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HYPOTHESIS ABOUT STRUCTURE OF ELECTROFIELD ENGINES ON PULSE FIELDS (EDIP). THE PROJECT THE POSTMAN. INITIAL LEVEL. Ver 0.67. The author: Nikitin Sergey Alekseevich The Russian Federation, Republic Chuvashiya, Cheboksary Chuvashiya State University The mother tongue of the given article is Russian. Translation is done not completely. Read the fuller and exact version of the given article read in Russian, look version 1.07 Theme urgency Modern mid-flight rocket engines use chemical fuel to create the energy and to transform it into movement. It imposes essential restrictions on a number of characteristics of space vehicles (SV) such as: general energy storage (it is limited by the energy of chemical reaction),engine operating time (is limited to a stock of working substance),sv speed limit (is limited by the speed of the outflow of fuel), the mass of the payload makes about 5 % of the starting SV weight. The big restrictions on SV weight lead to the limited strength of the construction and impossibility to reuse the boost SV block. Therefore it is necessary to create engines of new types having other principles of work , for substantial improvement of SV. Now at the present state of technologies it is possible to create the sources of the electric power of a mega waded class, suitable to placing onboard SV/1/. But the problem of transformation of electric energy into kinetic SV energy is not solved, creation of new engines consuming the electric power and capable to move SV in movement in space is necessary. One of quickly developing directions are electric motors using electric and magnetic fields for acceleration of working substance: ionic and plasma. At present ionic engines are used for SV orientation because of small specific impulses. And plasma engines are in the research stage. These engines are theoretically capable to work for years and provide maximum SV speeds due to higher speed of the of ions and plasma outflow. All these engines demand the availability of working substance reserve what limits the range of flight and the engine operating time. Therefore the ideal variant would be the engine which does not use the working substance at all, but transforms the electric energy into the kinetic energy without the consumable working substance. The existence of the engine under consideration does not contradict the law

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of conservation of energy as one kind of energy is transformed into another. An example of such engine is the photon or solar sail, but at modern level of development of technologies for the various reasons the given engine has low performance index. In the given article the hypothesis of the creation of electrofield engines on pulse fields is studied. It also offers the number of theoretical and technological questions for researches, the otline drawing of the experimental construction and experimental installation and the program of tests. Also it considers the possibilities of the construction of spaceships of new generation and their basic structural elements. Hypotheses in the given article as far as it is known to the author were not tested experimentally. For the majority of hypotheses and the formulated questions there are no sufficient full mathematical and physical descriptions . The given article is written to prove the possibility of creation of the new types of SV engines. Physical bases: The phenomenon of trim of decrease of the electric and a magnetic fields. The energy of magnetic and electric fields (really they are combined, but it is not usually taken into consideration) of the conductor with current with the increase of the distance decreases not symmetrically because of various 0 and 0 conductivity on linear unit (1) of space in vacuum and various dependence of energy of these fields on distance and frequency of fields. Hereupon electric field round a conductor with current at low frequencies (for low frequencies for example 50 Hz) is situated inside isolation of the conductor, while the magnetic field extends for about ten meters under condition of absence of special screens/11/. Also it is interesting to consider in the context of the given phenomenon the model of an electromagnetic wave for various frequencies and environments (we are interested in vacuum) as in general the energy of electric and magnetic field spreading in the plane which is perpendicular to the line of course of the wave movements extends in space on different distances. ask1. Transformation of energy of fields into kinetic energy of movement of a body in space. We know some fields: electric, magnetic, gravitational, which energy can be easily transformed into kinetic energy of movement of the body. At the present level of development of technologies magnetic and electric fields are generated rather easily. Therefore it is necessary to solve the problem of transformation of energy of these fields into kinetic energy of linear motion under condition of the location of sv driver in space(cosmos). The primary goal is to avoid isolation of system in space and to provide the dispersion of electromagnetic energy in space as for example the wave moves behind the ship floating in the river. In the given statement of the problem the presence

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onboard SV of a powerful mobile source of the electric power, which supplies the construction with electric energy is presupposed.

PRELIMINARY DECISION: Hypothesis of the principles of the creation of the electrofield engines. Kinetic and not kinetic influences of a field. The collision of bodies or molecules is one of the means of transfer to a body of kinetic energy. This method is not the only one. The body can get the kinetic energy under the influence of radiation, or field influences. For example the gravitational field causes the change of kinetic energy of a body moving near its source, but unfortunately today gravitational field generators are not created. The ways of its full (Yevgeny Podkletnov ) shielding are not known / A source the 2,3,4,5/. Other fields which are rather simply enough generated are electric and magnetic which do not render kinetic influence on a number of bodies and substances, but for a number of substances the energy of these fields is rather easily transformed into kinetic energy. Lets consider the magnetic field which energy is rather easily transformed into kinetic energy of movement of a body by means of superconductors, electromagnets (electric motors) or magnetics without use of working substance and impact of molecules. The similar scheme of transformation is used in modern electric motors (another scheme electric heating working substance-impact with the piston - kinetic energy can be recieved, but the given sequence is not effective and is not applied in modern electric engines. The problem of creation of the space vehicle with an electric motor creating a three-dimensional vector of draught in space without working substance was not considered. It is possible to create a construction, transforming the electric energy not into the rotating moment, but into a three-dimensional vector of draught in space(cosmos). General view of the transformation of energy
Current ( I ) El.MagneticField ( B) ( KineticEnergy ( K ) Radiation( Ei ))

In drawing 1 and 2 the analogy between power consumption in jet engines and field engines is shown. The hypothetically possible way of task solution( task1)

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is generation of pulse mobile magnetic fields in space by means of the segmented coils creating a running three-dimensional magnetic field in a superconducting nozzle. When the magnetic field reaches the superconducting screen, it will be reflected to the space and will transfer the kinetic energy to the construction. In addition it will pass through an electric non-stationary field forming electromagnetic radiation electromagnetic flame what will allow to create the direct transformation of the energy of the field into kinetic energy of movement of the body and to avoid the isolation of the system. Most likely the meet of electric and magnetic fields will cause the initiation of the radiation. The move of the impulses of the field relative to a zero point superconducting screen will be realized by means of the switching block. With its help it will be possible to get the movement of the impulses of the field relative to zero of the screen shown in drawing 3.

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Drawing.1 Simplified scheme of power consumption in the chemical rocket.

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Drawing. 2 Simplified scheme of power consumption in the electrofield engine.

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Let's consider the draft of the following construction. Stage 3 Sources of the field constant magnets.

Drawing 3. The model draft of the superconducting screen hanging between constant magnets. 1 - the top part of the superconducting screen. 2 the bottom part of the superconducting screen 3 - volumes filled with liquid gas for getting superconducting conditions formed by glas-plastic walls and the hull from a superconductor. 4 - apertures which serve as superconductor nozzles in the superconductor shields and form a three-dimensional vector of carrying power. The diameter of the main central aperture is determined by the necessary traction and admissible intensity of the field( conditions of conservation of super conductivity).The nozzles of the supporting field are situated round the central aperture. And for stability of SV in three-dimensional space it is necessary to have minimum 3 supporting points, and adding one more supporting reserve point for the stability reserve we will get what is necessary: 12 superconducting nozzles.

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5 the central superconductor increases the stream "compression" in the main central aperture and increases the stream proceeding along the edges of the aperture. Probably the central superconductor also consists of two parts or is formed segmented (for the rupture of the magnetic field) . It is shown integral in the drawing. 6 constant magnets between which the screen model hangs (in this case, there are only 6 magnets, while the screen hangs in space between two planes.) 7 Glass-plastic insulating inserts seal hermetically and connect the construction. They are transparent for the magnetic field. And they isolate screen segments from each other forming something like the implicit condenser. Also they serve for formation of a cavity for cooling liquid gas: N2 or He. 8 Superconducting rings are applied for bigger compressing of the magnetic stream, they are isolated from parts 1, 2 of the screen by fiberglass. (Probably it is possible to manage without them for the model.) 9 In drawing 3 thermal isolation which is transparent for the magnetic field for the preservation of a superconducting condition is not shown. Drawing.4 Top view.

Drawing.4 Top view. 1-apertures of a supporting field 9 (pieces) 2 central aperture for the tractive coil (The central superconductor 5) drawing 3 is not shown In superconductors a number of unique effects which are not observed in others magnetics is observed. For example Meissner effect , effect of

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freeze of the a magnetic stream, the phenomenon of quantization of the magnetic stream and radiation, (contact Josephson) / A source the 8,9,10 /, and others. Therefore the screen (is called so as it screens the magnetic field) being in superconducting condition can be consided as a usual constant magnet. At the present stage there is no exhaustive mathematical description of these effects and physical structures on which they are based, and consequently the experimental research of the given construction is necessary. As there is a basic difference between superconductors of the first and second kind. It is necessary to make examples of superconductors of both types. The creation of composite materials consisting of conductors of both types is possible. Within the limits of the considered problem the superconductor is used for screening of the magnetic field. The given form of the screen is chosen because it seemed to be the most simple and technological (what is necessary for the testing model). It is possible that such form is not the most optimum, and depending on other placing of sources of the magnetic field or other parameters and tasks the screen form can be absolutely another, more geometrically and technologically complex. Its division, minimum on two segments isolated from each other for obtainment of the implicit condenser and radiation is necessary. Description of experimental model of the screen. Manufacturing techniques of the testing model. For the testing model powder superconductors Y-B-Cu-O or gB2 will be appropriate from which the necessary form is pressed. The application of a conducting padding from copper or silver on which also will be put a superconductor for increase of durability and alignment of a thermal field is also possible. In drawing 5 the three-dimensional draft of the superconductor screen shielding the magnetic field is shown. Y-B-Cu-O is a technological superconductor which cool by liquid nitrogen is possible. The segmented coils are supplied through the bus supply by impulses formed by switchboards which are set by a computer control system. It is necessary to test various forms and amplitudes of signal. Switchboards are capable to operate each segment of the coil separately. For the simplification of work with model testing is done without a thermal protection. In the model there is a cavity filled with liquid cooling gas. Probably for prolongation of a state of superconductivity the vacuum chamber of great volume will be required.

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Drawing 5 Three-dimensional draft of the screen. Let's add the central constant magnet to the draft. In drawing 6 is shown the screen with the constant magnet placed symmetrically relatively to the screen. The force of weight of a magnet influences additionally on the screen (has an extra effect on the screen).The screen will be displaced downwards to get the balance.

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Drawing 6. Draft of the screen with constant cylindrical magnet located symmetrically. In this case the magnetic stream from a magnet is not of great importance as the magnet is placed symmetrized relatively to the screen. Though it is necessary to consider the possibility that magnets will co-operate directly.

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In drawing 7 is shown the screen with the constant magnet placed in it which is displaced relatively to the screen. The screen will be displaced upwards to get the balance. Drawing 7. The draft of the screen with constant cylindrical magnet located asymmetrically. In this case the magnetic stream from a magnet is important as the magnet is not placed symmetrized relatively to the screen and co-operates with supporting magnets 6. The influence of the constant magnet on the screen causes the lifting force as the stream is not alternate but constant and the source does not move in space relatively to the screen. Does the magnet cause the induction of currents in the screen and what kinds of current? Most likely the magnet in the stationary state simply causes additional pressure in the construction. It is also interesting to consider the transient process, during the movement of a magnet.

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Drawing 8. Lets pass from magnets to the draft of force lines of the magnetic field. In the given scheme force lines of the magnetic field are shown approximately.

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Stage 2 Test example with the segmented coils of supply and a stationary power supply system and operating system. Field sources are the segmented coils. 2.1 Lets replace constant magnets with the segmented coils supplied with impulses formed by operated switchboard. The segments of coils are focused thus that they create a three-dimensional electromagnetic field reflected from the screen. By means of the switchboard field "run" through the screen is formed. The coils are reeled up on the isolated fiberglass plastic structure. The coils are fixed to the screen. By means of coils it is also possible to create the magnetic fields "enclosed" in each other, different in phase and frequency. The field created by the construction is volume tric and structured.

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Drawing 9. The segmented coils creating three-dimensional magnetic fields, each segment of the coil is operated separately. 1 the central traction coil 2 coils of the supporting field 3 - segment of the coil of the central field 4 - segment of the coil of the supporting
The given transition is accompanied by a number of essential changes:

there are displacement currents in vacuum, distribution of alternating currents creates the vortical magnetic field. It is possible to create fields rotating divergently for example on different sides of the screen the fields rotate to opposing sides. Creation of dissymetric fields relatively to the screen is possible. The notions of restriction on working frequency of supplying impulses, an interference and optimum working frequency appear. (based on conditions of maintenance of the state of superconductivity).

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Drawing 10 Generalized structured scheme of the ground testing model.

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Drawing. 10 Generalized structured scheme of the ground testing model.

10 11

v F v1 1 v2 v1

12 (m+m2)g 3 2

5 E1 6 E2 9 2 7 1 8 4

1- superconducting screen. 2- coils of the supporting field. 3 - the coil of the traction field. 4 - isolated fiberglass plastic structure. 5,6 - Switching blocks forming supplying impulses for each of segments of coils of traction and supporting fields. 7,8 -electric power supplies 9 - programmed computer operating block giving commands to the switching blocks, collecting and processing the information from detectors. 10 - the cooling block 11 -thermal protection transparent for magnetic field 12 - detectors of moving, temperatures, magnetic field etc. By means of the switchboard switching feeding impulses of the coil magnetic field moving along an axis z is created. Lets add the concept of a supporting field along the edges and a pushing field in the centre. They move with different speeds V1 and V2, imparting kinetic energy to the screen, lets mark the speed of the screen Vs. The speed and the direction of fields v1 and v2 is set by means of the switchboard and the operating block.

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As impulses are formed not mechanically, but with the help of programmatically operated switching blocks, so it is possible to regulate the parametres of the fields independently and on a large scale. Between the fields the shift of phases is set. The difference of shift of phases and asymmetry of the field relatively to the screen sets traction force actuating on the screen. Most likely the supporting field geometrically is longer than the pushing field. The screen forms and summarises impulses of traction from the fields of coils. Impulses of vectors of tractive force are timed and directed so that it is possible to "form" a three-dimensional operated vector of traction. After impulses reach the extreme segment of coils of a supporting field the cycle (at rectilinear movement) repeats, the impulses move from the coil to the coil cyclicly. 2.2 Basic question of working capacity of the construction. The basic fundamental question of the working capacity of the given construction is the question of the isolation of the given system. The given construction is hypothetical and was not tested because of the absence of an accessible laboratory studying superconductors. A key question is how to create a non isolated system? In isolated mechanical systems the law of preservation of an impulse should be kept out. According to my assumptions the given construction wont be an isolated closed system because its work will be accompanied by electromagnetic radiation disseminated in space as the given system contains in the implicit form the condenser - two halves of the screen and magnetic fields created by coils passing through the field of the condenser. That will lead to appearance of electromagnetic radiation (electric and magnetic fields are crossed) and the system will cease to be isolated. In general by means of the impulse law it is difficult to describe systems connected with radiation and dispersion of electromagnetic fields in space. It is also interesting to make experiments with installation of additional condensers on which electric field for strengthening of radiation and dispersion of energy of a magnetic field in space is given. Even in a case of inoperativeness of the given construction the question of the decision of the task of creation of the sv engine transforming electric energy into kinetic energy of the SV without the use of working substance still remains open. The decision of the given problem is obviously probable as one kind of the energy is transformed into another and the law of conservation of energy is kept. And its probably possible to develop the ways to avoid the isolation of the system and to provide the dispersion of electromagnetic fields in space, and also the transfer the electro magnetic energy into kinetic energy with high EFFICIENCY.

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In modern electrotechnical devices relay, electric motors, transformers, we create the isolated systems, the energy of dispersion is parasitic. To increase the EFFICIENCY by means of cores of soft magnetic materials the energy of a magnetic field "hides" inside the isolated systems. Also as the power action of the magnetic field is used the structured magnetic fields are not formed. Some exception are electric motors where the running structured field, accelerators of particles and tomographs are created. In the given construction the energy of the magnetic field on the country "dissipates and extends" in space outside the construction ( with the help of the superconducting cores and screens) (screening the magnetic field) that will probably lead to the non-isolation of the system. As there is a possibility of creation by means of one or several coils of the structured fields which are structured in space, on phases, frequencies, geometrical form and capacity value. Probably, these fields will possess interesting and new properties. It was impossible to develop and create the given construction 50 years ago basically because of the absence of key system elements: hightemperature (level of temperatures of liquid nitrogen) and magnetic-field resistant superconductors, mobile programmed operating blocks electronic generators of impulses, gas technologies, composit materials, and also mobile power supplies. At modern development of technologies it is possible to form and test the construction. And in case of successful tests it is possible to complete it by means of technologies created earlier for space vehicles. The given construction is one of a great number of possible, the screen should not necessary have the round form it can be segmented, cigarshaped, spherical, wing-shaped, triangular and other compoud geometrical forms as it is not obligatory to have completely superconducting structure , but only segments participating in the creation of the traction field screening. Another task is the assemblage of the three-dimensional continuous in time of an impulse of traction from separate impulses and its control, and also the task of maneuvering of the model. Control and maneuvering can be out by programmaticaly operated decrease in frequency of impulses, reduction of level of supply on one side of the inclination etc. Lets imagine that there is no transformation of energy reserved in space into kinetic and energy reserved in space will move from point A and to point B through the superconducting screen. Where will it disapeare? Will an energy accumulation in space appear or its radiation will appear? The hypothesis set in the given article consists in the following as the superconducting screen possesses the ability to push out the magnetic field completely and quickly contains in the implicit form condenser, the electromagnetic radiation will appear and the system wontbe isolated. That is the energy will be transformed into kinetic energy of the screen and radiation disseminated in space.

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It is possible to consider the linear engine as the approached analogue of the given model. For example asynchronous which three-dimensional bilateral stator is placed vertically. And a rotor is the screen with the traction coil. Also there is the resemblance with the transformer in which the stream of dispersion is working and in which there is a moving and energy dispersion in space. 2.3 Description of the magnetic field 2.3.1 Field created by a superconducting hollow screen filled with liquid gas for reservation of temperature of superconductivity in heat-retention lagging (which is transparent for the magnetic field). 2.3.2. Two (or more) sources of pulsing magnetic field having phase shift and frequency shift on the different sides of the toroid (divided into two parts) The sources of the field are supplied by impulses. The impulses are "Moving" (the supply impulse moves consistently in space switching the segments of magnetic coils passing through the screen). The magnetic coils are supplied independently, they are made sectional and are connected through the switching block. It is interesting to try to check up experimentally the ideas and the calculations stated in the concept of rhythmodynamics. The concept Zero point of the field in the stationary condition - both halves of the coils are supplied so that the magnetic field would rotate in opposite directions. And off the field would be in the middle of the toroid. At displacement of the impulse by means of the switchboard woud be relatively to the screen the field will create a draught vector. The field structure reminds a three-dimensional sand-glass with inserted in the centre superconducting core, and 0 constantly moves together with both flasks relatively to the screen zero. Segments of coils are reeled up in such a way to create the segmented three-dimensional field Point (Zero of the system is the point of transformation of electromagnetic energy into radiation) The supply is given by impulses, it is necessary to choose the values of the field and frequency not to break the superconductivity condition. For EFFICIENCY increase at acceleration and braking frequencies are "floating". Cruiser speed is defined by working achievable length of a wave (at which superconductivity remains). It is interesting to know whether the interference or diffraction of electromagnetic waves is observed if the length of the wave is commensurable to the linear sizes of the superconducting screen and the sizes of the pressing backlash? In the central aperture of the screen there is a superconducting core with coils and by means of their switching by the switchboard the running wave is created. The core plays the role of magnetic "isolation" bending a

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magnetic field and strengthening its dispersion, and also kinetic influence on the structure. Probably, in "middle" of the bending dispersing plane the magnetic field having given the part of the energy to kinetic energy passes through electric field area forming an electromagnetic wave which is radiated in space (an electromagnetic flame). The magnetic and electric (in isolation field) passes through the backlash between the core and the bagel. The magnetic field "is pressed out" by the backlash creating kinetic influence. The fields are alterable as it is necessary to provide stream change.

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In time and space relatively to the screen (and planes of zero of the screen). The field is pressed through backlashes, "rests" against the screen and pushes the mechanism forward. Probably for formation of electromagnetic waves external condensers directed perpendicularly to the magnetic field are used. In an ideal in the presence of enough strong massive and easily processed high-temperature superconductors it is possible to make of them the structure of various forms and sizes which per se will be one of the basic parts of the engine of the spaceship. Switching of coils is possible thus that on each half of the screen the volume tric structured three-dimensional magnetic whirlwind was formed increasing the vertical draught. At a current state of technology of superconductors the powerful thermal protection and contours of cooling with liquid helium and nitrogen are necessary. An interesting decision can be the overcooled nitrogen i.e. liquefield nitrogen additionally cooled by means of liquid helium to temperature 4k. It is much more technologically to work with nitrogen. For experimental installation Nb-i an alloy maintaining in a superconducting condition big magnetic (approximately 8-16 ) fields will fit. Electromagnetic radiation passes through the thermal protection without causing kinetic influence. Similar elements of a design can be met in the project of the levitating magnetic dipole. 6. From draught vectors in 3 measured space the stable structure is formed three-dimensionally or one reference point min 3 vectors of draught are necessary, (the draught Vector gives out an individual superconducting nozzle). From three reference points the traction plane is formed (quantity of vectors min 3 for each plane, (better 4) one or more additional for reliability increase) total amount of vectors 9-12. 2.4 Hypothetical updating of the given construction An interesting updating of the given block diagramme is the screen with several numbers of apertures for creation of several multiphase alternable electromagnetic fields enclosed in each other and shifted on a phase. Fields pass through the same volume superconductor creating the rotating multiphase electromagnetic field. Probably the fields pass through areas of alternable electric field causing electromagnetic radiations what allows to avoid the isolation of the system. Impulses of draught from the fields assemble on the superconducting segmented screen forming a threedimensional vector of draught. The quantity of fields can be more than 3 (the quantity of apertures accordingly increases). It is interesting to investigate the system, how the screen in this case will behave?

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2.5 Engines walking cycle Sequence of the supporting field Step 1 field establishing impulse Step 2 geometrical displacement step3-Impulse Collision with the screen - Step 4 Geometrical displacement - Step5 impulse for interaction with the traction field---Beginning of a new cycle.

Sequence of the traction field Step 1 field establishing impulse Step 2 geometrical displacement Step 3-impulse Collision with the screen - the Step 4 Geometrical displacement - Step 5 impulse for interaction with a basic field - Beginning of a new cycle Structure and diagrammes of supply impulses Segments of coils are located on a spiral extended along axis Z. Each segment of the coil creates a three-dimensional site of a field. As the fields are pulse the supply impulse form influences essentially the field form. It is interesting to experiment not only with an impulse squared shape, but also with other triangular semicircular bent etc. How will the form of impulses influence the behaviour of the screen? It is also interesting to make experiments with various forms of segments, their various arrangement in three-dimensional space. Drawing. 11 Possible forms of segments of coils and fields.

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s s s









) C 0 ( )



s s


s s


s s



s s





) -1 ( )


Ft1 s

s s s

s s








) -2 ( )

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) -3 ( )

s N N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S








) -4 ( )









e) -5 ( )

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Drawing 12 Three-dimensional scheme of fields on the screen

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Stage 3 Transition from a ground experimental model to a mobile experimental construction( Postman). Having worked-off the main principles of work on the experimental model, the off next stage is the creation of a mobile experimental construction inside which there will be a cooling system, power supply system, a microprocessor control system. On this construction it will be possible to work off the questions of the thermal stability, and maneuvering, and also other arising problems. Big geometrical sizes, bigger internal space, the mobile power supply, and also a mobile microprocessor control system will be distinctive features of the experimental construction. For increase of time of beeing in a superconductivity condition a heat-insulating casing is used. A heat-insulating casing can be made of fibreglass containing cavities from which air is pumped out to a vacuum condition (as a thermos) for decrease in heat conductivity and enough strong to hold low temperatures and vacuum . Similar elements of the construction meet in the patent with a superconducting panel / A source the 6,12,13/.

Drawing. 13 Preliminary block diagramme of mobile construction. In general though theoretically it is probable to place all other system elements: the control block, the supply power unit, the cooling block, the switching block, sensors and the block of useful loading in the superconducting screen (as it is supposed in the patent with a superconducting panel), at the present stage of development of technologies it is not rational as in order to get the superconductivity the cooling to temperatures of liquid nitrogen is necessary. And all these modules emit

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warm in the course of work. It is also difficult for carrying out technically as it is expected that in the course of work electromagnetic radiation appears and it is necessary to exclude the influence of this radiation on other elements of the construction. Therefore it is necessary to take out all these modules to an additional isolated dimension. Having connected to engine EDIP supply tyres, control and cooling. One of variants of the scheme of mobile model is given in drawing 14. Lets name the given hypothetical construction "Postman" as it should be mobile and bear some load. The given construction is used to fuller check of working capacity of the device and working off of various structural elements.

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Drawing 14 Mobile construction "Postman" Top view and side view. The screen form shown in drawing. 3 obviously is not the most optimum. Therefore in order to show in what limits the form of screens and SV can differ we will give the following drafts. As there is no analytical description of behaviors of mobile pulse fields of the electromagnetic fields and their distortion and dispersion at passage of the superconducting structures of difficult forms it is necessary to make experimental researches on experimental constructions. Numerical methods of research of the field, on computers of big capacity can play a certain role in these researches. But as there is no authentic description of all phenomenas and effects occurring in superconducting screens experimental researches are necessary. For example, as shown in work / A source the 10 / form of distribution of the field in a superconductor depends very strongly on the geometrical form of the superconductor. Having worked out the mathematical models of the basic processes (on the basis of experimental data) in superconductors under the influence of the pulse structured fields researches with application of numerical methods are necessary to find the optimum geometrical parametres of the screen: form, sizes of apertures, distance between screen segments, optimum duration of working impulses on time and capacity.

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Drawing 15 Drafts of screens of various geometrical forms and SV on their basis.

1 2

2 1

B) 2

Drawing 15 Drafts of screens of various geometrical forms and SV on their basis. 1 - Construction with power supply, block of the cooling, useful loading, the control block etc. 2 impellent EDIP modules (are shown in yellow colour) creating directed traction vectors. 3 mid-flight EDIP modules creating a directed vector of traction of bigger capacity. Spherical SV Three petal SV SV with EDIP modules of different sizes creating traction vectors in various directions and working on different sites of the trajectory.

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Short conclusions: Theoretically achievable characteristics of space vehicles by successful working out and construction of electrofield engines EDIP. In case of successful working out and construction of full-size engines of the given class for SV there are accessible following characteristics: Energy and capacity of such engines in the presence of the corresponding generator of the electric power will surpass engines on significantly chemical fuel. Time of work of engines will increase significantly the between weight of a payload and weight of the space vehicle with fuel will improve. Theoretically achievable speed is comparable with a velocity of light (i.e. with speed of distribution of a field). Also fast operated change of a vector of draught in a direction and capacity is probable. During flights in atmosphere the flight has a smoothly adjustable speed and is almost silent. High efficiency. Range of flight of space vehicles will increase significantly. The large supply on weight and traction effort will allow to create strong designs capable for long and almost continuous service. Creating of the given engines there is a possibility to create a simple and reliable transport platform possessing the big load-carrying capacity for delivery of cargoes earth-orbit-earth. The construction of a platform capable to carry out some flights a day - the project "Snail" The subsequent stage is the realization of construction of the spaceship of a new level, the project - Solar bird, suitable for development of Solar system by people. Also an interesting project is the construction of the skilled spaceship for research of as much as possible achievable speed the project Catching up the Rainbow the purpose of the given project is to approach speed of the ship to a velocity of light as much as possible. According to modern representations about the world around on speeds of such level relativistic effects should appear. The given area is poorly investigated for macro bodies experimentally. The separate program of experimental researches is necessary. Probably, during experiments with the big share of probability the new phenomena will be found out. In case of successful realization of the project Catching up a rainbow there is a possibility of the beginning of realization of the creation SV capable to reach the nearest stars - the project Dancing star.

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Stage 4 Hypothetical structural elements objects and questions for working out and researches. 4.1 Hypothetical decision 2 Superconducting "snail" (it is one more hypothetical construction considered in the given article) The superconducting fan (Perhaps only vanes are superconducting ) is situated on the electric engine in the magnetic field. The variants of the field: electromagnetic, stationary. It is situated in the fibro glass ring with electromagnets creating the vertical running field. The magnetic field is directed perpendicularly to the rotation axis). The segmented coils create the magnetic field moving in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the screw rotation.

3 1

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Drawing 14. Superconducting screw with the segmented coils ( not all coils are shown ). 1 Superconducting fan fastened to the electric engine ( electric motor is not shown). 2 Fibro-glass case consisting of two halves, transparent for the magnetic field. 3 Segmented coils creating the magnetic field. The thermal protection is transparent for the magnetic field. Installation variants: at the side, in the middle and above the fan. Cooling system is not shown. The given engine is more simple in control and is compact , it is possible that such a construction will fit for more maneuverable flights with lower speeds and for reception of more simple design of the flying machine. It is also interesting to investigate the optimum form and sizes of blades and also the optimum form and size of the cross-section of the blade (probably the blades are segmented and consist of two or more isolated from each

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other layers for reception of the implicit condenser). Will the work of the given construction be accompanied by the electromagnetic radiation or is it necessary to add artificially additional sources of the electric field? 4.2 Construction with several superconducting fans in superconducting tube.

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Drawing 15 Will such a construction be a closed system or an open one? The offered constructions as far as it is known to the author were not tested experimentally and they are a hypothetical engineering. In case of successful engineering and tests, it will be possible to create an enough load-lifting, safe and smooth system Earth - Orbit. For greater safety it is possible to place power supplies sources on the Earth, but in this case it is necessary to solve the problem of transfer of the big electric capacity to the platform. .

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2. ""


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Stage 5 Project a Solar bird The project sketch Solar bird The given project assumes the creation of new SV of a new class suitable for scale development of solar system. Presence onboard of three independent power installations providing triple reservation on capacity for reliability maintenance is supposed. Prospective starting weight of SV at start from the orbit of about of 800 tons including useful loading of 300 tons. Crew of 7 persons. Maximum speed of about 0.3 C (Velocity of light). Service life of SV about 20 years. Drawing 22 Sketch of SV Solar bird

1 4 5

7 6

4 1

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Sketch of SV Solar bird with conditionally designated fields from EDIP engines. Basic and traction components in a symmetric mode concerning the screen are shown. Segmented coils of a the basic field are not shown. 1-two EDIP engines (Yellow are shown superconducting traction screens) 2-segmented coils of a traction field (are shown red). 3-segmented coils of the basic field (are shown red). 4- Three isolated sources of power supplies providing triple reservation on capacity. 5-radiators of cooling employees for the dump of heat by radiation. Necessary for maintenance of a condition of superconductivity and dump of excessive heat. 6-Sectors of general purpose: habitable. 7-Management sector. Also it is necessary to equip SV by electromagnetic shield on the structured fields see point 7 it is not shown on the drawing. SV with similar structure and characteristics will allow to pass to practical development of solar system.

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6 Cycle ionic engines. One of interesting decisions allowing to receive bunches of ions with speeds comparable with the velocity of light is the use of synchrotrons or synchrophasotrons. The engine block diagram is given in drawing 22 for the dispersal of ions of synchrophasotrons of variable radius is used. Ions turn out by means of radio of ionization of working substance arriving in the ionizer from a tank, then the dosed out portion of working substance arrives to a corresponding cyclotron and is dispersed till the speeds close to the speed limits. Then portions of ions arrive to the adder where they are more dispersed at the expense of step compression of bunches by the magnetic field. Then the dispersed portions of ions from several boost chambers arrive to magnetic or superconducting nozzle creating jet draught. Portions of ions arrive in pieces, what cyclically allows to make assemblage of a continuous vector of draught. Probably that in the adder or the ionizer it will be possible to make the division of the bunch of ions and electrons with the help or cross-section polarization by electric field or by means of rotation of a bunch of ions and electrons on orbits of different radius because of the difference in weight (radius of steady orbits is different as is different weight and a charge of a single particle ) by means of additional changes in the construction.





() 1 1 E3

() 2 2


R2 R3 () 3 3

E4 EM4 EM3 EM2 EM1 () 4 4



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4.4 Hypothetical decision Other possible hypothetical decision is the creation of "magnetic" or "electrostatic" dirigible balloons which make a start from magnetic or electric fields of stars and planets. The lack of this method is the necessity of presence in space of strong enough on intensity of external electric or magnetic fields. (A source the 14,15,16)

4.3.1 General questions of creation of the structured electromagnetic fields. Hypothetical elemental base for their reception and designing. The generator of the enclosed in each other structured fields. Modern electromagnets are applied basically for reception of not structured fields of simple forms. Therefore it is interesting to consider the problem of creation of the structured fields from several sources various in geometrical sizes, position in space, frequencies of created fields, phases and capacity. Depending whether these fields are generated in the closed volume or extend in external space, lets divide them into external and internal. 4.3.1. Lets examine the following base module consisting of the microprocessor block, and the pulse power supply of the segmented coil operated by the microprocessor. The given base element is suitable for the creation of the structural magnetic field. Supply impulses (possessing the given value on duration of phase displacement, current and pressure value) run segments of the coil with the given frequency and create the base element for reception of the structured magnetic field. From these several elements the structured fields consisting of several Layers of segments various in form, direction, frequency, capacity and position in space are created. The body reacting to magnetic fields will make a complex movement. And it is interesting to study forms of fields, parities of frequencies, for reception by a body of the accelerated movement, stop of the body making the compelled movement by inertia or under action of foreign forces. Also it is interesting to consider questions of the change of trajectory, movement on the closed curves etc. The given experimental installation is suitable for experimental check of ideas stated in the concept of rhythmodynamics. Reception of such characteristics is achievable as microprocessor management allows to change characteristics of each segment of the coil creating a field independently and largely, under the set program or on command from the central block of control.

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1 Elementary structure for creation of the base module of the pulse segmented field is shown in drawing 16
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 E

Drawing 16 Block diagramme of the base module 1 Several segments (can be of various geometrical forms and sizes) creating three-dimensional segments of the electromagnetic field. Each segment receives its impulse irrespective of others. 2 Shaper of impulses forms supplying impulses of the given duration and form for each segment of the coil from the power supply. 3. - Microprocessor block of control gives out commands to the shaper of impulses according to the underlying program or according to external commands and signals from external detectors. Drawing 17 Examples of fields received from various segments

Drawing 17 4.3.2. Lets consider the following base module consisting of the microprocessor block, controlled by the microprocessor of the pulse supply connected to the segmented condenser. The given base element is suitable for the creation of the electric field . 4.3.3 Ionizing microwave module including the radiator of microwave waves, the supply and a microprocessor control system.

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4.3.5 Scanning module for tracing of the trajectory of movement and parametres of movement such as acceleration, geometrical position. etc. The information is recieved by contactless methods. 4.3.6 Genetic coils for the creation of strict phased electric or magnetic field. An interesting object for research and generation of electromagnetic field is the creation of coils having a similar to DNA structure . Where lateral coils filched create the magnetic field. And the central crossbeams are condensers of various capacities. They can be unrolled in different directions: internal or external or shifted angularly. Condensers will cause a phase shift with of each new step and probably, the appearance of radiation. Pathes of spirals can supply from independent sources possessing identical or different parameters. The quantity of spiral pathes can be more than two: 3,4,5,6 etc. Condensers can be three-dimensional and they can create threedimensional electric field (in form). The field created by genetic coils possesses an interesting structure and it is interesting to investigate it. Each of such base modules is created whenever possible compact and unified. Probably they are connected to the general power bus and control. Or they are created completely isolated. It is interesting, is it possible to organise the transmission of energy to modules not by means of powerbus but by means of radiation and energy receivers. From the given modules it is possible to create enough complex structured fields possessing interesting properties. At present there are no full mathematical properties of these fields. It is necessary to make their research experimentally, new interesting properties will probably be found out. As far as it is known to the author, similar constructions were not created and tested.

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4.3.7 Module of transfer of magnetic field to several points of space from one source (magnetic conductor of soft magnetic steel , etc.), is applied

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when a magnetic field is more reasonable than its formation from several sources. 4.3.8 Superconducting modules are applied to shielding and creation of magnetic field with the help of superconducting coils and superconducting stores. It is interesting to investigate "reflected" superconducting screen field from several sources. And also the behaviour of superconductors in the structured fields. A question what will happen if on the same site of superconductors a field from several coils of various forms and frequencies is transfered? Will the superconductivity remain or the segmented conductor is necessary? It is interesting how will the superconducting screen behave in a pulse magnetic field from several sources with various frequencies and amplitude?

It is possible to design and create complex structured fields possessing interesting properties from similar modules. It is possible to solve problems of dispersal and change of the trajectory of movement of bodies with their help etc., to repeat by means of this field the structure of tissue and substance in space and to solve more difficult tasks inaccessible to modern sources of fields. For example to carry out dispersal, movement on difficult trajectories, lag in air, deviation of particles and bodies flying in opposite directions . For example field in drawing 18 . It is also interesting to investigate , to design and construct the various structured fields. For example field 1 Having the structure from two fields enclosed one into another shifted on a phase (three-dimensional voluminous running pulse sources isolated from each other by the superconducting screen). This field is crossed on axis Z by the third field. What is the result? Is the three-dimensional vector of draught formed? For example field 2 Structure: two pyramids-two conic running fields of the basis of cones are put to each other and divided by a segmented superconducting screen. Probably the fields rotate, possibly in opposite directions. Different variants of cones are possible (the truncated cones) are joined either in tops or bases. For example field 3 Enclosed in each other a threaded bolt and a nut. And rotating in one or different directions. An interesting phenomenon for researches is manifestion of the field in space or its absence . The field does not show itself until an object for

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influence appears. It is interesting how the body will behave when it is simultaneously and in the same point of space influenced by fields from several sources of different nature and frequency. 4.5 Podkletnovs experiments on gravitation distortion. Hypothetical improvements. Installation for repeated quantization of the magnetic stream. In the installation of Podkletnov experiences were held with rather flat test fields and samples. The energy of the field was not considered as the basic source of distortion of gravitation. In experiences the field from three sources of the same frequency was applied. It would be desirable to supplement the given installation by the structured fields and to provide a continuously pulse operating mode. And also to try to carry out physically the vector multiplication from two and more sources (vectors) of the magnetic field sent to the superconducting screen. And to make experiments with various three-dimensional forms of the screen. Also it would be interesting to investigate two-layer, multilayered three-dimensional voluminous screens. It is also interesting to experiment with several orthogonally directed basic and central fields. In the given installations it is possible to provide a pulse continuous operating mode without damaging electrodes and to obtain influences of multidirectional structured fields on all axes. In experience with breakdown of superconducting electrodes it is more expedient to pass either to the isolated gas rated discharger passing through superconducting electrodes of various geometrical forms or a power lead where electric impulses run. That will allow to add consecutive or simultaneous action of impulses formed by different power supplies. The given installation will allow to avoid erosion of electrodes from gas discharge, will reduce the sizes of the construction and will allow to receive continuous jumps of fields and to study more fully the effects from action of impulses. An important component influencing experimental samples is the presence of lugs and hollows on a substrate on which superconducting covering is put. In a case with a flat substrate probably hollow and lugs influence on appearance of three-dimensional distortions of the field. It is interesting to study the influence (probably positive) of these geometrical distortions on size of arising effects and their reproducibility. And also to study the influence of alignment of the surface of the superconductor and substrate. It is also interesting to study how the warp of fields of basic electromagnets and traction electromagnets influences on the results of experiments. It is also interesting to study the influence on supercondacting screens from the directed sources of radiation with length of a wave commensurable

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with the geometrical sizes of backlashes, apertures in the screen and distances between the segments. 4.6 The task of reception of a single impulse of draught. Addition and passage through the screen of three orthogonally running fields directed in space from three independent sources of the field. Will the draught impulse be formed? Pulse fields and possessing either the set difference of phases or synchronised. Drawing illustrating the creation of a flat vector of draught. Drawing illustrating the creation of a volume vector of draught. Nozzle with the coil in continuous action. In the given installation it is possible to carry out the addition of the magnetic field from several sources, to carry out the quantization of the magnetic stream on several levels, to make research of volume diffraction and the interference of waves depending on the sizes of backlashes, the sizes of the screen and length of the wave. To investigate possible resonant modes. And also to provide a pulse continuous operating mode of the test bench. Drawing 15 Coil in a nozzle. Radiator of continuous action.

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Is the application in communication facilities possible? The adder of elastic deformations and their amplifier.

Appendix 1 Let's consider additional blocks necessary to develop for the space vehicle. 1.1. A nuclear reactor being a source of an electric supply.

Block 1.2 Electromagnetic shield

The primary goal is the creation of the structured electromagnetic fields of the big intensity. Possible ways of the decision. The attempt to repeat by means of sources of magnetic and electric fields the structures of substance or tissues in space. And also the creation of impenetrable for substance of field structures which will either push away substance or evaporate it. In substance will probably occur the induction of strong currents on the one hand and pushing out by the magnetic field on the other. The presence of foreign bodies will probably cause something like breakdown of fields. Or a sharp jump of their intensity. The presence of

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fields enclosed one to another various on frequency, phases and spatial orientation is possible. Probably round the substance the arc cocoon will be formed, which will be pushed out together with substance by the magnetic field. Or appearance of the substance will cause the allocation on it of an energy of considerable quantity that will lead to substance evaporation. Rotating and electrostatic fields, magnetic fields (the field is phased in space, time and intensity) analogue - a bullet flying through turbine shovels rotating are generated in space with different speed phase and different in thickness), which work by a principle of synchrophasotron but not for acceleration of particles but for their deviation limits of the construction of the spaceship by means of a magnetic spiral (the Magnetic funnel on the contrary) in space. Also the external "meeting" condenser charged to megavolt pressure in (which as isolation the vacuum serves) which will reflect the charged particles by means of the electrostatic field. It will possibly inform the flying bodies the electric charge which at contact will be used for their stop and reflexion. Also it will be probably used for reflexion of streams of the ionised particles, most likely it will be positively charged ions, and in case of change of the sign of charges of particles of arriving radiation change the polarity of condensers. The part of ions will stick to condensers. Also it is possible to create the volumes containing cold or hot plasma under the big pressure or containing standing electromagnetic waves for a delay of rigid radiations. Induction mode. Fields supplied with induced currents. In case of passage of zones with super strong radiation and variable electromagnetic field surpassing possibilities of power installation of the space vehicle, the coils of the protective field are supplied from the coil of inductance having bigger geometrical sizes (bigger than sizes of the protective field) taken out in radiation and realizing the principle: more radiation a more protective field without an overload of the power-plant of the ship. In the extremely rigid modes detour of the contour of the supply of the space vehicle is possible. The basic restriction for the sizes of such a field will be mechanical and thermal durability of the construction. Also it is necessary to solve and construct mathematical models with the following tasks. 1.3.1 Task of the forced movement of a particle in the structured mobile fields and radiations till full reflexion or stop. The necessary structure of fields, necessary capacity and parametres depending on density of a stream and parametres of particles and radiations. 1.3.2 Task of forced movement of a body in the structured fields and radiations till full reflexion or stop. The necessary structure of fields. The

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necessary capacity and parametres of radiations and fields. Action radius. Depth of the field power (on intensity and capacity) and spatial. By results of researches it will be possible to carry out carrying over of optimum structure of fields on the working model.

Appendix 2 Various questions demanding experimental and theoretical study. 1. Does the magnetic field reflected from a superconductor keep rotation and angle of arrival? 2. Draught model in the system: magnetic field and superconducting wing. The model of the creation of carrying power by meance of the difference of passage of the way by the stream. 3. Study of the problem of collision. Collision of two constant magnets in vacuum, for example of a ring and a sphere flying through the ring. 4. In the conditions of gravity, in weightlessness. 5. The task of collision of the ring and the stream of balls pulsing by the magnetic field flying through the ring or a hollow cone.
Appendix 3

Theoretical ambiguities. Modern concept about of the world around . Physical nature of vacuum. Is there an aether? How and where do electromagnetic waves extend? Are there in vacuum electric and magnetic currents of displacement? Physical nature of fields. What is a field? Types of measured fields: electric, magnetic, gravitational. Existence and action mechanisms and distribution of fields in space. What is the bend of space from one field. How does the space area bend if it is influenced simultaneously by several fields of different nature, several sources?

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Three-dimensional, elastic model of space. The vacuum should have elasticity otherwise gravitation model offered by Epstein loses its meaning. Interaction of the fields of different nature among themselves Are they isolated from each other or connected, do changes of one cause obligatory changes of another? Through what physical structures? What is the real structure of an electromagnetic wave in space and substance? Of a wave packet? Methods of generation of electric and magnetic fields. Questions of shielding and distribution of fields. Fields reduction with distance. How to generate a gravitational field? Gravitation shielding. Does the packet superdielectric+ superconductor screen change the gravitation? Whats the depth of penetration into the given structure for electromagnetic waves? Concept of space sated with fields and radiations. Display and not displays of fields in space.

Appendix 4 Tasks demanding theoretical and practical study. 1 Hypothetical drafts Two-three layer construction with cases enclosed in each other and in each case flows the current in mutual perpendicular opposite directions and magnetic fields are coggerent. (It is interesting to find out are there new effects and gravitation distortions). 2. Superconducting stream store consists of volume created by superconducting walls. Inside there is an activator of electromagnetic waves. The space accumulates energy. Then the superconducting wall which serves as "shutter" loses the superconducting condition either by means of an external impulse of the magnetic field or because of the obtaining by a stream of critical level of energy, or by means of a light or thermal impulse. Through this wall occurs the radiation of the saved energy either directly, or on the "reflector" with the reception by the ship of kinetic energy. 3 Generator of powerful electromagnetic impulses. Piston generator of reusable action.

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4. The needle reflector is capable to transform electromagnetic waves into kinetic energy. The reflecting surface is partially transparent for the electric field, but is not transparent for the magnetic which being involved behind the electric makes kinetic action. The size and "depth" of sites is chosen considering the length of the wave and the intensity of the field. It is also possible to manufact the layered "reflector" consisting from superconducting sites blocking each other divided by dielectric for the best distribution of mechanical loading to the case and increase of stability and reliability of work of superconducting layers. It is interesting, if the size of the superconducting elementary ring on the surface of the reflector consisting of superconducting rings and dielectric is commensurable with the linear size of the electromagnetic wave falling on a reflector, will the electromagnetic radiation cause kinetic influence on a reflector? What should be elementary three-dimensional superconducting -condactingsdielectric structures for bigger displays of kinetic action depending on frequency of falling radiation be like? Is it possible to proportion these elementary structures with whirlwinds of Abrikosov for superconductors of the second sort? What is the spatial structure of electromagnetic radiation? Is there a normal component in the circular electromagnetic field, spiral electromagnetic field.

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Conclusions In the given article the author makes an attempt on according to his understanding to formulate problems and their hypothetical decisions and to designate the field of necessary engineering in experimental, and theoretical plans, necessary for the creation of space vehicle suitable for the development of solar system and space by people. The majority of constructions offered in the given article as far as it is known to the author were not investigated experimentally and at a current condition of researches they are Hypotheses offered by the author. It would be desirable to add and express the hope that practice will show their validity and there will be researchers ready to check them up experimentally. At a current state of technologies it is quite realizable to be mounted and investigated. The given project assumes the necessity of carrying out of a great volume of scientifical research works. In the case of success it can lead to the creation of powerful engines for SV s and to the development of solar system by people. And also there is a possibility of working out of SVs capable to reach other stars. Thanks to all who cleared the road to space before me, you have given us points of support. You rejoiced with spring coming and blossoming of flowers, work of bees. You could ignite in night Lighthouse without which we would have lost the way. You have kept the light dreams, love, sincere flame fire in this vanity and rage and saw and still see a stellar light and a sunrise. You heard rage in yourselves and associates, but you did not become wolves and ravens, You remained People. I welcome those who understood that the rainbow cannot be drawn with black-andwhite or black-and-red colors, I welcome those who passed and will pass the Lighthouse and has seen the color of fresh greens - who understood what is life without a sword, who has learnt what mercy is and has heard the silent sounds of a running through the stones solar stream of Humanity. And having kept the spark of sincerity has not hurried to leave it. This article is only a drawing made with a stick on the coastal sand of the unexplored sea. Who will build the Ship and start the way in the sea?

The author: Nikitin Sergey Alekseevich

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1. . . "-" , .

2. E.E. Podkletnov Weak gravitation shielding properties of composite bulk Y Ba2Cu3O7x superconductor below 70 K under e.m. field. 16 sept 1997 3. Impulse Gravity Generator Based on Charged Y Ba2Cu3O7y Superconductor with Composite Crystal Structure Evgeny Podkletnov, Giovanni Modanese 30 aug 2001 4 Investigation of high voltage discharges in low pressure gases through large ceramic superconducting electrodes Evgeny Podkletnov, Giovanni Modanese
22 2003

5. Scientists funded by the European Space Agency believe they may have measured the gravitational equivalent of a magnetic field for the first time in a laboratory. Under certain special conditions the effect is much larger than expected from general relativity and could help physicists to make a significant step towards the long-sought-after quantum theory of gravity. 23 March 2006

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Dipl-Ing Dr Martin Tajmar Head of Business Field Space Propulsion ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH A-2444 Seibersdorf Austria Phone: +43 (0)5 05 50 31 42 Fax: +43 (0)5 05 50 33 66 Email: martin.tajmar @ Web: Mr Clovis J. de Matos General Studies Officer European Space Agency ESA-HQ Advanced Concepts and Studies Office - EUI-AC 8-10 Rue Mario Nikis 75738 Paris Cedex 15 France Tel: +33 (0)1 53 69 74 98 Fax: +33 (0)1 53 69 76 51 Email: @ 6. . .: , 2007 ISBN 978-5-98420-018-9 7. , . 8. A Classroom Demonstration of Levitation and Suspension of a

Superconductor over a Magnetic Track Charles P. Strehlow and M. C. Sullivan_

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Department of Physics, Ithaca College, Ithaca NY 14850 (Dated: March 21, 2008) 9 MgB2 .., .., .. ( http://zhurnal.ape.relarn.r 301 u/articles/2001/028.pdf 10 - ( ) 2- , . . . .... . . 11 . ; 3- . . 3. 4- ./ .. , .. , .. , .. . : ,2004.-377 .: . ISBN 5-94723-620-6 168, 241. 12 Inventor: Boris Volfson SPACE VEHICLE PROPELLED BY THE PRESSURE OF INFIATIONARY VACUUM Patent No.: US 6,960,975 Bl Date of Patent: Nov. 1, 2005

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13 " " (Levitated Dipole Experiment LDX) (MIT Plasma Science & Fusion Center), , (Columbia University). . , , , . , , . . . ( ) ,

14. - , " " . "" .. 15 - 1. 1975-2. 1975 . . . -?,1975, ( : 16. - " " 50 .

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