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FTSE Russell Factsheet | December 31, 2023

FTSE Chinese (Onshore CNY) Green Bond Index – Carbon

Multi-Sector | Renminbi

The FTSE Chinese (Onshore CNY) Green Bond Index – Carbon Neutrality (CNYGRBI-CNB) measures the performance of the onshore Chinese yuan-
denominated, fixed-rate governments, agencies and corporate debt issued in mainland China that are labelled or themed Carbon Neutrality Bonds (CNBs). In
the context of China’s onshore bond market, CNBs are defined as a sub-type of green bonds whose use of proceeds are dedicated to projects that have
carbon reduction benefits. These include 1) bonds that commit to comply with the Guidance on Issuing Carbon Neutrality Bonds by China’s National
Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII), and 2) green bonds whose use of proceeds are allocated to climate change mitigation
projects, and carry a statement from the issuer that the offering helps to achieve the issuer’s overall carbon neutrality goals.
# of Par Market Market Average Average Yield to Effective OAS
Description Issues Amount* Value* Weight (%) Coupon (%) Life (Years) Maturity (%) Duration (bps)
CNYGRBI-CNB 78 179.57 183.26 100.00 2.82 2.53 2.60 2.30 36
A 18 106.27 108.36 59.13 2.57 2.63 2.37 2.43 13
Not-Rated 60 73.30 74.90 40.87 3.19 2.37 2.92 2.12 70
1-3 Years 58 137.60 140.17 76.49 2.80 1.86 2.58 1.77 39
3-5 Years 15 35.97 36.81 20.09 2.80 3.47 2.57 3.06 28
7-10 Years 4 4.00 4.21 2.30 3.55 8.35 2.97 7.22 43
10+ Years 1 2.00 2.06 1.12 3.28 19.93 3.06 15.00 21
SSA** 5 69.77 71.27 38.89 2.50 2.13 2.25 2.04 2
Corporate 73 109.80 111.99 61.11 3.03 2.78 2.82 2.47 58
* In CNY billions


** Supranational, Sub-sovereign and Agency

Source: FTSE Russell as of December 31, 2023. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. FTSE Chinese (Onshore CNY) Green Bond Index – Carbon Neutrality | 01
Returns shown before the index launch date reflect hypothetical historical performance.
Please see the end for important legal disclosures.
FTSE Russell Factsheet | FTSE Chinese (Onshore CNY) Green Bond Index – Carbon Neutrality | December 31, 2023


Return* Standard Deviation* Return* Standard Deviation*

CNYGRBI-CNB in CNY 3.94 1.10 CNYGRBI-CNB 3.94 1.10
CNYGRBI-CNB in USD 0.58 5.84 CNYGRBI-CNB SSA 3.57 0.98
CNYGRBI-CNB in EUR 3.98 6.11 CNYGRBI-CNB Corporate 4.11 1.22
CNYGRBI-CNB in GBP 3.91 7.02 CNYGRBI 4.06 1.18
CNYGRBI-CNB in JPY 11.03 7.19 * in CNY, Annualized Since Inception (in %)

* Annualized Since Inception (in %)


Unhedged Unhedged Hedged Unhedged Hedged Unhedged Hedged Unhedged Hedged
YTD* 3.68 1.63 7.14 -1.82 5.08 -4.11 6.57 8.58 1.41
1 Year 3.68 1.63 7.14 -1.82 5.08 -4.11 6.57 8.58 1.41
3.94 0.58 4.16 3.98 2.53 3.91 3.76 11.03 1.34
* Not annualized

Source: FTSE Russell as of December 31, 2023. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. 02
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FTSE Russell Factsheet | FTSE Chinese (Onshore CNY) Green Bond Index – Carbon Neutrality | December 31, 2023


Coupon: Fixed-rate, fixed-to-floating rate and zero-coupon
Currency: CNY
Minimum Maturity: At least one year; Fixed-to-floating bonds are removed one month prior to the fixed-to-floating rate start date
Minimum Issue Size: CNY 1 billion
Minimum Quality: No minimum S&P or Moody’s rating requirement, defaulted bonds are excluded. For senior unsecured or above
bonds, if an individual issue is rated by neither S&P nor Moody’s but its issuer has an S&P or Moody’s rating, the
issuer’s rating is assigned to the issue as its implied rating.
Carbon Neutrality Bond Eligibility: Carbon Neutrality bonds: bonds whose proceeds are used to finance projects aiming to deliver climate mitigation
benefits through reducing or avoiding GHG emissions
Composition: Securities excluded: Pure-play bonds, asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities, private placements, bond issued
primarily for the retail market, inflation-linked bonds and convertibles
Issuing Market: China Interbank Bond Market, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Weighting: Market capitalization
Rebalancing: Once a month at month end
Reinvestment of Cash Flow: Intra-month cash flows from interest and principal payments are not reinvested as part of monthly index total return
Pricing: Refinitiv
Calculation Frequency: Daily
Settlement Date: Monthly – Settlement is on the last calendar day of the month.
Daily – Same day settlement except if the last business day of the month is not the last calendar day of the month;
then, settlement is on the last calendar day of the month.
Base Date: February 28, 2021

SBCGRCN FTSE Chinese (Onshore CNY) Green Bond Index – Carbon Neutrality, in CNY terms

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Source: FTSE Russell as of December 31, 2023. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. 03
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