Bio 4

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Bio 4th month

Q1/ True or false.

1. Nervous system coordinates and regulates body functions. T
2. Paramecium gives only (+) responses to chemical stimuli. F
3. Ethylene have role in falling of leaves for plants. T
4. The impulse is generated if the voltage reaches a certain critical point,
known as the threshold level. T
5. Planaria has a ladder-like nervous system. T
6. Midbrain divided into 2 parts: telencephalon and diencephalon. F
7. Ant produces pheromones to paralyze the prey and to mark its path. T
8. Sense of taste contains chemoreceptors. T
9. Pheromones are chemicals capable of acting outside body of secreting
individual to impact the behavior of the receiving individual. T
10. Spiders don’t have compound eyes but instead have several pair
of simple eyes. T
Q2/ Answer the following.
Q/ Explain sensation in amoeba.
Ans/ it can identify the harmful or useful stimuli by responses to the
environmental changes, it gives (+) response to the dim light but gives (-)
response to the bright light. Amoeba gives (-) response to most of materials
except food.
Q/ Explain the Lateral line system in fish.
Ans/ The Lateral line is system of sense organs found in aquatic vertebrates
mainly fish, used to detect movement and vibration in the surrounding
water. The sensory ability is achieved via modified epithelial cells known as
hair cells which respond to displacement caused by motion and movement
Lateral line serve an important role in schooling behavior, predation and
Q/ Write types of nerves with their function.
1. Sensory neurons: transmit stimuli (information gathered by receptors
from Sense organs or internal structures) from sensory organs such as
eye, ear and skin to the CNS. They are usually unipolar or bipolar in
2. Inner neurons: are commonly found in the CNS. Their main function is
interpretation of information. They’re multipolar in structure.
3. Motor neurons: transmit impulses from the CNS to muscles or glands.
They’re also multipolar.
Q/ Explain Sense of hearing in Grasshopper.
Ans/ in the giant lubber Grasshopper, the abdominal segment next to the
thorax (behind the third pair of legs) contains the Grasshopper sound
detection organ. Like the ears of people and katydids, the Grasshopper
sound detector is a thin membrane called tympanum, people often call it as
Q3/ Define the following terms.
Pheromones: Are chemicals capable of acting outside the body of the
secreting individual to impact the behavior of the receiving individual.
Neuron: Special cells of nervous system that are specialized for impulse
transmission through body parts. They cover all body parts as a network.
Taste bud: They contain receptors which detect dissolved materials in saliva
and transmit to the nerves. Different parts of the tongue contains different
taste buds.
Eustachian tube: It’s a tube that connects the pharynx with the middle ear.
Receptors: Are structures specialized to receive certain environmental
stimuli and change them into nerve impulses.
Statocyst: Is a balance sensory receptor present in some aquatic
invertebrates, including bivalves.

Eye spot: Euglena has eye spot which is sensitive to light, euglena has
photoreceptors to avoid direct sunlight and deep shade, these
photoreceptors and eye spot located in frontal part of euglena.
Proprioceptors: Sense the degree of muscle contraction, stretch of the
tendons and movement of ligaments. Information sent to central nervous
system by these receptors is used to maintain the body’s posture.
Polarization: it’s when in a resting or unstimulated nerve, the outer portion
of the axon is positively charged while the inner portion is negatively
charged (resting potential).
Depolarization: It’s when a stimulus that reaches or exceeds the threshold
opens the Na gates first, the sudden entrance of Na+ makes a particular
location inside the membrane positively charged.
Q4/ Compare between the following.
Sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system
1. Part of autonomic nervous 1. Part of autonomic nervous
system. system.
2. Accelerate function of organs. 2. Deaccelerate functions of organs.
3.For example: it accelerate heart 3.For example: it deaccelerate
beat rate. heart beats rate.

Sensation in amoeba Sensation in paramecium

1.It can identify harmful or useful 1. Paramecium gives positive or
stimuli by responses to the negative response to solid particles
environmental changes. (stimuli)
2. Gives (+) response to dim light but 2. It doesn’t response to light since it
gives (-) response to bright light. has no photoreceptor or do
3.Gives (-) response to most 3. Gives (+) response if stimuli is food
materials except food. or gives (-) response if stimuli is
harmful chemical.

Dendrite Axon
1.Short, thin numerous projections 1. Single, long and thick projecting from
extending from cell body. cell body.
2. Receive information from other 2. Transmit nerve impulses to other
neurons. neurons.
Q5/ Label the missing parts in the pictures below.


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