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99 percent of the world's population breathes air that exceeds WHO air
quality limits
2. WHO made air quality update ahead of World Health Day on April 7
3. 99 percent of the world's population breathes air that exceeds WHO air
quality limits
4. It highlight the importance of speeding up the transition to cleaner and
healthier energy systems. because of high gas prices, energy security, the
dangers of air pollution and climate change
5. The world must be less dependent on fossil fuels. The recommendations for
change are: the exclusive use of clean household energy for cooking,
heating and lighting and to build safe and affordable public transport
systems and pedestrian- and cycle-friendly networks
The United Nations weather agency has warned that extreme temperatures are "the
new normal". Scientists say climate change is making heatwaves longer, hotter and
more frequent. Many countries have been experiencing record hot weather in the past
week. In parts of the USA and China, the mercury went over 50C. In Death Valley,
California, it was 53.9ºC; and in China, it got up to 52.2ºC. In Spain and Italy, the
temperature rose to 46ºC. Many European countries and Japan have issued heat alert.
They advise people to stay in the shade, drink plenty of water. The U.N. weather
agency has warned Europe's heatwave could continue for another month. A
spokesperson for the United Nations warned of the need to cut greenhouse gas
emissions. He said: "Extreme weather is increasing in frequency in our warming
climate. It is having a major impact on human health and water supplies." He added:
"We have to make efforts to help society adapt to what unfortunately becoming new
normal." The European Travel Commission said the extreme heat is making
holidaymaker change their travel plans. People who used to holiday in Spain, Italy and
Greece are choosing to go to cooler countries instead, a woman want to escape the
heat by going to Rome complained that the Italian capital was hotter than her
hometown in Texas.
The World Health Organization has announced shocking finding about the air we
breath. It has found that everyone on earth breathes unhealthy air. The WHO made air
quality update ahead of the world heath day on April 7th. The update reported that
99% of world population breathes the air that exceed the who air quality limits. It
looked data from 6000 cities in 117 countries. People living in lower and middle
income countries breath the poorest quality air. Millions of people died in these
countries because of pollution-related diseases. The WHO said: “after surviving of the
pandemic, it’s unacceptable to have 7 millions of preventable deaths due to air
pollution.” WHO said its report highlighted the need of move away from the fossil
fuel. It asked government to do more to reduce the level of air pollution. It said:
“current energy concerns highlight the importance of speeding up the transition to
cleaner and healthier energy system”. It added that the high prices, energy security,
dangerous pollution and climate change means the world must be less dependent on
fossil fuel. WHO include many recommendations for change. Among these were
exclusive use for cooking, heating and lighting and to build safe affordable
transpotation and pedestrian and cycle friendly network.
- Fewer people know about the threat from the ubiquity of microplastics.
- A plastic commonly used as a shatter-proof alternative to glass
- Microplastics are so prevalent that they make up 39 per cent of dust particles in our
- Chemicals from microplastics are released into the body, potentially leading to
allergic reactions, cancer, cell death, and chronic inflammation, among other
- Scientists say these tiny shards are near-impossible to remove from the body.
- It is becoming critical to limit the amount of plastic we breathe in, ingest, swallow or
- Many countries have been experiencing record hot weather in the past week
- Many European countries and Japan have issued heat alerts.
- Climate change is making heatwaves longer, hotter and more frequent
- In parts of the USA and China, the mercury went over 50ºC
- WHO has announced a shocking finding about the air we breathe
- 99 percent of the world's population breathes air that exceeds WHO air quality limits
1. Record hot weather
2. Heat alerts
3. Extreme weather
4. Air quality limits
5. Environmental damage
6. Energy security
7. Shocking finding
8. Climate change
9. Household energy
10. Preventable death
Piece 1
The ubiquity of microplastic have a dangerous threat to human as scientists have now
found them in human heart. These microplastics originated from various sources and
lead to severe health- related illness. Thus, scientists highlight the urgency of limiting
plastic exposure through breathing ingestion, swallowing, or absorption to mitigate
potential health complications.
Piece 2
The United Nations weather agency warns that extreme temperatures are becoming
"the new normal," with heatwaves becoming more extreme.Recent record-breaking
hot weather has been observed globally, with temperatures The U.N. weather agency
emphasizes the urgent need to cut greenhouse gas emissions to address climate change
and encourages to adapt the new normal such as changing in travel patterns
Piece 3
The World Health Organization (WHO) revealed a concerning finding on global air
quality, stating that nearly everyone on Earth breathes polluted air at an alarming rate .
People in lower and middle countries are the most vulnerable and sufer from polluted-
related diseases. WHO highlighted the importance of accelerating the shift to cleaner
energy and removal of fossil fuel
How can regulations to control the presence of microplasticsbe implemented
- There should be a clear regulatory framework for the mitigation of
Microplastic worldwide.
- Harmonised minimum requirements for pellet handling and management must
be established. These foundational principles must be explicitly included in the
- New product formulations would be subject to regulatory scrutiny by
medicines regulatory authorities to ensure compatibility with the new
- The environmental costs of microplastic pollution need to be accounted for and
included in the price
- More stringent measures need to be introduced such as a compulsory
environmental risk assessment for all products containing plastics and a
requirement for producers to carry out mitigating actions to prevent
microplastic emissions, as well as extended producer responsibility with
modulated fees.
- Mandatory labelling and information for consumers to ensure corporate social
What are potential economic and social consequences for countries experiencing
Economic Consequences
- Reduced Labor Productivity: Extended periods of extreme heat can lead to
decreased productivity in sectors like construction and agriculture. Employees
are less efficient and more fatigued and generally slow down, which can cause
them to make mistakes.
- Increased Healthcare Costs: Heatwaves strain health systems, leading to more
hospital visits due to heat-related illnesses. This results in higher healthcare
- Infrastructure Damage: Intense heat can directly harm infrastructure, including
roads, buildings, and utilities. For instance, roads may buckle, power lines may
sag, and rail tracks may warp.
- Agricultural Losses: Heat waves increase the frequency of droughts which
might The reductions in yields could affect food production and food supply
chain. Livestock may also suffer from heat stress, impacting farmers and rural
- High Energy Demand: Energy use soars as people and businesses run their air
conditioners and other cooling equipment, which stresses electric grids.In some
cases, it leads to blackouts which can be quite costly for the economy, as food
and other goods can be spoiled and many businesses either have to run
generators or shut down.
Social Consequences:
- Disparities: Vulnerable communities, including low-income neighborhoods and
urban heat islands. Lack of access to cooling facilities exacerbates these
- Education: Extreme heat affects learning environments. Children struggle to
concentrate and perform well in school during heatwaves, potentially impacting
their future earning potential.

What are challenges of trasitioning to clear energy sources in both developed and
developing countries
- The requirement for investment in renewable energy technologies.
Governments, investors, and businesses must be willing to make substantial
financial commitments in renewable energy technologies such as hydro, wind,
solar and modernize existing infrastructure.
- Shortage of skilled workers in this area: sustainable energy sector is a relatively
new field, requiring a workforce with specialized technical skills in
engineering, science, and technology. The training process might require
intricate steps, which make it difficult for this sector to attract workers and
expand its workforce.
- Resistance to change: the current energy infrastructure is heavily reliant on
traditional energy sources, which may resist efforts to transition to renewable
- Technical impediments: there is a need for more research and development in
renewable energy technologies to improve their efficiency and reduce costs.

shards of glass/metal/pottery
shatter-proof glass
fragment (of something) glass / in fragments
With the mercury climbing to ..C
Mercury is used in batteries
After researching, I’ve found some more environment issues
- Electronic Waste (E-waste): The growing volume of discarded electronic
devices that potentially release hazardous materials into the environment. The
rapid expansion of technology and the consumption driven society results in
the creation of a very large amount of e-waste. Processes such as dismantling
components, wet chemical processing, and incineration are used and result in
direct exposure and inhalation of harmful chemicals. The emission of fumes,
gases, the discharge of liquid waste into water and drainage systems, and the
disposal of hazardous wastes could contribute to environmental degradation.
- Desertification: a type of land degradation in drylands in which biological
productivity is lost due to natural processes or induced by human activities
whereby fertile areas become arid. It is the spread of arid areas caused by a
variety of factors, such as overexploitation of soil as a result of human activity
and the effects of climate change.
- Ocean acidification: the process in which seawater becomes more acidic
because of the excess carbon dioxide (CO2) it is absorbing from the
atmosphere. This phenomenon is a direct consequence of the burning of fossil
fuels and the resulting carbon pollution. Lower concentrations of carbonate in
marine habitats therefore directly impact these animals’ chances of survival.
The impacts of ocean acidification can affect through the entire food chain, in
water and on land.
Nowadays, environmental issues are a pressing concern in society because of their far-
reaching impacts in many aspects. Now, I’m delving into two main environmental
problems, which is deforestation and biodiversity loss.
Firstly, biodiversity loss describes the decline in the number of genes, species,
individual organisms of species in a given area. This loss threatens the long-term
survival of a species and increases the risk of extinction, as mates become scarce.
Biodiversity loss also disrupts the ecological structure and proper functioning of the
ecosystem. Secondly, the loss of biodiversity among these critical natural resources
threatens global food security because varieties may be vulnerable to disease and
pests, invasive species, and climate change.
Another concerned environmental problem I want to mention is deforestation.
Deforestation might disrupt habitat patterns of fauna and flora because forests are
home to a massive animal and plant species. The loss of trees can leave soil more
prone to erosion, increasing the risk of landslides and devastating floods.
Deforestation can result in more carbon dioxide being released into the atmospher.
With fewer trees around to absorb the carbon dioxide, this greenhouse gas
accumulates and exacerbates global warming.
In conclusion, the environmental issues are getting more complex and severe. They
might have negative consequences on human as well as the ecosystem.

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