Dai Co Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam Communications, 3 Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam
Author's personal copy
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:24176–24189 24177

and 28.7 times, respectively (Ministry of Transport 2018). vehicle driving characteristics are converted into a number
However, the operation of the bus system is not really effec- of bins; each bin denotes an appropriate emission level of
tive due to poor transportation infrastructure, frequent traffic the vehicle. According to Boutler et al. (2007), the dynamic
jams, poor vehicle maintenance, low fuel quality, and old ve- deviation of the emission signals was not taken into account
hicles not meeting the emission standards. Therefore, bus during the development of “unadjusted” models. Therefore, in
transport is still a significant emitter of air pollutants including the approach of those studies, the vehicle emission character-
PM, NOx, CO, and SO2, affecting the air quality of the city. As istics cannot be fully captured. In an effort to reflect better the
a result, levels of PM10 and PM2.5 in the urban areas of Hanoi emission characteristics of vehicles in Vietnam, Ta et al.
exceeded Vietnam ambient air quality standards on more than (2010), Tung et al. (2011), and Le et al. (2012) used emission
20% of the total days of the year (MONRE 2016). This leads measurement under the controlled conditions in the laboratory
to a need for the emission inventory of buses to serve as a based on the local driving cycles. This technique is usually
scientific basis for integrated air quality management in the used for the type approach of vehicle and engine because of its
city. superiority, and the results of emission measurement obtained
Emission factor (EF) is a useful tool to estimate the level of in this method are used to develop and adjust the emission
pollutant released from a specific source; hence, it is widely models. In other words, this is an ideal approach to CSEF
used in the emission inventory. For vehicles, EF is dependent development in the transport sector once the local driving
on several factors including the type and age of the vehicles, cycle has been developed (Franco et al. 2013). However, the
air pollution control technologies, the type and quality of previous studies using this approach in Vietnam dealt with
fuels, inspection and maintenance (I/M) conditions, ambient motorcycles and LDV only, but not heavy-duty vehicles
air conditions, and their operating conditions. Therefore, using (HDVs) including buses. In addition, the method of local
EFs derived from other countries or organizations would not driving cycle development used in those studies was based
fully reflect the local vehicle emission characteristics of only on the clustering and combination algorithm of
Vietnam. Meaning that, the use of the country-specific emis- microtrips. Therefore, the operating modes’ frequency distri-
sion factors (CSEFs) instead of values adopted from other bution of the real-world driving data is not fully captured (Lin
countries can reduce the level of uncertainty in national emis- and Niemeier 2003). For this reason, in our study, the local
sion inventories (LEAD 2013). In addition, the real-world driving cycle constructed based on Markov chain theory was
emission of the vehicle is always higher than the emission used for the vehicle emission measurement. This approach has
limits used in type approval (Peitzmeier et al. 2017). been being applied for the driving cycle construction in many
Therefore, for air quality management, the development of recent studies such as Bishop et al. (2012), Brady and
CSEFs is very important. O'Mahony (2013), and Ashtari et al. (2014).
At present, studies on the development of EFs for road The vehicle emission measurement under the controlled
vehicles in Vietnam are still scarce. Most of them including conditions in laboratories based on the local driving cycle is
Nguyen et al. (2011), Oanh et al. (2012), Nghiem et al. (2013), the ideal approach for CSEF development (Franco et al.
Nghiem and Ho (2014), Trang et al. (2015), and Nguyen and 2013). This measurement is conducted by chassis dynamom-
Nghiem (2017) used the simulation method of vehicle emis- eter tests or engine dynamometer tests. However, chassis dy-
sion, in which, based on the collected real-world driving data, namometer testing on HDVs is quite limited because the cost
the EFs for motorcycles, light-duty vehicles (LDVs), and bus- for this experiment is quite high. Thus, the engine dynamom-
es were developed using the International Vehicle Emission eter tests on HDVs are used more popularly (Franco et al.
(IVE) model provided by the US Environmental Protection 2013). The engine stationary and transient cycles are used in
Agency (US EPA). The emission models are usually devel- the engine dynamometer tests. According to the European
oped relying on experimental data collected in vehicle emis- emission standards, the stationary test cycle ECE R49 is used
sion measurement in certain conditions (Franco et al. 2013). for HDVs which meet the Euro II emission standard, while the
Therefore, in order to obtain the EFs of better quality, it is stationary test cycle (European Stationary Cycle, ESC) and
necessary to adjust the parameters of the models, especially the transient test cycle (European Transient Cycle, ETC) are
when applying the models of developed countries for devel- used for HDVs which meet the emission standards from Euro
oping ones where there is difference in the level of technology, III to Euro V. In Vietnam, the Euro II emission standard has
the quality of fuels, and the driving behavior. However, the been applied for HDVs taken into use prior to 2018, and the
adjustment of model parameters to be in conformity with the Euro IV emission standard has come into effect on HDVs
emission characteristics in Vietnam was not performed be- since 2018 (Government Office 2017). At present, up to
cause of high cost for emission measurement data. In addition, 70% of buses operating in Vietnam are originally put in use
the IVE model is a type of “unadjusted” models based on prior to 2018 (Bus-WebGPS 2018). Therefore, in this study,
engine power demand due to classification as presented in EFs for the buses in Hanoi are determined based on the sta-
the study of Boutler et al. (2007), in which the real-world tionary cycle under the emission test at the Laboratory of
Author's personal copy
24178 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:24176–24189

Internal Combustion Engines, Hanoi University of Science Collection of information on bus fleet in Hanoi
and Technology. This stationary cycle was constructed from
the typical driving cycle of buses in Hanoi, Vietnam. To develop the CSEFs for the buses in Hanoi, it is necessary to
have detailed information on their fleet. This was obtained by
the compilation of data collected from the website of the
Methodology Hanoi Transportation Service Corporation (Bus-WebGPS
2018). Based on the data collected from overall 1830 buses
The overall methodology used to develop EFs for buses in up to November 2017, information on the bus fleet in Hanoi
Hanoi is presented in Fig. 1. was obtained as shown in Fig. 3. As can be seen in Fig. 3, the
Figure 1 shows the whole process of our study to determine average age of buses in Hanoi is 7.5 years and most of them
the CSEFs for buses in Hanoi. Our overall study is divided are HDVs.
into two main parts. The first part is the development of the
typical driving cycle for buses in Hanoi. This part was done Transformation of the transient vehicle cycle
based on the real-world driving data collected along 15 routes into the engine transient cycle
in the inner city using the global positioning system (GPS)
technique. The Markov chain theory was used to synthesize The emission measurement of HDVs using the chassis dyna-
the typical driving cycle for buses in Hanoi. The result of this mometer testing is not available in Vietnam. Therefore, the
part has been published in a separate paper (Nguyen et al. transient vehicle cycle has to be transformed into a transient
2019). According to this result, the typical driving cycle (also engine cycle to measure the emission according to engine
called the transient vehicle cycle) for the buses in Hanoi, dynamometer testing. Transformation of the transient vehicle
namely, HBDC, has the time duration of 3936 s, the average cycle into a transient engine cycle (actual engine speed and
velocity of 16.76 km/h, the maximum speed of 44 km/h, and load versus time) can be performed using a drive train model
the total distance of 18.32 km (Fig. 2). (Giakoumis 2017; Steven 2001). The application of the drive
In this paper, we present the second part of our study, in- train model would request a computer program (Steven 2001);
cluding the steps from the transformation of the transient ve- therefore, the computer program developed by Japanese
hicle cycle into the engine transient cycle to the end of the Ministry of the Environment (JMOE 2002) was used in this
flowchart as highlighted by a blue color in Fig. 1. The tran- study. The C++ version of the program for the diesel engine
sient vehicle cycle was transformed into the engine transient was used in this study. This code was compiled in Microsoft
cycle, and after that, we built the engine stationary cycle and Visual Studio, whereby the instantaneous speed values of the
measured engine emissions under the controlled conditions in vehicle, V(t), were transformed into the instantaneous torque
laboratories to determine the CSEFs. and speed values of the engine, M(t) and n(t), respectively. In

Fig. 1 Overall methodology of Collection and preprocessing of real-world

EF development for buses in driving data
Preprocessed GPS data

Construction driving cycle using Markov


Transient vehicle cycle

Transformation of the transient vehicle cycle

Collection vehicle information
into the engine transient cycle
Algorithms for
transformation of V(t) into
Engine transient cycle

Transformation of the engine transient cycle

into the engine stationary cycle

Engine stationary cycle

Engine dynamometer test

Emission factors
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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:24176–24189 24179


Velocity (km/h) 40




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Time (s)
Fig. 2 The typical driving cycle of the buses in Hanoi (Nguyen et al. 2019)

this code, the normalized engine speed and torque are defined dynamic characteristics was performed to determine several
as follows (JMOE 2002). points of the maximum engine torque according to the tech-
n−nidle nical parameters of engine and vehicle which were used in
nnorm ð%Þ ¼  100 ð1Þ this study. The maximum engine torque data are presented in
nrated −nidle
Table 2
T norm ð%Þ ¼  100 ð2Þ & moe_ed12.txt: contains the driving pattern data (the vehi-
T emax cle instantaneous speed versus time, in terms of the typical
driving cycle of the buses in Hanoi) as described in Fig. 2
where nnorm is the normalized engine speed (%), n is the actual
engine speed (rpm), nidle is the idling engine speed (rpm), n-
rated is the rated engine speed (rpm), Tnorm is the normalized Transformation of the engine transient cycle
engine torque (%), Te is the engine torque (Nm), and Temax is into the engine stationary cycle
the maximum engine torque (Nm).
Three input files related to the vehicle specification, the The engine stationary cycle was used for heavy duty engine
maximum engine torque, and the driving pattern are required testing on the engine dynamometer. According to Vietnam
to run this program, including the following: Government’s regulations, buses, which were put into opera-
tion prior to 2018, have to meet the emission standards Euro II
& spec_15.txt: contains the vehicle specification data as pre- with stationary emission testing requirements as said above.
sented in Table 1 Therefore, in the next step of this study, the transient engine
& maxtq_15.txt: includes the maximum engine torque data; cycle above developed has to be transformed into the engine
more than 5 points are advised. Calculation of vehicle stationary cycle.

Fig. 3 The general information 90 4.8

on the bus fleet in Hanoi
Passenger capacity

80 29.9

60 60.0

30 5.3

11 100.11 60.3
Vehicle age

3 14.2

2 25.5

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Percentage (%)
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24180 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:24176–24189

Table 1 The vehicle specification data used in this study engine speed (rpm) where the engine produces 70% of max-
Parameters Values imum power (same as for the European stationary cycles).
The steady-state modes are determined based on the joint
Curb vehicle mass (kg) 10,800 frequency distribution of normalized engine speed and load in
Payload (kg) 16,000 the engine transient cycle for the four engine speed ranges
Persons 80 consisting of the idling engine speed, and the engine speeds
Overall height (m) 3.225 A, B, and C. The specified speeds shall be held within ±
Overall width (m) 2.5 50 rpm. The weighting factors of modes are determined based
Tire rolling radius (m) 0.491 on the frequency of respective modes, not including the points
Number of gear 5 belonging to the motoring phase (same as the European sta-
1st gear ratio 6.589 tionary cycles).
2nd gear ratio 4.002
3rd gear ratio 2.429 Dynamometer testing
4th gear ratio 1.507
5th gear ratio 1 Dynamometer testing was conducted at the Laboratory of
Final gear ratio 4.875 Internal Combustion Engine, School of Transportation
Idling engine speed (rpm) 600 Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
Rated engine speed (rpm) 2200
Highest engine speed (rpm) 2400 Testing engine

The value of parameters is referred to the new D1146TI engine and the The Euro II D1146TI diesel engine was chosen for engine
Daewoo BC212 vehicle type which are widely used in the bus fleet of dynamometer testing after the engine stationary cycle was
constructed. This engine has been put in use at the laboratory
since 2009; therefore, the engine age is suitable for the average
The engine speeds A, B, and C used during the engine age of the bus fleet in Hanoi. The engine specification is pre-
dynamometer testing according to the engine stationary cycle sented in Table 3.
are calculated from the following formulas (DieselNet 2018):
High dynamic engine test bed
A ¼ nlo þ 0:25ðnhi −nlo Þ ð3Þ
B ¼ nlo þ 0:50ðnhi −nlo Þ ð4Þ The test bed is able to conduct experiments for engines with
C ¼ nlo þ 0:75ðnhi −nlo Þ ð5Þ rated power up to 220 kW, maximum torque up to 934 Nm,
and speed up to 8000 rpm. This test bed is connected with
where nlo is the lowest engine speed (rpm) where the engine Coolant Conditioning System 553, Fuel Conditioning 753,
produces 50% of the maximum power, and nhi is the highest Throttle actuator THA 100, Fuel Balance 733S, and many
other equipments to ensure the accuracy of the measurements.
All of these devices were provided by AVL, Austria.
Table 2 The maximum
torque data of D1146TI Engine speed (rpm) Torque (Nm)
diesel engine Exhaust emission sampling and analysis
600 655.2
760 689.3 The engine test bed (ETB) is equipped with the CEBII emis-
920 715.9 sion test bench to measure the emission of gaseous pollutants,
1080 734.8 and the Smoke Meter AVL 415 to determine smoke.
1240 746.2
1400 750.0 Table 3 Specification of D1146TI diesel engine
1560 746.2
Engine type Turbocharged 6 cylinder in line
1720 734.8
1880 715.9 Displacement 8.071 l
2040 689.3 Bore 111 mm
2200 655.2 Stroke 139 mm
Max torque 735 Nm
The engine torque is determined by the
calculation of vehicle dynamic characteris- Max power 150 kW
tics following the new D1146TI engine Compression ratio 16.7:1
and the Daewoo BC212 vehicle
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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:24176–24189 24181

Test fuel where mPM is the particulate mass flow (g/h), Csmoke is the
smoke concentration (g/m3), mexh is the exhaust mass flow
Conventional diesel fuel used in this study was supplied by (g/h), S is the sulfur content in diesel fuel (g/kg), and CHC is
Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex). The fuel the hydrocarbon concentration in exhaust (g/m3).
properties comply with the Vietnam standard for diesel fuel Based on the determined particulate mass flow, the BSEF
used in the diesel engine of motor vehicles-TCVN 5689:2013 of particulate can be calculated as described in Eq. (8)
as presented in Table 4. (Giakoumis 2017).
Ambient air conditions ∑ mPM; j  WF j
EFPM ðg=kWhÞ ¼ n
∑ P j  WF j
The air conditions in the testing room were recorded during j¼1

the experimental period to use in the emission calculations.

The average of temperature and humidity was 24 °C and 74%, where mPM,j denotes the particulate mass flow in the testing
respectively. mode j (g/h).

Emission factor calculations Calculation of the fuel-based emission factor

Calculation of the brake-specific emission factor The fuel-based emission factor (FBEF) can exclude the
effects of vehicle characteristics, for example rated en-
After the completion of the measurements, the mass of each gine power (He et al. 2017), and create favorable con-
pollutant was calculated to the actual work power of the en- ditions for the emission inventory. Therefore, the FBEF
gine. The brake-specific emission factor (BSEF) of gaseous was calculated based on the BSEF and the brake-
pollutants was calculated according to Eq. (6) (Giakoumis specific fuel consumption (BSFC) as presented in Eq.
2017). (9) (Dreher and Harley 1998).
∑ mi; j  WF j FBEFi ¼ ð9Þ
EFi ðg=kWhÞ ¼ n ð6Þ
∑ P j  WF j where FBEFi is the fuel-based emission factor of pol-
j¼1 lutant i (g/kg-fuel), BSEFi is the brake-specific emission
factor of pollutant i (g/kWh), and BSFC is the average
where mi,j denotes the mass flow of pollutant i emitted in the brake-specific fuel consumption (kg-fuel/kWh).
testing mode j (g/h), Pj denotes the power produced by engine
in the testing mode j (kW), WFj denotes the weighting factors Calculation of the distance-based emission factor
of testing modes.
In this study, the mass of particulates was calculated based In order to make specific EFs more useful and applica-
on the measured smoke because there is a correlation of ble in the emission inventories, the distance-based emis-
smoke, soot, and particulates (Lakshminarayanan and Aswin sion factor (DBEF) was also developed based on the
2016; Pham et al. 2009; Zhang et al. 2013). The smoke was emission rate of D1146TI engine and the real-world
measured in the form of the filter smoke number (FSN) and driving characteristics as the following equation (He
the smoke concentration (g/m3) in all testing modes. et al. 2017):
Then, the mass flow of particulate in each testing mode was
calculated following Eq. (7) as presented in the study of 3600  ERi
DBEFi ¼ ð10Þ
Lakshminarayanan and Aswin (2016). v

mPM ¼ 1:024  C smoke  mexh þ 0:1  S  mfuel þ 0:1  C HC  mexh where DBEFi denotes the distance-based emission factor
of pollutant i (g/km), ERi is the emission rate of pollutant i
(g/s), and v is the average velocity of vehicle (km/h). The
average velocity of the vehicle is determined based on the
Table 4 Main properties
of the tested fuel Sulfur content (mg/kg) ≤ 350 real-world driving data which have been collected using
Cetane index ≥ 48 the GPS technique.
Distillation 90% (°C) ≤ 360 For this approach, regression models describing the rela-
Flash point (°C) ≥ 55 tionship between the engine emission rate and its power must
Density 15 °C (kg/m3) 820–850 be firstly developed based on the data of emission rate and
engine power collected in the emission measurement process.
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24182 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:24176–24189

After that, the average emission rate is determined based on Results and discussion
the actual average engine power, which is calculated on the
basis of the real-world driving characteristics as Eq. (11), and Engine transient cycle for the buses in Hanoi
the developed regression models above. Assuming that the
power train loss is 8%, the actual average engine power is The engine transient cycle
calculated as follows (Bishop et al. 2016).
A transient cycle for bus engine was developed based on the
Pengine ¼ 1:08  m  VSP ð11Þ
typical driving cycle of the buses in Hanoi (HBDC, Fig. 2) and
where Pengine is the engine actual power (kW), m is the vehicle the specifications of vehicle (Table 1 and Table 2). The devel-
mass (tons), and VSP is the vehicle-specific power (kW/ton). oped engine transient cycle consists of 3936 points corre-
In this study, as we determined EFs for buses in the inner city sponding to the 3936 points in the HBDC. This cycle, which
of Hanoi, VSP was calculated for driving on flat roads as is called HBTC, is demonstrated in Fig. 4.
presented in the study of Zheng et al. (2017) with the follow- The ratio of idling modes in the HBTC is 16%, which is
ing equation. quite close with that in the World Harmonized Transient Cycle
(WHTC) (14% (Steven 2001)), but higher than that in the
VSP ¼ 1:1  a  v þ 0:132  v þ 0:000302  v3 ð12Þ European Transient Cycle (ETC) (less than 7% (Giakoumis

Vehicle speed (kph)




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Time, s
engine speed (%)



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Time, s
engine torque (%)


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Time, s
Fig. 4 Engine speed and torque profile of the transient engine cycle of the buses in Hanoi. The upper sub-diagram illustrates the testing cycle used in
chassis dynamometer testing (HBDC); negative torque values in the sub-diagram denote the motoring segments
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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:24176–24189 24183

Fig. 5 Normalized engine speed–torque frequency distribution of the the normalized engine speed–torque data of the ETC are cited from
HBTC in comparison with the WHTC and the ETC. The normalized TCVN 6567: 2015 (the motoring points are not presented in the plot)
engine speed–torque data of the WHTC are cited from (UNECE 2007);

2017)). In other words, the bus engine operation pattern in The 3D-normalized engine speed-torque frequency distri-
Hanoi is very different from that in the testing cycle of the bution of the HBTC in comparison with the WHTC and ETC
heavy-duty engines in Europe, but is quite similar to that in the is illustrated in Fig. 5.
WHTC which is developed based on the worldwide pattern of As can be seen in Fig. 5, the frequency distribution of
real heavy commercial vehicles. normalized engine speed–torque of the HBTC is concentrated

vehicle real speed
40 estimated speed


Speed (km/h)





0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Time (s)
Fig. 6 Comparison between the real speed and the estimated speed
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24184 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:24176–24189

Fig. 7 Full load curve and the 151.1 75 105 1000 2310 0 0 Pmax
650 45.12 151.1 75 105 1000 2310 10 10
calculated values of nhi and nlo
680 47.66 151.1 75 105 1000 2310 20 20
140 54.54 151.1 75 105 1000 2310 108 75
840 61.53 151.1 75 105
120 68.57 151.1 75 105 70% Pmax

Engine power (kW)

1000 75.62 151.1 75 105
1060 80.88 151.1 75 105
1080 82.63Pmax 151.1
50% 75 105
1160 89.55 151.1 75 105
1220 94.66 151.1 75 CONTROL AREA
1240 96.34 151.1 75 105
60 102.95 151.1 75 105 P (kW)
1380 107.75 151.1 75 105 n_hi
40 109.32 151.1 75 105 n_lo

Speed A

Speed B

Speed C
1540 119.79 151.1 75 105 Speed A
1560 121.2 151.1 75 105
20 Speed B


1700 130.39 151.1 75 105
Speed C
1720 131.6 151.1 75 105
18600 139.17 151.1 75 105
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
1880 140.12 151.1 105
105 speed (rpm)

mostly on the range between 0 and 10% of normalized engine deviation between the estimated and the real speeds is ob-
speed that is the same to the WHTC, but is very different from served at only one point with the deviation of 14.6 km/h.
the ETC in which the frequency distribution between 50 and The average of deviations between these two data sets is
70% normalized engine speed is increased. 0.16 km/h. In other words, the program source code is suc-
cessful to transform the transient vehicle cycle into the tran-
sient engine cycle.
Evaluation of the transformation algorithms

The reliability of the program code was evaluated through the Stationary cycle for bus engine in Hanoi
comparison of the real speed and estimated speed of the vehi-
cle, in which the estimated speeds are determined using this Based on the constructed transient engine cycle, the full load
code. The very high correlation between two data sets was curve is determined, and the values of nhi and nlo are calculat-
found with the correlation coefficient of 0.977, as described ed as illustrated in Fig. 7. The values of nhi and nlo are 2300
in Fig. 6. and 1000 rpm, respectively. Therefore, the values of engine
The total of estimated speed points which fit with the real speeds A, B, and C used during the test are 1325, 1650, and
speeds is 3643 points, accounting for 92.6%. The highest 1950 rpm, respectively.

Fig. 8 The engine stationary 4% 4%

cycle of the buses in Hanoi 100 8 10

11% 4% 2%
80 2 4 12
Load percentage (%)

3% 2%
60 6 14

50 11% 3% 1%
5 3 13


20 27% 6% 1%
7 9 11
10 Idle
21% A B C
0 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Normarized engine speed (%)

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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:24176–24189 24185

Fig. 9 Full-load curve of the

tested D1146TI engine 800 1000 1200 1400
160 900
53.0 83.0 99.4 112.0
600.00 707.00 760.00 780.00

Engine power (kW)

50.3 74.0 95.5 114.4 600

Torque (Nm)
Power (kW) 300
40 200
Torque (Nm)
20 100
0 0
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400

Engine speed (rpm)

The testing modes of the stationary cycle of bus engine in Concentration of pollutants in raw gas
Hanoi, which is called HBSC, were determined based on the
combination of the normalized engine speeds and the normalized The emission measurement results on the D1146TI according
engine torque distribution of engine speeds A, B, and C, which to the HBSC cycle above are described in Fig. 10.
are shown in Supplemental Material, as presented in Fig. 8. As presented in Fig. 10, over the test cycle, the pollutant
As presented in Fig. 8, the number of modes of HBSC is 14, concentrations in raw gas vary quite large (CO ~ 50–380 ppm;
which is higher than that in the ESC, the Japanese cycle of 13 CO2 ~ 6800–93,000 ppm; HC ~ 60–150 ppm, and NOx ~ 50–
modes, the steady-state diesel cycle of the USA, and the 1050 ppm).
Worldwide Steady State Cycle (WHSC). The number of modes The concentration variance of HC is smallest, and that of
in the full load state of HBSC (2 modes) is lower than that in NOx is largest. This is reasonable as the operation modes did
ESC and WHSC, but is similar to the steady-state diesel cycle of not significantly affect on the HC emission of the diesel en-
the USA. gine (Haibo et al. 2008). However, the NOx emission depends
To measure the emission of tested engine (in-use D1146TI strongly on temperature and oxygen concentration in the com-
engine) according to the HBSC developed above, unnormalized bustion (Ibrahim et al. 2015; Pham and Hausberger 2012).
testing modes were conducted to determine the engine speed and Therefore, the variance of the test modes affects strongly on
torque values at the testing points. The full-load curve of the the NOx emission, and the NOx concentration value range is
D1146TI engine was firstly set up as described in Fig. 9. large.

Table 5 Engine speed and torque at the testing points
Modes Engine speed (rpm) Load (%) Torque (Nm)
1 600 0 0
Concentration (ppm)

700 2 1000 80 566

3 1400 45 351
4 1400 80 624
500 5 1000 45 318
6 1000 60 424
7 1000 15 106
300 8 1400 100 780
9 1400 15 117
10 1800 100 741
100 11 1800 15 111
12 1800 80 593
CO CO2/100 HC NOx 13 1800 45 333
14 1800 60 445
Fig. 10 Variation of gaseous pollutant concentrations over the test cycle
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24186 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:24176–24189

Table 6 Brake-specific emission factors of buses in Hanoi

Studies Brake-specific emission factors (g/kWh)


Buses in Hanoi, HBSC test cycle, the average 1.8 0.43 12.33 710.33 0.22
value of 5 testing series (this study)
In comparison with:
Emission measurement to R49 cycleb 0.4 0.54 10.04 449.95 0.17
The study of He et al. (2017)c 10.26
Euro 2 standard 4.0 1.1 7.0 – 0.15
Calculated as NO2
Emission measurement on the D1146TI engine used in this study but according to the R49 cycle
Diesel truck in Beijing, China, with the rated power around 150 kW

Specific emission factors for Hanoi buses explained by the fact that the driving characteristics among
areas are very different (Tong et al. 2011) and the driving
Brake-specific emission factors of buses in Hanoi characteristics of buses in Hanoi are strongly different from
those in Europe as indicated in the study of Nguyen and
The BSEFs for the buses in Hanoi were determined based on Nghiem (2017). In addition, in comparison with heavy vehi-
the emission measurement on the D1146TI diesel engine ac- cles in Beijing, which used the diesel engine with the rated
cording to the typical engine stationary cycle HBSC as men- power equivalent to the engine used in this study, the BSEF of
tioned above. Based on the results of engine emission mea- NOx of buses in Hanoi is approximately 20% higher. This
surement at 14 modes, in which the engine torque and speed at indicates that, despite the same fuel consumption and the same
each mode are shown in Table 5, and the respective weighting engine type and power, the EF is totally different. Thus, each
factors (see in Fig. 8), the brake-specific emission factors of country should develop its own set of EFs as vehicle emission
pollutants are calculated as presented in Table 6. is dependent on many factors.
Table 6 shows that the emissions of NOx and PM of the
buses in Hanoi are approximately 1.7 and 1.5 times higher Fuel-based emission factors of buses in Hanoi
than the Euro 2 standard, respectively. In this study, the emis-
sion measurement of the D1146TI engine according to the The BSEFs obtained from engine dynamometer tests above
R49 cycle was also performed to estimate the effect of test can be converted to the FBEFs based on the BSFC as Eq. (9)
cycle categories on the engine emission. As can be seen from above. In this study, the average BSFC value is 220 g-fuel/
Table 6, on the same tested D1146TI engine, the BSEFs of kWh; then, the FBEFs of buses in Hanoi are determined as
almost all pollutants measured following the HBSC cycle are presented in Table 7.
higher than those measured following the R49, particularly As presented in Table 7, almost all FBEFs of buses in
CO (4.5 times higher); even the fuel consumption is quite Hanoi are higher than those in Beijing, Macao, and also higher
similar (approximate 220 g-fuel/kWh). This result can be than the average EFs introduced by IPCC, EEA, to support the

Table 7 Fuel-based emission

factors of buses in Hanoi Pollutants Fuel-based emission factor (g/kg-fuel)

This study Other studies

CO 8.2 Bus in Macao (Wu et al. 2015): 16.4 (Euro 2)

HC 1.9 Bus in Macao (Wu et al. 2015): 0.62 (Euro 2)
NOx (as NO2) 56.1 Bus in Beijing (He et al. 2017): ~ 40 (Euro 2): ~ 32 (Euro 3)
Bus in Macao (Wu et al. 2015): 41.7 (Euro 2)
European Environment Agency (EEA) (2013): 33.37
CO2 3228.8 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
(2006): 3140 (Europe); 3172.3 (USA)
PM 1.0 Bus in Macao (Wu et al. 2015): 0.156 (for PM2.5)
European Environment Agency (EEA) (2013): 0.94
Author's personal copy
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:24176–24189 24187

Table 8 Distance-based emission factor of bus in Hanoi of 150 kW following equations below and being illus-
Pollutants Distance-based emission factor (g/km) trated in the Supplemental Material.
y ¼ −4:379:10−7 x4 ¼ 0:0001247x3 −0:009302x2 þ 0:1564x þ 16:19
This study Comparison with other studies HC
R2 ¼ 0:6341
CO 2.9 3.3 Bus in Hanoi* ð13Þ
4.2 Bus in Macao (Wu et al. 2015)
y ¼ 574:2x þ 1:031
HC 0.8 0.16 Bus in Macao (Wu et al. 2015) CO2 ð14Þ
R2 ¼ 0:9848
NOx 32.7 11.2 Bus in Hanoi
18.9 Bus in Beijing (Yang 2018) y ¼ e0:02443x þ 45:02
CO ð15Þ
CO2 1596.9 1212.8 Bus in India (India 2015) R2 ¼ 0:9198
1111.6 Bus in Hanoi*
y ¼ 11:69x þ 2:866
1120 Bus in Macao (Wu et al. 2015) NOx ð16Þ
1386 Bus in Beijing (Yang 2018) R2 ¼ 0:9760
Our previous study for buses, in which the DBEFs were calculated
based on the real-world driving data using the International Vehicle where y denotes the emission rate (g/h) and x denotes the
Emissions (IVE) model (Nguyen and Nghiem 2018)
engine power (kW).
In this study, the average specific vehicle power and vehi-
cle velocity were inherited from our previous study (Nguyen
emission inventory activities in the transport sector. For exam-
et al. 2019) to determine the actual engine power as in Eq.
ple, the FBEF of NOx of buses in Hanoi is 22% and 34%
(11). The determined actual engine power is 46.1 kW.
higher than that in Beijing and in Macao, respectively, with
Equation (10), as presented above, was used to calculate the
equivalent rated engine power.
DBEFs as shown in Table 8.
As can be seen from Table 8, EFs of NOx and CO2 deter-
Distance-based emission factors of buses in Hanoi mined to the proposed test cycle are 192% and 44% higher
than those in our previous study for buses in Hanoi (Nguyen
In this study, the DBEFs (g/km) are also calculated and Nghiem 2017). However, EF of CO determined to the
relying on the instantaneous emission rate and real- proposed test cycle is 12% lower than that in Nguyen and
world driving characteristics as in Eq. (10) above. The Nghiem (2017). This comparison is intended to indicate the
mathematical models describing the relationship between potential errors when applying the default driving cycle in
engine power and emission rate were developed based IVE model for buses in Hanoi without calibration with the
on the regression analysis on the Matlab software. The local test cycle. In addition, the EFs of buses in Hanoi are very
best regression models between engine power and pol- different from other countries. For example, the value of CO2
lutant emission rate were selected based on the value of is 32% higher than that in India while the value of CO is 31%
R2 for diesel engine 6 cylinder in-line and rated power lower than that in Macao.

Fig. 11 Comparison between the 70

model EF and the test EF
Testing Model
Fuel-based emission factor






HC CO CO2/100 NOx

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