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8 Linear


In the previous class, we had learnt about linear eauations and their solutions. However. wwm
review these lacts again and also take up new types of linear equations.
Equation An equation is a statement of equalits of two algebraic expressions involving one
or more unknown quantities, called variables.
An equation involving only linear polynomials is called a linear equation.
Some examples of linear equations are given below:
(1) x -5 =7-2x (ii) 3(y -5) = 6
1 z-3 2z +5
(ii) m-4 =2m +3 (iv)
2 5

Rules for solving a linear equation

(i) We can add the same number on both sides of the equation.
(i) We can subtract the same number from both sides of the equation.
(ii) We can multiply both sides of the equation by the same nonzero number.
(iv) We can divide both sides of the equation by the same nonzero number.
x+ b P then qlax + b) = pcx + d).
(v) f CX + d

This process is called cross multiplication.

(vi) Transposing: Any term of an equation may be taken to the other side with a change
in its sign.
This process is called transposition.
Thus. 5x+7=2x +l 5x-2x =(1-7); 5xx 7y = 9x ’ 5x= 9x+ 7u=


EXAMPLE 1. Solve: 8x = 20 + 3x.

’ 8x-3x = 20
Solution 8x = 20 +3x
5x = 20
X= =4.

l06 Mathenatics for Class 8

2 7
EXAMPLE 2 Sotve:

3 3
(multiplying both sides by


EXAMPLE 3, Solve: -x +6 X= X-7.


Solution X=X-7

3x +2x =12x -84 [multiplying both sides by 12, the LCM of 4 and 6]
5x =I2x - 84
12x 5x =84 (by transposition]
7x 84


Hence, x =12.
y+6 9 -3 5y -4
EXAMPLE 4. Solve: 5

y+6 y-3 5y 4
4 5 8
10(y +6) +8(y 3) =5(5y - 4)
(multiplying throughout by 40, the LCM of 4, 5 and 8]
24 25y 20
10y +60 + By
25y-10y-8y 60 24 +20 (by transposition]


3x 5
Sobe: 3

3C3x 5) - (2x 1) by cross muliplication)

7x J4
Linear quationH 107

Hence, X=-2.
6x+7 4x+5
EXAMPLE6. Solve:
3x+2 2x13
6x+7 4x +5
3x+2 2x +3

(6x +7)(2x +3) =(4 x +5)(3x +2)

(by cross multiplicatlon|
12x +32x + 21= 12x + 23x +10
12x + 32X - 12x-23x = 10 -21

Hence, X= -

1. 8x +3 =27 + 2x 2. 5x+7=2x-8 3. 2z -1=14 -z
4. 9x+5 = 4(x2) +8 5. 7y =y-4 6. 3x + = 2x + 1

7. 15y -4) -2(y 9) +5(y +6) =0 8. 3(5x-7) 2(9x -1l) = 4(8x-13) 17

X-5 x-3 1 3t -2 2t +3 2
10. -t
2 5 2 4 3 3
11, 2x+7 3x+11 2x +8 5x -4 X+10
--5 12. =4x+ 1
5 2 6 2
1 2(2 4)
13. 5x-(x +1}) =6 x+ 30
14. 4 -:

15. 3ly - 5) (y -3) 16.

-4s = 3 3x

17 9x 3x 6s -5 7
= 15 18. =4 19.
7-6x 5x +2 2y 9

4x +7
20 2-92 4
21. 22. 7y +4 -4
17-4z 5 9-3x 4 y +2
23 15(2 - y)-5(y +6) 2x-(7-5x) 7 (m -1) (m - 2)
=10 24. 25. m =1
9x-(3 +4x) 6 2
I-3y 3

26. 3x +5 3x +4 27.
9x-7 3x 4
28. 2-7x 3+7x
4x+2 4x +7 3x +5 X+6 l-5x 4 +5x
Mathemnatics for Class 8

numbers is 182. fird the
ratio 5:8 If the sum of the
EXAMPLE!. IuN umbers are in the
and &r
Let the mumbers be 5r
Then. 5N 8r-182
13r -182

one number = (5 x 14)= 70.

Other number (8 x 14) =112. formed
ruo-digit number is 15. If the rnumber
EXAMPLE 2 The surn of the digits
than the original number by 27.find the orinin
rerersing the digits is less
number. Check your solution.
utior Let the digit in the units place be x.
Then. the digit in the tens place = (15 -
x)-x= 150 -9x).
original number =10 x 15 - plare
digits. we have x at thetens place and (15 -x) at the units
On reversing the
(9x +15).
new number =l0x+15 - x) =
number) = 27
Now. (original number) - (new
150 - 9x) - (9x +15) = 27
135 -18x = 27
18x= 135 27)
in the original number. we have units digit = 6and tens digit =15 - 6) =9.
Hence. the original number is 96.
CHECK The sumn of the digits in the original number = (9 + 6) = 15.
The new number obtained on reversing the digits = 69.
(original number) (new number) = (96 - 69) = 27.
Thus. both the given conditions are satisfied by 96.
Hence. the original number =96 is correct.
EXAMPLE3. The denominator of arational number is greater than its numerator by 3. 3s
subtracted from the numerator and 2 is added to its denominator, the new
number becomes Find the original number. Check your solution.
Solution Let the numerator be x.
Then, the denominator = (x +3).
(x+3) + 2 5
X-3 1
X+5 5
5(x -3) = (x +5) [bycross multiplication!
5x-15 =x+5
Linear Equations 109

4x = 20
numerator = 5and denominator -(5 +3) =8.
Hence. the original fraction is

CHECK Original fraction =
(denominator) (numerator) = (8 - 5) =3.
Thus, the denominator is 3 more than the numerator.
5-3 2
8+2 10 5
Thus. satisfies each of the given condítions.
Hence, the original fraction is

EXAMPLE 4. The length of arectangle exceeds its breadth bå 9 cm. If the lergth and breadth
are each increased by 3cm,the area of the newrectangle will be 84 cmmore
than that of the given rectangle. Find the length and breadth of the given
rectangle. Check your solution.
Solution Let the breadth of the given rectangle = X cm.
Then, its length = (x+9) cm
Area of the given rectangle = [x(x + 9)] cm?.
New breadth = (x + 3) cm
New length =(x +9) + 3] cm =(x +12) cm
Area of the new rectangle = [(x +12)(x + 3)] cm".
(Area of newrectangle) -(Area of given rectangle) =84 cm
’ (x+12)(x +3) x(x + 9) = 84
’ (x + 15x + 36) (x +9x) =84
6x +36 = 84
6x =48
X= =8.
Thus, breadth = 8cmn.
And, length = (8 + 9) cm =17cm.

CHECK: In the given rectangle, we have

length = 17 cm, breadth = 8 cm.
Area of the given rectange = (17 x 8)cm = 136 cmn
The new length = (17+ 3) cm = 20 cm , new breadth = (8 +3) cm =1lcm
The area of the new rectangle = (20 x 1l)cm = 220 cm ?
Now, (area of new rectange) - (area of given rectangle)
= (220 -136) cm' = 84 cm',which is the same as given.
length= 17 cm, breadth = 8 cm.

steamer qoes downstream and covers the distance between two ports in 4 hours
while ttcovers the same distance upstream in 5 hours. If the speed of the stream is
2 km /h, find the speed of the steamer in still water. Check your solution.
Mathematics for Class
Solution Let the speed of the steamer in
still water be x km/h. Then.
the speed doWnstream = (x + 2)
and the speed upstream =(x - 2) km/h.
The distance covered in 4 hours while going
The distance covered in 5 hours while downstream = 4(X + 2) km
But.each of these distances is thedistance upstream = X 2) Kin
between the two ports wnich is the sanm.
4(x + 2) = 5(x - 2)
4x+8 =5x-10
X = 18.
Speed of the steamer in still water = 18 km/h.
CHECK: The speed of the steamer in still water = 18 km/h.
The speed downstream = (18+2) km/h = 20 km/h.
The speed upstream= (18 - 2) km/h = 16 km/h.
The distance covered in 4 hours while going downstream = (20 x 4) km = 80 km
The distance covered in 5 hours while going upstream = (16 x 5) km = 80 km.
Thus, both the distances are equal.
The distance between two stations is 425 km. Two trains start simultaneoush
Jrom these stations on parallel tracks to cross each other. The speed of one of
them is greater than that of the other by 5 km /h. If the distance between the tuo
trains after 3 hours of their start is 20 km. find the speed of each train. Check
your solution.
Let the speed of one train be x km/h.
Then, the speed of the other train= (x +5) km/h.
The distance travelled by the first train in 3 hours =(3x) km
The distance travelled by the second train in 3 hours = 3(x + 5) km
425 - (3x + 3(x + 5)] = 20
425 -3x -3x-15 = 20 20 km 4

6x =390
X = 65.
So, the speed of the first train =65 km/h.
Speed of the second train (65 + 5) km /h = 70 km /h.
CHECK: As obtained, the speed of the first train is 65 km/h and the
is 70 km/h.
speed of the second tran
The distance travelled by the first train in 3 hours = (65 x 3)
km = 195 km.
The distance travelled by the second train in 3 hours = (70 x 3)
km = 210 km.
The distance between the two trains after 3 hours
= (425- (195 + 210)] km =20 km. which is the same as
Hence, the speeds of the trains are 65 km/h and 70 km/h
EXAMPLE 7. Twoyears ago, Dilip was three times as old as his son and two uears hence, tw
his age will be equal to five times that of his son. Find their present ages. C
your solution.

Solutlon Let Dilip'sson's age 2 years ago be x years.

Then, Dilip's age 2 years ago = (3x) years.
the son's age 2 years hence = (x + 4) years.
Dilip'sage 2 years hence = (3x + 4) years.
Linear Equations
23N4)-5(r 4)

Dlip's son's age 2 years ago 12years
and Dilip's age 2 years ago -36 ycars.
sOn's present age = 14 years, and
Dilip's present age 38 years.
As obtained, the son's present age is 14 years and Dilip's present age 1s Ð years.
(i) Son's age 2 years ago =(14 - 2) years = 12 years.
Dilip's age 2 years agO = (38- 2) years = 36 years.
2 years ago, Dilip's age 3 x(son's age).
Thus, the first condition is verified.
(i1) Son's age 2 years hence = (14 +2) years = 16 years.
Dilip's age 2 years hence = (38 + 2)years = 40 years.
2 years hence,
2x (Dilip's age) = (2 x 40) years = 80 years, and
5 x (son's age) = (5 x 16) years = 80 years.
2 years hence, 2 x (Dilip's age) = 5 x (son's age).
Thus, the second condition is also verified.

1. Two numbers are in the ratio 8 :3. If the sum of the numbers is 143, find the numbers.
of anumber is 20 less than the original number. Find the number.
3. Four-fifths of a number is 10 more than two-thirds of the number. Find the number.
Twenty-four is divided into two parts such that 7 times the first part added to 5 times the
second part makes 146. Find each part.
6. Find the number whose fifth part increased by 5 is equal to its fourth part diminished by 5.
6. Three numbers are in the ratio of 4:5:6. If the sum of the largest and the smallest equals
the sum of the third and55, find the numbers.
7. If 10 be added to four times a certain number, the result is 5 less than five times the
number. Find the number.
8. Two numbers are such that the ratio between them is 3 :5. If each is increased by 10, the
ratio between the new numbersso formed is 5 :7. Flnd the original numbers.
B. Find three consecutive odd numbers whose sum is 147.
Hint. Let the regquired numbers be (2x + 1),(2x +3) and (2x +5).
Find three consecutive even numbers whose sum is 234.
Hint. Let the required numbers be 2x, (2x +2 )und (2x t 4).
11, The sum of the digits of atwo-digit number is 12. If the new number formed by reversing
the digits is øreater than the original number by54, find the original number. Check your
2. The digit in the tens place of a two-digit number is three times that in the units place. If the
digits are reversed. the new number will be 36 less than the original number. Find the
original number. Check your solution.
Mathemmties for Class8
numerator by 7. Ifthe
MICater than lts
The denomiatot of a ationalnber Is deercased by 6, the new number
beComes numerator
2. Find
Is Ineteasrd by l7 and the added
the ounal utbet denominator. If 3 is to the
2 more than (he fraction
14, ln acion, Iwicr he umealor Is Findthe original
1ew fractlonIs
meato and to the deobutor, the 3
cn. If the lengthis decreased 4cm and
7 the
CxcecdsIts breadth by newrectagleis the sameas area of the
I6 The length of aetangle arca of the rectangle.
3Cm, the
Ihe bueadth is inetcascd by lepgtb and the brcadth of the origlnal metres.
inaletangle. Findhe
length. If the perimeter is 180 find the
two hirds s
16 The width ofA Teelangle is altitude b.
dimensionsof the tcetangle.
of its corresponding base. If the
the length remains the
altitude ol atrtanglc is five-thirds cm, the area of the triangle
17. An base decreased by 2
inTcasrd by 4 Cm and thc altitude of thetriangle.
and the to the third
same Find the base If the sum of theseangles is equal
trlangle arc in the ratio
I8. Two0 angles of a triangle. covers the same
angle, find the angles of thec port to another in 9 hOurs. It the
9.)A stcamcr gocs
dOWnstrcan fromn one
the stream be l km/h, find the speed of
hours. If the speed of
distancc upstrcam in 10 the distance between the ports.
stcamer instill water and from
km. Two motorcyclists start simultaneously
two stations is 300 7 km/h more than
20. The distance betwecn towards each other. The speed of one of them is 34 km. find the
these stations and move between them after2hours of
their start is
other. If the distance
that of the
Check your solution.
sppecd of cach motorcyclist. and the third
such that the second number is five-sixths the first
21. Divide 150 into thrce parts
number is four-fifths the second. part.
two parts such that 5% of the first part is equal to 10% of the second
22.) Divide 4500 into three times
mother is four times as old as Rakhi. After 5 years, her mother will be
23. Rakhís ages.
as old as she will be then. Find their present Monu.
Monu's grandfather and 29 years older than
24. Monu's lather is 26 years younger than years. What is the age of each one of them?
The sum oftheages of all the three is 135
He is also 54 years older than him. Find their
25. Anan is 10 times older than his grandson.
present ages.
ago, if the elder one Was
26. The difference between the ages of two cousins is 10years. 15 years
twice as old as the younger one, find their present ages.
remaining are playing
27. Half of a herd of deer aregrazing in the field and three-fourths of the
Dearby. Therest 9 are drinking water from the pond. Find the number of deer in the
Hint. Let the number of deer tn theherd be x.
Numbe of those who are qrazing

Number of those who are playing 8

+9=X. Flnd x.
Linear Equations 113


nick ()the correct answer in each of the following:
1. If2x-3 = t 2, then N=?
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 7
2. If 5xt,=,-14, then x=?
(a) 5 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) -6
3. If z=(2+10), then z =?

(a) 40 (b) 20 (c) 10 (d 60

4. If 3m = 5m then m=?
(b 5 5

5. If5t -3 = 3t -5, then t =?

(a) 1 b) -1 let 2 (dy-2
5 26
6. If 2y+ y. theny =?
3 3
(a) 1
6x+1 -+1X-3
7. If then x =?

Va) 1 (c) 3 (d) -3

3n 5n
8. Ifn2 4
-21, then n = ?

(a) 30 6) 42 Ad)28
X+1 3
9. If then x =?
2x +3 8

(á) 6 2
4x +8 5
10. If then x =?
5x +8 6
á) 4 Lor 6 (e) 8 (d) 12
11, If then n =?
n +15 9

Lla) 4 (c) 9 á) 12
12. If 3(t -3) = 5(2t +1), then t =?
(at-2 (by 2 c) -3 (d}3
13. Four-fifths of a number is greater than three-fourths of the number by 4. The number is
Ta) 12 (b) 64 (c)80 (d) 102

(a) 20 years

cqual sldes Is
(a) 4c)
16. Sun of three consecutiye inteyrs Js 51. The middje
m es
(a) 14

18. Munber of boys and

the nuy1hber of pjrls, The nlal class strenph is
(a) B6 44

Things to Remember
I. An equation 1su stalenntof
eqnlty of tw) alyehrat, cxpr etslosInvolbiny ore ot riote uikrtan
2. An equatlonnoolbng oily lnear
3. Rules for solvlng a
lnear cqllon:
polynomnls 1s valled n linur vquntln
1) The same number an
1) The sume number anbe lded to hoth sidys of the vqmtlon,
(111) Boh sldesof 1le suhtrarwl from hoth sidus of the vqumtior,
(iv) Both stdes of tle equatlon can he muliplled by the
4. Any lem of an equntlon can he dwlled hy the rie eonZerO TWInher.
equatlo ay he taken t the other tonzer)
Ths proeSs I5 called slle uslth thee slynuriher.
transposilon, chnged.
Ptlen qax b) -lcx d)
Thts proess Is valled
eross mullpletlon,

Linear Equations 115

A. 1. Subtract 4a² + 5)2 6c? +8 from 2a -3b - 4c2 -5.

2. Find each of the following products:

(1) (4a + 5b) x (5a -6b) (i) (6x-x +8) ×(x -3)
8. Divide (5a - 4a +3a +18) by (a' -2a +3).

4. = 4, find the value of

5. Evaluate {(83) - (17)}.

6. Factorise:
(i) x -3x + x -3 (i) 63x*y²-7
(iii) 1 6x +9x2 (iv) 7x - 19x 6
2x +7 15
7. Solve:
3x+5 17

8. 5 years ago a man was 7 times as old as his son. After 5 years he will be thrice as old as
his son. Find their present ages.
B. Mark (V)against thecorrect answer in each of the following:
9. ab - a-b +l=?
(b) (1 - a)(b - 1) (e) (a - 1)(b - 1) (d) (a -1)(1 b)
23x - 8x -?
(a) (1 - 8x)(3 + x) 15) (1 + 8x)(3 - x) (c) (1 - 8x)(3 - x) (d) none of these
7x-19x -6 =?
(a) (x -3)(7x + 2) (b) (x + 3)(7x 2) (c) (x 3)(7x -2) (d) (7x -3)(x + 2)
12, 12x + 60x+75 =?
(a) (2x +5)(6x + 5) (b) (3x +5)2
(c) 3(2x + 5) (d) none of these
13. 10p +1lp +3 =?
(a) (2p + 3)(5p + 1) (b) (5p + 3)(2p +1).
(c) (5p - 3)(2p -1) (d) none of these
14. 8x - 2x =?
(a) (4x- 1)(2x -l)x (b) (2x + 1)(2x - 1)
(c) 2x(2x - 1)(2x +1) (d) none of these
15. x+5 x-5 25
+ gives
2 3 6

(a) x =3 (b) x = 4 (c) x =5 (d) x=2

C. 16. Fill in the blanks.
(i) x - 18x +81 = (.....)
(ii) 4 36x = (..... ...)(...)
(i1) x?- 14x + 13 = (......(......)
(iv) 9z?-x² -4y +4xy =(........)
(v) abc - ab - c +1 = (......)(......)
116 Mathematics for (Class 8

D. 17. Write T' for true and "F' for false for each of
the following:
(1)) (5-3x) Is abinomlal.
(11)81s a monomial.
(111) (5a -9h)- (-6a +2b) - (-a -7b).
(iv) When x 2 and y =1. the value of -8 64
7x'y' is
X 3
(v) X 9.
4 2 4

(vi) 2x5-0 X 2

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