1 Introduction To Microbiology Ii

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○ Since 1982, HIV continued to infect
● SARS-Cov 2
Microbiology ○ Causes Covid-19
● Branch of science that deals with the study of ○ Discovered last late December 2019
microorganism that are too small for the naked eye ● Measles and Polioviruses
● Bacteria ○
○ Unicellular organism
○ Classified as prokaryotic cell
Importance of Mycology
○ Classified based on their morphology,
● Invasive fungal infections
○ biochemical reaction, antigenic variation,
○ Increasing incidence is due to lack of
and genetic make up
practice/training, antifungal drugs, and
● Parasite
advanced diagnostics in mycology
○ Eukaryotic
● Candida spp
○ Exist as unicellular (e.g protozoans) and
○ Most common
multicellular organism (e.g.roundworms)
○ Causes fungal sepsis
● Fungi
● Histoplasma capsulatum
○ Heterotrophic eukaryotic cells
● Aspergillus spp
○ Mostly multicellular
○ Exists as yeast (37⁰C) or molds (RT)
■ Dimorphic fungi
● Viruses
Scientific breakthroughs and developments
○ Smallest infectious particles ● Big investments in vigorous research enterprises
○ Acellular - particles with a genetic material ● Eliminated certain viral infections due to vaccine
○ Contains either DNA or RNA, never both research
○ Obligate intracellular parasite ● Almost eliminated polio and measles due to
○ Exhibit viral tropism development of vaccines
■ Tropism - ability to productively ● Development of anti-cancer vaccines that prevent
infect a particular cell (cellular some viral infections
tropism), tissue (tissue tropism) or ● Converted HIV from a certain death sentence to a
host species (host tropism) largely manageable diseases
bearing its required receptor ● On going vaccine research for HIV
● Production of vaccines against SARSCov-2
● Improved diagnosis, treatment, and management of
invasive fungal infections
● Medical Mycology
○ Scientific Discipline that deals with the
study of fungi, its classification, disease
association, and laboratory diagnosis ● Tremendous threat of zoonotic infections
● Mycoses ● Lack of affordable drugs to treat patients with viral
○ Diseases in animals and humans that are and fungal infections
caused by fungi ● Absence of effective vaccines for many viral
● Medical Virology infections
○ Scientific Discipline that deals with the ● Emergence of new pathogens
study of viruses, its classification, disease ● Reduce funding in research and development
association, and laboratory diagnosis ● Negative publicity about scientific breakthroughs
challenges scientific conclusions:
Importance of Virology:
○ Linking vaccines with autism
● Smallpox
○ Rise of anti-vaccine movements
○ Caused by variola virus
● Ebola
○ Discovered in 1976
○ As of 15 February 202, two Africa Union
Member States are reporting 11 cases, 3
deaths and 0 recoveries of Ebola
○ December 2019 - vaccine was approved
● MERS-Cov
○ 2012
○ Belongs to Coronaviridae family
● HBV and HEV
○ 2 of the most common fulminant
hepatitis,chronic liver failure and
hepatocellular carcinoma
○ Philippines is hyper endemic area for HBV

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