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Round 1

2 Chill Cane
2 Rask Deserter
Cards are too low impact. Rask is just a vanilla unless facing Nar mirror, which I
didn't want to plan for.
2 Essence of Frost
2 Ice Lens
Staple Nar cards, every Nar deck is better with these.

Round 2:
2 Icepack
2 Icecap
Icepack has a really narrow use case, only hitting 3 cards in the stock decklist,
so it's often just a dead card. Icecap is an interesting card, but is hard to time
correctly to gain actual good value out of
2 Shattershards
2 Snow Barl Pup
Shattershards to give some Relic hate since Belt is just everywhere. Snow Pups are
one of my favorite value cards and are great for punishing people and getting some
free value on board.

Round 3:
1 Rask Deserter
Just removing the last vanilla from the deck. I appreciate that these cards exist,
but in starter deck matches, they feel bad
1 Kyroll
Adding in a little more removal and just a generally big body

Round 4:
1 Kintor Furs
1 Flashfreeze
1 Polar Rudwot
1 Tundra Hyren
These cards frequently felt like they were either too low impact or got stuck in my
hand an awful lot. Furs especially is such a situational card, requiring Magi to be
frozen and also spells to be cast, which rarely sets itself up. I'm hoping lower
ratios will make these feel more like tech cards
2 Rayje's Belt
2 Crushing Ice
Belt is belt. Crushing Ice to hopefully get better control options that aren't
simply crashing creatures into other creatures.

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