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The Assistant Executive Engineer,

RWS&S Sub-Division, Puri

Sub: Regarding submission of Bill.

Ref:- Agreement No 174 F2 of 2023-24.


With reference to the subject cited above, it is inform you that, the tube well sunk at
New Bangalisahi of Balipoda GP under Purisadar Block vide agreement under letter reference
was failure due to high chloride & the said water is not usable. The said tube well was sunk
by Kabita Dash, Contractor by hand boring through water jet method by follow up all
instruction as per the agreement. The logging team has also logged the bore during the work
and as per logging team instruction and logging report the lowering and saline sealing was
made but after completion the tube well. The water sample was collected by me for
laboratory testing and the water is contentents high chloride which is not possible for
drnking purpose. And the contractor requested several times for payment. Hence, necessary
instruction may kindly be given to prepare the bill as per the clause 73 of agreement with
declaration bore well as failure after 10% check measurement. This for favour of your kind
information and necessary action.

Yours faithfully

Assistant Engineer,

RWS&S Section, Puri Sadar

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