Unit 12 - Grade 6

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Là một loại từ đứng trước danh từ và cho biết danh từ ấy đang nhắc đến một đối tượng xác định
hay là đối tượng không xác định.
1. Phân loại: Các loại mạo từ ( articles) trong tiếng Anh gồm: a, an, the và loại ø (zero article)
Mạo từ không xác định” a”: Dùng để nói về một sự vật hoặc sự việc chưa được xác định cụ
- “a” đứng trước danh từ đếm được số ít, bắt đầu bằng các phụ âm: b, c, d, f, g, h, ...
Ex: a book, a dog, a cat,...
- Ngoại trừ các từ tuy bắt đầu là nguyên âm, nhưng lại phát âm là /ju/
Ex: a university(một trường đại học), a universal( một vũ trụ), a European, a uniform
Mạo từ không xác định” an” : Dùng để nói về một sự vật hoặc sự việc chưa được xác định
cụ thể.
- “an” đứng trước danh từ đếm được số ít, bắt đầu bằng các nguyên âm (u, e, o, a, i) hoặc âm
“h” câm.
Ex: an egg, an umbrella, an octopus và “ h” câm: an hour, an heir ( người thừa kế), an honest
Mạo từ xác định “ the”: dùng để nói về vật thể hay sự việc nào đó đã được xác định cụ thể.
Ex: The movie that I love watching the most is” The Danish girl”
- “ The” + vật thể hay nhóm vật thể là duy nhất hoặc được xem là duy nhất.
Ex: the Sun, the Moon, the world, the Earth, the Eiffel Tower ( tháp Eiffel)..
- Đặt trước một danh từ chỉ một đồ vật riêng biệt mà người nói và người nghe đều hiểu.
Ex: Please pass the jar of honey. ( Làm ơn hãy đưa cho tôi lọ mật ong với.)
- “ The” + tính từ, trạng từ trong so sánh nhất.
Ex: the first, the second, the only, the best,...
- “ The” + một danh từ nếu danh từ này được đề cập trước đó.
Ex: I see a dog. The dog is chasing a cat.
- “ The” + tính từ chỉ một nhóm người, một tầng lớp trong xã hội.
Ex: the old ( người già), the rich( người giàu), the poor ( người nghèo)
- “ The” + tên các quốc gia có từ” Republic, State, Kingdom, Union” hoặc tên các
quốc gia ở số nhiều.
Ex: The United States, the Netherlands ( Hà Lan)The Philipines, The Dominican Republic(
Cộng Hòa Đô-mi-ni-can), the United Kingdom( Vương Quốc Anh)

- The + of + danh từ riêng

Ex: The University of Florida, the North of Vietnam ( Bắc Việt Nam)
- “ The” + danh từ riêng chỉ biển( the Red Sea, the Mediterranean, the Dead Sea), kênh
đào( the Panama canal)đại dương ( the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean) sông( the River
Thames, the River Danube, the Red River), dãy núi ( the Himalayas, the Alps, the Rocky
Mountains), các cụm hồ ở số nhiều( the Great Lakes, sa mạc ( the Sahara)
- The + họ( ở dạng số nhiều) có nghĩa là gia đình nhà...

Ex: The Smiths ( gia đình nhà Smith), the Browns ( gia đình nhà Brown)

- “ The” + quốc tịch để chỉ người dân của nước đó.

Ex: the Vietnamese ( người Việt Nam), the Thai ( người Thái)

- “ The” + các từ chỉ phương hướng.

Ex: the North ( phía Bắc), the Southeast ( phía Đông Nam)

- “ The” + tên các loại nhạc cụ

Ex: the guitar, the piano

- “ The” + các từ: morning, afternoon, evening, radio, cinema, theatre

Ex: in the morning, go to the cinema.

- “ The” + danh từ số ít, thường là các danh từ chỉ các loài vật để đại diện cho loài

Ex: the dog( loài chó), the monkey ( loài khỉ)

Zero article: có nghĩa là không có mạo từ nào cả (mạo từ rỗng), hay nói cách khác là
không dùng mạo từ xác định hoặc mạo từ bất định đi kèm cho danh từ.
- Zero article + danh từ đếm được số nhiều hoặc không đếm được với nghĩa chung
Ex: Ø Cats don’t like cold weather. ( loài mèo nói chung không thích trời lạnh.)
Ø Italians make delicious pizza. ( người Ý nói chung làm bánh pizza ngon.)
Ø Dogs are famous for being loyal. ( chó nổi tiếng về lòng trung thành.)
Ø Fast food is bad for your health. ( Thức ăn nhanh không tốt cho sức khỏe của bạn.)
- Zero article + các bữa ăn như: breakfast, lunch,dinner, supper
Ex: I have breakfast at 7 a.m. ( Tôi ăn sáng lúc 7 giờ.)
Ngoại trừ: chúng ta dùng “ a” khi có một tính từ đứng trước breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc..
Ex: I had a late dinner yesterday. ( Tôi có một bữa ăn muộn ngày hôm qua.)
It is a very nice dinner. ( Đó là một bữa ăn tối thật ngon miệng.)
- Zero article + home, university, school, work, bed,... trong các cụm at home, to
university, at school, at school, at work, go to bed, in bed,...
Ex: I’m at home. ( Tôi đang ở nhà.)
It’s time to go to bed. ( Đã đến giờ đi ngủ rồi.)
- Zero article + các phương tiện đi lại khi nói về việc di chuyển bằng phương tiện đó.
Ex: I go to school by bus. ( Tôi đi học bằng xe buýt.)
My mom goes to work by car. ( Mẹ tôi đi làm bằng xe ô tô.)
- Zero article +các danh từ trừu tượng.
Ex: happiness, freedom
- Zero article +các môn thể thao, môn học
Ex: I like playing table tennis. ( Tôi thích chơi bóng bàn.)
Alex studies economics and science. ( Alex học môn kinh tế và khoa học.)
- Zero article + tên quốc gia, châu lục
Ex: France( Pháp), South America ( Nam Mỹ), Europe ( Châu Âu)
- Zero article + tên đường

Ex: Main Street, Wall Street

Ngoại trừ: the High Street, the Mall Street, the Strand Street

- Zero article + tính từ sở hữu hoặc sau danh từ có sở hữu cách.

Ex: The girl’s mother ( mẹ của cô gái)
- Zero article + các khu vực hồ, núi, đồi, đảo
Ex: Mount Everest ( núi Everest), Lake Michigan ( hồ Michigan), Morth Hill ( đồi Morth)
- Zero article + tháng, thứ, mùa, dịp đặc biệt
Ex: in May, on Thursday, in spring, at Christmas
I: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 1: I have bought______new shirt which matches______jacket I bought last week.
A. some/a B. the/a C. a/the D. some/the
Question 2: Could you lend me some more? I’ve spent______money you gave me yesterday.
A. Ø B. the C. a D. an
Question 3: The principle river in Wales is______Severn, which flows from the
slopes of Plynlimon to______English border.
A. Ø / Ø B. the/the C. a/the D. the/a
Question 4: Until recently______economy of______southern United States was based
A. an/the/ Ø B. the/ Ø/Ø C. the/the/the D. the/the/ Ø
Question 5: I still keep wondering if I was doing______right thing when______I asked my
father for______permission to leave school.
A. a/ ØB. the/ Ø C. Ø D. Ø/a
Question 6: We needed______house to live in when we were in London.
A. a B. the C. any D. Ø
Question 7: You are______only person whose opinion is of any value to me in______present
regrettable circumstances.
A. the/Ø B. the/the C. the/a D. Ø/the
Question 8: The boy told me he hated______doctors.
A. the B. some C. Ø D. a
Question 9: He had______laughing eyes and______most charming mouth.
A. the/the B. a/a C. Ø/a D. Ø/the
Question 10: My brother hopes to travel around the world______next summer.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø(no article)
Question 11: Richard Byrd was______first person in history to fly over______ North Pole.
A. the - a B. the - Ø C. the - the D. Ø - Ø
Question 12: ______university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants
academic degrees.
A. A B. An C. The D. Some
Question 13: In most______developed countries, up to 50 % of______population enters higher
education at some time in their lives.
A. the / Ø B. Ø / Ø C. the / the D. Ø / the
Question 14: Reports are coming in of a major oil spill in______Mediterranean.
A. an B. Ø C. the D. a
Question 15: ______ non-verbal language is ______ important aspect of interpersonal
A. The - a B. Ø - an C. A - the D. The - Ø
Question 16: Is it acceptable to touch______person on______shoulder in a conversation?
A. a - the B. the - a C. the - the D. a - a
Question 17: The excursion is______unique opportunity to discover______wild in its natural
A. an - Ø B. a - the C. the - the D. an - the
Question 18:______colleges and universities are the main institutions that
provide______tertiary education.
A. Ø - Ø B. The - Ø C. The - the D. Ø - the
Question 19: I have left my book in______kitchen and I would like you to get it for me.
A. the B. a C. Ø D. an
Question 20: Of all the world’s major oceans,______Arctic Ocean is the shallowest.
A. an B. the C. a D. Ø
Question 21: My uncle’s company made a very good profit in______1990s.
A. the B. Ø C. a D. an
Question 22: Park Hang-seo, who is the head coach of______Vietnam national football team, is
a new idol of many people.
A. Ø B. a C. the D. an
Question 23: Africa has always had a large migratory population because of war
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
Question 24: My neighbor is______photographer. Let’s ask him for______advice about color
A. a - the B. the - an C. a - Ø D. the - the
Question 25: The man grew up in______orphanage in______United Kingdom.
A. the/ an B. an/ the C. an/ an D. the/ Ø
Question 26: Housewives find it easier to do domestic chores thanks to______invention of
labour-saving devices.
A. an B. some C. the D. a
Question 27: Apparently,______science, mathematics, and technology are defined as much by
what they do and how they do it as they are by______results they achieve.
A. the / the B. Ø / the C. Ø / Ø D. the / Ø
Question 28: More and more investors are pouring______money into food and beverage start-
A. the B. a C. an D. Ø
Question 29: ______ man suffering from ______ shock should not be given anything to drink.
A. A/the B. The/ a C. Ø/ aD. A/ Ø
Question 30: I won’t be home for______dinner this evening. I’m meeting some friends
after______work and we’re going to______cinema.
A. Ø/the/Ø B. The/Ø/Ø C. Ø/Ø/the D. Ø/the/the
Question 31: “Did you have______nice holiday?” - “Yes, it was______best holiday I have ever
A. a - the B. the - the C. the - a D. a - a
Question 32: A worrying conclusion in the study called “Heat and Learning” is
that______global warming may affect the future income of______students around the world.
A. the/ the B. Ø/ the C. a/ many D. Ø/ Ø
Question 33: The escaping prisoner camped in______woods but he didn’t light______fire
because______smoke rising from the wood might attract______attention.
A. the/a/ Ø /Ø B. a/the/the/Ø C. the/a/ Ø/the D. a/a/ Ø/Ø
Question 34: My brother has been playing______piano since he was a small child.
A. the B. a C. no article D. an
Question 35: Donald Trump is______president of______United States.
A. the/the B. a/Ø C. the/an D. the/Ø
Question 36: Our planned visit to______United Kingdom fell through because we were unable
to get the visas.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
Question 37: According to______National Weather Service,______cyclones are ______areas of
circulating winds that rotate counterclockwise in ______Northern Hemisphere and clockwise
in______Southern Hemisphere
A. Ø/Ø/the/the/the B. the/Ø/Ø /the/the C. the/Ø/the/Ø/Ø D. the/Ø/Ø/an/the
Question 38: Bodies of______dead in the tragic accident yesterday were taken away.
A. the B. a C. an D. Ø
Question 39: ______ Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a country with a great patriotism through
its history.
A. The B. A C. An D. Ø
Question 40: My parents hope to travel around______world next summer.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

II. Fill in the blank with a/an/the or zero article (x).

1. I bought_____ blue sweater yesterday.
2. I 'd like____ cup of tea.
3. There is ____apple and ____banana on the table
4. I bought ____beef, vegetables and milk. _____beef is very good.
5. Mai has _____many books. _____books are mostly about English grammar.
6. I took_____ suitcase and _____backpack on holiday. _____suitcase was much more useful.
7. Julie read _____book and______magazine. She said ______ books was quite boring though.
8. She offered us _____ piece of cake and _____ biscuits.
9. They drank_____ coffee and _____tea.
10. James has _____ son and _____two daughters.
11.Lan often watches_____ films and _____TV programmes all night.
12.She has _____ black umbrella and I have _____blue one. _____ blue one is bigger.
13.I bought_____ new dress, but I was annoyed to find that _____zip was broken.
14. We should take _____taxi because it’s getting dark.
15.I met ______very nice American last night.
16._____Sun rises in _____east and sets in _____west.
17. _____ Moon moves around _____Earth.
18.We often play soccer in _____afternoon.
19. _____guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments.
20.I often go to _____school at 6.30 a.m.
21.Pop music always appealed more to _____young _____ the old.
22.I often listen to _____music in my free time.
23.Donald Trump becomes the 45th_____ president of _____United States on January 20, 2017.
24.We often take _____exam each semester.
25.There will be _____interesting movie this weekend.
26.Hoa is _____ most intelligent student in my class.
27.When I was at _____school, I had to wear _____uniform.
28. ______poor and ______ elderly are often left behind when it comes to ______modern
29.Is there ______bank near here?
30.On ______Christmas Eve, people often have parties late at ______midnight
III. Circle the correct answers.
1. In many cultures, knocking on wood is (a/an/the/Ø) way to chase away bad spirits.
2. American people often watch (a/an/ the/Ø) ball drop at midnight in Times Square.
3. It’s becoming a custom for many families in the Viet Nam to celebrate Women’s Day and
(a/an/ the/Ø) Family Day.
4. Dragon-snake (Rong ran len may) is a traditional Vietnamese game for (a/an/ the/Ø)
5. Our village festival is held on (a/an/ the/Ø) 10th of March.
6. Remember to bring some food to(a/an/ the/Ø) party tomorrow, Jane!
7. There is at least (a/an/ the/Ø) ornamental tree in my house every Tet holiday.
8. I have to go. I’m in (a/an/ the/Ø) hurry.
9. Mr. Lu goes hunting in the forests twice (a/an/ the/Ø) month.
10. Do you have (a/an/ the/Ø) milk jug?
11. The Prime Minister will give (a/an/ the/Ø)speech this afternoon.
12. There is (a/an/ the/Ø) custom of doing morning exercises in my family.
13. I haven’t been to (a/an/ the/Ø) open-air theatre before.
14. Here is (a/an/ the/Ø) thousand pounds I borrowed from you last month.
15. “Li xi” is (a/an/ the/Ø) essential part of Vietnam’s customs of the Tet Festival.
16. Storytelling is (a/an/ the/Ø) way to keep the local tradition alive.
17. There’ll always be (a/an/ the/Ø) conflict between the old and the young.
18. Are you going away (a/an/ the/Ø) next week?
19. There was (a/an/ the/Ø) collision at the comer.
20. My mother thinks that this is (a/an/ the/Ø) expensive shop.
21. Like many women, she loves (a/an/ the/Ø) parties and (a/an/ the/Ø) gifts.
22. She works seven days (a/an/ the/Ø) week.
23. We were at (a/an/ the/Ø) Sa Dec Flower Village yesterday.
24. We use plants and flowers for (a/an/ the/Ø) decorations and (a/an/ the/Ø) offerings.
(A/An/ The/Ø) Vietnamese are known to be polite, hospitable and sensitive

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