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As a mother, there is nothing more frustrating than seeing your child struggle with homework.

It can
be a constant battle to get them to sit down and complete their assignments, and even when they do,
the stress and frustration can take a toll on both the child and the parent.

Homework has been a hot topic for many years, with parents and educators debating its
effectiveness and necessity. However, one group that has been vocal in their opposition to homework
is mothers. They have seen firsthand the negative impact it can have on their children and their

One of the main issues with homework is the amount of time it takes away from family time. With
busy schedules and extracurricular activities, families often have limited time to spend together.
Homework can eat up a significant portion of that time, leaving little room for quality family
bonding. This can lead to strained relationships and a lack of communication within the family.

Moreover, homework can also be a source of stress and anxiety for both children and parents. The
pressure to complete assignments and perform well can be overwhelming for children, and parents
often feel the need to constantly monitor and assist their child with their homework. This can create
a tense and stressful environment at home.

Another issue with homework is the lack of individualized learning. Every child learns at their own
pace and in their own way, yet homework often follows a one-size-fits-all approach. This can be
frustrating for children who may struggle with certain subjects or have different learning styles. It
can also lead to a lack of motivation and interest in learning.

So what can mothers do to alleviate the burden of homework on their families? One solution is to
consider seeking help from professional writing services, such as ⇒ ⇔. These
services provide custom-written papers and assignments that can help lighten the load for both
children and parents.

By ordering homework help from ⇒ ⇔, mothers can ensure that their child's
assignments are completed accurately and on time, without the added stress and frustration. This can
also free up more time for families to spend together and for children to pursue other interests and

In conclusion, as mothers, it is important to advocate for our children's well-being and happiness.
Homework may be a necessary part of education, but it should not come at the cost of family time,
mental health, and individualized learning. Consider seeking help from professional writing services
to ease the burden of homework and create a more balanced and enjoyable family life.
Community Reviews 3.69 209 ratings 38 reviews 5 stars 55 (26%) 4 stars 73 (34%) 3 stars 53 (25%)
2 stars 18 (8%) 1 star 10 (4%) Search review text Filters Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews Liz B 1,744
reviews 18 followers July 31, 2009 I put this on my professional shelf because I think it's important
for me to know 1)how homework can affect families; 2) what at least some parents in my area are
reading and possibly thinking. Is it the worst thing if your child gets a B or God forbid a C, and
were merely average (when you are average, you are literally better off than half the people in the
world or who ever you are measuring yourself against). It can also set a poor precedent for success
later in life. Due to this they will tend to have higher reading scores as well (Peters 1997). The book
felt very repetitive to me though- I got the point without the endless examples of what I've already
experienced with my own child. One thing is for certain, however, and that is I never read one God
Damn book over summer that I did not want to read. All in all homework does not improve your
grades or your understanding. Why some schools are banning homework Fed up with the tension
over homework, some schools are opting out altogether.No-homework policies are popping up all
over, including schools in the U.S., where the shift to the Common Core curriculum is prompting
educators to rethink how students spend their time.“Homework really is a black hole,” said Etta
Kralovec, an associate professor of teacher education at the University of Arizona Sou Get more
news Live on Print Sept. 8, 2014, 1:44 PM UTC By A. Yet the nightly burden is taking a serious toll
on America’s families. You want to teach 4 classes of 35 students well then you’ll have to grade 140
papers. However, the authors make some assertions about the state of kids today that I believe are
misdirected and falsely attributed to homework and teachers. Like Comment Amy 154 reviews
October 31, 2012 This book left me feeling distressed about the amount and quality of homework
that schools in the US are assigning. Our school is no different, and I have fielded complaints from
parents that I do not assign enough homework. Fathers and mothers helping kids with homework,
home studying process, moms and dads teaches. I also liked that the book gave a lot of ideas for
how to approach the topic with teachers, school administrators and other parents -- while Kohn's
book left me convinced, this book left me feeling more like I could actually do something about that
conviction. That has given me a lot of leverage in conversations with my child's teachers and
administration. Like Comment Heidi 68 reviews February 19, 2008 I liked this book. I'm all about
out of the box, new ideas that get kids engaged, and I agree that a lot of what we accept as business
as usual is pointless busy work in school. I am sooooo glad I read this before my sons start school. I
think there may be better books on the topic, and that this is an acre wide and an inch deep. This
book deserves 1 star because it lacks a sturdy argument other than what all three parties want, more
time for themselves. Included are fact sheets, surveys (for other parents in your kid's class),
meaningful homework policies, and step-by-step instructions for organizing other families to help
reclaim their evenings, weekends, and holidays. As President of “Translate the Brain,” Andrew now
works with teachers, students, administrators, and parents to make learning easier and teaching more
effective. This is another problem, that most teachers do simply not have the time to grade all of
these assignments. The truth, according to Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish, is that there is almost no
evidence that homework helps elementary school students achieve academic success and little
evidence that it helps older students. However, some kids were bringing home in excess of five
hours’ worth of homework. Best of luck to the teachers on the receiving end of their memorized,
scripted conversations. Like Comment Noble Reader 38 reviews 2 followers March 26, 2017 So
some in the education community actually believe this new wave of thinking. The bottom line is that
they are in school 7 hours a day, that is good enough. Teachers when asked have contradictory beliefs
about what makes good homework.
I have always made it explicit to the kids I’m not the Homework Enforcement Officer. Of course
one would have to read the studies in the back of the book because they aren't digested at length.
Another example described a battle that Kerri and I could have had. The rest is full of useful role-
played conversations and emails helping you challenge meaningless assignments, homework
overload, etc. A ccording to new research by the National Women’s Law Center, post-pandemic job
recovery has been slower for women, with over a million men joining the labor force last month
compared to only 39,000 women. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Parents’
drawing children’s attention to sounds and letters was linked to literacy skills, early number skills
and non-verbal attainment. Because it is important to have a motherly figure during growth, as
children behave better, and daycare is not the appropriate substitution for proper motherly care,
mothers should take in mind of staying at home with their children. And what is the real purpose
behind those devilish dioramas. Then they can bring home more appropriate homework tasks to
consolidate their learning. Most of us in my milieu just choose to ignore it or count it as a sacrifice
on the altar of vigor. Of course one would have to read the studies in the back of the book because
they aren't digested at length. Let me confess that I have no school age children, and I am reading
this book as someone who tutors children. Is memorizing word lists the best way to increase
vocabulary—especially when it takes away from reading time. I also think every parent should read
this book too. A career women complains it is so much easier for stay at home mums to have their
children keep up with the mounting piles of homework(p 72). Edward Deci and Richard Ryan argue
that people are motivated by a desire for three things: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. By
the time meals and hygiene are taken care of, not a lot of time is left over for these families. Fathers
and mothers helping kids with homework, home studying process, moms and dads teaches. The tone
of the book is elitist and the authors could not conceive of just not doing the homework. More than
80 percent of respondents in a poll complained kids have too much homework. Bennett
and Kalish give examples of the competition to sustain this is between parents more so than children.
My impression is it is written for an audience of Striving Type A people. The policy is still in place
and working fine, Principal Stephanie Brant told TODAY Parents. In my distant memories of my
own school experience, I had little homework in elementary school and almost no parental
involvement in my process. I am aware educators routinely bring work home, but this is unusual. The
tone of the book is elitist and the authors could not conceive of just not doing the homework. Not
anymore. Across the country, standardized tests and fears of falling behind are causing kids in pre-
school and kindergarten to be assigned hours of homework a night, and this after long days in the
classroom (and much more than the 10 mins per grade level recommended). A lot more research and
several chapters less emotion would have turned this into a great book that tackles a worthy debate.
Bennett and Kalish provide several concrete examples of districts who have worked with parents to
address the explosion of time spent on homework, and address how teachers can work with parents
to find a happy medium.
Teachers when asked have contradictory beliefs about what makes good homework. I have tried to
make the ideas from this book as part of my teaching philosophy now. After a long day at school,
young children are having to spend their evening hours on homework, which has no proven benefit,
instead of on socializing, creative play, hobbies or being physically active. Teachers when asked have
contradictory beliefs about what makes good homework. Santos, Samuel Edelson Pingol, Aaron Paul
Villanueva, Lovely Ann Bermas, Mhelrick Andrew Brecia, Froyland Miguel Faustino, Donald
Bulacan. By 18, these seniors are supposed to be functional adults that will eventually take over the
business from their parents. I almost never did homework when I was a kid, and I don’t like it as a
concept now. So asking your child about their homework can really help them at school too.
Providing answers or completing projects for your child may end up hurting in the long run because
it can prevent the child from developing an understanding of the subject. A ccording to new research
by the National Women’s Law Center, post-pandemic job recovery has been slower for women, with
over a million men joining the labor force last month compared to only 39,000 women. A career
women complains it is so much easier for stay at home mums to have their children keep up with the
mounting piles of homework(p 72). The shifting balance of paid-to-unpaid labor within the home
during the COVID-19 pandemic is poised to alter social norms around the household division of
labor and lessen the stigma surrounding beneficial workplace policies that support working parents. I
have begun studying and researching similar ideas and believe that if we don't change something
soon, then we are destined for trouble in the future of our children. Like Comment Gillian 51
reviews 2 followers November 5, 2012 I wholeheartedly agree with the general idea of this book,
that children have too much homework and that it doesn't improve the overall quality of their
education. Kids are going to behave better and act out less for attention; especially if these values
and morals are enforced since newborns. The good news is that only half the book is spent whipping
you into a frenzy about homework. These students have Saturday and Sundays off for the most part
unless they are in sports, which by the way, is an extra-curricular program. I am aware educators
routinely bring work home, but this is unusual. Just for fun. Homework was contentious between
Kerri and I, less so now. I prefer civil disobedience, break stupid rules and offend dumb ideologies. I
am interested, you don't need to convince me homework is a concern. Experts had presented their
stand and study why sociology is. Fathers and mothers helping kids with homework, home studying
process, moms and dads teaches. Most of us in my milieu just choose to ignore it or count it as a
sacrifice on the altar of vigor. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. It
demonstrates the students’ ability to comprehend the problem presented and his ability to research
and solve it. The rest is full of useful role-played conversations and emails helping you challenge
meaningless assignments, homework overload, etc. A lot more research and several chapters less
emotion would have turned this into a great book that tackles a worthy debate. Big difference. Like
Comment Alison 164 reviews 8 followers December 7, 2019 Judgmental me says: derivative and
intellectually dubious. The children’s homework will be making sure it is completed, with a stay-at-
home mom looking out for them.
The first chapter is just an emotive bitch fest of quoting mothers about how terrible homework is for
kids from the perfectionists to those with intellectual disabilities. If they choose not to do homework,
they should deal with the consequences at school. This is another problem, that most teachers do
simply not have the time to grade all of these assignments. If we want to improve, society tells us,
then we have to be constantly improving. I am glad this book is out there and hope the tide turns
against such heavy homework loads for children, but I would have liked more emphasis on the
research related to homework and fewer anecdotes about homework gone wrong. 2012 Like
Comment Mike 35 reviews 7 followers December 10, 2008 The Case Against Homework made me
realize that homework is often useless busywork and kids today have enough going on. These
showed women’s full-time employment dropped by 5.2% since February, compared to 3.8% for men.
I also very much enjoyed that parents agreed with kids that homework is unnecessary. Like
Comment Angela 313 reviews 3 followers February 22, 2019 I liked that it has a lot of references to
studies and statistical data, it seems well documented. You remember those mind-numbing
worksheets, maps, vocab quizzes.and that was your 5th period history class with that jack ass who
kept passing notes to you about that cute chick that sat in the front row and didn't know either of you
existed. From 1975 to 1990, the work labor force for women has grown especially for those with
children (Howard Hayghe 1998). Bennett and Kalish provide several concrete examples of districts
who have worked with parents to address the explosion of time spent on homework, and address
how teachers can work with parents to find a happy medium. Enquire if more time can be taken to
make sure your child is really understanding the work taught in school. I also liked that the book gave
a lot of ideas for how to approach the topic with teachers, school administrators and other parents -
- while Kohn's book left me convinced, this book left me feeling more like I could actually do
something about that conviction. Empowering, practical, and rigorously researched, The Case
Against Homework shows how too much work is having a negative effect on our children’s
achievement and development and gives us the tools and tactics we need to advocate for change.
One thing is for certain, however, and that is I never read one God Damn book over summer that I
did not want to read. They show that it continues to negatively impact even after they’ve reached
adolescence. Homework overload, and overload in general, is a problem, and we all know it. They
can’t be fulfilling happy if the know someone else is enjoying them in daycare. I also liked that the
book gave a lot of ideas for how to approach the topic with teachers, school administrators and other
parents -- while Kohn's book left me convinced, this book left me feeling more like I could actually
do something about that conviction. Most of us in my milieu just choose to ignore it or count it as a
sacrifice on the altar of vigor. When I was a kid--and likely when you were a kid--homework was
something kids did alone, maybe asking for help only occasionally. For auditory learners, talk aloud
about the topic. It was frustrating that I would end up disliking a book that, in many ways, aligned
with my own educational philosophy. The truth, according to Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish, is that
there is almost no evidence that homework helps elementary school students achieve academic
success and little evidence that it helps older students. But why not make sure that they are the
smartest 18 year old out there. That has given me a lot of leverage in conversations with my child's
teachers and administration. It doesn't claim that all homework is bad, but that homework needs to
be limited and meaningful at all grade levels. But as our study shows, it was mothers who picked up
the pieces at the expense of their employment. Having a mother at home brings daughter and son to
mother relationships closer, not only physically but also emotionally as well. School should be about
exploration, not about how many grades one can cram into a semester.

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