Motion of A Particle

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2. MOTION OF A PARTICLE Rectilinear motion is motion in one dimension, ic. along a straight line. Consider this direction to be along the x. axis. Displacement of a body is defined as the change in the position vector of the body. A body that is at position x, at time t, and later is at position x, at time ty, has a displacement s=x-y (2.1) Average velocity is defined as the displacement divided by the time taken, Le. ware Vang neh . (2.2) One may be concerned with the velocity of the object at an instant in time, i.e. in the limit At—> 0, This velocity is referred to a8 Instantaneous velocity, AO Vea = tin = : de Mana 2) Acceleration is defined as the time rate of change of velocity. ‘Thus if the velocity of a body changes by Av in the time interval At, the acceleration is a= tim 47 (2.4) armoo Ar dt If velocity is given as a function of time, the displacement, 5, is obtained by integrating, From (2.3) ss pe yal, (2.5) 3 Similarly from eqn. (2.4) 1 v= fa(i’)ar * (2.6) é A body which moves at a constant velocity (ie. @ = 0) is said to undergo xniform motion. For uniformly accelerated motion the acceleration is constant (ie. aft). = constant). In this case the integral in eqn. (2.6) is that of a body uniformly accelerated from initial velocity u to final velocity v { veutat (2.1) Substituting (2.7) into (2.5) oS ‘ 5 Jus aryar =u + Far? (2.8) o ig nd (2.8) gives Velocity-Time Graph On a velocity-time graph, the velocity of the object moving is plotted as a function of time. For a body in uniform motion, the velocity appears as a straight line parallel to the time axis. = t Fig 2.1a: Uniform Motion For uniformly accelerated motion, the velocity-time graph is a straight line “which is inclined to both axes, Negative slope indicates negative Fig. 2.1b: Uniform Acceleration acceleration or a deceleration, Motion in Two or Three Dimensions The motion of a particle on a plane, for example a table, is in two dimensions. We take the two directions involved to be x- and y=. directions. For a particle moving in Space, the third direction is added — the z-direction. The position vector of the particle is specified by giving the \2 4%), and z components of its position, e.g. Reaxity jek (2.10) Where, xj, yy, =) are the x, y, and = components of rj. i, jf & are unit Vectors pointing in the x-, y+, and 2 directions respectively. A unit vector is a ‘vector, Whose magnitude is 1, A body that is initially at position 7, and then gets displaced to position #,, has experienced a displacement AF =7, —F). If the body is at position 7, at time 4, and at position F, at time 1, the average velocity, Fxg is the displacement divided by the time taken for the displacement to ‘occur, Sng =A =A “UM =k Since displacement is a vector quantity, velocity is also a vector quantity. The magnitude of the velocity without a specified direction is known as speed. The average speed is therefore the total distance covered divided by the time taken. Average speed is a scalar quantity since a particular direction is not specified. Average acceleration is defined as the change in velocity, A¥, divided by the time taken for the change to occur; Ar. Ho Ae Q.11) (2.12) At At ‘The instantaneous velocity, ¥ is given by a AF dF = lim = 2.1 "Sao ar dt aie In component form Dau iev pty k ot yo nS a a a (2.14) The acceleration is AG dé a= lim = y Oe ye At al S95) In component form Geait+a,j+ak First-Year University Physics di dt at (2.16) 22 Projectiles rojectile is a body that is moving fae in a vertical | plane. It _is projected from a particular location with an initial velocity # jirected at angle @ to the horizontal (Fig. 2.2). The motion in the vertical direction is independent of motion the horizontal direction. ‘The initial velocity can be resolved into two components: the horizontal component, 1; and the vertical component, uy u, =1cos¢,andu, =usin 8. The motion of the particle consists of two independent components: () uniform motion ~along the horizontal — direction, i.e. Uy =const, assuming no air resistance; and (i) free vertical motion under gravity. Fig 2.2: Projectile Motion For (i) the horizontal distance, x, covered after time t is xeut (2.17) and for (ii), the vertical distance, Ys covered after time t is given by equation (2.8) making the substitution. s=y, u=u,,and a=—g. i.e, yeast? (2.18) From equation (2.17), f=x/u,, and setting this into (2.18) gives PS @.19) 2u” cos? ob The_path of the projectile is thus a parabola. The total horizontal distance covered by the projectile, ye, =xrtané— (2.19) to give he aw ‘ R=—sinO cos =—sin 26 (2.20) & g of At the maximum height (#) attained by i@ projectile, the vertical component of _ te esti. Rrpng ce 9) to the vertical motion at this point gives =v yay ~ Day Noting that v, =Oat y= H gives A * ppt Hate (221) 2g lg It should be noted that the horizontal component of velocity v,=", and remains constant (uniform horizontal motion) while the vertical component of velocity, v, changes in accordance with free fall under gravity. The instantaneous velocity v of the projectile at any point is given by veya (2.22) and itis directed at angle @=tan™"(yy /v,) to the horizontal, Problem Solving Tips Rectilinear Motion 1. List all the given variables and convert, if necessary, to standard units. 2. Each of eqns (2.7) to (2.9) connects 4 of the 5 variables w, 1, a, t, and s. With 3° specified variables, determine the 4" from the relevant equation, 3. For free fall under gravity, a=+g for downward motion and a=-g for upward motion Projectiles Separate the projectile motion into its two components: the uniform aa horizontal_motion and the vertical ation ( grivily). 2. Determine “the horizontal” distance covered and the instantaneous horizontal component of velocity from the horizontal component of motion. 3, Determine the vertical distance ‘covered and the instantaneous vertical component of velocity from the vertical component of motion. 2-1 What single velocity is equivalent to the velocities 20 m/s along the positive x-axis and 30 m/s along the positive y- axis? (OAU) 2-2 Kangaroos can jump vertically upward to a height of 2.5 m. What is 2-3.An automobile and @ truck start from rest at the same instant with ‘the automobile initially at some distance behind the truck. The truck has a constant acceleration of 3 ws" and the automobile an acceleration of 4 mi? The automobile overtakes the truck after the truck has moved 90 m. (a) How long does it take the automobile to overtake the truck? (b) How far was the automobile behind the truck? (QAU) '2-4A stone is dropped from the top of @ tall building and at the same time, another stone is thrown Vertically upwards from the ground fevel with a velocity of 0 mrs. The Stones meet exactly 2s after their release, How tall is the building? '2-5 The driver of an automobile traveling at 100 km/hr suddenly sights an obstacle 50 m ahead of him, (a) What minimum acceleration must be applied to the car, by applying the brakes, in order ta avoid hitting the obstacle? (b) How long does it take to bring the automobile to a halt? . 2464 hall thrown vertically upward remms to the wrower 2 « later. Determine (a) the speed with which it was thrown, and (b) the weaxinium height attained by the ball 2-74 metat ball is dropped from the roof of a building 150 m high, Neglecting air resistance, what is the velocity of the ball just before it touches the ground? (OAU) 2-8 The position of an object moving in a straight line is given by x=U-4P 40 where x is in m and 1 in s. Determine (a) the object's displacement between t = O and t= 4 s, (B) the average velocity for the time interval 1 = 2 tor=45. + (OAU) 410 A bullet is fired from a gun with a muzzle velocity whose horizontal component is 1000 m/s and whose vertical component is 200 ws. (a) How long does the bullet take ta reach its highest point? (b) What is its velocity and acceleration at the highest poin? (OAU) #3 A projectile shot at an angle of 60" above the horizontal strikes @ building 25 m away at a point 16 _m above the point of Projection, Find the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the Projectile as it strikes the building. FOBT metin n 2-14 Projectile | is fired with an fam speed of 100 m/s at an angle 53° ph Abst What must be the initial speed of particle 2 fired vertically at the same time from a point below the trajectory of the first particle such that they will collide? 216 A stone is thrown horizontally from the top of a hill at a speed of 30 mis. ft takes 105 for the stone fy hit the ground. Determine (a) the height af the hill, (b) the total horizontal distance covered by the stone. 2617 gun which is inclined at 30° to the horizontal fires a bullet with a speed of 500° m/s, Determine the velocity of the bullet 5 8 after it is fire

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