Pancasila Group 1 UTS Project

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Pancasila Midterm Assignment

Poverty Impact On Education

Arranged by:

Almanda Hary Tomatala (1401224513)

Eva Febriyanti (1401224101)

Ikbar Nafisa (1401224156)

Keisha Aura Syifa (1401224008)

Lulu Mumtaz Athallah Ridwan (1401224073)

International ICT Business 03

Faculty of Economics and Business

Telkom University

Mr. Ridwan Fauzi



TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................................................... 2

PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................... 3
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Ⅰ. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................. 4
II. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................. 4
III. METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................... 5
Ⅳ. ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Ⅴ. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................. 8
Ⅵ. BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................ 9


We begin this paper by expressing our gratitude to Allah SWT, whose mercy and

guidance have enabled us to complete this report on time. We have written this analysis report

on the topic of "Poverty Impact on Education" to fulfill the requirements of our Pancasila


Poverty is a big social problem in Indonesia that affects many families, especially

those living in rural areas. One effect of this problem is that not everyone has the same access

to education. This makes it even more important to talk about and find ways to fix the effects

of poverty on education.

We have put in our best effort to compile this report to the best of our abilities. We

would like to thank all the sources that have helped us in completing this paper, including our

supervisor for the Pancasila course, Mr. Ridwan. We hope that our findings and

recommendations will contribute to the discourse on poverty's impact on education and help

policymakers and educators in addressing this important issue.


Poverty has been known for a long time to be a big problem for getting an education and

doing well, especially in developing countries. This paper gives a full look at how poverty

affects things like going to school, doing well in school, having access to educational tools, and

how well someone does in school overall. The paper looks at how poverty affects each of these

factors by looking at current research and reports. It also talks about what poverty means for

educational policy and practice.


Poverty is a worldwide problem that affects all countries, including Indonesia. It has a

big effect on many parts of life, including schooling. Indonesia is a large country that is growing

quickly and has a lot of people. Poverty is a big problem for many families, especially those in

rural areas. In Indonesia, the link between poverty and education is complicated and has many

different parts. It has important effects on people, families, and society as a whole. One of the

most significant impacts of poverty on education is its negative effect on a child's learning and

opportunities for success in the future. Poverty can lead to limited access to educational

resources, poor nutrition, and unstable living conditions, all of which can hinder a child's

academic performance. Therefore, it is crucial for policymakers and educators to address the

root causes of poverty and provide support to children and families living in poverty to ensure

that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed in school. By doing something about how

poverty affects education, Indonesia can boost social and economic growth, reduce inequality,

and give everyone a better future.


The variable in this study is "student experience in obtaining educational facilities," and

the specific focus of this variable is the reason they have experienced these educational

problems. This is an important variable because different students may have different reasons

for how They access educational facilities, and the methods they choose can affect their ability

to learn and retain information.

One way to measure this variable is through surveys or questionnaires that ask about students

their experiences in obtaining educational facilities. For example, a survey could include

questions like, "Have you ever had educational problems due to poverty-related problems?"

This question will allow the researcher to identify what causes the problem to occur. In addition,

researchers can also observe students during class and ask strangers somewhere to answer

related surveys about which method they prefer to use.


We use two different methodologies to gather this data. The first one comes from

secondary sources, which were gathered through a systematic evaluation of prior research

studies on the impact of poverty on education. The search was carried out through the use of

various internet databases, such as Researchrabbitapp, Google Scholar,, etc.

During the course of the investigation, the following terms were used as search terms: "poverty,"

"education," and many related topics. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, such

as percentages and frequencies, with the goal of determining the impact of poverty on education

in Indonesia. The government and civil society organizations need to work together to increase

access to and quality of education for children from poor families. This can be done through

programs that support inclusive and equitable education and provide access to adequate

educational resources and support for children from poor families.


The second methodology we use to gather this data is by survey. The media used to gain this

data was a Google Form, in which we asked the required questions to acquire the information

needed. We do not publicize the audience's name to ensure that they are not inhibited from

providing truthful feedback and can do so without feeling uncomfortably exposed.


First Analysis

Poverty can have a significant impact on education in Indonesia. Some data that describes the

impact of poverty on education in Indonesia, among others:

a. Decreased school participation. (TPS)

According to data from BPS (Badan Central Statistics), in 2019, TPS at SD and SMP levels in

Indonesia amounted to 99.53 percent and 95.26 percent, respectively. However, in some areas

with high poverty rates, TPSs tend to be lower compared to more prosperous areas. It shows

that poverty can affect children’s opportunities to access education.

b. Low degree level.

Poverty can affect the quality of education received by children. Data from BPS shows that in

2019, SD and SMP graduation rates in Indonesia were 96.77% and 97.32%, respectively.

However, in poorer areas, graduation rates tend to be lower. This can be caused by a lack of

access to adequate educational resources and facilities.

c. Limiting access to quality education

Children from poor families often face restrictions on accessing quality education. Educational

facilities such as libraries, laboratories, and computers may not be available or be insufficient

in schools in poorer areas. This can affect children’s ability to learn and their school results.

d. Low education in the elderly.

Poverty can affect the level of education achieved by parents. Children from families with a low

educational level tend to have more limited access to educational resources and support that can

help them in their learning. This can lead to educational gaps between children from rich and

poor families.

Second Analysis

The picture below shows the responses of 30 individuals from the second method, which was a

survey via Google Form. It appears that 66.6% are currently enrolled in school, while 33.3%

are not.

The impact of poverty on education is reported to be varied, with 26.7% of respondents

indicating that they have missed school to work and support their families, 10% reporting that

they cannot afford school fees and supplies, and 20% saying that they struggle to focus in school

due to discrimination and hunger. Additionally, 43.3% of respondents reported other issues

related to poverty affecting their education. This picture below is shown is about how has

poverty affected their education


Out of those who responded, 66.6% said they have experienced education problems due to

poverty-related issues. For those who did drop out, financial assistance in the form of

scholarships and tuition fees is seen as the most helpful support for low-income students

(76.7%), while 16.7% suggested tutoring or academic support as helpful. Only a small

percentage (10%) reported that free meals or other basic needs support would be the most

helpful. The picture shown above is about how poverty affects people’s education. And the

picture shown below will show you the data about whether the people surveyed have ever

experienced education problems due to poverty-related issues.

When asked if the Indonesian government is doing enough to address poverty and its impact on

education, 56.7% responded that the government needs to improve on what they are doing,

while 30% said that the government is doing enough but not that much. Only 10% answered

"no." The picture shows us that Indonesia’s government is already doing their best, but they still

need many improvements to fix this problem.


Finally, when asked what the Indonesian government could do to better support students from

low-income families, the most common responses were to provide more resources and support

for schools in low-income areas (43.3%) and increase access to financial assistance and other

support services for low-income families (40%). Some respondents also suggested increasing

funding for education (16.7%).

Financial assistance, such as scholarships and tuition fees, is seen as the most helpful support

for students from low-income families (76.7%). Respondents also indicated a need for basic

needs support, such as free meals (26.7%), academic support, and other support services for

low-income families (40%).


In conclusion, poverty has a major impact on education in Indonesia. With analysis of existing

data, it is evident that poverty can affect children's opportunities to access education, graduation

rates tend to be lower in poor areas, children cannot maximize their abilities because of the lack

of facilities in schools, and a lack of parental education causes the possibility that children will

attain the same level of education as their parents.

The methodology used in this study involved selecting a sample of 30 people, most of whom

were currently attending school. Most respondents chose the impact of poverty on education as

varied, such as leaving school to work so they could support their families, get treatment, and

could not pay school fees.

Most respondents have experienced educational problems due to poverty. Of the various

solutions, most respondents chose financial assistance in the form of scholarships and school

fees because, according to them, these solutions were more helpful for low-income people.

More than half of the respondents said that the Indonesian government should improve what it

is doing, and most of the others said the government had done a pretty good job of reducing

people's low income but still had to improve more.

Respondents suggested that the government could provide resources and support for schools in

debilitating areas and increase financial and other support for low-income families.

Respondents suggested that the government could provide resources and support for schools in

low-income areas and increase financial assistance and other support for low-income families.


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