It Hardcopy (New Technologies, Old Technologies and Milennials Grp. 3)

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Lesson 3:





Milennials and News

The Difference between Baby Boomers and Gen Xers
to the Milennials..........................................................................................................
How Milennials get up to date.....................................................................................
How They Perceive News?..........................................................................................
How Do We Know What We Think We Know..........................................................
Two Kinds of Knowledge............................................................................................

Milennials and Social Media

Social Media................................................................................................................
The Social Media in the Modern World......................................................................
Forms and Types of Social Media...............................................................................
How Milennials use Social Media for Beneficial Platforms.......................................
Why Social Media are Always Being Used for Personal Purpose and
as a market...................................................................................................................
The Network Theory...................................................................................................
How Social Media Affect the Milennials on everyday usage.....................................
Legal implication of Cyberbullying under Philippine Laws.......................................
What are the Effects of Cyberbullying........................................................................
Consequence of Bully-Victim Cycle...................................................................................

Milennials and Mobile Technology

Mobile Technology......................................................................................................
How mobile technology affects the milennials?..........................................................
Timeline of Mobile Technology through Service.......................................................
What cell owners like the most and least about having a
How people consume their time using mobile device?...............................................
Etiquette with Regards to Phone Usage......................................................................

Millennials and News

What is news?

News is the information available to its audience about the current events that are
happening locally or globally. It is information about something that has just happened or will
happen soon. News is something that is not known earlier.

We can safely define news as a development that has happened in the past 24 hours
which was not known outside and which is of wide interest to the people and that which
generates curiosity among listeners. Common topics used and discussed for news reports include
government, politics, weather, catastrophes, economy, education, health, entertainment, fashion,
athletic events and so on.

It may be provided through different platforms depending from each kind of

generation; newspaper, television, radio or internet.

The Difference between Baby Boomers and Gen Xers to the Millennials

Baby Boomers are people who were born from 1946-1964 (54-72 years old), while
Gen Xers are the ones who were born from 1965-1980 (38-53 years old). There is a huge
difference on how news was received by the people from the old times and now.

When the old generation think about the news, they think of the old ways of how
they come to be updated with the news. It may be through the radio, the newspaper, and the good
old-fashioned televisions; but with the innovations of today's generation, millennials now have
different ways to consume and get updated with the news.

About eighty-five percent (85%) of the millennials say that they are updated with the
latest news. A number that people consider staggering knowing that people actually blame the
millennials for the death of the newspaper.

How Millennials get up to date?

A quick look into this millennial generation explains to us how they can easily get
up to date with the news. This millennial generation does not rely on the newspapers or the
television just like the Baby Boomers and some Gen Xers do.

According to an article titled, ‘The News Consumption Habits of 16- to 40-year-olds’

by The Media Insight Project on August 31, 2022, Compare to Baby Boomers generation, Gen Z
and Millennials with the age of 16-40 years old, consume news from a wide range of sources.
That mix includes traditional national and local news outlets. They get their news through social
media networks like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter and such.

A study suggests that about sixty-one percent (61%) of millennials get up-to-date with
their political news by using Facebook. Most millennials spend about 27 hours a week online,
says Nielsen who conducted a study in the third quarter of 2016.

“Young people care deeply about the news. But the way they define and consume it is quite
different compared to my generation.”

How They Perceive News?

Thirty-six percent (36%) of Americans spend more time reading news that are on
part with their political views rather than opposing views: A study conducted by Nielsen
found but that Gen Xers spend more time online than some millennials do. Spending about 32
hours a week a number which is 5 hours higher than millennials. They spend these much time to
only read information that they consider supporting what they believe in. It can easily be seen
what their political opinion by what newspapers and magazines they read whether online or

With millennials, eighty-three percent (83%) of them are suggested to be more

exposed to more diverse opinions on social media and seventy-three percent (73%) of them
click more to know. The generations of Baby Boomers and Gen Xers display that they are
set on their own ways, while millennials show open-mindedness. Compared to other adults or
the other generations, their ethical perspective and racial perspective are more diverse where
opinion is all about allowing and accepting various viewpoints on a topic without reservation.

How do we know what we think we know?

Knowledge and Information are everywhere on the internet. However, though

Knowledge is on the grasp of users through the internet, people are still having a hard time
getting access to it leaving many of them lacking. How do we know what we think we know?
This is an epistemological question that has been continually debated and explained. A man
explained that two sources of knowledge can exist.

Two Kinds of Knowledge

1. Expert Knowledge – acquired by those who have a prolonged or intense experience

through practice and education in a particular field. Those who conducted and examined findings
from its and those who earned their advanced degrees. They are called in for advice on their
respective subject of study.
2. “Wiki” Knowledge – Most millennials know about “wiki” or Wikipedia, a website on
the internet that allows its users collaboratively modify the content of some topics and structures
directly from their web browser. But since contributors are not experts in these, the “wiki
knowledge” obtained does not provide conclusive evidence.

The internet can be a very helpful tool to its users, but it also has its advantages —it can
lead to misinformation. We must not forget that there are designated experts in each field that
had allowed time, effort, and expertise to gain reliable knowledge on their respective subject of
study. An example of this is someone who would search the symptoms that they are suffering

instead of going to an expert —a doctor and get checked up. This could lead to many
disadvantages such as misdiagnose and overthinking. Users must not forget that not everything
we see on the internet is true and that we need to consult experts for their opinions.

Millennial and Social Media

Defining Social Media

Social Media is a platform wherein interaction can be made by both the machine and the
user in order to share data or information that can be beneficial to various uses. It was created
and designed for public use, whether it is for free or not. The usage of the social media networks
is limitless. Anything can literally be found in social media in the matter of seconds, or even less.
That is why the millennia’s of today are very much attracted to whatever it produces.

The Social Media in the Modern World

Social media as we know contain many benefits for our diverse users, and since
technology dominates the usage of daily living, the power of social media is now being used as a
platform to perform task whether it is for personal or

professional matters. Social Media diversify its capability on producing great that is user-
generated friendly for its content. Since social media is a part of the Web 2.0, the interaction for
both technology and human can now be easily explored and used by any individual. Social
Media will never go out of date and are here to remain in the technology use, they are not going
anywhere since it has an industry where it cannot be destroyed, it will just improve day after day,
minute after minute, and seconds after seconds.

The influence of social media has been powerful since the moment that it was first
introduced to the world as a revolutionary form of connection and communication. From the
very start, social media was an incredible and revolutionary approach to connection
communication that allowed the entire world to feel connected in a way that was never possible

Forms and Types of Social Media

1. Social Networking - Known for being the most popular and casual use of social media
2. Forum - Provides interaction between users with the same hobby.
3. Microblogging - Consists of small amount of words posted online to share one's thoughts
and opinions for personal matters.
4. Bookmarking - Personalize identifier to easily identify the specified network site
specifically for the user.
5. Video Site - Allows user to view video material based on preferences.
6. Engine - Helps out user to perform a task on what has been researched.

How Millennials use Social Media for Beneficial Platforms

1. Social Connections: This network allows the user to keep in touch to their friends
and families in order to keep updated in order to build connections. Examples:
Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and MySpace.

Social Connections can…

A.Improve your quality of life

The social "home base can have an idea on how much social connections form
your well-being and everyday life. Social connection can be a greater determinant to. health than
obesity, smoking and high blood pressure, that doesn't necessarily to the physical being of the
people but in subjective experience of feelings and connected to others.

B.Boost your mental health

With the help of your friends they can offer benefits of mental health, like
increased feelings of belonging, purpose, increased levels of happiness,

reduced levels of stress, improved self-worth and confidence.

C. Help you live longer

The impact of social connections is not only mental health but your physical health.

D.Decrease your risk of suicide

The number of factors to put the people at their higher or lower risk for suicide is the
crucial role in protecting a person against suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

2. Multimedia Sharing: Viewing photographs and watching or streaming online videos

are two of the major concepts on how humans interact and cope up with the
entertainment industry, as well as pop culture. Media sharing allows to place media
on other sites by embedding that can copy and paste the snippet of Hyper Text
Markup Language code into web page. Here are the main two forms of media sharing

Examples: YouTube, Flickr, Netflix, Pinterest and Instagram

Video: Video media sharing sites allow users to upload videos for free such as YouTube.
YouTube has a massive audience worldwide, some of the celebrities internationally or locally
have their own YouTube channels.

Photos: Photo sharing sites allow to upload images and view by other people. Some sites have
license out the photos that can be used and get printed.

3. Professional: Social networks that are created to provide professional usage for users

create a beneficial purpose career-wise. The network provides assistance in finding
occupation or create and connect professional forum.

Examples: LinkedIn, and Classroom 2.0

4. Informational: Informational networks provide assistance and guidance to people in

need and answer what the users need for their everyday problems.

Examples: The Nature Conservancy, and Do-It-Yourself Community

5. Educational: This network's purpose is to provide interaction for students

to students, students to teacher, or teacher to teacher, and create a working forum

where they can collaborate based on school related tasks and projects.

Example: Canvas, School Blogs, and The Math Forum

6. Hobbies: Finding the perfect website and application is important to the millennials
of today in order to conduct hobbies network-wise.

Example: Grow It!, and

7. Academic: For research and thesis use, an academic network provides a workspace
wherein they can share previous research for people to view it in public and create
benefits for themselves.

Example:, and Research Gate

Why Social Media are Always Being Used for Personal Purposes and as a Market.

1. Anyone can easily interact with one another internationally because of the connectivity it
offers globally.
2. Interest can be found in any category of website so users can easily find hobbies to
consume their time online.
3. The information can be shared instantly, saving time for research and study intentions
expressed from the source.
4. Advertising grosses high profit that can be put up in any websites.
5. Speed that technology can offer is now boundless.

As Social Connection, Multimedia Sharing, Professional, Informational,

Educational, Hobbies, Academic describe, these purposes plays a big role on Personal and
Marketing benefit among people.

Social media’s big draw is that it is a quick and easy way to connect with
friends and loved ones. You can share exciting news about your life through statuses, pictures
and videos. Or you can share details about your day; basically you can share anything you want
about your life. For family living miles away, it gives them a chance to feel like they are a part of

your life without a plane ticket or long-distance phone calls. This is also great way to meet
people in a casual environment.

When it comes to your business, it is important to be on as many social media

sites as possible. These sites offer many different options to share information and have different
users on each one. As a result, the more sites your

business is on, the more eyes will see it. Just for example, Shopee, Lazada, Tiktok and so on.

The Network Theory

Network Theory in social media analyzes research according to how people
individually, from certain groups and organizations interact with one another using social
network. It focuses on the role of social relationships in transmitting information, channeling
personal or media influence, and enabling attitudinal or behavioral change.

How Social Media Affect the Millennials on everyday usage

1. People are being used as a product

With the rise of E-commerce industry, people are attracted to online shopping and are
addicted in buying anything because of convenience and time saving. According to scientist
Jennifer Golbeck, businesses secretly use the internet as a spying and marketing tool. Her
evidence shows that people can track what you order online and use that information to their
own financial benefit without their users even knowing. Tricks being used to fool customers
to make a profit, to the criminal acts that online shopping and meet up that offered, the usage
of e-commerce can be a dangerous medium to put a risk on.
2. Privacy Issues
Social Media are being used as a platform to invade someone else's privacy. Users are
not aware of security problems they are facing. Because of this, many criminal acts are being
performed online such as fraud, hacking, phishing, threats, plagiarizing, stalking, and the use
of copyright that can lead to certain criminal acts. Users are easily tricked into being included
in such criminal acts since the use of online material is the easiest way to access someone’s
private data and information.
3. Negative Impacts of Health Issues and the Result it offers
The abuse of using social media can lead to certain damage in any single parts of your
body, from getting poor eyesight, brain damage (temporarily and lifetime), back problems
and many more.

4. The Rise of Cyberbullying

While other social media platforms are being used for motivational and positive
purposes, others use it for the exact opposite. The effects of cyberbullying vary, especially
for the millennials and can result into many ways, suicide tendencies are example of the
worst things that bullying can be triggered into putting an act.

Legal implications of Cyberbullying under Philippine Laws The Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
(RA 10627)

These acts are collectively called “cyber bullying” when committed online. (Sec. 2-D,
RA 10627) This covers social bullying aiming to belittle another individual or group or gender-
based bullying that humiliates another on the basis of perceived or actual sexual orientation and
gender identity. (Sec. 3, B-1, RA 10627, Implementing Rules).

In the Section 2, RA 10627, bullying refers to any severe or repeated use by one or
more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any

The Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (RA 10627)

This law finds applicability in school-related bullying, student-student bullying in

particular, which covers those uttered in social media. “Bullying”, as defined, refers to any
severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a
physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another student that has the effect
of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or
damage to his property; creating a hostile environment at school; infringing on the rights of
another; or materially or substantially disrupting the education process. (Sec. 2, RA 10627).

What are the Effects of Cyberbullying?

Some common feelings often experienced by teens and tweens:

1. Feel overwhelmed.
 Cyberbullies are overwhelming if a lot of people are joining in bullying.

2. Feel vulnerable and powerless.

 The victim of cyberbullying finds it tough to feel safe and can escalate feelings of fear.

3. Feel exposed and humiliated.

 The number of people that know about the bullying can lead to intense feelings of


4. Feel dissatisfied with who they are.

 Attack the victims where they are most vulnerable.

5. Feel angry and vengeful.

 The victims feel angry about what is happening to them.

Consequences of Bully-Victim Cycle

1. Feel disinterested in life. The victims will look different from the others.
2. Feel alone and isolated. The victims feel excluded.
3. Feel disinterested in school. The victims have higher rates of absenteeism.
4. Feel anxious and depressed. The victims Succumb to anxiety, depression and other
stress-related conditions.
5. Feel ill. The victims can have ill like stomach ulcers and skin conditions.
6. Feel suicidal. It increases the risk of suicide.

Bullying victimization not only shows significant positive correlation with

aggressive behavior, depression, and anxiety, but also shows significant negative correlation with
perceived social support and subjective well-being.

The effects of cyberbullying also include mental health issues, increased stress and
anxiety, depression, acting out violently, and low self-esteem. Cyberbullying can also result in
long-lasting emotional effects, even if the bullying has stopped. It can also result in enduring
feelings of embarrassment.

Not only behavioral and mental changes are the only effects of cyberbullying, there
can be physical effects as well. Intense feelings of stress and anxiety due to cyberbullying can
result in physical issues such as insomnia, gastrointestinal issues, and harmful eating patterns.

In an informal survey conducted in June 2018 by Sonnie, the Philippine Cyberbullying

Situation based on the following:

• 53% adult from 18 years old and above
• 47% minor from 17 years old and below

• 57% are female
• 43% are male
Top 3 in object of attack
• Reputation
• Appearance
• Against Victim Opinion

Top 4 in nature of attack

• Spreading photoshopped image
• Spreading Videos
• Poser
• Spreading Lies

Top 3 in platform used

• Facebook
• Mobile
• Blogs

What is mobile technology?

Mobile Technology is a medium that people use, not just millennials, but also to
diverse variety of people which are being used for cellular communication for personal and
specific intentions. It is a technology where transmitted data can be easily accessed on one single
channel instantly.

How mobile technology affects the millennials?

The use of mobile technologies or devices continues to influence the younger

generation, especially for the millennials of today. The use of those devices contains many
benefits for the users, that is, why it is impossible to take down the market of technology in the
modem world, wherein many people are constantly buying the related products. With the result
of that cycle of producing and marketing devices, the growth of the industry continues to
increase day by day.
Given their fluency and comfort with technology, Millennials have more of a positive
view of how technology is affecting their lives than any other generation. More than 74 percent
feel that new technology makes their lives easier, and 54 percent feel new technology helps them
be closer to their friends and family.

Timeline of Mobile Technology through Service

1980- Introduction of 1G was implemented in using brick phone and was limited for voice
communication only.

Launched by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone in 1979, 1G was first introduced to

the citizens of Tokyo. By 1984, the first generational network covered all of Japan, making it the
first country to have 1G service nationwide.

It wasn’t until March 6, 1983, that Ameritech introduced 1G to the United States.
Soon after, Canada got coverage in the mid-1980s.

Although the cellphone prototype was made in 1973 (10 years before the North
American launch of 1G), Motorola introduced the first commercially available cellphone to the
public in 1983 -the DynaTAC.

Weighing in at 2 pounds, the Motorola DynaTac provided 30 minutes of talk time and
took roughly 10 hours to charge.

Although being a revolutionary technology at the time, 1G suffered major drawbacks

from today’s standards. Listening to somebody over a 1G network was difficult due to the low
sound quality. Coverage was also shoddy, with large amounts of static noise and background
crackling. No roaming support was provided either. Security didn’t exist over a 1G channel
because there was no encryption, meaning anybody with a radio scanner could drop in on a call.
Download speed over 1G was also incredibly slow and only reached around 2.4kbps. Although
progressive for its time, 1G still had a lot of room for growth. According to Wikipedia, Russia
has the only 1G cellular network still in operation.

Nicknamed “The Brick,” the Motorola DynaTAC was valued at USD 3,995 (USD
10,300 today). Although being a clunky, bulk, and awkward phone to use, DynaTAC sales were
more than expected. Within the first year alone, Ameritech sold roughly 1,200 Motorola
DynaTAC phones. By 1998, cellphones and similar services accounted for two-thirds of
Motorola’s revenues.

1991-Short Message Service (SMS) was developed with the use of 2G.

Following the success of 1G, 2G launched on the Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM) in Finland in 1991.

2G provided significant mobile talk advancements, introducing encrypted calls

(nobody could drop in on your call unwanted anymore). 2G also

improved sound quality, reducing static and crackling noises while you were talking. 2G’s
download speeds were also significantly faster (but still incredibly slow by today’s standards)
than 1G, averaging at about 0.2 Mbps during its lifetime.

The 2G network also allowed us to transfer data bits from one phone to another,
enabling access to media content on cellphones such as ring tones. Because we could now
transfer data, 2G also gave us some basic smartphone functionality.

However, that wasn’t the most state-of-the-art benefit of this data transfer feature. In
fact, 2G’s data transferring completely changed how we communicate by introducing text
messages (SMS) and multimedia messages (MMS) as new forms of communication.

Using the same control channels as talk, SMS and MMS messages are sent in
packets of data from your cell phone to a tower then to your friend’s phone.

“Candy bar phones” also became popular during the 2G era, with Nokia in the lead
producing popular cellphones such as the Nokia 3210.

Short Message Service (SMS) was developed with the use of 2G.

Considered one of the most compelling cellphones Nokia ever built, the 3210 model sold
over 160 million units.

As texting, downloading, and talking over the phone became more popular, the 2G
network led to the massive adoption of cellphones on both the consumer and business side. Yet,
as more and more people began using cell phones, the demand for data snowballed.

1998-3G was implemented for better service transaction by the users.

Deployed for the public in Japan by NTT DoCoMo in 2001, 3G focused on

standardizing vendors’ network protocol. In turn, users could access data from anywhere, which
allowed international roaming services to begin.

Compared to 2G, 3G had four times the data transferring capabilities reaching up to 2
Mbps on average. Because of this increase, video streaming, video conferences, and live video
chat (remember good old Skype) became real. Emails also became another standard form of
communication over mobile devices.

What made 3G revolutionary, though, was the ability to surf the internet

(basic HTML pages at the time) and stream music on mobile. Although 2G did offer the same
features, they weren’t as advanced as what 3G had in terms of download speed.

As the 3G era continued, improvements to the network increased speeds and support. In
Canada alone, download speeds today are almost 6 Mbps.

Although candy-bar and flip phones were popular choices during the 3G era,
smartphones were new. This new technology allowed users to listen to music, call, text, and
search through the internet on their mobile devices. There were two major smartphone
competitors at the time – Blackberry and Apple.

Black The smartphone offered a calendar, music, full keyboard, advanced security, and
internet access. Oddly enough, calls had to be made through a headset.

It wasn’t until 2007 that the original iPhone came out, soon to dominate the smartphone
(and cellphone) marketplace in only a few years. By 2017, Blackberry’s market share was 0%.
berry launched its first mobile device in 2002 – the BlackBerry 5810.

2008-4G was introduced for many purposes for service such as faster mobile data
connection, gaming motives, mobile and television improvements and many more.

Introduced for commercial use in Norway near the end of 2009, 4G offered today’s
standard services. Starting at a minimum of 12.5 Mbps, 4G provided high-quality video
streaming/chat, fast mobile web access, HD videos, and online gaming. Compared to a simple
SIM card switch from 2G to 3G, mobile devices needed to be specifically designed to support

However, when 4G first started, it wasn’t actually 4G. When the ITU-R set the required
minimum speeds for 4G (12.5 Mbps), it wasn’t attainable at the time. In response to the amount
of money that tech manufacturers were putting into achieving this goal, the ITU-R decided that
LTE (Long-term evolution) could be labeled as 4G. But only if it provided a significant

improvement over 3G.

In short, when 4G first came out, what you were seeing was 3.9G or 3.95G instead.
Today, that’s not an issue, though.

By mid-2011, Canada launched its first LTE wireless network in Ottawa, Ontario, thanks
to Rogers. The release offered speeds just under 12.5 Mbps labeling it 4G LTE. Today though,
speeds are faster. In 2020, Canada’s median 4G download speed was 55.5 Mbps.

During 4 G’s reign, the best-selling cellphones included the iPhone 6 at 22.4

million units and the Samsung Galaxy S4 at 80 million units worldwide.

The iPhone 6 was Apple’s best-selling smartphone to date, but the Samsung Galaxy S4
was also a trendy smartphone and the best-selling Android-powered mobile phone ever.

Since its adoption in 2009, 4G has just about reached its capacity in terms of data
transferring speeds. With new technologies being introduced at a rapid pace, the world needs a
faster network.

Future to Come (2020) 5G is expected to be released in the year 2020.

South Korea was the first country to offer 5G in March 2019. The 5th generation was
rolled out by KT, LG Uplus, and SK Telecom – all South Korean telecom providers. 5G in
Canada has already been introduced in major cities.

Some experts now claim that 5G will be 20 times faster than 4G. In fact, the median 5G
download speed in Canada is 169.46 Mbps. That’s already 205% faster than 4G.

Another big difference between 4G and 5G is its latency and bandwidth size.
5G latency is incredibly reduced, which increases faster download and upload speeds.
Comparing the two, 4G has an average latency of around 50 milliseconds, whereas 5G’s average
latency is expected to be about 10. It’s also possible that 5G could even drop down to 1
millisecond of latency.

5G also has a larger frequency range (between 30GHz and 300 GHz), supporting more
technologies and devices. 5G is an essential requirement of mass IoT deployments, needed for
smart cities and other industries.
Even with such potential, 5G has seen some backlash. Could electromagnetic hypersensitivity
(EHS) be part of it? Find out in our article: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS): Is it a
Threat to 5G?

The battle for the best smartphone continued into the 5G era, introducing new models like
the BlackBerry Key 2.

This timeline from 1G to 5G brought us to today.

Although 5G hasn’t launched globally yet, its new network capabilities will lead to the
next digital revolution. 5G is so fast, only thinking about mobile usage is quite limited. The next
generation of wireless cellular tech will enhance machine-to-machine connectivity bringing in a
new automated society.

Technologies such as AI, IoT, and Cloud Computing will make extraordinary leaps over the next
few years.

5G (and future Gs) will be more than just your phone.

5G isn’t just about faster mobile internet. It’s not quicker download speeds, either. 5G is a game-
changer, revolutionizing how we live and work in all industries – not just one. It will change
almost every aspect of our lives – how we drive to work in the morning, grow our food, and even
root for our favourite sports teams.

5G will completely change our lives, but we don’t even know the possibilities yet – very
similar to how 1G changed ours over 40 years ago.

What cell owners like the most and least about having a cell phone?

A few concepts on why millennials are attracted to mobile connectivity are the benefits
of convenience it offers. Imagine putting all of the mentioned benefits of having a technology
device and assemble it into a small device where you can easily transfer it from one place having
the benefit of portability. Of course, when there are positive aspects of the usage of mobile
devices, there will be a contrary downfall of using those devices.

How People Consume their Time Using Mobile Devices

According to recent data, the average person spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their
phone each day. And 1 in 5 smartphone users spends upwards of 4.5 hours on average on their
phones every day.

Cell owners usually spend most of their time using different kinds of technology, but
where do they exactly spend using it? The data show below how

the variations of phone owners consume their devices in terms of usage.

Etiquette with Regards to Phone Usage

Proper etiquette also applies in technology usage with proper behavior among
the society in respect for your surroundings.

It has been a common problem with people getting too attached to their phone.
Even though it is not healthy for your mind, vision and body, phone users are still doing the
process no matter what the risks it offers.

A hypothetical example of this is when people are sleeping right next to their
phones, for reasons such as to avoid missing calls, notification alerts, updates and others. Even
though one out of five cell phone users do the process often, it is still a common problem that our
society is encountering in terms of the abusive usage of technology

According to the survey conducted by the, 29% of the people said
that they could not live without the existence of a phone, 33% are neutral, and 37% are opposite,
which are very much close to each other.

General mobile phone etiquette.

As such, it is important to be able to understand what is and isn’t appropriate in terms

of cell phone usage during different situations — for some scenarios it may even be seen as

Although it may be tempting, avoid texting during face-to-face conversations;

 Avoid accepting calls when you are in the middle of a face-to-face conversation;
 Avoid discussing personal topics in an area where others may hear you;
 Avoid using inappropriate pictures for a person’s contact photo;
 Be aware of the delay between when you speak and when the other person hears it;

 Be mindful about what you tag people in on Facebook;

 Don’t light up your screen in a dark theater;
 Don’t talk/text and drive;
 Use your Call Filter app for suspicious calls, but avoid using it for friends and family;
 End the continuing game of phone tag after 4 attempts of reaching out to an

 Keep a distance of at least 10 feet from the nearest person when talking on the phone;
 Put your phone on silent mode in theaters, restaurants, plays, performances, and any
other group setting where a ring tone may be bothersome;
 Refrain from blaming the other person if there is a dropped call;
 Speak in a soft tone when taking calls in public;
 Try not to look things up (“fact check”) during a conversation, unless you are asked

Etiquette for cell phones on dates.

Dating, in general, can be stressful. Individuals may feel the need to impress their date
and present themselves well, especially during the early stages of the relationship. Some may
partake in pubbing, which is when an individual begins to pay less attention to someone who is
talking and more attention to their phone instead — this may be because of nerves, boredom, or
out of habit. While it may not be necessary to completely disregard using your phone at any time
while on a date, it is important that you be mindful of how you do so. Here are a few tips for
proper date night phone etiquette:

 Ask your date if they would be bothered by you taking pictures of the food, scenery, etc.
 Don’t continuously show them things you’ve found on your phone. One or two items
may be alright, however, refrain from showing them your entire social media feed, even
if you find the content funny;
 If able to, you should both put your phones away in your bag or pocket;
 Let your date know ahead of time if you’re expecting an important phone call at any
point during your time together;
 Refrain from nervously going onto your phone;
 Set your phone on silent.

Etiquette for cell phones at work.

Prior to following any workplace cell phone etiquette advice, one should first review
their specific workplace’s phone policy — this policy should take precedence over any outside
advice that is given. Generally speaking, some businesses are becoming more accepting of
phones in offices, being more aware

that it is possible to maintain workplace productivity in an era of smartphones — as

“convenience is a crucial aspect that all organizations and firms look to obtain for their
employees. Smartphones provide the ability for employees and clients to communicate and
contact one another quickly and efficiently.”
If you are a part of a business that allows you to use your phones, it is important to follow proper
cell phone workplace etiquette to help reduce the chances of you getting these privileges taken

 Be aware of your ringtone. If you work at a business that requires you to answer your cell
phone often you may want to download a ringtone that sounds professional (no high
pitches, isn’t too loud, no obnoxious sounds, no profanity, etc);
 Don’t look at your phone during meetings;

 Don’t place your phone on your lap;
 Focus on the person that should have your attention i.e. customer, client, coworker, boss,
 Keep your personal calls private;
 Keep your phone out of sight;
 Don’t engage in arguments over the phone while at work;
 Silence your device.

Etiquette for cell phones at professional gatherings.

Just as with informal gatherings such as dates and some workplaces, there are cell phone
etiquette tips to keep in mind for professional gatherings such as conferences, training sessions,
seminars, product launches, and more:

 Don’t take photos unless you’re allowed to;

 Don’t use your phone as a way to avoid social interactions;
 Focus on face-to-face networking;
 Keep your phone on silent;
 Verbally excuse yourself for important calls when necessary;
 When you do take photos, turn off your flash as a courtesy to others around you.

When to not use your cell phone.

In some scenarios, it is unacceptable to use your mobile phone entirely, despite taking the
above etiquette tips into consideration. The following list outlines different situations when
you’ll want to avoid your phone altogether:

 At movie theaters and other large gatherings of any kind;

 Attending church;
 While giving birth;
 During a job interview;
 Funerals;
 When someone is talking to you;
 While driving;
 While you’re eating a meal;
 While you’re studying.


Social Media are used for everyday interaction from whatever medium was used by the human
being. The benefits of using social media for any platform can be infinite, which is why the
industry will never diminish in today's modern world. Social Media are composed of many types
and forms that can be used by millennials for networking, forums, and such. The power it creates
can help out many beneficiaries for the users, whether it is for professional, social connections,
sharing of information, and others. The concept of the market is now being applied to Social
Media due to the rise of e-commerce, high profit, accessibility, and instant use. Of course, when
there are a lot of benefits given by social media, there is an opposing side wherein users must be
aware to avoid malicious content. Other negative effects of using social media must be avoided
as well, to increase productivity, and remain the positive communities that social media are
supposed to have.

Mobile Technology is a medium that is being used by many people for the purpose of
communicating instantly which makes the lives of people easier because of convenience. Users
consider various reasoning on why they consider purchasing a mobile device or not. It impacts
our daily living for the better or the worse, depending on how people define their limitation on
the usage or how they use it as a tool for a helping hand. Users need to consider proper etiquette
with regard to using their phones, especially when it is not for necessary use. The market of
mobile technology will continue to rise as the year goes by. The millennials are continually
attracted to purchasing mobile technologies and coping with the demand of modernization.




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