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Group name: Butter

Topic: Zoos should be banned

Side Claims Evidence

1/ Sở thú không thật sự giúp bảo tồn động vật. + Giảm - When living in captivity, animals' health is clearly reduced. For
tuổi thọ của động vật hơn so với tự nhiên. example: Average lifespan of African elephants: + Zoo: 16.9
➔ Không phải sở thú nào trên thế giới cũng đạt được điều years. + Natural environment: 56 years.
kiện để các loài động vật có môi trường sống tốt nhất.

2/ Sở thú gây tổn hại tâm lí cho động vật. + Động vật dễ - When suffering from Zoochosis, animals will act abnormally
mắc hội chứng Zoochosis (Hội chứng vườn thú) and repetitively. This is their reaction to cope with the boredom
➔ Đời sống tinh thần của động vật khi bị giam cầm quá and cramped environment of captivity. For example: The
lâu cũng ảnh hưởng một cách nghiệm trọng. monkey jumps continuously in the cage or the white tiger walks
around a fixed circle at the Beijing Zoo (China).

3/ Các vườn thú không giáo dục công chúng đủ để biện - Unguided visits usually only improve biodiversity knowledge in
minh cho việc giam giữ động vật. + Du khách đến sở thú one-third of visitors, with very few enthusiastic about
để tham quan và vui chơi, không mấy nhiệt tình với việc conservation. For example: Hundreds of people borrowed from
bảo tồn. the lion's cage to watch Winston Churchill (Former Prime
➔ Đang tích cực duy trì và dạy cho thế hệ tiếp theo coi sở Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
thú là một phần hoàn toàn chấp nhận được trong xã hội Ireland) use a long pole to feed Rota the lion during his visit to
London Zoo in 1947.

Against 1/ Zoos save species from extinction and other dangers. - By maintaining animal populations and reintroducing wild
+ Zoos are making efforts to save wild animals from populations, zoos can help conserve species at risk due to
habitat loss, poachers, hunters,... climate change.
Zoos play a very important role in preventing many For example, a joint conservation effort between the San Diego
species from becoming extinct. and Los Angeles Zoos and other organizations created a
population of 276 California condors in the wild and another 170
individuals in captivity in 2016.

- Zoos regularly conduct disease surveillance research in their

Group name: Butter
Topic: Zoos should be banned

2/ Zoos produce useful scientific research. own wild and captive populations.
+ There are many diseases that can be transmitted from Example: Veterinary staff at the Bronx Zoo in New York alerted
animals to humans, such as Ebola, Hantavirus and bird health officials to the presence of West Nile Virus.
Research can directly affect human health.

- As of April 2021, there are 241 accredited zoos in the United

3/ Zoos educate the public about animals and conservation States. Zoos attract more than 181 million visitors annually,
efforts. more than the approximately 131 million annual audiences of the
+ Visitors to the zoo have improved their knowledge NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB combined.
about biodiversity and specific individual actions to
protect biodiversity.
There can be opportunities to learn about animals not only
from books and TV shows but also from observing them
firsthand, which can help expand knowledge.

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