Artificial Intelligence

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Topic: The impact of Artificial intelligence on Human life

Keyword: The future of AI

I/ Introduction
Good morning, I know you are busy but thank you all for being here today. For those who
don’t know me, I’m Pham Huong Giang and I’m currently majoring in Public Relations. I’m
here today to brief you know how Artificial Intelligence, which called AI, impacts on human
life. So let's find out what AI means? And why did AI impact on human life so much? To be
honest, we have been using, interacting and benefiting from AI for a long time now. Have
you noticed that whenever you start to type a line into the Google search box, a drop-down
menu shows up suggesting searches? 9 times out of ten the topic you are looking for is
among those suggestions. These are built into the app and known variously as smart, digital
and virtual assistants. The popular of AI in our lives makes everything easier and save time.
However, this comes with a price. AI poses major ethical and social challenges and threats to
us. These challenges and threats need to be considered carefully, avoiding overuse of AI that
leads to dependence. By the aim of my speech, I would like to show you the advantages and
disadvantages when AI impacts on human life.
My speech will last for 10 minutes and I’d be glad to answer all of your questions if you ask
me. Okay so now let’s get into the main idea.

II/ Body
2 ideas prediction
1st: Labour-saving >< Unemployment – Dependent on AI machines
2nd: Face ID recognition >< Hack face ID – Fake personal information

Main idea 1: Labour-saving >< Unemployment – Dependent on AI machines

With advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.
AI is being used to solve complex problems, automate tasks, and create new products and
services. AI can now perform tasks that were once only possible for humans to complete,
such as data entry, customer service, and even driving cars. And the first main point I would
like to address is labour-saving. AI is currently being applied to many fields of our lives.
From the fields of health, education, manufacturing, to transportation. The advent of AI helps
people increasingly save labor because of its automation capabilities. Certainly all of us have
heard the phrase "self-driving car". Self-driving cars are known as a type of robot that moves
from this place to another place on pre-installed roads, helping people save labor, handle
emergency situations and comply with traffic laws. And I’m make sure that self-driving cars
will be one of the smart transportation in the future. In addition to AI products such as self-
driving cars I mentioned above, we also have other useful devices such as robot cleaners,
automatic dishwashers,... that help improve human’s life and save time. By the way, overuse
of modern technological equipment will make people lazy, inflexible and increase
unemployment. What we need to do is not dependent on AI machines, we should use them
intelligently and effectively.

Main idea 2: Face ID recognition >< Hack face ID – Fake personal information
Finally, we need to look at some critical points in connection with face ID recognition. Today,
as technology 4.0 develops strongly, it is no longer strange for people to apply artificial
intelligence in their lives or in their own homes. Facial recognition technology allows users to
open their home door with their own face. Or the fact that smartphones around the world
have applied Face ID to unlock and close the screen, helping customers and users secure
information and personal data in the best way. Even if they drop or lose their phone or keys,
the system ensures the safety of your device and home. Face ID recognition has been widely
applied in transaction counters at banks, airports or in applications, families, schools,...
helping users perform quickly, simple and more convenient than ever. For example, the
ability to recognize faces and process payments through the Momo application. Just show
your face in front of the scanning device, then select your correct phone number, the system
will check and make payment without having to enter a password. However, the convenience
of AI also comes with risks of leaking data and steal your personal information via Face ID. I
will show you a short video about fake Face ID video call to scam money. Many users advise
that you should not use Face ID because your information is likely not kept secure. Instead,
use a PIN code or Passcode for added security.

III/ Conclusion
And let me end by clarifying that AI technology is being used very commonly, the danger
that can be seen very easily is that people become too dependent on AI. The distance from
habitually "using" AI to "abusing" AI for improper purposes is very short. AI can support
humans in areas within their capabilities, for example in education. Not only students but also
lecturers also use AI to find questions and solution methods. But every problem has its good
and bad sides. When overused, it will lead to dependence and loss of ability to think and be
creative. The most recent example of a student depending on AI to write an essay instead of
searching for content from different web sources, as a result, the student received a low score.
In my opinion, AI is a "double-edged sword", both with good and bad sides. However, AI
cannot completely replace humans because it only has "limited" intelligence, so we can use
them depending on the purpose without being abused too much. And that is the end of my
speech, once again I want to say thank you to all examiners for your listening!

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