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Something to think about:

Over the years I’ve amassed quite a few snarky reply guys who like to haunt my inbox, reply
with some stupid drive-by comment I couldn’t possibly care less about, or who just
whine/complain/bleat about whatever it is I wrote that set them off.

When I say “snark” I mean they cannot help but say something stupid.

Often it is just one or two sentences.

And usually it has some kind of passive aggressive insult, lie, dumb take, etc.

Not really anything I can usually use to monetize, unfortunately.

i.e., they are totally useless to my business.

So for the longest time I used to just opt them out. But, ultimately, it became clear how futile that
was, as they would realize they weren’t getting my emails anymore and would just come back
— and with a different email address if they noticed I blocked them.

However, eventually I figured out how to:

1. Potentially monetize them (albeit passively)

2. Do it in a way where they have no idea it’s happening

Nowadays I not only don’t block them I purposely write things in my emails I know will rile 'em
up, get them to troll or reply guy harder, and hopefully get them to put their backs into it, and
maybe even give me something useful.

I’ve been doing that all week especially.

And I bring this up because of the March Email Players issue.

Inside I show you exactly how to do the same thing to benefit from your snarky reply guys, trolls,
drive-by commenters, etc who say dumb shyt while thinking they are landing brilliant rhetorical
insights & blows upon you… when, really, they are merely — even if incrementally — adding to
your business’ sales, influence, and power without them even realizing it, unless you decide to
tell them.

This is perfect for those who don’t want to engage with trolls.

Or who don’t have the stomach for profiting from them directly like I do.

Not everyone has the appetite for these things.

And for them, I refer to pages 21-22 in the March Email Players issue.

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