The Homebrewery - Abomination

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Abomination on holy symbol and blessing of god make him

In deep laboratory man try cure bestial curse while monstrous creature while she charge on enemies.
horns appear on his head and hands become giant bear- Abominations are people, that for some reason can
like claws. During magical incantation infernal calling change into terrifying beasts. They don't control this
awake devilish beast from tiefling and attack his friends power in absolute order and sometimes thier worst side
without secound thought. Religious warrior spil blood take over them and wake bloodthirsty monster inside.

The Concierge
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Transformations Abomination Traits
1st +2 Transformation, Mutation Origin, Abomination traits, Unstable Beast 1 2
2nd +2 - 2 2
3rd +2 - 2 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 3
5th +3 Extra Attack (2) 3 4
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Mutation Origin 3 4
7th +3 - 3 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Over Limits 4 5
9th +4 - 4 6
10th +4 Mutation Origin 4 6
11th +4 Extra Attack (3) 5 7
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 7
13th +5 - 5 8
14th +5 Mutation Origin 6 8
15th +5 - 6 9
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 9
17th +6 - 7 10
18th +6 - 7 10
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Iron Control 7 11
20th +6 Beyond Consequences 10 13

Class Features (a) a martial melee weapon or (b) two simple melee
As an abomination, you gain the following class features weapons or (c) one simple ranged weapon and 20
ammunition in quiver or bag
Hit Points (a) holy symbol or (b) handmade talisman
Hit Dice:1d12 per abomination level explorer’s pack, two suits of normal clothes
12 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at 1st Level: Transformation
Hit Points at Higher Levels:1d12 (or 7) + your
Constitution modifier per abomination level after 1st From 1st level you can wake beast inside you taking
Proficiencies form of powerfull monster. As a bonus action you can
Shields transform itself into abomination form for number of
Simple weapons, Martial melee weapons rounds equal to your Constitution modifier + your
None proficiency bonus. You don’t transform into normal
Tools: form if you die or fall unconscious. In abomination form
Saving Throws: (a) Strength and Constitution or (b) you get following benefits:
Dexterity and Intelligence Your size increase by 1 category.
Skills: Choose three from: Animal Handling, Athletics,
Deception, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, You have advantage on Strength checks and
Survival Strength saving throws.
You add your Constitution modifier to your AC if you
Equipment aren’t wearing armor.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to You have claw natural weapon attack based on
the equipment granted by your background: Strength (1d8 slashing).
You get Protection equal to your proficiency bonus.
You can take Dash action as a bonus action.
You aren’t anable to use shields, concentrate and Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
cast spells, use magic items and speak. once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Your hands aren made for weapons. Therefor you The number of attacks increases to three when you
weapon attacks are made with disadvantage. reach 11th level in this class.
You get all other benefites from Abomination traits Over Limits
Your appearance change as you want. You can get big From 8th level when you take Ability Score Improvment
curved horns, thick fur, more eyes or little worthless you can raise your ability score to 22. Changes that
wings. Your equipment don’t change and fall on ground happends inside you let you get power above many
unless was created for this form. Clothers also don’t people.
change. Iron Control
Once you have transform the number of times shown
for your abomination level in the Transformations At 19th level you learn full potencial about your inside
column of the Abomination table, you must finish a long force and know how fully control it. You ignore Unstable
rest before you can transform again. Abomination trait unleas you want othervise. Also
during transmutation you can cast spells, concentrate,
Mutation Origin speak and use magic items.
At 1 st. level you choose origin of your mutations from Beyond Consequences
Cursed, Infernal call, Holy blessing. Your choice grants
you features at 1st level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th On 20th level you have achieved control over beast to
levels. change rules of your body. You get additional 6 levels in
choosen class as you multiclassing but you don’t need
Abomination Traits meet the requirements of class and your proficiency
Its hard to find two indentical abominations. That bonus become +7 instead of +6.
becouse of varienty of traits that define beast inside. At
1st level, you gain two abomination traits of your choice. Mutation Origins
When you gain certain abomination levels, you gain Power that you carry can have more than one source
additional traits of your choice, as shown in the and can come from curse, infernal flame or even as
Abomination traits column of the Abomination table. A blessing of bloodthirsty gods. No matter of source this
level prerequisite refers to your level in this class. power is destructive and unstable, trying freed
Unstable Beast themselfs from chains of your body and take full control
but can be woke by other sources.
When you transform into beast you take a bit of control
over force that crrate mutations. Unfortunately that Dire Curse
power can take control over you.
Eatch time when you roll a 1 on d20 die or take You are vessel for monstrous curse or furious spirit of
critical hit you need to make DC 15 Charisma saving nature. Either way your mutation represent raw nature,
throw. You have advantege on save if you have on strength and gore that try to take control over you when
yourself holy symbol or handmade talisman. On fail you blood drop on the ground. Your abomination form
transform into abomination form attacking everyone reseble primal instinct and have animal apperance.
and destroing everything in sight. DM take controll over During transformation you can have thick fur, horns,
your character during this time. This transformation last animal faces and giant bear claws.
until you fall unconscious, you get 3 or more levels of
exaustion or after 1d12 minutes. If you get natural 1 in
saving throw agains transmutation, it last 2d6 hours. Woke By The Blood
This transmutation don’t use your transformations From 1st level you can enter your transformation as a
uses. You can willingly faild this Charisma saving throw. reaction to being hit by hostile creature that you are
aware of. If you transform this way, your speed
Ability Score Improvement increases by 10 ft. and can make one natural weapon
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, attack as an bonus action while you in abomination
16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score form.
of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability If you take damage from creature that you’re not
scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t aware you activate your Unstable Unstable Beast
increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. feature and need to make Charisma saving throw as you
roll 1 on d20.
Extra Attack Also during transformation you count as beast type,
not humanoid or other types.
Bloody Wrath Devilish Inside
From 6th level your beast side let you eat other From 6th level your flame energy protect you from fire
creatures to help you survive your battle. When you and poison. You get resistance to poison damage and
make an Attack action you can replace one attack with advatage agains poisons. Aslo you get Fire Protection
bite attack. This attack is an natural weapon attack equal to half your level in normar form and equal to
dealing 1d6 piercing damage. On the hit you get amount your level during transmutation.
of temporary hit point equal to damage dealt. In addition
you can eat corpses of humanoids. If you do so your Burning Skin, Boiling Blood
regain hit point and increase its maximum amount by At 10th level you can start fire by just touching things
double of number of hit dies consumed creature had. and your blood burn like liquid fire. Once per turn while
You maximum hit points goes back to normal after long you transform and hit creature or object you can deal
rest and you can increase you maximum hit points this extra 1d8 fire damage. Also when creature hit you with
way only once per long rest. melee weapon when its 5ft of you, that creature take fire
damage equal to your Constitution modifiar as your
Prince Of Beasts blood burn thru skin and armor.
From 10th level some creature feel beast inside you. All Also while transform your attacks count as magical.
beasts and elementals are neutral towards you from
beggining and if they try to attack you they need to make Devil Powers
Wisdom saving throw with DC of 8 + your Strength At 14th level you become immune to poison damage
modifier + your proficiency bonus. If they failure they and poisoned contidion, effects of all poisons and
can’t attack you this turn. You also can add your resistance for non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and
proficiency bonus to damage dealt by your bite attack. slashing damage. Silver and adamantine weapons
overcome this resistance.
Tear Apart Also when you use Release the flame abilitie every
At 14th level you become the bloodthirsty monster that creature that failed save is in addition frightened of you
never miss an occasion to tear someone apart. You can while you transform or until they take damage.
make up to 2 reactions during round by only one per
turn. Also as an reaction to being attack by creature Holy Blessing
with melee weapon you can make one non-bite attack
against that creature. In addition you get permament Your mutations aren’t curse, bad luck or infernal power.
Protection equal to your Constitution modifier. Instead you were given this raw, brutal power by one of
gods that favor battle, war and bloodshed. When you
Infernal Calling transform on your body can appear symbol of god,
bloody halo may float beyond your head and eyes start
Maybe you get pact with archdevil or you were exposed glow celestial light, when you thow yourself into battle.
to corruption of abyss. It don’t matter. Now you carry
piece of infernar flame inside you and become fiendish Bonus Proficiency
nightmare during transmutation. Your apperance as On 1st level you get proficiency in religion if you don’t
beast may include devil horns, cracked skin with lava have that arleady and proficiency in medium armor. In
inside and your eyes can become black wells with red addition when you wear medium armor you can add to
burning dots. your AC your Constitution modifier instead of Dexterity.
Release The Flame Celestial Warrior
At 1st level your fiendish mutations let you burst with Also on 1st level your holy transformation let you keep
fire when you enter monstrous form. When you use your your armor and weapons making them even more
transformation every creature other than you in 5 ft. deadly. You can wear armor in which you proficient
sphere need to make Dexterity saving throw with DC of during transmutation and in addition your AC increase
8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. by 1 if you do that. Also you can use weapons without
On a failed they take 2d10 fire damage or half of that on disadvantage. Used weapon grow in size to match your
succesful save. Radius and damage increase by 5 ft. and size, dealing extra 1d6 damage or extra 1d8 if you use
1d10 on levels 6th (10ft., 3d10), 10th (15ft., 4d10) and weapon with heavy property. When you take damage
14th (20ft., 5d10). When you take fire damage equal or from fiend or undead you activate your Unstable Beast
greater than your level in this class you activate your feature and need to make Charisma saving throw as you
Unstable Beast feature and need to make Charisma roll 1 on d20. You can automatically pass this save if CR
saving throw as you roll 1 on d20. Also during of fiend or undead is lesser than 1/4 of your level in this
transformation you count as fiend type, not humanoid or class. Also during transformation you count as celestial
other types. type, not humanoid or other types.
Gods Favorite
At 6th level god that gave you this strength charge you Abomination trait
with more power when you mutate. When you If an abomination trait has prerequisites you must meet
transform you can choose to spell bless was cast upon then to choose it. You can choose the trait at the same
you. If you do spell dosen’t require concentration and time that you meet its prerequisites. You can’t choose
last until end of transmutation. You can use this feather same trait more then once unleas it states otherwise.
a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier Traits activate only when you in abomination form
and regain all uses after you finish a long rest. unleas states otherwise.
Abnormal Mind
Radiant Weapons
From 10th level all your attacks count as magical. Also You get Psychic Protection 10 and become immune to
once per turn wneh you deal damage with your attack scrying and to any effect that would sense its emotions,
you can add to damage 1d8 radiant damage. If creature read its thoughts, or detect its location.
was fiend or undead you instead add 1d12 to damage. Acid Split
Also you get Radiant and Necrotic Protection equal to Prerequisites: 5th level to chooose secound time
your half of your level when you in normal form and When you attack you can split acid. This is Dexterity
equal to your level when you in abomination form. based ranged attack with range 40/120 ft. On hit it deals
Celestial Blood 1d6 acid damage. Object hit with this automatically take
At 14th level your god let you heal your wounds in the maximum damage. You can choose this trait twice. On
heat of battle. As an bonus action you can regain secound choose damage increase to 1d8 and you can
amount of hit point equal to 7 times your level. Once split acid in normal form.
used this feature you cannot use that again until you Aquatic Gills
finish a long rest. Prerequisites: 3th level
Also when you are target of spell that restore hit piont You can breath underwater and in the air.
you restore extra amount equal to your Constitution
modifier. Armor Breaker
Prerequisites: 3th level
You get +2 to hit when you attack creature wearing
Blind Monster
You get 60 ft. of blindsight but you blind beyond this
Bloodied Aim
Prerequisites: 7th level, Dire Curse
When you hit a creature with an attack, the creature
takes an extra 1d6 damage if it’s below its hit point
Brutal Hit
You can add your proficiency bonus to your natural
weapons damage.
Call From Hell
Prerequisites: 11th level, Infernal Call origin
When you transform you summon 1 under your
command in unocupied space that you can see within
30ft. of you. It act directly after you and you can
command its movement and actions as a bonus action.
Imp dissapear when its Hit Point drop to 0 or when you
transformation ends.
Destroyer Of Magic
Prerequisites: 5th level
When you attack you ignore bonuses to AC comming
from spells (mage armor, shield, shield of faith, barkskin
Elemental Hide Long Legs
Choose one: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder. Your moving speed increace by 10ft
You get Protection 5 for this damage type. You can
choose this trait multiple times taking new damage type Mutated Wings
or incresing already taken (up to X Protection 20). Prerequisites: 11th level
You sprout giant wings gaving you 30ft of flying
Everyday Monster speed.
Prerequisites: 7th level
When in normal form you can cast alter self witout Night Eyes
expending a spell slot. You get 60 ft. of darkvision. If you already have
Fire Immunity
darkvision its distance increase by 60 ft.
Painful Howl
Prerequisites: 13th level, Infernal Call origin
You get immunity to fire damage. Prerequisites: 5th level
Once per transformation as an action you can howl.
Giant Figure Each creature in 15ft. radius other than you must
Prerequisites: 7th level succeed on Wisdom saving throw or take 3d8 thunder
Your size increase by 2 categories instead of 1, your damage or half on succeed. Also you and every freindly
attack range increase by 5ft. and at the start of to you creature gets advantage in all attacks againt
transformation you get Temporary Hit Points equal to creature that failed save until end of your next turn.
four times your level. Also you deal extra 1d6 daamge Creature immune to frightened condition automatically
with your attacks or extra 1d8 if you use weapon with pass saving throw.
heavy property. Punish The Heretic
Holy Armor Prerequisites: 9th level, Holy Blessing
Prerequisites: 7th level, Holy Blessing When creature deals damage you with weapon attack
When you use Gods Favorite feature you get that creature take radiant damage equal to half damage
additionalProtection equal to half your abomination dealt.
level. Radiant Aura
Horns Prerequisites: 5th level, Holy Blessing
You can replace one attack with horns natural weapon During tranformation you create 20ft. aura of dim
attack dealing 1d6 piercing damage. If target was a light around you that move with you. If fiend or undead
creature it must succeed on Strength saving throw with start its turn in aura its take amount of radiant damage
DC 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus equal to your abomination level.
or fall prone. You can choose this trait twice. On
secound choose if you moves at least 10 ft. straight Regeneration
toward a target and then hits it with a horns Attack on Prerequisites: 11th level
the same turn, the target takes an extra 3d6 piercing At the start of your turn you regaint 5 Hit Points if you
damage. have at least 1 Hit Point.
Howl Of Blood Resisted Skin
Prerequisites: 3th level Prerequisites: 11th level
Once per transformation as an action you can howl. You double you Protection comming from
Each hostile creature in 20ft. radius gets disadvantage Transutationtrait that don’t involve Abomination Traits.
in all attacks against creatures other than you. This Rip And Tear
effect end when you transform into normal form. When you score critical hit with natural weapon attack
Creatures immune to frightened condition are immune you can rip one arm or leg of hit creature (your choise).
to howl efect.
King Of Beasts Sharp Claws
Your claw damage increace to 1d10. You can choose
Prerequisites: 9th level, Dire Curse
When you transform you summon 3 Wolfes under this trait three times. Secound choose let you use claws
your command in unocupied space that you can see with 1d6 damage and third choose increace damage to
within 30ft. of you. They act directly after you and you 1d12.
can command they movement and actions as a bonus Siege Monster
action. Wolf dissapear when its Hit Point drop to 0 or
when you transformation ends. Prerequisites: Dire Curse
You deal double damage to objects and structures.
When creature is in 5ft. of you hit you with melee attack
you deal piercing damage equal to half your
abomination level (minimum of 1).
Suluric Breath
Prerequisites: 5th level, Infernal Call origin
Once per transformation as an action you can breatch
sulfur dust and explosive gase. Every creature in 20ft.
cone emanating from you must succeed on Constitution
saving throw with DC 8 + your Constitution modifier +
your proficiency bonus or take number of d8 poison
damage equal to your proficiency bonus or half that
damage on succesful saving throw. If in the cone is
source of open fire equal or greater than torch every
affected by cone creature take additional 5d6 fire
Surface Adaptation
You get climbing or swimming speed equal to your
moving speed.
You replace your claw attack with tentacles attack.
Damage type change to blugeoning and tentacles attack
gets Reach.

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