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Homework can be a daunting task for students, no matter what age or grade they are in.

It requires
time, effort, and a lot of concentration. However, with the right resources and support, completing
homework can become a much easier and less stressful task.

At Forest Gate Community School, we understand the challenges that come with completing
homework assignments. That's why we have created this platform to provide students with the
necessary tools and assistance to excel in their homework.

Our team of dedicated teachers and tutors have carefully curated a wide range of resources to cater
to the different needs and learning styles of our students. Whether it's a math problem, an essay, or a
science project, we have resources and tips to help you tackle it with ease.

The Benefits of Completing Homework

Homework is an essential part of the learning process and has many benefits for students. It helps
students reinforce what they have learned in class, develop critical thinking skills, and improve time
management and organizational skills. It also prepares students for tests and exams, which are crucial
for their academic success.

Moreover, completing homework assignments can also help students develop a sense of
responsibility and discipline. By completing tasks on time and to the best of their abilities, students
learn the importance of meeting deadlines and putting in their best effort.

Why Choose ⇒ ⇔?

With the increasing demands of academic life, it's understandable that students may struggle to keep
up with their homework. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. Our platform offers a
convenient and efficient way for students to get the help they need with their homework.

Our team of experienced tutors and teachers are available 24/7 to provide personalized assistance and
guidance. We also have a vast collection of study materials, practice exercises, and tips to help
students improve their understanding of different subjects and excel in their homework assignments.

So, if you're feeling overwhelmed with your homework, don't hesitate to reach out to us at ⇒ ⇔. We are here to support you and help you achieve academic success. Remember,
with the right resources and support, completing homework can become a manageable and even
enjoyable task.

Don't let homework stress you out. Join the Forest Gate Community School Homework platform and
take the first step towards academic excellence!
This project means the school will be able to support even more families in our wonderfully diverse
community”. You must have a note from your teacher or you won’t be seen. The infill is clad with a
bronze metal panel system with vertical fins creating deep window reveals and providing a strong
visual order to the irregular fenestration. If you are really hurt or ill, your parents or carers may be
called to accompany you home. We provide students with a high degree of challenge combined with
excellent support and as a result, our results are outstanding. And of course, make sure pupils feel
valued for the work they are doing. Make sure you act on your teacher’s feedback for improvement
and try to achieve the target you have been assigned. In the case that a student does not have prior
data, then the baseline test in English and Maths will determine their status. Our weekly virtual
assemblies are heartwarming and celebratory. We provide an extra session after school for all year 11
students so their families don't have to worry about paying for a tutor. If you are worried about
queuing there are five places where you can get your lunch from and we have timed the queue and it
is no longer than seven minutes. Do you want a great place to work with a positive atmosphere, with
supportive colleagues, well-behaved pupils, bespoke CPD, high standards and fast career progression
opportunities. If you hurt yourself or fall ill during the school day, you can go to the medical room.
Recording a demerit on the school information system; removal from class by our on call system;
sending students home to change their uniform; asking students to make up for lost time; a reminder
of expected behaviour in and around school; letter or phone call to parents; parental meeting;
withdrawal from lessons on a temporary basis; confiscation of items; teacher, department and school
detentions; removal of privileges; Internal Exclusion; Fixed Term Exclusion; Permanent Exclusion.
The headteacher may add to the list of banned or prohibited items as appropriate. Set tasks indicate
how long the task should take to complete, a realistic deadline of submission provided and an
accompanying video (of the live session which includes the explanation, live modelling and
instructions given by the teacher), the resource and success criteria for the task. For more
information, see our clubs noticeboard; ask your PE teacher or check on the website. When using the
computers, you agree to abide by the ICT and Safe Computer User Agreement. It should be goal-
oriented and focused on progress. My staff team and I are committed to ensuring our young people
progress to college, university and working life, fulfilling their aspirations. Anyone who takes a lot
of time off school misses out on learning and it affects their grades and life chances. We expect you
to: Arrive on time to school and lessons; be in correct uniform; follow reasonable instructions;
engage in lessons fully; try hard to complete classwork, homework and coursework; treat other
students and all of the school community with respect; follow instructions first time; be helpful,
polite and honest; show care and compassion to others. Our commitment to equal opportunities is
reflected in all aspects of school life and we welcome young people from all cultures, backgrounds
and beliefs. All assignments and homework should be submitted as requested by your teacher on the
DPR on or before the deadline. Have a look at the school calendar on the website for planned trips
for your year group. Behaviour Expectations It is expected that you follow our behaviour code.
Remember you are ambassadors for Forest Gate Community School and your behaviour when in
uniform, including going to and from school, reflects on the school. However, one thing we know
about young people going through change and turbulence, is that a level of consistency is reassuring
and important to maintain. FGCS made the decision several years ago that they would utilise the
skills and expertise of a third-party technology partner, rather than build them themselves. At
lunchtime we have a range of clubs and activities for you to get involved in, including the gym.
If you are really hurt or ill, your parents or carers may be called to accompany you home. SOCIAL
MOBILITY AND COVID-19 Implications of the Covid-19 crisis for educational inequality 3. By
arrangement you can access a computer at lunchtime (see relevant section). And as a school with
exceptionally high standards for learning, we have seen how it brings about the best from our
students. Instead of focusing on regular tests or exams, the shift to distance learning is an
opportunity to use testing as a learning strategy. Hats and gloves are only to be worn outside the
buildings during cold weather. Never share your password with someone or leave your computer
logged on. This is a privilege and something that would cost a lot of money if you had a private
tutor. Swearing; violence or threatening behaviour; damage to property; being in possession of a
weapon; rudeness; not following teacher instructions; distracting others; not completing class work,
coursework or homework; bullying; discriminatory language such as homophobia; lateness to school
or lessons; truancy from school or lessons; abuse of the school email or ICT network. Live marking is
used in all subjects with target codes that are used by your teacher to focus your efforts on areas to
improve. Please make sure you have a black pen, pencil and ruler. Further reading 1. Why this is not
the time for large-scale educational experiments 2. Students take part in university style tutorials,
attend launch and graduation trips at prestigious universities and complete an extended project.
Boundary treatment is softened with landscaping and lighting. Intervention All students will receive
some form of extra intervention while they are at school. Family Support Worker Our Family
Support Worker is in 008. We aim to provide a disciplined, safe environment where children learn
effectively and respect each other. All students and staff clear their own plates, making it a friendly
and clean environment for everyone. Our CPD involves deliberate practice, video models of
excellent practice and lots of fun. They recognise the achievements and efforts of students working
from home every week and they include messages of support and encouragement from teachers
across the school. With 1,300 pupils on the school roll and growing fast, FGCS prides itself in
challenging students to go further, with excellent support from a staff team who share the same
commitment to deliver interesting and engaging lessons that raise attainment ever higher. Form
Tutors Your form tutor is there to help you with day to day problems and to listen to you. When using
the computers, you agree to abide by the ICT and Safe Computer User Agreement. Private study
requires a pass which you can get by queuing up on the ground floor outside 035. There is ample
parking available onsite and our friendly staff are always available to help. Most people need help
and guidance with this and thankfully we have a member of staff on hand to help. It is expected that
you bring with you a blue or black pen, pencil and ruler. Homework All homework and assignments
will be set by your teachers on the DPR. Their contact with their teachers during live lessons ensure
this. You can log on to the DPR through the school website.
We provide a first-rate education at FGCS because we equip our students with the skills, knowledge
and attitude required to be good citizens and to succeed in the 21st century. Be on time! Sports At
Forest Gate Community School we offer sport as part of the curriculum and a range of clubs before
school, at lunchtime and after school. Saturday Intervention The school is open on Saturdays for
students to do exam intervention with teachers by prior arrangement. Attendance You are expected
to be present in school every day. Our staff body at all levels is a true reflection of the makeup of the
community we serve - we are proud of this and welcome anyone who will add value to our
wonderful school community. Computers All students have a computer account and access to
computers before and after school. In the case that a student does not have prior data, then the
baseline test in English and Maths will determine their status. Set tasks indicate how long the task
should take to complete, a realistic deadline of submission provided and an accompanying video (of
the live session which includes the explanation, live modelling and instructions given by the teacher),
the resource and success criteria for the task. Read our latest newsletter or download previous
versions from our Newsletter Archive. The school has been nominated for TES school of the year
twice, as well as for best use of technology. All unclaimed lost property will be displayed at the end
of each term. You are expected to be in school before and after the appointment, allowing for
travelling time. We all had to very quickly learn how to do it, and how to do it very well”. We will
sometimes send letters through the post and sometimes you will be given a letter to take home. We
have excellent behaviour systems which mean teachers can focus on what we love doing most -
teaching. This is a quiet time for reflection and participation. If you have comments or suggestion
about how to improve the canteen, please email the student council. Please make sure we have your
parent or carer’s up to date email address. The one new system we have had to quickly get to grips
with is Google Meet but we have ensured that the only interactions that should happen on this is the
live session - all chat and uploading of work happens via the DPR. Then, carefully choose the
delivery channels and check the environment’s functionalities to maximise potential and make
objectives and expectations explicit to focus on supporting progress. You should make sure all
assignments and homework are written in your planner too. Through a combination of money from
the Government, support from the school, and the generosity of some parents, most children were
supported, but this remains an ongoing concern. When the pandemic hit, they had someone on hand,
who had an army of resource behind them, and who were experiencing very similar issues in schools
across the country, so could respond effortlessly. A celebratory slide from a Year 8 virtual assembly
Celebrations are vital. Students who do not use the computers responsibly may have their computer
access taken away from them. We are invested in our own and each others’ development and use
principles of instructional coaching to provide feedback to each other. The infill is clad with a bronze
metal panel system with vertical fins creating deep window reveals and providing a strong visual
order to the irregular fenestration. And of course, make sure pupils feel valued for the work they are
doing. The astroturf is supervised by members of staff at break and lunchtime and they are there to
make sure that rules are followed and it is a safe environment for all.
One size does not fit all but don’t compromise on quality. Our CPD involves deliberate practice,
video models of excellent practice and lots of fun. When you are in Year 11 you will be expected to
attend after school most evenings for targeted support with your work. At lunchtime we have a
range of clubs and activities for you to get involved in, including the gym. FGCS made the decision
several years ago that they would utilise the skills and expertise of a third-party technology partner,
rather than build them themselves. Alternatively you could check out our careers wection on our
school website. Our teachers are experts in the classroom and lead from the front. We know these
skills will set all of our students up for life, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. You
can also pop along at lunchtime if you just need a chat. It shows that you have taken care and given
the right amount of attention. For FGCS, their prior investment in training their staff on the Google
suite of software set them up for the pandemic and all that followed. You can log on to the DPR
through the school website. The one new system we have had to quickly get to grips with is Google
Meet but we have ensured that the only interactions that should happen on this is the live session -
all chat and uploading of work happens via the DPR. Please upgrade your browser or activate
Google Chrome Frame to improve your experience. For information and advice about colleges,
universities and jobs please go to 101. Our students deserve nothing less and we expect the highest
of standards from them because we know they are capable of achieving them. For foundation
subjects, students with an average level 5 (between Maths and English) will be regarded as more able
in those subjects. Our goal is to see all students become highly-skilled learners, achieving excellent
standards and leading fulfilling and exciting lives. Think carefully about your feedback and the
important role you have in helping your peer or yourself to improve. These are the strategies we will
use to deal with students who behave unacceptably. We have excellent behaviour systems which
mean teachers can focus on what we love doing most - teaching. Intervention All students will
receive some form of extra intervention while they are at school. Like all our students, our most able
students have individual needs. This project means the school will be able to support even more
families in our wonderfully diverse community”. Be on time! Sports At Forest Gate Community
School we offer sport as part of the curriculum and a range of clubs before school, at lunchtime and
after school. Whether we have taught for two months, two years or twenty years, we believe in our
capacity to always improve in the classroom. Ofsted gave our school an “Outstanding” judgement in
February 2016, followed by February 2020 and December 2021. You should make sure classrooms
and learning spaces are orderly and tidy. You will be assessed regularly and will be awarded the
following. You should also have a mathematics set and a small dictionary.
Corridors You should move around the corridors quietly and without fuss, following the corridor
rules. Frequent assessments are differentiated and a range of intervention measures are put in place
when underachievement is measured. A double height dining space at ground floor provides a new
heart space and a new core improves circulation and accessibility. Phone calls must be made to the
absence line each and every day you are absent from school. If a member of staff sees a mobile
phone at any time on the school premises, it will be confiscated and you will receive a detention. The
infill is clad with a bronze metal panel system with vertical fins creating deep window reveals and
providing a strong visual order to the irregular fenestration. You will have key learning objectives,
which you must work towards securing. We also have three designated areas for private study. My
staff team and I are committed to ensuring our young people progress to college, university and
working life, fulfilling their aspirations. We believe that by modelling behaviour, and by recognising
and rewarding effort and achievement, we provide an environment where students are proud to
present their work and strive for the highest standards. Letters to and from home Most letters will be
sent home by email. Family Support Worker Our Family Support Worker is in 008. A double height
dining space at ground floor provides a new heart space and a new core improves circulation and
accessibility. Mobile Phones Mobile phones are not permitted to be seen in school. This will have an
effect on your learning and will result in a detention for you. Do you want a great place to work with
a positive atmosphere, with supportive colleagues, well-behaved pupils, bespoke CPD, high standards
and fast career progression opportunities. We are still following our curriculum albeit adjusted to fit
the new realities of home learning. You should make sure all assignments and homework are written
in your planner too. We aim to provide a disciplined, safe environment where children learn
effectively and respect each other. Please make sure all phone numbers on the system are up to date
and there are at least three contacts available. We will sometimes send letters through the post and
sometimes you will be given a letter to take home. Canteen The school canteen offers healthy and
nutritious hot and cold food. This project means the school will be able to support even more families
in our wonderfully diverse community”. It also helps your teacher read what you have written. Our
staff body at all levels is a true reflection of the makeup of the community we serve - we are proud
of this and welcome anyone who will add value to our wonderful school community. Relationships
between staff and students are excellent and discipline is very good. Set tasks indicate how long the
task should take to complete, a realistic deadline of submission provided and an accompanying video
(of the live session which includes the explanation, live modelling and instructions given by the
teacher), the resource and success criteria for the task. We all had to very quickly learn how to do it,
and how to do it very well”. After you have received feedback, you should improve it using a green
pen. Multiple study sessions for each topic will ensure they review content.

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