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Crash course on

Complete History of Assam

Last minute Revision for

APSC CCE 2022 and other govt exams
Classes with explanation is uploaded on YouTube at
Patkai Classes for free.
Students are advised to see those videos too!!

To go through the videos -
History of Assam has been divided into
• Ancient history– 350 to 1206 AD
In 350 AD, the first known dynasty of Assam (with written
evidence) the Varman Dynasty was established
• Medieval history– 1206 to 1826 AD
In 1206, the first Muslim invasion of Assam by Bakhtiyar Khilji
took place
• Colonial or Modern history- 1826 to1947 AD
In 1826, the Yandaboo Treaty was signed which marked the
beginning of British rule in Assam
• Post Independence- 1947 onwards
Pre History
o Prehistoric name of Assam was Pragjyotishpur which means
“City of Eastern Astrology”
o Also known as Kamrupa
o Main sources of information– books like Kalika Puran & Yogini
o According to Yogini Tantra Assam was divided into
o Kaampith(from river Karatoya to Sankosh)
o Ratnapith(from river Sankosh to Rupahi)
o Swarnapith (from river Rupahi to Bharali) and
o Soumarpith(from river Bharali to Dikrong)
v First Dynasty of Assam- Danava Dynasty üPrehistory of
Assam is a mixture
v Second dynasty was Bhauma dynasty
of history &
v First king of Assam– Mahiranga Danava mythology!!
v Danava & Bhauma Dynasty rulers
were Kiraats/ Non- Aryans Bhauma Dynasty rulers
Ø Narakasur
Danava Dynasty rulers Ø Bhagadutta
ØMahiranga Ø Pushpadutta
Ø Vajradutta
Ø :
ØGhatakasur Ø Subahu
Ø Suparua
ØNarakasur was the first ruler of Bhauma dynasty
ØHe was the son of Bhudevi(Earth) & Vishnu (Baraha avatar)
ØHe was brought up in Mithila (Videha kingdom) by Janak
ØNarakasur’s capital was Pragjyotishpur
ØNarakasur is said to have built the Kamakhya temple
ØNarakasur’s general was Mura
ØSri Krishna killed Mura first while coming to kill Narakasur so
Krishna is known as Murari
ØShri Krishna stopped at Asvakranta (or Aswaklanta) while
coming to kill Narakasur
Ø Bhagadutta was the son of Narakasur
Ø Bhagadutta fought alongside Kauravas in Kurukshetra
Ø His elephant’s name was Supratika
Ø His daughter Bhanumoti married Durjyodhana, eldest
of Kauravas
Ø Dighalipukhuri was dug during Bhanumotis
Ø Bhagadutta fought bravely with his Kiraat army but
was finally killed by Arjun in Kurukshetra
oB a n a s u r o f A s u r D y n a s t y w a s a
contemporary of Narakasur.
oMarichi was t h e fo under o f Asu r
dynasty followed by Kashyap,
Hiranyakashipu, Prahlad, virachana, Bali,
Bana and Bhaluk

o Banasur– king of Sonitpur (son of Bali)

o His daughter Usha married Aniruddha (Gandharva Vivah) with
help of her friend Chitralekha
o described in “Harihar yuddh” & “Kumar Haran” by Ananta
Ø Bhismaka-- king of Vidarbha, Kundil Nagar (present day
Sadiya in Tinsukia district)
Ø His daughter Rukmini married Sri Krishna
Ø Described in Rukmini Haran written by Shankardev
Ancient Assam(350-1206)
Varman Dynasty(350-650AD)
• Ruled Kamrupa, capital– Pragjyotishpur
ü Scripts used– Sanskrit and Kamrupi Prakrit
§ Evidence of this dynasty found in-
§ Allahabad pillar inscriptions.
§ Harisena, court poet of Samudragupta mentions Kamrupa & Davaka
as Frontier kingdoms under Guptas
§ Dubi &Nidhanpur copper plate inscriptions issued by Bhaskarvarman
§ Harshacharita by Banabhatta
§ Hiuen Tsang’s records
§ Nalanda clay seals
§ Pushyavarman–Founder of Varman Varman Dynasty
§ contemporary of King
Samudragupta of Gupta Empire
§ Pratyanta Nripati / Maharajadhiraj
titles used for Pushyavarman

q Balavarman’s daughter Amritprabha

married to Kashmir’s ruler
(source-- Kalhana’s Rajtarangini )
q Amrtitprabha was accompanied by
Buddhist monk Stupa
Varman Dynasty
o Bhutivarman expanded kingdom beyond river Karatoya &
donated land to Brahmins. Also known as Mahabhutivarman
q Sthitavarman– first Kamrup ruler to have coronation according
to Vedic rituals
Ø Susthitavarman- also known as Mriganka
§ Mahasengupta defeated him.
§ Lo st Pundravardhan area that was earlier cap tured by
v Supratisthitavarman– defeated by King Sasanka of Gauda
Kumar Bhaskarvarman– contemporary of King of Thaneswar,
v He sent Hamsavega as messenger to Harsha’s court.
v He defeated Gauda king Sasanka in alliance with
v He requested Silabhadra of Nalanda University (Magadha) to
send Hiuen-Tsang (Xuan zang) to Kamrupa.
v Bhaskarvarman also participated in a religious assembly held at
Kannauj by Harshavardhan (a.k.a Siladitya) where he dressed as
Indra and Harshavardhan dressed as Brahma
Ø Hiuen-Tsang visited Kamrupa in 643 AD, crossing river Karatoya
Ø Wrote ‘Si-Yu-Ki’ where he mentions Kamrupa as 1700 miles,
mentions fruits like jackfruit and coconut.
Ø Bhaskarvarman gifted a cap to Hieun Tsang called Ho La Li
Ø Bhaskarvarman was unmarried therefore known as Kumar
Bhaskarvarman and is considered the last ruler of the Varman
Ø However some hitorians believe that another prince from Varman
dynasty ruled for about 5 years after Bhaskarvarman named
Avantivarman. Although this fact is rejected by some saying that
Avantivarman was only the founder of the next Dynasty i.e
Salasthamba dynasty
Mlechcha / SalasthambhaDynasty(655- 900)
• 21 kings
• First king– Salasthamba
• Last ruler– Tyag Singh
• Capital– Haruppeswar (present day Tezpur)
• They worshipped Hetuka Sulin (form of Shiva)
Ø Harsadev or King Harsa (also called Gaudradi- Kalinga-
Kosalapati)– his daughter Rajyamati married Nepal Lichchavi
king Jayadeva II
Ø Evidence in Pashupatinath Copper plate inscription of King
Jayadev II
• Balavarman issued Nagaon Copper plates
• Hazzaravarmana also known as Maharajadhiraj- Parmeshwar-
ü Tezpur rock inscription & Hayunthal copper plate inscriptions
belonged to hazzaravarman’s reign
• Vanamalavarman– Tezpur Copper plate inscription
• Jayamala also known as Virabahu
• Balavarman II then Tyag Singha became last ruler
vInformation about Salasthambha Dynasty is found in Bargaon
Copper plate of Ratnapal (Pala dynasty ruler)
Pala Dynasty (900-1138)
• 8 kings
• Founder– Brahmapala (elected king)
• Ratna Pal– Bargaon, Suwalkuchi & Choratbari copper plate
• Capital of Pala kings– Durjaya (established by Ratnapal)
• Indra Pala– Gauhati & Guwakuchi Cu plate
• Indrapala married Rashtrakuta princess Rajyadevi
• Go pala- Gachtal Cu plate
• Harshapala– Chalukya KingVikramaditya VI attacked during his
Ø Dharmapala – Khonamukh , Pushpabhadra, &
Subhankarapataka Cu plate
Ø He made his capital at Kamrupanagar
Ø Kalika puran was written during his reign
• Jayapal– last king
• Architecture of Pala kings--Madan Kamdev temple at Baihata

üJayapala was defeated by King Rampala of Bengal. Rampal

appointedTingyadev as ruler
üAfter Tingyadev one Vaidyadev ruled
Medieval history of Assam
(1206 to 1826)
Ø In 1206- attacks from the
Bakhtiyar Khilji burned 9 million
Bengal Sultanate manuscripts & slaughtered 10,000
Ø By Md.Bin Bakhtiyar Khilji Buddhist scholars in Nalanda
Ø (first Muslim invasion of Assam)
• Guided by Mech chief– Ali Mech
(Ali Mech is considered first Muslim covert of Assam)
Ø During reign of Raja Prithu Rai of Kamata Kingdom
• Khilji defeated in war with Raja Prithu
(source– Kanai Boroxibua Rock Inscription)
Other Muslim Invasions
• Giyasuddin, Governor of Bengal attacked in 1227
• Nasiruddin Mahmood Shah, son of Iltutmish killed Prithu in
Ø After Prithu, Sandhya became king
Ø Sandhya considered Founder of Kamata kingdom
• Malik Ikhtyaruddin Yuzbak- 1257 (defeated& killed)
• Tughril Khan- 1278
• Giyasuddin Bahadur Shah- 1321
• Army sent by Md bin Tghlaq- 1332
Kamata Kingdom
• Sandhya
• Sindhu Rai üSandh ya mo ve d kin g do m fr o m
• Rup Narayan Kamrupa to Kamatapur
• Singhadhwaj üD u r l a b h n a r a y a n r e c i e v e s 1 2
• Pratapdhwaj Kayastha families among whom were
• Dharmanarayan
family of Candivara (Sankardev’s
• Durlabhnarayan
• Indranarayan family)
• Sasanka üCourt poets of Durlavnaray an–
• Gajanka Hema Saraswati & Harihar Bipra
• Sukranka üSasanka also known as Arimatta of
• Mriganka
• Khen dynasty(1440-1498)
• Niladhwaj - founder
• Chakradhwaj
• Nilambar- defeated by Alauddin Hussain Shah in
1498 and Danyal was made king.
• Danyal was overthrown by the Baro- Bhuyans who
were local chiefs ruling over small parts.
• Koch kingdom was then established by defeating the
Baro- Bhuyans
Ahom Kingdom
• Sukapha , prince of Mong mao/ Maolung(kingdom of Pong) started
journey in1215AD
• He belonged to Shan tribe
• Reached Brahmaputra valley in 1228 AD through through Pangsau pass
in Patkai hills
• Ahoms called Assam Mungdunsukham (valley of Golden gardens)
• 1253– Sukapha established capital at Charaideu
• Created Borgohain and Buragohain (ministers of Ahom court)
• They kept records called Chronicles or Buranjis
• Ahom priests were called Deodhais When Sukapha came
Moran chief was Badancha
• Died in1268 AD Barahi chief was Thakumtha
2nd December
Second Ahom king was Suteupha then
•Tyao Khamti
Sudangphaa/ Bamuni Konwar(1397-1407)
• Born & brought up in a Brahmin family
• Established capital at Chraguya
• First to start hindu religious practices in Ahom court
• First Ahom king to celebrate coronation ceremony called
“Singarigharutha ceremony”
Suhungmung/Dihingia Roja(1497-1539)
ü Established capital at Bakata (near the banks of river Dihing
ü Took the Hindu title ‘Swarganarayan’
ü First Buranji in Assamese language writtenduring his reign “Sri Sri
Swarganarayan Maharajar Janmakotha”
ü Chutia kingdom annexed in 1523
ü Suhungmung created the post Sadiyakhowa Gohain to look over
Chutia kingdom
ü First Sadiyakhowa Gohain – Phrasengmung Borgohain
ü Observed Rikhvan ceremony after winning war with Chutiyas
ü Saka era used as official calendar
Suhungmung/Dihingia Roja(1497-1539)
v First Muslim invasion of Ahom kingdom took place in 1527
v Turbak invasion– 1532 AD(Turbak was general sent by Padshah of
v Phrasengmung Borgohain killed in battle with Turbak; his wife
Mulagabhoru went to battlefield after her husband’s death and
died while fighting bravely . Turbak finally was killed by Konseng
Borpatro Gohain
v Suhungmung started post of Borpatro Gohain in his court.
v First Borpatro Gohain – Konseng Borpatro Gohain
v Defeated Kacharis in 1536 and appointed MarangiKhowa Gohain
to look after Kachari Kingdom
v Suhungmung was assasinated by Ratiman
Suklengmung/ Garhgaya Raja(1539-1552)
• Capital- Garhgaon
• Pisolar ran with Koch (1547)- first Ahom-Koch war
(Ahoms won)
• Coin introduced– octagonal
Sukhaampha/ KhoraRaja(1552-1603)
• 51 years reign (longest ruling Ahom king)
• Koch defeat Ahoms and Treaty of Majuli with
Naranarayan (1563)
Susengphaa/Pratap Singha/ Burhaa Raja/
Buddhiswarganarayan/ Gajapati(1603-1641)
Ø Paik and Posa System introduced
Ø First Durga puja with idols(at Bhatiapara) Paik system
Ø Used Assamese language as official language Under Baruah– 10000 paiks
Ø Married Koch princess Mangaldahi Phukan-- 6000
Rajkhowa-- 3000
Ø First Ahom- Mughal war occurred in 1615 Hazarika-- 1000
Ø Treaty of Asurar Ali 1639 with Mughals Saikia--100
Ø Created Barbarua and Barphukan posts Bora-- 20
Ø First Barphukan- Langi Panisiya Barphukan Deka-- 10
Ø First Barbarua – Momai Tamuli Borbarua
• Surampha was called Bhoga raja
• Sutyinpha was called Kekura Raja or Noria Raja

Sutamla/Jayadhwaj Singha/ Bhagania Raja/ Xarania Raja(1648-

Ø Auniati and Dakhinpaat satra established
Ø Mir Jumla Invasion in 1662; occupied Gargaon/ Jayadhwaj Singha
fled to Namrup
Ø Treaty of Ghilajharighat with Mir Jumla 1663 / Jayadhwaj Singha’s
daughter, Ramani Gabhoru and a Tipam princess was given to
Ø Ramani Gabhoru married to Aurangzeb’s son AzamShah & renames
Rahmat Banu Begum
Supangmung/ Chakradhwaj Singha (1663-1670)
• 1669– Battle of Alaboi
• Ram Singh (Mughal side) vs Atan Buragohain &
Lachit Borphukan (Ahom side)
• Almost 10,000 Assamese soldiers died

Sunyatpha/ Udayaditya Singha (1670-1673)

• 1671– Battle of Saraighat
• Mughals were defeated
Ahom soldiers under Prime Minister Atan Buragohain
& Senapati Lachit Borphukan
Period of unrest, weak kings vBarbaruah named Debera was one of chief
and corrupt ministers conspirators.
(1673-1681) vAtan Buragohain was a very efficient
7 kings murdered in 11 years minister who ended Debera’s tyranny.
• Ramdhwaj Singha vAtan Buragohain rejected th e offer of
• Suhung becoming king twice as he was not of royal
• Gobar Raja origin.
• Sujinpha vLaluksola Borphukan (brother of Lachit
• Sudaipha Buragohain & son of Momai Tamuli Borbora)
• Sulikpha/lora raja was a traitor who sold Guahati to Mughals
In 1679 Guahati was captured by AzamShah
vSulikpha or Lora Raja mutilated & killed a
lot of Ahom princes on advice of Laluksola.
Supaatpha/ Gadadhar Singha(1681-1696)
• Gadapani hid from LoraRaja & finally became king by disposing
off Lora Raja
• He belonged to the Tungkhungia clan
• His wife Joymoti tortured & killed by Lora Raja for not revealing
Gadapani’s whereabouts
• He established capital at Barkola
• 1682– Battle of Itakhuli (final battle with Mughals)

Constructions during Gadadhar Singha’s reign

•Dhodar Ali
•Umananda Temple in Peacock islands
•Started land survey
Sukhrungpha/ Rudra Singha(1696-1714)
• Capital—Rangpur/first bihu held. Kaviraj Chakraborty
• Called Greatest of all Ahom kings. was Rudra Singha’s
court poet!!
• Great patron of art & culture
• Created posts Bairagi, Kukurasua Baruah, Sensua Baruah,
GayanBaruah, BayanBaruah
• Called architect Ghanasyam from Koch Behar
• Called Sakta priest Krishnaram Bhattacharjee(also known asParbatia
Gosain as he lived in Nilachal Hills)
Constructions during Rudra Singha’s reign
Temporary Rang Ghar
Namdang Stone Bridge
Joysagar tank and Joydol
Kareng Ghar
Shiva Singha/ Sutanpha (1714-1744)
ü Gave throne to wife Phuleswari Devi (or Pramateshwari devi) who
was called Bar Raja.
ü Phuleswari Devi ignited the Moamaria rebellion by humiliating
Moamoria Gosain
ü Then made Ambika (or Draupadi) queen
ü After Ambika Enadori (or Sarbeswari) was made queen
ü Shiv dol was built by Ambika
ü Full fledged Hinduism practised during his reigh (Ahom priests
called Deodhais and Bailungs opposed)
ü Sukumar Borkaith wrote Hastirvidyarnava during his patronage
Pramatta Singha/ Sunenpha(1744- 1751)
• Rebuilt Rangghar in the present form.
Rajeswar Singha/ Surempha (1751- 1769)
• Left affairs of state to Kirti Chandra Barbarua
• Kirti Chandra was the one who burnt a lot of Buranjis
• Helped Jai Singh against Burmese (lata kata ran)
• Married Manipuri princess Kuranganayani(Jai Singh’s
• Built Navagraha temple, Basistha temple, 4 stories of
Talatal ghar
Lakshmi Singha/ Suneopha(1769-1780)
• First Moamaria rebellion 1769
Gaurinath Singha/ Suhitpungpha (1780-1795)
• Gaurinath capital shifted to Jorhat
• Purnananda Buragohain, a very efficient man was made Prime Minister
Second Moamoria Rebellion in 1782/Third Moamoria Rebellion in 1786
Kamaleswar Singha / Suklingpha (1795-1810)
• During his reign, Haradutta and Birdutta Choudhury revolted in Kamrup
– Dundiya revolution
• Koliabhumura Borphukan suppressed Dundiya Droh so given the title
“Pratap Ballav”
Chandrakanta Singha/(1810-1819) Purnananda Buragohain fought
First Burmese invasion-- 1818 back valiantly against the
Purander Singha (1818-1819) Moamarias but died during the
• Second Burmese invasion- 1819 first Burmese invasion which
Chandrakanta Singha(1819-1821) proved fatal for the Ahom
• Third Burmese invasion- 1821 army!!
• Fought battles of Mahgarh and Hadirachowki with Burmese
Jogeswar Singha(1821-1824)
• 1824– first Anglo Burmese war
• 1826– Treaty of Yandaboo
Purander Singha (1833-1838)
• last Ahom king
Moamoria rebellion(1769– 1805)
• Mayamara satra was founded by Anirudha Deb
• Moamorias were motok, chutia, moran, kachari adherents of
Moamoria Sattra
• Rebellion started in 1769 during reign of Lakshmi Singha

• 1st Phase (during Lakshmi Singha’s reign)

• Leaders were Ragha and Naharkhora
• In 1769 Guwahati occupied – Ramananda/Ramakanta made king
• 1782– led by Govind Gaonbura (Sekoni Kubua Ron against Ahom
Royal army)
• Lephera, Purnananda, Numol were other leaders
2nd phase (during Gaurinath Singha’s reign)
•1786– led by Harihar Tanti
•Bharat made king and Sarbananda ruled Moran tract from Bengmara
•In 1792-- Captain Thomas Welch sent by Gov Gen Cornwallis with
550 men defeated Moamorias
•1794 British forces reinstated Gaurinath Singha

Ø3rd phase (during Kamaleswar Singha’s reign )

ØFresh Moamaria uprisings took place after Welch went away
ØMoamaria Rebellion Ended in 1805 with peace treaty between
Purandar Buragohain & Moamaria chief Sarbananda
ØSarbananda Singha made Barsenapati of Matak territory
Burmese invasion
§ 1st – 1817, commander of Burmese army– a general of Bhamo
§ Badan Ch Barphukan invited the Burmese
§ Burmese king was Bodawpaya at that time
§ First Battle with Burmese at Ghiladhari
§ Chandrakanta Singha made puppet king and Badan Barphukan made
Mantri Phukan
§ Ahom Princess, Hemo Aidew gifted to King of Ava
§ After Burmese left Badan Ch was assasinated by Rup Singh Subedar &
Purandar Singha made king by Purnananda Buragoahin’s son Ruchinath
Buragohain. So Burmese attacked again
2nd- 1819, commander – Ala mingi or Kiamingi
Burmese Invasion
ü Guided by Patalang or Momai Baruah
ü MingimahaTilwa was kept in charge.
ü Ahom princess Upama Aidew was sent this time

3rd-- 1821, commander- Mingi maha Tilwa

• Burmese king was Bagyidaw at this time
• 1822– additional forces under Mingi maha Bandula was sent
• Mingi mahaTilwa made Raja of Assam
• Burmese committed horrible atrocities on Assamese people due to
which about 2/3rd of the Assamese population perished.
• Chandrakanta & Purandar Singha appealed the British for help.
• 1824– First Anglo Burmese War in Cachar
• 1826– Treaty of Yandaboo between British & Burmese
Others Kingdoms during Medieval Assam…
Other kingdoms like Kamata, Baro Bhuyans rule, Chutiya, Kachari, Jayantia,
Manipuri Kingdoms etc also flourished during that time but since they did not
write Buranjis like the Ahoms, we do not get much details about them.

Chutiya kingdom Kachari kingdom

First ruler- Birpal Hidimba is considered ancestor
Last- Nitipal or Nityapal Last king– Gobinda Chandra
Capital– Sadiya/ sadhyapura 1531– Ahoms placed Detsung as
Annexed in 1523 to Ahom kingdom subordinate king
Sati Sadhani was Nitipal’s wife, who 1536–Ahoms annexed kingdom &
committed suicide when Chutiyas lost Kacharis went to Maibong
to Ahoms & she was forced to marry 1564– came under Koch kingdom
the Sadiyakhowa Gohain Capital– Dimapur, Maibong, Khaspur
Worshipped kesai-khati
Koch Kingdom
(kingdom from river Karatoya to Barnadi)
Koch kingdom(1515-1581)
Ø Bisu or Biswa Singha defeated Baro bhuyans and
established Koch Kingdom
Ø Biswa Singha had 3 Sons With
Ø Malla Deb also known as Naranarayan
as king &
Ø Sukladhwaj also known as Chilarai
Chilarai as
Ø Gohain Kamal- built Gohain Kamal Ali from Koch general Koch
Bihar to Narayanpur in 1547
Ø Pisolar ran with Ahoms in 1546-1547 expanded to a
Ø Treaty of Majuli with ahoms in1563 after 1562 war large area!!
Ø Naranarayan divided kingdom into Koch Bihar and
Koch Hajo with Sankosh as boundary in 1581.
Modern history of Assam (1826- 1947)
Ø Treaty of Yandaboo– 1826 (between Sir Archibald Campbell (British
side) and Maha minhla kyaw Htin(Burmese side)
Ø David Scott– first British Commissioner of Assam
Ø 1828 British annexed lower Assam (upto Biswanath)
Ø 1828– first revolt against British by Gomdhar Konwar and Dhanjoy
Ø 1830—revolt by Dhanjoy B with sons Harikanta and Haranath, son in
law Jeuram Duliabarua and Peoli Barphukan
Ø August,1830– Peoli Phukan and Jeuram Duliabaruah hanged in Sibsagar.
q British annexation of Assam—1826 lower Assam
q In 1838– Upper Assam was annexed.
Political state of Assam after 1826
q Clubbed with Bengal Presidency (1826–1873)
q Became a Chief Commissioner's Province (1874–1905)
q Eastern Bengal and Assam placed under Lt. Governor
q Assam Legislative Council formed (1912–1920) with 25
q Became a Dyarchy (1921–1937)
q Assam Legislative Assembly formed (1937–1947)
q Became a state of India in 1950
• 1833 – Purander Singha installed as puppet king of Upper
Assam by the Treaty of Guwahati signed on 2nd March, 1833
• 1834– Francis Jenkins report
• 1836– Bengali made official language of Assam. (1873
Assamese again made official language)
• 1837- tea was manufactured (tea was discovered in1823 by
Robert Bruce)
• 1838– Upper Assam annexed
• 1839– Assam Tea Company established
• Maniram Dewan hanged publicly with Peoli Baruah on 26 th
February, 1858 in Jorhat for conspiracy against British
Ø 1861– Phulaguri Dawa or Phulaguri Uprising (first peasant uprising of
Ø Peasants revolted due to ban on opium cultivation & news of imposing
tax on Tamul paan/ Lt. Singer was killed by protesters
Ø Assam province separated from Bengal in1874 (Assamese language
reimposed) & made Chief Comissioners province
Ø First chief commissioner– Richard Harte Keating
Ø 1886– first Assamese to join Indian National Congress– Nabin
Chandra Bordoloi
Ø 1889– oil excavation in Digboi
Ø 1901 – Asia’s first oil refinery in Digboi
Ø Assam riots 1893 in Rangia, 1894 in Lachima due to increase in land
Ø Pathagurat Revolt in 1894--- Assam’s Jallianwala Bagh
Growth of Nationalism…
v Jorhat Sarvajanik Sabha– 1884 by Jagannath Barooah (founder secretary);
founder President – Raja Naranarayan Sinha
v Tezpur Rayat Sabha– 1884 by Haribilas Agarwala/Nagaon Rayat Sabha–
v All Assam Rayat Sabha– 1933by Nabin Ch Bordoloi
v Assam Association– founded in 1903 by Manik Ch. Baruah
v First session in 1905 in Dibrugarh with Raja Prabhat Ch. Baruah
(president), Jagannath Barooah(Vice President), ManikCh. Baruah(Gen
v Ambikagiri Raichoudhury founded – Seva Sangh (during
SwadeshiMovement) Asom Sangrakshini sabha, Axom Jatiyo Mahasabha
v 1916– Assam Satra Sanmilan founded by Lakshminath Bezbaruah
ü Assam Provincial Congress (APC)formed in 1921 when Mahatma
Gandhi visited for first time
ü First President of APC (elected) – Kuladhar Chaliha
ü First President of APC (selected) – Chabilal Upadhyay
ü First Secretary of APC – Nabin Ch. Bordoloi
ü 1921– first National school of Assam– Tilak Memorial School in
ü 1921/1926/ 1934/ 1946– 4 times Mahatma Gandhi visited Assam.
ü 1921– Mongri or Malati Mem became first female martyr of Assam
ü 41 st session of INC held in Pandu, Guwahati, presided by Srinivas
Iyengar in 1926
ü Opening song of 41 st session– Aji Bondo ki Sondere by Ambikagiri
Ø 1927– O mur apunar dex adopted as Jatiyo sangeet
Ø Leeladhar Baruah– Assamese to take part in Dandi
March along with Mahatma Gandhi
Ø 1930- first Round table conference where Chandradhar
Baruah participated
Ø Sept, 20, 1942 Kanaklata baruah, Mukunda kakoti shot
in Gohpur during Quit India Movement.
Ø Mrityu bahini (Suicide Squad) formed by Pushpalata
Ø Kushal konwar hanged in Jorhat jail in 15 june, 1943
accused of derailement in Sarupathar, Golaghat.
q Coalition govt. was formed by Sir Syed Muhammad Saadullah in 1937
(provincial elections were held for the first time in India in 1937)
q Sir Saadullah was the first Prime Minister of Assam in British India.
q He was a member of the Drafting Committee of Indian constitution.
q Then Indian National congress (Assam Provincial Congress)formed govt
in 1938 by Gopinath Bordoloi
q Again Sir Saadullah came to power in 1939 and resigned in 1941
q Again from 1942- 1946 Sadullah
q Then from 1946-47--1950– Gopinath Bordoloi
q Gopinath Bordoloi was first Chief Minister of Assam after Independence
q Gopinath Bordoloi awarded Bharatratna posthumously in 1999
q Lokapriya title given by then Governor JayramDas Daulatram
Post Independence(1947onwards)
Ø 1949—Manipur and Meghalaya became Union Territories
Ø 1956– Tripura became Union Territory
Ø 1957– Nagaland became Union Territory
Ø 1963– Nagaland became a state.
Ø 1972– Manipur, Meghalaya and Tripura became states
Ø 1972– Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram became Union
Ø 1987– ArunachalP and Mizoram became states.
• 1972—capitalof Assam shifted from Shillong to Guwahati
• Assam official language Act--- 1960
• Assamese became official language from 1961
• Bhaxa Andolan 1972– First martyr-- Mozammil Haque, Anil Bora
• Axom Andolan-1979—1985; President’s Rule imposed; First
martyr Khargeswar Talukdar
• 1985– Assam Accord signed. Prafulla Kumar Mahanta became
youngest CM of any Indian state
• 1990 – President’s rule imposed in Assam for second time
Ø First Governor of Assam- Sir Muhammad Saleh Akbar Hydari
Ø First woman Chief Minister of Assam – Syeda Anwara Taimur
Ø First Speaker of Assam Legislative Assembly – Babu Basanta Kumar
Ø First Assamese Justice of Supreme Court-Parbati Kumar Goswami
Ø First Assamese Chief Justice of Supreme Court- Ranjan Gogoi
Ø First Justice of High Court – Holiram Deka
Ø First Graduate of Assam – Anandaram Barooah
Ø First Assamese to become President of India – Fakaruddin Ali Ahmed
List of CMs of Assam

1. Gopinath Bordoloi 8. Syeda Anwara Taimur

2. Bishnuram Medhi 9. Keshab Chandra Gogoi
3. Bimala Prasad Chaliha 10. Hiteswar Saikia
4. Mahendra Mohan Choudhury 11. Prafulla Kumar Mahanta
5. Sarat Chandra Singha 12. Dr Bhumidhar Barman
6. Golap Borbora 13. Tarun Gogoi
7. Jogendra Nath Hazarika 14. Sarbananda Sonowal
15. Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma
Longest serving CM- Tarun Gogoi
Shortest Serving CM- Bhumidhar Barman
Thank you!!!
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