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Features of Descriptive Scene Setting Checklist

  
Did I... Child Friend Teacher

Structure and Language

Describe what can be seen.

Describe what can be heard.

Describe what can be smelt.

Describe what can be felt.

Use figurative language to

create effects, e.g. metaphors
and similes.
Describe the atmosphere,e.g.
to help the reader understand
the scene setting.
Punctuation and Grammar

Use relative clauses to add

precision to my description.

English | Year 6 | The Strangest Shop in the World | Story Writing | Stimulating Description | Lesson 1 of 6
Features of Descriptive Scene Setting Checklist

  
Did I... Child Friend Teacher

Structure and Language

Describe what can be seen.

Describe what can be heard.

Describe what can be smelt.

Describe what can be felt.

Use figurative language to

create effects, e.g. metaphors
and similes.
Describe the atmosphere,e.g.
to help the reader understand
the scene setting.
Punctuation and Grammar

Use relative clauses to add

precision to my description.

You were good at…

Next time it might be better if…

English | Year 6 | The Strangest Shop in the World | Story Writing | Stimulating Description | Lesson 1 of 6

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