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Glasgow Southside u3a Executive Committee Meeting

Date and Time: Friday 22 March 10.30 – 12 noon

**Please arrive by 10.20am if you wish to order refreshments so that all orders can be taken by staff at the
one time in the Den and remember to pay after the close of the meeting**
Location: Den, The Bungo, Nithsdale Road.

Circulation list:
Hildegarde Berwick, Henry Douglass, Ellen Garner, Jim Gillies, Peter Gore, Norma Jane Harris, Ken
Liddell, Moira Shearer, Nancy Steven, Iain Stuart, Jane Valentine.


19/24 Welcome and Apologies

20/24 Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

Proposer and Seconder for minutes (HB)

21/24 Actions update (HB)

22/24 Review of February monthly meeting

a. Attendance (JV)
b. Arrangements and reactions (HD)
c. Speaker (HD)

23/24 Poster production (EG)

24/24 Website Status and actions (HD)

25/24 Scotland Spring Meeting report back (IS)

26/24 Reports
a. Membership report (JV)
b. Financial report (JG) Appendix 1
c. Groups report (KL)
d. Social media report (EG)

27/24 AOB

28/24 Date of Next Meeting

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