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Anyone ___1___ ever held ___2___ 1 – Palavra “quem”

Would ___3___ you the way I'm _____4_____ 2 – Pronome “você”
Anyone ___1___ ever wanted ___2___ 3 - Verbo “contar”
Would try to ___3___ you what I feel ____5____ 4 – Verbo “sentir” no modo continuous
The only ____6____ I ever wanted 5 – Palavra “dentro”
Was the ____4____ that you ain't faking 6 – Palavra “coisa”
The only one you ever thought about 7 – Verbo “esperar”
___7___ a minute, can't you ___8___ 8 – Verbo “ver”

That I
9 – Verbo “cair”
Wanna ___9___ from the ___10_____
10 – Palavra “estrelas”
Straight into your ___11_____
11 – Palavra “braços”
I, I feel you
12 – Verbo “compreender”
I hope you ______12_______

For the ___13___ who tried to ___14___ you 13 – Palavra “homem”

He's explaining the way I'm ______4________ 14 – Verbo “machucar”
For all the jealousy I caused you 15 – Palavra “razão”
States the _____15____ ___16___ I'm trying to hide 16 – Palavra “porque”
As for all the ____6____ you taught me 17 – Palavra “futuro”
It sends my ____17____ into clearer dimensions 18 – Palavra “nunca”
You'll ____18___ know ______19_____ you hurt me 19 – Expressão “quanto custa”
Stay a ___20___, can't you see 20 – Palavra “minuto”

That I
Wanna ___9___ from the ___10_____
Straight into your ___11_____
I, I feel you
I hope you ______12_______

Too ___21___ hearts are broken 21 – Palavra “muitos”

A lover's promise ___18___ came with a maybe 22 – Palavra “vozes”
So ___21___ words are left unspoken 23 – Adjetivo “louco / louca”
The silent ___22___ are driving me ___23____ 24 – Palavra “dor”
After all the ___24___ you caused me
Making up could never be your intention
You'll never know _____19____ you hurt me
Stay, can't you see

That I
Wanna ___9___ from the ___10_____
Straight into your ___11_____
I, I feel you
I hope you ______12_______

That I
Wanna ___9___ from the ___10_____
Straight into your ___11_____
I, I feel you
I hope you ______12_______

What´s the name of this song? ____________________

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