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Probable Viva Questions:

Traversing and Contouring

1. Types of traverse?
2. Link traverse vs open traverse??
3. Formula for calculation of bearing on gales traverse table.
4. Numerical for bearing calculation (case where 540 degrees need to be subtracted)
5. Numericals involving calculation of bearing and co-ordinates (important)
6. Specification for horizontal control of traverse: Linear precision, angular precision, angular
misclosure, permissible angular misclosure, closing error, relative closing error (most
7. What does C and N mean in C root N? Value of C depends upon what?
8. Bowditch and transit rule? When to uses which? (important)
9. Contour definition and characteristics (important)
10. Ridge vs valley contour (important)
11. Numerical involving contour interpolation by arithmetic method (most important)
12. Rules for fly levelling? When is reciprocal levelling used?
13. Why is two set reading taken while measuring horizontal angle? (important)
14. Make observation table for angle measurement
15. Numericals involving calculation of RL for detailing (important)
16. Index contour, contour gradient?
17. Contour interval? On what factors contour interval depend upon? Explain. (important)
18. Things to be considered for selecting stations.
19. What is leg ratio? Why is it maintained? (important)
20. Methods used for contour interpolation.

Determination of Tacheometric Constant, Trigonometric Levelling

21. Basic formulae: Horizontal and vertical distance using tacheometry. k=?,c=?
22. What method to use if stadia hairs are not present? (tangential method)
23. Numericals of tangential method
24. Different cases for trigonometric levelling and their derivations.

Intersection and Resection

25. Difference between intersection and resection.
26. Different methods of resection.
27. Simple numericals related to intersection (co-ordinate calculation)

Curve setting
28. Types of curves?
29. Formulae: Elements of curve
30. Procedure for setting out curve using Rankine’s Method
31. Simple numericals involving calculation of elements of curve

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