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Secretaría De Marina

Armada De México

Universidad Naval Heroica Escuela Naval Militar

Listening assignment 20%

Materia: Idioma Inglés 4 & 6 (Nivel II, Libros 10 – 12) Año y grupo: ( ) CG, IM,
AN. Nombre del Cadete:
Profesor: Subsecc. académica: de cursos de lenguas extranjeras.
2do. Semestre Ciclo lectivo: 2023-2024 Valor.: 20%
Tipo de evaluación: Segunda evaluación parcial No. Items: 30 Puntaje: 30
Fecha de aplicación: febrero 29 de 2024 Aciertos: Calif.
l. Material de apoyo autorizado para resolver este examen: Lápiz, pluma, goma,

ll. Manifiesto que no estoy introduciendo al área de aplicación del examen, ni celular ni algún efecto o artículo ajeno a
los autorizados en el párrafo anterior, por lo que en caso de que se me hallase algo se considerará que lo estoy
utilizando como medio fraudulento para resolver mi examen.


I. Instructions: You will hear statements or questions. Select the best answer. (1 point each = 30 points).

5. 10.
a) Michael told Bobby he was
a) He said that they were going a) because it was an emergency
going to stay late.
to the movies. b) because it was a car race
b) Michael told Bobby he was
b) He said that they were going
going to leave early. c) because it was the hospital’s
to the main square of the city.
c) Michael told Bobby he was anniversary
c) He said that they were going
planning to come back later. d) because the driver wanted
to stay home.
d) Michael told Bobby he wasn’t to finish his shift early
d) He said that he didn’t want to
busy later.
go anywhere.
2. 11.
a) She said that her birthday a) diseases
a) She said that she was going
was on that week. b) symptoms
to visit the doctor.
b) She said that she didn’t want to c) treatments
b) She said that there was
celebrate her birthday. d) prescriptions
an emergency.
c) She said that she had a
c) She said that she was going
birthday the previous Saturday.
to the hospital. 12.
d) She said that she wanted d) She said that the doctor called.
a cake for her birthday. a) Lola is a doctor
b) Lola is a nurse
3. c) Lola is a patient
a) twice a year
a) He said that his brother d) Lola is a chemist
b) John never goes to the doctor
wanted to be in the military.
b) He said that his brother is in c) once a year
d) once a month 13.
a different school.
a) He has been a teacher for
c) He said that he loves
20 years.
his brother. 8.
b) He has been a firefighter
d) He said that his brother was a) a romantic date with the doctor since 1985.
not in the military. b) medicine c) He has been a mechanic for
c) a prescription 3 years.
d) an appointment d) He has been a pilot since 2007.
a) He said that he was
leaving soon.
b) He said that he was going 9.
a) I have been to Spain twice.
to stay longer. a) Diego is healthy b) I have never been there before.
c) He said that the class was over. b) He is running a fever c) I have been there several
d) He said that he wasn’t going to
c) Diego has a stomachache times before.
d) Diego is a boring person d) I haven’t been in England.
15. 22. 26.
a) I have seen her before. a) There was a variety of meals. a) Because Lily was been cooked
b) I have written a poem for her. b) Those commercials were
c) I have been married with her. all day.
d) I have never seen her. b) Because Lily had been cooking
c) The TV program was wonderful.
all day.
d) The food was terrible.
16. c) Because Lily will be cooking
a) He has read hundreds of books. 23. all day.
b) He has learned languages a) It was boring. d) Because Lily has been cooking
for years. b) It was funny. all day.
c) He has had things to do. c) It was interesting.
d) He has done his homework. d) It was frightening.
17. 24. a) I would be done my homework
a) He has been in Madrid for a) He spoke impolitely. for hours.
two weeks. b) He spoke rudely. b) I’ve been doing my homework
b) He has had a dog since he c) He spoke loudly. for hours.
was 18. d) He spoke terribly. c) I will be doing my homework
c) He has been in Houston for
a week. for hours.
d) He has seen that movie. d) I do my homework for hours.
a) She has a fever.
b) She has a backache.
18. c) She has a stomachache. 28.
a) He has been there since 1990. d) She has an earache. a) She’s been waiting for you all
b) He has had a pet dog.
this time.
c) He has eaten very well
recently. b) She waits for you all this time.
d) He was in the Army for 10 years. c) She will be waiting for you
all this time.
19. d) She was been waiting for
a) He is busy. you all this time.
b) He is hungry.
c) He is bored.
d) He is friendly.
a) Where had we done?
20. b) What have they been doing?
a) She smiled lovely. c) Which have they done?
b) She reacted promptly. d) What have we been doing?
c) She behaved rudely.
d) She answered impolitely. 30.
a) He trains for a physical test.
b) He needs an examination.
a) He is bored.
c) He has been sick for two weeks.
b) He is friendly.
d) He thinks reasonably.
c) He is rude.
d) He is busy.

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