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Email Players subscriber Jon Marino lets me have it:


Ben –

Thank you for such a powerful set of Newsletters in the past few months. They’re always
amazing, and yet the recent add-ons and BIG 150th issue are off the hook. When I joined your
email list in 2014 (with a different email), I knew I wanted EP and wasn’t ready… I think I joined
in 2019 as turned my side-hustle full time. My clients, peers, and members in mastermind
groups I’m in are probably sick of me raving about you and the things you’ve taught me.


May I continue to nauseate and annoy them…

Wait’ll Jon starts using the info in the March issue.

I suspect he will have quite a few more stories to tell.

The reason:

It’s all about the pathology of monetizing trolls.

The March issue spends a lot of time plunging its hands into the dirt & filth & self-loathing
despair of the typical online troll’s psyche so you can better and more efficiently monetize them,
learn to not take them seriously, and potentially make quite a few sales from them whenever
they rear their miserable heads at your business.

It’s mostly about their pathology.

But, I also show you:

1. A turn-by-turn case study of how I have been — and continue to — profit from my all-time
favorite troll to the tune of probably 6-figures so far and counting, including one of the emails I
wrote for doing it

2. A clever way FDR used his trolls to win landslide elections

3. How to potentially profit and grow your business without ever even interacting with, talking
about, or so much as acknowledging the existence of your trolls, snarky drive-by commenters,
and other assorted reply guys who probably lower your IQ every time you waste time reading
something they send

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