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Name : Nabilah Avilia Indriyawati

NPM : 227007067
Major : Information System (A)


Jl. Siliwangi No.24, Kahuripan, Kec. Tawang, Kab. Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat 46115
Pros and Cons of Do Teenagers Really Need a Mobile Phone?
By : Nabilah Avilia Indriyawati
Today, almost all teenagers are often abbreviated as mobile phones or HPs, so mobile phones
are used by teenagers to find information through the Internet, communicate with friends, and
participate in social media. A must-have item for Almost all her teens have cell phones
because if a teen doesn't have one, that friend thinks they are obsolete.

Mobile was developed by his Motorola employee Martin Copper on April 3, 1973. It was
originally created to facilitate communication with other people. But now, mobile phones are
used not only as a means of communication, but also for searching information on the
Internet, playing games, listening to music and watching movies. There are so many mobile
phone features that make teenagers addicted to mobile phones and affect their lives. Of
course we all know that everything has a positive impact as well as a negative impact as well
as cellphones. From the background above, the formulation of the problem is "How does the
influence of mobile phones on the lives of adolescents?".

The positive impacts of cellphones on the lives of teenagers include:

to communicate with friends and family, seek information from various parts of the world,
add insight, add friends because there is social media that makes it possible to make friends
with various people in the world, as a calculating tool to replace a calculator if you don't have
one. calculators, taking pictures or photographs for study materials and for entertainment
such as listening to music, watching movies and playing games.

In addition to having a positive impact on mobile phones, they also have negative impacts on
adolescents, including:
disturbing the concentration of learning because they always think about mobile phones so
they don't focus when studying at school or studying at home, reducing direct interaction with
friends and family because cellphones bring those who are far away and distance those who
are close, reduce pocket money because the cost of buying credit or quotas is quite expensive,
making teenagers lazy to do physical activities such as exercising or doing housework such as
washing clothes, washing dishes, and sweeping because if they are already playing
cellphones teenagers will enjoy themselves and are lazy to do other activities besides playing
mobile phones and shape the nature of hedonism in adolescents. In addition, mobile phones
are also dangerous to the health of adolescents. Causes eye damage such as nearsightedness
and dry eye to nearsightedness, damages the spine due to sedentary and sedentary lifestyles,
impedes development in adolescents, and causes hearing loss from headsets Because it is
possible. , causing sleep disturbances playing games and staying up late. Cancer caused by
cell phone radiation. In addition to causing cancer, cell phone radiation can cause headaches,
brain damage, decreased fertility in men, and effects on the fetus in pregnant women.
Mobile phones are very important for teenagers in my opinion. Because to communicate with
friends and family, find information from different parts of the world, add insights, add
friends. Because we have social media that allows us to connect with different people around
the world. Apart from that, teens should be wise to use mobile phones for positive activities
and not to use them frequently.
Mobile is a type of technology created to facilitate communication with other people whose
capabilities such as cameras, social media, and calculators have increased over time. Mobile
phones have both positive and negative effects on young people's lives, but the negative
effects of mobile phones outweigh the positive effects from an economic, social and health

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